Jimin drabble – New Years kiss


Not requested

Genre: fluff

I can’t believe I got talked into this. I normally don’t go to these kinds of parties or any parties for that matter, but I want to be more of a risk taker this next year so why not start now?

A friend of mine was throwing a new years party and I was told it’s a “small gathering”. As it turns out a “small gathering in her mind is 40+ people and a keg.

I glanced around the room and didn’t recognize anyone, but my friend has always been a social butterfly so it didn’t shock me. I just found a quiet area and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, You’re Y/n, right?” a voice said. I Iooked next to me and saw the guy I’ve been crushing on all year. He comes by the same coffee shop as me before class. This past semester I had him in my math class, but I never thought he knew my name. “Uh- Yeah. I’m Y/n.” I extended my hand and he took it. “I’m Jimin.”

“Yeah, we had math together.” I pointed out.

“That’s right! Glad it’s over?” He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. “So, how do you know, y/f/n?” I asked. 

“She’s a friend of a friend. I got an invite on Facebook and figured ‘why not’. You?”

“She and I were roommates freshman year and we’ve been close ever since,” I explained.

“That’s cool.” He complimented. We talked for a while, moving from the quiet corner to the couch in the next room. Everyone else went into the TV room to watch the countdown but Jimin and I stayed in our own little world.

“It’s great that you want to take more risks. A beautiful girl like you should really be known. I blushed to myself for a moment. I’m not sure if it was his heavy flirting or he drinks, but all of a sudden I said: "I could kiss you for saying that.”

I gasped quietly and Jimin smiled at me, surprisingly charmed by my new found boldness. “I won’t stop you.” He replied. I looked into his eyes for a moment and went for it.

His hand held my cheek and I leaned in. Our lips collided and it’s like time moved in slow motion.

“FIVE… FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd cheered from the other room and Jimin and I broke apart after a few more seconds of bliss.

“Wow,” I said entranced by his luscious lips. He smiled and replied, “Yeah… We kissed for a year.”

I laughed at his joke and my friend called out my name. “Oh, uh. I should get in there.” I got up off the couch and Jimin stopped me.

“Wait! Here’s my number. Let me know if you’re free sometime.” He wrote his number down on a scrap piece of paper and I took it.

“Sure. Maybe we can get some food later?” I asked. “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up.”

“I’ll text you the address,” I said, getting sucked back into his trance.

“Y/N! Where’d you go?!” I snapped out of it and waved good-bye.

I met up with my friend in the other room and couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. I couldn’t help it! I finally got a new years kiss.


Namjoon drabble – Rapmon problems

I sat on the couch in Namjoon’s studio, watching him work on a new song. He always gets so lost in his tracks and inspired by the music. It’s so interesting to just observe how he creates his hits. My eyes wandered around the room and I saw Namjoon’s puppy, Rapmaon was looking a bit lonesome.

“Rapmonnie~ Come cuddle.” I opened my arms and was shocked to see my dimpled boyfriend walking over to me. He fell into my arms and turned me over so I was laying under him. I giggled at his goofy mood and he lifted his head to look me in the eyes.

“What?” he asked.

“I mean the other Rapmonnie,” I said. He pouted for a second and got back up and slumped in his chair in front of his computer. I patted my legs and Rapmon trotted over and jumped into my lap. I ran my fingers over his white fur and listened to the song Namjoon just made.

“It sounds good, babe.”

“Yeah…” He said in a low voice.

“What’s wrong? You don’t seem very confident. The song is really good.”

“I know, but it’s my dog who’s getting a cuddle for it.” I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully and let Rapmon off my lap. I got up and sat in Namjoon’s lap and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, hugging him tightly. His arms gripped my waist and he hugged me back. We sat there for a moment and he picked me up, coiling my legs around his hips and carrying me back to the couch.

“What are you doing?” I asked. He just nuzzled his head into my neck and kissed my skin.

“I prefer the couch.”

“I wonder why…” I said with a smile.

Jin drabble – Just breathe

A/N a fluff piece for anyone who needs some comfort from a bad storm

I squeezed my eyes shut while the horrible sounds continued. I cuddled into my boyfriend’s chest as his big arms held me tight. I jumped when I heard glass shattering and the wind whistling. I know it had to have been a window being broken from the storm,

“Just breathe, jagi. We’ll be okay. I promise.” Jin clutched onto me as a chill went up my spine. I could still hear the debris from outside as the rain and wind gusted violently. I just held his hands in mine and took a deep breath. He kissed the top of my head and cheek.

We stayed huddled together until the storm died down. He released my hands and turned around. “Stay here. I’m gonna go check things out.”

“No! Don’t! It can come back.”

“Then so will I. Don’t move.” He got up and walked upstairs. I heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around to look at the damage. My heart raced when he hurried downstairs. I got up and turned to face him

“Jin! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, baby. it’s okay. It’s over now.” He cupped my face and kissed my lips. I kissed him back with all the love I had.

“Thank god,” I whispered against his lips. He kissed my forehead and held me close. “You were so brave Jagi. It’s all alright now.” I buried my face in his chest and breathed him in. He rested his head on top of mine and rocked me back and forth relieving me from my fear

Bangtan (BTS) masterlist

Current drafts

click here


Wearing his clothes

hearing you moan while stretching

bite marks from your dog

seeing their gf in casual clothes for the first time

you getting scared by a spider

falling for a noona

having a tall BF

seeing your heart-shaped birthmark

having a drummer, rapper, dancer idol gf

their gf’s idol group covering “now you know”

their child reciting the poem “To this day”

standing up for their idol gf and her group

you being their makeup artist

you being obsessed with ‘attack on titan’

you being a teen mom from a previous relationship

dating/crushing on a biracial girl


Help You Get Away With Something

date/fall for another man

call their GF princess

hold hands in public

willing to eating out their GF

jealous of their tall (female) friend


Pocket-size miracles fluff

By your side fluff

All I need fluff

Birthday flower Smut

Never a rebound angst/fluff

New years kiss fluff

J hope

coffee shop line fluff

perfectly imperfect fluff

The chain angst


Jealous daddy smut

First for everything smut

Expose me not fluff

When words fail fluff

Appa!suga fluff


Kitty cat smut

Lucky smut

Appa!Jungkook fluff


One year fluff

My love romantic

Worst in me angst


just breathe fluff

Daddy’s princess fluff

Rap Monster

rapmon problems fluff

beauty and the beat smut