Suho scenario – Mercy



Summary: You become worried that Suho isn’t paying much attention to you and your relationship is starting to fade out so you decide to go to his favorite club that he owns and pose as a dancer

genre: smut

warnings: rough sex, bondage, Master!Suho, safeword, Mafia!AU

Myeonnie: At Envy, be home later.

His texts didn’t even have proper grammar anymore, just caveman talk. There was a time that he couldn’t keep his hands off of me. A time where we stayed up till two in the morning on the phone because we had so much to talk about. I missed that. Now it’s like all the passion is gone.

Something inside me just snapped. I shouldn’t have to just sit in the apartment he bought me all night and be miserable. I’ll just go to him. Club Envy was Junmyon’s first and favorite gentlemen’s club’s he owned. I couldn’t just go in my lazy clothes so I went up to my room and put on something more… suitable.

I looked through my wardrobe, but nothing I had looked good enough. He’s seen everything I owned. And then it hit me. I put on my black lace bra and panties with the matching stockings. I went back downstairs, grabbing my coat and pumps.

I called a car and had the driver take me to Envy. The whole way there I thought through my plan. Walk in, find him and tell him we need to “talk”. All those times he brushed me off had me lonely and frustrated like never before. I wanted his touch. I missed the way he would take charge and get a little rough. For the past month, all I’ve gotten was a quick kiss on the cheek or forehead.

I smirked to myself when the car stopped in front of the club. I got out and saw the driver pull out his phone. I knew he had to have been telling Junmyeon I was here. My plan started falling apart when Chanyeol and Kyungsoo walked out in front. I quickly went to the back and thanked my lucky stars that the door was open slightly. I walked in and realized it was the dressing room for the other girls.

I didn’t get many stares since they probably thought I was one of them. But everyone else had a mask on as apart of the ‘uniform’. I made a snap decision and grabbed a mask for myself.  I took off my coat, revealing my skimpy lingerie and I snuck out into the main lounge. I looked around the room for a good place to get noticed by Junmyeon. One of the waitresses walked past me and I stopped her. “Do you know where… Suho is?" I remembered he never goes by his real name in his clubs. She nodded at me and pointed to the private bar on the other side of the room. I walked over to the cage next to the bar and nodded to the other dancer, signaling that we had to switch. She nodded without a thought and got out.

I took her place and started swaying to the beat. It wasn’t long before I was able to catch a few stares. Junmyeon got up from his chair and walked straight past me before pausing. His head turned and he looked at my legs, moving up my body until he met my eyes through my mask. I bent down and his eyes changed to an icy glare.

"Y/n… What are you doing?” He questioned. I shrugged at him and stood back up, continuing my little dance.

“Get out of there. Now.” He ordered. I smiled at him and turned away without engaging. “That’s it.” He murmured. I was shocked when he jumped up on the bar and opened the cage door. He took my hand and helped me down.

His grip tightened when we walked past the other guys, each of them checking me out while I walked past. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo walked up to us, stopping us in our tracks. “Oh, you found her,” Chanyeol said, his eyes going from my face to my breasts and it had Junmyeon fuming.

“Yeah… I did.” he looked at me again before turning back to the other two. “No one follows us.” He commanded. Kyungsoo nodded to him and Junmyeon lead me through the crowd.

He pulled my arm, forcing me to walk ahead of him and he pulled off his jacket, covering me. His hand pressed against my back, guiding me to the exit quickly and I just smiled to myself. I didn’t even have to say anything to get my plan to work. 

We finally made it out of the club and to Suho’s car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and I almost got in until he turned me to face him and said. “What were you thinking? You know I hate it when other men gawk at what’s mine.” He pulled my mask off and looked me in the eyes

I just rolled my eyes at him and he got angrier. “Did you really just do that?” He came closer to me, pressing our middles together. “Get in the car.” He said through his teeth. I obeyed and got in. The door shut next to me and he got on the other side.

