Chanyeol scenario – The ultimatum (2/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Genre: ANGST

Previously: “I think this might actually be the start of something real.” He whispered. I thought to my self before answering, “Me too.”

Six blissful months with Chanyeol have gone by since our first encounter and I never felt so free. When I’m with him, everything changes for the better. There are no parents breathing down my neck or pressure to get my career started.

With the money I saved from my paid internship at my uncle’s real estate firm, I was able to rent an apartment for myself just a few miles away from Chanyeol’s place. Of course, I still come back to my parent’s house once a month for family dinner with them, my brother, and his new wife. 

But this last time, I was caught in a dilemma that I never saw coming. And it all started when my mom said, “Y/n, how are your classes coming along?” My mom asked. I looked up from my plate and smiled before answering, “Great. I got really high scores on my midterms.”

“Very good, princess.” My dad said. “And how are things at the practice, son?” He asked, turning to my brother.

“Really well. In fact, things are going well at home too.” He took his wife’s hand and smiled. “We’re expecting a new addition to the family.”

My parents gasped and my mom leaped out of her char to hug them both. My dad leaned to my brother to give him a congratulatory hug once he was freed from my mom’s embrace and we all raised a glass.

“To family.” My dad said before we all took a sip.

My mom’s attention was redirected to me and I knew what was coming, the same question she asks me every time I come over.

“So Y/n. are you seeing anyone special?”

My heart pounded and my voice wavered as I spoke, “Well, uh…”

“Oh! You know who is single? My coworker, Mary’s son! He’s adorable and comes from a very good family.” She said.

“Y/m/n, Don’t pry. My little girl doesn’t need to see anyone special just yet.” My dad said.

“It’s not that, daddy. I’m just not looking.” I said, trying not to give anything away. My brother looked at me with a confused glare. “Have you already found someone?” He asked.

I sat there in silence for a second, not confirming nor denying, but it was pretty obvious. Sweetheart! It’s great if you met someone.“ My mom said. "How long have you two been together?”

“It’s recent.” I lied.

“Well, we want to meet him. How about tomorrow night? I’ll hire a chef to prepare something. Oh, I can’t wait!” She said in excitement.

I barely touched my food after that. I felt both nervous and guilty. Chanyeol shouldn’t have to be swept up in my families high expectations. My parents would hire a tutor for me if I got a B on a test. Not to mention, my brother’s wife. The girl is a big-time environmental lawyer and spends half of her money on children’s hospitals and no-kill dog shelters.  She’s basically Wonder Woman.

After dinner, stopped by my old room and looked around at all the things I left behind. When I moved out, it turned into my own storage locker. I sat down to look at all the old photos of myself growing up and some CDs I used to listen to.

“You were lying earlier.” I heard my brothers voice and nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to see him leaning in the doorway and stood up.

“Lied about what?”

“Oh, please Y/n I didn’t minor in behavioral psychology for nothing. The shaky voice, not maintaining eye contact, vague details. You’ve had a boyfriend for a while now haven’t you?” He said.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

He came in and sat next to me on my bed. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner.?”

“Because… I know mom and dad would disapprove.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Oh. But I do!” I got up and paced to my closet. “I’m dating Park Chanyeol,” I said.

“I don’t know who that is.” My brother said after thinking for a moment. I sighed and pulled out my phone to show me a picture.

“Oh, yeah. They’re gonna be pissed. Is his hair red?” He asked studying the image on the screen.

“No, it’s blue now. He changed it a few days ago.”

“Okay, all that aside. If you really like this guy, you just need to be honest. Mom and dad respond well to the truth.” He assured me. “Is it serious with you two?”

“Yeah. We started dating six months ago during my whole ‘year off’ thing.”

“Well, firstly, kudos for holding out for that long, and second, tell them that.” He said referring to our parents. I sat back down and hunched over in defeat. He rubbed my back and I felt a little better.

“Just be honest. I mean, it’s shocking, and I definitely have a lot of questions myself, but it’ll be fine.” I sat back up and smiled at him. “You’re a good brother.”

“I try.” He said, wrapping his arm around him with a small squeeze. We both sat there until his questions couldn’t be held back. “How’d you meet him?”

“I- uh. Snuck out and went to a gig that he was playing at downtown.”

“He’s a musician?” He questioned. I nodded and he huffed in disbelief. “Yeah, they’re gonna be pissed for sure.”

“Oh, god!!!” I groaned, falling backward out of his grasp. I covered my face with my hands and heard my mom shout in the distance.

“Y/n! Come take some leftovers home. I want to make sure you’re eating right.” I sighed and got up to go back downstairs. My brother reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me in and said, “Remember: Be honest.” He looked at me to make sure I understood and I nodded. “Be honest,” I repeated.

I grabbed the leftovers and said goodbye to my mom and dad before leaving. When I got back to my apartment, I slumped onto the couch and my mind continued to race.

I heard the sound of keys in the lock and the door opened. I looked over the side of the couch and saw Chanyeol walking toward me.

“There’s my girl. I got some take out in case you’re hungry.” He put the bag on the coffee table in front of me and opened the Chinese takeout boxes. He moved my legs so he could sit down and looked at me closely.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I sighed to myself and answered again truthfully. “No.” I sat up and leaned on his shoulder.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, pulling me into his arms.

“It’s my parents,” I told him. “I heavily implied that I was with someone and now they want to meet you. Tomorrow.”

He stayed silent for a while and spoke when he had his thoughts in order. “Okay. Then I’ll meet them tomorrow.” He said. I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

“You’re sure about this?” I asked.

“Yeah. You and I have been together for a while and there’s no need to hide anymore.” I smiled weakly and fell back into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.” His lips pressed against the top of my head and I hugged him back. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. Now. Let’s eat.” He picked up a takeout box and handed me a fork.

“I’m not very hungry,” I said.

