Sehun scenario – Stick with me


Requested by anon

Genre: smut for days! little fluff here and there. and a dash of angst

Warnings: blowjob, striptease, brief wet humping.

Summary: Sehun is always the one who protects you from everything, but after a particularly rough day, you end up giving him some special treatment.

I was in a state where I was constantly worrying about my boyfriend Sehun. He’s made a lot of enemies in his life and he’s isn’t afraid of a single one. Oh, Sehun backs down to no man, yet whenever I’m around, he’s a completely different person. He was the most relaxed, charming, and loyal man I’ve ever met. Even from the moment, we locked eyes in high school, I knew he was different. He’s not the person everyone made him out to be.

I wasn’t a social butterfly back in school, by any means, so I usually kept to myself. But despite me never breathing a word to the people I didn’t like, I was taunted for my looks and it caused some social anxiety. One day during my senior year, I had enough. I was packing up my backpack at the end of the day and turned to see Sehun doing the same. I smiled at him shyly, trying to be friendly, and he smirked.

A girl in my class came up out of nowhere and slapped my books out of my hand as I tried to put them in my locker. I slammed the door shut and started screaming at her.

“WHAT THE FUCK?! You’re really so shallow that you have to go out of your way to screw with me?”

All the fellow students in the hallway froze in shock. “Oh my god, It talks.” The girl said.

I clenched my fist and heard another voice behind me. “She’s feisty too.” One of the bone-head jocks joined the ‘fun’ and spanked my ass. I whipped around and raised my hand to slap him, but he ducked, dodging the blow.

“Missed me~” He teased.

Another locker slammed shut and I saw a flash of black hair race past me and watched as Sehun punched the jock in the mouth. The moment he hit the floor, one of the teachers came out and everyone scattered except me, Sehun and the jerk wiping the blood from his lip.

I ended up getting detention but my tormentors were suspended. Unfortunately, that punch was Sehun’s third strike and he was sent to another school, but not before we exchanged numbers and he asked me out.

“You wanna go out with… Me?” I repeated in disbelief.

“Yeah. It’s not every day I get to be the hero.”

We’ve been together ever since that day, but he never lost his brutal temper. I had to admit though, it was really hot when he got really intense and all shook up about something. Plus, he used all the leftover adrenaline in bed, which takes our sex life to a whole other level.

I pressed my thighs together at the thought of seeing his dark brown eyes roll back as he came. He was rough but gentle. He wouldn’t hurt me in a million years, but he’d mark me as his with little love bites and messy hair.

“UGH!!” The front door slammed shut and I was terrified for half a second. Groaning and slamming was Sehun’s calling card. Things got ugly.

I went out into the hallway and followed the sound of the bathroom sink turn on. I peaked in and saw a big cut on the side of my boyfriend’s face and panicked.

“Sehun, what happened?”

“Assholes tried to jump me.” He said with anger in his voice.

I walked closer, took the face towel out of his hand and had him turn to stand in front of me. I poured a little hydrogen peroxide on the tip of the towel and raised it to his cut. Sehun winced and inhaled sharply, making me hesitate. He started to calm down a little and I returned the damp towel to his cut, cleaning it out before putting a small bandage on.

“That should help it heal. It really didn’t look good at first.” I said, scolding him.

“You should see the other guys.” He said with a smile. I crossed my arms and he held my waist.

“No~ Baby please don’t be mad. I know you think scars are sexy…” He raised his eyebrows and I scoffed.  "You know you like it. Just a little.“ He came close to my face and I narrowed my eyes.

"Can I at least have a kiss to make it better?” He asked. His eyes transformed from dark and raging, to a lighter brown. That’s my Sehun.

I cupped the other side of his face and gently pressed my lips to the bandage. His hands slid from my waist to the back pockets in my jeans. He quickly pulled me into him, forcing our middles to touch and I looked at him with shock.

“Come on, baby.” He whined. He buried his face in my neck and planted soft kisses on my sweet spot. My heart rate quickened when I felt his warm lips trickle down to my chest. I laid my arms around his broad shoulders and tilted my head back, giving into the pleasure. If there was one thing I couldn’t resist, it was my baby’s lips.

