J-hope scenario – The chain


Not requested

genre: angst

Summary: They say that one knows their in love with another in the first 24 hours of meeting them. Well, that holds true when that loved one walks out the door, but would you let them back in if you had the chance?

A/n: This one made me cry, Y’all! I am so emo for this song!

The sky looks pissed
The wind talks back
My bones are shifting in my skin
And you my love are gone

Hoseok was like the radiant sun on a cold, dark day, and now that we broke up, my whole world felt like an endless storm.When I felt a bit blue, he would be right there to listen to me and console me. But what do I do now?

My room feels wrong
The bed won’t fit
I cannot seem to operate
And you my love are gone

“This thing didn’t look so heavy on the website, jagi.” Hoseok straightened out our new mattress and I plopped down on my side.

“Come on, Hobi~ Hop in!” I patted the space next to me and he jumped onto the bed, back first.

I cuddled into his side, just like I do at night and he kissed my forehead. We relaxed for a brief moment and Hoseok looked around at the empty spot on the bed.

“I still think it’s a little too big. With the way we sleep, we could have just bought a twin bed.”

I gave him a playful shove and he laughed. “We’re adults, babe. Big beds are better.” I said.

I didn’t know it then, but I’d regret those words after spending a night shivering and lying awake for hours. I got up and checked the thermostat, but it hasn’t changed in weeks. I tried to go back to bed, but it was pointless. I couldn’t even sleep without him here to keep me warm.

I looked over at his spot, but I saw nothing and no one. It all became real. He was gone.

I’ll never say that I’ll never love
But I don’t say a lot of things
And you my love are gone

I sat on the couch, staring at the boxes filled with his things. Everything from his toothbrush, to the stuffed puppy he bought me on our third date.

He was so sweet when we first met. We would have date nights all the time and grab a pizza from the same place we went to on the first snow of winter, in remembrance of last year when we were snowed in and there was only one place that was open. He was attentive too. I would always joke about him having the memory of an elephant, but that memory started to fail him. He started to come home late and we both started to get annoyed at each other over basic things.

We used to talk for hours about our days, but recently, If I asked him how his day was, I’d just get a ‘Fine.’ and nothing else. I assumed we would get over our gloom, but that never happened.

Then, everything was flipped upside down. We got into a huge fight over the dishes, but it wasn’t just that. We haven’t been communicating properly for months and now it’s all coming up at once. All the canceled dates and empty promises were brought up, making us go back and forth for over an hour before Hoseok said the words that shocked the system.

“That’s enough! I’m leaving.” Everything stopped as we stood there in defeat. I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat blocked any noise. He walked straight past me and grabbed his wallet and keys. I jumped when the door slammed shut and a rush of leftover anger burst forth. I stomped to the door and locked it, sliding the chain over the crack.

I hit the wall and cried out in frustration. I leaned against the door and lowered to my knees. “What have I done?”

So glide away on soapy heels
And promise not to promise anymore
And if you come around again
Then I will take the chain from off the door

wiped the tears from my face as I put the framed picture he gave me for our anniversary on top of one of the boxes.

This didn’t feel right. I shouldn’t be packing his things so he can disappear. We were supposed to be together forever. I just wanted to see him. I want to laugh with him, and hold him, and kiss him. We both owed each an apology for what we said, but I’m not sure if that will ever happen with the way we left things.

I turned when I heard a knock at the door and looked through the peephole. I gasped when I saw who it was. “Hobi,” I whispered. I backed up and took the chain off the door and opened it.

“Hey.” He said. I moved aside so he could come in and he caught sight of the boxes filled with his belongings. “You must have been busy after… Everything.”

“I hardly slept anyway so…”

I wanted to leap into his arms and tell him I’ll always love him no matter what, but seeing him looking as miserable as I am only made me want to cry some more. He was the one who made me feel better, not worse.

“Where did you go?” I asked.

“I stayed over at Namjoon’s place.” He said. He scratched the back of his head and smiled to himself. “He- uh- told me to get over here and make amends.” His hands reached out to me and he intertwined our fingers. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’ve been so caught up in these past few months and I’ve been putting our relationship last and you deserve better than that. And I completely understand if you want me to leave. I just need you to know that I love you, Jagi.” He slowly started to let go of my hands and he picked up a box.

