Suga scenario – Try again


Requested by anon

Genre: angst, fluff, his POV

Summary: You and Yoongi have been on again and off again for years, long before your eight-year-old daughter was even born. Now the unavoidable question is about to be asked,’Where does your relationship stand?’

Children are observant creatures. They don’t know complex relationships, they just know who’s together and who isn’t. The same goes for my little girl. She only knows that her mom and I aren’t together right now, but she can’t understand why.

During our daughter’s birthday parties, she and I would both be there for her, but when the other parents came to drop their kids off, they’d come as a true mom and dad, not just two people that were on again off again.

I met Y/n years ago. We hit it off really well, but then we hit a rough patch and broke up. We decided that if we met up again the next year, we’d give it another try, which we did, but it still didn’t feel right. We broke up for the second time and agreed that we should just wait for the right person. That pact didn’t last long of course, because the day we were both invited to the same wedding, we were reminded of why we got back together in the first place.

We were great together, we just didn’t see things in the right perspective. Y/n was sure that fate wanted us to be together, yet I still wasn’t so sure. I trusted her instinct anyway and we fell back into each other’s arms. That time I was sure we would make it, and then, one day, she had some news that would change our relationship forever.

“Hey, jagi. I’m home.” I walked over to give her a kiss and she smiled. When I pulled away I saw the redness around her eyes and realized she was crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Yoongi, do you love me?” She asked.

“Of course I do, why would you ask that?”

“Because…” She struggled to get the words out, but after seeing her mind start racing, I knew it could only be one thing.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yeah.” She burst into tears, her hands covered her face in shame. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry for what? You said the last time we broke up, it was because we couldn’t commit. Well, now I’m telling you that I’m not going anywhere.” I lifted her chin and tried to get her to look at me. “I know you’re scared about this, but this happened for a reason. As long as we have this baby, we’re going to be okay. I’m here for you.”

And I was there for her. We were side by side through the pregnancy and we both raised her for the first year just fine. But then we started thinking about the next step. She thought I only wanted to marry her because of the baby and honestly she was somewhat right. I wanted to get married and have kids, but things change. We had a kid, and then the talk of marriage just went off the rails.

We broke it off for the last time and swore that we would only do right by our daughter. She grew up with her mom and dad under different roofs. Y/n and I worked out the custody and decided on exactly half and half.  I’d have her one week and Y/n would have her the other. Everything was going great until our little girl started to ask about us.

It was the day I picked her up from school. It looked like something was bothering her while we were having dinner and I asked what was wrong.

“My friends always have their moms and dads pick them up and I don’t.” She said with a pout.

“I’m sorry, baby, but your mom and I aren’t married.”

“When are you getting married?” She asked. I had no idea what to say. I could never lie to her, still, she’s too young to know the truth.

“Maybe someday. just not any time soon.” I can’t get her hopes up too high.

Of course, I love Y/n. She’s the mother of my child and the girl I saw my life with. There is just never a good time to be together. At first, we were too immature and couldn’t commit, then we were mature, but couldn’t agree to get married.

When we finished our meal and I tucked my daughter into bed, I still carried the thought of what might have been. What if Y/n and I just go where ever the relationship takes us. We only ran into problems when we think about marriage and commitment, but what if we just stayed exclusive? Y/n and I are great when we are just dating and carefree. Why did we rush? It only caused problems.

In a matter of hours, I made up my mind. I called Y/n and asked if she could meet me at my place. It was a little late at night, but since our daughter was asleep, we just had to stay quiet.

She texted me, saying she was outside rather than knocking and I answered the door.

“Hey, is everything alright?” She asked.

“Yeah. Everything is good. I just wanted to talk.” I invited her in and she sat down on my couch. “Y/n… I love you.”

“I love you too, Yoongi.” She said casually.

“No. I mean, Every time I think of my future, I see y/d/n and you with me.” I took her hands in mine before continuing. “We always argued about being together and putting labels on things, but it’s not what we really want. All I know right now is that I want my little girl to grow up with both of us on the same team. And most of all, I want to be with you.”

