BTS reaction – their (shy) drunk GF falling asleep in their lap

requested by @petalskook


As soon as you sat in his lap, he’d know it’s time to go home. He wouldn’t even think twice about it. He’d help you to the car, lay you down in the back seat and take you back home.



He’d want to hide his smile, but he’d fail as soon as he notices that you’re asleep. He’d tap you a few times to check if you were awake, but it wouldn’t work.



Although it’s obvious that you won’t even remember what happened, he’d hold on to the cute memory as his own little secret. He knows how shy you get so he wouldn’t taunt you about it.



Our Hobi is a sleepy drunk too, so he would just let you sleep it off. He’d rub your back and let you lay your head on his shoulder until it’s time to go back home.



I see Jimin playing with your hair while you sleep.. He’d run his fingers through it to brush out the tangles and tuck your bangs behind your ear to keep the strands from getting on your face.


He’d think it’s the funniest/cutest thing ever! He’d let you nuzzle your head into his neck and wrap his arms around you. By the time you woke up, he’d have some painkillers for your hangover and a funny story about last night.



He’d start blushing when you sit down on his lap. He wouldn’t know what to do, but when you fall asleep, his first priority is to get you to bed.


V scenario – Worst in me



Genre: angst

Summary: It’s difficult to understand the concept of love when you’re cynical by nature, especially when you’re in danger of falling for a hopeless romantic.

During the time Taehyung and I have spent together, I never really noticed the milestones we passed. It was as if I was free falling with a blindfold on. I never wanted to be married or have kids, I just wanted to be in a relationship, simple as that. The second people make mistakes is when they bring the government into their love life. That’s how my parents ended up resenting each other. They started out in a relationship, then they got married and all hell broke loose. They thought a kid would fix things and, speaking as the ‘remedy’, it didn’t work at all. I saw the way they argued right in front of me and looked at each other like strangers.

I’m not a cynic with most things. I just think that love has an expiration date. People fall in love and fall out of it just as fast. But then all those thoughts were nonexistent when I met Taehyung. He looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. He completely understood me without me having to explain away my feelings. He made me laugh on my worst days and kept me smiling at my best, but still, I haven’t been able to utter the three little words that I’ve dreaded so much.

For most people saying ‘I love you’ is like a right of passage, you have your first love by saying it and each word makes your heart swell. But for me, it’s the beginning of the end. What does it even mean to really love someone? There is no point if saying two people will be together forever, just be together! My biggest fear with Taehyung is that he’d confront me with my thoughts about love or resent me for not saying ‘I love you’.

The good news was, he never mentioned my thoughts on love or triggered my cynical state of mind, but the bad news was, his family didn’t know about my romance stigma.

Once again my realist views were numbed and Taehyung somehow got me to have dinner with his parents. It started out really great, they asked me about my work and how long their son and I have been seeing each other. All was fine until they asked the one question I’d been dreading most.

“Wow, you two have been together a long while.” His mother said. “Do I hear wedding bells in the distance?”

“Oh god…” I murmured.

“Uh, We’re just taking our time,” Tae said, holding my hand under the table.

“Why wait so long? I’ve always wanted to have a daughter-in-law and little grandchildren running around.” His dad chimed in.

I started to feel even more uneasy, but couldn’t say anything out of fear of their disapproval. Taehyung just shrugged and returned the subject to the present rather than the future. The rest of the dinner went great apart from the middle bit.

We said goodbye to his parents and he took me home. I could tell he had something on his mind, but he remained silent. We came up to my door and I offered for him to come inside with me, mainly to figure out what was bothering him. He gladly stepped inside and sat on the couch. I sat down next to him and just waited for him to speak first.

“You trust me, right?” He asked.

“Of course.”

“Do you love me?” My heart both shattered and burst into flames all at once.

“Tae…” I stood up off the couch and paced the floor. “What difference does it make?”

“Difference? The difference is whether you love me or not. I can’t keep going around feeling this way for you if you never say it back. You need to tell me once and for all. Do you love me?” He rose from the couch, standing directly in front of me.

“I don’t know!”

“How do you not know?”

