JB scenario – Now or never


Requested by @thewriterandthereader

genre: ANGSTY AF, sad

Summary: Falling in love with JB is easy. He treats you right, stays by your side, and trusts you no matter what. But when his strict parents don’t approve of you and even try to find him someone “better”, your trust in him gets the ultimate test.

I laid out on my bed, waiting for JB to meet me at my apartment until I heard the jingling of keys on the other side of the door. And there he was. His smile lit up my entire studio. I gave him a weak smile back and he hurried to my side.

“My day just got better. Come here~” He pulled me into his strong arms and kissed my cheek. I felt so down, I couldn’t even try to act happy. “Hmm? What’s wrong, Jagi?”

“Do you still love me?” I asked. He recoiled at my words, unsure how to process what I just said.

“Of course, I love you. I always have and I always will.” He said. “Can I have a proper kiss now?” He leaned in, but I just can’t. I turned my head and got off my bed.

“Ever since the day we became official, your parents have had it out for me. I know you keep saying they’ll come around, but I just don’t see that happening. I can see it in their eyes when they look at me. Like ‘Our son can do so much better than a girl like you’.”

“No. I can’t. No one in this world can do better than the person they’re in love with.”

“I don’t know JB,” I said, bringing my head down. He got up, off of my bed and lifted my chin to look at him. “Tell you what. Let’s go out tonight. Escape from all this. Just you and me.” He suggested. I thought to my self for a moment and nodded. His smile widened and he kissed my lips as a goodbye. I gave in and kissed him back. “I’ll pick you up later.” I nodded at him and he left.

There was a part of me that just wanted really escape the situation and run away with him. But he would never do that. Not with his parents the way they are. With my luck, they’d probably have me arrested for kidnapping.  I know they don’t approve of me. And honestly, I can’t stand them either.


I tried to get the finishing touches on my makeup when I got a call from JB. “Are you here already?” I asked

“No, baby I’m so sorry. Something came up and I have to cancel.”

“Oh. Umm… Okay. Is everything okay? Do you need me for anything?”

“No. I’m okay. We can try for tomorrow night. I’ve gotta go, but I love you, Y/n.”

“I love you too.” As soon as I hung up I felt abandoned. I already got dressed up so I might as well just go out with a couple friends. I called them up and they immediately agreed.

We went out to a few stores before they closed just to look around and walked around the city. We stopped at one of our favorite late-night cafes to just blow off steam and talk about whatever.

“This is a much better way to spend a Saturday night. Thank you, girls, for coming out with me.” I said They both gave me a quick hug and one of my friends looked around out the window.

“Oh my god! It’s Jaebum…” My eyes widened and I turned to see what she meant. There he was. Across the street at a restaurant with some other girl. My heart started to pound so hard, I could feel it in my throat.

“Y/n. You need to go over there. Just try and hear him out.” My friend said, insisting on being my voice of reason. But I’m done being reasonable. I got up and stormed across the street with my friends right behind me. When I walked through the door the hostess greeted me.

“Hi! Table for three?”

“No, actually I need to speak to him,” I said pointing at JB. He must have heard me and looked over his shoulder. His face went white as if he’d seen a ghost. Or at least a pissed off girlfriend. He stood up and walked to me, not wanting to cause a scene.

“Can we talk outside?” He asked. I walked out the door without any reply and he hurried behind me.

“You have one minute,” I said while crossing my arms.

“My mom set me up.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Just listen. She said if I go out with this girl then she’ll stop trying to get in the way of us and my dad agreed. I figured if I went out with her I could just suffer through one dinner and we can be together in peace.” He reached out for my hand and I pulled away.

“No. No, JB. You agreed to date this girl while you are still in a relatoinship. You knew what you were doing, which is why I assume she doesn’t know about us. Right?” JB shook his head in shame and I took a step back.

“That’s what I thought. And you know what. If your parents told you to go out with one last girl before they let you be with me, then they were at the end of their rope. Had you said no, they probably would have just stopped prying anyway. But you gave in. You gave up on us.”

“No, I didn’t, Y/n! I love you.” He said trying to hold my head again. I felt the tears of frustration build up in my eyes. “I need to go,” I said in a hushed tone.

