Xiumin scenario – Release the tension

Requested by anon

Genre: mafia EXO, smut

Warnings: rough sex, teasing

Summary: Xiumin has had a pretty hard day, but after seeing you waiting for him in your little tank top and shorts, he decided to relieve some stresses the best way he knows how.

I jumped out of my daze when I heard the door slam shut. I pulled off the blanket and sat up on the couch, waiting to see Minseok come around the corner.

“God damn it…” I heard a familiar grumble and relaxed into the couch. Minseok must be having a bad day. I ordered from his favorite restaurant, but he texted me a few moments before he was supposed to be home that he was staying late. I don’t know why I keep getting my hopes up Just to have them crushed.

“Y/n? Where are you?!” He hollered.

“Livingroom,” I said, holding back a yawn.

“What’s with all the takeout in the kitchen?” He sounded so annoyed but not nearly as annoyed as I was with his tardiness.

“I thought we would have some dinner but instead I got a text saying you were working late and took a nap.” I could hear his deep sigh from the other room and heavy footsteps coming closer.

“It’s not my fault Y/n. I’m here… Now…” He slowed down when he turned the corner, staring at me in shock. “Come here, baby.” He came down on top of me, going straight in for a kiss but I quickly turned my head, refusing to kiss him back.

His lips almost landed on my cheek before he stopped himself. He looked at me with confusion and tried to kiss me again. Once more, I denied him, turning my cheek without a word.

“Baby… Please? Just one? Don’t make me beg.” He held my jaw in his hand, holding me in place as he finally got his kiss, sort of. I laid there completely relaxed, not giving him anything back.

He soon gave up and moved on to my neck, muttering, “I missed you so much today.” as he moved down to my collar bones. “I would have ditched that meeting if I knew I had this waiting for me.”

I laid motionless, ignoring his plush pink lips. I was too angry to give in that easily. Still, Minseok continued with his sweet kisses, his hands traveled up my sides, under my top until I blocked him before he went too far. He smirked now that he finally got some kind of reaction and grinded his growing erection onto my upper thigh.

“Come on, baby. Just. One. Kiss.” His lips pressed to my jaw, then my cheek and finally my lips.

My wetness was too obvious to deny. I opened my legs a little wider, inviting him between then and kissed him back. I draped my arms around his neck and my rough, lustful, dominant man burst forth with a primal tug at my shorts. I gasped when I heard a ripping at the hem. Minseok threw them across the room without a care about where they landed.

“M-Minseok.” I moaned

“Tsk, tsk. You think you can deny me what’s mine and call me by my name?”  He asked with deep, dark eyes.

“Master, please,” I said, correcting myself.

“Please what? Say it!” His hips grinded down on mine, making my mouth open slightly.

I took a deep breath to compose myself and spoke. “Master, please take me. Take what’s yours. Please.” I begged.

Minseok lifted my top, stared straight at my erect nipples and helped himself. I clenched my thighs around him, trapping him between my legs while he sucked on my breasts. With one arm across his shoulders, I played with his hand in my free hand, Tugging a little when his teeth grazed my sensitive skin.

I looked down when I hear the sound of a kipper. Minseok pulled his member out of his pants when he had enough of teasing me and Pulled my panties down, coating himself with my slick center. My head tilted back as he quickly slammed into me, filling me up just right.

His fast, merciless thrusts had me seeing stars already. He pounded into me, letting out all his anger and frustration, replacing it with a burning desire. He lifted my legs into the air, spreading them even wider, gripping them so hard that he left little red marks.

“Make me cum, master. Fuck me!” I demanded.

Minseok was too blinded by pleasure to put me in my place for talking to him like that. His thrusts started getting sloppy, his rhythm went out of sync and his mouth was agape. His soft moans were like music to my ears. His hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I instantly came undone when his throbbing tip touched my g-spot. I clenched around him, feeling his cum shooting against my walls as we both reached our climaxes.

By the time we cooled down, Minseok kissed the valley between my breasts and pulled my top back down. He stood up off the couch, tucked his softened member into his pants and lifted me off the sofa.

“My baby doesn’t need to lay on the couch.” He said.

He walked us upstairs and laid me down on the bed, knowing I still had some left over sleepiness from my nap. I relaxed on the bed, almost letting myself fall asleep when I remembered one last thing.

“Oh, What about dinner?” I asked him.

“Don’t worry about that. We can eat when you wake up, I need to make some calls anyway. Sleep well. I love you.” He kissed my forehead ever so softly and left me to rest.

“I love you too,” I said as I watched him quietly shut the door behind him.


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