bts reaction – seeing your heart shaped birthmark on your hip


He loves all things cute or related to hearts, so he would just fall for you right then and there when he seems you have a birthmark shaped like a heart.


On lazy days, he would trace it with his thumb and smile at you. He’d think of you as his angel of love and will never let you go.

Rap monster

he would be very inspired my your mark. He would even put in a small line about it in one of his love songs.

J hope

“I’m your hope, I’m your angel, but you are my love.”

“I love you too, Hobi~”


He’d get all excited when he sees it. He wouldn’t be able to help but stare at it and turning into a giggling child again.


He would see you as a goddess. He’d be completely amazed by your mark.

“My birthmarks just looks like a big dot…”


He’d blush the first time he saw it, not just because it’s a heart, but because he knows he’s the only one who will see it. He’d want you to hide it from everyone else.

BTS reaction – you getting scared by a spider


He would be scared too! 


He’s the one who advised you to get somewhere high and He’d spray it with air freshener.

Rap monster

He would try not to act scared but deep down he’s mortified! He would smash it with a shoe and just throw the pair away.


He would be the chic, mainly one and just kill it and be the hero. He would never admit it, but he loves that you need him even for little things.

“It’s gone now, jagi. You’re safe.”


Asking him to handle a spider just won’t work out well. Both of you would be screaming and freaking out about it. He would throw a ton of random stuff at it until he finally gets it.


He would be a good boyfriend and kill it for you. He would even try to calm you down and buy some kind of bug repellant for your place.


He is the one who would “catch the spider, rather than kill it. He would set it free into the wild and keep going about his day.


He would tease you a bit, but as soon as it disappears he would practically tear the house apart trying to find it.