I walked back to where my friends were and they took me home. The three of us were silent through the entire car ride. They both knew I didn’t want to talk. I just let my mind wander. I had to make a change; A major change if I really want to be happy. My friends dropped me off and I hurried to my little studio apartment. The place where things never went wrong. And then It hit me.

I’m not unhappy or stressed when I’m in my own element. I need to find that. I need to get away from the parental drama and just find a place where I can find myself and then find love later. My phone buzzed and I saw JB’s contact name light up the screen. I ignored the call and saw that it was one of many. I put my phone on the charger and started packing. If I can’t run away with JB, then I’ll run away alone.

Not even three minutes later I heard a knock at my door. I didn’t answer because I knew it was him. I heard the jingling of keys and remembered he had my spare. The door opened and He froze when he saw me.

“Y/n, I-”

“Don’t. Just, please…  Don’t. I have tried for too long to get you to love me properly, but it just won’t happen. And tonight was just the last straw. You don’t even realize that this whole situation has broken me. I don’t know how to love you anymore because you won’t love me back.”

“I do love you. My parents just can’t understand that.”

“Exactly. And that is why I need a clean break.” I said before stuffing more of my things into storage boxes.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving. We’re done and you are the only reason I’ve stayed in this godforsaken place. Plus the timing is perfect. My lease ends at the end of the week and my boss already offered me a transfer to another location.” I replied.

“…Y/n You can’t.”

“Look, JB. You are an amazing guy. I have had some of the best times of my life with you and I’ll never forget that, but right now, we can’t happen if you parents keep controlling your love life.” A tear slowly slid down my face and JB walked toward me, raising his hand to my cheek, catching the tear with his thumb.

“I’m so sorry, Y/n. All this time my parents told me I deserve better, but that’s never going to be true. Because you deserve better than me. You need someone who can give you everything I can’t.” He reached out for my hand and I felt a piece of metal in my palm. I looked down to see my spare key and sighed.

JB leaned in and kissed my forehead. I couldn’t hold it back anymore and I let out a soft sob. “I hope you find your happiness, Y/n.” He whispered against my forehead. I nodded and he let go of my face and hand. I watched him walk out of my life and close the door. But I can’t fret for too long. Because the only way to get through this is to just get through it.

I turned to the window and looked out onto the city I’m about to leave behind. I know this is the right thing to do. I have to take this opportunity now or I never will.

The next day I called my landlord and told him I won’t be renewing my lease and I took up my boss’s offer to transfer. By the end of the week, I finished packing and found a new place to live. It was all happening.

The timing wasn’t right for JB and I. But now I can finally live my life without being compressed by someone else’s opinion. Now I can just be me.


EXO Reaction – their s/o being shorter and not needing help to get something from up high

He can’t help but watch to make sure you actually get what you needed off the high shelf. But he would quickly look away when you turn around so it doesn’t seem like you were being watched.

He is watching you like a hawk. He wants to make sure nothing falls on you while you’re trying to get something.

Mr.dimples would think it’s cut when you get up on your tippy toes and try to stretch yourself to get something from the shelf. His smile would grow when you catch him staring at you.

He would still give you a “helping hand”… on your butt.

He knows you’re independent and wouldn’t think much of it. But if he hears something fall he’ll be right next to you in 0.003 seconds.

He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever when you h to get up, onto the counter to get what you need. Sometimes he’ll put things up high just to mess with you.

He’s in with the “small group” in EXO so he knows how it is when you want to get something down by yourself.

He wouldn’t volunteer to get something from up high because you’re shorter. He volunteers because you’re his jagiyah. He loves doing things for you and feeling needed.

He would start to giggle when he sees that you’re struggling a bit. He is for sure the one who makes jokes about the short members, so having a short s/o will be no exception. After a stern death glare from you, once he sees that you really don’t need his help, he’ll shut up.

Kai scenario – Yes Daddy


Part 2 of Yes mommy

Genre: smut (obviously XD)

Warnings: daddy!kink, sex toys, bondage, so much dirty talk!

Previously: “I’ve missed you too much to let you get off that easily. Now it’s daddy’s turn.” My eyes went wide as Kai reached into his nightstand and pulled out my vibrating panties. “No! Not those! Anything but those!” I begged. Wearing those panties means multiple orgasms without Kai inside of me. I loved the way he felt!

