Chanyeol scenario – The guilty pleasure (1/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Summary: What would you do if your wildest fantasy and guilty pleasure collided?

Genre: angst, smut

Warnings: slight thigh riding, fingering, eating out, virgin

Everyone has a guilty pleasure. That one thing that you feel addicted to but could never tell anyone about. Well, that’s how my love for alternative rock started. It was just something I’d listen too but never played it out loud.

If my parents so much as heard one riff of an electric guitar, they’d have me living like a pilgrim. No phone, no TV, no computer. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. Some might even say spoiled but I see it as golden handcuffs. I was born into a wealthy family but there is always a price to pay. I’m only allowed to follow in my parent’s footsteps and go into a high-paying field.

Much like my older brother who is currently in his third ear in medical school. He’s never really been a free spirit, or free at all. My mother is a doctor and now soon he will be one too. My parent’s plans for me have always been about real-estate, but I want to do something with music. I want to write songs for famous artists and reap the rewards of being a well-known lyricist.

The moment I questioned ‘my’ life plan, my parents had me take a year off to ‘find myself’ which is currently just consisting of me being a real-estate intern. But in this time, I found my love for alternative music. The hidden messages in the lyrics and the innovative sound made me feel alive. There was one band I recently became obsessed with. I heard their song on Spotify and fell in love with the lead singer’s sexy, husky voice, but I could never find any pictures of them online, just album covers.

I did a little digging and found out they were playing at a club near me this weekend and I nearly squealed. I thought up a plan and had a stroke of good fortune. My parents are going to be out on a business trip this weekend!

When Friday night rolled around I couldn’t give them a reason to worry or feel suspicious. I put on a pair of PJ pants and a hoodie with my hair up in a bun. My mom knocked on my door and I turned.

“We’ll be back on Tuesday morning, okay? If you need anything call us or your brother.”

“I will. Love you!” I replied, holding my smile until she shut the door.  I watched them get into the car from my window. My dad waved goodbye and honked the horn as he drove down the street.

The second they were out of sight I hushed to my closet and thought of something to wear. I had to blend in without being too obvious. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and cut two slits in the knee area. I pulled at the loose threads to make it look like I didn’t just cut them and took one of the many Harvard shirts my parents got me as ‘subtle hints’ when I was trying to figure out what college to go to. I cut the shirt into a crop top and peaked at myself in the mirror. 

“Somethings missing…” An idea popped into my head and I took off the jeans to put on a pair of fishnet tights to go underneath. “Much better.”

I called a cab and started on my hair and makeup while I waited.  I took a final look and nodded at myself before grabbing my purse, phone, keys, and wallet. The cab pulled up and I dashed outside, locking the door to the house before getting in.

The whole way there I felt like I was about to go on a blind date. I was so excited to see what the band looked like and hear them play for the first time. If the lead singer was even half as attractive as his voice, he must be drop dead gorgeous.

The cab driver parked outside the club and I paid him before getting out. I walked to the back of the line and waited until I reached the front. The bouncer stopped a group of drunken frat boys in front of me and looked annoyed already.

“Bar crawlers, huh? Not here fellas. Beat it!” He shouted. They all started to try and argue, but it didn’t help their chances of getting in. The bouncer took one look at me and said, “Harvard girl. Go ahead.”

I smiled and made my way past the velvet rope. The crowd was mostly college-aged people like me so it was easy to fit in. I tried to get as close to the front as I could. Everyone in the room went wild as the band took the stage. It was like an attraction at first sight as I watched a tall guy with broad shoulders and bright red hair come out to center stage.

“How’s everyone feelin’?!” He asked. The crowd roared and a girl in the back screamed “I love you Chanyeol!” which made him smirk. Oh god. He has dimples too!

Chanyeol placed his guitar strap over his shoulder and started their first song with a full-on guitar solo. I loved the way he lost himself in his songs, and the way he closed his big brown eyes while he sang, and how he played with his whole body.