“At least have a fortune cookie.” He took the box and exchanged it with the cookie. I cracked it open and read the fortune while I ate.

All things are difficult before they’re easy

I laughed lightly and placed the paper on the table. Off all the fortune cookies in that restaurant, Chanyeol was given that one.

I turned on the TV and laid down while he ate his dinner. I closed my eyes and, after a while, felt my boyfriend’s strong arms lift me off the couch. He walked us to my bedroom and set me down on my usual side of the bed. I summoned the strength to take off my bra and pants before relaxing back onto the bed.

Chanyeol changed into a pair of sweatpants he left at my place before and climbed in with me. I cuddled into his side and he played with my hair until I fell asleep.

The next morning a rush of anxiety came back, ruining my perfectly pleasant dream and I clutched onto Chanyeol, waking him from his sleep. “Baby? Y/n? What is it?” He shook my shoulder gently and I woke up.

“Hmm?” I said in a sleepy haze.

“I think you had a nightmare. You gripped onto me and started muttering.” His handed stroked my arm and I stretched out. “Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s alright. We need to get up anyway.” He hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. “Should I redye my hair?”

“I like the blue.” I came up behind him and kissed his shoulder. “You’re like my own little carebear,” I said teasingly. He turned around and pinched my butt playfully. I cupped his cheeks, squishing them and he picked me up, bring me back into the bedroom and dropping me on the bed. I stood up on the mattress and swung a pillow at his shoulder.

“Oooohhh~ Feisty huh?” He took the other one and swatted me right back. I went into a fit of giggles and Chanyeol lunged at me, lifting me over his shoulder and pulling me down with him onto my bed. I kissed his cheek, holding him tight.

“I love you, Chanyeol.” I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled at me. “I love you too. Always will.” He said kissing my lips.

“But I’m still gonna color my hair.” He said. He got up and got dressed for the day.

He went to the store to get his normal brand of hair color and we went to his place to redye it. Within a few hours, he transitioned from light blue to dark brown. He added a bit of product to push back his bangs and he changed into a button down top and nice jeans.

When we arrived at my parent’s house, I knocked on the door and my mom answered within seconds. The door swung open and she pulled me in for a hug. When she broke away, she looked Chanyeol up and down before extending her hand for him to shake.

“You must be Y/n’s boyfriend.” She said politely.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m Chanyeol.” We stepped inside and my mom’s eyes continued to san Chanyeol’s appearance, almost as if she was reading a complex book.

My dad came from around the corner and I gave him a hug. “Hi, daddy! This is my boyfriend, Chanyeol.” The two shook hands and exchanged formalities.

“Hey, sis. Long time no see.” My brother came to greet us and I smiled at him. “You must be Chanyeol.”

I looked at my brother with wide eyes and he realized he said the wrong thing.

“You know his name already?” My mom asked.

“Uh…” My brother tried to think of an excuse but I spoke for him. “I told him last night, after dinner”

“Oh. Well, Tonight’s dinner is almost ready. Y/n, do you want to show our guest to the living room?”

I nodded and lead Chanyeol to the other room. My brother joined us and I made sure we were out of view before whispering, “Where’s your wife?”

“She’s feeling a little sick so she won’t make it, but you’re still going to tell them everything right?”

“What are you whispering about?” Chanyeol asked. I peeked around the corner and spoke at a normal volume. “He wants us to come clean about how we met and everything, but that’s not gonna happen,” I said toward my brother.

“Why not?” Chanyeol shrugged. I looked at him and he took my hands. “He’s right, Y/n. The only way to get through this is to just be up front.” He said. I nodded at him and he gave my hands an extra squeeze.

My parents walked into the room to tell us dinner was ready and we all went into the dining room.

“So, Chanyeol, I see you have a tattoo.” My mom pointed at his hand and he nodded.

“Oh, yes. ‘Loey’ is the last four letters in my name and it’s also the name I go by when I’m producing.”

“Producing?” My dad asked with a steal-like expression.

“Producing music. I’m in an alternative rock band.” He explained. I watched the looks on my parent’s faces and my heart started to sink when I saw they were less than amused.

“A band… Interesting.”

“Yes, that’s actually how we met. I heard one of his songs on Spotify. They have had a lot of success and I went to one of their performances six months ago, and now, here we are.” I smiled at him during our story and he smiled back, giving me a moment of bliss in all this.

“Six months? Wow. So you two have a bit of history then.” My mom commented.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

The tension could be cut with a knife. My nerves melted into annoyance and disappointment. It was clear that my parents had something to say, but nothing was said.

“I didn’t think you were interested in… Rock music, Y/n.” My dad said.

“I am. I discovered it during my year off and I’ve enjoyed it ever since.”

My mom and dad gave each other a look and I was fed up. “ What is it?” I asked them.

“Nothing. Just perhaps a full year off was a bit of a stretch.” My dad said.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“No reason.” My mom said to him. I scoffed and leaned back in my chair. “Yes, there is.”

“Y/n, we can discuss it later.” She said.

“Why? What is so wrong with me taking a year off and discovering a new genre of music?” Chanyeol’s hand rested on my leg to calm me down, but I was too far gone.

“Y/n. Your mother said we will discuss it later.” My dad glared at me and I shook my head in disbelief.

“I don’t understand why I have to wait. If there is something to say just tell me.” I said in a calm tone.

My dad sat back and sighed. “Fine. I’m not sure what you’re doing with this boy Y/n.”

“Y/f/n!” My mom said sternly.

“No. You’ve been surrounded by perfectly eligible young men who have their whole life mapped out and yet you go out and find some inked-up boy from some rock band. What is that?” His words struck me like bricks. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes, yet I wasn’t sad. I was angry.

“That’s what you think? You think my loving someone is just an impulse?”

“Love?” My mom said. “Y/n be serious.”

