Xiumin scenario – Fool’s gold


Requested by anon

Genre: Mafia!au, angst, smut

Summary: Your arranged marriage with Minseok has been seen as perfection. Two people head-over-heels in love. Pretending to be a happy couple has tricked everyone into thinking it’s for real… even you.

Warnings: strong/violent language, rough sex

The caring touches, the stolen glances, the illusion of love was beginning to fool me. Minseok is the perfect gentleman around other people, but behind closed doors, we’re a million miles away. No one knows that we sleep in separate rooms or that our marriage was completely arranged. Everyone around us praised fate when they found out my father was old friends with his uncle years ago. Little do they know that after Minseok’s uncle passed away, he became the head of the family. Now that my father is starting to get up in age, he made a deal with Minseok; a thirty million dollar deal and his eldest daughter’s hand in marriage.

We’ve been married for three months now, but we still barely know each other. He leaves for days at a time without a word and comes back in silence. Growing up, my father never left the house unless he said goodbye. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive. I just feel so alone in my own marriage.

The first time he asked me to join him for dinner with the rest of the mobsters, I was completely shocked. The whole night he smiled at me, pulled my chair out for me, held my hand and even kissed my cheek. I was blinded by the smoke screen until we came back home and he went straight to bed, not even saying a simple “good night”

We kept this going around others, making everyone believe we were madly in love. The more I faked my feelings for him, the more real they became. I dreaded leaving parties and dinners because I knew I would have to go back to being alone. I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I want to be in love for real.

Your POV

“Did you tell him this?!” My sister asked in shock. She invited me to lunch while she was in town. I never intended on telling her about Minseok, but she can read me like a book.

“No. How can I? None of it’s real.”

“But you love him.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I should because we’re married, but… It’s arranged.” I said, whispering the last part. The last thing I needed was someone in the restaurant to hear and with my luck, they’ll be connected to my families rivals. Rule number one of the mafia, trust no one.

“Y/n, if you’re unsure, you need to be open and direct. What’s the worst that can happen? He doesn’t feel the same way? Too bad. You’re married.”

“You know it’s not that easy. Life isn’t a contract. If he doesn’t feel the same way then he really isn’t the one I should be with, but I can’t go out and find mr.right because I will have violated the agreement and our family is screwed.” I leaned back in my chair, exhausted by the reality I’m stuck in. “I’m trapped in a loveless marriage.”

“You don’t know that. And you never will until you say something.” She was right. I know she was.


“Hey, boss. We have a situation.” I sprung from my chair and headed straight for the surveillance room. If any of those rat bastards so much as breathed near my territory, I’ll have them in the ground.

I burst into the door looking over all the screens. “What’s the problem?”

“Check it out. Wifey’s on the loose.” One of my men pointed to the screen, showing the video of Y/n leaving the house. “And then this came in about ten minutes ago.” He pulled out his phone, showing me pictures of Y/n at some café

“She’s with her sister you idiots. Next time you call me out of my office someone better be in the hospital.” I turned to leave but he stopped me.

“That’s not all. Look closer.” He zoomed into the background and handed me the phone.

Just two tables away from where Y/n was sitting, three of the rival thugs were staring at her. What are they planning?

“Where’s the café?”

“Just outside the territory. Her sister is staying at a hotel near there.”

“Switch the reservation to somewhere closer. I don’t need her going out of bounds.”

“No need. Little sister is leaving this afternoon. We have a few guys hanging around to make sure no one tries to pull anything.”

“Good.” I checked my watch and handed the phone back. “I gotta go. I expect full surveillance of the event this evening. Call the host and request the security footage. He owes me a favor… or five.”

“Yes, sir.”

I needed to get ready for tonight. But more importantly, I need to know what those thugs want with my wife.

When I got home, Y/n was on the phone so I tried to keep quiet. I don’t know what she said to her sister at the café, but it sparked the interest of the enemy.

“No, he’s not home yet. I can’t tell him tonight we have that gala. If I tell him then it’ll seem like I’m some love sick school girl who got caught up in the facade.” She said.

Love? Does she love me? If she told her sister she loves me then why would those thugs be so interested? As far as they know we’re happily married.

“I’ll just call you tomorrow. Safe travels. Bye.” I waited a few seconds and opened the door before slamming it shut, acting as if I just walked in. Y/n didn’t even turn around to look at me. She just poured herself some tea and went about her business.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” I asked.

“Oh, Minseok. I thought you’d be upstairs by now. Um… I was just having some tea before I got ready. I’m feeling a little drowsy.”

“Okay. Let me know when you’re ready. I need to make some calls.” I headed upstairs, leaving her to her business.

Your POV

My heart was about to pound out of my chest! I touched my hand to my blushing cheek, trying to calm myself. My God, I’m crazy about him! It was such a basic interaction yet I’m still in wonder.

I went up to my room to get ready, excited for what was to come. s long as we were in public, he’s the kind of husband every girl wants. I took the time to find the right pair of shoes to match my clutch purse and the right jewelry to match the gown. By the time I was finished I had another look at myself.

“Beautiful.” I gasped when I heard Minseok’s voice and turned to look at the door. He leaned against the frame, looking very casual, unlike his hand-tailored tux.

“Oh, thank you.” I looked down at my shoes, feeling shy.

“Shall we?” He extended his hand, offering to escort me to the car.

And the charade begins…

Minseok handed the keys to the valet, ushered be inside and was greeted by the host. His hand remained on the small of my waist as he said. “So good to see you again. You remember my lovely wife, Y/n?”

“How could I forget. You look beautiful as always.” The host shook my hand gently and Minseok walked us into the ballroom. There were elegantly decorated tables surrounding the dancefloor. I was blown away by the scene.

Minseok found our table and pulled out my chair as always. We sat with a few of the other mobsters and their wives, having some small talk. I was enjoying the evening until one of Minseok’s men tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sir, one of the dons wants to speak with you.”

“Which one?” Minseok asked.

“…The Incheon don.” He said. My eyes went wide for a moment. What would the Incheon mafia boss be doing here?

Minseok turned to me, kissing my cheek and excused himself. “I’ll be back in a moment, my love.” He left with his lackey and I sighed in frustration.

“Aw, he’s so sweet even when he leaves you for a moment.” One of the wives said.