Sehun started walking toward our bedroom, making me walk backward with him. His lips moved in perfect sync with mine, his touch making me melt in the palm of his hands. I briefly broke away as I fell back on the bed, but he pounced on top of me without missing a beat.

He pulled my ankles, holding me onto his lap and crashed our lips together. My moans started pouring out when his hands grinded my hips down on his while we kissed.

I held his shoulders and turned him over to lay him down on his back. I lifted his shirt up to get a better look at his perfectly sculpted body and he got rid of the top all together. My fingers spread out across his wide chest, feeling the smooth skin. Sehun held my hand, keeping it over his heart while his eyes said what his lips didn’t have too.

He slowly released me from his grasp, letting my hands move lower. I leaned in, lingering a few small kisses down his abdomen. All the muscles in his torso flexed when I made my way closer to his abrupt v-lines. I looked up at him, watching him shutter eagerly. With one last kiss above his pelvis, I unbuttoned his pants and yanked them down.

I nearly went for his underwear when he stopped me to make a point. “Why are you fully dressed and I’m naked?”

“I’ll have to change that won’t I.” I kissed his lips sensually and got off the bed.

Sehun moved up to the head of the bed, making his self-nice and comfortable. I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was watching before I started my little striptease for him.

I undid the button and zipper on my jeans and pushed them down my legs ever so slowly, giving him a full view of my silk panties before standing back up. I watched his right hand disappear into his boxers, holding his erect shaft tightly. I smirked at him and he signaled me to turn around with his free hand. I followed his direction and pulled up my shirt in the process of turning to face him. I tossed it to the other side of the room and crawled back on top.

“Happy?” I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

“Delighted.” He came close to my face for a kiss, but I paused.

“What is it?” He asked.

“I just wanted to use my mouth for something new.”

“Y-You mean you want to suck me off?”

“Yeah,” I said with a burst of confidence. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m willing to try it.

“Okay, baby. But only take in as much as you can.” He pulled his underwear off, throwing them with the rest of our clothing. I lowered myself to his middle, wrapping my fingers around his member just like he did moments earlier. His breath hitched and I smiled.

“Go slow, love. Just small licks first.” He instructed.

I massaged his tip with my tongue, wiping off the pre-cum, and placing my mouth over it when I felt ready for more. Sehun’s hands caressed the sides of my face, showing me how far down he wanted my mouth.

“That’s it. Use your tongue when you take my cock, baby.” His head fell back with a shiver up his spine.

His eyes shot open as soon as he felt my lips touch the base. “There’s no way you’re deep throating me on your first try. Oh shit~ Y/n~”

I swirled my tongue all around his shaft and before he could moan my name again, he came down my throat. His hands gripped the sheets below him and he called out again. “Holy shit, Y/n. You’re definitely getting off after this. Oh, fuck!”

He pulled out of my mouth while I gave him one last suck and he grabbed a hold of me, pinning me down with his rock hard arms. He moved my panties to one side and pumped his cock a few times to get hard again. His fingers opened my folds and he covered his shaft with my wetness.  My clit started to throb every time his tip rubbed against it.

I felt his cock get harder and harder with each long stroke and soon enough, he thrust into me, filling me up completely. I laid back and let my hips roll against him and just enjoyed the ride. His chest muscles rippled as a thin layer of sweat formed.

He leaned in and kissed me mid-moan, pushing his hot tongue into my mouth and completely dominating. It was completely pointless to try and fight him for dominance especially when he’s established it so many times before.

Our moans became more frequent and higher in pitch, his kisses got lazier and with one more hard thrust, we both came undone. His hips still maintained a powerful grinding motion and he held onto me when I went limp from overstimulation.

he rolled over and pulled me on top of him, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I draped my shaky arms around his toned frame and relaxed.

“Wow…” I said, unable to think of a better word. Sehun kissed my forehead and smiled.

“What did I do to deserve you…?” He said in a hushed voice.

I snuggled in closer and answered honestly. “You were there when no one else was. You stuck up for me even though it meant you’d get shipped off to another school.”

“And yet, here we still are years later.” He kissed the tip of my nose and settled on my lips. 

I know our love may seem strange, but as long as a have my sweet Sehun at the end of the day, all is well.


