Namjoon scenario – Beauty and the beat



genre: smut, fluffy ending

warnings: roleplay, ProducerxSinger

The plan was set. Namjoon and I have been apart for too long and I was missing him like crazy! I decided to come to Korea as a special surprise for him and have a little fun while I’m here. He’s mentioned to me before that he was asked to help with some of the auditions for the new Big Hit trainees and he would also help them write some new songs to consider for their debuts.

I got my way into Big Hit since most of the staff know who I am and walked to Namjoon’s studio. I sent him a text earlier asking if he was busy with auditions and he mentioned that he has an hour-long break.

I pressed my ear to the door, listening to make sure he was alone. I overheard the sweet sound of Namjoon humming alone to a melody and didn’t hear anyone else with him. Creeping open the door, I snuck in without drawing attention to myself.

I walked toward the open couch when a floorboard creaked. I winced to myself and Namjoon pulled off his headphones, turning to look at what made the noise.

“Woah! Jagiyah, you scared me.” He got up from his seat and wrapped me in his strong arms. I could live a whole life in his embrace. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you. This long distance thing was killing me so I got a flight out.” I told him. He held my cheeks and kissed me. I pressed my hands to the middle of his back and he moved his arms down to my waist, letting me hold onto his shoulders for balance. After a few more seconds, I finally broke the kiss, “Am I disrupting anything?” I asked. He looked back at his computer, shaking his head.

“No, I’m just sitting around, waiting for inspiration. Wanna listen?” He asked. I nodded and he lead me to his recording area. I sat on his lap and he reached around me to play a section of the song. He helped me with his bulky headphones and I listened to the low beat fade into a softer melody. He was so amazing at producing songs. A smile crept onto my lips and the song stopped.

I pulled off the headphones and Namjoon’s hands squeezed my thighs. “It kind of sounds like a love song,” I said.


“Yeah. I mean, you’ve always been the type to express your emotions through song, and hearing this song reminds me of how I’ve been feeling while being away from you.” I said. His eyes studied my face while I spoke, giving me full attention.

“How do you do that?” He asked.

“Do what?”

“Live inside my head like that. The other day I was feeling so alone without you and then this song just popped into my head.” He explained. I smiled at him and he gave me a sweet kiss. Namjoon broke away when he heard a knock at the door. I jumped out of his lap and he called for the person to come in.

“Hey. PD-min has to leave early. We’re holding the rest of the auditions tomorrow.” One of the staffs said.

“Oh. Okay.” Namjoon replied. The staff closed the door and I turned to him with a coy smile.

“I have you to myself for the rest of the day?” I asked, straddling him in his chair. His hands held my hips and we continued our kiss.

“You know…” He said breaking the kiss again. “I was really looking forward to the other auditions. I heard there was a very sexy idol who goes by Y/n.” I smirked at him, knowing he was in one of his ‘roleplay moods’.

“Oh really?” I asked. He nodded and brushed his nose against mine, our lips almost touching. “Well, RM… What exactly does it take to be an idol.”

He got up from his chair, carrying me to the couch. “You’ve got to have the… vocals.” His lips pressed against my neck, making me moan in pleasure while he placed me on the sofa. “And the moves.” His hips grinded down on mine, sending shivers up my back. “And… the passion.”

“I definitely have the passion…” I cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him with everything I had.“As for the moves… I can show you better than I can tell you.” I got up and walked back to the computer, playing his cover song ‘Trouble’ that he did with Jin. I slowly walked back to him while the bass rumble throughout the room.

I unbuttoned my jeans, peeling them off my legs and tossing them to the side of the room. I stopped right in front of Namjoon, signaling for him to help me a little. He held my hips and lifted my top over my head. I straddled his lap and grinded down on his growing bulge. His mouth fell open with a small moan, making me smirk.

His hands traveled up and down my sides, tickling my skin. I got back up and teased him a little more. Hooking my fingers into my lace panties, I pulled at each side while moving my hips up and down until they eventually fell right off. Namjoon just kept watching me with hungry eyes. He started to get up to pull me in but I pushed him back down with a smile.