I smiled at her kindly, not showing my true feelings and tried to forget about whatever the Incheon boss wanted.


I walked out of the ballroom, down the hall and stopped when I saw a couple of goons standing by a double door. I removed my hands from my pockets and raised my arms, proving that I didn’t have any weapons. They opened the doors, allowing me inside. I walked toward the single table in the middle of the room and sat across from my mortal enemy for the first time in years.

“Minseok.” He said.

“Don Kim to you,” I said, staring him down.

“Oh? You’re the head of the family now?” He said, taunting me.

I cocked my head to the side, irritated by his tone. “Yes, I am. But you already knew that which is why I’m here and not my father-in-law.”

“Right. Your little… arrangement with his eldest daughter seem’s almost perfect. I understand you two aren’t as happy as most may think.”

“What are you getting at?” I asked him.

The sly smirk on his face grew. “I know a way to get you out of it.”


“Let’s just say… a little bird told me she’s considering looking for a better companion since her ‘husband’ isn’t showing much interest. And if that so-called ‘mr.right’ were one of us, her father wouldn’t be too thrilled with her. However, it would still leave you with her dowry and her family’s power.” He explained. “Since you two are married, you kept your end of the deal, but if she is unfaithful, she breaks the pact.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. “There’s no way in hell she’d go anywhere near your turf.”

“She doesn’t have to. We’re in a neutral zone here tonight.”

“Again, why are you telling me this.” He was really irritating me now.

“Because… I want a run at your girl.”

I recoiled at his words, unable to accept what he said. I shook my head in disbelief and stood up from the seat.

“No. She’s not some toy you can mess around with, she’s my wife. Touch her and die.” With that, I stormed out. Four of my men were waiting for me by the door. We all walked back to the ballroom with fire in our step.

“You. Get the car and meet me in the back. You. keep an eye on that door and let me know if anyone tries to do something less than friendly. You. follow behind me on the way home. And you. Find out who that ‘little bird’ is and put him in a body bag.”

“Yes, sir.” They all said. We split up and I headed straight for Y/n. No one will take her from me.

Your POV

I was speaking to one of the other guests when Minseok, popped up out of mid-air and took my hand. “Y/n, sweetheart. Care for a dance?”

“Uh, sure. Excuse me.” I walked behind Minseok, trying to keep up with his fast pace. 

I was confused when he walked completely past the dance floor and toward the back door. That is until I remembered who he was just talking to. Something was wrong.

“What did he say to you?” I whispered to him. He didn’t answer. Instead, he just kept walking.

We burst through the back door and he assisted me in the back seat of the car. We sped off into the night with the second car following behind.

“Minseok, what is going on? Are we in danger here?” I had so many questions, but he still ignored me.

When we got home, he held the door open, letting me out of the car with ease. “Go inside.” He ordered.

“O-okay.” I did as he said and he stayed behind to speak to the driver.

I went up to my room, took off my heels and let my hair down. Why was he acting so strangely? He’s never shaken by those thugs.

I almost unzipped my dress when I felt a pair of strong hands spinning me around. Minseok held my hips and stared into my eyes. I was so startled by him. He hasn’t ever stepped into my room, let alone while I’m getting undressed.

“I heard you earlier today. I heard what you said to your sister on the phone.” He said. My lips parted, but I held back the gasp. “Do you honestly think I would reject you? Or think less of you?”

My eyes felt a little watery, but my expression remained emotionless. “I-I don’t know. That’s what I was afraid of.”

Minseok, cupped my cheeks, bringing my face just centimeters from his. “Y/n… The circumstances of our marriage don’t matter. I’m here, you’re here so just tell me now. What do you feel?”

I took a pause, erasing all the little details and just lived in the moment. “I’m falling in love with you.” The words spilled out of my mouth.

He raised his thumb, catching a tear as it fell from my eye. He looked down at my lips briefly before he did the unthinkable. His body pressed to mine as he crashed our lips together. The last time he kissed me on the mouth was at our wedding. And that little peck couldn’t make a spark in a firework shop.

I clung to him, holding him against my feverish body. He let go of my face, unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I started on his tie, mercilessly untying it and tossing it aside. He hoisted me into his arms only to walk a few steps and drop me on the bed. I went without his warm touch for a few seconds while he undid his pants and pulled them off. I ripped his shirt down the middle, sending the buttons flying all over the room.

He slipped out of his underwear, revealing his massive erection. I looked up and down his chiseled body, taking in every curve. He kissed me one more time before lining himself at my throbbing entrance.

“Tell me how you feel.” He commanded.

“I love you,” I replied. He slammed our hips together, forcing every inch of his manhood into me.

“Say it again.” He retreated himself from my tight heat.

“I-I love you. OH!” Once again, he thrusted into me with great force.

“I love you too, Y/n. I love you.” He repeated.

I was on cloud nine. The man I loved told me he loves me too and now all I needed was to feel his warm cum filling me. I gripped the sheets in a shameful attempt to stop my climax from happening too soon. Minseok saw that I was close and increased the speed of his hips. He lifted my leg higher, taking me from a better angle.

That was it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I arched my back so hard, it was off the bed. Minseok ducked his head down, covering my chest in hot, wet kisses. His mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape as he shot his essence against my walls. His sharp thrusts came to a slow stop and he planted one last kiss between my breasts.

“Mmm~ Now that is how I pictured being married,” I said, playing with his hair.

“I guess this would be the start of our honeymoon period. Since our real honeymoon was just for show.” He leaned in, kissing my lips and resting on top of me. “This… is just for us.”


Chanyeol scenario – Infamous pt.2

Infamous pt.1

Requested by @annjaee

Genre: angst, smut, and a pinch of fluff

Warnings: mild G!dom

Previously: “I know things will never be exactly the same, but I’m willing to try again.” His honesty warmed your heart. You looked up at him with a smile.“So no more sorority girls?” You asked. “Nope. No more sorority girls… except you.” He replied.

You woke up with a slight headache. The sun was way too bright to be streaming in through the open windows. You stood up, off the bed to try and close the shades but you instantly fell back onto the bed. Thanks to your little … reunion with Chanyeol, you’re legs felt like they were made of jelly.

“Oh, god.” You groaned.

