Suho scenario – Could’ve fooled me


requested by anon

genre: romantic fluff turned SMUTTY

summary: The sweetheart, the nice guy. No one knows who he is behind closed doors. Or between the sheets.

warnings: rough sex, minor fingering, 

“There were only seven hours until my online quiz is due and I need to get the book ASAP!” I was completely stressing about it. I called my friend in hopes that she’d know how to get a hold of the book before it’s too late.

“I got it at the library. They should still be open if you hurry!”

I rushed to the library and stopped at the front desk. “Hi. I’m needing to check out a book for my speech class.”

“I know the one you’re talking about. It’s upstairs in the arts and science section. If you get lost just ask Junmyeon.” he replied.

I walked up the stairs and headed to the other help desk. I locked eyes with Kim Junmyeon himself. The guy who soled every problem with a charming smile. He was the head Resident Assistant of my building and one of the ambassadors on the campus council. He was the sweetest guy ever and yet he still managed to stay single.

“Hey, Y/n.” He said in a low voice. I looked at him in shock that he remembered my name.

“Uh. Hi. I was looking for a book for my speech class. There is an online quiz over one of the chapters and I completely spaced on checking it out earlier.”

“Yeah. I took that class last semester. I know exactly where it is. Follow me.” He came out from behind the desk and lead me through the shelves until we reached the one where the book was kept.

“And here it is. If you need it you can use one of the computers to take the quiz.” He offered.

“Yes, please. You’re a lifesaver.” I hurried to one of the computers and logged in. Thankfully the quiz was only ten questions and the answers were obvious. That is as long as you read the chapter. I finished the quiz and put the book back where Junmyeon found it. I waved goodbye to him so I didn’t disturb the others and he smiled back.

Dear god, he was adorable! His sweet smile framed with cute cheeks and lovable brown eyes. He was my number one crush and I could never work up the courage to actually talk to him.

The next day I came back to the library to check out a new book to read on my own, rather that speed-reading for a grade. I walked by the second-floor help desk and was surprised to see Junmyeon wasn’t there. I walked through the shelves, scanning over the titles to see what looked good enough to read.

“Looking for something new?” I heard a soothing voice and instantly knew who it was.

“Yeah. Just something to read in my spare time though.” I turned and smiled at Junmyeon as he walked closer. “Thanks again for helping me find the speech book. It really helped a lot.”

“You’re welcome. Are you looking for something romantic?” He asked. I nearly panicked.

“Romantic? Why?”

“…Because you’re in the romance section.” He said with a smirk while pointing at the sign.

“Oh… Right. I guess so. I like the happy endings and the sweet quotes.” I replied.

He nodded and said, “ ‘If you live to be a hundred, I want to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.’ ” I nearly melted into a puddle right there.

“What book is that from?”

“Winnie the Pooh.” I burst into a fit of giggles and he smiled shyly.

“That was good. Are you working right now?” I asked. He took a step closer and my heart started to race.

“No, I just got off and saw your beautiful reflection in the windows.” I bit my lip and tried to avoid contact.

“Really?” I asked. He nodded and tilted his head down, trying to look me in the eye.

“Yeah. Really.” I inched closer and I could have sworn it was a dream. I snuck my hand down and pinched the side of my leg. Nope. This is real. Junmyeon was leaning in to kiss me and I couldn’t be more nervous. I just closed my eyes and waited for the contact. His warm lips gently pushed against mine and I reached up to hold his shoulders. His hands snaked around my waist and pulled our middles together. I felt so safe in his arms.

He broke away and looked me in the eyes. “Woah.” He said clearly taken back by the spark that we both felt.

“I didn’t think you were even interested in a girl like me.”

“Honestly, I’m only interested in you. I’ve kind of had a crush on you for some time now.” He admitted. His hands slowly grazed up and down my back.

“Seriously?” I asked and he nodded. “I have had… the biggest crush on you for like, a year. Ever since we met during campus move-in week.” His smile glowed and he kissed me again.

Within 15 minutes we stumbled into his dorm room and stripped off clothing. His lips attached to my nack as soon as my top came off. I looked around his huge dorm and was extremely impressed. The building head RAs are living like kings compared to the rest of us.

I backed up and he pulled his sweater over his head. My jaw almost dropped when I saw how good he looked. He had a perfect six-pack and a toned chest to go with it. He grabbed a hold of my hips and pulled me further into the room. I moaned against his lips as my back hit the wall. I lifted my legs around his waist and he took them in his hands before pulling down my pants, throwing them across the room.

“You’re on birth control right?” He asked I nodded with an entranced smile and he smiled back before reaching for a condom. “Just in case.” He ripped off the wrapper and rolled it on “Now you’re finally mine.” He undid his belt and slid his jeans and underwear down. His fingers snuck under the hem of my panties and I moaned out loud. His thumb rubbed my swollen clit as I squirmed. I wrapped my arms around him, holding onto his strong shoulders. He licked and kissed my neck while his fingers worked pure magic. My eyes rolled back when he inserted a finger into my wet heat.

“Mmmm~ You’re so warm, love. So wet for me.” I let out a deep exhale as he took his finger out. He took his finger in his mouth and I could have climaxed from that visual alone. “Mmmm~ You taste amazing.” I was so hypnotized by his stare that I didn’t even notice him pushing my panties aside. I lowered myself onto his hard cock and he let out a sensual sigh.

“Ahhhhhhhh…” I moaned. I grinded down on his hips and he took my thighs in his hands again, pushing himself in and pulling himself out. He thrust smoothly and I started to bounce up and down on him. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. We moaned into each other’s mouths as our tongues massaged together.

His thrusts got rougher as he picked me up slightly before dropping down onto his thick member. My head flew back and his lips found their way to my covered breasts. I clenched around him and he called out my name. I had no idea he had this primal side to him. No one would ever believe me if I tried to tell.

He lifted me off the wall and carried me to the bed, pushing me down and slamming back into me. My legs locked as my climax started building up. My stomach turned to knots and my palms tingled. Junmyeon held my waist, arching my back and pounding into me.

“I’m so close… Please… Harder~” I begged. He completely pulled out of me and slammed back in, smashing our hips together. “OH GOD! YES!” I screamed as I let my orgasm take over my body. Junmyeon groaned as he reached his climax. His right hands grabbed a fistful of the sheets as he thrust vigorously. I was completely seeing stars everywhere I looked. He was so amazing.

My legs went limp and I relaxed after a moment. Junmyeon finished deep inside of me and took a deep breath before pulling out and laying next to me.

“Wow.” He said with a heavy exhale.I turned to him and he held me close to him. I laid my hand on his smooth chest. I felt his pulse calm into a steady heartbeat. “Sorry if I was too rough. I’ve been waiting so long to know what you feel like.”

“Don’t apologize. I just didn’t think you had such a dominant side. It’s actually really sexy.” I said. He kissed my forehead and we rested for a while. I smiled to myself and thought of how lucky I was. I found the perfect guy for me. Both in and out of bed.


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