Xiumin drabble – Just keep swimming

Requested by anon

Genre: quick, cute, and sweet fluff đź’™

Another day, another workout session with Minseok. If there was anyone in the world who can keep me motivated, it’s him. He knows I prefer going to the gym with someone so, he insists that we go together a few times a week. Today was like any other gym day, only I noticed a flyer for swimming lessons at the front desk.

“Swim lessons! I’ve always wanted to learn.” I turned to show Minseok, but he just chuckled.

“Y/n, that class is for kids. There’s a cartoon duck on it.” He said pointing at the paper.

“Well, could you teach me? The pool is open today.” I asked, walking with him to the locker room.

“Not today, babe. It’s arm day. Besides, neither of us packed a swimsuit” He reminded me.

With that, He kissed my forehead and went into the man’s room. I sighed to myself and headed back over to the desk. If he didn’t want to teach me, maybe I could get a professional to do it.

“Excuse me. Are there any swimming instructors for adults?” I asked the guy at the desk.

“Yeah, I’m actually one of the instructors. I’m John.” He extended his hand and I shook it before he went on. “Just send me an email and we can get some lessons scheduled. My earliest opening is tomorrow at three.” He handed me his card and I felt better already.

“Great. Thanks so much!’ I waved goodbye and headed to the locker room to get changed.

The next day Minseok said he would have dance practice all day, so I just went to the gym alone. For the first time in a while, I actually felt comfortable being there without someone, but it was probably because I knew I’d have, John, the instructor, with me.

From the start of my lesson, I tried to follow the pointers I was taught and keep my head above water. We were at it for almost an hour when I caught glimpse of a familiar face while I was floating on my back. I smiled when I saw Minseok up on the second floor, lifting weights until he realized who I was. He dropped the weight, barely missing his foot and rushed to the stairs.

"Uh-oh.” I stood up in the water, breaking away from the instructor’s grasp, and waited for Minseok to storm in.

“Y/n? What are you doing?” Minseok stomped over to the edge of the pool, crossing his arms and glared in fury at John.

“I’m learning to swim. You said you didn’t want to so I hired John.” I said, innocently. Minseok’s eyes narrowed, not quite buying my excuse.

“I’ll give you two a moment. Our hours was just about up anyway.” John excused himself and I swam to the edge of the pool.

“Are you mad?” I asked my boyfriend.

Minseok reached for my hand, helping me out of the pool. He grabbed a towel, placing it around my shoulders. “No, I’m not mad. I was just… Shocked. John was getting a little grabby.”

“He was keeping me from drowning,” I said with a laugh.

We walked back to the locker rooms, Minseok wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. “From now on, I will teach you to swim. We can come back to the pool once a week to do it.”

“Promise?” I asked holding out my pinky.

“I promise.” He replied, verifying our pinky swear.


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