There was nothing to do but just sit there on the edge of your bed until there were a few faint knocks at the door. You turned around and called for, whoever it was, to come in. Chanyeol peaked his head in and smiled when he saw you.

“Hey. I got you a muffin and a smoothie.” He handed you the cup and paper bag as he sat next to you.

“How’d you get back in here?” You asked.

“I left the door unlocked when I left and thankfully it was still unlocked when I came back. ” He laid down on your bed, getting comfy.

“Thank you for this. I’m starving.” You took one sip of the smoothie and nearly gagged. “What’s in this?”

“Strawberry beat smoothie. Your favorite.” He said.

“No way I hate that flavor.” You sat the smoothie on my desk and just settled on the muffin.

“Oh right. Strawberry and beets were for the girl from Delta Phi” He muttered.

You rolled your eyes, feeling a little crack in your heart. You can take the boy out of the frat but you can’t take the frat out of the boy. Chanyeol sat up on the bed, pulling you into him, hugging you from behind while you ate your snack.

“Baby I’m sorry. I want to start over the right way.” He kissed your shoulder, rubbing his hands up and down your sides, making you squirm and smile. “See? I still know how ticklish you are.”

“I want to start over too, but you really have to try, okay. I feel like I have to get to know you all over again.” You leaned back against his firm chest, turning your head to the side to hear his heartbeat.

Chanyeol sighed with a nod. “I know, my love.”

You finished the last of the muffin and stood up, stumbling a little, but Chanyeol held your hips to keep you from falling over. You slowly walked to your jeans on the floor, taking out your phone.

“Oh, no.” You said under your breath

“What’s wrong?”

“The girls will be back any minute from the gym! You’ve got to get out.” You scrambled around the room, getting rid of all the evidence from last night.

“Relax. Is it really that bad?”

“Chanyeol. You have a reputation here. There isn’t a single member in this house who has slept with you-”

“But they do know we dated in high school right?” He asked, cutting in.

You opened your mouth to speak, but you knew the truth would hurt him. Instead, you stood there silent, like a statue.

Chanyeol’s eyebrows raised. “Right?” He repeated.

“Well, the only reason I didn’t is that-”

Chanyeol got off the bed, and headed to the door, not wanting to hear any excuses. You hurried to his side, stopping him from leaving. He can’t just walk out like this. You both had some faults, which is probably why fate brought you back together in the first place.

“I’m not letting you go like this.” You said.

“Why? You need me to sneak out the window so your little sorority sisters don’t see the playboy you’ve never met before.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes and reached for the doorknob, causing the crack in your heart to worsen.

The tears started building up and your voice broke. “Chanyeol. Please. You need to understand. I didn’t think you’d ever come back to me.”

Chanyeol looked at you, seeing the sincerity and pain in your eyes and he eased back. The two of you stepped back from the door and walked back to your bed.

“Ever time I saw you, it was like you were a stranger. I genuinely thought I lost you. So yes, I lied. But only because… You were gone.” You said, letting the little tear fall.

Chanyeol kneeled in front of you, wiping your tear. “Y/n… There is no way that you can lose me. No matter how much distance there is between us. You are the first girl I’ve ever loved. I knew in high school that you were the one and it hasn’t changed. I love you more than anything and anyone. It’s as clear now as it was then.”

He cupped your face in his hands, catching each tear as they dripped down your face. He pulled you in for a sweet kiss, proving that the spark was still there. Out of pure habit, you smiled against his lips. Remembering all those laughs he gave you broke you out of your discouraged state.

You thought to yourself and decided enough was enough. Everyone was going to find out sometime. The front door opened and several footsteps and voices echoed throughout the house. You stood up and held out your hands for him to take.

“Let’s go.” You said.

“You’re sure about this?” Chanyeol asked. You nodded your head and marched to the door, squeezing his hand.

The moment you two walked downstairs all the girls went silent, staring in shock and disgust that you were actually coming out of your bedroom with the infamous Park Chanyeol.

“…Y/n… What is going on here?” The head sister asked.

“I’m going to breakfast. With my boyfriend.” You stated, radiating confidence.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a few seconds, but she quickly softened her expression. “Are you sure you want to do this for him? Rules are rules.”

“Getting back together with my exboyfriend doesn’t violate any rules. But if your really that worried about it, I’ll be glad to go back to dorm living.” Chanyeol’s hand from your hand to your waist, giving you a small embrace to show he was proud of you.

“You have 48 hours. Turn your keys in when your room is cleared out.” With that, the girls walked away, leaving you and Chanyeol alone.

You both walked out of the house and down the street in silence. CHanyeol wanted to talk, you could tell, but still, he was quiet. Those girls would have thrown you out no matter what you said, but you just felt invisible. You got your man back and all was good.

“So where do you wanna go for breakfast?” He asked.

“Well I know this cutie named Chanyeol who makes really good waffles if I ask him nicely?~” You said with a sweet smile.

Chanyeol kissed your forehead and threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in for a big bear hug. “My place it is.”

Over breakfast, you had some time to think. You’ve never gotten back together with anyone before and although Chanyeol hasn’t changed completely, there are some new traits that you have to get familiar with. You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Chanyeol poke your nose.

“Whatcha thinking about?” He asked.

“Just you and me.” You said honestly.

Chanyeol nodded and went on. “Good things?”

“Yeah. Really good things.” You held his hand and he smiled, showing his adorable dimples.

“I know I feel really good about us right now. The new Y/n and Chanyeol.” He pulled you off the chair and onto his lap.“Campus couple.”

“I like that.” You replied, running your fingers through his hair.

“I like you. You got awfully feisty back there.” His hands squeezed you butt playfully and you giggled. “It was sexy.”

“Oh yeah?” You asked. Chanyeol nodded and you wrapped your arms around him, repositioning your legs to straddle him. “You like it when I take charge?”

You watched as Chanyeol’s eyes dilated. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife. Your side smile started to grow, causing Chanyeol to go into a frenzy. He got up, whisking you off to his bedroom. You covered his neck in kisses on your way over, nibbling on the one spot that drives him wild.

When you reached his room, he let you back down, giving you full control of him. You lifted his shirt up, pulling it off of him and pushing him back onto his bed. Without hesitation, you climbed on top of him, giving him a little strip show. Clothing flew in all directions until you both were naked and wanting.

