Baekhyun scenario – Te adoro (I adore you)


Requested by anon

genre: fluff

Summary: Even though you’re EXO’s translator for two days, your Brazilian charms seem to have caught the heart of your favorite member.

Any Brazilian EXO-L would give up everything they own to be in my position. A couple of months ago I was asked to be a Portuguese/Korean translator and my heart fluttered. I quickly accepted the offer and now I’m EXO’s translator for the next two days! I’ve been a massive fan for years. K-pop was actually the reason why I learned the language. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that my employer prefers his employees to know more than one language.

The night of the concert was so surreal. I had to keep my composure when meeting them.  They didn’t need to have another crazy fan trying to get invade their privacy so I did my best to remain calm. All of the staff and crew came out into the hallway to meet them and I took deep breaths when I saw them come around the corner.

The boys walked down the hall, greeting everyone until they stopped a meter away from me. My eyes were fixated on Baekhyuns sweet smile. They inched closer and closer to me, making my heart race. Their manager stopped and they all looked right at me.

“This is Y/n, she’s our Portuguese translator.”

I smiled and gave a shy, “Olá” They all smiled at me and said ‘Oi’ back. “Welcome to Brazil,” I said. My eyes traveled down the line to Baekhyun just as he smiled back at me. I was so nervous in front of them, yet his smile calmed me down.

I’ve always had a big crush on him, but I doubt he’d be interested in a girl like me. I’m sure his ideal type is a fair skinned, skinny Korean girl, but I’m tanned and Brazilian.

EXO moved onto the other crew members and I looked away. I leaned against the wall and sighed, looking at my shoes.

I’ve always heard that Brazilian women are one of the most beautiful in the world, but it wasn’t until I saw one in person that I really believed it. Y/n is so stunning. Her beautiful eyes, tanned skin, and a shy smile. She was like a fantasy who came to life.

“Olá.” She said with a cute smile. She must like one of the members. I’ll bet she has a crush on Chanyeol or Sehun. Girls always like tall boys anyway.

“Oi,” I said back. She smiled again and our manager introduced us to the next crew member. I turned back to look at her and she leaned against the wall, looking down at the floor. She was obviously an EXO-L but she did a good job of staying calm in front of us, unlike the other fans we were about to see.

During the concert, I had Y/n on my mind. Every love song we sang, she popped into my head. Even when we were giving our ment, I tried my hardest to seem charming, because I knew it would make her smile. I know it’s ridiculous to try and impress someone, but I’ll only know her for another day.

While we went backstage to change, I asked the other boys if they noticed her as well. I could see them getting annoyed with me the more I talked about her, but I just wanted to see her again. There’s no way to know if I’m really interested in her unless I talked to her again. I had to know for sure.

We finished the concert, but I still had her sun-kissed skin and bright smile invading my thoughts. We walked back to our dressing rooms, but she wasn’t in the hallway. I missed my chance to talk to her again, but there was another concert tomorrow night, another opportunity to see her smile.

While we drove back to the hotel, I found myself fighting the urge to ask Sehun if he thought she liked one of us.  I opened my mouth to speak and shook the thought out of my mind.

“Hey, Sehun-ah-”

“Just ask her out, hyung!” He said. Suho turned around and looked at me. “You’ll see her tomorrow. Ask her then, and don’t mess it up.”

I knew they were right. I just had to wait until tomorrow to make my move.

Your POV

“Tchau, EXO-L!” I took out my earpiece and turned off the microphone. I felt really good about tonight. I was timid before, but now that it’s over, I’m excited to translate again for tomorrow.

I walked over to the sound people to hand them my earpiece and battery pack. I checked my phone and saw my boss wished me good luck just before the concert and another message, asking me if I was still willing to translate tomorrow. I told him I would absolutely do it again and got ready to go home.

I smiled to myself on the drive back home, just thinking about all the sweet things Baekhyun said during the concert. I didn’t think he liked Brazil so much. He was especially flirty with his comments for the fans. Telling them how beautiful Brazilian girls are and how happy he was to be here.