“Sorry, jagi~ You kept me waiting way too long.”

“Arms up, legs spread.” He commanded. I did what I was told, in hopes that he wouldn’t punish me too long. He slid the vibrating panties up my legs and made sure my clit was pressed against the fabric. He grabbed the handcuffs that were once around his wrists and locked them around mine, keeping my hands in place.

“Now I know you won’t try and take off the panties.” He took a step back, giving me a full view of his naked body. He turned and walked to the other side of the room, taking the remote out of the drawer and turning the vibrations on low. My breath hitched. I pressed my thighs together and tried to resist it.

“No. Spread your legs. Give into it.” I spread my legs and felt the vibrations directly on my clit. Kai got up onto the bed next to me, watching my orgasm build up slowly. His hand trailed down his chest to his hardening member. He stroked the darkened pink tip, looking straight at my breasts as they heaved with each breathy whine.

“Oh, daddy! You’re fo hard…” I said, anxiously staring at him. “I can fix that, you know. You just have to move these panties out of the way and I’m all yours.” Kai glared at me and stood up on his knees, pulling one of my legs around his hips. His hands glided up my inner thighs, I let out a loud moan, exhilarated by his touch.

"My baby would love that, wouldn’t she? But daddy wants to make sure you’ve learned your lesson. Teasing me all morning and then just jetting off to work? I don’t think so. You had me hot and bothered for hours.”

“Daddy! Oh, God~ Please!” I arched my back feeling my high wash over me and I screamed his name. His strong hands gripped my thighs, keeping my legs spread apart around him. I balled my fists in the sheets, wrinkling them in all the excitement. I couldn’t believe just how powerful his sexual presence was. His hands sliding up and down my legs. So close to my inner thighs.

Kai leaned down and kissed my neck, making me shiver and squirm as my climax rocked my body. His supple lips kissed down to my collar bone nibbling and licking the skin. His index finger traced down my chest to my stomach as I screamed for him.

“Oh, Please! K-Kai~” I whimpered. His hand cupped my sex, palming me through the hellish panties.

“Who loves you more than me, baby?” Kai whispered as he turned up the vibrations. My breath was still unsteady but I managed to reply with a faint, “N-no one.”

“Mmm. My girl… My only girl.” Each word left me feeling relaxed as I came down from my high. By the time I fell limp, he snuck his hand under the panties, pulling them down in the most sensual way possible. He kissed my lips and unlocked the handcuffs.

“Better?” He asked when he turned off the toy. As soon as I was out of my constraints I held onto him, missing the way he felt in my hands. “Much better.”

His fingers trailed down my side as he turned to face me. His other arm propping his head up as he looked into my eyes. “It was such a long day without you. Not being able to look into your beautiful eyes.” He stroked through my hair, brushing the loose strands away from my face.

He raised my chin, stealing a sweet kiss from my lips. “Your lips are so addictive. I can just kiss you all day.” He pulled me closer, wrapping my legs around him as he flipped me over onto my back. “But I know you want more. My little tease.”

“I love it when you talk like that…” I admitted. It only made him smile as he grinded down on me.

“Does my tease want me? Or does she need me?” I moaned in reply and he grabbed a hold of me brushing his hard member on my inner thigh, lining up to my soaked center. My mouth opened as he inched into me, slowly sliding in.

“mmmm~ So warm…” He said with a light moan. His nose scrunched up as he pulled out and back in, starting his thrusts, getting lost in the friction. “Oh, baby. You feel so good.”

I held onto his bicep as we moved back and forth with each thrust, forcing the bed below to shake. Kai moaned and growled in my ear, the thin layer of sweat starting to form on our bodies. We both felt sensitive and overstimulated. It wasn’t too long before we felt another orgasm coming at full speed. He raised my legs around his waist and pounded into me.

“KAI~” I screamed as my limbs started to tingle violently. I arched my back and let my body push right into his. He bounced our hips together and groaned in my ear. “Oh, fuck. My bad girl…” His whispers sent me into a frenzy.

We rode out our highs and I started getting weaker by the second. Kai gave a few more thrusts and slowly pulled out. As soon as he laid next to me, I snuggled into his side. He leaned over to nibble on my ear and I smiled in return. “I love your smile. I can sleep soundly tonight. With my beautiful girl here next to me when I wake up.”