“Patience.” I held my hands behind my back, unhooking my bra while dancing seductively to the rhythm. I climbed back on top of Namjoon, wrapping my arms around his shoulders for support and he gently hugged my waist. Then all at once, the song ended and he flipped me over onto my back.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, on the arm of the couch. I held my hands there while his lips traveled down my neck and chest. His smooth tongue peeked past his lips, licking and sucking my sensitive spots.

“Hmmm~ Your tongue’s so soft.” His hands slid down my body, grabbing at his favorite parts. “I missed this so much,” I whispered.

He glanced over my bare body until I reached up and helped him with his pants. Within seconds, we were completely connected; skin to skin. “Come here.” He lifted my head up and pressed his full lips against mine. I wrapped my leg around his hips, lining him up at my entrance.

He took a deep breath and pushed himself into me. I threw my head back, unable to kiss him properly because of the intense pleasure I was already feeling. He moved on to my chest, kissing down the middle of my breasts while thrusting in and out.

“You like that?” He said, biting my neck. I moaned out loud and he nibbled at my sweet spot. “You’re so lucky I’m impatient. But trust me… When I get you home, you’re really gonna be in trouble. Oh, fuck!”

His member throbbed inside me as we both got closer and closer to our climax. I gripped on to his shoulders, my back gradually forming an arch. “On three, baby… One… Two…” I waited for what felt like hours until he finally said, “Three. Cum for me.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I clenched my walls around him and cried out his name. “Namjoon! Oh~” He pounded into me, riding out my high until we eventually cooled off.

I laid back on the couch while he collapsed on top of me, kissing my collarbones. I giggled at how adorable he was after sex and he sat up, pulling my naked body onto his lap.

“Well since we finished auditions an hour early, how about you and I go and get some lunch.” He suggested.

“Yes, please! I’m famished..” I said with a weak smile. He laughed at my comment and kissed my forehead. If there was one thing he loved, it was the fact that he could both satisfy and exhaust me after a single round.

The two of us got dressed and walked out of the studio. Thankfully, no one was around to hear what was happening inside and we made an easy escape.


Suga scenario – Last Christmas


requested by @catou1305

genre: fluff, parenthood

Summary: Because of some traveling troubles, you had the unfortunate task of telling your daughter that Yoongi might not make it to Christmas, but through it all, Yoongi finds a way.

There is nothing worse than seeing your own child cry themselves to sleep on Christmas Eve. Yoongi and I’s daughter was completely heartbroken and just needed her father’s love. Yoongi has been on tour for months and it gets difficult, but when he told me the flights were delayed I was heartbroken. There wasn’t anyone else to tell our baby girl that her father wasn’t going to be home except for me. I had to be the bad guy.

She was so upset. I never want to see her little eyes water up like that. She ran to her room and didn’t come out. Luckily she wasn’t angry with me so I was still able to come in and comfort her. She laid in bed and I  rubbed her back while she stared at the charm bracelet Yoongi got her for her first birthday. Every time it starts to get too small, he adds a link or two so there more room for charms. I just continued to rub her back and tell her it was going to be okay until she eventually fell asleep. By the time she was deep enough into her slumber, I left the room and called Yoongi.

“What’s the status of the next flight?”

“I’m able to take the red-eye and be able to be there in the morning. If all goes well, I’ll be home by ten. But don’t tell her just yet. I don’t want you to be the bearer of bad news twice in one night. I’ll text you before take off and call you when I land. Okay? I love you.” His words gave me hope. I know he was trying everything in his power to be with his daughter for Christmas.

“Okay. Be safe. Love you… Bye.” I hung up the phone and went into the living room to finish putting the gifts under the tree. I got a text from Yoongi saying the plane was about to take off and I smiled at the screen. I crawled into bed, pulling his pillow close to me like I normally do when he’s gone and breathed in his scent. I drifted off to sleep, finally taking a break from all the emotional stress.

When morning came, My phone buzzed, alerting me that Yoongi was calling and I sighed in relief.

“Are you here?” I asked.

“Yeah. I just got my bags. I’ll be home in about thirty minutes. Go ahead and let her open her gifts. I don’t want to keep her waiting.” He said. I agreed and got off the phone. I knocked on our daughter’s door and she lifted her head up to look at me. Her eyes were still puffy and red, but I know that expression would change very soon.

