Hi~ Can i have a ship with EXO pls? I’m very introverted & come across as cold at first. But people say I’m super sweet once they get to know me. I’m very 4D & love bad jokes/puns. I’m a homebody, but love going out on adventures when in the mood. I love animals, traveling, late night drives, stargazing, reading, art, & watching movies. I play guitar & want to be a songwriter. I’m very into social issues & psychology. I have anxiety/depression & am moody at times. Very into skinship. Tysm!

I ship you with Kai!!!

The further I got into reading your description, the more I shipped you with Kai. Anyone who’s sees Kai at first thinks he is cold a distant, but as we all know, he couldn’t be more of a teddy bear. He likes a girl who has a “transparent heart” and likes him for him. He’s always up for a joke and can be a very calming presence (when he’s in the mood). He wants someone passionate about his work in music and is open to dating a fan for that reason. He also suffers from depression and anxiety. He is able to forget about it when he’s performing and when he’s around people who love and support him. It’s good for him to have someone who shares those thoughts and you two could get through it together.

Relationship will include

  • him looking very all off when you first see him
  • as soon as you make eye contact he turns to mush
  • has to have someone else ask you for your name
  • once he gets over his shyness he’ll come and talk to you face to face
  • the softest relationship EVER
  • cuddling under a warm plush blanket
  • him playing footsie with you under the covers
  • pulling you in closer so he can hos your neck and cheeks
  • he LOVES the way your skin feels
  • getting good night texts every night while he’s away
  • sometimes he just needs to vent about life
    • that only means you’re the only person he trusts enough to share it with
  • he is always there for you as well
  • him smiling during a v live when he knows you’re watching
    • subtle shout out to you to cheer you up
  • him setting your ringtone as his voice so you don’t feel lonely
  • buying matching smartwatches
    • and necklaces
    • and rings
  • naming your pet after your ship name

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