She looked at our hands and nodded. “I know you do. and I do too, but what about years from now? We can’t stay romantically involved for very long. How are we going to last.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t, but if history shows us anything, it’s that we are right for each other. We can take it slow this time.”

“You said that last time.” She disputed.

“It worked,” I said.

She laughed at my comment and said, “You wanna tell that to the little girl sleeping int he other room?”

“Y/n, just listen. We took it slow last time and we were together three months before you got pregnant, all through the pregnancy, and a year after that. I call that working. We only broke up because everyone asked where our relationship was going from there and we got nervous.”

“So where do you want us to go?” She asked. “If you say the bedroom I’ll be pissed.”

Her joke made me smile and I shrugged at her previous question. “We can just have dinner tomorrow if you’d like and talk about this more in detail.”

“And what if people ask about us?”

“We can tell them we’re dating. If things go well after that we can just cross that road when we get to it.” I told her. “Is that fair?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.” She said with a nod.

“Could I sneak in to give y/d/n a kiss goodnight?” She asked.

“Of course. First door on the right.”

I watched her walk down the hall and slowly open the door to our daughter’s room. I smiled to myself while she went in, knowing that we were finally going to try this for real. No stresses or labels, just the two of us and our little girl. When Y/n came back out, I showed her to the door. She hesitated before leaving and turned around to give me a hug, goodbye.

“Thanks for calling.” She said.

“No problem.” I pulled away and she left.

It’s still true that kids don’t save relationships, but if it’s really meant to be, they can certainly put things into perspective.


Appa!Jin – Daddy’s princess


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: fluff, parenthood

Summary: You and Jin have come to an agreement. Now that work and a sick little girl has completely drained you, He decides to use his ‘fatherly magic’ to get you both feeling better.

Your POV

“No! I’m not going to work, babe. She’s sick.” I told my husband.

“That’s why I’m here. If you don’t want to go to work, then stay home and sleep for a while. I’ll take care of the rest. I promise.” He said.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. He counteracted with a sly smirk and held my waist, moving me backward until the back of my legs hit the bed. He gave me an Eskimo kiss, laid me back and wrapped me up in the blankets.

“Fine.” I caved in as soon as I felt the warmth of our bed surrounding me. “But if she needs anything, don’t hesitate to wake me up.”


Jin and I’s daughter has been miserable for days. It started with a raspy voice, followed by coughing fits and a high fever. Her face was flushed and she couldn’t even stand up too quickly without getting light headed. After going to the doctor, we were told it was a very aggressive cold that she may have gotten while at daycare, but it should fade away soon. Of course, Jin offered to stay home and help. If there’s one thing a princess needs, it’s her daddy’s love.


I sent my wife to bed and peeked my head into my daughter’s room. She was just laying there in bed with her eyes open. I walked in to see if there was something I could do to relax her. I took her temperature and stroked her hair until I saw the results.

“102. Aw, princess~” I kissed the top of her head and tucked her into bed. I put a cold cloth on her head and applied some Vaporub to her chest. “Deep breaths, baby.”  I gave her another kiss on his little forehead and went to make her some lunch for when she wakes up.

My little princess shouldn’t feel this way at all. I wish I could take all the pain and sickness away, but the best I can do for now is to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible until this illness storm ends.

I made her a smoothie packed with vitamin C and some chicken soup. I was nearly finished when I felt a pair of arms around my waist and my wife’s lips on the back of my neck.  She squeezed me tight, making me smile.

Your POV

“Did you sleep well?” He asked me.

“Yeah, that extra hour just flew by.”  I turned and made myself comfortable at the kitchen table.

“Did she take her medicine?” I asked, remembering the doctor’s orders.

“Yeah. She took it just after she woke up. She said her throat felt ‘itchy’ so I gave it to her early.” He explained.

“Wow. You’re really on top of all this.” He accepted my compliment with a shy smile before taking a quick break from cooking to give me a sweet kiss. I held his cheeks, bringing him closer. “I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too, Jagi.”

I heard a rustling noise coming from our daughter’s room and I got up to check on her. Opening the door slowly, I peeked in and saw her hop out of bed, fuzzy socks first and walk to the box of tissues on the other side of the room. She looked at me when she heard the door creak open all the way and smiled.