“Wait.” I grabbed his arm and he stopped. “Hobi, of course, I don’t want you to go. It’s my fault. I should have just come out and said something. I’ve been bothered for months and didn’t say anything because I thought things would just magically get back to normal.” He put the box down while I spoke and faced me. “I can’t love someone else the way I love you.” My voice cracked while I spoke and I felt myself starting to cry again.

Hoseok took a step closer and held my face in his hands. He stopped a tear from falling down my face and wiped it away. He looked at me with a small smile and brushed my cheek with his thumb.

“Can I kiss you?” He said, letting a tear slip down his own face.


He pulled me in, crashing our lips together and it all came back. The reason I knew things would get back to normal, the reason I couldn’t let him go, and the reason I forgave him now. I was completely in love with him. I can feel it in his kiss. Even after the worst fight in our history as a couple, he made my knees weak and my heart soars with a single kiss. As long as we have this spark, I’ll always let him back into my life.


Appa!Suga – The nanny


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: parenthood, fluff, his POV

Summary: Yoongi hasn’t been having much luck with love being a single father, but a certain new nanny at his toddler’s daycare has plucked his heartstrings.

A/n: Any ‘The nanny’ fans? XD

I bent down to get one more look at my son before sending him to daycare. “Be on your best behavior. Make sure you are nice to everyone, okay? Have fun.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

I watched him hurry inside and run up to one of the nannies in the hallway. She heard him yelling ‘Hi’ and bent down, scooping him up with a hug. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. When she let him back down, he grabbed her hand and the two walked into the playroom with the other kids while I turned to leave.

Who is this girl? I’ve taken my son to this daycare for the past six months, but this is the first I’ve seen of her.

I tried to remember if I met her before, but I kept drawing blanks. Orientation? No, I would have been introduced. She must be new here. I was given a second reason to pick-up my son as quickly as possible at the end of the day; I’m going to find out who the new nanny is.

Normally I would just walk up to the front desk and have my son waiting right there, but I came a few minutes early so I’d maybe catch another glance at the nanny I saw before.

My son came in through the door and there she was holding his hand. “Appa!” He ran to me and I picked him up.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“Really good! Y/n taught us how to make cookies!” He held up a sandwich back with three cookies inside to take home.

“Who’s Y/n?” I asked him.

“That’s me. Sorry, we haven’t met before. I’m Y/n.” She extended her hand and I shook it. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She said with a smile. I left with my little one in my arms and he waved good-bye.

“See you tomorrow.” He said.

The whole ride home he went on and on about how much fun he had and I asked him about his new nanny. He was really my only source of information about her.

“She started last week, but she doesn’t work on Fridays.” He said. That was it. I was going to ask her to go out with me on Friday, that way she won’t have any stresses from work or anything.

Throughout that week, I’d drop off my son, go to work, pick him up a few minutes early and chat with Y/n while I waited. When Thursday rolled around, I came in with the confidence to finally ask her out.

“Hi, Yoongi, He should be right out, he’s grabbing his bookbag.” She said with her signature smile.

“Uh, Y/n,” I called out to her and she looked up from the computer. “I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to have dinner tomorrow night. If you aren’t busy of course.”

She thought to her self for a second and nodded. “I’d love to.” She replied and my son burst through the door and walked toward me. I lifted him into my arms and gave Y/n my phone number.

“See you then,” I said, walking out. She waved to the both of us and my heart raced. When we got out to the car, my boy gave me a sneaky smile.

“What are you smiling at little man?” I asked him.

“You like miss Y/n~” He teased and I smiled back at him. I was finally able to find a girl who didn’t care about me being a single dad. And I had my little man’s approval.


J-Hope drabble – Perfectly imperfect


💓Febuary request💓

Genre: FLUFF, gender neutral

Hoseok’s eyes lit up when I handed him his birthday gift. He shook the box gently, trying to figure out what was inside before he actually opened it.

“You really didn’t have to get me anything. I’m just happy to spend the day with you.” He said.

