Jimin scenario – Never a rebound



Summary: going through breakups can be devastating, but having a friend like Jimin can put things in perspective. Unfortunately, he finds a reason to have reservations on whether or not the be more than friends so soon.

genre: semi-smut, fluff, angst

“Hey… It’s me. Can we talk?” I felt so lied to and betrayed, but most of all, I just needed a friendly presence.

“Of course. I’m on my way.” Jimin said in a soothing tone. I instantly felt better and in a matter of minutes, here was there. It was as if this day would never end. First, my boyfriend tells me he’s ‘out’ and will be back later when I go to pick up some dinner for us and I find him on a date with some other girl. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but He leaned in and kissed her. My heart broke in half and I ended it with him then and there.

Jimin knocked on the door and I hollered, “It’s open!” He let himself in and went straight to the living room where I was, curled up on the couch and hating the world. If there was anyone that can make me feel better in this situation its Jimin. He’s the only guy I trust right now.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I turned my head to look at him. “No, you’re not.” He said softly. He saw the tears staining my cheeks and puffy eyes. “Wait. Hold that thought.” He went into my kitchen and made me a mug of cocoa and grabbed a blanket off of the chair and wrapped me in it. He handed me the mug and continued our conversation. “Tell me what’s wrong, babes.” He sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“He cheated on me with some dumb girl he works with…” I said in a flat tone. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my arm while I took a few sips. His chin rested on my head and my tears started to fall. “Please don’t cry. It’ll all be okay.”

“I know… It just sucks for now.” I replied while putting my mug on the coffee table. “I just don’t understand why. Am I not enough?”

“Of course you are. He thought he could have it better and it backfired. He lost an amazing girl because he couldn’t get his act together and realize how good he has it.” I know he’s right about him, but I couldn’t help but linger on all the kind things he said about me. I brought my head up and he looked back at me with his sweet brown eyes that can cure all sin. His plump lips shaped into an encouraging smile and I had to do something.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. I felt a rush of sparks and fireworks the second he kissed me back and held me close to him. I turned myself and sat on his lap, deepening our kiss.

I’ve wanted to feel his lips on mine for the longest time, but it was never right.When we met. I wanted to make my move, but before I knew it I was trapped in the friend zone.

His hand traveled down to my ass, squeezing it. I gasped and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, massaging it over mine. I pressed myself against his body and he groaned with pleasure.

“Wait… What are we doing?” He broke away and my heart sank. “Y/n, you’re my best friend…” Oh god. It’s happening. He’s rejecting me. “We can’t do this. I don’t want to be a rebound.”

“You’re not!” I said. “Since the day we met, I’ve been falling for you and you’ve shown me that you aren’t interested so I just stayed in the friend zone and met that jerk of an ex to get over you, but it didn’t work because every time he wasn’t there or put me through ridiculous mind games, you were there. Every single time, Jimin. I’m so sorry that I didn’t say anything before, but… I just thought your mind was made up.”

He sat there with me in his lap, staring at me, seeing me break down in front of him. I covered my face with my hands when I felt the tears start to build up and I got off of him.“You don’t have to stay. I know that was a lot.” I said to him. My voice wavered with each word and It was clear now more than ever that I really only cared about Jimin.


“Just go.” I whimpered. “No.” He said back. I lifted my head and he continued. “I’m not leaving you here like this. I had no idea that you wanted to be more than friends, or that I was leading you to believe that I wasn’t interested. I’ve been interested in you too. That’s the only reason I always show up when you need comfort.” He scooted closer and wiped my tears for me. “You have nothing to feel sorry for. Yes, what you just said was a lot to process, but I know exactly how it feels. We’re both guilty.”

I smiled to myself and finally worked up the courage to look him in the eye again. “Jimin, you will never be my rebound guy. You’ve been the goal since day one.” I admitted. He smiled at me and kissed me again.  "Tell you what. We’ll take things slow. That way in a couple weeks we know we’re not just in this because of the heat of the moment and we can be exclusive. Okay?“ I nodded at him and he pulled me in for a hug.

In the end, we were right to take things slow for two weeks, because those two weeks turned into two months and then two years and now it’s our happily ever after.


BTS reaction – their foreign crush speaking fluent Korean

“So you do know annyeonghaseyo!”

He would be amazed! He never thought he can like you more and here you are speaking his native language.

Rap Monster
He is pleasantly surprised. He’s always wanted a s/o who speaks more than one language. Whether it be his native language or something he can learn himself.

J Hope
He would be relieved! He does put forth the effort to learn a new language, but it’s always nice to hear someone speak your native language too.

He would try and show you off the rest of the world. He’d take you out to Korean markets and speak Korean to you just so you can reply back and shock the people around you two.

He still wants to learn your native language too. He doesn’t want you speaking Korean to him all the time. He wants to meet you halfway and become fluent in whatever language you normally speak.

He would then try and teach you accents. He would burst out laughing when you use the Busan accent (His natural accent).

BTS reaction – their s/o messing up while trying to learn their dances

He has the quirkiest dance moves of all time! it’s kinda the point to be terrible at it.


He wouldn’t say anything. He doesn’t want you to get discouraged. He lowkey thinks you look adorable and doesn’t want to correct you.


Rao Monster
He knows you trying your hardest, and that all that matters. He is known as an awkward dancer too and he doesn’t fight it. He just wants you to feel confident in your movements


J Hope
He would be super patient with you. He wants you to keep trying. Every time you start to give up, he’ll give you a little kiss on the cheek to cheer you up.


“Aww, Jagiya… You can do this! I believe in you.” He’d hold your head up and smile at you. You already know he would never give up on you.


If you messed up a move, he would actually make a whole new version of the dance. If anyone asked him what he was doing from then on, he;d just be like “It’s the Y/n style”


Rolling on the floor! He thinks you look funny when you dance and ess up. But in a sweet way. He’ll take a break with you so you don’t work yourself up and will try it with you once you get your confidence back.

BTS reaction – their GF having a mommy!kink ;)

This is technically NSFW so I’ll add the read more option.

He’s down for a little mommy!kink, but you have to be gentle with your baby boy. He not the type for rough sex, but he’ll give in for some g-dom teasing.

He’ll go along with it. Only because he is waiting for you to show weakness and show you who really owns the bedroom.

Rap Monster
You would definitely have to bind his hands to keep him from touching you. He will for sure try and flip you on your back at some point.

(ugh! with those delicious collar bones of his~)

J Hope
You would have to be deep into the relationship in order for him to go with it. He needs trust before lust.

HE IS SO DOWN! He would be the one to like a sugar mommy. One that buys him sex toys and sexy underwear.

(don’t start me on this gif! I’ll go for days)

You might have to take little breaks when he starts giggling at random things. He will try to be serious, but just the thought of calling you “mommy” makes him laugh.

Bay will do as he’s told, but he has to be rewarded if you want him to participate again.