Lay scenario – The strict one


Requested by @catou1305

Summary: Yixing has been so stressed out while helping with the SM auditions. He’s been seen as ‘the strict one’ and has given harsh criticism, but how will he react when his secret girlfriend shows up for her chance to be an idol?

Genre: Smut

I never thought the audition process would be this draining. I had this image in my head of what I want the next girl group for SM to be, but no one had that “wow factor”. I want to see someone unique and fresh.

During the break, I snuck away to text my girlfriend and let her know I might be late for dinner, but she had plans of her own that were running behind so that made me feel better. Y/n and I met a while ago. She’s always had a passion for singing and dancing so naturally, I fell for her when I saw her.

I’m not the type of guy who goes scouting or walks around looking for someone in particular. But there was one day when I took a walk at night and stumbled upon some street performers. And there she was in the crowd. She was watching each dancer move with the rhythm and before I knew it, she started in too. I could see the drive and ambition to be the best in her eyes.

After that day, we started seeing each other, but no one knows about us. It’s just easier to keep things a secret than having people trying to pick apart our relationship. I want things between us to be completely solid before we go public.

thankfully, that hasn’t stopped her from pursuing her own dreams. She’s so talented and I’ve encouraged her to start auditioning whenever she could. She decided to go to different companies and find what place works best and I would help her with the dances and her vocals.

After another hour of auditions, I started to just see them all blend together without a single one standing out.

“Next audition, please.” The door opened and my jaw dropped. It’s Y/n…

Your POV
I know it’s dumb to audition at the same company that Yixing is signed under, but I thought I’d at least get my foot in the door. I heard a loud voice call for the next person and I took a deep breath before walking in.

 Oh god. It’s him. My eyes went wide and his jaw almost hit the table in front of him.

“What’s your name?” I heard out of the corner of the room.

“Hi. I’m Y/n,” I replied. I couldn’t stop staring at Lay in that moment. His cheeks went red and it was like he lost the ability to look me in the eyes.

“Okay. I see here that you’ve been a street performer for- Lay-ssi? Are you alright? You look sick.” the man said.

“Yeah, I’m fine… Just a- uh- headache. Keep going. I’m fine.” He repeated. I bit my lip, starting to feel a bit nervous about performing in front of my boyfriend. Of course, I have danced in front of him before, but this was so different.

“Go ahead and start when you’re ready. Music, please!”

This was it. I had to push everything else out of my mind and prove my self.  I lowered my head and waited a few seconds for the music to start. As soon as the beat dropped I whipped my head up and started the routine, moving every inch of my body while still holding eye contact with the judges. I danced to the other side of the room, using the space I had and finished strong

Yixing always told me that when companies bring in new girls, they want to see flexibility and grace even during a hip-hop routine. I walked back to the ‘x’ in the middle of the floor and waited for what happened next. Yixing’s bottom lip was wedged between his teeth and I tried not to smile. He was… excited. I could tell instantly by the look in his eyes.

“I think that was great. You have a lot of passion for what you do which is really something to keep a hold of. I especially like that you’re able to move with such power. It’s really refreshing for a female dancer.” one of the judges said. He looked to Yixing for his critique and I took a deep breath. I know how hard he is on himself, and it shows when he is seeing other people, but I know it’s only because he wants to see improvement.

“Y/n… That was very good.” I exhaled with a sigh of relief and he smiled at me. I never get tired of seeing those cute little dimples take shape. “You have this intense look in your eyes, not to mention you dance very well too. I would, however, fix your hip movements toward the middle. It seemed like you didn’t quite hit that beat and finish the movement.” He said.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I tried to cover it as best as I could in the moment, but since he’s the one who practically taught me the dance, he knows where I messed up.

“I didn’t even notice that, to be honest. It’s nice to see a girl who dances more fiercely than sexy. I think it’s about time to draw back on the sex appeal. Very well done.” The female judge said.

“Thank you, Y/n. We’ll let you know when we can.”

I nodded to them and left the room. I went straight to the practice room where the other trainee girls were and packed up my bag.