“She is serious.” Chanyeol finally spoke and I gripped his hand. “We met six months ago and I can honestly say that I never thought she’d ever want to be with a guy like me.”

“Yeol…” I whispered. I didn’t know he even felt that way.

“Yeah, love is a strong word, which is why I tell her I love her daily. You both clearly love your daughter, and only want the best for her, but there is still a side to her that she’s been keeping from you all. A side that is fearless and brave.” He turned to me and smiled slightly. “I can see it in her eyes. Even right now.”

I smiled back at him and looked at my parents for their reaction. My dad slowly leaned in toward the table and stared at the two of us.

“I know everything I need to know about my daughter. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak to her alone. Now.” He stood up and walked toward his study. I excused myself from the table and followed behind him with my mother a few steps away, leaving my brother and Chanyeol alone at the table.

“Have you completely lost your senses, Y/n? Do you really think this boy is going to stick around?” My dad’s scowl had me feeling smaller by the second. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. “Everything you’ve worked for, to end up with someone like that…” He crossed his arms and a tear trickled down my cheek. “Tell me honestly, what are you doing with him? Is this just a phase?”

“No.” A burst of confidence shot through me and I lifted my head, looking my dad straight in the eye. “You may think I’m crazy, but I love him. and he loves me. You and mom have always told me to find someone who treats me well and I have. I’ve found a passion for music and when I’m with him I feel better. I don’t feel pressure with him or that I’m always one step behind where I need to be.”

“Music? Since when have you had a passion for music?” My mom asked me.

“Since I took a gap year.”

“Oh, for god’s sake! That gap year was for you to intern at your uncle’s real estate firm and take control of your career.”

“I don’t want to be a real estate agent! I changed my major this past semester.”

“To what?!” My dad yelled.

“Music. I want to be a lyricist.” The second I ended my sentence they both groaned in frustration.

My dad took a deep sigh and looked at me without any expression. “And who’s going to pay for that?”

I recoiled at his words in shock. “What do you mean?”

“I mean. I’m paying for you to go to college for real estate. Period.” He said.

“You’re cutting me off?” I started to feel light-headed and stumbled back. “How am I going to finish college if you aren’t paying?”

My dad shrugged and said, “It looks like you have some thinking to do.”

I looked at my mom for some sympathy, but she didn’t say a word. It felt like my whole world was crashing around me and I was falling into a dark pit. I turned away from both of them and stormed back into the dining room.

“We’re leaving,” I said to Chanyeol.

“Woah. What happened?” My brother asked.

“I was honest. That’s what happened.” I shot back.

Chanyeol and I left the house and he drove me home. The tears started to flow down my face and I didn’t try to fight it. How could this be happening? Parents are supposed to love and support you no matter what, not tear you away from your dreams.

Chanyeol pulled up to my apartment building and walked me in. We both laid on my bed and he just held me until the tears stopped. He combed through my hair to soothe me and kissed my temple a few times.

“It’s going to be okay, baby. I promise.”

“How? My dad just threatened to pull my college fund and most likely tell my uncle which will make me lose my internship and then this apartment is gone too.” I tried to talk through my sobs, but it was no use. “What am I supposed to do? Maybe I should just give in.”

“Or,” Chanyeol thought to himself for a second and an idea popped into his head. “Run away with me.”

I looked up at him in confusion and he continued. “You know how I told you that my manager wants us to start playing bigger venues right?”


“Well, she set up some venues outside of the city, like, far outside. We have a few offers for tour dates now that our popularity is growing. Come with me.” He offered.

My mind started to race again and I pondered the possible solutions. Either give in and keep my full ride to college and apartment, but lose Chanyeol. Or I can go with him and get away from my parents for several months, and follow my dream of writing music.

What do I choose? Love or Money?

Sehun scenario – Remind me


not requested

genre: angst, smut

Summary: Other couples may argue when one of them gets jealous, but Sehun takes things in a whole other direction.

warnings: body appreciation, riding, dirty talk

My vision was blocked by the soft silk blindfold being tied around my head. I could feel Sehun’s hot breath tickling my shoulder; his hands gently moving down to my hips.

“Kneel.” He whispered plainly.

I lowered to my knees and took a breath. The sound of his footsteps traveled from behind me to the front. I carefully listened to the sound of his knees hitting the carpeted floor as he sat right in front of me. I shivered when his warm fingers touched the cool skin of my thighs.

“Your punishment will be… different.” His fingers moved up my legs to my hands, holding them in his. “It seems that showing you that you’re mine isn’t enough to stop you from accepting another man’s flirty comments.”

“But I didn’t-” Before I could finish my protest, he held a finger to my lips.

“Arguing won’t help you.” His hand moved to the side of my face and I leaned into his loving touch.“Like I said: Showing you that you’re mine isn’t enough. So tonight you’re going to prove how I’m yours.”

The blindfold stopped him from seeing the confused look in my eyes, but he still elaborated. “You’re always saying that you know me like the back of your hand, I’m just calling your bluff.” He took a hold of my wrists and brought my hands to his face. “Tell me what you feel.”

It was all so clear. He knows his touch makes me feel the way no other man ever could.

“I… Feel…” My fingers gently moved along his soft cheeks and I let the words pour out. “I feel your smooth skin, your sharp jawline, and your sweet lips. "I swiped my thumb across his bottom lip and smiled. "I could kiss you for hours at a time with these lips. "I whispered. My hands moved further down and I continued. "This lovely long neck of yours, and I’m pretty sure My love bite from last night still remains right… here.” My index finger stopped at the base of his neck, where his sweet spot is. “Am I wrong?”

“You’re right."He said, stifling a moan. I smirked and moved on.

"Hmm~ These strong shoulders, and powerful arms. You always manage to pin me down and hold me in place with hardly any effort.” I moved back up his arms and he let out a shaky breath. "And your broad chest. I can feel the muscles flexing beneath my hands. I can even tell how hot and bothered you are just by touching your chest.”