There was so much tension in the car on the way to… where ever we were going. “Where are we going? This isn’t the way to my apartment.” I looked at him but he just huffed at me and kept driving. I turned away from him and looked out the window. Sure, I was in for it when we got to the mystery location, but damn it if it wasn’t turning me on.

Junmyeon saw me staring out the window and took it upon his self to worsen my sexual frustration. His hand slid under the jacket I was wearing and landed between my thighs, brushing against my clothed center. I bit my lip and opened my legs a little more.

“Hmm, thought so.” He removed his hand and I whipped my head around to glare at him.

“You did that just to tease me!” I couldn’t believe he stopped just like that. “If I did that to you I’d get punished.” My eye brown raised and I gave him a taste of his own medicine and a little more. I reached over and slowly unzipped his pants. His foot lowered onto the accelerator and he sped down the street. I snuck my hand into his underwear and felt how hard he was. I coiled my fingers around his shaft, trailing up to his wet tip. I moved my fingers over his thick cock, collecting the pre-cum.

“You’re as turned on as I am. I should wear less around you…” I taunted.

Junmyeon said nothing in return. I let go of his member and turned to see where we were. I realized that there was only one place he goes on this side of town. His house. His car came to a screeching halt when we reached the garage. The gate opened after Junmyeon punched in the code and he parked the car with the others.

In a matter of seconds, he quickly escorted me into the massive house and stopped me in the middle of the foyer. He stood behind me, slowly slipping his jacket off of me and into the coat closet. Without another word, I was turned around by Junmyeon and lifted into his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and he smashed our lips together. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he went straight to his bedroom.

He gently placed me on his bed, kissing me softly, but I knew that sweet moment would be short-lived, and it was. He took a hold of my hips, flipping me over and giving a quick strike to my ass. I gasped at him, pretending to be shocked.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize this tight ass of yours?” He said, spanking me again.

“Myeonie that hurts.”

“So do blue balls, Y/n.” He went o the closet and got out some rope. “What’s my name?” He bound my wrists together in the middle of the headboard, restricting me from touching him or myself.


“And what’s your safe word?” He asked moving down to the foot of the bed.


“Good girl. You’ll say that if I go too far, alright?” He said. I nodded my head in agreement and he stripped out of his clothes until he was completely bare. With both hands, he flipped me over onto my stomach with another strike to my ass.

“One for coming to the club without me knowing.” His hand came down with another smack and I gasped. My thighs pressed together for some friction and Junmyeon spoke again. “Two for showing up in nothing but the lingerie I bought you.” He leaned close to my ear and said, “That should only be for my eyes.”

He spanked me again and I jumped. “Three for getting in that cage. My little princess doesn’t dance in a cage.”

I was turned back over and Junmyeon took my ankles in his hands, tying each of them to a side at the foot of the bed. I bit my lip and tried to rub my thighs together.

“Quit squirming. We’re only getting started.” He mounted above me, staring down at my body. “My beautiful girl.” His lips ghosted over my neck, his hot breath tickling the skin. His hips grinded down on mine, making me moan out loud when I felt his hard cock glide between my folds. I wanted him inside me so badly it killed me. I hummed when he kissed down my chest, jolting when his teeth nipped at my tender breasts.

I used what little leg control I could to keep his hips between my legs. Luckily he was too preoccupied with my chest to notice what I was trying to do. I watched him move down my stomach, to my begging core. He placed an open-mouthed kiss on my sex, his eyes turning from brown to almost black. He skipped past my center and moved down my inner thighs.

“Mmm, these legs. I could tell exactly who you were just from these legs. I could sink my teeth into them.” He nibbled and sucked on my thighs, coming dangerously close to my sex. The teasing was killing me. It was like my palms were made of static.

“Sir. Please.” I pleaded. Junmyeon looked up at me from between my legs.

“Please what?” He asked. I took a deep breath, trying to cool myself down, but Junmyeon’s fingers quickly took control. He slid his index finger into my wetness and I lost my train of thought. “Say it,” he commanded.