Chanyeol’s hands moved up your back, pulling you closer. Skin to skin, chest to chest, heart to heart. You positioned his throbbing member at your slit, taking a quick pause before taking him all the way in. You both moaned at the familiar friction working its magic. You rode his cock, moving in figure-eights. His breathy grumbles had you seeing angels, but of course, you didn’t have to look far. Watching his nose crinkle and his eyes close gently was like a work of art.

“More, baby.” He held your hips, grinding with you until you started to bounce. His hips bucked rhythmically, giving you enough pleasure to cum in seconds.

His pink pouty lips parted, begging for a heated kiss. You came down on top of him, smashing your lips together and taking him even deeper. You moaned into each other’s mouths, unable to stop your selves from reaching that almighty high. Your climax washed over you, shooting tingles from your hands to feet. Butterflies erupted inside your stomach as you tightened around him.

Chanyeol’s hands rubbed your back when you fell limp on top of him, slumping over into his powerful arms. Oh, how you loved his arms. Nothing ever went wrong when he held you. Everything was at peace. His soft cheek pressed against your face as he snuggled you in.

“Now that’s how to start the morning.” He said with a smile.

“The most sensuous time of day.” You replied with a kiss.

You understood that Chanyeol has evolved since the break-up, but so did you. You both made changes as individuals, but now you’re better than ever… together 😉


Xiumin scenario – Release the tension

Requested by anon

Genre: mafia EXO, smut

Warnings: rough sex, teasing

Summary: Xiumin has had a pretty hard day, but after seeing you waiting for him in your little tank top and shorts, he decided to relieve some stresses the best way he knows how.

I jumped out of my daze when I heard the door slam shut. I pulled off the blanket and sat up on the couch, waiting to see Minseok come around the corner.

“God damn it…” I heard a familiar grumble and relaxed into the couch. Minseok must be having a bad day. I ordered from his favorite restaurant, but he texted me a few moments before he was supposed to be home that he was staying late. I don’t know why I keep getting my hopes up Just to have them crushed.

“Y/n? Where are you?!” He hollered.

“Livingroom,” I said, holding back a yawn.

“What’s with all the takeout in the kitchen?” He sounded so annoyed but not nearly as annoyed as I was with his tardiness.

“I thought we would have some dinner but instead I got a text saying you were working late and took a nap.” I could hear his deep sigh from the other room and heavy footsteps coming closer.

“It’s not my fault Y/n. I’m here… Now…” He slowed down when he turned the corner, staring at me in shock. “Come here, baby.” He came down on top of me, going straight in for a kiss but I quickly turned my head, refusing to kiss him back.

His lips almost landed on my cheek before he stopped himself. He looked at me with confusion and tried to kiss me again. Once more, I denied him, turning my cheek without a word.

“Baby… Please? Just one? Don’t make me beg.” He held my jaw in his hand, holding me in place as he finally got his kiss, sort of. I laid there completely relaxed, not giving him anything back.

He soon gave up and moved on to my neck, muttering, “I missed you so much today.” as he moved down to my collar bones. “I would have ditched that meeting if I knew I had this waiting for me.”

I laid motionless, ignoring his plush pink lips. I was too angry to give in that easily. Still, Minseok continued with his sweet kisses, his hands traveled up my sides, under my top until I blocked him before he went too far. He smirked now that he finally got some kind of reaction and grinded his growing erection onto my upper thigh.

“Come on, baby. Just. One. Kiss.” His lips pressed to my jaw, then my cheek and finally my lips.

My wetness was too obvious to deny. I opened my legs a little wider, inviting him between then and kissed him back. I draped my arms around his neck and my rough, lustful, dominant man burst forth with a primal tug at my shorts. I gasped when I heard a ripping at the hem. Minseok threw them across the room without a care about where they landed.

“M-Minseok.” I moaned

“Tsk, tsk. You think you can deny me what’s mine and call me by my name?”  He asked with deep, dark eyes.

“Master, please,” I said, correcting myself.

“Please what? Say it!” His hips grinded down on mine, making my mouth open slightly.

I took a deep breath to compose myself and spoke. “Master, please take me. Take what’s yours. Please.” I begged.

Minseok lifted my top, stared straight at my erect nipples and helped himself. I clenched my thighs around him, trapping him between my legs while he sucked on my breasts. With one arm across his shoulders, I played with his hand in my free hand, Tugging a little when his teeth grazed my sensitive skin.

I looked down when I hear the sound of a kipper. Minseok pulled his member out of his pants when he had enough of teasing me and Pulled my panties down, coating himself with my slick center. My head tilted back as he quickly slammed into me, filling me up just right.

His fast, merciless thrusts had me seeing stars already. He pounded into me, letting out all his anger and frustration, replacing it with a burning desire. He lifted my legs into the air, spreading them even wider, gripping them so hard that he left little red marks.

“Make me cum, master. Fuck me!” I demanded.

Minseok was too blinded by pleasure to put me in my place for talking to him like that. His thrusts started getting sloppy, his rhythm went out of sync and his mouth was agape. His soft moans were like music to my ears. His hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I instantly came undone when his throbbing tip touched my g-spot. I clenched around him, feeling his cum shooting against my walls as we both reached our climaxes.

By the time we cooled down, Minseok kissed the valley between my breasts and pulled my top back down. He stood up off the couch, tucked his softened member into his pants and lifted me off the sofa.

“My baby doesn’t need to lay on the couch.” He said.

He walked us upstairs and laid me down on the bed, knowing I still had some left over sleepiness from my nap. I relaxed on the bed, almost letting myself fall asleep when I remembered one last thing.

“Oh, What about dinner?” I asked him.

“Don’t worry about that. We can eat when you wake up, I need to make some calls anyway. Sleep well. I love you.” He kissed my forehead ever so softly and left me to rest.

“I love you too,” I said as I watched him quietly shut the door behind him.


Chen scenario – My brother’s best friend


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, angst & fluff

Warnings: light dry humping

Summary: Jongdae has always been there for you, ever since you two were little, but now that you both have grown up, he still treats you as the little girl you used to be.

The music was so loud, my bed was vibrating. It’s great that my brother came back from college, but did he have to bring his moron friends with him? The second mom and dad left, there were herds of people piling in through the back door.