“Oh, really?” He challenged.

“Mmm-hmm.” Your heart is racing, your breathing is a little quicker than normal, not to mention, your nipples are hard… like another thing I know.“ I teased. "And then there’s your slim torso.”

I held onto his sides and he huffed. “Slender, but with some curve in  the right places.” My hands moved back to his tight ass with a pinch. “Muscular, but not too much muscle. Like a swimmers body.”

I pet my way down his toned abdomen until I reached my final destination. Sehun shuddered when my hand wrapped around his hard cock. I bit my lip before I described exactly what I felt. “I feel your long, thick cock throbbing in my hand.” He let out a long sigh and told me to go on. “I can feel it twitch when I squeeze my fingers around it. The same way it does when I clench my tight, wet, little pussy around it.” His moans flowed out of his mouth and I was drenched. “I know exactly how to make you cum, Sehun. All you have to do is ask.”

I waited a moment for my answer, but he didn’t say a word. Instead, he untied my blindfold and I looked at him all flustered and ready. “Get on the bed. Now.”

“Anything for you,” I said. Sehun watched me while I made my way to our bed and laid directly in the middle. He sauntered over to the side, eyeing my naked body and climbed in.

“I want you to show me exactly how well you can make me cum.” He dared.

As he laid back, I straddled his hips and took his erection into my hands. I pumped his shaft a few times before rubbing his tip along my slit. I leaned down to plant a few wet kisses on his sweet spot. His hands trapped my hips between them, holding them the way I said they did before. He lowered me down onto his cock slowly, making me feel every inch of his long shaft push into my tight heat.

I came back up and moved up and down on him, gradually starting to bounce on his thick cock. I placed a hand on his chest and moaned his name, “Sehun!” His hands grabbed my ass, moving me in figure eights and thrusting himself in deeper and deeper. “Oh, fuck! Yeah~” He threw his head back and I grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head.

“All mine,” I whispered in his ear and he groaned. “No one knows your body the way I do, Sehun. No one else can make you feel this way.” I smashed our hips together and his mouth formed the perfect ‘O’ shape. “We’re a perfect fit,” I said with a smile. I put his hands back on my ass and he called out my name between profanities.

“That’s it, baby. Cum for me. Give into it.” I moaned.

We both cried out as our climax flowed through us. I held his cheeks with a passionate kiss while we bucked our hips together. His soft tongue slid into my mouth and he established his dominance right away.

When we finished, I broke the kiss and tucked my face into his long neck to catch my breath. Sehun gave my ear a few extra kisses and covered me with a blanket. He rubbed my back until I finally settled down and pulled him out.

I tried to roll off of his but he wouldn’t let me. “I want to feel you against me.” He said. “I love the way your skin feels on mine.” I smiled and gave in. He was so loving and gentle after the ‘games’ are done. It’s clear that he’s more of a lover than a fighter. “How did you like that punishment?”

“I think it’s good to be reminded of where your heart lies.” I kissed his cheek and he smiled. “Right here with you.”


Appa!Suga – The nanny


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: parenthood, fluff, his POV

Summary: Yoongi hasn’t been having much luck with love being a single father, but a certain new nanny at his toddler’s daycare has plucked his heartstrings.

A/n: Any ‘The nanny’ fans? XD

I bent down to get one more look at my son before sending him to daycare. “Be on your best behavior. Make sure you are nice to everyone, okay? Have fun.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

I watched him hurry inside and run up to one of the nannies in the hallway. She heard him yelling ‘Hi’ and bent down, scooping him up with a hug. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. When she let him back down, he grabbed her hand and the two walked into the playroom with the other kids while I turned to leave.

Who is this girl? I’ve taken my son to this daycare for the past six months, but this is the first I’ve seen of her.

I tried to remember if I met her before, but I kept drawing blanks. Orientation? No, I would have been introduced. She must be new here. I was given a second reason to pick-up my son as quickly as possible at the end of the day; I’m going to find out who the new nanny is.

Normally I would just walk up to the front desk and have my son waiting right there, but I came a few minutes early so I’d maybe catch another glance at the nanny I saw before.

My son came in through the door and there she was holding his hand. “Appa!” He ran to me and I picked him up.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“Really good! Y/n taught us how to make cookies!” He held up a sandwich back with three cookies inside to take home.

“Who’s Y/n?” I asked him.

“That’s me. Sorry, we haven’t met before. I’m Y/n.” She extended her hand and I shook it. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She said with a smile. I left with my little one in my arms and he waved good-bye.

“See you tomorrow.” He said.

The whole ride home he went on and on about how much fun he had and I asked him about his new nanny. He was really my only source of information about her.

“She started last week, but she doesn’t work on Fridays.” He said. That was it. I was going to ask her to go out with me on Friday, that way she won’t have any stresses from work or anything.

Throughout that week, I’d drop off my son, go to work, pick him up a few minutes early and chat with Y/n while I waited. When Thursday rolled around, I came in with the confidence to finally ask her out.

“Hi, Yoongi, He should be right out, he’s grabbing his bookbag.” She said with her signature smile.

“Uh, Y/n,” I called out to her and she looked up from the computer. “I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to have dinner tomorrow night. If you aren’t busy of course.”

She thought to her self for a second and nodded. “I’d love to.” She replied and my son burst through the door and walked toward me. I lifted him into my arms and gave Y/n my phone number.

“See you then,” I said, walking out. She waved to the both of us and my heart raced. When we got out to the car, my boy gave me a sneaky smile.

“What are you smiling at little man?” I asked him.

“You like miss Y/n~” He teased and I smiled back at him. I was finally able to find a girl who didn’t care about me being a single dad. And I had my little man’s approval.