My daydreams about the two of us being in a relationship started to feel like a real possibility. All this time, I thought I wasn’t his type, but if there’s one thing to know about Baekhyun it’s that he is unpredictable.

The next night went by really quickly. There weren’t any introductions, so I just stayed at my little station backstage and waited for the concert to start. I sat in a tall chair and looked through my phone to kill time. The boredom nearly made me fall asleep when I felt a few small taps on my shoulder. I turned around and asked when I saw Byun Baekhyun standing right there.

“Olá.” He said with a smile.

“annyeonghaseyo~,” I said with a small bow to him.

“I- uh I noticed you yesterday and I was told you were an EXO-L So I wanted to give you this.” He handed me a repack album and I nearly fainted. I’ve been wanting one for ages! I gawked at his signature on the front and looked back at him to thank him.

“You’re welcome. I hope to hear from you soon.” He smiled at me one more time and walked back to his beginning spot. I sat back down in my chair and put in my earpiece. I opened the package and saw there was more writing on the inside. Baekhyun actually wrote me a little message in Portuguese!

‘Você é linda. Eu me lembrarei de você’ (‘You are beautiful. I’ll remember you ’)

He wrote his phone number at the bottom with a smiley face and I swooned. He is so adorable! I felt like I discovered a new kind of crush and validation to my theory. Byun Baekhyun doesn’t just like Brazilian girls, he adores us!


Sehun oneshot – Who’s cute?


not requested

genre: fluff, humor, smut

Summary: Sehun’s new hairstyle has definitely shown his youthful side, but he hasn’t taken a liking to you, his girlfriend, calling him ‘cute’.

Comeback season was well underway and Sehun’s hairstyle has been changing with the tides. First, he was orange, then back to black to grow out a bit, then pushed back when it got a little longer and now he’s able to have a bit of a break. I was happy to see him back to his normal self for a while.

This morning he left for work in a big hurry. I went out to the store and gym for a couple hours and came home to spend the rest of the day in My boyfriend’s t-shirt and a pair of panties. Speaking of the handsome devil; Sehun sent me a picture of himself in the mirror, sitting in the styling chair once again. His hair was all wet, his bangs combed out in front of his face hiding his eyes.

“Oh boy…” I whispered.

He sent me a few more with a scowl plastered on his face. I texted him back, asking what the color was going to be this time. But he simply replied, “It’s not the color I’m worried about.”

I was so confused. I tried to get him to message me back with some kind of detail, but he just left me with my imagination. I sent silent prayers, hoping he didn’t have 70’s feathered hair extensions or a spiked mohawk.

At the end of the day, I heard the front door knob turn and my heart pounded like a drum. The door opened and I looked at my boyfriend with shock. He… Looked… ADORABLE!

“Awww! Baby, you got a perm. You look so cute~” I ran up to him and cupped his face in my hands. His cheeks started to blush and I nearly turned into a puddle. “Your cheeks are soft too.”

“I got a facial…”

“Awww~ Too cute!”

“I’m not cute. I’m a grown man.” He swatted my hands away and kissed my lips, taking control.

“But you are! Hunnie~~~~”

“Don’t Hunnie me. I wanted a regular cut. I have hair in my eyes all the time now.” He pouted. He laid out on the couch with his face in the pillows and I came to sit next to him.

“I missed you today, though…” I leaned on his strong back and he turned over with a face that read ‘Really?’

“Yeah. How about we go have a bath, you seem like you had a long day.” I offered and he declined.

“I can’t get my hair wet for two days.” He said, fluffing his bangs.

I went into giggle mode and he got off the couch and stomped off to our room. I didn’t have any other choice than to go after him so I did. He went back into his face down position on our bed and pouted some more.

“Babe.” I rubbed his back and he shook his head at me. “Come on. I know you don’t like to be called cute. It’s honestly kinda sexy.” He peeked one eye at me and I kept going. “It’s actually really sexy. You haven’t done curly hair in a long time.” I played with his thickened locks and he completely turned over to face me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down.