“Because I frankly don’t want to. I don’t want to be vulnerable and lay it all on the line only to have my heart broken. You don’t get the things I’ve witnessed. I can’t just tell someone I love them because I know what will happen next. Sure, we can get married and have kids but happily ever after is still out of reach. I know how this goes, I saw it with my own parents. If we get married we’re happy for a day around friends and family and then we have a honeymoon period, then it all goes to hell. When my mom had me she was practically raised me on her own until my dad came home from work then he took care of me but it was never simultaneous. I had a mom, then I had a dad, but they were never equal partners. If we have a kid, I’ll have to take all that in and I can’t lose you Tae, I just can’t.”

I broke down completely. Tears rushing down my face, every thought expelled from my head and all sense of security was gone. If I was honest, it wasn’t loving or not loving him. It was having him or losing him. I tried not to move too fast, but we ended up standing still. Just like now.

“Hey… hey…” Taehyung rushed to me, pulling me in for a warm embrace. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair while I let it all out.

“You’re right.” He said. “Your parents were never a team. They tried to do right by you and their marriage, but it just ended up hurting all three of you. But the thing you don’t understand is that we aren’t them. Telling me you love me isn’t the beginning of the end at all. Think about it. ” He released me briefly and looked me in the eyes. “We just had the worst fight in our history as a couple but I’m still here. We both are.”

“If you only knew how many times I wanted to say it just to see what it was like to… love someone. Every time you did something selfless or just the way you looked on any random day I wanted to tell you, but how can I say something I don’t understand?”

“You don’t have to.” He confused me for a moment before explaining. “I was wrong to rush you into it. The truth is there isn’t any need for you to tell me you love me. It’s just that tonight had me thinking and I wanted some validation. I’m sorry.”

“No, Tae.” I cuddled him in a little tighter, kissing his neck and consoling him. We stood there for a while, feeling the warmth of the others embrace until I broke the silence with the first thing that came to mind.

“I love you, Taehyung.”

I didn’t force it, I didn’t overanalyze it, I just said it. For the first time ever I told him I loved him, and as the days, weeks even years went by, I never once regretted it.


BTS reaction – seeing your exotic pet

He was not one, but two Sugar Gliders so he loves exotic animals (in moderation). the only thing would be, having an animal that won’t eat his pets.

He has a soft spot for anything cute and fluffy. As long as your pet is something that is up to those standards and gets along with Holly (his dog), who is he to judge? (vv this dog isn’t holly vv)

Reptiles don’t really faze him so if you have a lizard or snake, he’ll be fine with it. I definitely see him having a reptile and keeping it as a cool feature in his home studio.

He can’t handle any kind of “creepy” animals. He’d most likely prefer a chinchilla or fennec fox as far as exotic pets go.

He absolutely adores every animal ever! If he could shrink an elephant to the size of the average dog, he’d have it as a pet. He has a lizard of his own. He just wants a friendly pet to hold and love.

Taehyung is the quirkiest guy ever and having an odd pet would only bring you two closer together. When he first meets your pet he’d immediately ask you to hold it.

Much like Jimin, Kookie loves all animals. From rabbits to birds, he really enjoys exotic pets

BTS reaction – their foreign crush speaking fluent Korean

“So you do know annyeonghaseyo!”

He would be amazed! He never thought he can like you more and here you are speaking his native language.

Rap Monster
He is pleasantly surprised. He’s always wanted a s/o who speaks more than one language. Whether it be his native language or something he can learn himself.

J Hope
He would be relieved! He does put forth the effort to learn a new language, but it’s always nice to hear someone speak your native language too.

He would try and show you off the rest of the world. He’d take you out to Korean markets and speak Korean to you just so you can reply back and shock the people around you two.

He still wants to learn your native language too. He doesn’t want you speaking Korean to him all the time. He wants to meet you halfway and become fluent in whatever language you normally speak.

He would then try and teach you accents. He would burst out laughing when you use the Busan accent (His natural accent).

BTS reaction – their s/o messing up while trying to learn their dances

He has the quirkiest dance moves of all time! it’s kinda the point to be terrible at it.


He wouldn’t say anything. He doesn’t want you to get discouraged. He lowkey thinks you look adorable and doesn’t want to correct you.