“Hey, baby. Do you want o come open your presents?” I asked her. She thought to herself for a moment and nodded hesitantly. She climbed out of her big girl bed and took my hand. We walked to the living room and she sat down on my lap. She opened her first gift and gasped at something that could only be given to her by her dad. She held up a pair of over-ear headphones so I could see them and she smiled. I was so excited to see her smile, I kissed her soft cheek and she giggled at me. She was finally bouncing back into her happy self.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better. I heard a knock at the door. The two of us turned and saw Yoongi walk into the room with two hands full of luggage. Our daughter jumped up immediately and dashed to her father’s side. She leaped into his arms, not giving him any time to put his bags down and squeezed him with all her might.

He kissed the top of her head and kneeled down to her level. She watched as he reached into his bag and took out a tiny golden paper fan. Yoongi took her wrist and attached the charm to her bracelet. I smiled at the two of them, remembering their tradition. Every time Yoongi goes to a part of the world, he brings back a charm that captures a piece of the culture.

“There. Now you have one for Japan.”

“Thank you, daddy!” She nuzzled into Yoongi’s chest and he hugged her again. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He whispered.

The three of us went on with our usual traditions and our daughter’s smile got brighter by the minute. 

But of course, that memory was made last year ago. Yoongi has now been able to get plenty of time off to spend with his family during important events. It’s just like what he said when his baby girl was first born, promising he would always be there for her, and he’s proven now more than ever that he meant it.


Jimin drabble – New Years kiss


Not requested

Genre: fluff

I can’t believe I got talked into this. I normally don’t go to these kinds of parties or any parties for that matter, but I want to be more of a risk taker this next year so why not start now?

A friend of mine was throwing a new years party and I was told it’s a “small gathering”. As it turns out a “small gathering in her mind is 40+ people and a keg.

I glanced around the room and didn’t recognize anyone, but my friend has always been a social butterfly so it didn’t shock me. I just found a quiet area and took a sip of my drink.

"Hey, You’re Y/n, right?” a voice said. I Iooked next to me and saw the guy I’ve been crushing on all year. He comes by the same coffee shop as me before class. This past semester I had him in my math class, but I never thought he knew my name. “Uh- Yeah. I’m Y/n.” I extended my hand and he took it. “I’m Jimin.”

“Yeah, we had math together.” I pointed out.

“That’s right! Glad it’s over?” He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. “So, how do you know, y/f/n?” I asked. 

“She’s a friend of a friend. I got an invite on Facebook and figured ‘why not’. You?”

“She and I were roommates freshman year and we’ve been close ever since,” I explained.

“That’s cool.” He complimented. We talked for a while, moving from the quiet corner to the couch in the next room. Everyone else went into the TV room to watch the countdown but Jimin and I stayed in our own little world.

“It’s great that you want to take more risks. A beautiful girl like you should really be known. I blushed to myself for a moment. I’m not sure if it was his heavy flirting or he drinks, but all of a sudden I said: "I could kiss you for saying that.”

I gasped quietly and Jimin smiled at me, surprisingly charmed by my new found boldness. “I won’t stop you.” He replied. I looked into his eyes for a moment and went for it.

His hand held my cheek and I leaned in. Our lips collided and it’s like time moved in slow motion.

“FIVE… FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The crowd cheered from the other room and Jimin and I broke apart after a few more seconds of bliss.

“Wow,” I said entranced by his luscious lips. He smiled and replied, “Yeah… We kissed for a year.”

I laughed at his joke and my friend called out my name. “Oh, uh. I should get in there.” I got up off the couch and Jimin stopped me.

“Wait! Here’s my number. Let me know if you’re free sometime.” He wrote his number down on a scrap piece of paper and I took it.

“Sure. Maybe we can get some food later?” I asked. “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up.”

“I’ll text you the address,” I said, getting sucked back into his trance.

“Y/N! Where’d you go?!” I snapped out of it and waved good-bye.

I met up with my friend in the other room and couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. I couldn’t help it! I finally got a new years kiss.


Suga scenario – Sugar and ice


requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: Every now and again you have to seize the day and tell the person you like how you feel. But who knew the “icy” guy in the back of the class turned into the sweetheart you always knew he could be.