“Just open it. You’ll be a lot happier.”

He opened to the top and a black cloud of smoke came bursting out. He dropped the box and the fire alarm started beeping. I started to panic and grabbed my boyfriend’s hand to try and get out of the house.

My eyes flew open as I gasped. I lifted my head off the pillow and realized it was all just a bad dream. I sniffed the air and still smelled smoke. I jumped when I heard the beeping continue throughout the house. I looked over to Hoseok’s side of the bed, but he wasn’t there. Oh god.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my boyfriend opening the windows and fanning the smoke out. I leaned against the wall and cleared my throat to get his attention.

“Oh. Hey jagi.” He said with a nervous smile. He picked up the pan from the stove. “Pancakes?” He offered in a way that I’m hoping was sarcastic. My eyes went wide when I saw how burnt they were.

“Are you trying to burn the house down? How’d you even do that?” I asked.

“Well, I was trying to make pancakes but the stove was on too high and then I tried to cook some bacon and the grease caught fire.” He looked so helpless and flustered. I walked over to him with my arms crossed. “Are you mad?” He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I couldn’t resist.

I gave him a small kiss, cupping his cheeks and he smiled, showing his tiny dimples. “It’s okay, Hobi. I just got a little freaked out when I heard the alarm go off is all.” He kissed me back and I took the pan, dumping the burned food into the trash.

“How about I just handle breakfast. You’re the birthday boy. You shouldn’t be cooking.” I took out two new pans and used the leftover pancake batter. I cooked up the bacon and eggs while a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back a little.

“Be careful, baby. I don’t want you to get burned.” I warned. He kissed my shoulder. “I’ll be okay.”

I finished our breakfast and grabbed two plates. Hoseok went to the fridge and got the whipped cream and syrup. We went to the couch and turned on the TV. He got excited when he saw his favorite morning anime was on and we cuddled together.

“Thank you for breakfast, Jagi. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He kissed my head, making me blush.

“Honestly. Neither do I.” I teased. He leaned down and kissed me again. “Happy birthday, hobi.”


Jungkook scenario – Lucky


requested by @thedawnsky

Summary: You and Jungkook have been through everything together. You were his best friend even before he got his bad boy reputation and you’re even closer now. You’ve been there for him through it all, but now it’s his turn to be there for you during a rough time.

Genre: angst. fluff, smut

warnings: morning sex

“Hey… It’s me. Could you come down to the lake? I don’t really want to be alone right now.”

It was a cry for help. Of all the people in all the world, Jungkook was the person I came to for things like this. He had a way of getting me out of my own head.

I sat at the edge of the lake, feeling the cool breezes counteract the hot sun. The only place I felt safe right now was my usual spot by the water. As a kid, I’d hang out around here with my best friend Jungkook, or Kookie as I’d call him. If anyone else called him that he’s burst into full-on rage.

I closed my eyes and tilted my face toward the sun. I jumped when I heard screeching tires against the pavement from afar and looked to see Jungkook’s car racing into the parking lot. I sighed to my self and watched him walk toward me.

“Must you always do that? You’re gonna ruin your tires.” I said rolling my watery eyes.

“I have a better question. Why are you out here alone?” He sat down in the grass next to me. “What’s wrong?” He asked. I sighed to my self and lowered my head. “Babygirl, look at me.” He leaned in, trying to catch my gaze and I finally looked up at him with red, puffy eyes. “What did he do?”

He already knew it was the jerk I was dumb enough to fall for. “We broke up…” I confessed.

His expression softened into a look of sympathy and compassion. He sighed and placed his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a warm hug. “I’m so sorry.”

I nuzzled in closer and let the tears flow. He didn’t try to contact me for days and then he just calls me out of nowhere and tells me we have to ‘talk’. I’m not sure if he wanted to let me down gently, but it just turned into the worst day ever. We’ve been together for years and I thought we’d be able to stay together, but he had other plans.


“Hey! Why’d you want to meet here?” I asked as I walked around the corner and saw my boyfriend standing there by the lake. He looked so nervous while he sat down on a bench by the shore. He patted the seat next to him and I willingly accepted the offer.