“Please…” I stumbled over my thoughts when he added another digit, thrusting the two fingers in and out. “You want me to finger you?” he asked

I nodded desperately, hoping he would give me some release. “Just keep doing that,” I said, finally able to get my words in order. Junmyeon did what was requested and pumped his fingers in and out of me. I clenched my walls around him, awaiting my orgasm to set in when he pulled his fingers out.


“You’re not coming on my fingers. I know what that face means, Y/n.” He could read me like a book. I don’t even have to say ‘I’m close’ anymore. He lifted my hips, lining himself up at my entrance. The suspense was driving me wild! He lowered himself and looked me in the eyes. His pupils were fully dilated and his eyelids formed a squint before he slammed into me without warning. I yanked onto the rope around my wrists, waiting to clutch my arms around him.

His thrusts quickly turned slow and sensual once he heard me squeal in pain. Above it all, he still couldn’t intentionally hurt me if he tried. He pressed his lips to my neck, “Let me hear your moans, princess.”

I let out all the moans and cries that I held back. His speed picked back up, his tip grazing my g-spot, making me clench my walls around his throbbing cock. Junmyeon’s sweet moans started to fill the room in harmony with mine. I bucked my hips, moving in sync with his and I felt my orgasm built up once more.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum.” He groaned.

“Me too. Cum deep inside me. Take what’s yours.” I gave him a kiss just below his ear and we came at the same time. His teeth bit down on my shoulder, creating the perfect balance between pain and pleasure.

Junmyeom got up on his knees when he finished his climax and untied my hands and feet. He held my wrists, kissing the red marks the rope made. “You okay?”

“Yeah…” I said with a sigh. But like every other time, Junmyeon saw straight through my act.

“Tell me what’s wrong, princess.”

I scoffed when I heard him call me ‘princess’ and he tilted his head in confusion. “I’ve never heard of a princess that had to go out in public in her underwear to get her princes attention.”

In an instant, Junmyeon realized I wasn’t just trying to spice things up in the bedroom, I was trying to keep the spark alive. “Y/n you have my attention whether you’re with me or not. Even before you showed up, all I could think about was going to your place and being with you. And not just because I wanted to get my rocks off.”

I giggled at him and he kissed my forehead. “You don’t have to do this to get me to notice you. That meeting was so boring that you honestly could have just sent me a text.”

“I kinda like seeing you all hot and bothered though.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like seeing Chanyeol hot and bothered.” He argued.I had to admit that the other boy’s reactions definitely worked in my benefit, but I know where he’s coming from. I snuggled into his chest and he held me close.

“Do you have to go back tomorrow?” I asked him.

“I could, but I won’t.” I looked up at him and he kissed the tip of my nose. “My girl needs me.”


Kris scenario – For your pleasure



genre: smut

Warnings: daddy!kink, feather-play 

“Do you trust daddy?” Kris’s voice could be heard throughout the room.

“Y-yes…” I had no other choice but to keep my eyes closed because of the blindfold. I felt Krist take hold of my wrists, cuffing them to the head f the bed. He placed a single kiss on my bare stomach and walked away, leaving me feeling sexually frustrated. The only thing I could use was hearing when he looked through the small closet on the other side of the room. I bit my lip, knowing he only goes in there for possible toys to use in bed.

I heard his footsteps get closer and shivers went up to my spine. My legs tensed when his fingertips ghosted over the exposed skin.

“I just love your body. All the little goosebumps that appear when I lightly touch you.” I felt the warmth of his breath tickling my ear as he spoke. “But what if there was something lighter than my touch. Would you still shiver? Would it still please my baby girl?”

I felt a soft feather running down my breasts and torso. My teeth bit down on my bottom lip, my hands gripping the restraints. The lower the feather got, the more tender I felt. Kris stopped right at my lower abdomen and went completely around my throbbing center, giving no attention to the area. My breaths were deep, my palms tingled. I just wanted more. I was completely at the mercy of Kris.

The feather went down my left leg, to my feet, and switched to my right leg, moving back up slowly. I squirmed and fidgeted with each movement. Every part of my body tensed when it was touched. My impatience started to become a problem once Kris pressed his free hand to my hip, stopping me from arching.

