Mark scenario – On my way

Requested by anon

Genre: smut, romance

This is for my dream 

This is for my love 

Every time I run 

I’m just moving on and on and on

My phone buzzed suddenly. I checked my messages only to find a missed call and voicemail from Mark.

“Hey, baby. sorry I missed you. I just got off the plane and thought I’d give you a call. I’m on my way home. Hopefully, you aren’t asleep.” I smiled to myself. He knows me too well. “Anyway. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes. I love you so much. Bye.”

He sounded completely exhausted. I’ve always told him he works way too hard sometimes. Whenever he calls, I have a sense of relief that he’s able to have some downtime. He and I have only lived together for a few months before he went on tour and during that time, he was putting in work for the tour. He’d be gone for hours on end and come home with enough energy to fall into bed.

When he got home tonight, I knew he’d be tired, so I didn’t go above and beyond. Just the essentials. I cleaned up around the house, lit a few candles to freshen the air and changed the sheets. My heartbeat quickened by the minute until I caught a glimpse of headlights through the front window. He’s home!

I unlocked the door and hurried upstairs to tease him a little. Who could resist? I stripped out of all my clothes, leaving my underwear on and tussled my hair a bit. The front door creaked open and I heard Mark’s sweet voice echo down the hall.

“Y/n? Baby?” He called.

I laid out on the bed, trying my best to look tantalizing. Mark opened the door, took a few steps in and froze when he saw me laying there half-naked. He dropped his bags in the middle of the floor and let his eyes explore each curve. I got up on my knees, coming closer to him and held out my hands.

“Welcome home, baby,” I said with a small smile.

Mark walked closer, holding my hands and looking over every inch of my body. I placed his hands on my waist, giving him the perfect opportunity to touch me wherever he desired. He started at my hips, moving lower while I cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for a steamy kiss. I snaked my arms around his shoulders, gasping when he gave my ass a squeeze. Mark trapped my bottom lip between his teeth with a devilish smirk and pulled me in for another passionate kiss. I pulled the jacket off of him, feeling his stiff muscles through his shirt.

“Mmm, Babe~ You’re all tense. I thought you said you wouldn’t strain yourself.” I said with a pout.

“Trust me, baby.” He said with a sigh. He lifted me off the bed and into his arms, proving his strength. “Daddy has plenty of strength. Besides. Everything I do is for you.” He laid me down on my back, climbing on top of me, kissing down my body. “I wanna provide for you…. and take care of you… and make you feel good.” He whispered between kisses. He pulled my panties down with his index finger, freeing his other hand to slowly stroke my slit.

“Oh… Daddy.” I whimpered.

He looked up at me from between my legs, smiling innocently before taking my clit into his mouth. I squirmed and clutched the sheets beneath me. Mark’s big hand pressed to my pelvis, holding me down while he pleasured me mercilessly.

“D-daddy, wait. Please.” I begged. I didn’t want to cum like this. As nice as it was to feel his lips on my body, I was in need of more. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. After five months apart, I just wanted to feel his long cock stretching my walls, claiming me as his.

Mark lifted his head, wiping his mouth of my juices and laying my legs on either side of him. He took his member into his hand, gently grazing his tip against my folds.

“Is this what you’ve wanted all this time?” He asked, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded frantically, wanting nothing more than for his to take that first trust. Mark lowered himself, his lips inches away from my face, he suddenly stopped massaging my entrance, then all at once, he slammed into me, forcing his entire cock into my tight heat. My mouth fell open with a long moan. All those nights I imagined him inside me instead of those sex toys or trying to please myself instead of feeling his rough fingers pumping in and out of me, none of it could amount to the real thing.

“This is why I do it, baby girl.” He said. “You’re all mine now, baby. And I’m all yours.”

I clenched around him, trying to hold in my sweet release. All the while I just brought him to the edge with me. Mark gripped my thighs, spreading them even more, taking me from a better angle. My back arched completely off the bed, I screamed out his name and we both came at the same time. The butterflies in my stomach turned into bursts of tingles all over my body, leaving me covered in goosebumps. Mark’s warm cum filled me while his soft moans rang through my ears.

We both laid there, catching our breath and bathing in the afterglow. Mark turned over, bringing me into his chest and kissing my forehead. I traced little patterns on his chest, tickling him with my tight touch. His mouth opened wide with a big yawn.

“I missed you so much, y/n.” He said, feeling drowsy.

“I missed you too. I’m so glad your back. Now you can relax… properly.” I teased.

Mark just smiled and held me close. “That’s why I do it.”


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