“Y/n… There’s no easy way to say this, but… I found someone else.” He said slowly.

It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach. I was in complete shock. Why did he want to meet here of all places? The place that we shared so many good memories to just be destroyed by this one. I felt the tears gather in my eyes and I covered my face with my hands, unable to make the tears stop.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

I summoned up the courage to ask him the burning question and spoke, “Is that the reason you’ve been ignoring me? So you could be with her?”


“Oh my god!” I got up from the bench and ran away. I couldn’t believe he ignored me for days to try and figure out of the other girl was ‘worthy’ instead of just calling it off with me.

“Y/n. Please wait!” I heard his voice behind me and I stopped.

“No! You completely abandoned your girlfriend so you could try and start a relationship elsewhere!”

“You know what?! You’re not very different from me. You honestly think all those times you blow me off to hang out with your little guy friend isn’t abandoning me either? I’m done trying to compete with him for your attention! So go! Be with him. I know for a fact that’s who your gonna call!” His face turned bright red while he practically screamed at me. My heart pounded in my chest out of anger and a little bit of fear. I’ve always been terrified of being left on my own with no one to help me. And now the one man who promised to be there for me is gone.

“We’re done. Completely.” I said calmly. He crossed a line and now there’s no coming back from it. He huffed and turned away, leaving me isolated once again. I pondered his words over and over in my head.

“I know for a fact that’s who you’re gonna call.”

He’s absolutely right. Because Jungkook listens and understands me. We’ve been inseparable since kindergarten and I know he’ll be there for me no matter what unlike the guy who was supposed to love and trust me.


“Kookie can I ask you something?” I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.


“Have you ever thought of our friendship as something more?”

“Honestly, yeah, I have. I come to you with more things than I have with my past girlfriends because you know me. We’ve been together since before I can remember.”

I hung on his every word. I understood what he was saying completely. “And I know your, now ex, was jealous, but I was jealous of him from time to time. He was hanging out with one of the greatest girls I’ve ever known and it did get to me a little.”

“Jungkook…” I looked back to the ground and he lifted my chin to meet his stare.

“I know it seems hard to get over at this point but he’s going to be the one to regret it. I don’t even know that other girl and I can still say without a doubt you’re better, Y/n. You’re amazing.” I could tell by the looks on his face while he spoke that he meant every word. I smiled at him shyly, and he came a little closer, his eyes moving from my gaze to my lips, and back up.  

I didn’t even hesitate and just kissed him for the very first time. My heart went from shattered to feeling brand new. His hands held my waist pulling me closer. His right hand moved to the side of my face, turning me slightly and lowering me to my back. He twisted his body to hover over me without breaking our kiss.

I never thought his lips would feel this good. He tasted so sweet and inviting. I’ve never felt this way when I kissed my ex, but then again, he never kissed me like this either. There’s passion with Jungkook and I didn’t want it to end. I pulled him in closer, leaving no space between us.

“Mmm- wait. wait.” Jungkook broke away and sat up. Oh god. He’s rejecting me. Once again I was going to be left on my own. “Not like this.”

“Not like what?” I felt so confused and upset for the second time today.

“Y/n, you’re my best friend.” Here it comes. He’s gonna try and let me down easy. “But I don’t want to just be friends. I’ve wanted this for the longest time, but I’m not just gonna have sex with you in the grass by the lake where you just got dumped. A girl like you deserves more than that.”

“Well… What did you have in mind?”

“You said that this place had lots of happy memories but he ruined them because of all this. So let’s go somewhere that has better memories. A place that can’t be ruined.”

He got up and held his hands out for me. He helped me up and we walked to his car. He drove us to our old elementary school and we both got out and walk to the playground.

“What’s happening? This place looks so weird with no one around.”

“Come here.” Jungkook held my hips, moving me closer to the swing set. I burst into laughter when I realized what he was doing. “Right there is where that punk kid pushed you off the swings and made you fall on your ass.” He walked two feet away from me and turned. “And here is where I beat him up for you and got put in timeout for the rest of the day.

"Our teacher had to move a little table into the corner so you could play with  your legos.” I smiled.

