Chen scenario – My brother’s best friend


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, angst & fluff

Warnings: light dry humping

Summary: Jongdae has always been there for you, ever since you two were little, but now that you both have grown up, he still treats you as the little girl you used to be.

The music was so loud, my bed was vibrating. It’s great that my brother came back from college, but did he have to bring his moron friends with him? The second mom and dad left, there were herds of people piling in through the back door.

I sat in my bed, staring out the window, watching all the partiers walk in until a familiar face made me perk up. Jongdae’s back too! I made a snap decision to get dressed and go down to join. I know it’s dumb to think I have a chance with my dream guy but why not just make my presence known?

We’ve lived down the street from Jongdae and his family all my life. We attended the same schools, Hung out with the same crowds, but we aren’t the same age. Next yearI’ll be in college and he’s already halfway done. For years I’ve gotten closer to him, but the more I knew about him, the harder I fell in love. Whenever I would get even a little glimpse of hope that he likes me too, he’d call me “Y/n-ah” and the spark between us quickly dies. He’ll always see me as his best friend’s baby sister, nothing more. Still, I would go out of my way to prove that I’m worthy of his attention. Just once, I want him to notice me as a possible girlfriend. I’ve imagined how we’d be as a couple so many times that it’s taken over my senses. When he’s around I want to be there with him, when he’s gone I miss him like crazy.

I searched through my closet, trying to find something that can catch Jongdae’s eye without being over the top. Mini skirt? v-neck dress?? Heels??? Too obvious. I tried on a few options before deciding on a fitted lace-up top and dark wash skinny jeans. Sexy yet subtle. I hurried to the bathroom, hoping no one would see me. I applied some makeup and touched up my hair before I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs.

A few heads turned as I walked past, but no sign of Jongdae. I took a lap around the house, ending up in the kitchen where it was quiet. I opened the fridge, needing something to drink but the door quickly slammed shut and I came face to face with my brother.

“Absolutely not. Why are you down here?” He scolded.

“Because I can. I wasn’t even going to have any liquor, I just wanted a soda.” I tried opening the fridge but was denied again.

“No. No soda, no party, nothing.” He tried shooing me off to my room but I got an idea that would change his tune.

“Sure I can go upstairs. Mom and dad will be able to hear me clearly when I call them from up there.” I crossed my arms and he glared at me while contemplating.

“… Fine. But if iso much as smell booze near you. You. are. out. Got it?”

“Yes.” I whipped open the fridge door, taking a can of soda and watched my brother walk away.

I rolled my eyes, taking a sip and went about my business. I came around the corner and felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was, my face lit up.

“Jondae! You’re back.” I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back as always.

“Yeah. Your brother and I carpooled back home for the weekend. He also told me to keep an eye on you until the party is over.” And there it was. He’s not just talking to me because I got dressed up for him, it’s because he’s now my babysitter.

“You’re joking…” I replied, feeling extremely annoyed.

“Yeah, I know. He can be a little bossy, but don’t worry. I’ll give you space. Just have fun, alright? I’m gonna get a drink.” He excused himself and headed to the kitchen.

I can’t believe he still sees me as that little girl making googly-eyes at him. Even worse, he wants to give me space. I don’t want space I want to be here with him as a date! As soon as Jongdae was out of sight I stormed off, disappearing into the crowd. I somehow ended up in the middle of the living room, crammed between a load of people dancing a grinding together. I hunched over, clutching my drink and trying to leave without being touched.

My plan quickly failed when some girl bumped into me, causing me to drop the can of soda on the floor. I gasped when I felt a hand on my but and decided to just leave the can on the floor rather than taking the risk of getting groped. I finally made it out of the group of people, taking moment to collect myself and kept moving.

I walked toward the wall, hoping to just sit down for a bit. I took a seat on the couch, keeping to myself until the inevitable moment when either my brother or Jongdae finds me. I observed everyone like a visitor in a zoo.

“This seat is taken?” I glanced up and saw a handsome stranger looking back at me.

“Uh, no. Go ahead.” I offered.

“These parties can get old pretty quick. Everybody is acting like a bunch of animals.” He said.

“My thoughts exactly,” I replied with a small laugh.

We talked for a while, getting to know each other a little. Turns out he is a friend of someone who went to high school with my brother and got ditched as soon as he arrived at the party. He was lucky enough not to get caught in the pile of dirty dancers. We went back and forth until we came across the forbidden topic.

“So what year are you?”

“Senior,” I replied without a thought.

“Seriously? You don’t look a day past 19.”

“Oh, no I meant senior in high school. I should have been more specific.” My cheeks started to burn and I lowered my head.

“That’s okay. I’ve never minded a younger woman.” My heart started to flutter. He actually liked me despite my age!

Another song came on that had the whole crowd cheering and hollering with excitement. It was way too loud to even hear my conversation until he leaned in toward my ear and said: “Wanna go somewhere private?” His hand rested on my knee and I shyly nodded ‘yes’

He took my hand leading me further away from the crowd and up the stairs. We almost got down the hall to my bedroom when another hand gripped my wrist, pulling me back.

“I don’t think so, Y/n.” Jongdae had a fire in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

“Chill out. She’s with me.” I was soon entered in a game of tug of war with the guy I was talking to and the guy who was recruited to watch me.

“No, she isn’t. She’s with me.” Jongdae argued. One of my hands was released and Jongdae pulled me behind him. “Leave.” He said with his fists clenched.

“Or what?” The other guy stepped closer to Jongdae, refusing to back down.

“Or we’ll beat your ass. That’s what.” My brother stepped in, shoving the guy toward the stairs and he finally retreated.

I looked at my brother with terror in my eyes. I hated seeing him like this and god knows he would have fought that guy over much less.