I jumped and danced to the beat, enjoying myself and Chanyeol’s eyes opened. He looked out at every face in the crowd before catching my stare. He sent me a little wink and I felt a wave of shivers up my spine.

“Woah…” I said to myself

The band played on and I couldn’t get enough. That is until I felt a pair of rough hands grab my hips, pulling me back onto some drunk guys crotch. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. I turned and pushed him away. He stumbled off and I tried to just forget the whole thing.

When the show ended the band walked off stage and I went to the bar for a bottle of water to cool off. I only took a few drinks when the jerk from before came back around.

“Hey, cutie. It’s too bad that our dance got cut short.” I cringed as he slurred his words and brushed him off. “I wouldn’t call that dancing. Just go away.”

“What’s the problem? Are you seeing someone?” He asked.

“Yes. She is.” I felt a massive hand hold my waist gently and recognized the husky voice. “So why don’t you do as you’re told and go away. Now.”

The guy stormed off and I looked up to see Chanyeol towering above me. He was even more handsome up close. I didn’t even realize how big his hands were until they were on my waist.

He let go of me and apologized. “Sorry If that was too forward.”

“No. That’s okay. It worked.” I felt myself starting to get star struck and he smiled.

“I’m Chanyeol.” He held out his hand and I took it. “Thanks, Chanyeol. I’m Y/n.”

“Pretty name. It suits you perfectly.” I could tell he was definitely the charmer of the group. “Did you come alone?”

“Yeah. I thought I could use an escape.” I confessed.

“I get that.”

I was nearly scared to death when the regular club music started in with pounding bass. Chanyeol and I jumped at the sudden noise and he leaned toward my ear.

“Do you need some fresh air?” He asked. I nodded frantically and followed him out the back door.

“That was unexpected… Wow.” He said rubbing his cute ears.

“You did really well tonight though.” I complimented.

“Thanks. I suppose we’re not too bad for a garage band.” He said kicking a rock with his shoe.

“You’re in a garage band? But I heard your song on Spotify just the other day.” I said feeling intrigued.

He told me all about how he and his band would play in his bassist’s garage and one day a new family moved in down the street and heard them playing. Luckily for them, the mother of that family owned a recording studio and offered them a contract. “And that’s how we got a manager.” He explained. “Six months later, here we are, playing in the club scene. It definitely beats the frat parties we usually play at.”

“That would explain the young drunk guys hanging around… They’re your fanboys.” I joked. His smile was like a virus. Whenever he smiles I instantly feel happier than I’ve ever been.

“I’ve always been interested in the music industry,” I confessed. “I was thinking of being a lyricist someday.”

“Really? Have you been writing songs?” He asked. I nodded and replied, “Yeah. If I don’t have my notebook around I just type some lyrics out on this app on my phone.”

I opened the app and showed him what I’ve been working on. He read through every word and raised his eyebrows halfway through.  He started to bob his head slightly, picking up the rhythm and stopped when he finished reading.

“Wow. You’re pretty amazing.” He said casually. My eyes went wide and I nearly squealed. I was so shocked by what he said.

“Really?” I said in disbelief.

“Of course. Besides, if you are passionate enough about music to come out here as an escape from the real world, you should really go for it and make this your career.” He said, pointing to the words on my phone.

“Thanks. I needed to hear that from someone.” My gaze went from his eyes to his lips and before I could stop myself, I was staring. My bubbly smile faded and I started to get shy and tried to look down at my shoes to stop myself from kissing him, but I just glanced at his big hands instead. I wondered what they would feel like on my bare skin, and how his biceps would look as he held me in place.

I bit my bottom lip, just imagining all the things he could do to me. I watched his hand come up and felt his thumb pull my lip out from between my teeth. He cupped my face, both relaxing me and getting me to look him in the eye.

“You shouldn’t do that. Lips aren’t for biting.” He said with a small smirk.