“That was when I decided to defend you… from all bad things. And that’s why I’m still here now. You’re worth so much more than what he did to you.” My eyes fogged up and a tear trickled down my cheek.

“No… Babygirl, don’t cry.” He rushed to my side and wiped my tear.  He tucked my hair behind my ear, making me quiver. I leaned my head toward his touch, missing the feel of his embrace and he pulled me into a hug. “You’ll always have me. I promise.”

I slowly let go of me and I looked him in the eyes once more. The look in his eyes was so pure yet intense. “How do you do that?”

“What?” He said to my random question. “How do you give off this bad boy attitude and yet when you talk to me it’s like butter can’t melt in your mouth. You become a total softy.”

He shrugged and looked at the ground. “You’re one of the very few people who see the real me, and I guess when I’m around you, I can be real.”  I stepped closer to him and hugged him.

“Thank you for this. I really needed it.” I nuzzled in and his arms held onto my shoulders firmly. My ear pressed against his chest, letting me hear his heart start to beat faster. I looked up at him and his expression relaxed into a subtle smile. I leaned toward him, kissing his soft lips again.

The second he kissed me back I felt weak in the knees. His hands cupped my face and deepened the kiss. I wanted him, I needed him, and I knew he needed me too.

Jungkook broke away and looked at me once more. “Do you feel better?”

“Much better…” I replied. “But, uh… Is it alright if I stayed at your place for the night? There’s just a lot of stuff that reminds me of him at my apartment and I don’t want to deal with it right now.”

“Of course. You’re welcome anytime.”

We went back to his car and drove to his place while the sun disappeared into the night. By the time we reached his apartment, I felt so exhausted. It was as if my whole world came crashing down and then rebuilt in mere hours.

Jungkook was nice enough to let me borrow a pair of his sweatpants and sleep in his bed. I laid here for a while and started to feel a little cold. There was no way I could sleep with all these thoughts in my head.

Are Jungkook and I a couple now? Isn’t that exactly what my ex-expected of me?

I was taken from my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. “Hey. Are you decent?”

“Yeah,” I said with a smile. He walked in and headed for his close. “Just grabbing an extra blanket.”

“Oh, kookie. You don’t have to sleep on the couch. Here. Come lay with me!” I patted the side of the bed and he smirked.

He climbed in next to me and I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and played with my hair. “You know, I thought you would be asleep by now.”

“I know. I’ve been staring at the ceiling for a while.”  My eyelids started to get heavy, but I still wasn’t that tired. “Kookie, can you sing to me?”

“What? Why?” He asked with a small laugh.

“How is that funny? You used to sing all the time.” I remembered that after school we’d always hang out at the park and He’d sing when he got bored and had a song stuck in his head. “Come on. ANy song. It’ll help me sleep.”

Jungkook thought to himself for a moment and sighed. He got up off the bed and went to the closet, pulling out his guitar. I propped my head up on a pillow and got comfortable.

He tuned the strings a bit and started to play. I smiled when he started the first few cords to Jason Mraz’s Lucky.

“Do you hear me, I’m talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying”

I was way too tired to sing the other part but he just kept going with the chorus.

“Lucky I’m in love with my best friend
lucky to have been where I have been
lucky to be coming home again”

It only took a few more seconds for me to drift off. My eyes closed and my breaths slowed down, but I could still hear Jungkook putting away his guitar. I felt so protected here with him, not just physically, but emotionally. I know he won’t break my heart or leave me the way my ex-boyfriend did.

I was nearly asleep when I felt Jungkook’s soft lips press against my forehead. “Good night, babygirl.” He whispered.

When I woke up the next morning, I turned over and realized I was pressed against Jungkook’s chest. I tried to be discreet as I shifted in his arms. His grip on my waist loosened and he rolled over on his back. He looked so peaceful when he slept, but I couldn’t resist giving him a kiss good morning.

I ran my hands up Jungkook’s toned chest and kissed his neck, just as his veins started to show. His eyes flew open and he rolled on top of me. “If I didn’ know any better, I’d think you’re trying to get me all hot and bothered. Maybe I should do the same.”