“Such a sensitive body. It’s amazing how a single feather can leave you wanting.”

“Daddy, please…” I wanted him. I needed him. I craved him. His hot breath covered the shell of my ear when he crept down beside me. The pads of his fingertips traced small designs down my stomach, applying the same amount of softness as the feather tickler did a moment ago. A dip in the bed had me thinking he was laying next to me. staring at my naked body while he teased me in the gentlest way possible.

“You want my fingers?” He asked. His lips pressed a tender kiss on my cheek and I softened my muscles. “Or my lips?” His hand slid to my other hip and he pulled me closer. My mouth opened with a quiet gasp. He was hard as a rock. “Or… Something else?”

I turned my head to the side, still unable to look him in the eye. “ I … I just want you… to fuck me.” His thumb swiped down my bottom lip, feeling the softness of it before trapping it between his sinful lips with a passionate kiss. I was so drawn to him that I lost it and moaned into his mouth. His smile was obvious, but I didn’t care. I had so many pent-up desires, I couldn’t stop my cries of pleasure if I wanted to.

Kris’s hand grabbed my breast, kissing me deeply. His tongue slipped into my mouth and all I wanted to do was touch him. It drove him crazy when I lightly dragged my nails down his back. It was the missing piece of our steamy moment that would never end. His strong hand went up to my side, brushing past my breast and toward my hand. A feeling of relief rained over me when I felt my restraints being loosened and taken off my wrists.

“You read my mind,” I whispered on his lips while taking off my blindfold. I held his head, continuing our kiss, but Kris had other plans. His lips moved down my body, kissing each of my sensitive spots. After the intensive teasing from the feather tickler, My skin felt hypersensitive. Each kiss gave me a rush of tingles. I inhaled sharply when he reached my wet center.

“You’re soaked.” He said in a low voice. Every word out of his mouth made me want to tear into him. “Maybe I should just edge you. Bring you close to you orgasm, but never being able to pull that trigger.” He pressed his thumb against my clit, massaging it. I squirmed and thrashed beneath him, begging for more. I reached down to hold his hand against my dripping center.

“Please, daddy,” I begged for mercy but knew it wouldn’t be given. Kris lowered his head between my legs and devoured me. My eyes went wide and I grabbed the back of his head with both hands, smothering him in my wetness. His hands gripped my wrists, pinning them down to my sides.

“Keep your hands to yourself if you want to cum.” He warned. I took another breath and tried to restrain myself from touching him. At this point, it was a test of self-control since I didn’t have the handcuffs to stop me.

Kris’s lips reattached to my aching core, licking and sucking my slit. My nails dug into the sheets and my thighs trapped his head. I was so close.


“Ask me nicely… Ask me to make you cum baby girl.” His voice almost sounded evil in the way he ordered me to beg for release from all the frustration.

“Please make me cum daddy. I’ll be a good girl from now on… I promise.” I was able to get the words out without whimpering or whining this time. Kris looked me in the eyes and finished what he started. My whole body shook when he plunged his long fingers into me, immediately finding my g-spot. I arched and screamed his name as loudly as I could. He pumped his sinful fingers in and out while kissing my swollen clit.

I turned my head to the side, remembering my vanity mirror was right there. I watched him guide me through my climax, his hands holding my hips while he worked my center.

With one last thrust of his fingers, I was brought back down. He kissed my slit again and climbed on top of me. “better?”

“Better,” I confirmed. I never thought a single feather would enhance our sex life so much, but you can’t knock it till you try it.


Suga scenario – Last Christmas


requested by @catou1305

genre: fluff, parenthood

Summary: Because of some traveling troubles, you had the unfortunate task of telling your daughter that Yoongi might not make it to Christmas, but through it all, Yoongi finds a way.