Chanyeol scenario – The guilty pleasure (1/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Summary: What would you do if your wildest fantasy and guilty pleasure collided?

Genre: angst, smut

Warnings: slight thigh riding, fingering, eating out, virgin

Everyone has a guilty pleasure. That one thing that you feel addicted to but could never tell anyone about. Well, that’s how my love for alternative rock started. It was just something I’d listen too but never played it out loud.

If my parents so much as heard one riff of an electric guitar, they’d have me living like a pilgrim. No phone, no TV, no computer. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. Some might even say spoiled but I see it as golden handcuffs. I was born into a wealthy family but there is always a price to pay. I’m only allowed to follow in my parent’s footsteps and go into a high-paying field.

Much like my older brother who is currently in his third ear in medical school. He’s never really been a free spirit, or free at all. My mother is a doctor and now soon he will be one too. My parent’s plans for me have always been about real-estate, but I want to do something with music. I want to write songs for famous artists and reap the rewards of being a well-known lyricist.

The moment I questioned ‘my’ life plan, my parents had me take a year off to ‘find myself’ which is currently just consisting of me being a real-estate intern. But in this time, I found my love for alternative music. The hidden messages in the lyrics and the innovative sound made me feel alive. There was one band I recently became obsessed with. I heard their song on Spotify and fell in love with the lead singer’s sexy, husky voice, but I could never find any pictures of them online, just album covers.

I did a little digging and found out they were playing at a club near me this weekend and I nearly squealed. I thought up a plan and had a stroke of good fortune. My parents are going to be out on a business trip this weekend!

When Friday night rolled around I couldn’t give them a reason to worry or feel suspicious. I put on a pair of PJ pants and a hoodie with my hair up in a bun. My mom knocked on my door and I turned.

“We’ll be back on Tuesday morning, okay? If you need anything call us or your brother.”

“I will. Love you!” I replied, holding my smile until she shut the door.  I watched them get into the car from my window. My dad waved goodbye and honked the horn as he drove down the street.

The second they were out of sight I hushed to my closet and thought of something to wear. I had to blend in without being too obvious. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and cut two slits in the knee area. I pulled at the loose threads to make it look like I didn’t just cut them and took one of the many Harvard shirts my parents got me as ‘subtle hints’ when I was trying to figure out what college to go to. I cut the shirt into a crop top and peaked at myself in the mirror. 

“Somethings missing…” An idea popped into my head and I took off the jeans to put on a pair of fishnet tights to go underneath. “Much better.”

I called a cab and started on my hair and makeup while I waited.  I took a final look and nodded at myself before grabbing my purse, phone, keys, and wallet. The cab pulled up and I dashed outside, locking the door to the house before getting in.

The whole way there I felt like I was about to go on a blind date. I was so excited to see what the band looked like and hear them play for the first time. If the lead singer was even half as attractive as his voice, he must be drop dead gorgeous.

The cab driver parked outside the club and I paid him before getting out. I walked to the back of the line and waited until I reached the front. The bouncer stopped a group of drunken frat boys in front of me and looked annoyed already.

“Bar crawlers, huh? Not here fellas. Beat it!” He shouted. They all started to try and argue, but it didn’t help their chances of getting in. The bouncer took one look at me and said, “Harvard girl. Go ahead.”

I smiled and made my way past the velvet rope. The crowd was mostly college-aged people like me so it was easy to fit in. I tried to get as close to the front as I could. Everyone in the room went wild as the band took the stage. It was like an attraction at first sight as I watched a tall guy with broad shoulders and bright red hair come out to center stage.

“How’s everyone feelin’?!” He asked. The crowd roared and a girl in the back screamed “I love you Chanyeol!” which made him smirk. Oh god. He has dimples too!

Chanyeol placed his guitar strap over his shoulder and started their first song with a full-on guitar solo. I loved the way he lost himself in his songs, and the way he closed his big brown eyes while he sang, and how he played with his whole body.

I jumped and danced to the beat, enjoying myself and Chanyeol’s eyes opened. He looked out at every face in the crowd before catching my stare. He sent me a little wink and I felt a wave of shivers up my spine.