Your POV

If there was one thing I’d want to redo, it would be that way I completely ruined my chance at meeting the cute guy in the class just before mine. Yesterday was the last day before finals and now I probably wouldn’t ever see him again. He’s normally one of the last people to leave the room after the lecture and I always get there early.

Every now and again I’ll catch his eyes and he would smile at me. He sits in the back of the room next to the wall where the outlet is, I assume charges his phone during class. We never actually say anything to each other, except for the one time I dropped my pen and he picked it up for me. He always seemed like the type of guy to be very reserved and aloof,  but in my mind, there was a brighter side of him.

The next morning I did a little extra studying for the final and hurried to class. Today we were meeting an hour early because of the unusual schedule and the cute guy was nowhere to be found. I shouldn’t have even gotten my hopes up. I don’t even know what to say to him. Like ‘hey I’ve had a crush on you this past semester and I hope you’re what I imagine you’re like in my daydreams.’? He’ll think I’m all kinds of crazy.

Thankfully the exam was simple and I felt really confident about it. I turned in the test and quietly packed up my things. I walked out the door and went to the closest vending machine for some kind of caffeine. I quickly checked my phone and went into the small break room and gasped when I saw him. It’s the cute guy from the other class.


You know that class that’s a complete pain, but you have to take it because it’s required? That’s the kind of class I had to slave through this past semester, but it wasn’t all bad because on the first day, my professor took really long and we actually went over the lecture time by five minutes. I packed up my bag when he was finished and then she walked in.

I never learned her name, but she is always early enough to walk in after my class was cleared out, for the most part. She lit up the whole room, but never tried to gear the attention to her. She was beautiful in a way that wasn’t intimidating. She was real. I never had the guts to say anything, I’m sure she wouldn’t even go for a guy like me anyway. People just see me as the “mean looking’ guy in the back of the class that never participates.

But she doesn’t see me that way. Every time we make eye contact, she smiles at me. I always take a long time when I pack up my bag in hopes that I’ll see her before she comes to the next class. I usually do that by charging my phone during class and show up over prepared so there’s more to put away. Pathetic, I know, but it works. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she likes me.

Now ’s officially the end of the semester and I haven’t made a move. My final was pushed back another two hours for some other class so I figured I’d get to the college early and just study close by. Thankfully there was a small lounge and vending area for students so I went straight there and sat at one of the tables. I pulled out my notes for the final and bought a bottle of water from the vending machine.

They say time flies when you’re having fun but it does the same when you really concentrating in the moment. I looked at every possible thing I needed to know for the test and then the silence broke at the sound of footsteps approaching. A small gasp rung in my ears and I looked up to see her. The girl I’d been waiting for all semester.

Your POV

It really is him! He’s looking straight at me, and if there was any time to just say something, it was now.

"H-hi,” I said with a nervous voice.

“Hey.” He replied. His face showed no emotion as usual, but I didn’t let that stop me from trying to get closer to him. “You’re in that one class right? Just before mine?” I figure stating the obvious would refresh his memory.

“Yeah. And you’re the early bird.” He said with a small smile. I reflected his expression and smiled back at him. “I actually have the final in half an hour. I figured I’d do some extra cramming beforehand.”

“That always helps."I found it a little humorous that he and I had the same idea going into our finals. "Well, I won’t keep you. I just came in for a pick-me-up.”

“I know that feeling. Here.” He got up and pulled out his wallet, swiping his card on the machine. “On me.”

“Thanks. That’s sweet.” I pushed the button for an iced coffee and grabbed it from the slot on the side after it dispensed. “ I never caught your name.” He said. I turned around to look at him and smiled.

“I’m y/n.”

“Yoongi.” He said.

“Well thanks again, yoongi. I just wish there was a way to repay you.” I raised my eyebrows and he thought to himself for a second. “Maybe if your not busy, we could meet back here after my exam. around 3?” He suggested.

“Sure. Good luck.” I said before walking out of the small lounge. I looked down at my coffee and smiled to myself.

I made myself busy for a few hours before coming back to the same spot. I still had 15 minutes to spare so I thought I would return the favor and bought another bottle of water I saw Yoongi with earlier. It wasn’t long before I saw him walking up to me.

“Hello, again.” He said.

“Hey,” I replied. I handed him the bottle of water and he grinned at me. “It’s only fair,” I said. He gratefully took it and thanked me.