“Hi, mama.”

“Hi, baby. Are you hungry?” I asked her. She nodded and I scooped her up, bringing her to the kitchen and sitting her down at the table.

Jin came over to serve her soup and smoothie, with a kiss on her soft cheek. He looked amazed when he pulled back and said, “Oh! Your fever is going down. Yay~” He leaned down for another kiss, but she stopped him, holding his mouth with his tiny hand.

“Nooo~ Appa will get sick!” She tried to keep a distance so he wouldn’t catch her cold and he gave in. Kissing her little hand instead, Jin sat next to her and helped her eat.

My heart fluttered seeing how gentle and attentive he was with her. He made it clear from the moment she was born that she really was his little princess, from the way he’d style her hair with little sparkly hairpins, to protecting her from anything that brought her down.  


Appa!Suga – The nanny


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: parenthood, fluff, his POV

Summary: Yoongi hasn’t been having much luck with love being a single father, but a certain new nanny at his toddler’s daycare has plucked his heartstrings.

A/n: Any ‘The nanny’ fans? XD

I bent down to get one more look at my son before sending him to daycare. “Be on your best behavior. Make sure you are nice to everyone, okay? Have fun.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

I watched him hurry inside and run up to one of the nannies in the hallway. She heard him yelling ‘Hi’ and bent down, scooping him up with a hug. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. When she let him back down, he grabbed her hand and the two walked into the playroom with the other kids while I turned to leave.

Who is this girl? I’ve taken my son to this daycare for the past six months, but this is the first I’ve seen of her.

I tried to remember if I met her before, but I kept drawing blanks. Orientation? No, I would have been introduced. She must be new here. I was given a second reason to pick-up my son as quickly as possible at the end of the day; I’m going to find out who the new nanny is.

Normally I would just walk up to the front desk and have my son waiting right there, but I came a few minutes early so I’d maybe catch another glance at the nanny I saw before.

My son came in through the door and there she was holding his hand. “Appa!” He ran to me and I picked him up.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“Really good! Y/n taught us how to make cookies!” He held up a sandwich back with three cookies inside to take home.

“Who’s Y/n?” I asked him.

“That’s me. Sorry, we haven’t met before. I’m Y/n.” She extended her hand and I shook it. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She said with a smile. I left with my little one in my arms and he waved good-bye.

“See you tomorrow.” He said.

The whole ride home he went on and on about how much fun he had and I asked him about his new nanny. He was really my only source of information about her.

“She started last week, but she doesn’t work on Fridays.” He said. That was it. I was going to ask her to go out with me on Friday, that way she won’t have any stresses from work or anything.

Throughout that week, I’d drop off my son, go to work, pick him up a few minutes early and chat with Y/n while I waited. When Thursday rolled around, I came in with the confidence to finally ask her out.

“Hi, Yoongi, He should be right out, he’s grabbing his bookbag.” She said with her signature smile.

“Uh, Y/n,” I called out to her and she looked up from the computer. “I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to have dinner tomorrow night. If you aren’t busy of course.”

She thought to her self for a second and nodded. “I’d love to.” She replied and my son burst through the door and walked toward me. I lifted him into my arms and gave Y/n my phone number.

“See you then,” I said, walking out. She waved to the both of us and my heart raced. When we got out to the car, my boy gave me a sneaky smile.

“What are you smiling at little man?” I asked him.

“You like miss Y/n~” He teased and I smiled back at him. I was finally able to find a girl who didn’t care about me being a single dad. And I had my little man’s approval.


AgustD scenario – Expose me not


Summary: In your secret relationship with Yoongi, you’re only able to show affection behind closed doors, but you both take a risk and expose your relationship to the world.

Genre: Fluff, slight angst

I bobbed my head to the beat of Yoongi’s new mix, taking in the quick tempo of the rap verses and relaxed synthesizer riff in the chorus.

“Wow, babe. It’s really good.” I told him.

“I’m glad you liked it.” He laced our fingers together and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. “Because I want you to be a featured artist.”

I looked at him in shock, “Why me?”