“Hmmm.” I hummed. “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, Mommy.”


Home Away From Home – part 8


part 7 

“That guy is a total mood killer,” I said annoyed that we just got chased out of the moment. “I think I might know how to revive it though,” Sehun replied. The elevator stopped at his floor and we both got off He connected our lips for a sensual kiss and walked us to the door.

Genre: Smut

I woke up in Sehun’s bed, turning over and seeing him already awake and smiling back at me.

“I can get used to seeing this in the morning.” He said while his hand stroked my bare thigh.

Just then, every blissful memory from last night replayed in my head.

10 hours earlier

Sehun and I figured it’d be best to just enjoy the waters in his private infinity pool. We walked into his penthouse suite and he led me out onto the enormous balcony, our lips in perfect sync. He pulled my top up and over my head before pulling my shorts down. I kicked them off to the side and tangled my fingers in his hair. Sehun grabbed my butt, pulling our centers together. I broke away and looked at him.

“You’re a little overdressed for a dip in the pool,” I said against his warm lips. He smirked at me, knowing I just wanted to see him strip down for me. I slowly walked to the stairs into the pool and watched as he rid himself of his skinny jeans and t-shirt. His firm, broad chest had me in a trance.

Sehun slowly got into the water with me, getting used to the temperature before pulling me back in for another hot kiss. I groaned against his lips, holding my self against him. He spun me around, making me feel completely weightless. I smiled and turned to see we were at the edge. My eyes went wide when I as the beach 15 stories below. I almost went into a panic when Sehun turned me so I was looking at him instead.

“Could we maybe go to the other side? I’m scared of heights.” He nodded and kissed my forehead. I instantly felt safer in this hands. He glided back to the other side and pressed me against the wall.

I raised my hand to the back of his dampened head, pulling him closer to me, wrapping my legs around him. My other hand held onto his bicep, gripping onto the muscle. Sehun moaned into my mouth and I slipped my tongue in. Sehun pressed his body even closer to mine, leaving no space between us.

Sehun tugged at my panties, pulling them down while I was distracted by his soft tongue. He did the same with his boxer briefs and stroked up his shaft a few times before lifting me up, just above the waterline of the pool. He unhooked my bra with ease and threw it over with the rest of our clothes. I looked him in the eyes and he smiled with a small, seductive whisper, “Just relax, Jagi. I’ve got you.”

He inserted himself into me and I immediately saw stars. His light pink lips formed into an ‘O’ shape and he started his thrusts. The water ripped around us as I clung onto him. “You’re still so tight. Fuck~” He said with a long groan.

I kissed up his neck and nibbled on that sensitive spot just below his earlobe. Sehun turned his head and kissed my lips, our tongues massaging against each other while our hips smashed together. His hands ran up my back and I bucked my hips to match his thrusts.

I smiled in out kiss, entertained at how perfectly our bodies fit in each other’s arms. His small short moans vibrated my eardrum, his fingertips pressed hander into my back, surely to leave tiny marks. He stroked in and out of me, claiming me as his.I had to admit, seeing his dominant side was a major turn on.

“Oh, God! I’m gonna cum!” I yelped. “Don’t stop! Mmm~” I know he wouldn’t stop even if he wanted to. I felt a lump in my throat, my palms had an almost electric sensation. The water went from a steady ripple effect into a harch splashing.

Sehun grunted as he rode us through our climax. My eyes rolled up to the dark night sky. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I held onto his strong arms as the flexed. My hips were pinned to the wall as he smacked his center into me, getting deeper each time. I cried out, unable to control my actions. It felt unbelievable!

“I-I can’t stop cumming! Oh, fuck!” I yelled.

“scream, jagi! Tell me how good you feel!”

I leaned forward and let my moans fly into the air. I bounced with his trusts and my muscles tensed when I felt his hot cum hitting my walls His hips slowed back into a steady rhythm. I started to feel exhausted, but I didn’t let go. Sehun slowly pulled out from deep inside of me, kissing my temple. His chest heaved with each breath. Sehun lifted me up with one hand on my lower back, the other on my thigh. He walked us out of the pool and back into the penthouse, kissing my neck a few times while my head rested on his shoulder.