Hello I was wondering if you could do a Xiumin scenario where He sees your domestic violence scars from a ex and family but you have been to scared to tell him about it because you didn’t want him to see you in a bad way…you don’t have to I’m a survivor of both child hood abuse and domestic abuse(7years this years)💜

Xiumin scenario – In love with an angel

Thank you for the request! I really hope you enjoy it ❤ Congrats on 7 years as well! Here’s to many many more🥂

Xiumin scenario – In love with an angel


requested by anonymous

Genre: fluff, sad

trigger warning!

Summary: after battling with yourself, you decide to tell your boyfriend of one year, Minseok, about your harsh past with abuse

Two coats of cover-up and shea butter. I’d use a mixture of foundation and moisturizer to mask and fade the scars of my past life. The life I don’t ever want to go back to. I’ve finally got away from the abuse and horror of the people who were supposed to love me, only to snap and make me feel worthless and beaten. I’d look at my scars and remember all the torment that was heaped upon me. And still, I live on.

When my scars are covered, I start to forget. My life has gotten better since I took back my freedom. I don’t see the pity in peoples eyes when I use makeup, so I just keep using it. I’ve made new friends and found someone to love.

Minseok is the first person I’ve been with since my ex. He doesn’t know about my past, only because I don’t want him to see me in a bad light or leave me. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t ruin that. So far, I’ve been able to dodge questions about my family and I simply told him my ex-had issues and it was a ‘messy’ break-up. He didn’t think anything of it and now we’re coming up to our first year as a couple. I’ve decided to be honest and tell him about my struggle with abuse because I trust him wholeheartedly.

He was coming over tonight for dinner and a movie, but I’m also going to tell him about my scars and hope it all goes well. The marks will never go away, but as long as I’m being truthful with him, I won’t have this weight on my chest.

I gasped when I heard him knocking at the door and took a few deep breaths, “Here goes everything.” I whispered

I opened the door and he smiled, holding up the dessert he brought for us. He had such kind eyes, I could never lie to him if I tried, and now is my chance to be up front. He came in and we ate dinner, enjoying each others company and watched one of our favorite films to lighten the mood.

When we were finished, I just kept waiting for the right time to say it. I looked at him as he continued watching the movie until he picked up the remote and paused it.

“Y/n, I want to ask you something, and I just can’t wait any longer.” He said. I nodded for him to go on and he sighed. “You know I love you very much and this past year has been incredible, but…” He took my hands and looked me in the eyes. “I feel like there’s still something you’re not telling me.” This was it. The whole night I wanted to have the right moment and now it’s here.

“You’re right. I’ve actually wanted to talk to you about something really serious and I just needed to know you were really here for me, and that you were invested in this relationship. I got up and took out some makeup wipes from my purse before coming back and sitting down next to him. I took the cloth in my hand and wiped the cover-up off my arm, exposing the scars. I did the same to each spot that never healed.

Minseok’s eyes focused on each mark and listened fully when I said, "I was abused as a child… and my ex did the same.” I watched a tear escape his eye and he took my wrists into his hand ever-so-gently. He lowered his head and kissed my scars. The lump in my throat started to form and I couldn’t stop myself from crying. “Minseok, what are you doing?”

He briefly ignored my question and planted one more kiss on my scar. “Because this is what I have to do.” He looked back up and me with tear-stained eyes. “When someone is hurt, you have to replace that pain with love. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He asked.

“I didn’t want you to see me as an abuse victim.” As I said it, I realized how ridiculous it sounded. But it was true. I was terrified that he would see me as a damsel in distress.

“Y/n, I don’t see you as a victim, because that’s all in the past. You’re a survivor because that’ll never happen again.” I broke down and he pulled me into his chest, letting me unload my emotion. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tighter. Being in his arms is the safest place I could possibly be. The way he completely accepted my past and never once hesitated about it proves that he’s not going anywhere. He’s like my guardian angel. An angel, I’ve fallen head over heels for.


Got7 reaction – cuddling their braless GF

He’s not very bothered by it. He knows you prefer to go without while you’re at home. It’s a bit like a middle ground since you don’t mind his ‘morning wood’.

He’s said that he’s always wanted to cuddle his wife/girlfriend while she sleeps, and because bras are the worst to sleep in, he’s perfectly comfortable with you taking it off while in bed. He would hold you a little tighter than usual though.

He’d find it kinda funny at first. He isn’t used to the feeling, but hugs of all kinds are welcome in his book.

He would be the most embarrassed. A blush would creep onto his cheeks and he’s starting to smile nervously. Even when you ask him if he’s alright, he’d get all giggly and nod.

Of course, you back-hug him all the time, but the second he feels your nipples on his back, he turns into a deer in headlights. He would be so caught off guard, but make the best of it and turn around to hug you properly.

He would revert to a shy baby the first time you cuddle him without a bra. He doesn’t want to give into his urges and make you think he’s a perve so he’d just go with it and try not to let you see his reddening face.

He doesn’t have a lot of intimate relationships with girls so he might get a bit… excited when he feels your full breasts through the material of your top.

Suho scenario – Power couple


not requested just fantasized about it

Genre: SMUT, Romance

Summary: Having two equally famous parents brought you into the limelight at a very young age, and now, you’re able to share it with your very successful baeu, Junmyeon.

I’ve never been phased by having my name and face in magazines. Being raised by a world-famous fashion designer and award-winning actor,  I’ve had the spotlight on my family for decades, but to me, they’re just mom and dad.

Growing up, I’ve seen a remarkable amount of trust and passion my parents have for each other. Since before I could remember, I’ve been in love with the idea of love. Finding someone and know within the first day that they’re the one.  Getting goosebumps when you touch and feel the magic in the air when they speak. The idea of love became my calling.

I’ve become one of the top rating wedding bloggers worldwide. People from all over the globe would hire me to share their story and I’m more than happy to do it. I’ve had the privilege to travel across oceans with my work and hearing some of the most touching, beautiful, and extravagant stories the couples have to offer. But despite being engulfed in the fanciful world of love, I haven’t been able to find it for myself.

