Suga scenario – Sugar and ice


requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: Every now and again you have to seize the day and tell the person you like how you feel. But who knew the “icy” guy in the back of the class turned into the sweetheart you always knew he could be.

Your POV

If there was one thing I’d want to redo, it would be that way I completely ruined my chance at meeting the cute guy in the class just before mine. Yesterday was the last day before finals and now I probably wouldn’t ever see him again. He’s normally one of the last people to leave the room after the lecture and I always get there early.

Every now and again I’ll catch his eyes and he would smile at me. He sits in the back of the room next to the wall where the outlet is, I assume charges his phone during class. We never actually say anything to each other, except for the one time I dropped my pen and he picked it up for me. He always seemed like the type of guy to be very reserved and aloof,  but in my mind, there was a brighter side of him.

The next morning I did a little extra studying for the final and hurried to class. Today we were meeting an hour early because of the unusual schedule and the cute guy was nowhere to be found. I shouldn’t have even gotten my hopes up. I don’t even know what to say to him. Like ‘hey I’ve had a crush on you this past semester and I hope you’re what I imagine you’re like in my daydreams.’? He’ll think I’m all kinds of crazy.

Thankfully the exam was simple and I felt really confident about it. I turned in the test and quietly packed up my things. I walked out the door and went to the closest vending machine for some kind of caffeine. I quickly checked my phone and went into the small break room and gasped when I saw him. It’s the cute guy from the other class.


You know that class that’s a complete pain, but you have to take it because it’s required? That’s the kind of class I had to slave through this past semester, but it wasn’t all bad because on the first day, my professor took really long and we actually went over the lecture time by five minutes. I packed up my bag when he was finished and then she walked in.

I never learned her name, but she is always early enough to walk in after my class was cleared out, for the most part. She lit up the whole room, but never tried to gear the attention to her. She was beautiful in a way that wasn’t intimidating. She was real. I never had the guts to say anything, I’m sure she wouldn’t even go for a guy like me anyway. People just see me as the “mean looking’ guy in the back of the class that never participates.

But she doesn’t see me that way. Every time we make eye contact, she smiles at me. I always take a long time when I pack up my bag in hopes that I’ll see her before she comes to the next class. I usually do that by charging my phone during class and show up over prepared so there’s more to put away. Pathetic, I know, but it works. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she likes me.

Now ’s officially the end of the semester and I haven’t made a move. My final was pushed back another two hours for some other class so I figured I’d get to the college early and just study close by. Thankfully there was a small lounge and vending area for students so I went straight there and sat at one of the tables. I pulled out my notes for the final and bought a bottle of water from the vending machine.

They say time flies when you’re having fun but it does the same when you really concentrating in the moment. I looked at every possible thing I needed to know for the test and then the silence broke at the sound of footsteps approaching. A small gasp rung in my ears and I looked up to see her. The girl I’d been waiting for all semester.

Your POV

It really is him! He’s looking straight at me, and if there was any time to just say something, it was now.

"H-hi,” I said with a nervous voice.

“Hey.” He replied. His face showed no emotion as usual, but I didn’t let that stop me from trying to get closer to him. “You’re in that one class right? Just before mine?” I figure stating the obvious would refresh his memory.

“Yeah. And you’re the early bird.” He said with a small smile. I reflected his expression and smiled back at him. “I actually have the final in half an hour. I figured I’d do some extra cramming beforehand.”

“That always helps."I found it a little humorous that he and I had the same idea going into our finals. "Well, I won’t keep you. I just came in for a pick-me-up.”

“I know that feeling. Here.” He got up and pulled out his wallet, swiping his card on the machine. “On me.”

“Thanks. That’s sweet.” I pushed the button for an iced coffee and grabbed it from the slot on the side after it dispensed. “ I never caught your name.” He said. I turned around to look at him and smiled.

“I’m y/n.”

“Yoongi.” He said.

“Well thanks again, yoongi. I just wish there was a way to repay you.” I raised my eyebrows and he thought to himself for a second. “Maybe if your not busy, we could meet back here after my exam. around 3?” He suggested.

“Sure. Good luck.” I said before walking out of the small lounge. I looked down at my coffee and smiled to myself.

I made myself busy for a few hours before coming back to the same spot. I still had 15 minutes to spare so I thought I would return the favor and bought another bottle of water I saw Yoongi with earlier. It wasn’t long before I saw him walking up to me.

“Hello, again.” He said.

“Hey,” I replied. I handed him the bottle of water and he grinned at me. “It’s only fair,” I said. He gratefully took it and thanked me.

“Anytime.” We hung out platonically a few more times after that, but it wasn’t long before we realized we should just be together. And everytime finals rolled around, we always met up to study together. As it turns out I was right about him. He doesn’t seem like the type to give sweet gestures, but little did anyone know, every time he bought me an iced coffee, it just reminded me of when we finally went for it and put our daydreams of each other into reality.


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