Hiii! I just found ur blog (p.s. I love ur writing style!❤️). I wanted to ask if u have any fav scenarios on ur masterlist? Sorry if u got asked this before 😬

Hiya! I got asked this a little while back and I’ve gotten some really good requests recently

(In no particular order)

Thanks so much for the compliment! Let me know if you have any requests 🙂

EXO reaction – Watching a horror film with their gf

He’s the one who pretends not to be scared. By the end of it, you both have your heads under the blanket. I would probably a good time to invest in a nightlight.

He doesn’t want you feeling scared. The moment you start to jump and shake, he’d turn it off. He’d just wrap you in his strong arms and you’d spend the rest of the night in his warm embrace, safe and sound.

What movie? He fell asleep on your lap about 10 minutes into it. He wouldn’t even be bothered by the loud screams or the creepy music. He’s too tired of that mess.

You two wouldn’t even know how the movie ends. You’d have your heads nuzzled into each other mechs like two puppies in love.

“Why~~ I hate scary films.”
He doesn’t like this one bit. He’d pull a pillow to his chest and cover his eyes when he got too scared to watch.

No matter how scared you get, baby C is one step ahead. He hates watching scary films. He can’t even handle sudden loud noises without being shaken to the tenth degree so he wouldn’t mind at all if you offered to change the movie and watch any other genre of film.

He has no reaction to the movie, but to be honest, he loves the way you curl up close to him and hides your face in his chest when the jump scares come.

As soon as he realizes you’re both terrified, he’d stop the movie and choose a different one. What started as a scary movie night would then turn into binge watching k-comedies together to lighten the mood.

He would be the type to pick a movie he’d already seen before so he can warn you when the scary parts happen. He’d put his hand over your eyes before you got too scared and most likely spoil the ending.

Can I get a zodiac ship with EXO, please? I am an aquarius girl! I’d describe myself as creative, curious, smart & outspoken. I love reading and writing, also discovering new art people don’t usually know. I care deeply for social issues & politics. I’m romantic but it takes me some time to show it & I don’t trust people easily. I can be sarcastic, aloof and I a huge tease. I’d like to be with someone thoughtful who’s not ashamed of sharing their thoughts because I love intellectual connection.

I ship you with Chanyeolie (my ultimate bias)

Other than the fact that he’s far too pure for this world (and still has the body of a greek god like WTF??), he would seriously be the most loving boyfriend of all time! I like to think of it as Baekhyun sets the mood for EXO and Chanyeol keeps it that way. As much as he does like goofing around with the others, he does like having more in-depth conversations. He has a lot of thoughts going on in his head and having someone who can summon them out will benefit the relationship.

zodiac compatibility
Who can stay away from the archer? Sagittarius men are the type to love all living things and have tender hearts. He is drawn to progressive women who have a real sense of self, and if you have a furry friend, you have his attention:) Sagittarius men and Aquarius woman are a fantastic match especially since their communication is unbeatable. On the other hand, Sagittarius men have been known to not stay in relationships for long due to lack of excitement and can then be considered to be unloyal, but if there’s anything we know about Chanyeol, it’s that one he has a bond, it’s for life. Plus if you’re able to keep him entertained with a little teasing, it just adds more brownie points for you.

Relationship will include

  • friendship on the surface, lovers on the inside
  • never being able to say no to him
  • just a flash of those dimples and you’re sold
  • going to galleries together
  • joining him on his fun adventures around the world
  • him taking pictures of all the beautiful views
  • you being in most of them
  • the first date would most likely be a Korean bbq or his place
  • because he wants to cook for you
  • having long, honest talks


  • a very adventurous sex life
  • you tease, and he LOVES IT
  • lots of dirty talk
  • very vocal in bed
  • he may get rough
  • but in a cute “doesn’t know his strength” way
  • pillowtalk

EXO reaction – Their S/O coming home drunk

His biggest concern at that point is your safety. He would be pushing for you to drink lots of water and lay on your side. The second he sees you try to walk straight, he’d just pick you up and bring you to bed.

He’d call you “wobbles” for the rest of the night. He’d honestly be amused that you’re finally laughing at his lame jokes even if you don’t remember the punchline in the morning
“I *hiccup* Love you, Myeonnie~”
“I love you too, wabbles.”

As flattered as he is by your flirty advances, he’d be a gentleman and just tuck you into bed. Whether or not you’re still in the mood in the morning is completely up to you 😉

He thinks you’re hilarious when you’re drunk. He’d watch you laugh at inanimate objects and try and find the phone that’s already in your hand. But much like in any game, where there’s a beginning, there’s an end. He would help you out of your party clothes and into your PJs and snuggle up with you until you fall asleep.

If there is anyone who can take care of you, it’s Chen. Even when you’ve had too many while you’re out with friends, they always know to call him. He would not only pick you up so you don’t have to pay for a cab, but he would give you an all-out papering when you got home. He’d make sure you had plenty of fluids and would cook breakfast to help with your hangover in the morning.

“Let’s get you to bed.”
“You’re juss tryin tuh git l-lucky, mister~”
“No, I’m not. What makes you say that?”
“Both you’re hands are on my ass…”
“… It’s for medical purposes…”

“Y/n, you’re drunk.”
You two would go back and forth until you just fall asleep in his arms. Works every time.

As wild as the night may have gotten, soft boyfriend Nini can always calm you down and help you with the inevitable hangover you’ll have in the morning. He would wrap you in a plush blanket and keep a glass of water by the bed to make sure you’re hydrated.

“Hunnie! I’m hoooommmeee!!!”
“I know. I drove you here.”

Got7 reaction – After a bad arguement

He might find that giving you space is the best way to go for a while. He knows your anger will melt away with time and you both will be in a more forgiving mood when you both have your thoughts in order.

He hates it when you fight! He spends so much time away from you, so getting into arguments makes him feel like you’re a million miles away, even when you’re right there with him. His number one goal would be to make sure that you two don’t go to bed angry, and that you can both feel comfortable telling each other everything no matter how bad it gets.

“How did we get here?”
He would feel so troubled at the thought of hurting you. He’d be sitting on the other side of the bedroom door, thinking of what to say next in hopes that you’ll forgive him.

It’d be like that super dramatic moment out of the movies when he says something that hits below the belt and everything stops. But you know he wouldn’t mean to say something that would make you feel small. In that moment your trust in him would crack but not break and he knows it. In the future, he’d start to walk on eggshells when he’s talking to you, but through it all, he’s able to get back to the stable place in the relationship.

You’d come back over to him after a while of not talking to find him laying on the couch with Coco and looking miserable. He never wants to fight with you and his sad face could shatter the hearts of millions. By that point, he would just want you to forgive him, but not because you want to make him feel better. He would want you to know that whatever he did to upset you so much won’t happen again.

When Bambam loves, he loves hard! It would crush him to see you angry or sad. Whether or not he’d actually cry, would depend on how harsh it got. By the end of it, he would fall silent. He doesn’t want to fight with you anymore or push you away.

This soft baby wouldn’t rest until you were happy again. He’d be laying in bed with you trying to at least hold your hand. Being able to have some kind of gentle contact from you will make him feel a lot better.