EXO reaction- painting their pregnant wife’s toenails


He thinks it’s adorable! He’d joke around the first couple of times, but he can’t help it!

“Aww, Jagiyah~ You can’t see your toes?”


He’ll do anything that makes you happy! Granted, you’ll have more polish on your toes than the actual nail.


He would be so proud of himself when he gets it right. Even though it was just a nude top coat, he’d be raving about it all day.


It’s apart of your daily routine! He never really minds helping you out, even though it may be a small task. You’d have to hold in your laughter though because we all know he’d have that extremely focused look on his face while he puts the polish on.


This sweetie couldn’t even hesitate. He will do whatever makes the mother of his child happy.


He’d be entertained at first, just watching you try and paint your toes yourself until he cuts in and help you out.He doesn’t want you to strain your self for pull a muscle trying to reach over your bump.

“Does baby like mommy’s toes?”


I see him just buying you a gift certificate to a spa. He’d try to paint them once and as soon as he screws up, he’ll just leave it to the pros.


He has an older sister, so I assume he knows his way around nail polish. (especially since he can apply lipstick perfectly). There’s about a 90% chance he’ll take a picture of your toenails if he does well.


“Do I have to?”

He will only do it if you promise to never tell a soul! No one would ever let him live if they knew how super soft he was for his wife.


He would give up halfway through the first toe, Needless to say, you’d just wear closed toe shoes for a while.

*LOL* “Sorry babe.”


Much like the other members with sisters, Kai is familiar with nail polish, but in this case, it’s not much help. He would be sitting there, bent over, laughing at himself. 


“Aaaand done!”

“Sehun! You missed both pinky toes.”

“They’re too small! I kept messing up.”

After a few seconds of marital bickering, you’d just settle for peep-toe flats.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Hunnie.”

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