I sat in my bed, staring out the window, watching all the partiers walk in until a familiar face made me perk up. Jongdae’s back too! I made a snap decision to get dressed and go down to join. I know it’s dumb to think I have a chance with my dream guy but why not just make my presence known?

We’ve lived down the street from Jongdae and his family all my life. We attended the same schools, Hung out with the same crowds, but we aren’t the same age. Next yearI’ll be in college and he’s already halfway done. For years I’ve gotten closer to him, but the more I knew about him, the harder I fell in love. Whenever I would get even a little glimpse of hope that he likes me too, he’d call me “Y/n-ah” and the spark between us quickly dies. He’ll always see me as his best friend’s baby sister, nothing more. Still, I would go out of my way to prove that I’m worthy of his attention. Just once, I want him to notice me as a possible girlfriend. I’ve imagined how we’d be as a couple so many times that it’s taken over my senses. When he’s around I want to be there with him, when he’s gone I miss him like crazy.

I searched through my closet, trying to find something that can catch Jongdae’s eye without being over the top. Mini skirt? v-neck dress?? Heels??? Too obvious. I tried on a few options before deciding on a fitted lace-up top and dark wash skinny jeans. Sexy yet subtle. I hurried to the bathroom, hoping no one would see me. I applied some makeup and touched up my hair before I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs.

A few heads turned as I walked past, but no sign of Jongdae. I took a lap around the house, ending up in the kitchen where it was quiet. I opened the fridge, needing something to drink but the door quickly slammed shut and I came face to face with my brother.

“Absolutely not. Why are you down here?” He scolded.

“Because I can. I wasn’t even going to have any liquor, I just wanted a soda.” I tried opening the fridge but was denied again.

“No. No soda, no party, nothing.” He tried shooing me off to my room but I got an idea that would change his tune.

“Sure I can go upstairs. Mom and dad will be able to hear me clearly when I call them from up there.” I crossed my arms and he glared at me while contemplating.

“… Fine. But if iso much as smell booze near you. You. are. out. Got it?”

“Yes.” I whipped open the fridge door, taking a can of soda and watched my brother walk away.

I rolled my eyes, taking a sip and went about my business. I came around the corner and felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was, my face lit up.

“Jondae! You’re back.” I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back as always.

“Yeah. Your brother and I carpooled back home for the weekend. He also told me to keep an eye on you until the party is over.” And there it was. He’s not just talking to me because I got dressed up for him, it’s because he’s now my babysitter.

“You’re joking…” I replied, feeling extremely annoyed.

“Yeah, I know. He can be a little bossy, but don’t worry. I’ll give you space. Just have fun, alright? I’m gonna get a drink.” He excused himself and headed to the kitchen.

I can’t believe he still sees me as that little girl making googly-eyes at him. Even worse, he wants to give me space. I don’t want space I want to be here with him as a date! As soon as Jongdae was out of sight I stormed off, disappearing into the crowd. I somehow ended up in the middle of the living room, crammed between a load of people dancing a grinding together. I hunched over, clutching my drink and trying to leave without being touched.

My plan quickly failed when some girl bumped into me, causing me to drop the can of soda on the floor. I gasped when I felt a hand on my but and decided to just leave the can on the floor rather than taking the risk of getting groped. I finally made it out of the group of people, taking moment to collect myself and kept moving.

I walked toward the wall, hoping to just sit down for a bit. I took a seat on the couch, keeping to myself until the inevitable moment when either my brother or Jongdae finds me. I observed everyone like a visitor in a zoo.

“This seat is taken?” I glanced up and saw a handsome stranger looking back at me.

“Uh, no. Go ahead.” I offered.

“These parties can get old pretty quick. Everybody is acting like a bunch of animals.” He said.

“My thoughts exactly,” I replied with a small laugh.

We talked for a while, getting to know each other a little. Turns out he is a friend of someone who went to high school with my brother and got ditched as soon as he arrived at the party. He was lucky enough not to get caught in the pile of dirty dancers. We went back and forth until we came across the forbidden topic.

“So what year are you?”

“Senior,” I replied without a thought.

“Seriously? You don’t look a day past 19.”

“Oh, no I meant senior in high school. I should have been more specific.” My cheeks started to burn and I lowered my head.

“That’s okay. I’ve never minded a younger woman.” My heart started to flutter. He actually liked me despite my age!

Another song came on that had the whole crowd cheering and hollering with excitement. It was way too loud to even hear my conversation until he leaned in toward my ear and said: “Wanna go somewhere private?” His hand rested on my knee and I shyly nodded ‘yes’

He took my hand leading me further away from the crowd and up the stairs. We almost got down the hall to my bedroom when another hand gripped my wrist, pulling me back.

“I don’t think so, Y/n.” Jongdae had a fire in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

“Chill out. She’s with me.” I was soon entered in a game of tug of war with the guy I was talking to and the guy who was recruited to watch me.

“No, she isn’t. She’s with me.” Jongdae argued. One of my hands was released and Jongdae pulled me behind him. “Leave.” He said with his fists clenched.

“Or what?” The other guy stepped closer to Jongdae, refusing to back down.

“Or we’ll beat your ass. That’s what.” My brother stepped in, shoving the guy toward the stairs and he finally retreated.

I looked at my brother with terror in my eyes. I hated seeing him like this and god knows he would have fought that guy over much less.

“Y/n. Go to your room. I’ll deal with you later. Jongdae, lock her in there if you have to.” With that, my brother marched down the stairs.

I came out from behind Jongdae and headed straight for my room. He quickly followed behind, making sure I didn’t try and escape back to the party. He closed my bedroom door behind us and watched me lay face down on my bed, letting out a deep sigh.

“Y/n, what were you thinking? I left you alone for literally five seconds and you vanish. Next thing I know you’re going off to bed with a random guy.”

“I wasn’t gonna sleep with him. He just wanted to go somewhere private to talk… As I’m saying it out loud, it sounds like he was just trying to sleep with me… Oh god~” I whined. I fell back over, hiding my face in the pillows.

Jongdae walked over, sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back. “It’s alright. At least you are aware of you’re mistakes. Honestly, I didn’t think that guy was your type.”

“He’s not. He was just the only guy who…” I stopped myself before I could let anything slip out. I can’t let him know my secret, even if it’s about him.

