Jackson scenario – That’s not my name

requested by @xxrissixx

genre: fluff/smut

Summary: we all know Jackson can be a bit too clingy, but he draws the line when you forget what his place is in the bedroom.

warnings: slightly rough, fingering, sex toys, language

“I need to fill up my water bottle, ” I said heading out the door

“I’ll come with you!” Jackson quickly caught up with me and held my other hand.

“Seriously? She can’t go down the hall by herself?” Jinyoung said annoyed at my clingy boyfriend. I didn’t mind that Jackson was so dependent right now. He tours so much hand this is one of the few time a year I’m able to actually be a couple with him.

“Leave him alone, Jinyoung. Come on, babe.” I took Jackson’s hand and lead him to the water fountain. He’s always been very attached, but that’s just how he shows his affection. It’s rare that an idol is able to be in a relationship like ours, so he just wants to enjoy it.

I filled up my bottle with Jackson’s arms around me and we walked back to the practice room.

“Oh good! Wang puppy is back. Did you have a nice trip?” Yugeom said teasingly.

“Yes! He’s just like a little lost Wang puppy!” Bambam joined in for the “fun”

“Don’t tease him! He’s my puppy.” I said smiling at him. He walked to the group as JB called the boys for another practice run.

After rehearsal, Jackson grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead and packed his bag to go home. I loved the way he looked after a long rehearsal. His muscles are much more defined when he gets a good workout. 

“Ready to go?” I asked him holding out my hand for him to take. he nodded and simply walked beside me, rejecting my skinship. I gave him a questioning look and just kept walking. I pondered the whole way home. why would Jackson be so reserved all of a sudden? was he mad at me?

Jackson parked the car and we got out and walked to the door. I took out my key and opened the door. I sighed as I tossed my keys on the table in the entryway and took off my jacket.

Suddenly, Jackson grabbed my hips and pushed me against the door. I gasped, not expecting such a quick move from him.

“Puppy? I’m your Puppy?” He said with a devilish smirk. “You seem to forget my name already baby girl. That’s alright, though. You’ll be screaming it in a minute.” And just like that, he tore off my shirt, throwing it across the room. He smashed his soft lips against mine, forcing a deep moan to erupt from my throat. I pulled back and glared at me. “Say my name. Now.”  his skilled hips grinded onto my core, making me shiver.

“D-daddy.” I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but his massive biceps held me in place. He pushed his body into mine, lifting my legs around ins hips. “Say it again, baby.” He whispered against my lips.

“Daddy.” I moaned. He held me close and kissed me again, stepping back and walking us to the bedroom. He let go of me and I fall back onto the cool sheets. “Stay here, and don’t even think about touching yourself.” He said in a rough tone. I just sat back on the bed and waited for him to come back.

I let out a long sigh, still waiting for Jackson to come back in. I couldn’t help but picture the way he looked just now with such desire in his eyes. The say he just pressed me to the door and got just what he wanted out of me. I felt so turned on by him before I realized what I was doing my hand had already found its way under my pants. I just imagined what his fingers could do to me. The feel of his hot, dampened skin colliding with mine. The beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“I knew you couldn’t last.” I jumped when I heard Jackson’s voice. He slowly walked toward me, making my heart pound with optimism. He took a hold of my wrist and pulled my hand out of my pants. “Soaked…”

I wasn’t able to see what was in his other hand, but at this rate, I don’t care. He held my waist and kissed my lips, mesmerizing me with his scent. I closed my eyes, surrendering to him completely.

I felt a cold hard object graze down my stomach. I hummed as Jackson took off my bottoms and stripped down to his underwear too. I watched as my small vibrator came into plain sight. I couldn’t believe he found that.

“Didn’t think I’d find this huh? My dirty little girl. Fucking herself with toys while I’m gone.” He said smirking at me. he came back down and turned the switch. I gasped and he pressed it directly on my covered clit. “J-Jackson…,” I said running my fingers through his hair.

He leaned back, watching me squirm and groan at the familiar hum of the toy. His lips kissed up my abdomen al the way to my bra line. He hummed against the skin, sending vibrations to both of my weak spots.

“Take it off, baby. Don’t be shy. Just relax~” I let out an almost inaudible moan as I sat up slightly, pressing my heat further down onto the vibrator. I unhooked my bra, completely exposing my upper body to my eager boyfriend.

His lips instantly attached to my hardened nipple. I laid back once more, letting him take over my body. His hands were so strong and rough against my center, yet his sweet lips were so gentle on my breast. I was a complete moaning mess. He laid out on his side staring at my body tense and shift against the bed. He leaned over me slightly, kissing my lips. I lifted my hand to cup his cheek, only to be stopped by him removing the toy from my throbbing core.

“W-What-” I was cut off by him pulling me beneath him. He ripped off my panties and looked me in the eyes. 

“I want you. Now. I simply nodded and rested my head on the pillow, waiting for him to take me then and there. He brought his head down and hissed between my collar bones and whispered, “My sweet baby girl~” before slowly sliding his member into me.

“Ahhh~ Baby~” He let his head fall back, feeling every inch of me. I wrapped my leg around his waist, bucking my hips to match his hard thrusts. “Who fucks you the best, baby?”

“You Daddy! Ohhh~ Shit More please, daddy! I’ll be a good girl.” I begged. He gripped the head of the bed and rocked the entire frame, making me scream into the sex-filled air. 

“That’s it, baby. Tell be how I make you feel. Scream for me!”

His tip brushed against my G-spot. I felt my stomach turn to knots I gripped onto his muscular shoulders and shouted his name as loudly as I could. “Jackson! Oh, Daddy~~”

I felt his warm cum fill me up as he rode out his intense orgasm. He kissed down my neck to my heaving chest as I called for him. The tingling in my legs forced me to relax to muscles and clench around his stiff cock. My orgasm pulsed through my veins. It almost felt like a shockwave of pleasure. Chills crawled up my spine and goosebumps started to form as I cried out Jackson’s name.

“Fuck, baby. So sexy. So perfect for me.” His sensual words pulled me deeper into euphoria. I dug my nails into his back, surely making a mark for the morning. He pounded out his high and slowed down into a few lazy thrusts to take care of the aftershock.

“That. Was so. Hot!” He said with a few heavy breaths. I started to get my breathing back so normal as I turned over to face him, lifting my leg over his hip, clinging to him.

“Mmm~ You never disappoint, daddy,” I said with a smile. He wrapped me in a safe and warm embrace.

“that’s right, baby girl.” I just rested my head on his perfectly toned chest and listened to his slow steady heartbeat.

The rest of the night was completely tranquil. Just Jackson and I. A few sweet whispers every now and again, but over all pure bliss.