Sehun scenario – love backstage


requested (by FIVE anons! XD)

Summary: He knows what he does to you. Seducing you, teasing you, but most of all… desiring you.

Genre: S M U T

Warnings: Kinda rough sex, handjob,  backstage sex, topless hunnie frustrations!

“Xiumin, Suho, Sehun. Go ahead to makeup.” I got out of my chair and waited for each of the boys to come to hair and makeup. Sehun walked up to me shirtless as usual and I smiled when he sat in my chair, turning himself so he faced the mirror. He always picks me for his makeup person and I could never refuse. He is the only member that comes to my station completely shirtless.

We were both in this ‘will they/won’t they’ thing that isn’t technically dating but no one knows about it. It’s just heavy flirting and a few coffee dates behind closed doors. The last thing either of us needs is a scandal breaking out.

“So what all do you need?” I asked him. “Just regular performance makeup but I’ll need a favor from you later.” I froze when he said the word ‘later’ and looked around to make sure no one else heard him say it. “…Okay…” I replied reluctantly.

I started with foundation, covering all the little blemishes and smoothing out any rough spots. He relaxed into the chair and I continued my work. I used his own chapstick for his lips to make them extra smooth for the stage. I cleaned off my hands and got a comb from out of the drawer. I pushed his hair back and worked through any small tangles. His eyes flew open and he stopped me.

“Actually I’ll be wearing my cap for my solo stage.” I nodded at his request and sprayed his hair with some hairspray to make sure the little strands wouldn’t show. “Alright, you’re done.” He opened his eyes to check himself out. He put his black baseball cap on and got up.

“Perfect. Now for the favor.” I followed him to the other room where Baekhyun and Chen were getting the finishing touches done on their stage outfits. Sehun and I walked to his costume rack and he held up a small bottle of oil.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“I’m gonna be shirtless for my solo performance and I can’t reach my entire back.” I stared at him, unsure if he was being serious or not.

“You want me to rub oil on you?” I asked. He looked behind my shoulder to check if anyone was looking and smirked. “Yeah.” I sighed and took the bottle from him. “Fine. Turn around.” He turned his back to me and I took a dime-sized amount in my hand.

I stared at his strong shoulders for a second and rubbed the oil across his upper back. I massaged every muscle and Sehun loosened in my hands. I moved lower down his toned back. “Turn,” I ordered. He turned with a smile and I wiped my hands with a paper towel.

“Aren’t you ganna get the front? I can’t. The mic could slip out of my hands if I get them all oily.” He had a point, but I know he’s just doing this to get me to touch him again. I picked up the bottle again and repeated what I did before, only with a smirking maknae in my face. I tried not to look at him and give him the satisfaction of all this. “Do you need your arms done too?” I asked and he shook his head.

I stepped back and looked to make sure I didn’t miss any spots. His body had a perfect amount on. Not enough for a full-on glisten, but the right amount of allure. “Now you’re done,” I said with a nod.

“Boys! Let’s go!” Their manager yelled and Sehun quickly put on his jacket. All the boys hurried to the stage and I couldn’t help but be curious about what his solo stage was. I followed a few of the other staff members and watched the boys perform their next set. They all sang, danced and rapped with such passion and drive. I felt so lucky to be able to watch them with my own eyes.

Sehun took the stage with his Jacket completely zipped up. I smirked to myself since I knew what was coming. He dropped his microphone into the dancers open hands and unzipped his jacket, making the fans in the crowd lose their minds. The second he turned around there were screams of disbelief and shock, but most of all, attraction. The way he moved and stared into the sea of adoring fans had everyone entranced.

I looked him up and down while he walked to the middle of the stage and ended his song. One of the dancers covered his massive shoulders with his jacket and he put it an when the lights went out. He turned me on so much it was ridiculous. I left the side of the stage and went backstage. I headed straight for the bathrooms and looked my self in the mirror. I looked completely flushed. The power he has over my emotions was astounding.

I wanted him so badly and watching him perform topless definitely didn’t help… or hurt. I shook it all off and went to my makeup station. I pulled out my phone and just looked around on SNS until the show was over because if I see Sehun do something sexy again I’ll just combust.

I heard loud noises and cheering coming from the hallway and knew the show reached its end. The boys walked into the room with smiles on their faces. I got up to join the rest of the crew until I felt hands clasp around my wrist and pull me out of the room. I gasped in surprise when Sehun leads me into one of the private changing rooms and pushed me against the wall. He locked the door and looked at me with his dark brown eyes.

