Namjoon scenario – Beauty and the beat



genre: smut, fluffy ending

warnings: roleplay, ProducerxSinger

The plan was set. Namjoon and I have been apart for too long and I was missing him like crazy! I decided to come to Korea as a special surprise for him and have a little fun while I’m here. He’s mentioned to me before that he was asked to help with some of the auditions for the new Big Hit trainees and he would also help them write some new songs to consider for their debuts.

I got my way into Big Hit since most of the staff know who I am and walked to Namjoon’s studio. I sent him a text earlier asking if he was busy with auditions and he mentioned that he has an hour-long break.

I pressed my ear to the door, listening to make sure he was alone. I overheard the sweet sound of Namjoon humming alone to a melody and didn’t hear anyone else with him. Creeping open the door, I snuck in without drawing attention to myself.

I walked toward the open couch when a floorboard creaked. I winced to myself and Namjoon pulled off his headphones, turning to look at what made the noise.

“Woah! Jagiyah, you scared me.” He got up from his seat and wrapped me in his strong arms. I could live a whole life in his embrace. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you. This long distance thing was killing me so I got a flight out.” I told him. He held my cheeks and kissed me. I pressed my hands to the middle of his back and he moved his arms down to my waist, letting me hold onto his shoulders for balance. After a few more seconds, I finally broke the kiss, “Am I disrupting anything?” I asked. He looked back at his computer, shaking his head.

“No, I’m just sitting around, waiting for inspiration. Wanna listen?” He asked. I nodded and he lead me to his recording area. I sat on his lap and he reached around me to play a section of the song. He helped me with his bulky headphones and I listened to the low beat fade into a softer melody. He was so amazing at producing songs. A smile crept onto my lips and the song stopped.

I pulled off the headphones and Namjoon’s hands squeezed my thighs. “It kind of sounds like a love song,” I said.


“Yeah. I mean, you’ve always been the type to express your emotions through song, and hearing this song reminds me of how I’ve been feeling while being away from you.” I said. His eyes studied my face while I spoke, giving me full attention.

“How do you do that?” He asked.

“Do what?”

“Live inside my head like that. The other day I was feeling so alone without you and then this song just popped into my head.” He explained. I smiled at him and he gave me a sweet kiss. Namjoon broke away when he heard a knock at the door. I jumped out of his lap and he called for the person to come in.

“Hey. PD-min has to leave early. We’re holding the rest of the auditions tomorrow.” One of the staffs said.

“Oh. Okay.” Namjoon replied. The staff closed the door and I turned to him with a coy smile.

“I have you to myself for the rest of the day?” I asked, straddling him in his chair. His hands held my hips and we continued our kiss.

“You know…” He said breaking the kiss again. “I was really looking forward to the other auditions. I heard there was a very sexy idol who goes by Y/n.” I smirked at him, knowing he was in one of his ‘roleplay moods’.

“Oh really?” I asked. He nodded and brushed his nose against mine, our lips almost touching. “Well, RM… What exactly does it take to be an idol.”

He got up from his chair, carrying me to the couch. “You’ve got to have the… vocals.” His lips pressed against my neck, making me moan in pleasure while he placed me on the sofa. “And the moves.” His hips grinded down on mine, sending shivers up my back. “And… the passion.”

“I definitely have the passion…” I cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him with everything I had.“As for the moves… I can show you better than I can tell you.” I got up and walked back to the computer, playing his cover song ‘Trouble’ that he did with Jin. I slowly walked back to him while the bass rumble throughout the room.

I unbuttoned my jeans, peeling them off my legs and tossing them to the side of the room. I stopped right in front of Namjoon, signaling for him to help me a little. He held my hips and lifted my top over my head. I straddled his lap and grinded down on his growing bulge. His mouth fell open with a small moan, making me smirk.

His hands traveled up and down my sides, tickling my skin. I got back up and teased him a little more. Hooking my fingers into my lace panties, I pulled at each side while moving my hips up and down until they eventually fell right off. Namjoon just kept watching me with hungry eyes. He started to get up to pull me in but I pushed him back down with a smile.

“Patience.” I held my hands behind my back, unhooking my bra while dancing seductively to the rhythm. I climbed back on top of Namjoon, wrapping my arms around his shoulders for support and he gently hugged my waist. Then all at once, the song ended and he flipped me over onto my back.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, on the arm of the couch. I held my hands there while his lips traveled down my neck and chest. His smooth tongue peeked past his lips, licking and sucking my sensitive spots.

“Hmmm~ Your tongue’s so soft.” His hands slid down my body, grabbing at his favorite parts. “I missed this so much,” I whispered.

He glanced over my bare body until I reached up and helped him with his pants. Within seconds, we were completely connected; skin to skin. “Come here.” He lifted my head up and pressed his full lips against mine. I wrapped my leg around his hips, lining him up at my entrance.

He took a deep breath and pushed himself into me. I threw my head back, unable to kiss him properly because of the intense pleasure I was already feeling. He moved on to my chest, kissing down the middle of my breasts while thrusting in and out.

“You like that?” He said, biting my neck. I moaned out loud and he nibbled at my sweet spot. “You’re so lucky I’m impatient. But trust me… When I get you home, you’re really gonna be in trouble. Oh, fuck!”

His member throbbed inside me as we both got closer and closer to our climax. I gripped on to his shoulders, my back gradually forming an arch. “On three, baby… One… Two…” I waited for what felt like hours until he finally said, “Three. Cum for me.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I clenched my walls around him and cried out his name. “Namjoon! Oh~” He pounded into me, riding out my high until we eventually cooled off.

I laid back on the couch while he collapsed on top of me, kissing my collarbones. I giggled at how adorable he was after sex and he sat up, pulling my naked body onto his lap.

“Well since we finished auditions an hour early, how about you and I go and get some lunch.” He suggested.

“Yes, please! I’m famished..” I said with a weak smile. He laughed at my comment and kissed my forehead. If there was one thing he loved, it was the fact that he could both satisfy and exhaust me after a single round.

The two of us got dressed and walked out of the studio. Thankfully, no one was around to hear what was happening inside and we made an easy escape.


BTS reaction – seeing your exotic pet

He was not one, but two Sugar Gliders so he loves exotic animals (in moderation). the only thing would be, having an animal that won’t eat his pets.

He has a soft spot for anything cute and fluffy. As long as your pet is something that is up to those standards and gets along with Holly (his dog), who is he to judge? (vv this dog isn’t holly vv)

Reptiles don’t really faze him so if you have a lizard or snake, he’ll be fine with it. I definitely see him having a reptile and keeping it as a cool feature in his home studio.

He can’t handle any kind of “creepy” animals. He’d most likely prefer a chinchilla or fennec fox as far as exotic pets go.

He absolutely adores every animal ever! If he could shrink an elephant to the size of the average dog, he’d have it as a pet. He has a lizard of his own. He just wants a friendly pet to hold and love.

Taehyung is the quirkiest guy ever and having an odd pet would only bring you two closer together. When he first meets your pet he’d immediately ask you to hold it.

Much like Jimin, Kookie loves all animals. From rabbits to birds, he really enjoys exotic pets