Appa!Jin – Daddy’s princess


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: fluff, parenthood

Summary: You and Jin have come to an agreement. Now that work and a sick little girl has completely drained you, He decides to use his ‘fatherly magic’ to get you both feeling better.

Your POV

“No! I’m not going to work, babe. She’s sick.” I told my husband.

“That’s why I’m here. If you don’t want to go to work, then stay home and sleep for a while. I’ll take care of the rest. I promise.” He said.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. He counteracted with a sly smirk and held my waist, moving me backward until the back of my legs hit the bed. He gave me an Eskimo kiss, laid me back and wrapped me up in the blankets.

“Fine.” I caved in as soon as I felt the warmth of our bed surrounding me. “But if she needs anything, don’t hesitate to wake me up.”


Jin and I’s daughter has been miserable for days. It started with a raspy voice, followed by coughing fits and a high fever. Her face was flushed and she couldn’t even stand up too quickly without getting light headed. After going to the doctor, we were told it was a very aggressive cold that she may have gotten while at daycare, but it should fade away soon. Of course, Jin offered to stay home and help. If there’s one thing a princess needs, it’s her daddy’s love.


I sent my wife to bed and peeked my head into my daughter’s room. She was just laying there in bed with her eyes open. I walked in to see if there was something I could do to relax her. I took her temperature and stroked her hair until I saw the results.

“102. Aw, princess~” I kissed the top of her head and tucked her into bed. I put a cold cloth on her head and applied some Vaporub to her chest. “Deep breaths, baby.”  I gave her another kiss on his little forehead and went to make her some lunch for when she wakes up.

My little princess shouldn’t feel this way at all. I wish I could take all the pain and sickness away, but the best I can do for now is to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible until this illness storm ends.

I made her a smoothie packed with vitamin C and some chicken soup. I was nearly finished when I felt a pair of arms around my waist and my wife’s lips on the back of my neck.  She squeezed me tight, making me smile.

Your POV

“Did you sleep well?” He asked me.

“Yeah, that extra hour just flew by.”  I turned and made myself comfortable at the kitchen table.

“Did she take her medicine?” I asked, remembering the doctor’s orders.

“Yeah. She took it just after she woke up. She said her throat felt ‘itchy’ so I gave it to her early.” He explained.

“Wow. You’re really on top of all this.” He accepted my compliment with a shy smile before taking a quick break from cooking to give me a sweet kiss. I held his cheeks, bringing him closer. “I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too, Jagi.”

I heard a rustling noise coming from our daughter’s room and I got up to check on her. Opening the door slowly, I peeked in and saw her hop out of bed, fuzzy socks first and walk to the box of tissues on the other side of the room. She looked at me when she heard the door creak open all the way and smiled.

“Hi, mama.”

“Hi, baby. Are you hungry?” I asked her. She nodded and I scooped her up, bringing her to the kitchen and sitting her down at the table.

Jin came over to serve her soup and smoothie, with a kiss on her soft cheek. He looked amazed when he pulled back and said, “Oh! Your fever is going down. Yay~” He leaned down for another kiss, but she stopped him, holding his mouth with his tiny hand.

“Nooo~ Appa will get sick!” She tried to keep a distance so he wouldn’t catch her cold and he gave in. Kissing her little hand instead, Jin sat next to her and helped her eat.

My heart fluttered seeing how gentle and attentive he was with her. He made it clear from the moment she was born that she really was his little princess, from the way he’d style her hair with little sparkly hairpins, to protecting her from anything that brought her down.  


Jin drabble – Just breathe

A/N a fluff piece for anyone who needs some comfort from a bad storm

I squeezed my eyes shut while the horrible sounds continued. I cuddled into my boyfriend’s chest as his big arms held me tight. I jumped when I heard glass shattering and the wind whistling. I know it had to have been a window being broken from the storm,

“Just breathe, jagi. We’ll be okay. I promise.” Jin clutched onto me as a chill went up my spine. I could still hear the debris from outside as the rain and wind gusted violently. I just held his hands in mine and took a deep breath. He kissed the top of my head and cheek.

We stayed huddled together until the storm died down. He released my hands and turned around. “Stay here. I’m gonna go check things out.”

“No! Don’t! It can come back.”

“Then so will I. Don’t move.” He got up and walked upstairs. I heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around to look at the damage. My heart raced when he hurried downstairs. I got up and turned to face him

“Jin! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, baby. it’s okay. It’s over now.” He cupped my face and kissed my lips. I kissed him back with all the love I had.