All of that changed when I was invited out to South Korea to attend a wedding for yet another blissful couple with an amazing ‘how we met’ story for the blog; only this time it was different. I had a translator with me at all times to get the stories of the members of the wedding party, which is how I met Kim Junmyeon, the best man.

He was charming and attractive. My concentration on the happy couple was nearly extinguished until a bridesmaid interrupted us. My translator moved onto her story and Junmyeon slipped away to his duties.

His name was stuck in my head and I could have sworn he was familiar to me in some way. Of course, the last name Kim was extremely common, but I just felt like we’d met before. I searched his name on my phone and found out he was the son of a business tycoon and inherited the company after his father retired. During the reception, we were able to talk some more, with the translator’s help and we exchanged numbers.

Over time we had someone who spoke both languages to help us converse until we started to meet in the middle. He learned some of my languages and I learned a bit of his. Before we knew it, three incredible years went by and the press has been there every step of the way. Whether it be swarming me at airports when I flew out to see him or taking photos of us out on the town when he came to visit me. But anyone who follows me on social media knows I rarely post anything about the two of us because I didn’t want to drag him into the craziness that is my life in the limelight.

One night while we were out at dinner, some paparazzi spotted us and soon enough the restaurant was surrounded. I could see my boyfriend getting nervous and I felt an enormous amount of guilt. Before we even had dessert, we made a quick exit out the back and he took me to his place for the night.

I woke up in Junmyeon’s massive bed, wrapped in his loving arms. I smiled and kissed his neck while nuzzling in closer. He opened his eyes and kissed the top of my head.  I raised my hand to move some hair out of my face but felt a sharp object scratch my face instead. I pulled away from my boyfriend to see what was on my hand.

“Oh my god…” I looked down to see a huge diamond surrounded by smaller crystals on a silver band. I sat up and watched my boyfriends mouth shape into a smile. He lifted himself up and scooted closer to me.

“I thought about how I was going to do this. I didn’t want the public seeing and writing about it. I was fully prepared to ask you at dinner, but I while I was laying next to you last night, looking at how peaceful and beautiful you were made me put things into perspective.” He took my left hand and looked down at the ring on my finger. “I didn’t want to wake up unless I was engaged to you, so…” He got off the bed and came around to my side to kneel. “Will you marry me?”

It was like all of my hopes and dreams were coming true, only better. I never thought I’d be with a perfect man like Junmyeon. And the fact that he’s proposing right after I woke up clearly shows that he loves me even when I’m just in one of his button-down shirts and messy hair.


His puppy-dog eyes lit up and he practically tackled me on the bed. I went into a fit of giggles and kissed his soft cheek. He kept himself up with his hands on either side of my head and smiled down at me. He backed up, off the edge of the bed and held his hands out for me to take.

“Came with me.” I took his hands and he lifted me off the bed. He lead me to the bathroom and I smiled when he came up behind me, kissing my head. He slid his shirt off of me and trailed kisses from the nape of my neck to my bare shoulder. His hands traveled all over my naked body, feeling my soft skin before moving me closer to the tub.

My knees went weak as soon as his lips pressed against my sweet spot. “Go ahead and turn the water on, baby. I’ll be right back. He kissed the side of my head and I lifted the knob. I waited a few seconds and climbed in, moving forward in the water until Junmyeon joined me. I looked at the open door and watched him re-enter the bathroom.

"Do you want bubbles, oil, or a bath bomb?” He asked. I smiled at him and he came close to give me a better look at my options. I cracked up when I saw the name of the bath bomb.

“Sex bomb?” I couldn’t believe that was a serious suggestion, but it wouldn’t be my Junmyeon without a joke to lighten the mood. “Well, now I’m just curious.” I took the dark red ball in my hands and slowly submerged it into the water while Junmyeon got in behind me. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of musk. The bomb almost smelled like his cologne which was a turn on in itself.

Junmyeon’s hands returned to the sides of my body laying me back and kissing my neck. I tilted my head back, surrendering myself to him and he smirked.He moved my hair to one side and nibbled on my earlobe as I squirmed in his arms. I moved my hips back, grinding on his hard cock. “Mmmm~” He moaned.

His hand slid down my stomach and over my pelvis. He pushed my thighs apart and slowly glided his finger up and down my slit, making me quiver. His left hand cupped my breast and I gripped onto his legs. He was somehow able to give the perfect amount of attention to all three of my erogenous zone all at once. My hand slipped behind me, squeezing his erection and stroking it.

His fingers thrust into me and I called out his name. “Junmyeon… Oh!” My back arched and I pumped his shaft faster. His whimpers and shallow breaths tickled my neck, his palm massaged my breast as I came closer to my sweet release. The scent of him had me in a frenzy, his heavenly fingers were enough to make me cum in minutes.

“I’m close, jagi. Squeeze it for me.” I tightened my grip and stroked faster and he tensed up. “Oh, yes! Just like that. Don’t stop.”

I arched my back, my mouth opened and I completely gave in to my urges. I climaxed with a long moan with Junmyeon cumming seconds later. He continued to rub my clit while I underwent a few aftershocks, which was natural when all of your senses are being stimulated simultaneously.

I could feel my fiancé’s strong heartbeat on my upper back while we both took a short rest. He got out of the bath first, helping me out second and wrapping me in a warm towel. We both dried off and Junmyeon walked into his closet.

“So… Where do you want to go for breakfast?” He asked. I smiled at his silly question and dropped my towel to the floor before going into his closet and pulling him out. He smirked at me and I pushed him onto the bed.

“Oh, Myeonie. We’re not going anywhere for a while.” I gave him a passionate kiss and heard a little “thank god.” slip past his lips. I had to return the favor somehow.