“Woah…” I said to myself

The band played on and I couldn’t get enough. That is until I felt a pair of rough hands grab my hips, pulling me back onto some drunk guys crotch. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. I turned and pushed him away. He stumbled off and I tried to just forget the whole thing.

When the show ended the band walked off stage and I went to the bar for a bottle of water to cool off. I only took a few drinks when the jerk from before came back around.

“Hey, cutie. It’s too bad that our dance got cut short.” I cringed as he slurred his words and brushed him off. “I wouldn’t call that dancing. Just go away.”

“What’s the problem? Are you seeing someone?” He asked.

“Yes. She is.” I felt a massive hand hold my waist gently and recognized the husky voice. “So why don’t you do as you’re told and go away. Now.”

The guy stormed off and I looked up to see Chanyeol towering above me. He was even more handsome up close. I didn’t even realize how big his hands were until they were on my waist.

He let go of me and apologized. “Sorry If that was too forward.”

“No. That’s okay. It worked.” I felt myself starting to get star struck and he smiled.

“I’m Chanyeol.” He held out his hand and I took it. “Thanks, Chanyeol. I’m Y/n.”

“Pretty name. It suits you perfectly.” I could tell he was definitely the charmer of the group. “Did you come alone?”

“Yeah. I thought I could use an escape.” I confessed.

“I get that.”

I was nearly scared to death when the regular club music started in with pounding bass. Chanyeol and I jumped at the sudden noise and he leaned toward my ear.

“Do you need some fresh air?” He asked. I nodded frantically and followed him out the back door.

“That was unexpected… Wow.” He said rubbing his cute ears.

“You did really well tonight though.” I complimented.

“Thanks. I suppose we’re not too bad for a garage band.” He said kicking a rock with his shoe.

“You’re in a garage band? But I heard your song on Spotify just the other day.” I said feeling intrigued.

He told me all about how he and his band would play in his bassist’s garage and one day a new family moved in down the street and heard them playing. Luckily for them, the mother of that family owned a recording studio and offered them a contract. “And that’s how we got a manager.” He explained. “Six months later, here we are, playing in the club scene. It definitely beats the frat parties we usually play at.”

“That would explain the young drunk guys hanging around… They’re your fanboys.” I joked. His smile was like a virus. Whenever he smiles I instantly feel happier than I’ve ever been.

“I’ve always been interested in the music industry,” I confessed. “I was thinking of being a lyricist someday.”

“Really? Have you been writing songs?” He asked. I nodded and replied, “Yeah. If I don’t have my notebook around I just type some lyrics out on this app on my phone.”

I opened the app and showed him what I’ve been working on. He read through every word and raised his eyebrows halfway through.  He started to bob his head slightly, picking up the rhythm and stopped when he finished reading.

“Wow. You’re pretty amazing.” He said casually. My eyes went wide and I nearly squealed. I was so shocked by what he said.

“Really?” I said in disbelief.

“Of course. Besides, if you are passionate enough about music to come out here as an escape from the real world, you should really go for it and make this your career.” He said, pointing to the words on my phone.

“Thanks. I needed to hear that from someone.” My gaze went from his eyes to his lips and before I could stop myself, I was staring. My bubbly smile faded and I started to get shy and tried to look down at my shoes to stop myself from kissing him, but I just glanced at his big hands instead. I wondered what they would feel like on my bare skin, and how his biceps would look as he held me in place.

I bit my bottom lip, just imagining all the things he could do to me. I watched his hand come up and felt his thumb pull my lip out from between my teeth. He cupped my face, both relaxing me and getting me to look him in the eye.

“You shouldn’t do that. Lips aren’t for biting.” He said with a small smirk.

I smirked right back at him and took a risk in out battle of witts. “What are they for then?”

He cupped both my cheeks and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I hummed against his lips and kissed him back. My hands pressed to the small of his back, bringing him closer and he took a hold of my hands, repositioning them around his neck instead. His strong arms held onto my waist, locking me against him, just as I imagined he would.

He wedged his thigh between my legs and grinded our hips together. I moaned into his mouth and his warm tongue slid past my lips. We both moved back toward the brick wall without stopping our hot kiss. It only took me two seconds to realize I won’t be home until tomorrow if I play my cards right in the next ten seconds.