“You really think it’s sexy?” He asked. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this anytime soon, but I was intrigued at where this was about to go.

“Yeah. Even with hair in your eyes, it makes you look mysterious.” He pulled me in closer and I leaned down to kiss him.

Naturally, his hands went from my waist, straight to my ass and squeezed. I crawled on top of him and he sat up, pulling me down onto his hips. My hands cupped his sharp jawline, tilting his head to one side to deepen our kiss. His soft moans vibrated my lips, making me smile in satisfaction.

Sehun took a hold of my legs, locking them around his hips before lifting me up a little and placing me on my back. He grinded his bulge on my center and I let out a breathy moan. His tongue slid into my mouth, forcing another moan past my lips. I used my legs to pull him in closer and feel his hardened member.

He broke away to quickly catch his breath. He sat up on his knees an undid his pants. I most definitely chose the right day to lounge around the house in his big t-shirt and panties. Sehun pulled his top over his head, putting his broad chest on full display. I leaned up, peppering kisses along his collar bones, weakening him with my touch. My hands trailed down his slim waist and into the waistband of his underwear, taking them off completely.

He pushed me back down onto the bed slowly and mounted above me. His slender finger went between my legs to hook into the bottom of my panties, feeling my wetness and moving them to the side of my slit.

“You know how much I love to see you in black lace.” His sinful whisper rang in my ears while he positioned himself at my core. I combed my fingers through his hair to push his bangs away from his face and he crashed our lips together. I felt every inch of his cock glide into my heat.

His soft pink lips parted with a small whimper. I trapped his bottom lip between mine to kiss him and he passionately kissed me back. His smooth strokes had me begging him for more. His curls tickled my neck while he covered the tops of my breasts in loving kisses. My back arched, my legs lifted up to pull him in with every thrust.

“Mmm~ You want my cum baby?” He asked me.

“Yes! Give it to me.” I pleaded. I tangled my fingers in his hair, locking him in place and he nibbled my collar bones. My mouth was ajar and I tried to stop myself from cumming too soon. I clenched my walls around his long cock, bringing him closer to the edge.

His fingertips gripped onto my hips, surely leaving his mark on my skin. “Cum, baby. Cum for me.”

I tilted my head back and let my orgasm wash over my senses. Sehun’s warm cum filled me while I screamed his name. My hands moved from his arms to his back, scratching the skin with my nails.

Sehun’s breaths slowed as we both came back down to reality and he bit my earlobe playfully, making me smile.  He pulled out of me and laid on his back next to me. I turned over on his side and kissed his cheek. He moved his shoulder under my head and I cuddled in closer. My fingers traced little circles on his smooth chest while we both bathed in the afterglow.

“Do you really think this hair is  sexy?” He asked, needing my honest approval.

I propped myself up on my arm and looked him in the eyes. “Of course, I do.” I held his cheek in my palm and his eyes lit up. I kissed him one more time and laid back down next to him.

“How are you supposed to shower if you can’t get your hair wet?” I asked him.

“I’ll just use a shower cap.”

“And now you’re back to adorable,” I said with a laugh.

Sehun sprung out of bed and stomped off to the bathroom. “Nooo! Baby, please! It’s not a bad thing!” I said while following him in. It looks like we’re going to be at this all night. Oh well 😉


AgustD scenario – Expose me not


Summary: In your secret relationship with Yoongi, you’re only able to show affection behind closed doors, but you both take a risk and expose your relationship to the world.

Genre: Fluff, slight angst

I bobbed my head to the beat of Yoongi’s new mix, taking in the quick tempo of the rap verses and relaxed synthesizer riff in the chorus.

“Wow, babe. It’s really good.” I told him.

“I’m glad you liked it.” He laced our fingers together and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. “Because I want you to be a featured artist.”

I looked at him in shock, “Why me?”