Chen scenario – From night to day


requested by anon

Genre: Wolf!au, supernatural, smut, romance, angst

Summary: You’ve been in love with Kim Jongdae since you both have developed your scents. Now that you’re both official mates, he’s still unable to let you in past his wall of mystery.

It’s been a few weeks since Jongdae and I have been married, and we still hardly know each other. His father is the alpha of his pack and my father is the alpha of mine. Our packs have been close for many generations and this is the first time there have been mates from both sides; Me and Jongdae. And now I’m the one who will be baring the next alfa of both packs after Jongdae.

I’ve tried several times to speak with him, but he just makes me so nervous that I end up only breathing a few timid words. He makes the hearts of all the girls in our packs race with his mysterious persona. He barely talks in public, and when he does, his voice is strong, just like his father. I know that under all the stern glances and powerful aura, there is a kind heart.

I’ve seen how gentle he is with children and the way he smiles when he thinks no one is looking. I’ve even heard him sing a few times, but I try to keep quiet so as to not revert him to his usual reserved self. He and I have never had an honest conversation, let alone create any kind of intimacy. But with the mating season coming swiftly upon us, all of that is going to change.

I feel like he’s wanting to get close to me and become a true mate as well. I would lie in our bed at night and feel his soft touch on my cheek just before I fall asleep, but when I wake in the morning, he’s gone. He is so difficult to read. I’ve asked a few of the mated women in my pack, but their only advice is to give it time.

One night, Jongdae and I laid in bed in complete silence. I closed my eyes and rolled over toward him in the hopes that he’d touch me again. Sure enough, ten minutes after I remained still. Jongdae’s hand found its way to my hairline. His fingers gingerly brushed away all the loose strands, leaving my face on display. He continued to comb through my locks and whispered. “My mate.”

I took a small risk and opened my eyes with a few flutters. His hand froze while he tried to figure out if I was still asleep or not. I shyly smiled at him and his hand retreated under the blankets. I relaxed my lips, showing no expression. We just conversed without any words at all. The look in his eyes showed me something I’d never seen in them. He looked… vulnerable. He blinked a few times and his gaze softened.

I could feel the warmth of his hand move closer until his fingertips touched my leg lightly. I looked down at the covers and reached out to hold his hand. He looked at me in wonder when I brought his hand to my hip. His eyes transformed into a dark hue, his palm slid from my hip to the small of my back and he pulled me in with a sharp move. He smirked just as a gasp fell from my lips. At that moment I learned another trait of his. He is a dominant lover. It’s not very surprising for a future alpha, but it was still welcome in the privacy of our bedroom.

His nose bumped against mine before I felt his soft lips kissing me. My state of shock wasn’t strong enough to mask my primal instincts and I immediately kissed him back. By this point, I’m happy to share any kind of intimacy with my mate.

Jongdae lifted himself up and moved between my legs, keeping our lips fully locked together. With the power of the full moon and the eve of the mating season upon us, his scent surrounded me, leaving me lustful and wanting more. His lips felt like velvet and tasted like sweet vanilla. I threw my arm over his shoulder just as his sinful hips grinded down on my center, making me moan on his lips.

I opened my legs a bit more, giving him the advantage. He removed his lips from mine to switch his attention from kissing me to undressing me.

His strong hand slid from my cheek, down my tender breasts, over my goosebump-covered stomach, and into the waistband of my shorts. My lips parted when his fingers came dangerously close to my slit. I wanted to buck my hips or press my thighs together to get some more friction going, but instead, Jongdae gripped the thin material of both my panties and shorts and pulled. In one quick motion, I was naked from the waist down.

He got up on his knees and lowered his pajama bottoms just enough to free his thick erection. I took off my top, laid back, and waited for our chastity to come to an end. He mounted my awaiting body and slowly thrust into me. With a sigh of relief and pleasure, I held onto his strong arms.

His velvety lips came back down to mine with another sweet kiss. It was if I was in the middle of a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake up from. His strokes remained slow and sensual, making me feel every inch of him. My breaths started to get shallow between each loving kiss. His tip grazed my g-spot as he absorbed my moans with his mouth.

My climax started to build up and he knew it. My walls tightened around him and his hand held my lower back, lifting my hips to match his strong thrusts. We broke our lengthy kiss and he buried his face into my neck before unloading deep inside me. My nails marked the skin on his shoulders, causing a groan to vibrate on my sweet spot.

We rode out our highs and Jongdae took a short rest before turning onto his back next to me. He stared at the ceiling, losing himself in his own mind. I couldn’t blame him though. We somehow managed to go from subtle touches to making love and back to silence without actually speaking. It was like we didn’t have to talk though. I’ve always fancied Jongdae, and now he was my mate.

He let out a long sigh and shook his head. “The girl I’ve loved for half my life has become my mate and I still don’t know what to say to her.” He said out loud.

A small lump formed in my throat. All of my theories of him just wanting to remain mysterious during our marriage were shattered. He just didn’t know what to say. He looked me in the eyes and a tiny smile crept onto my face. His hand raised up to my cheek and I held it to my face.

“Such soft skin.” He whispered. “How can a powerful wolf live within an angelic creature like you? Even as kids, you always had such a natural grace, but you still knew how to handle yourself against danger.” He rolled over on his side and brought my hand to his lips. “You are so perfect Y/n. Truth be told, I chose you as my mate years ago.”

“What made you wait?” I asked.

“Because you caught the eyes of nearly every other man in both our packs so I assumed you’d choose one of them.” He lowered our hands and played with my fingers.

I leaned toward him and kissed his lips again. “I’ve always loved you Jongdae. I’ll only choose you.”

He looked at me and smiled. He let go of my hand and just held me instead. I cuddled into him and listened to his heart beating in his firm chest.  For the first time ever, we acted like true mates. Mates that are open with each other and in love.