I pulled back and caught my breath. “I want you,” I whispered.

Chanyeol smiled at me and pulled me off the wall. “I live two blocks away.” Nope. I’m not going home tonight.

We walked down the street, hand in hand until we reached an apartment building. We walked down the hall and up the stairs and Chanyeol pulled out his keys. He leads me up to his loft and unlocked the door. I walked in first and immediately turned around to kiss him again. He lifted me up, into his arms and kicked the door shut with a loud slam.

I landed softly on his bed and he stripped off this clothing. He slipped off his underwear and I gasped. His smirk turned into a cheeky smile and he crawled on top of me, kissing my neck up to my lips. He pulled off my top and undid my bra before taking my breasts into his huge hands.

His lips traveled down my body, stopping at my hips, and looking up at me through his eyelashes. He undid my jeans and tore them off all at once. He kissed just below my navel and slid his hand into my panties, touching the smooth skin on my pelvis. He inhaled a shaky breath when he felt my wetness.  His thumb started to rub tiny circles around my clit and I settled into a daze.

He pulled my panties down and I moaned when his mouth worked my aching core. I lost my fingers in his red hair and rolled my hips, pleasuring myself with his mouth and fingers. His middle finger thrust faster, coming closer to my g-spot until he finally hit it.

“Ch-Chanyeol~” I called out his name and flexed my thighs around his head.  His nimble tongue licked up my juices and I felt myself get closer to my climax.

Chanyeol moved his lips off my folds, lifting his head and his fingers slowed. He hovered over me and positioned himself at my center. He pushed in slowly, making me feel him stretch out my walls and my head fell back with a moan. He slid all the way in with ease, thanks to his skilled foreplay, and paused when my pelvis met the base of his cock.

He started his thrusts, moving in and out. “Y/n…Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”

“You’re so big…” I whimpered. My nails scratched the tender skin on his back gingerly and I clenched around him. His hips bucked, forcing his member in faster.

“I’m gonna-” Chanyeol cut me off with a deep kiss. I moved my hands back up and tangled my fingers in his hair. “I know, baby. Moan for me.”

We both came at the same time, screaming and moaning each other’s names in ecstasy. Chanyeol finished off deep inside my walls and I took a moment to cool down. He rolled off of me and scooped me into his arms.

“Wow.” He said under his breath. He looked at me and noticed how timid I was acting. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not exactly. I’m just a little sore is all.” I said.

“Oh. Wait two seconds.” He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I listened to the faucet turn on and off and the sound of his footsteps coming back. “Here.” He handed me a cold washcloth and I laid it on my hips where he held onto me tightly.

“Wait… Were you?” He started his question and hoped my answer would be ‘no’ but… “Yeah. I was a virgin.”

“Oh, baby I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?” His big brown eyes were filled with worry and regret while he spoke, but I had to be honest.

“I didn’t say anything because I wanted this. I don’t want to be the girl that does exactly what she’s told all the time and frankly, I really liked it.” I told him.

“Huh…” He said, processing his thoughts.


“I never thought I had a type, but seeing a good girl go bad kinda turns me on.” He said. I laughed and slapped his chest playfully and he came in closer. We both snuggled in together and he just gazed at me for a while. 

“I think this might actually be the start of something real.” He whispered.

I thought to my self before answering, “Me too.”

To be continued…

Appa!Jungkook – Two little bunnies


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Summary: Jungkook’s hiatus/paternity leave has come to an end and your twins are having to say goodbye to their daddy before he goes back on tour with the group.

Genre: Fluff, parenthood, a little sad (It’ll get better)

Typically I can tell if it’ll be a good or bad day depending on how the morning goes and how the twins are feeling, but today was a special exception. Jungkook is going back on tour for the first time since the group took a pause after the twins were born. Bangtan was on tour during my pregnancy and Jungkook was able to get a break for the birth of his children, but immediately finished off the tour.

The group then went on a semi-hiatus, meaning they just took a long break, recorded a new album, performed at small music shows to promote the songs, and took another long break. But they never actually left the country. Jungkook has been by my side for the past two years, raising our little babies, but He and I both know that he needs to keep his career going. The last thing the group needs is to fade away and become irrelevant.