“Are you joking? You’re one of the most talented female rappers I know. You have substance, and meaning to your lyrics, not just some materialistic rhymes, and name drops. You’re real.”

I’d be lying if said I wasn’t flattered, but I was more worried about what would happen if our secret came to light. Yoongi and I have been seeing a lot of each other lately, but it never left his studio. We’d order some lunch or dinner to have dates right here and work on our music. That’s the way we liked it. Not to mention his massive fanbase.

“I don’t know.” My shyness took over, making me a little insecure about all this.

“Y/n-ah. Please consider it. It’s just one song on one mixtape.” He assured.

I came to a quick decision and sighed. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

And that’s how it was. We recorded the song, I did a few verses for the hook and Yoongi added it to his mixtape. 

We both counted down the days until it was released and I noticed how much hype it was getting. I felt like such a proud girlfriend. He really does deserve it all.

I sat in Yoongi’s studio with him and refreshed the page when the clock struck midnight. As soon as it dropped it was as if the whole fandom went wild. My heart pounded when I went to iTunes to buy it and saw the song we did together was the title track. I turned around in my chair and glared at him while he smirked at his phone.

“What did you do?” I asked him. He shrugged and leaned back in his chair while I directed my attention back to the screen. I watched the song climb up to the top of the kpop chart until it hit number one.

“I can’t believe it.” I mumbled.“And how could you make our feature song the title track? Do you want to be exposed?” My frantic tone had no effect on Yoongi’s nonchalant expression. He scooted closer and held my hand.

“What if we did? If we gave up this charade and just act like a couple. I hate being in here all the time when we should both see the light of day. Going on dates in public, holding hands outside of the studio, writing some more duets, and then performing them together.

We looked at each other, coming up with the same idea simultaneously. We should go public with the song. No one gets cast if we’re the ones bringing it to the light.

That same day, Yoongi spoke with his manager and told him he was willing to perform the title song live. Lucky for both of us, the offers from Music shows have been coming in since the rumors about another mixtape started. But we didn’t want this to be a song and dance, just two people on a stage, just like how the song is about two people finding each other.

I practiced the song over and over until the last minute, literally. My hands shook with nervousness, my breath shortened, and my mind was going a million miles a minute. I tried to focus on the song and relax, but it was no use. I had to see my boyfriend at least once, before we go onstage, to make sure this was a good idea.

My door opened a little and I watched Yoongi peak his head in before entering. He sat down next to me on the couch and put his arm around me. He tried to look me in the eye, but I resisted.

"Do you wanna wait?” He asked, referring to our master plan.

“No, I’m just getting in my head. It’s all so nerve-wracking.” I said.

“We don’t have to go public tonight though. We can just be platonic on stage and think of another way if you’re too nervous about that.” He rubbed my shoulder and I felt calmer already. Maybe we shouldn’t do this now.

I nodded in response and he kissed the side of my head. We stood up and he left the dressing room just a few minutes before I did, so we didn’t draw any attention. We made our way to the stage and the crowd went wild. Yoongi looked at me one more time before the music started and I smiled at him.

Yoongi went straight into his AgustD mode and the crowd ignited with cheers. He turned to me and I left all the nerves behind. It was like I was back in the streets of Seoul, proving myself with my verses and from where I stood, it was working. The fans cheered me on as well, amazed by what I could do.

I couldn’t stop looking at Yoongi while we both finished the last few bars. His mouth curved into a smile while I rapped and he stepped closer. The second we ended the song, I lowered the mic from my lips and Yoongi held my hand as if he knew my nerves were coming back. A look of rebellion flashed across his face and he pulled me to him, cupping my cheek and kissing me right there, in front of everyone.

The crowd uproared in more cheers, probably out of shock. I thought for sure we’d get booed, but we actually got a positive reaction. I broke away and grinned at him. Yoongi let go of my face and we walked off stage, hand in hand.

When we got off stage I nudged his shoulder and he laughed at me. “What?”

“What do you mean ‘what’? You just kissed me on national television!” He had absolutely no reaction to what I was saying and just shrugged.