He let me down, still holding me in place so my wobbly legs didn’t give out. He reached for a towel and sat me down on the bench in front of his bed. I wrapped my self in the soft material and dried off while I watched Sehun go into the linen closet for a towel of his own.

He turned to match my stare and smirked. “What are you staring at?”

“I just have a nice view,” I said flirtatiously as he wrapped himself in a towel loosely. He walked up to me, leaning down with our lips almost touching. “You’re playing a dangerous game, baby. I’m not afraid to take you again on this bed.” He turned to the door and walked out.

“Where are you going?”

“Taking the evidence.” He replied simply. It took me a moment to realize out clothes were still on the patio. Sehun came back in with all of our clothes and put them in a hamper in the bathroom to dry.

He came back into the room and lifted me onto the bed, holding my hip in one hand, the other pulling the others over us. I lifted my arm around his wide shoulder and let my fingers play with his damp hair. I know it sounds cheesy and it’s been said before, but I really do want to stay in this moment with him forever. I don’t know what it is about this vacation that makes me so love blind.

I was almost caught off guard when Sehun leaned down and crashed his lips into mine. I quickly kissed him back, pressing my hips to his. He turned me over, onto my back and his hands roamed up my legs. After a few minutes of our steamy kiss, he broke away, laying his head on my chest. I wrapped him in a warm embrace and felt his eyelashes fluttering against my skin. I tried the muscles on his back as his breaths became lighter. I smiled when he nearly fell asleep in my arms. His eyes fell shut and he completely relaxed on top of me.

In that moment, I knew how I felt. I was right before. I’m not the person who has these winter romances and leaves for good. I don’t hook up with guys after knowing them for over a week. But most of all, I don’t want to lose Sehun. He’s the reason I’ve fallen head over heels. He makes me think I can just live in the moments we share. I meant what I said to him. I really do love him.


“Yeah. I can get used to seeing this too.” I replied. Sehun got up and stretched his arms, nearly losing his towel in the process. I smiled when he readjusted it and went into the walk-in closet. He came back out with a fresh pair of underwear and black sweatpants.

“You couldn’t find a top?” I questioned teasing him.

“I saved that for you.” He replied as he got back into the closet and tossed me a dark grey t-shirt. “I’ll have the maid service clean up your clothes if you want. It should only take an hour.” He offered.

“Oh. I don’t want to be any trouble.” Putting on his shirt to cover my naked body. Just when I stood up, he came face-to-face with me, his nose almost touching mine. “My girl could never be any trouble.”

“Well then, thank you,” I said sweetly. I got up from the bed and he cuddled me into his bare chest. I swung my arms around his shoulders, making the shirt I was wearing ride up a little. He took a step back and looked me in the eyes as if he was concentrating on something.

“What is it?” I asked him.

“I think I love you, Y/n.”

Part 9 🔞

Chen scenario – Mr.nice guy


requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: When it’s time for two souls to meet, nothing on earth can keep them from meeting.

Chen x Reader

The biggest rule about parties is ‘Know your limit’. I always knew when I’ve had enough to drink and it was time to head home, but this time was different. After a few too many rounds of shots, I took an ugly fall and was a little wobbly getting back up. Everything went blurry and I completely spaced out.

I oddly woke up on a random bed and instantly thought the worst. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room. I jumped when I saw someone walking toward me with a coffee mug in his hand.

“Who are you?” I asked starting to panic.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Chen, the guy who carried you up somewhere quiet after you fell.” He said with a charming smile.

“Oh. That’s it right? Like, I didn’t try to… do anything?”

“No! No. I wouldn’t take advantage of anyone like that.” As soon as he said that, I felt calmer. “Here. I brought you some ginger and lemon tea. It helps fight off hangovers.”

I sat up on the bed and took the cup of tea from him, drinking it slowly. I could still feel the vibrations of the bass pulsing through the floor from the party downstairs.

“Feeling better?” Chen asked. I nodded and he looked relieved. “Good. Since you hit your head, I should ask, do you know your name, or what day of the week it is?” He questioned. I laughed in amusement and he smiled at me.

“I’m Y/n and it’s Saturday.”