“Anytime.” We hung out platonically a few more times after that, but it wasn’t long before we realized we should just be together. And everytime finals rolled around, we always met up to study together. As it turns out I was right about him. He doesn’t seem like the type to give sweet gestures, but little did anyone know, every time he bought me an iced coffee, it just reminded me of when we finally went for it and put our daydreams of each other into reality.


Jimin scenario – Never a rebound



Summary: going through breakups can be devastating, but having a friend like Jimin can put things in perspective. Unfortunately, he finds a reason to have reservations on whether or not the be more than friends so soon.

genre: semi-smut, fluff, angst

“Hey… It’s me. Can we talk?” I felt so lied to and betrayed, but most of all, I just needed a friendly presence.

“Of course. I’m on my way.” Jimin said in a soothing tone. I instantly felt better and in a matter of minutes, here was there. It was as if this day would never end. First, my boyfriend tells me he’s ‘out’ and will be back later when I go to pick up some dinner for us and I find him on a date with some other girl. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but He leaned in and kissed her. My heart broke in half and I ended it with him then and there.

Jimin knocked on the door and I hollered, “It’s open!” He let himself in and went straight to the living room where I was, curled up on the couch and hating the world. If there was anyone that can make me feel better in this situation its Jimin. He’s the only guy I trust right now.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I turned my head to look at him. “No, you’re not.” He said softly. He saw the tears staining my cheeks and puffy eyes. “Wait. Hold that thought.” He went into my kitchen and made me a mug of cocoa and grabbed a blanket off of the chair and wrapped me in it. He handed me the mug and continued our conversation. “Tell me what’s wrong, babes.” He sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“He cheated on me with some dumb girl he works with…” I said in a flat tone. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my arm while I took a few sips. His chin rested on my head and my tears started to fall. “Please don’t cry. It’ll all be okay.”

“I know… It just sucks for now.” I replied while putting my mug on the coffee table. “I just don’t understand why. Am I not enough?”

“Of course you are. He thought he could have it better and it backfired. He lost an amazing girl because he couldn’t get his act together and realize how good he has it.” I know he’s right about him, but I couldn’t help but linger on all the kind things he said about me. I brought my head up and he looked back at me with his sweet brown eyes that can cure all sin. His plump lips shaped into an encouraging smile and I had to do something.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. I felt a rush of sparks and fireworks the second he kissed me back and held me close to him. I turned myself and sat on his lap, deepening our kiss.

I’ve wanted to feel his lips on mine for the longest time, but it was never right.When we met. I wanted to make my move, but before I knew it I was trapped in the friend zone.

His hand traveled down to my ass, squeezing it. I gasped and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, massaging it over mine. I pressed myself against his body and he groaned with pleasure.

“Wait… What are we doing?” He broke away and my heart sank. “Y/n, you’re my best friend…” Oh god. It’s happening. He’s rejecting me. “We can’t do this. I don’t want to be a rebound.”

“You’re not!” I said. “Since the day we met, I’ve been falling for you and you’ve shown me that you aren’t interested so I just stayed in the friend zone and met that jerk of an ex to get over you, but it didn’t work because every time he wasn’t there or put me through ridiculous mind games, you were there. Every single time, Jimin. I’m so sorry that I didn’t say anything before, but… I just thought your mind was made up.”

He sat there with me in his lap, staring at me, seeing me break down in front of him. I covered my face with my hands when I felt the tears start to build up and I got off of him.“You don’t have to stay. I know that was a lot.” I said to him. My voice wavered with each word and It was clear now more than ever that I really only cared about Jimin.


“Just go.” I whimpered. “No.” He said back. I lifted my head and he continued. “I’m not leaving you here like this. I had no idea that you wanted to be more than friends, or that I was leading you to believe that I wasn’t interested. I’ve been interested in you too. That’s the only reason I always show up when you need comfort.” He scooted closer and wiped my tears for me. “You have nothing to feel sorry for. Yes, what you just said was a lot to process, but I know exactly how it feels. We’re both guilty.”

I smiled to myself and finally worked up the courage to look him in the eye again. “Jimin, you will never be my rebound guy. You’ve been the goal since day one.” I admitted. He smiled at me and kissed me again.  "Tell you what. We’ll take things slow. That way in a couple weeks we know we’re not just in this because of the heat of the moment and we can be exclusive. Okay?“ I nodded at him and he pulled me in for a hug.