Last night Jungkook and I woke up by our two-year-olds at the side of our bed, both of them holding their stuffed bunnies and wanting to sleep with us. He just gave in and lifted them into the big, king-sized bed and they cuddled into their father’s sides and fell asleep in seconds. I knew right then and there that today was going to be difficult.

I woke up and turned to see our son and daughter completely on top of my husband, fast asleep. “Oh, boy…” I muttered to myself. I tapped Jungkook on the arm and he opened his eyes, attempting to get up. He froze when he saw two tiny bodies on him and laughed quietly. He wrapped his arms around the two of them and Got out of bed carefully. The twins both woke up once gravity coaxed them out of sleep and they felt their father’s tight grip.

They wiggled and he let them down to start walking and they all followed me to the kitchen for breakfast. I put our kids in their high chairs and gave them both some granola and yogurt. Our son started to play with his food, poking at the oats with his spoon instead of eating.

“What’s wrong, baby? Did you want something else?” I asked him.

He shook his head and said, “No.” But he still didn’t eat his breakfast. I looked at our daughter and she did the same. She rested her head on her hand and pouted her lip, mixing the granola with the yogurt. It was amazing that our two-year-olds were able to give off such a strong emotion that affected everyone in the room.

Jungkook raised his hand and rubbed the top of his son’s head, encouraging him to feel better. “It’s okay. I’ll be back home before you know it.” Our son nodded and took a spoonful into his mouth, finally eating his food. And of course what one does, the other will follow. His twin sister stopped mixing and started eating too. I sighed in relief and we all enjoyed our meal in peace.

After breakfast, Jungkook and I took the bowls and silverware and put it in the dishwasher. He let the twins off their highchairs and they went running off their room. Jungkook came up behind me and gave me a hug.

“It’ll be okay. I promise.” He whispered. I turned around and hugged him back. “I know.”

We were interrupted by two small pairs of feet racing back into the kitchen. Jungkook smiled when he saw them half dressed and took them back to their room to get ready to leave. I went into the master bedroom and got dressed too. My husband came in a few minutes later and got his bags ready to go before taking a quick shower. I went into the twins room, packing up the diaper bag and doing a final check to make sure we were ready to go. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Jungkook dressed the two of them. Our daughter was in her little green and pink bomber jacket with matching ankle booties and leggings while our son wore his favorite playtime t-shirt and joggers. I grabbed his coat and Jungkoook came out fully dressed with his phone and wallet in hand.

Within minutes, we were all ready and loaded up the car. Jungkook and I decided it would be good to drive to the BigHit building with the twins so they could say goodbye to the other members as well. 

We pulled up to the front entrance and I got out of the car. I was relieved to see the crowd of fans far enough away so the twins wouldn’t get nervous. I unbuckled the two kids and they latched onto me as I lifted them out of the car. A few of the staffs came over and unloaded the luggage from the trunk. I followed my husband to the other side of the parking area and let our little ones down. He crouched to their height and they looked at him like a couple of sad puppies.

“I want you two to be good okay?” They both nodded in agreement and kept a pout on their lips. “If you two need anything, call me and I’ll answer.” They nodded again and he gave them a kiss and hug goodbye. He stood up and gave me a tender kiss on my lips. He grabbed his bag and got in the van to go to the airport.

The other members waved and gave the twins high-fives as they all went to the van. Our son and daughter both waved once more and watched them all drive away. They both laughed when they caught sight of uncle Taehyung making silly faces out the back window. They drove around the corner and that was it.

I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek when I saw my two little angels start to cry. I reached down and grabbed their hands and we went back to the car. I tried to put on a brave face while I buckled them in but it was no use. I wiped their tears away and got in the front seat to bring them home as quickly as possible. I know they would feel more relaxed if they were in the comfort of their own home at this point.

Thankfully, by the time we reached the house, they both stopped crying. I turned on their favorite movie and made them a sweet snack to cheer them up. They wiggled their way up onto the couch and became hypnotized by the film and ate their food.