“Nice to meet you Y/n. If you need it, I can give you a ride home.” He offered.

If it were any other guy I would have quickly rejected and tried to get away from him. But Chen was different. He genuinely cared if I was okay. I took a few seconds to think it over and agreed. He smiled and offered his hand to help me up. We walked out of the room and made our way downstairs, catching a few glances from classmates.

After getting into his car, my nerves started to settle. Something about him made me feel safe. Like I could trust him. I didn’t realize I was staring until he looked at me and smiled. I put my head down, breaking eye contact and just listened to the radio. I looked at his hand on the gear shift, trying not to just reach out and hold it.

We pulled up to my place and I got out of the car, closing the door behind me. I was surprised to see Chen getting out too.

“Thanks, Chen. For everything…” I said smiling at him.

“Of course. Anytime.” He said. I walked to the front door and immediately regretted not turning around and at least getting his number. I just unlocked the door and headed straight to my room.

I got changed into my pajamas and laid in bed, thinking about him. Why didn’t I get his number? With lips like that, I probably would have just kissed him! I tried to push him out of my head and after a while, I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and started my morning routine. Shower, hair, makeup and hurry out the door. Since I had 15 minutes to spare, I went to the cafe down the street to grab something warm to drink. I opened the door and gasped. It’s Chen! He stared at the latte maker as he made the finishing touches on someone’s order.

“There you go. Enjoy~” He said with his ever-so-charming smile. I walked up to the counter and his sparkly brown eyes went wide with surprise.

“…Hey~” I said shyly.

“Hey! Glad to see you’re doing alright. How’s your head? Better?” He asked with legitimate concern. I let out a small laugh and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks again for last night. You’re a really nice guy.”

“It was my pleasure. So what can I get for you?”

“I’ll actually have a large cup of the ginger and lemon tea. It was really good.” I complimented. Chen smiled at me and started brewing my drink. I looked at him while he did his thing, admiring his chiseled jawline and pushed back hair. I completely forgot about the world around me until he turned back over to me, handing me the to-go cup.

“Here’s a ginger and lemon. On the house.” He said with a wink. I started to feel shy gain and looked down at my cup. I was stunned to see his phone number on the side with a little note.

Call me if you need another ride. Maybe after dinner Friday?

-Mr.Nice Guy

I looked back up at him and grinned with a nod. Chen gave me another smile and I walked out the door, squealing like a little girl after I left. I can’t believe I got a second chance! But then again, fate works in mysterious ways…


EXO reaction- painting their pregnant wife’s toenails


He thinks it’s adorable! He’d joke around the first couple of times, but he can’t help it!

“Aww, Jagiyah~ You can’t see your toes?”


He’ll do anything that makes you happy! Granted, you’ll have more polish on your toes than the actual nail.


He would be so proud of himself when he gets it right. Even though it was just a nude top coat, he’d be raving about it all day.


It’s apart of your daily routine! He never really minds helping you out, even though it may be a small task. You’d have to hold in your laughter though because we all know he’d have that extremely focused look on his face while he puts the polish on.


This sweetie couldn’t even hesitate. He will do whatever makes the mother of his child happy.


He’d be entertained at first, just watching you try and paint your toes yourself until he cuts in and help you out.He doesn’t want you to strain your self for pull a muscle trying to reach over your bump.

“Does baby like mommy’s toes?”


I see him just buying you a gift certificate to a spa. He’d try to paint them once and as soon as he screws up, he’ll just leave it to the pros.


He has an older sister, so I assume he knows his way around nail polish. (especially since he can apply lipstick perfectly). There’s about a 90% chance he’ll take a picture of your toenails if he does well.


“Do I have to?”

He will only do it if you promise to never tell a soul! No one would ever let him live if they knew how super soft he was for his wife.


He would give up halfway through the first toe, Needless to say, you’d just wear closed toe shoes for a while.

*LOL* “Sorry babe.”


Much like the other members with sisters, Kai is familiar with nail polish, but in this case, it’s not much help. He would be sitting there, bent over, laughing at himself. 


“Aaaand done!”

“Sehun! You missed both pinky toes.”

“They’re too small! I kept messing up.”

After a few seconds of marital bickering, you’d just settle for peep-toe flats.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Hunnie.”