Rao Monster
He knows you trying your hardest, and that all that matters. He is known as an awkward dancer too and he doesn’t fight it. He just wants you to feel confident in your movements


J Hope
He would be super patient with you. He wants you to keep trying. Every time you start to give up, he’ll give you a little kiss on the cheek to cheer you up.


“Aww, Jagiya… You can do this! I believe in you.” He’d hold your head up and smile at you. You already know he would never give up on you.


If you messed up a move, he would actually make a whole new version of the dance. If anyone asked him what he was doing from then on, he;d just be like “It’s the Y/n style”


Rolling on the floor! He thinks you look funny when you dance and ess up. But in a sweet way. He’ll take a break with you so you don’t work yourself up and will try it with you once you get your confidence back.

BTS reaction – their GF having a mommy!kink ;)

This is technically NSFW so I’ll add the read more option.

He’s down for a little mommy!kink, but you have to be gentle with your baby boy. He not the type for rough sex, but he’ll give in for some g-dom teasing.

He’ll go along with it. Only because he is waiting for you to show weakness and show you who really owns the bedroom.

Rap Monster
You would definitely have to bind his hands to keep him from touching you. He will for sure try and flip you on your back at some point.

(ugh! with those delicious collar bones of his~)

J Hope
You would have to be deep into the relationship in order for him to go with it. He needs trust before lust.

HE IS SO DOWN! He would be the one to like a sugar mommy. One that buys him sex toys and sexy underwear.

(don’t start me on this gif! I’ll go for days)

You might have to take little breaks when he starts giggling at random things. He will try to be serious, but just the thought of calling you “mommy” makes him laugh.

Bay will do as he’s told, but he has to be rewarded if you want him to participate again.

Taehyung scenario – my love


Genre: fluff, romance

Summary: caring for someone is always very rewarding, but everyone should be pampered every now and again. 

Pairing: Taehyung + noona reader

The best part about being the second in command of a big-time music agency is that I’m able to oversee all of my potential artists and see them through to their dreams of being a star. On the other hand, I have the stress of being the second in command. For the past few weeks, I’ve had to cancel date-night for Taehyung and me. I love being able to spoil him and make him smile, but I miss seeing those cute smiles in person.

I turned my head when I heard three knocks at my office door.

“Come in!” I said, assuming it was another one of the interns giving me a message.

“Noona?” I gasped to see my boyfriend standing in my doorway.

“Tae!” I said getting out of my chair. He wrapped me in a warm embrace, kissing me sweetly.

“Have you eaten?” He asked while swinging my hands side to side playfully.

“Yeah. What time is it?” I completely lost track of the hour. I looked down at my watch to see it was almost seven o’clock. Taehyung took a hold of my wrists and pulled me back into his arms. I giggled at how adorable he was.

“I have something for you, but we have to go and get it first.” He said into my ear. I pulled back and simply nodded in agreement. Honestly, as long as I’m able to get out of the office for the night, he can take me anywhere.

We walked down the hall until we reached the elevator. He held his hand to the sliding door and let me go in first. He followed closely behind and pushed the button for the main level. My fingers were quickly intertwined with his and we reached the first floor. We walked out to his car and got in.

“So what is this surprise exactly?”

“Don’t worry. It’s something you’ll love.” He assured me. I smiled at him and looked out the window, watching the streetlights shine down onto the glass.

We pulled up to our favorite restaurant and I turned to him in excitement. He parked the car and ran around to my side to open the door for me.

After being seated, Taehyung ordered their finest champagne. I smiled at his cute smirk as he placed his order. When our food arrived, he lifted his glass and looked at me.

“Happy anniversary, my love.” He said with a smile. I raised my glass and clinked them together before taking a sip of the sweet champagne.

We talked about all the wild things that happened to him on tour and all the fun things the boys saw while traveling the world, and I told him all my favorite trainees that recently began their journey in the entertainment business. Taehyung always loved hearing about the new acts my company has signed. He’s even come to a few practices to give them words of encouragement.

“You’ve been working a lot recently, love. Don’t you ever get a break?” He asked.