The rest of the day went really smoothly since I was able to distract them. They started to get tired and eventually fell asleep on Jungkook’s spot on the couch. I turned the TV off and scrolled through SNS on my phone.

I saw a notification from Instagram. I opened the app and saw I was mentioned in Jungkook’s post. Jungkook was holding the pink and blue stuffed rabbits in a selfie labeled ‘A gift from my little bunnies’. I took a picture of them all curled up together and sent it to him in a text. I started to feel better about him being gone for a while, but as long as he had a little piece of them, he would feel better too.


Sehun scenario – Caught warm-hearted


💓Febuary request💓

genre: Fluff!

summary: You and sehun have always been seen as the ‘cold’ looking couple with sarcasm to spare, but when the members find out how you two really act in private, the real fun begins for them.


I checked the clock again and looked at my phone to see if I had any new messages.

“Sehun-ah. Are you waiting for something?” Chanyeol asked. “Or someone?” he teased.

“No. I’m just checking the clock,” I said.

Chanyeol, Kai, and I were in the studio today to record the rap lines for the new title song. We were told that if we finished the first draft of lyrics, we would have an extra 30 minutes for lunch. I figured since we’d be here until later tonight, I’d invite my girlfriend down for lunch, and an extra 30 minutes just means more time together before I have to get back to work.

We all continued the session, recording and stopping, recording and stopping until our manager came in and checked on the three of us. He looked at our lyrics and nodded in approval. “Looks good so far. Enjoy your hour and a half lunch break.”

“Yes!” I grabbed my phone and texted, Y/n. to let her know I was able to let her in.

I hurried as quickly as I could to the back door and hoped that no one spotted her. We made our relationship public about a month ago and if anyone spotted her, this whole building would be surrounded by fans trying to catch us together.

I sighed in relief when I saw her through the glass, completely on her own and waving at me.

Your POV

“Hey!” I said when Sehun opened the door. He grabbed my hand and we went inside. “I packed your favorite lunch,” I said holding up the bag in my other hand.

“Oooohhh, now I see why you were checking the clock! You wanted to see your little girlfriend.” Kai and chanyeol appeared in the middle of the hall and Sehun sighed in annoyance.

“Haha! She’s literally little too!” Chanyeol joked. “Where are you going?”

“Disney World…” I said sarcastically. Kai burst into giggles and hit Chanyeol on the shoulder playfully.

Sehun opened the door to one of the empty practice rooms, letting me go in before him, and locked the door. He moved the gym mats over and stacked them like a couch for us to sit on. I opened up the bag and gave him his lunch.

“Thanks, Jagiyah.” He kissed my forehead and I pulled my laptop out of my tote bag. “No problem.” I placed it on my lap and played an episode for the both of us to watch. I put my head on his shoulder and we both just relaxed for a while.

“So is the recording going well?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I’m just hoping it all goes well. Manager-hyung said our first draft of rap lines were off to a good start.” I could hear the tension in his voice.

“I think it’ll go well. You’re very talented, Sehunnie.” I told him. He smiled and leaned toward me, but I pulled back with a laugh.

“No~ What if the boys burst in here?” I said. He turned away from me and pouted his lip. “Aww, Come on. Don’t pout that cute little lip~” I pinched his cheek and he faced me again, trying to kiss me. “NOOOO~~~” I tiled away from him again and pushed his face away, making him laugh.

“If you don’t want to get kissed, stop saying nice things to me!” He whined.

“Fine! You’re garbage…” I teased. Once again, he leaned in to kiss me. I grabbed his cheeks, stopping him from kissing me, which only made him try harder. He hovered over me, making my computer slide off my lap and onto the padded surface.

“AH-HA!!!” We both looked toward the door and saw Baekhyun pointing a chopstick at the two of us; both making it known that we’ve been caught, and showing us how he picked the lock to get in.

Sehun quickly got off of me and we both sat up straight. Baekhyun moved aside, letting Kai and Chanyeol see what he’s discovered. Kai’s expression was as if he just witnessed something truly magical. His jaw dropped halfway to the floor and Chanyeol started pointing and laughing.

“I knew it!” Baekhyun shouted. “You two-”

“Don’t say it!” I warned him.