I smirked right back at him and took a risk in out battle of witts. “What are they for then?”

He cupped both my cheeks and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I hummed against his lips and kissed him back. My hands pressed to the small of his back, bringing him closer and he took a hold of my hands, repositioning them around his neck instead. His strong arms held onto my waist, locking me against him, just as I imagined he would.

He wedged his thigh between my legs and grinded our hips together. I moaned into his mouth and his warm tongue slid past my lips. We both moved back toward the brick wall without stopping our hot kiss. It only took me two seconds to realize I won’t be home until tomorrow if I play my cards right in the next ten seconds.

I pulled back and caught my breath. “I want you,” I whispered.

Chanyeol smiled at me and pulled me off the wall. “I live two blocks away.” Nope. I’m not going home tonight.

We walked down the street, hand in hand until we reached an apartment building. We walked down the hall and up the stairs and Chanyeol pulled out his keys. He leads me up to his loft and unlocked the door. I walked in first and immediately turned around to kiss him again. He lifted me up, into his arms and kicked the door shut with a loud slam.

I landed softly on his bed and he stripped off this clothing. He slipped off his underwear and I gasped. His smirk turned into a cheeky smile and he crawled on top of me, kissing my neck up to my lips. He pulled off my top and undid my bra before taking my breasts into his huge hands.

His lips traveled down my body, stopping at my hips, and looking up at me through his eyelashes. He undid my jeans and tore them off all at once. He kissed just below my navel and slid his hand into my panties, touching the smooth skin on my pelvis. He inhaled a shaky breath when he felt my wetness.  His thumb started to rub tiny circles around my clit and I settled into a daze.

He pulled my panties down and I moaned when his mouth worked my aching core. I lost my fingers in his red hair and rolled my hips, pleasuring myself with his mouth and fingers. His middle finger thrust faster, coming closer to my g-spot until he finally hit it.

“Ch-Chanyeol~” I called out his name and flexed my thighs around his head.  His nimble tongue licked up my juices and I felt myself get closer to my climax.

Chanyeol moved his lips off my folds, lifting his head and his fingers slowed. He hovered over me and positioned himself at my center. He pushed in slowly, making me feel him stretch out my walls and my head fell back with a moan. He slid all the way in with ease, thanks to his skilled foreplay, and paused when my pelvis met the base of his cock.

He started his thrusts, moving in and out. “Y/n…Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”

“You’re so big…” I whimpered. My nails scratched the tender skin on his back gingerly and I clenched around him. His hips bucked, forcing his member in faster.

“I’m gonna-” Chanyeol cut me off with a deep kiss. I moved my hands back up and tangled my fingers in his hair. “I know, baby. Moan for me.”

We both came at the same time, screaming and moaning each other’s names in ecstasy. Chanyeol finished off deep inside my walls and I took a moment to cool down. He rolled off of me and scooped me into his arms.

“Wow.” He said under his breath. He looked at me and noticed how timid I was acting. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not exactly. I’m just a little sore is all.” I said.

“Oh. Wait two seconds.” He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I listened to the faucet turn on and off and the sound of his footsteps coming back. “Here.” He handed me a cold washcloth and I laid it on my hips where he held onto me tightly.

“Wait… Were you?” He started his question and hoped my answer would be ‘no’ but… “Yeah. I was a virgin.”

“Oh, baby I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?” His big brown eyes were filled with worry and regret while he spoke, but I had to be honest.

“I didn’t say anything because I wanted this. I don’t want to be the girl that does exactly what she’s told all the time and frankly, I really liked it.” I told him.

“Huh…” He said, processing his thoughts.


“I never thought I had a type, but seeing a good girl go bad kinda turns me on.” He said. I laughed and slapped his chest playfully and he came in closer. We both snuggled in together and he just gazed at me for a while. 

“I think this might actually be the start of something real.” He whispered.

I thought to my self before answering, “Me too.”

To be continued…

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