There is nothing worse than seeing your own child cry themselves to sleep on Christmas Eve. Yoongi and I’s daughter was completely heartbroken and just needed her father’s love. Yoongi has been on tour for months and it gets difficult, but when he told me the flights were delayed I was heartbroken. There wasn’t anyone else to tell our baby girl that her father wasn’t going to be home except for me. I had to be the bad guy.

She was so upset. I never want to see her little eyes water up like that. She ran to her room and didn’t come out. Luckily she wasn’t angry with me so I was still able to come in and comfort her. She laid in bed and I  rubbed her back while she stared at the charm bracelet Yoongi got her for her first birthday. Every time it starts to get too small, he adds a link or two so there more room for charms. I just continued to rub her back and tell her it was going to be okay until she eventually fell asleep. By the time she was deep enough into her slumber, I left the room and called Yoongi.

“What’s the status of the next flight?”

“I’m able to take the red-eye and be able to be there in the morning. If all goes well, I’ll be home by ten. But don’t tell her just yet. I don’t want you to be the bearer of bad news twice in one night. I’ll text you before take off and call you when I land. Okay? I love you.” His words gave me hope. I know he was trying everything in his power to be with his daughter for Christmas.

“Okay. Be safe. Love you… Bye.” I hung up the phone and went into the living room to finish putting the gifts under the tree. I got a text from Yoongi saying the plane was about to take off and I smiled at the screen. I crawled into bed, pulling his pillow close to me like I normally do when he’s gone and breathed in his scent. I drifted off to sleep, finally taking a break from all the emotional stress.

When morning came, My phone buzzed, alerting me that Yoongi was calling and I sighed in relief.

“Are you here?” I asked.

“Yeah. I just got my bags. I’ll be home in about thirty minutes. Go ahead and let her open her gifts. I don’t want to keep her waiting.” He said. I agreed and got off the phone. I knocked on our daughter’s door and she lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes were still puffy and red, but I know that expression would change very soon.

“Hey, baby. Do you want o come open your presents?” I asked her. She thought to herself for a moment and nodded hesitantly. She climbed out of her big girl bed and took my hand. We walked to the living room and she sat down on my lap. She opened her first gift and gasped at something that could only be given to her by her dad. She held up a pair of over-ear headphones so I could see them and she smiled. I was so excited to see her smile, I kissed her soft cheek and she giggled at me. She was finally bouncing back into her happy self.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better. I heard a knock at the door. The two of us turned and saw Yoongi walk into the room with two hands full of luggage. Our daughter jumped up immediately and dashed to her father’s side. She leaped into his arms, not giving him any time to put his bags down and squeezed him with all her might.

He kissed the top of her head and kneeled down to her level. She watched as he reached into his bag and took out a tiny golden paper fan. Yoongi took her wrist and attached the charm to her bracelet. I smiled at the two of them, remembering their tradition. Every time Yoongi goes to a part of the world, he brings back a charm that captures a piece of the culture.

“There. Now you have one for Japan.”

“Thank you, daddy!” She nuzzled into Yoongi’s chest and he hugged her again. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He whispered.

The three of us went on with our usual traditions and our daughter’s smile got brighter by the minute. 

But of course, that memory was made last year ago. Yoongi has now been able to get plenty of time off to spend with his family during important events. It’s just like what he said when his baby girl was first born, promising he would always be there for her, and he’s proven now more than ever that he meant it.


Jimin drabble – New Years kiss


Not requested

Genre: fluff

I can’t believe I got talked into this. I normally don’t go to these kinds of parties or any parties for that matter, but I want to be more of a risk taker this next year so why not start now?

A friend of mine was throwing a new years party and I was told it’s a “small gathering”. As it turns out a “small gathering in her mind is 40+ people and a keg.

I glanced around the room and didn’t recognize anyone, but my friend has always been a social butterfly so it didn’t shock me. I just found a quiet area and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, You’re Y/n, right?” a voice said. I Iooked next to me and saw the guy I’ve been crushing on all year. He comes by the same coffee shop as me before class. This past semester I had him in my math class, but I never thought he knew my name. “Uh- Yeah. I’m Y/n.” I extended my hand and he took it. “I’m Jimin.”