“Thank god,” I whispered against his lips. He kissed my forehead and held me close. “You were so brave Jagi. It’s all alright now.” I buried my face in his chest and breathed him in. He rested his head on top of mine and rocked me back and forth relieving me from my fear

BTS reaction – their foreign crush speaking fluent Korean

“So you do know annyeonghaseyo!”

He would be amazed! He never thought he can like you more and here you are speaking his native language.

Rap Monster
He is pleasantly surprised. He’s always wanted a s/o who speaks more than one language. Whether it be his native language or something he can learn himself.

J Hope
He would be relieved! He does put forth the effort to learn a new language, but it’s always nice to hear someone speak your native language too.

He would try and show you off the rest of the world. He’d take you out to Korean markets and speak Korean to you just so you can reply back and shock the people around you two.

He still wants to learn your native language too. He doesn’t want you speaking Korean to him all the time. He wants to meet you halfway and become fluent in whatever language you normally speak.

He would then try and teach you accents. He would burst out laughing when you use the Busan accent (His natural accent).

BTS reaction – their s/o messing up while trying to learn their dances

He has the quirkiest dance moves of all time! it’s kinda the point to be terrible at it.


He wouldn’t say anything. He doesn’t want you to get discouraged. He lowkey thinks you look adorable and doesn’t want to correct you.


Rao Monster
He knows you trying your hardest, and that all that matters. He is known as an awkward dancer too and he doesn’t fight it. He just wants you to feel confident in your movements


J Hope
He would be super patient with you. He wants you to keep trying. Every time you start to give up, he’ll give you a little kiss on the cheek to cheer you up.


“Aww, Jagiya… You can do this! I believe in you.” He’d hold your head up and smile at you. You already know he would never give up on you.


If you messed up a move, he would actually make a whole new version of the dance. If anyone asked him what he was doing from then on, he;d just be like “It’s the Y/n style”


Rolling on the floor! He thinks you look funny when you dance and ess up. But in a sweet way. He’ll take a break with you so you don’t work yourself up and will try it with you once you get your confidence back.

BTS reaction – their GF having a mommy!kink ;)

This is technically NSFW so I’ll add the read more option.

He’s down for a little mommy!kink, but you have to be gentle with your baby boy. He not the type for rough sex, but he’ll give in for some g-dom teasing.

He’ll go along with it. Only because he is waiting for you to show weakness and show you who really owns the bedroom.

Rap Monster
You would definitely have to bind his hands to keep him from touching you. He will for sure try and flip you on your back at some point.

(ugh! with those delicious collar bones of his~)

J Hope
You would have to be deep into the relationship in order for him to go with it. He needs trust before lust.

HE IS SO DOWN! He would be the one to like a sugar mommy. One that buys him sex toys and sexy underwear.

(don’t start me on this gif! I’ll go for days)

You might have to take little breaks when he starts giggling at random things. He will try to be serious, but just the thought of calling you “mommy” makes him laugh.

Bay will do as he’s told, but he has to be rewarded if you want him to participate again.

BTS reaction – dating/crushing on a biracial girl



He has made it known he is open to all types of girls. I see him falling for a girl who is a part of his daily schedule either overseas or in Korea. He’d like finding a girl who can speak Korean but still can use some help becoming more fluent.


He doesn’t seem like it, but he is very shy around girls. He prefers to say as little as possible when he is in the presence of girls. He would most likely start to come out of his shell when he gets comfortable around you. If his girlfriend spoke his native language, he’d be a lot more open.

Rap Monster

He is the most likely to date a foreigner. He still had the shy Korean boy side, but he is very confident when he is comfortable with another person. He enjoys being in the presence of girls with a nice darkened complexion. He is most likely going to try to impress you with his English skills and slang.


Hobi has a history of being up for anything positive. As long as his girl is uplifting yet serious when she needs to be, he will come back with a true and pure love. He has a very open mind when it comes to his ideal type, so finding a biracial girl who speaks Korean will be something unique and attractive in his eyes.


He is very flirty and excited when meeting girls. He loves finding people that he doesn’t normally meet. Especially in American Hustle Life, he showed a side of him that is very comfortable and extroverted with black and biracial women.


When it comes to crushes, Tae is color blind! He absolutely loves getting close to people. He would be very obvious about his crush on you. He will complement you and find opportunities to talk to you and get to know you on an intimate level.


When in doubt, sing it out. He would he the one to just let a song express how he feels. He will cover your favorite song and send it to you for your ears only. As for the racial difference, he wouldn’t mind. He would be nervous when it comes down to speaking your native language, but when he gets the practice in, he’ll do just fine talking to you