“Y/n. Go to your room. I’ll deal with you later. Jongdae, lock her in there if you have to.” With that, my brother marched down the stairs.

I came out from behind Jongdae and headed straight for my room. He quickly followed behind, making sure I didn’t try and escape back to the party. He closed my bedroom door behind us and watched me lay face down on my bed, letting out a deep sigh.

“Y/n, what were you thinking? I left you alone for literally five seconds and you vanish. Next thing I know you’re going off to bed with a random guy.”

“I wasn’t gonna sleep with him. He just wanted to go somewhere private to talk… As I’m saying it out loud, it sounds like he was just trying to sleep with me… Oh god~” I whined. I fell back over, hiding my face in the pillows.

Jongdae walked over, sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back. “It’s alright. At least you are aware of you’re mistakes. Honestly, I didn’t think that guy was your type.”

“He’s not. He was just the only guy who…” I stopped myself before I could let anything slip out. I can’t let him know my secret, even if it’s about him.

“Who what?” He asked.

“…The only guy who doesn’t mind the fact that I’m younger than him.” I admitted.

Jongdae took a second to process what I said and came to his own realization. “You didn’t like that I was watching over you?”

“Of course not. It’s so patronizing.” I muttered.

“I told you I was going to give you space.” He said in a light tone.

“I didn’t want space from you, Jongdae.” I sat up straight, meeting his eye line so he’d take me seriously. “I wanted to be there with you!”

His expression froze. There wasn’t a shred of emotion on his face, just a blank stare. I ruined it. Any chance of him liking me back was long gone by now.

“Y/n, I… I can’t.” His words shattered my heart into a million pieces. I just wanted to curl up and fade away.

“I-I understand.” My voice broke. I turned away from him so he wouldn’t see my tears start to swell up.

“Y/n, please. It’s not about your age. You’re just my best friend’s sister. I don’t want to lose either one of you.”

“You won’t. Jongdae, I didn’t just wake up this morning with a crush on you. I fell for you from the start and it’s only got worse when you left for college. I miss you all the time but I couldn’t just say it because I knew this would happen. I knew you’d reject me. I’m just a little girl in your eyes. Nothing’s changed.”

“Don’t say that. You’re not a little girl. I know that. It’s just a way of distancing myself from seeing you as the woman you are. If I see you that way I won’t be able to stop myself from doing something I could regret later.” His honesty was a bit of a shock for me. I never knew he was holding back like this.

“How do you see me?”

“Y/n.” He raised his hand, cupping my cheek while he spoke. you are an incredibly  driven, genuine, sweet  woman… who happens to be young.“  I smiled slightly at his last comment and his thumb ran over my bottom lip. "With the most deliciously soft lips, I’ve ever seen.” He lifted my chin, tilting my head to one side, coming in closer until our lips came together for a long-awaited kiss.

I moved my hand around his neck, pulling him in close. Oddly, my nerves melted away, my heartbeat sped up, but I felt relaxed by his touch. I felt his hand on my back, bringing me in even closer and I moaned faintly.  He draped my legs across his lap before laying me back, climbing above me and making himself comfortable without ever breaking our kiss.

I lifted my legs, planting them on either side of him, allowing him the perfect opportunity to gently grind down. I moaned aloud, enjoying the feeling of him through my jeans.

“I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to have this beautiful body of yours pressed against me.” He lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip while his grinded onto my pelvis. He kissed my neck, while his finger started tugging on the string of my top, unlacing it. His hot lips moved over the tops of my breasts and down the middle. His free hand lifted my shirt up, uncovering my stomach. He kissed his way down my abdomen and paused briefly to undo my skinny jeans. He peeled them down with ease while I threw my top across the room. He slowly got off the bed, looking down in wonder at my half-naked body.

Jongdae started a little striptease, getting rid of his top, tossing it in the same direction as mine. When he got back on the bed, he took my hands, placing them on the front of his pants, hinting for me to help him out a little. I unbuttoned his jeans, sliding the zipper down and pulling them down far enough for him to just kick off the rest.

“I’ve wanted you for so long Y/n.” He whispered.

I kissed him one more time, savoring the taste of his sweet lips, “Take me. I’m yours, Jongdae.”

Without hesitation, he pulled his rock hard cock out of his underwear and slipped my panties to the side. With one slow thrust, he stretched out my walls just right, entering me completely. I coiled around him, wanting to feel every inch of his skin on mine.

He thrusted in and out, filling me up perfectly before pulling out again, building friction. My stomach knotted up, my limbs felt like jelly and my orgasm was fast approaching. Jongdae’s thrusts got a little rougher, making it harder to contain my screams of pleasure. But I couldn’t let anyone hear us. This moment was for us, nothing and no one can ruin it. For the first time ever, I felt mentally, emotionally, and physically fulfilled. All I needed now was a sweet release.

“Jongdae~ I’m gonna cum,” I said, holding back any loud whimpers or moans.

“Me too, love. Cum with me. Oh~ Now!”

I bit down on his shoulder while he buried his face in my pillow, muffling his growls and groans. My whole body tingled as I finished my orgasm. I became too weak to keep clenching around him, but his member had already started to soften deep inside me. We both took a moment to collect our selves. Jongdae rolled off of me and stared at the ceiling. I laid next to him, terrified that he would regret what we did.

“That… was amazing.” He said with a smile growing on his face. I sat up a little, turning to rest my head on his chest. He welcomed me into his arms right away, kissing the top of my head and I sighed in relief.

“My brother’s gonna be so-”

“Shhh, you don’t need to worry about that right now. I just want to have this moment for a while.” He snuggled me in closer and just like before, all my nerves went away.


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