“How’d you do?” One girl asked me. I shrugged at her and replied. “Okay, I guess. Lay is kinda strict isn’t he?”

She smiled at me and sighed. “Yeah… but he’s still cute though.”

She had a point. It’d be a lie if I said it wasn’t sexy to see him in that light. When we practiced the routine together, he’s scolding me like a teacher, but a hot teacher that I’m… dating. It sounds weird but it works. Not to mention his reward system. Anytime I did the routine right the whole way through, I’d get a reward. Whether it was a kiss or a touch, I wanted to do better and I thought it was working, but I guess the pressures of the audition got to me.

I said goodbye and good luck to the other girls and headed out the door. I went to the back exit out of the building since there wouldn’t be as many people coming in and out, but I was stopped by a powerful hand pulling me to the side.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were auditioning at JYPE.” I looked up and saw Yixing with a worried expression.

“I decided not to. I wanted to come here to SM first and then go there.” I explained. Yixing opened the door to an empty practice room and sat me down on a chair.

“I can’t believe of all the people, you were sen to the same audition room as me.” He said in shock. I smiled at him and thought about my self, choosing my words carefully.

“But, other than that. How was it?” I asked, wanting his honest answer.

“On a grade scale… C+”

“What?! the only thing you said I did wrong was the hip rotation part in the middle.”

“Yes. and because I’ve seen you do that a million times, it was shocking to see you make the same mistake.” Now he just wanted to get a rise out of me.

I got up from the chair and walked to the other side of the room, plugging my phone into the speakers.

“What are you doing?” He asked.“

"I’m doing it again.” I shot back. I stood in the middle of the floor just like before and waited to the count. The beat dropped once more and I started in on the routine, watching myself in the mirror. I made a snap decision and changed the hip rotation with a sexier movement. I rolled my hips in a slow circle and Yixing’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropping. I finished the routine like normal and the music stopped.

“What’s my grade now?” I asked him with my hands on my hips.

He didn’t reply at all, instead, he stood up and walked over to me while I caught my breath. He pushed my hands off my hips and pulled me in close, pressing our centers together. His nose brushed against mine and I smirked.

“I think you’re trying to make me hard at work.” He whispered. I let out a faint giggle and simply said, “Guilty…”

Just like that, our lips smashed together into a heated kiss. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair and he moaned against my mouth. “I want you now.”

“Don’t you have more people to audition?”

“Nope. I told them I was sick after your audition and they let me leave.” He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissed me again. He walked us back to the door, pushing me up against it before breaking the kiss to get my bag. “Let’s go.”

From the moment we entered his house to the moment we hit the bed, Yixing stripped off all of our clothing eagerly, leaving nothing between us. He lifted my hands above my heat without breaking the kiss and traveled down my jaw and neck. My teeth scraped my bottom lip, trying not to ruffle my fingers in his hair.

his lips moved further down and I took a big inhale when I felt his breath on my wetness. He placed a single kiss on my clit and came back up to my lips for a proper kiss.“When I said I wanted you… I meant it.” He lined himself up at my entrance and slammed into me. I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms around him. He thrust once and already was a millimeter away from my g-spot.

His hips move with each sensual thrust and I just tilted my head back, bucking my hips, and feeling every inch of him. His lips peppered kisses down my chest and I moaned out loud.

“Yixing, please. I’m so close.” I just needed a little more to send me over the edge. And then an idea popped into his head. He reached down and rubbed my clit vigorously.

I screamed out his name, my climax rushing through my body. I clenched around his member, forcing him into his orgasm just a few seconds after me.

I came back down from my high and kissed Yixing’s shoulder while he finished, buried deep inside my tight walls. He pulled out and laid next to me, catching his breath.

“So are you going to sign with SM?” He asked. I rolled over to face him and shrugged. “I’m not sure. It’d kind of be a scandal straight away for us. I don’t even know if I’ll get a callback.”

“Baby, of course, you’ll get a callback. And promise me that you’ll consider it when they do, okay?” He held up his pinky finger and I giggled at how adorable he was. I interlocked our pinkies and repeated. “I promise.”


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