“Yeah, we had math together.” I pointed out.

“That’s right! Glad it’s over?” He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. “So, how do you know, y/f/n?” I asked. 

“She’s a friend of a friend. I got an invite on Facebook and figured ‘why not’. You?”

“She and I were roommates freshman year and we’ve been close ever since,” I explained.

“That’s cool.” He complimented. We talked for a while, moving from the quiet corner to the couch in the next room. Everyone else went into the TV room to watch the countdown but Jimin and I stayed in our own little world.

“It’s great that you want to take more risks. A beautiful girl like you should really be known. I blushed to myself for a moment. I’m not sure if it was his heavy flirting or he drinks, but all of a sudden I said: "I could kiss you for saying that.”

I gasped quietly and Jimin smiled at me, surprisingly charmed by my new found boldness. “I won’t stop you.” He replied. I looked into his eyes for a moment and went for it.

His hand held my cheek and I leaned in. Our lips collided and it’s like time moved in slow motion.

“FIVE… FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd cheered from the other room and Jimin and I broke apart after a few more seconds of bliss.

“Wow,” I said entranced by his luscious lips. He smiled and replied, “Yeah… We kissed for a year.”

I laughed at his joke and my friend called out my name. “Oh, uh. I should get in there.” I got up off the couch and Jimin stopped me.

“Wait! Here’s my number. Let me know if you’re free sometime.” He wrote his number down on a scrap piece of paper and I took it.

“Sure. Maybe we can get some food later?” I asked. “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up.”

“I’ll text you the address,” I said, getting sucked back into his trance.

“Y/N! Where’d you go?!” I snapped out of it and waved good-bye.

I met up with my friend in the other room and couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. I couldn’t help it! I finally got a new years kiss.


Sehun drabble – Miss me?



genre: fluff

I never thought I’d be spending this Christmas counting the hours until Sehun got off work. He was busy with the SBS Gayo Daejun Awards and would be home until late. But the longer I waited, the lonelier I felt. Sehun tried to send me a text every now and again, but that stopped about an hour ago.

I went up to our bedroom and watched TV up there. I laid down on Sehun’s side of the bed and relaxed. My eyes fluttered shut and I started to doze off. My ears rang when I heard the beginning of Ko Ko Bop play. I watched EXO’s performance, smiling like a child when Sehun got some camera time. He looked so good! He really did light up the stage with his movements.

When their set ended, I felt sleepy again. I snuggled into his pillow and closed my eyes for a bit, but before  I realized it, I was asleep. The scent of his pillow created visions of him in my mind. His sweet smile, his fierce brown eyes, his gentle touch. He’s only been gone one day and I’ve already been missing his kiss. I missed the way he kissed my shoulders in the morning and the way his hand grazed up and down my side. I got the shivers and woke up from my sleep, but the feeling was still there. His lips were still on my shoulders and his hands were still on my side.

I turned over and saw him smiling at me. “Merry Christmas, Jagi.” He said.

I was so overwhelmed by the fact that he was really here. I flipped over on top of him and he laughed into my neck. I lifted my head up and smothered him with kisses until I landed on his warm lips. I hummed against his mouth, holding him tight.

“It is now! God, I’ve missed you.” I told him. His eyes contorted into the adorable half-moon shape when he smiled. “I missed you too, baby. I’m here now.” I laid my head on his chest and he reclined on his pillow.

“Oh! I almost forgot… Ta-da~” He handed me a little box with a note attached. ‘Always yours, Sehun’

“Aww, I thought you were too busy for gifts.” I took the box and opened it while he watched me eagerly.

I gasped when I  saw a beautiful titanium bracelet with ‘SH’ engraved on it. Sehun lifted his wrist to show his matching bracelet with my initials engraved on his.

“Why titanium?” I asked.

“Because it’s one of the strongest metals. It can overcome anything; Just like you and me.” I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head as I slipped it onto my wrist. I snaked my arm around his waist and felt him squeeze me tightly until his grip loosened when he fell asleep.