“Are you joking? You’re one of the most talented female rappers I know. You have substance, and meaning to your lyrics, not just some materialistic rhymes, and name drops. You’re real.”

I’d be lying if said I wasn’t flattered, but I was more worried about what would happen if our secret came to light. Yoongi and I have been seeing a lot of each other lately, but it never left his studio. We’d order some lunch or dinner to have dates right here and work on our music. That’s the way we liked it. Not to mention his massive fanbase.

“I don’t know.” My shyness took over, making me a little insecure about all this.

“Y/n-ah. Please consider it. It’s just one song on one mixtape.” He assured.

I came to a quick decision and sighed. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

And that’s how it was. We recorded the song, I did a few verses for the hook and Yoongi added it to his mixtape. 

We both counted down the days until it was released and I noticed how much hype it was getting. I felt like such a proud girlfriend. He really does deserve it all.

I sat in Yoongi’s studio with him and refreshed the page when the clock struck midnight. As soon as it dropped it was as if the whole fandom went wild. My heart pounded when I went to iTunes to buy it and saw the song we did together was the title track. I turned around in my chair and glared at him while he smirked at his phone.

“What did you do?” I asked him. He shrugged and leaned back in his chair while I directed my attention back to the screen. I watched the song climb up to the top of the kpop chart until it hit number one.

“I can’t believe it.” I mumbled.“And how could you make our feature song the title track? Do you want to be exposed?” My frantic tone had no effect on Yoongi’s nonchalant expression. He scooted closer and held my hand.

“What if we did? If we gave up this charade and just act like a couple. I hate being in here all the time when we should both see the light of day. Going on dates in public, holding hands outside of the studio, writing some more duets, and then performing them together.

We looked at each other, coming up with the same idea simultaneously. We should go public with the song. No one gets cast if we’re the ones bringing it to the light.

That same day, Yoongi spoke with his manager and told him he was willing to perform the title song live. Lucky for both of us, the offers from Music shows have been coming in since the rumors about another mixtape started. But we didn’t want this to be a song and dance, just two people on a stage, just like how the song is about two people finding each other.

I practiced the song over and over until the last minute, literally. My hands shook with nervousness, my breath shortened, and my mind was going a million miles a minute. I tried to focus on the song and relax, but it was no use. I had to see my boyfriend at least once, before we go onstage, to make sure this was a good idea.

My door opened a little and I watched Yoongi peak his head in before entering. He sat down next to me on the couch and put his arm around me. He tried to look me in the eye, but I resisted.

"Do you wanna wait?” He asked, referring to our master plan.

“No, I’m just getting in my head. It’s all so nerve-wracking.” I said.

“We don’t have to go public tonight though. We can just be platonic on stage and think of another way if you’re too nervous about that.” He rubbed my shoulder and I felt calmer already. Maybe we shouldn’t do this now.

I nodded in response and he kissed the side of my head. We stood up and he left the dressing room just a few minutes before I did, so we didn’t draw any attention. We made our way to the stage and the crowd went wild. Yoongi looked at me one more time before the music started and I smiled at him.

Yoongi went straight into his AgustD mode and the crowd ignited with cheers. He turned to me and I left all the nerves behind. It was like I was back in the streets of Seoul, proving myself with my verses and from where I stood, it was working. The fans cheered me on as well, amazed by what I could do.

I couldn’t stop looking at Yoongi while we both finished the last few bars. His mouth curved into a smile while I rapped and he stepped closer. The second we ended the song, I lowered the mic from my lips and Yoongi held my hand as if he knew my nerves were coming back. A look of rebellion flashed across his face and he pulled me to him, cupping my cheek and kissing me right there, in front of everyone.

The crowd uproared in more cheers, probably out of shock. I thought for sure we’d get booed, but we actually got a positive reaction. I broke away and grinned at him. Yoongi let go of my face and we walked off stage, hand in hand.

When we got off stage I nudged his shoulder and he laughed at me. “What?”

“What do you mean ‘what’? You just kissed me on national television!” He had absolutely no reaction to what I was saying and just shrugged.

“You did a good job, and I felt like kissing my girlfriend.” He shrugged.