“What-” I was cut off when Sehun pressed his lips to mine and pinned my hands over my head. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his hips and grinded on his bulge. “Impatient are we?” I teased. He didn’t try and respond, his lips spoke for him, shutting me up with another sensual kiss. One of his hands dropped down, gripping my breast, forcing me to moan into his mouth. His tongue slipped past my teeth and he immediately proved his dominance. Not that I would even try to put up a fight at this point.

He let go of my hands and I held his head in place with them. He moved us from the wall, walking backward. I giggled when I felt him spin me around and place me on one of the tables on the other side of the room. My hands went down his jacket and I unzipped it, revealing his chiseled abdomen. I snaked my arms around his waist, but he wanted more. He pushed me back and pulled my top over my head so we were both half naked. I undid his pants, feeling his semi-erection through his underwear.

“You realize now that there’s no going back right?” He said with a cocked eyebrow. I kissed him again and replied, “I don’t wanna go back.”

His lips shaped into his cute smile and I kissed him again. “But we can’t be too loud, okay? This is just between us for now.” I agreed to his terms and moved my fingertips from his stomach to his firm chest, my lips kissing the skin down the middle. He lifted the back of my shirt, sneaking his hands in the top of my shorts and pulling me to the edge of the table. He looked into my eyes for permission and I did what he was about to do. I took my top off completely and he unbuckled his belt, sliding it out of the loops in his pants and dropping it to the floor.

I looked down at the waistband of his Calvin Klien’s when it peaked out of the top of his pants. I unbuttoned them and slid them down his hips. He held my face gently and pulled me in, our noses barely touching. “You’re mine now.”

In an instant he grabbed the backs of my thighs and pushed me back on the table, towering over me. He undid my shorts and took them off with one pull. “Woah. Are you feeling that eager?” I asked him while opening my legs enough for him to come between them. He just nodded and placed his hands on my knees. I slowly moved my hands to his waist and pulled him in all at once, forcing our centers to touch. “So am I.”

Sehun smashed our lips together, holding the back of my head in his hand, and pulled his briefs down past his hard member with the other. He leaned back with a sigh of relief and I smiled. His erection was raging and I knew just how to help. I moved my panties to one side and massaged his tip. His eyes shut and he surrendered himself to me completely.  I moved my coiled hand up and down his shaft, pleasuring him.

His chest heaved and his muscles rippled. I slid his cock inside of me with a moan. “Oh, fuck.” He mumbled. He came forward, inching into me, feeling my tightness. He stopped himself when he was fully inside me. “Perfect~” I purred. He glided back out and thrust back in, finding his rhythm.

I just relaxed back on the cool wooden table and felt him take over my senses. He hiked my legs up, letting me pull him in with each deep thrust. His teeth scraped against his bottom lip and his hips moved a little faster. I took steady breaths to try and stop myself from moaning and giving us away to the members and staff celebrating outside.

Sehun’s strong hands moved from my thighs to my waist, pulling me down for a rough thrust. I bit down on my lip and squeezed my eyes shut. I just needed to moan. He felt so amazing inside of me; stretching my tight walls to fit his long, thick cock. He ducked his head down, kissing my breasts. He nuzzled into my neck and slammed his hand on the table next to my head. “Fuck…” He grumbled. His cock throbbed deep inside of me but I just bucked my hips and pulled him in faster, using my legs as an extra power source.

“Cum for me Hunnie.” I whimpered to him softly. “Make me yours.” He left open mouth kisses on my shoulder and jolted forward when his orgasm struck. My eyes rolled up to the ceiling, my back arching, our chests pressed together. I nibbled on his shoulder to keep myself from making any sensuous noises and rode out the rest of my high.

Sehun slumped on top of me, his knees weakening. He lifted my head to look at him while he softened inside my walls. “Be with me Y/n. No more pretending. No more complications. Just you and me, together.” He stroked through my hair and my grin couldn’t be stopped. “Of course, sehun. Yes.” He smiled at me with his perfect pink lips and I kissed him softly. He slipped out of me and pulled up his underwear. I readjusted my own and got dressed with him. He looked at the bite marks I made on his shoulder and chuckled to himself before covering it with his jacket.

We shared one more kiss and snuck back into the room with the rest of the staffs. No one suspected a thing, thankfully. Sehun and I walked behind the crowd of people and he sat down in my makeup chair, relaxing and resting his sore legs. I smiled down at him while I listen to the chatter going on around us and brushed through his hair with my fingers.

I know we wouldn’t go public just yet, but it will definitely happen one day.


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