“Who what?” He asked.

“…The only guy who doesn’t mind the fact that I’m younger than him.” I admitted.

Jongdae took a second to process what I said and came to his own realization. “You didn’t like that I was watching over you?”

“Of course not. It’s so patronizing.” I muttered.

“I told you I was going to give you space.” He said in a light tone.

“I didn’t want space from you, Jongdae.” I sat up straight, meeting his eye line so he’d take me seriously. “I wanted to be there with you!”

His expression froze. There wasn’t a shred of emotion on his face, just a blank stare. I ruined it. Any chance of him liking me back was long gone by now.

“Y/n, I… I can’t.” His words shattered my heart into a million pieces. I just wanted to curl up and fade away.

“I-I understand.” My voice broke. I turned away from him so he wouldn’t see my tears start to swell up.

“Y/n, please. It’s not about your age. You’re just my best friend’s sister. I don’t want to lose either one of you.”

“You won’t. Jongdae, I didn’t just wake up this morning with a crush on you. I fell for you from the start and it’s only got worse when you left for college. I miss you all the time but I couldn’t just say it because I knew this would happen. I knew you’d reject me. I’m just a little girl in your eyes. Nothing’s changed.”

“Don’t say that. You’re not a little girl. I know that. It’s just a way of distancing myself from seeing you as the woman you are. If I see you that way I won’t be able to stop myself from doing something I could regret later.” His honesty was a bit of a shock for me. I never knew he was holding back like this.

“How do you see me?”

“Y/n.” He raised his hand, cupping my cheek while he spoke. you are an incredibly  driven, genuine, sweet  woman… who happens to be young.“  I smiled slightly at his last comment and his thumb ran over my bottom lip. "With the most deliciously soft lips, I’ve ever seen.” He lifted my chin, tilting my head to one side, coming in closer until our lips came together for a long-awaited kiss.

I moved my hand around his neck, pulling him in close. Oddly, my nerves melted away, my heartbeat sped up, but I felt relaxed by his touch. I felt his hand on my back, bringing me in even closer and I moaned faintly.  He draped my legs across his lap before laying me back, climbing above me and making himself comfortable without ever breaking our kiss.

I lifted my legs, planting them on either side of him, allowing him the perfect opportunity to gently grind down. I moaned aloud, enjoying the feeling of him through my jeans.

“I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to have this beautiful body of yours pressed against me.” He lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip while his grinded onto my pelvis. He kissed my neck, while his finger started tugging on the string of my top, unlacing it. His hot lips moved over the tops of my breasts and down the middle. His free hand lifted my shirt up, uncovering my stomach. He kissed his way down my abdomen and paused briefly to undo my skinny jeans. He peeled them down with ease while I threw my top across the room. He slowly got off the bed, looking down in wonder at my half-naked body.

Jongdae started a little striptease, getting rid of his top, tossing it in the same direction as mine. When he got back on the bed, he took my hands, placing them on the front of his pants, hinting for me to help him out a little. I unbuttoned his jeans, sliding the zipper down and pulling them down far enough for him to just kick off the rest.

“I’ve wanted you for so long Y/n.” He whispered.

I kissed him one more time, savoring the taste of his sweet lips, “Take me. I’m yours, Jongdae.”

Without hesitation, he pulled his rock hard cock out of his underwear and slipped my panties to the side. With one slow thrust, he stretched out my walls just right, entering me completely. I coiled around him, wanting to feel every inch of his skin on mine.

He thrusted in and out, filling me up perfectly before pulling out again, building friction. My stomach knotted up, my limbs felt like jelly and my orgasm was fast approaching. Jongdae’s thrusts got a little rougher, making it harder to contain my screams of pleasure. But I couldn’t let anyone hear us. This moment was for us, nothing and no one can ruin it. For the first time ever, I felt mentally, emotionally, and physically fulfilled. All I needed now was a sweet release.

“Jongdae~ I’m gonna cum,” I said, holding back any loud whimpers or moans.

“Me too, love. Cum with me. Oh~ Now!”

I bit down on his shoulder while he buried his face in my pillow, muffling his growls and groans. My whole body tingled as I finished my orgasm. I became too weak to keep clenching around him, but his member had already started to soften deep inside me. We both took a moment to collect our selves. Jongdae rolled off of me and stared at the ceiling. I laid next to him, terrified that he would regret what we did.

“That… was amazing.” He said with a smile growing on his face. I sat up a little, turning to rest my head on his chest. He welcomed me into his arms right away, kissing the top of my head and I sighed in relief.

“My brother’s gonna be so-”

“Shhh, you don’t need to worry about that right now. I just want to have this moment for a while.” He snuggled me in closer and just like before, all my nerves went away.


Chanyeol scenario – The bodyguard

Not requested (but the member was voted on)

Genre: angst, SMUT, forbidden romance, bodyguard!au

Summary:  As a world-famous actress, your management has decided that it’s a good time for you to bring a little romance into your life, but unfortunately, nothing about it is real. Over time you grow tired of faking your romantic life and become frustrated with the pressures of the media and your team. But there is one person you can always count on to free you from the golden chains you’ve been given: Park Chanyeol, head of security (feat. Lay/Yixing)

“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” The chanting could be heard throughout the building. I never once thought that a film like this would be so popular. Of course, we all hoped for the best, but as soon as the movie went international, I was being asked to go to several fan events.

I walked down the hallway with my assistant by my side, as always. Just before we could turn the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks, nearly colliding with my manager.

“Oh, there you are. Okay, so after this signing everyone will pile into the theatre and watch the film.

"Mhmm.” I nodded.

“Do you want to go out for dinner or order in at the hotel?” He asked.

I thought about it for a second and came to an obvious conclusion. “Order in. I already know I’ll be exhausted later.”

“Alright. And then tomorrow you have an appearance with Yixing.” As soon as he finished his sentence, I rolled my eyes.

“How long do I have to keep this up?” I asked him. He pulled me aside, shushing me and looking around to make sure no one heard it.

“He has a come back in a month. After that, we can discuss it.”

“Discuss it? It’s not even real!” I argued.

“Shhhh! Listen to me. It’s not like you two are going to get married or anything. Just keep the charade going for now and I promise you it’ll be over soon.”