His hands gave me goosebumps as they moved up my thighs, hooking my leg around his hip to get into a good position. “Mmm, babygirl. You’re mine now.” He smiled at me and I giggled back, wrapping my arms around his toned shoulders. “I’m all yours.”

“Finally.” He whispered. I leaned up to kiss his lips and he pulled back quickly. “Wait.” He reached over and opened his nightstand, grabbing a condom and a mint. I broke into a fit of giggles when I saw what he pulled out of the drawer. “What?” Morning breath is a huge turn-off.“

"I love how you just had those in your nightstand though.”

Jungkook just shrugged at me, “You never know when you’ll wake up next to a beautiful girl.”

After preparing himself better, he smashed our lips together and slowly thrust into me. My mouth opened with a small moan, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips. I could taste the sweet mint flavor on his warm tongue. Our bodies pressed together as we both came closer to our climax.

“Oh, god I’m gonna cum!” He groaned while trying to hold himself back.

I held onto his upper back, clenching my walls around him and screaming, “Cum, baby. Give it to me!” With those final words, we both hit our highs at the same time, moaning and riding our way through our orgasm.

By the time we came back down to reality, I still had one thing on my mind. “Kookie?”

He got off of me and pulled me into his arms. “So, are we actually together now?” I asked him.

“Well, yeah. I didn’t do all that just to stay in the friend-zone.” He said. I laughed at his little comment and hit him playfully. “Really though, I’m yours as long as you’ll have me.”

I smiled up at him and gave him another kiss. I can thank my lucky stars that I have someone like Jungkook to pull me out of the dark moments of my life and remind me of the best ones.


Jimin drabble – New Years kiss


Not requested

Genre: fluff

I can’t believe I got talked into this. I normally don’t go to these kinds of parties or any parties for that matter, but I want to be more of a risk taker this next year so why not start now?

A friend of mine was throwing a new years party and I was told it’s a “small gathering”. As it turns out a “small gathering in her mind is 40+ people and a keg.

I glanced around the room and didn’t recognize anyone, but my friend has always been a social butterfly so it didn’t shock me. I just found a quiet area and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, You’re Y/n, right?” a voice said. I Iooked next to me and saw the guy I’ve been crushing on all year. He comes by the same coffee shop as me before class. This past semester I had him in my math class, but I never thought he knew my name. “Uh- Yeah. I’m Y/n.” I extended my hand and he took it. “I’m Jimin.”

“Yeah, we had math together.” I pointed out.

“That’s right! Glad it’s over?” He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. “So, how do you know, y/f/n?” I asked. 

“She’s a friend of a friend. I got an invite on Facebook and figured ‘why not’. You?”

“She and I were roommates freshman year and we’ve been close ever since,” I explained.

“That’s cool.” He complimented. We talked for a while, moving from the quiet corner to the couch in the next room. Everyone else went into the TV room to watch the countdown but Jimin and I stayed in our own little world.

“It’s great that you want to take more risks. A beautiful girl like you should really be known. I blushed to myself for a moment. I’m not sure if it was his heavy flirting or he drinks, but all of a sudden I said: "I could kiss you for saying that.”

I gasped quietly and Jimin smiled at me, surprisingly charmed by my new found boldness. “I won’t stop you.” He replied. I looked into his eyes for a moment and went for it.

His hand held my cheek and I leaned in. Our lips collided and it’s like time moved in slow motion.

“FIVE… FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd cheered from the other room and Jimin and I broke apart after a few more seconds of bliss.

“Wow,” I said entranced by his luscious lips. He smiled and replied, “Yeah… We kissed for a year.”

I laughed at his joke and my friend called out my name. “Oh, uh. I should get in there.” I got up off the couch and Jimin stopped me.

“Wait! Here’s my number. Let me know if you’re free sometime.” He wrote his number down on a scrap piece of paper and I took it.

“Sure. Maybe we can get some food later?” I asked. “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up.”

“I’ll text you the address,” I said, getting sucked back into his trance.

“Y/N! Where’d you go?!” I snapped out of it and waved good-bye.

I met up with my friend in the other room and couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. I couldn’t help it! I finally got a new years kiss.