BTS reaction – their s/o messing up while trying to learn their dances

He has the quirkiest dance moves of all time! it’s kinda the point to be terrible at it.


He wouldn’t say anything. He doesn’t want you to get discouraged. He lowkey thinks you look adorable and doesn’t want to correct you.


Rao Monster
He knows you trying your hardest, and that all that matters. He is known as an awkward dancer too and he doesn’t fight it. He just wants you to feel confident in your movements


J Hope
He would be super patient with you. He wants you to keep trying. Every time you start to give up, he’ll give you a little kiss on the cheek to cheer you up.


“Aww, Jagiya… You can do this! I believe in you.” He’d hold your head up and smile at you. You already know he would never give up on you.


If you messed up a move, he would actually make a whole new version of the dance. If anyone asked him what he was doing from then on, he;d just be like “It’s the Y/n style”


Rolling on the floor! He thinks you look funny when you dance and ess up. But in a sweet way. He’ll take a break with you so you don’t work yourself up and will try it with you once you get your confidence back.

BTS reaction – their GF having a mommy!kink ;)

This is technically NSFW so I’ll add the read more option.

He’s down for a little mommy!kink, but you have to be gentle with your baby boy. He not the type for rough sex, but he’ll give in for some g-dom teasing.

He’ll go along with it. Only because he is waiting for you to show weakness and show you who really owns the bedroom.

Rap Monster
You would definitely have to bind his hands to keep him from touching you. He will for sure try and flip you on your back at some point.

(ugh! with those delicious collar bones of his~)

J Hope
You would have to be deep into the relationship in order for him to go with it. He needs trust before lust.

HE IS SO DOWN! He would be the one to like a sugar mommy. One that buys him sex toys and sexy underwear.

(don’t start me on this gif! I’ll go for days)

You might have to take little breaks when he starts giggling at random things. He will try to be serious, but just the thought of calling you “mommy” makes him laugh.

Bay will do as he’s told, but he has to be rewarded if you want him to participate again.

Suga reaction – His crush confessing to him

He’d just freeze in the moment. His face wouldn’t even show any emotion, but in his mind, he’d losing it! He is so incredibly overjoyed that you have the same feelings for him.

“Y-you really love me?” He’d say in shock. the second you nod a tiny smile would start to take form on his lips. He’d take your hand in his and lean in to kiss your cheek.

“I love you too, Y/n. I’ll be honest, I wanted to be the first to say it, but either way, you mean a lot to me.” He’d say. The sight of your smile would make him grin. He’d pull you into a hug and bring you closer to finish the movie.

“So you’re my girl now right?”

“Yes, of course!”

He’d just smirk to himself and kiss the top of your head.

“Happy birthday, jagiya.”

BTS reaction – having a tall Boyfriend


He would feel all giddy inside when you come up behind him while he’s cooking. He loves that you’re taller than him, 


I see Yoongi laying his head in his boyfriend’s lap with his headphones in, listening to one of his new songs. He already knows he’s small, so having a tall boyfriend wouldn’t be an issue at all.

Rap Monster

He’s fairly tall himself, so having someone who can either match or beat that would be a dream. He wouldn’t mind you height one bit, in fact, he finds it quite sexy.

J hope

He would like dancing around the living room with you. He’d put his toes on yours and swing around with you and laugh.


Sweater paws for days! He’d wear his boyfriend’s tops whenever he wanted and his little hands would just disappear in the sleeves.

“Do you need a smaller shirt, Jiminnie?”

“No. This one looks good on me.” *takes a selca with you*

can’t even talk about this gif! I’m dead


He would also take a few of you clothes, but Tae is more of an oversized jacket type of guy. He would only wear the ones that are fuzzy on the inside.


although he’d miss being tall one, Kookie would love being able to rest his head on his boyfriend’s chest. He’d find comfort in having a cuddle from a tall person.