“You said that after the first month… It’s now been eight…” I crossed my arms and my assistant went wide-eyed. She was new to all of this, but she still knows what’s really going on.


“Entrance is clear. Ready when you are.” Chanyeol came out, holding his earpiece and I nodded.

“Great. Let’s do it.”

“No! Wait!” My manager tried to bring me back to finish his lecture, but I don’t want to hear it.

Yixing mentioned one time that he had a crush on me, next thing I knew, I was being pulled into my manager’s office and Here we are today. Yixing is a nice guy and all, but we are all wrong for each other. For one thing, we’re both busy all the time because we have careers to focus on. I can’t be in a relationship with a guy who barely makes time for me. I was frankly shocked that he even agreed to this fake relationship.

Throughout the signing, I was pelted with questions about Yixing. I just smiled as always and said “We’re doing great. We’re so happy. He’s just the sweetest.” I hate lying to them. they are all going to go on to find and probably already are with the love of their lives and I’m faking it with a guy I probably see once a month. We don’t have dates, we have appearances. We don’t call each other because we miss each other, we do it to schedule our next ‘appearance’.

One by one my fans came up to the table handing me all sorts of merchandise from the movie but every now and again I would receive ‘couple gifts’ for me and Yixing to share. Anything from matching bracelets, to stuffed toys. A part of me felt bad, but I knew that if I really was in a relationship with someone I actually liked, my fans would still be there.

The signing soon came to a close. I waved to the crowd on my way out, giving love to each one of them. The second I was behind the curtain, my manager was waiting for me with a glare.

“Problem?” I asked.

“Yes, Y/n. I do have a problem. I’d like to explain why but something tells me you’re just going to ignore m-”

“Y/n, they’re ready for you at the valet.” Chanyeol came over, interrupting my manager and my assistant held back a giggle.

Instead of sticking around and listen to my manager vent about me to my face, I followed Chanyeol to the front entrance. I walked past cheering fans, giving them a little wave as I walked by. I wasn’t even paying attention when I stepped onto the curb and nearly fell. Everyone in the crowd gasped, but I was stopped in mid-trip by a pair of strong arms. Chanyeol lifted me upright and I turned to thank him.

“No worries. Just be careful.” He walked me to the car with his hand on the small of my back, making sure I wouldn’t fall again.

Chanyeol helped me into the car and circled around to get in the front seat. A few security guards guided us out of the lot safely and we were off to the hotel. My phone started blowing up with messages from my manager, trying to get me to ‘hear him out’… his words. There was no way to spin it. Even though I’m an actress by profession, I want to keep my private life real. I texted him back, telling him we can just discuss it later. I shoved my phone into my purse, shutting out the virtual world and getting back to reality.

“Is there a certain type of food that you want for dinner? I can have you assistant fetch it for you.” Chanyeol offered.

“I’m not sure. I’ve honestly lost my appetite.” I crossed my arms as I spoke.

“Y/n, you have to eat something. I know you only had breakfast today. That was almost seven hours ago.” He reminded. I know he was just being his caring self, but I just didn’t want any fancy hotel food.

I looked out the window, looking at nothing until I saw a fast food sign. “Ooo!” I thought out loud. Chanyeol craned his neck to match my gaze and pulled into the drive-through.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Yes, can I get a large order of fries and a large cola.” He said into the speaker.

“Chanyeol!” I said with an amused smile. If my manager knew I was cheating on my diet in the middle of a press junket, he would lose his mind.

We pulled up to the window to pay and my phone started to blow up again. I turned around and saw my manager in the car behind me, throwing a complete tantrum while holding his phone to his ear. I laughed and faced forward. Chanyeol handed me my fries and drink before getting back on route to the hotel.

I enjoyed my little treat while Chanyeol drove. A little part of me could have sworn he stole a few glances of me in the mirror. By the time I finished, we arrived. Chanyeol got out before I did and ushered me into the building. We went straight to the elevators without stopping and I pulled out my room key. All I needed at this point was some peace and quiet.

I never understood why I need to be surrounded by managers and assistants all the time. I felt so suffocated and patronized when my manager scolded me. My assistant has only been around for a few months, so she’s still following me around like a lost puppy.

Chanyeol’s the only person on my team both literally and figuratively. He’s around to protect me and he completely understands me. It’s like he reads my facial expressions. When my manager is being annoying, he butts in and saves the day, when I want a break from protein shakes and salads, he gets me some fries and a soda. We walked up to my hotel suite and Chanyeol stopped outside the door as I walked in.

“I’ll be back later tonight to check in. Text me if you need me alright? I’m right next door.” He said.

“I will. Thanks again for the food. I know it’s small and petty, but I really appreciate it.”

“Of course.” He smiled and gave me my privacy.

I closed the door behind me and took a breath. But just as I started feeling relaxed, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and my manager made his way in without a word.

“Yes. Please come in.” I said.

“Look, I know things aren’t really ideal with Yixing, but that’s no reason to just ignore me and shut me out. You’re better than that.” He started imminently. The only thing to do was just get comfortable. “I called his management and they agreed that this little lie can come to an end one month after his comeback.”

“No,” I stated plainly. “I’m not doing his anymore. I’m not going to ‘appear’ with him tomorrow or any other day unless it’s genuinely business related.”


“No! Do you have any idea how isolating this has been for the both of us? The poor guy can’t get a real girlfriend even though women are throwing themselves at him. And then there’s me. I can’t stand these lies and betrayals. I feel like a puppet, playing along with whatever management wants to see.”

“I hear you. I really do, but it’s going to look suspicious if you two break up after he just tweeted all those cute things about you.”

“Those weren’t his words and you know it.” said crossing my arms. “I’m so exhausted with all of this. I just want out.” My voice went weak as I tried holding back tears of frustration.

My manager sighed, nodding his head and gave in. “Let me make some calls and we can just hash this out tomorrow. Get some sleep and we’ll start fresh in the morning, okay?” I know he was trying to make me feel better, but all I could do was give a nod in agreement. “Sweet dreams.”

The door closed and once again I heard a knock. I groaned as I stood up, wiping my tears and tried to collect myself before answering. To my surprise, Chanyeol was on the other side, holding my purse.

“Hey, you left this in the-… Are you crying?” His expression softened.