“You did a good job, and I felt like kissing my girlfriend.” He shrugged.

I just smiled at him and he threw his arm around my shoulder, walking me back to the dressing room. I held his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. For the first time in months, we went out in public, holding each other without any worry of being caught.

The fall out of that day only lasted about a week. Our managers weren’t too happy about the PDA, but it didn’t damage the ratings of the show or Yoongi’s career. We continued writing music together, both in and out of the studio, like a real couple should.


Suga scenario – When words fail


💓Febuary request💓

requested by @sugaspiceandbts

Summary: You make the mistake of kissing Yoongi on the lips before he was fully over his common cold, and now you’re the one who’s in misery. But while you’re feeling sick, Yoongi repays the favor and takes care of you too.

genre: fluff, little bits of sarcastic comedy, gender neutral

The sun was up, the birds were chirping, my boyfriend was making breakfast, and I felt miserable! No one needs to have the sun peek through the curtain, straight into their eyes while trying to sleep off a headache. My sinuses were so plugged up that it was causing me soreness all over.

I lifted my head a little but gave up when the pain worsened. Laying there, staring at the ceiling, I genuinely considered staying in bed all day long, but my stomach rumbled, which vibrated my full blatter. I rolled my eyes, and lifted myself out of bed, wincing my way through it. My heavy footsteps to the bathroom could be heard downstairs where Yoongi was heating up some food.

I got to the bathroom, finally able to relieve my self without any head miseries and washed my hands. But of course, that comfort didn’t last long. I reached into the medicine cabinet and got some fever reducers.

“Baby? Are you up?” I heard my boyfriend shout.

“Yeah!… Unfortunately.” I popped the tablets into my mouth and washed them down with water.

I stopped down the stairs with a pout went straight to the breakfast bar in the kitchen to sit down. Yoongi turned around just as I lowered my head onto the countertop, hunkering over completely.He pushed a plate with two toaster waffles my way.

“Good morning.” He said with half a smile.

I raised my head, giving him a dirty look to counteract his smirk and groaned, “What’s so good about it?”

“Because I get to spend the day with the grumpy love of my life.” He came around the counter and kissed the side of my head while I ate my breakfast. “Sorry I gave you my cold, babe.” He slouched down in the other chair and watched me eat.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the dummy who forgot you were still sick and kissed you.” I smiled and finished eating.

I squeezed my eyelids shut and rubbed my temple, trying to stop the throbbing but it fought back. Yoongi took my hands and had me follow him to his home studio. He sat me down on the couch and fluffed a pillow for me.

“What are we doing in here?” I asked him.

“Well, This is the only place in the house that doesn’t have any windows so there’s no bright sunlight messing with your head and quite frankly, you just need somewhere to get away for a while and this is the best place for that. He sat on the couch and placed a pillow on his lap, laying me down on it and running his fingers through my hair.

I moaned out loud at the sensation. The second his hands touched my head it was like I was reborn. He rubbed the pressure points and played a soft beat through the speakers from his phone. My eyes fluttered shut and I nearly fell asleep when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. Yoongi slowly brushed through my hair a few more times before I completely let myself fall into an uninterrupted nap.

My eyes fluttered open and I sat upright. I looked around the room and saw that Yoongi had disappeared. I opened the door to leave the studio and walked down the hall.

"Babe?” I called. I found him flipping through channels on the TV and he looked at me with shock.

“Hey. You look better already.” He complimented.

“How long was I out?” I sat down next to him and relaxed into the cushions.

“About two hours.” He shrugged. “Feel better?”

“Yeah actually.” My headache was non-existent and I could finally breathe through my nose.  "Thank you for taking care of me.“ I kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me.

"Of course, sometimes people just need to let their bodies fully rest in order to get better.” He said. “Plus I woke up in a good mood and you were killing my vibe.” I laughed at him and nudged him playfully. He may not seem like the nurturing type, but if I ever need to shut out the world, Yoongi’s my man.