“Are ADORABLE!” He finished. Sehun shot up and pushed them all out the door. “I got it once! I can do it again!” Baekhyun said with a devilish smile.

Sehun relocked the door and sat down next to me. “Well so much for that.” He said, wrapping his arm around me and bringing me in close. I cupped his cheeks and finally gave him a kiss on his lips. He looked at me with shock and I shrugged. “What? We already got caught.”


EXO reaction – catching their GF touching herself

He would stand there in shock for about two seconds, but then he’d want you to keep going. He loves watching the look on your face when you feel intense pleasure.

“I told you to wait until I got home.”
He wouldn’t be happy about you touching yourself. Only daddy!Suho can touch his babygirl. He would definitely consider all the different ways he can punish you for being a bad girl.

He really would lose control. the moment he sees you with your hand between your legs, he’d want to trade your fingers with his rock hard member.

The sight of you would be something for him to savor. He’d walk quietly so he wouldn’t disturb you and make you realize he’s there. That is until you feel a second hand replacing your own. He wants to be the one to finish you off.

The look of shock on his face would turn into pure lust and desire. He has to admit that seeing you this way is a major turn on.

He would be on top of you in 0.2 seconds. He’d flip you over on your stomach with a quick strike to your ass for punishment. But after that, it’s all pleasure.

He’d drop his bag on the floor, making it obvious that he’s home and caught you. He would walk to you slowly and stop at the side of the bed. “Arms up.” He would tie your wrists together and make sure you don’t break his ‘no touching’ rule again.

How could he blame you? He teased you with what was about to be moring sex and abruptly got dressed and left when his alarm went off. He would make it up to you by kissing, touching, and marking what was his.

His smirk would let you know he wants you to keep going. He stripped off his clothing and bury his face between your legs.His hands would grab a hold of your wrists to keep you from touching him while he brings you to orgasm.

J-Hope drabble – Perfectly imperfect


💓Febuary request💓

Genre: FLUFF, gender neutral

Hoseok’s eyes lit up when I handed him his birthday gift. He shook the box gently, trying to figure out what was inside before he actually opened it.

“You really didn’t have to get me anything. I’m just happy to spend the day with you.” He said.

“Just open it. You’ll be a lot happier.”

He opened to the top and a black cloud of smoke came bursting out. He dropped the box and the fire alarm started beeping. I started to panic and grabbed my boyfriend’s hand to try and get out of the house.

My eyes flew open as I gasped. I lifted my head off the pillow and realized it was all just a bad dream. I sniffed the air and still smelled smoke. I jumped when I heard the beeping continue throughout the house. I looked over to Hoseok’s side of the bed, but he wasn’t there. Oh god.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my boyfriend opening the windows and fanning the smoke out. I leaned against the wall and cleared my throat to get his attention.

“Oh. Hey jagi.” He said with a nervous smile. He picked up the pan from the stove. “Pancakes?” He offered in a way that I’m hoping was sarcastic. My eyes went wide when I saw how burnt they were.

“Are you trying to burn the house down? How’d you even do that?” I asked.

“Well, I was trying to make pancakes but the stove was on too high and then I tried to cook some bacon and the grease caught fire.” He looked so helpless and flustered. I walked over to him with my arms crossed. “Are you mad?” He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I couldn’t resist.

I gave him a small kiss, cupping his cheeks and he smiled, showing his tiny dimples. “It’s okay, Hobi. I just got a little freaked out when I heard the alarm go off is all.” He kissed me back and I took the pan, dumping the burned food into the trash.

“How about I just handle breakfast. You’re the birthday boy. You shouldn’t be cooking.” I took out two new pans and used the leftover pancake batter. I cooked up the bacon and eggs while a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back a little.

“Be careful, baby. I don’t want you to get burned.” I warned. He kissed my shoulder. “I’ll be okay.”

I finished our breakfast and grabbed two plates. Hoseok went to the fridge and got the whipped cream and syrup. We went to the couch and turned on the TV. He got excited when he saw his favorite morning anime was on and we cuddled together.

“Thank you for breakfast, Jagi. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He kissed my head, making me blush.

“Honestly. Neither do I.” I teased. He leaned down and kissed me again. “Happy birthday, hobi.”