I just smiled at him and he threw his arm around my shoulder, walking me back to the dressing room. I held his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. For the first time in months, we went out in public, holding each other without any worry of being caught.

The fall out of that day only lasted about a week. Our managers weren’t too happy about the PDA, but it didn’t damage the ratings of the show or Yoongi’s career. We continued writing music together, both in and out of the studio, like a real couple should.


Suga scenario – When words fail


💓Febuary request💓

requested by @sugaspiceandbts

Summary: You make the mistake of kissing Yoongi on the lips before he was fully over his common cold, and now you’re the one who’s in misery. But while you’re feeling sick, Yoongi repays the favor and takes care of you too.

genre: fluff, little bits of sarcastic comedy, gender neutral

The sun was up, the birds were chirping, my boyfriend was making breakfast, and I felt miserable! No one needs to have the sun peek through the curtain, straight into their eyes while trying to sleep off a headache. My sinuses were so plugged up that it was causing me soreness all over.

I lifted my head a little but gave up when the pain worsened. Laying there, staring at the ceiling, I genuinely considered staying in bed all day long, but my stomach rumbled, which vibrated my full blatter. I rolled my eyes, and lifted myself out of bed, wincing my way through it. My heavy footsteps to the bathroom could be heard downstairs where Yoongi was heating up some food.

I got to the bathroom, finally able to relieve my self without any head miseries and washed my hands. But of course, that comfort didn’t last long. I reached into the medicine cabinet and got some fever reducers.

“Baby? Are you up?” I heard my boyfriend shout.

“Yeah!… Unfortunately.” I popped the tablets into my mouth and washed them down with water.

I stopped down the stairs with a pout went straight to the breakfast bar in the kitchen to sit down. Yoongi turned around just as I lowered my head onto the countertop, hunkering over completely.He pushed a plate with two toaster waffles my way.

“Good morning.” He said with half a smile.

I raised my head, giving him a dirty look to counteract his smirk and groaned, “What’s so good about it?”

“Because I get to spend the day with the grumpy love of my life.” He came around the counter and kissed the side of my head while I ate my breakfast. “Sorry I gave you my cold, babe.” He slouched down in the other chair and watched me eat.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the dummy who forgot you were still sick and kissed you.” I smiled and finished eating.

I squeezed my eyelids shut and rubbed my temple, trying to stop the throbbing but it fought back. Yoongi took my hands and had me follow him to his home studio. He sat me down on the couch and fluffed a pillow for me.

“What are we doing in here?” I asked him.

“Well, This is the only place in the house that doesn’t have any windows so there’s no bright sunlight messing with your head and quite frankly, you just need somewhere to get away for a while and this is the best place for that. He sat on the couch and placed a pillow on his lap, laying me down on it and running his fingers through my hair.

I moaned out loud at the sensation. The second his hands touched my head it was like I was reborn. He rubbed the pressure points and played a soft beat through the speakers from his phone. My eyes fluttered shut and I nearly fell asleep when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. Yoongi slowly brushed through my hair a few more times before I completely let myself fall into an uninterrupted nap.

My eyes fluttered open and I sat upright. I looked around the room and saw that Yoongi had disappeared. I opened the door to leave the studio and walked down the hall.

"Babe?” I called. I found him flipping through channels on the TV and he looked at me with shock.

“Hey. You look better already.” He complimented.

“How long was I out?” I sat down next to him and relaxed into the cushions.

“About two hours.” He shrugged. “Feel better?”

“Yeah actually.” My headache was non-existent and I could finally breathe through my nose.  "Thank you for taking care of me.“ I kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me.

"Of course, sometimes people just need to let their bodies fully rest in order to get better.” He said. “Plus I woke up in a good mood and you were killing my vibe.” I laughed at him and nudged him playfully. He may not seem like the nurturing type, but if I ever need to shut out the world, Yoongi’s my man.


J-Hope drabble – Perfectly imperfect


💓Febuary request💓

Genre: FLUFF, gender neutral

Hoseok’s eyes lit up when I handed him his birthday gift. He shook the box gently, trying to figure out what was inside before he actually opened it.

“You really didn’t have to get me anything. I’m just happy to spend the day with you.” He said.

