Suga scenario – Last Christmas


requested by @catou1305

genre: fluff, parenthood

Summary: Because of some traveling troubles, you had the unfortunate task of telling your daughter that Yoongi might not make it to Christmas, but through it all, Yoongi finds a way.

There is nothing worse than seeing your own child cry themselves to sleep on Christmas Eve. Yoongi and I’s daughter was completely heartbroken and just needed her father’s love. Yoongi has been on tour for months and it gets difficult, but when he told me the flights were delayed I was heartbroken. There wasn’t anyone else to tell our baby girl that her father wasn’t going to be home except for me. I had to be the bad guy.

She was so upset. I never want to see her little eyes water up like that. She ran to her room and didn’t come out. Luckily she wasn’t angry with me so I was still able to come in and comfort her. She laid in bed and I  rubbed her back while she stared at the charm bracelet Yoongi got her for her first birthday. Every time it starts to get too small, he adds a link or two so there more room for charms. I just continued to rub her back and tell her it was going to be okay until she eventually fell asleep. By the time she was deep enough into her slumber, I left the room and called Yoongi.

“What’s the status of the next flight?”

“I’m able to take the red-eye and be able to be there in the morning. If all goes well, I’ll be home by ten. But don’t tell her just yet. I don’t want you to be the bearer of bad news twice in one night. I’ll text you before take off and call you when I land. Okay? I love you.” His words gave me hope. I know he was trying everything in his power to be with his daughter for Christmas.

“Okay. Be safe. Love you… Bye.” I hung up the phone and went into the living room to finish putting the gifts under the tree. I got a text from Yoongi saying the plane was about to take off and I smiled at the screen. I crawled into bed, pulling his pillow close to me like I normally do when he’s gone and breathed in his scent. I drifted off to sleep, finally taking a break from all the emotional stress.

When morning came, My phone buzzed, alerting me that Yoongi was calling and I sighed in relief.

“Are you here?” I asked.

“Yeah. I just got my bags. I’ll be home in about thirty minutes. Go ahead and let her open her gifts. I don’t want to keep her waiting.” He said. I agreed and got off the phone. I knocked on our daughter’s door and she lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes were still puffy and red, but I know that expression would change very soon.

“Hey, baby. Do you want o come open your presents?” I asked her. She thought to herself for a moment and nodded hesitantly. She climbed out of her big girl bed and took my hand. We walked to the living room and she sat down on my lap. She opened her first gift and gasped at something that could only be given to her by her dad. She held up a pair of over-ear headphones so I could see them and she smiled. I was so excited to see her smile, I kissed her soft cheek and she giggled at me. She was finally bouncing back into her happy self.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better. I heard a knock at the door. The two of us turned and saw Yoongi walk into the room with two hands full of luggage. Our daughter jumped up immediately and dashed to her father’s side. She leaped into his arms, not giving him any time to put his bags down and squeezed him with all her might.

He kissed the top of her head and kneeled down to her level. She watched as he reached into his bag and took out a tiny golden paper fan. Yoongi took her wrist and attached the charm to her bracelet. I smiled at the two of them, remembering their tradition. Every time Yoongi goes to a part of the world, he brings back a charm that captures a piece of the culture.

“There. Now you have one for Japan.”

“Thank you, daddy!” She nuzzled into Yoongi’s chest and he hugged her again. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He whispered.

The three of us went on with our usual traditions and our daughter’s smile got brighter by the minute. 

But of course, that memory was made last year ago. Yoongi has now been able to get plenty of time off to spend with his family during important events. It’s just like what he said when his baby girl was first born, promising he would always be there for her, and he’s proven now more than ever that he meant it.


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