“Only when I can.” I shrugged “I like being busy when you’re away on tours and prompting. It gives me something to do other than miss you all day.”

His arm stretched across the table and he held my hand. “I’m here now.” He said making me blush.

As soon as the check arrived, I reached for it out of habit, but Taehyung quickly took it out of my grasp.

“Not tonight.” He said with a scolding look. I laughed at his ‘mature’ expression and let him pay for our dinner,

“Off to the next location!” He said after the waiter charged his card. He took my hand and we left the restaurant. He drove through the city once more, quickly getting us to my next surprise.

We pulled up to his house and he turned the car off.

“Wait.” He said patting my hand. I let out a small laugh and watched him race around to my side of the car, opening the door for me.

“You’re adorable, you know that?” I said taking his hand. We walked up to the front door and he fumbled his key until he got it into the lock, turning it. As the door swung open, Taehyung and I were greeted by unlit candles on a tray in the middle of his coffee table and rose petals covering the floor.

“You did all this for me?” I asked turning to him. He smiled and nodded in reply. I cupped his cheek, bringing the other side of his face to my lips.

“I know you’ve been working hard lately, and I really love the gifts you’ve gotten me, but I love having you to myself.” He said brushing his nose against mine.

I smiled and he kicked the door shut behind us and walked us to the couch. He had me turn around, that way my back was facing him. He picked up the candles one by one to light them and played some music on his phone. I let out a long sigh when I felt his lips press to the back of my neck. His fingers grazed up my back, pulling my top over my head. His hands slowly slid my bra straps off my shoulders.

“Lie on your stomach.” He said in a hushed tone. I held my bra in place as I lowered onto my stomach. Taehyung got up and sat next to my hips before grabbing the honeysuckle massage oil. He rubbed the oil between his hands before pressing them to my back, working through the knots. His heavenly hands made all the stress melt away.

I smiled when I heard ‘Butterfly’ start to play.  His voice is so gentle and pure. I sighed again when he pushed his palms onto my tight shoulder muscles.

“Does that hurt?” He asked pausing for a moment.

“Not at all! It feels amazing, Tae.” I said groggily. I was quickly starting to get sleepy. He rubbed through every sore and tender area. Endless moans left my mouth. His hands worked their way down my back, giving special attention to my spinal cord. His thumbs pressed to the middle of my back as the rest of his hands massaged my waist and hips. He leaned forward and kissed the back of my head, making me smile.

His movements slowed as he came to a gradual stop. I turned my head toward him, twisting my body. I sighed at the feeling of Taehyungs warm lips trailed down my neck. I came up and turned to him, holding his soft cheek in y hand.

“Thank yours for tonight, Tae.It’s just what I needed.”

He smiled at me and kissed my lips sweetly. A big part of me was relieved that I didn’t have to be miss independent all the time. Taehyung is always there to catch me when I fall.


Bangtan (BTS) masterlist

Current drafts

click here


Wearing his clothes

hearing you moan while stretching

bite marks from your dog

seeing their gf in casual clothes for the first time

you getting scared by a spider

falling for a noona

having a tall BF

seeing your heart-shaped birthmark

having a drummer, rapper, dancer idol gf

their gf’s idol group covering “now you know”

their child reciting the poem “To this day”

standing up for their idol gf and her group

you being their makeup artist

you being obsessed with ‘attack on titan’

you being a teen mom from a previous relationship

dating/crushing on a biracial girl


Help You Get Away With Something

date/fall for another man

call their GF princess

hold hands in public

willing to eating out their GF

jealous of their tall (female) friend


Pocket-size miracles fluff

By your side fluff

All I need fluff

Birthday flower Smut

Never a rebound angst/fluff

New years kiss fluff

J hope

coffee shop line fluff

perfectly imperfect fluff

The chain angst


Jealous daddy smut

First for everything smut

Expose me not fluff

When words fail fluff

Appa!suga fluff


Kitty cat smut

Lucky smut

Appa!Jungkook fluff


One year fluff

My love romantic

Worst in me angst


just breathe fluff

Daddy’s princess fluff

Rap Monster

rapmon problems fluff

beauty and the beat smut