“Just open it. You’ll be a lot happier.”

He opened to the top and a black cloud of smoke came bursting out. He dropped the box and the fire alarm started beeping. I started to panic and grabbed my boyfriend’s hand to try and get out of the house.

My eyes flew open as I gasped. I lifted my head off the pillow and realized it was all just a bad dream. I sniffed the air and still smelled smoke. I jumped when I heard the beeping continue throughout the house. I looked over to Hoseok’s side of the bed, but he wasn’t there. Oh god.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my boyfriend opening the windows and fanning the smoke out. I leaned against the wall and cleared my throat to get his attention.

“Oh. Hey jagi.” He said with a nervous smile. He picked up the pan from the stove. “Pancakes?” He offered in a way that I’m hoping was sarcastic. My eyes went wide when I saw how burnt they were.

“Are you trying to burn the house down? How’d you even do that?” I asked.

“Well, I was trying to make pancakes but the stove was on too high and then I tried to cook some bacon and the grease caught fire.” He looked so helpless and flustered. I walked over to him with my arms crossed. “Are you mad?” He looked at me with his big brown eyes and I couldn’t resist.

I gave him a small kiss, cupping his cheeks and he smiled, showing his tiny dimples. “It’s okay, Hobi. I just got a little freaked out when I heard the alarm go off is all.” He kissed me back and I took the pan, dumping the burned food into the trash.

“How about I just handle breakfast. You’re the birthday boy. You shouldn’t be cooking.” I took out two new pans and used the leftover pancake batter. I cooked up the bacon and eggs while a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back a little.

“Be careful, baby. I don’t want you to get burned.” I warned. He kissed my shoulder. “I’ll be okay.”

I finished our breakfast and grabbed two plates. Hoseok went to the fridge and got the whipped cream and syrup. We went to the couch and turned on the TV. He got excited when he saw his favorite morning anime was on and we cuddled together.

“Thank you for breakfast, Jagi. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He kissed my head, making me blush.

“Honestly. Neither do I.” I teased. He leaned down and kissed me again. “Happy birthday, hobi.”


Suga scenario – Sugar and ice


requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: Every now and again you have to seize the day and tell the person you like how you feel. But who knew the “icy” guy in the back of the class turned into the sweetheart you always knew he could be.

Your POV

If there was one thing I’d want to redo, it would be that way I completely ruined my chance at meeting the cute guy in the class just before mine. Yesterday was the last day before finals and now I probably wouldn’t ever see him again. He’s normally one of the last people to leave the room after the lecture and I always get there early.

Every now and again I’ll catch his eyes and he would smile at me. He sits in the back of the room next to the wall where the outlet is, I assume charges his phone during class. We never actually say anything to each other, except for the one time I dropped my pen and he picked it up for me. He always seemed like the type of guy to be very reserved and aloof,  but in my mind, there was a brighter side of him.

The next morning I did a little extra studying for the final and hurried to class. Today we were meeting an hour early because of the unusual schedule and the cute guy was nowhere to be found. I shouldn’t have even gotten my hopes up. I don’t even know what to say to him. Like ‘hey I’ve had a crush on you this past semester and I hope you’re what I imagine you’re like in my daydreams.’? He’ll think I’m all kinds of crazy.

Thankfully the exam was simple and I felt really confident about it. I turned in the test and quietly packed up my things. I walked out the door and went to the closest vending machine for some kind of caffeine. I quickly checked my phone and went into the small break room and gasped when I saw him. It’s the cute guy from the other class.


You know that class that’s a complete pain, but you have to take it because it’s required? That’s the kind of class I had to slave through this past semester, but it wasn’t all bad because on the first day, my professor took really long and we actually went over the lecture time by five minutes. I packed up my bag when he was finished and then she walked in.

I never learned her name, but she is always early enough to walk in after my class was cleared out, for the most part. She lit up the whole room, but never tried to gear the attention to her. She was beautiful in a way that wasn’t intimidating. She was real. I never had the guts to say anything, I’m sure she wouldn’t even go for a guy like me anyway. People just see me as the “mean looking’ guy in the back of the class that never participates.