The strangest thing happened after that day. I would go to sleep in his loving embrace and wake up with him still there next to me. He would hold my hand when we were out in the woods where anyone could see us and he’d kiss my cheek before he left home. He quickly came out of his shell and showed his true side with me. I fell even more in love with him each day and he trusted me more and more. He was finally mine and I was his.


Jackson scenario – His promise


Requested by @catou1305

genre: parenthood, fluff

Summary: As your marriage starts to mature, Jackson shows you that he’s ready to have a baby. But there’s only one way to know for sure.

If there was anyone in the world I could choose to father my child, it would be Jackson Wang. He has such a gentle and honest heart. Since the day we got married, he’s been trying to warm me up to having children right away. His little niece Aimee would come over almost every weekend, we ‘have’ to go into the baby section every time we go shopping, and now, he’s trying to get me into bed with him as often as he can.

Throughout our relationship, he’s turned into quite the romantic, and for the past few days, he’s been putting that newly found trait to the test. I would come home and have my favorite flowers waiting for me, or if my work has been especially tiring, he’d offer a hot oil massage to relax me.

Sadly, in the midst off all this, I started to come down with the flu. Or at least I think it is. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous, but I didn’t have a sore throat or a runny nose. I went to the doctor’s office, seeking a professional’s opinion, but he didn’t think it was the flu. I went in for blood tests and was sent on my way. “We’ll call you with the results. It shouldn’t take too long.”

I decided to just go home after my appointment and sleep off the sickness. I was hoping I would be able to dodge Jackson on my way to our room so I wouldn’t get swept up in his love tornado and get showered. Literally.

This time I got home and saw nothing unusual. Jackson was sitting at his normal spot a the dining table.

“Hey, baby,” I said.

“Hey. You left your phone here.” He got up and slowly walked toward me. “The doctor called.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. “What did he say?”

“He left a message, but I’m not sure what it was about.”

I took my phone and called the office. Jackson watched me like a hawk while I waited for the doctor to pick up.

“Hi. This is Y/n Wang. Sorry I missed your call.”

“Ah, yes, Mrs.Wang. Since you visit, we ran some tests to make sure you weren’t coming down with any serious illnesses, but then my nurse reminded me of another condition that mimics your symptoms.” He took a pause and I could hear him flipping through the paperwork. “You’re pregnant.”

The muscles in my hand gave out and I dropped my phone. Jackson caught it mid-air and handed it to me eagerly. I mouthed ‘thank you’ and teared up.

“Are you still there?” The doctor asked.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Well, congratulations! I’ll let you inform your husband. Just call us back tomorrow to set up your next appointment.”

“Thank you so much. Bye.” I hung up the phone and stared into space until a slap of reality knocked my head down from the clouds. I’m pregnant.

“What is it? Are you dying?” He asked. I held his hand and smiled a little.

“I…” It took every part of me to not only say the words out loud but to admit it to myself. “I’m pregnant.”

I was pulled into my husband’s chest and lifted up. I wrapped my arms around him and he spun be around. I felt too safe and secure at that moment.

“This is the greatest moment of my life! My wife is carrying my first born!”

My tiny smile grew into a grin as I was put back down on the floor. Jackson cupped my cheeks and said, “You won’t ever regret this. I’ll be there whenever, where ever. Just say the word.” He wiped away my tears of joy and kissed my dampened cheek. “I promise.”

And he kept that promise in the several months to come.

In the first few months, Jackson had me eating only organic foods and supplements, but with all the cravings, I would have killed to get into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. I wanted to stuff my face with any and all kinds of junk food, but anytime I did, Jackson was there in a second to take it away.

I’ll never forget the day I formed a baby bump. Usually, it would just look like a ate a little too much, but now there was no way to hide. Fans on social media started raving about the newest member of team Wang which made Jackson all the happier.

The real scary part was when I’d lie awake at night, just imagining the pain I was going to be in for in a few short months. I’d even wake up from nightmares about it and have my husband spoon me back to bed. Which became another problem. Because with Jackson being at home all the time. It also ment he was working out at home all the time. I’d be watching TV, minding my business when he’d walk in, pull his top off, and start lifting weights.

“Damn daddy…”

One day while Jackson and I were doing the final touches in the baby’s room, I felt a sharp pain and hunched over. “Oh my god!” I winced at the pain and squeezed his hand. It was happening. 

From the moment we got to the hospital, it was like a rush of pain from the baby and support from everyone else.  And then in an instant, it all stopped.

I heard a tiny cry and laid back, taking a breath. I turned my head and saw Jackson holding our tiny newborn in his arms. He came closer and gently placed our baby in my arms.

“Hi, my love,” I whispered. By then, the doctor and nurse left the three of us and Jackson scooted onto the bed with me.

“You did so well, Y/n.” He kissed my head and nuzzled into my neck to get a good look at the baby.

I started to feel a little tired, so I handed our little one back to Jackson so I could get some sleep for the first time that day. I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes.

“Hi, baby. I’m your Baba.” I could hear Jackson talking quietly and thought this was worth hearing. “It’s okay if you fall asleep, but I just wanted you to know that I’ve been waiting for you almost all my life. The second I found out that you were created, I wanted to make sure you were as healthy as possible.” I heard a little coo and smiled to myself. Our baby knows Jackson’s voice already.

“When you get a little older you’ll hear about all kinds of fairy tales about how two people fall in love, and that’s true. Your mamma and I love each other so much. She’s given me so much from the moment we started dating, and now we have you. I promise I’ll protect the two of you no matter what.” He finished his little speech with a soft kiss on our baby’s cheek. He got off the bed and put our newborn into the small crib and climbed back in next to me.

I realized that all the hesitation and self-doubt was just foolish. I resisted having children right away because of my own fear of being a mother so soon into marriage. But because of Jackson’s promise, I didn’t have a single regret.