Xiumin scenario – In love with an angel


requested by anonymous

Genre: fluff, sad

trigger warning!

Summary: after battling with yourself, you decide to tell your boyfriend of one year, Minseok, about your harsh past with abuse

Two coats of cover-up and shea butter. I’d use a mixture of foundation and moisturizer to mask and fade the scars of my past life. The life I don’t ever want to go back to. I’ve finally got away from the abuse and horror of the people who were supposed to love me, only to snap and make me feel worthless and beaten. I’d look at my scars and remember all the torment that was heaped upon me. And still, I live on.

When my scars are covered, I start to forget. My life has gotten better since I took back my freedom. I don’t see the pity in peoples eyes when I use makeup, so I just keep using it. I’ve made new friends and found someone to love.

Minseok is the first person I’ve been with since my ex. He doesn’t know about my past, only because I don’t want him to see me in a bad light or leave me. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t ruin that. So far, I’ve been able to dodge questions about my family and I simply told him my ex-had issues and it was a ‘messy’ break-up. He didn’t think anything of it and now we’re coming up to our first year as a couple. I’ve decided to be honest and tell him about my struggle with abuse because I trust him wholeheartedly.

He was coming over tonight for dinner and a movie, but I’m also going to tell him about my scars and hope it all goes well. The marks will never go away, but as long as I’m being truthful with him, I won’t have this weight on my chest.

I gasped when I heard him knocking at the door and took a few deep breaths, “Here goes everything.” I whispered

I opened the door and he smiled, holding up the dessert he brought for us. He had such kind eyes, I could never lie to him if I tried, and now is my chance to be up front. He came in and we ate dinner, enjoying each others company and watched one of our favorite films to lighten the mood.

When we were finished, I just kept waiting for the right time to say it. I looked at him as he continued watching the movie until he picked up the remote and paused it.

“Y/n, I want to ask you something, and I just can’t wait any longer.” He said. I nodded for him to go on and he sighed. “You know I love you very much and this past year has been incredible, but…” He took my hands and looked me in the eyes. “I feel like there’s still something you’re not telling me.” This was it. The whole night I wanted to have the right moment and now it’s here.

“You’re right. I’ve actually wanted to talk to you about something really serious and I just needed to know you were really here for me, and that you were invested in this relationship. I got up and took out some makeup wipes from my purse before coming back and sitting down next to him. I took the cloth in my hand and wiped the cover-up off my arm, exposing the scars. I did the same to each spot that never healed.

Minseok’s eyes focused on each mark and listened fully when I said, "I was abused as a child… and my ex did the same.” I watched a tear escape his eye and he took my wrists into his hand ever-so-gently. He lowered his head and kissed my scars. The lump in my throat started to form and I couldn’t stop myself from crying. “Minseok, what are you doing?”

He briefly ignored my question and planted one more kiss on my scar. “Because this is what I have to do.” He looked back up and me with tear-stained eyes. “When someone is hurt, you have to replace that pain with love. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He asked.

“I didn’t want you to see me as an abuse victim.” As I said it, I realized how ridiculous it sounded. But it was true. I was terrified that he would see me as a damsel in distress.

“Y/n, I don’t see you as a victim, because that’s all in the past. You’re a survivor because that’ll never happen again.” I broke down and he pulled me into his chest, letting me unload my emotion. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tighter. Being in his arms is the safest place I could possibly be. The way he completely accepted my past and never once hesitated about it proves that he’s not going anywhere. He’s like my guardian angel. An angel, I’ve fallen head over heels for.


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