But she doesn’t see me that way. Every time we make eye contact, she smiles at me. I always take a long time when I pack up my bag in hopes that I’ll see her before she comes to the next class. I usually do that by charging my phone during class and show up over prepared so there’s more to put away. Pathetic, I know, but it works. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she likes me.

Now ’s officially the end of the semester and I haven’t made a move. My final was pushed back another two hours for some other class so I figured I’d get to the college early and just study close by. Thankfully there was a small lounge and vending area for students so I went straight there and sat at one of the tables. I pulled out my notes for the final and bought a bottle of water from the vending machine.

They say time flies when you’re having fun but it does the same when you really concentrating in the moment. I looked at every possible thing I needed to know for the test and then the silence broke at the sound of footsteps approaching. A small gasp rung in my ears and I looked up to see her. The girl I’d been waiting for all semester.

Your POV

It really is him! He’s looking straight at me, and if there was any time to just say something, it was now.

"H-hi,” I said with a nervous voice.

“Hey.” He replied. His face showed no emotion as usual, but I didn’t let that stop me from trying to get closer to him. “You’re in that one class right? Just before mine?” I figure stating the obvious would refresh his memory.

“Yeah. And you’re the early bird.” He said with a small smile. I reflected his expression and smiled back at him. “I actually have the final in half an hour. I figured I’d do some extra cramming beforehand.”

“That always helps."I found it a little humorous that he and I had the same idea going into our finals. "Well, I won’t keep you. I just came in for a pick-me-up.”

“I know that feeling. Here.” He got up and pulled out his wallet, swiping his card on the machine. “On me.”

“Thanks. That’s sweet.” I pushed the button for an iced coffee and grabbed it from the slot on the side after it dispensed. “ I never caught your name.” He said. I turned around to look at him and smiled.

“I’m y/n.”

“Yoongi.” He said.

“Well thanks again, yoongi. I just wish there was a way to repay you.” I raised my eyebrows and he thought to himself for a second. “Maybe if your not busy, we could meet back here after my exam. around 3?” He suggested.

“Sure. Good luck.” I said before walking out of the small lounge. I looked down at my coffee and smiled to myself.

I made myself busy for a few hours before coming back to the same spot. I still had 15 minutes to spare so I thought I would return the favor and bought another bottle of water I saw Yoongi with earlier. It wasn’t long before I saw him walking up to me.

“Hello, again.” He said.

“Hey,” I replied. I handed him the bottle of water and he grinned at me. “It’s only fair,” I said. He gratefully took it and thanked me.

“Anytime.” We hung out platonically a few more times after that, but it wasn’t long before we realized we should just be together. And everytime finals rolled around, we always met up to study together. As it turns out I was right about him. He doesn’t seem like the type to give sweet gestures, but little did anyone know, every time he bought me an iced coffee, it just reminded me of when we finally went for it and put our daydreams of each other into reality.


Bangtan (BTS) masterlist

Current drafts

click here


Wearing his clothes

hearing you moan while stretching

bite marks from your dog

seeing their gf in casual clothes for the first time

you getting scared by a spider

falling for a noona

having a tall BF

seeing your heart-shaped birthmark

having a drummer, rapper, dancer idol gf

their gf’s idol group covering “now you know”

their child reciting the poem “To this day”

standing up for their idol gf and her group

you being their makeup artist

you being obsessed with ‘attack on titan’

you being a teen mom from a previous relationship

dating/crushing on a biracial girl


Help You Get Away With Something

date/fall for another man

call their GF princess

hold hands in public

willing to eating out their GF

jealous of their tall (female) friend


Pocket-size miracles fluff

By your side fluff

All I need fluff

Birthday flower Smut

Never a rebound angst/fluff

New years kiss fluff

J hope

coffee shop line fluff

perfectly imperfect fluff

The chain angst


Jealous daddy smut

First for everything smut

Expose me not fluff

When words fail fluff

Appa!suga fluff


Kitty cat smut

Lucky smut

Appa!Jungkook fluff


One year fluff

My love romantic

Worst in me angst


just breathe fluff

Daddy’s princess fluff

Rap Monster

rapmon problems fluff

beauty and the beat smut