Sehun oneshot – Who’s cute?


not requested

genre: fluff, humor, smut

Summary: Sehun’s new hairstyle has definitely shown his youthful side, but he hasn’t taken a liking to you, his girlfriend, calling him ‘cute’.

Comeback season was well underway and Sehun’s hairstyle has been changing with the tides. First, he was orange, then back to black to grow out a bit, then pushed back when it got a little longer and now he’s able to have a bit of a break. I was happy to see him back to his normal self for a while.

This morning he left for work in a big hurry. I went out to the store and gym for a couple hours and came home to spend the rest of the day in My boyfriend’s t-shirt and a pair of panties. Speaking of the handsome devil; Sehun sent me a picture of himself in the mirror, sitting in the styling chair once again. His hair was all wet, his bangs combed out in front of his face hiding his eyes.

“Oh boy…” I whispered.

He sent me a few more with a scowl plastered on his face. I texted him back, asking what the color was going to be this time. But he simply replied, “It’s not the color I’m worried about.”

I was so confused. I tried to get him to message me back with some kind of detail, but he just left me with my imagination. I sent silent prayers, hoping he didn’t have 70’s feathered hair extensions or a spiked mohawk.

At the end of the day, I heard the front door knob turn and my heart pounded like a drum. The door opened and I looked at my boyfriend with shock. He… Looked… ADORABLE!

“Awww! Baby, you got a perm. You look so cute~” I ran up to him and cupped his face in my hands. His cheeks started to blush and I nearly turned into a puddle. “Your cheeks are soft too.”

“I got a facial…”

“Awww~ Too cute!”

“I’m not cute. I’m a grown man.” He swatted my hands away and kissed my lips, taking control.

“But you are! Hunnie~~~~”

“Don’t Hunnie me. I wanted a regular cut. I have hair in my eyes all the time now.” He pouted. He laid out on the couch with his face in the pillows and I came to sit next to him.

“I missed you today, though…” I leaned on his strong back and he turned over with a face that read ‘Really?’

“Yeah. How about we go have a bath, you seem like you had a long day.” I offered and he declined.

“I can’t get my hair wet for two days.” He said, fluffing his bangs.

I went into giggle mode and he got off the couch and stomped off to our room. I didn’t have any other choice than to go after him so I did. He went back into his face down position on our bed and pouted some more.

“Babe.” I rubbed his back and he shook his head at me. “Come on. I know you don’t like to be called cute. It’s honestly kinda sexy.” He peeked one eye at me and I kept going. “It’s actually really sexy. You haven’t done curly hair in a long time.” I played with his thickened locks and he completely turned over to face me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down.

“You really think it’s sexy?” He asked. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this anytime soon, but I was intrigued at where this was about to go.

“Yeah. Even with hair in your eyes, it makes you look mysterious.” He pulled me in closer and I leaned down to kiss him.

Naturally, his hands went from my waist, straight to my ass and squeezed. I crawled on top of him and he sat up, pulling me down onto his hips. My hands cupped his sharp jawline, tilting his head to one side to deepen our kiss. His soft moans vibrated my lips, making me smile in satisfaction.

Sehun took a hold of my legs, locking them around his hips before lifting me up a little and placing me on my back. He grinded his bulge on my center and I let out a breathy moan. His tongue slid into my mouth, forcing another moan past my lips. I used my legs to pull him in closer and feel his hardened member.

He broke away to quickly catch his breath. He sat up on his knees an undid his pants. I most definitely chose the right day to lounge around the house in his big t-shirt and panties. Sehun pulled his top over his head, putting his broad chest on full display. I leaned up, peppering kisses along his collar bones, weakening him with my touch. My hands trailed down his slim waist and into the waistband of his underwear, taking them off completely.

He pushed me back down onto the bed slowly and mounted above me. His slender finger went between my legs to hook into the bottom of my panties, feeling my wetness and moving them to the side of my slit.

“You know how much I love to see you in black lace.” His sinful whisper rang in my ears while he positioned himself at my core. I combed my fingers through his hair to push his bangs away from his face and he crashed our lips together. I felt every inch of his cock glide into my heat.

His soft pink lips parted with a small whimper. I trapped his bottom lip between mine to kiss him and he passionately kissed me back. His smooth strokes had me begging him for more. His curls tickled my neck while he covered the tops of my breasts in loving kisses. My back arched, my legs lifted up to pull him in with every thrust.

“Mmm~ You want my cum baby?” He asked me.

“Yes! Give it to me.” I pleaded. I tangled my fingers in his hair, locking him in place and he nibbled my collar bones. My mouth was ajar and I tried to stop myself from cumming too soon. I clenched my walls around his long cock, bringing him closer to the edge.

His fingertips gripped onto my hips, surely leaving his mark on my skin. “Cum, baby. Cum for me.”

I tilted my head back and let my orgasm wash over my senses. Sehun’s warm cum filled me while I screamed his name. My hands moved from his arms to his back, scratching the skin with my nails.

Sehun’s breaths slowed as we both came back down to reality and he bit my earlobe playfully, making me smile.  He pulled out of me and laid on his back next to me. I turned over on his side and kissed his cheek. He moved his shoulder under my head and I cuddled in closer. My fingers traced little circles on his smooth chest while we both bathed in the afterglow.

“Do you really think this hair is  sexy?” He asked, needing my honest approval.

I propped myself up on my arm and looked him in the eyes. “Of course, I do.” I held his cheek in my palm and his eyes lit up. I kissed him one more time and laid back down next to him.

“How are you supposed to shower if you can’t get your hair wet?” I asked him.

“I’ll just use a shower cap.”

“And now you’re back to adorable,” I said with a laugh.

Sehun sprung out of bed and stomped off to the bathroom. “Nooo! Baby, please! It’s not a bad thing!” I said while following him in. It looks like we’re going to be at this all night. Oh well 😉


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