Chanyeol scenario – The decision (3/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Genre: angst, smut, fluff, romance, Si-Fi

Previously: My mind started to race again and I pondered the possible solutions. Either give in and keep my full ride to college and apartment, but lose Chanyeol. Or I can go with him and get away from my parents for several months, and follow my dream of writing music.What do I choose? Love or Money?

“No,” I said quietly.

“No what?” He asked. I looked into his big brown eyes and my heart sank, but I had to stay strong.

“I can’t go with you…”

“WHAT?!?!?!” He screamed. He stood up off the bed and went on a rampage. “HOW COULD YOU?! AFTER EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN THROUGH!!”

He picked up my textbooks and threw them out the window one by one. 

“Chanyeol you’re waking the neighbors!”

“AAAHHHHHHH!” He ran for the door and immediately tripped on my doormat and fell in the hallway. “YOU ARE NEVER GONNA FORGET PARK CHANYEOL!” He stole the mat and ran away. 

I closed the door behind me with a sigh of disappointment. Then I remembered I’m hella rich still! I went to my bathroom and threw all my hundred dollar bills into the tub for a good ol’ fashioned Cash Bath™.

K thnx bye. the end.

A/n: April fools! I couldn’t help myself! I’ll be posting the real ending very soon, no worries! Xx

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