In the end, we were right to take things slow for two weeks, because those two weeks turned into two months and then two years and now it’s our happily ever after.


Namjoon drabble – Rapmon problems

I sat on the couch in Namjoon’s studio, watching him work on a new song. He always gets so lost in his tracks and inspired by the music. It’s so interesting to just observe how he creates his hits. My eyes wandered around the room and I saw Namjoon’s puppy, Rapmaon was looking a bit lonesome.

“Rapmonnie~ Come cuddle.” I opened my arms and was shocked to see my dimpled boyfriend walking over to me. He fell into my arms and turned me over so I was laying under him. I giggled at his goofy mood and he lifted his head to look me in the eyes.

“What?” he asked.

“I mean the other Rapmonnie,” I said. He pouted for a second and got back up and slumped in his chair in front of his computer. I patted my legs and Rapmon trotted over and jumped into my lap. I ran my fingers over his white fur and listened to the song Namjoon just made.

“It sounds good, babe.”

“Yeah…” He said in a low voice.

“What’s wrong? You don’t seem very confident. The song is really good.”

“I know, but it’s my dog who’s getting a cuddle for it.” I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully and let Rapmon off my lap. I got up and sat in Namjoon’s lap and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, hugging him tightly. His arms gripped my waist and he hugged me back. We sat there for a moment and he picked me up, coiling my legs around his hips and carrying me back to the couch.

“What are you doing?” I asked. He just nuzzled his head into my neck and kissed my skin.

“I prefer the couch.”

“I wonder why…” I said with a smile.

Jin drabble – Just breathe

A/N a fluff piece for anyone who needs some comfort from a bad storm

I squeezed my eyes shut while the horrible sounds continued. I cuddled into my boyfriend’s chest as his big arms held me tight. I jumped when I heard glass shattering and the wind whistling. I know it had to have been a window being broken from the storm,

“Just breathe, jagi. We’ll be okay. I promise.” Jin clutched onto me as a chill went up my spine. I could still hear the debris from outside as the rain and wind gusted violently. I just held his hands in mine and took a deep breath. He kissed the top of my head and cheek.

We stayed huddled together until the storm died down. He released my hands and turned around. “Stay here. I’m gonna go check things out.”

“No! Don’t! It can come back.”

“Then so will I. Don’t move.” He got up and walked upstairs. I heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around to look at the damage. My heart raced when he hurried downstairs. I got up and turned to face him

“Jin! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, baby. it’s okay. It’s over now.” He cupped my face and kissed my lips. I kissed him back with all the love I had.

“Thank god,” I whispered against his lips. He kissed my forehead and held me close. “You were so brave Jagi. It’s all alright now.” I buried my face in his chest and breathed him in. He rested his head on top of mine and rocked me back and forth relieving me from my fear

Bangtan (BTS) masterlist

Current drafts

click here


Wearing his clothes

hearing you moan while stretching

bite marks from your dog

seeing their gf in casual clothes for the first time

you getting scared by a spider

falling for a noona

having a tall BF

seeing your heart-shaped birthmark

having a drummer, rapper, dancer idol gf

their gf’s idol group covering “now you know”

their child reciting the poem “To this day”

standing up for their idol gf and her group

you being their makeup artist

you being obsessed with ‘attack on titan’

you being a teen mom from a previous relationship

dating/crushing on a biracial girl


Help You Get Away With Something

date/fall for another man

call their GF princess

hold hands in public

willing to eating out their GF

jealous of their tall (female) friend


Pocket-size miracles fluff

By your side fluff

All I need fluff

Birthday flower Smut

Never a rebound angst/fluff

New years kiss fluff

J hope

coffee shop line fluff

perfectly imperfect fluff

The chain angst


Jealous daddy smut

First for everything smut

Expose me not fluff

When words fail fluff

Appa!suga fluff


Kitty cat smut

Lucky smut

Appa!Jungkook fluff


One year fluff

My love romantic

Worst in me angst


just breathe fluff

Daddy’s princess fluff

Rap Monster

rapmon problems fluff

beauty and the beat smut