I couldn’t even come up with a lie. I lowered my head and let him in. He helped me to the couch, letting me sit down and set my purse on the table.

“What did he say?” Chanyeol asked.

“It wasn’t what he said. It’s what he’s going to say later. I’m trapped in this fake relationship with Yixing with no way out. I can’t make any decisions for myself and… I don’t know. Some days I don’t want to be me.” I wiped my tear and sniffed.

Chanyeol laid his hand on my back, rubbing up and down to soothe me. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I know it’s hard for you, but it will pass. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen.”

He did have a point, but right now all the drama is weighing me down. I leaned into him, needing a hug and he immediately wrapped me in his arms. His had rested on top of mine to comfort me.

“Thanks, Chanyeol. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” We pulled away and I smiled when he wiped another tear away. “You’re the only person I trust.”

“Y/n…” He said in a soft voice. “I would do anything… to make you happy.” His hand remained on my cheek, stroking it gently. I looked him deep in the eyes, watching the sincerity grow.

We didn’t give it a second thought. He slowly pressed his warm pink lips against mine and I kissed him right back. I scooted closer to him, wanting to feel his hands on me. We sat there for a while, living in the heat of the moment. I flung my arms around his neck, eliminating any space between us. He grabbed my leg, lifting me onto his lap to straddle him and stood up.

Chanyeol walked us to the bedroom without breaking our kiss. I felt like I was floating him his big, strong hands. I moaned against his mouth when I landed on the soft sheets. Chanyeol broke away, looking down at me with wonder in his eyes.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered. I sat up, unbuckling his belt and pants, sliding them down his legs. He cupped my cheeks, bringing my lips back to his. He pulled his shirt off before climbing on top of me. He stripped me of my clothes while I kissed his addictive lips. We knew this was wrong, his job was vulnerable at this point, but as long as we had this moment, nothing outside the hotel room door mattered.

“Mmm~” I hummed.

Chanyeol Kissed down my naked body, paying special attention to my breasts. I let out a shaky breath as his wet mouth moved down my stomach, to my pelvis, and finally landing on my inner thighs, kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin.

“Chanyeol~” I ran my fingers through his hair, guiding him to where I needed him the most.

“That’s it, baby. Show me where you want my mouth. Moan for me.” His hot lips surrounded my clit, sucking lightly before licking my folds.

“Right there! Oh, god. Just like that.” I pressed his head between my thighs, holding him in place while he ate me out.

My legs went weak and I started to squirm. I was so close to my release, but I wanted to feel him inside me, stretching me out, pounding into me. I relaxed my thighs and tried to cup his cheeks to pull him up. Chanyeol took a hold of my wrists, staring up at me in protest.

“No, baby. I want you to cum on my tongue. Feel my fingers, thrusting in and out. I’m not gonna stop. Cum for me!” His fingers plunged into me without warning.

I didn’t try to stop him. I just laid back and let my climax build up inside me until a rush of intense pleasure surged through my body, covering my skin in goosebumps. I arched my back and Chanyeol licked me clean, savoring the taste of my essence.

I was too weak to move, all I could do was smile as he came up to kiss me, letting me taste myself on his velvety lips. He laid next to me, pulling the covers over the both of us and stroking my hair.

“Y/n.” He said softly.

“Yeah…” I replied as I started to drift.

“I love you.” Those three little words were enough to have me smiling in my sleep. The last thing I remembered was his soft lips pressing to my forehead with a goodnight kiss.

The next morning, I opened my eyes and stretched out on my bed. I turned my head when I realized that there was supposed to be someone next to me. I sat up, looking around the room in search for Chanyeol. My gaze landed on the space next to me. On the pillow was a small note and a room key.

Good morning, Jagi. I had to get up early for a security check. Come next door if you need me.

I got out of bed, dressed in my PJs and took both room keys as I went out into the hallway. I knocked on Chanyeol’s room and unlocked the door.

“Chan?” I stepped inside, looking for him and spotted a tall figure stepping out of the bedroom.

“Oh, hey. You’re up early.” He walked over to me with a smile so bright, it made the sunlight seem dim. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him sweetly.

“The bed felt a little cold,” I said with a pout.

He kissed me again and said, “I’m sorry, Jagi. I just don’t want to ruin anything by getting caught.” He kissed my nose and sat down on the couch. I took a seat on his lap and gave him another kiss. “You seem awfully affectionate this morning.”

“I just like your lips. Mwah~” I never knew how he did it, but his lips alway’s looked so perfectly plump and soft. Now that I got a taste of them, I didn’t want to stop.

“Well, As much as I adore your kisses, I have to take a shower.” Chanyeol got up, lifting me off his lap and setting me down on the other side of the couch.

“Why can’t I join you?” I asked. He froze before turning back to me. I smirked at him and he gave me a look that read ‘Are you serious?’

“you want to join me?” H asked

“Yeah.” I got off the couch and strutted toward him, raising my arms and draping them on his shoulders. “I feel bad. You made me feel good, but I couldn’t return the favor.”

“Y/n, I can assure you that last night was the best I’ve felt in a long time.” He kissed my forehead and held my hands. He looked me in the eyes, thinking for a second and smirked. “Tell you what. You can join me, but we actually have to get clean. I don’t want to be the reason you’re late.”

I nodded in agreement and he led me to his bathroom, bringing me in for a kiss when the door closed. My hands instantly went under his shirt, touching his strong, powerful body. He got rid of his top, stripping himself of his pant while he was at it. By the time we were both naked, he turned on the water while I kissed his long neck. 

The water started cascading down and Chanyeol helped me in first. He closed the shower door and smothered me in kisses. The echoes of my giggles bounced off the tile walls. I took a hold of his puffy cheeks and kissed his lips sweetly. His hands explored my wet, naked body, landing on my lower back. I took a hold of the loofah, pouring a little soap on it to form a suds and helped him get clean. I kissed around his collarbones after the water washed away all the little bubbles.

But like all good things, our shower had to come to an end when we heard a loud knock at the door. We looked at each other with sheer panic. Chanyeol turned off the water and quickly grabbed two towels for us.

“Stay here. Don’t make a sound.” He ordered. I nodded as he walked to the front door to see who was there.

“Y/n didn’t answer her door. Do you want to check it out?” One of the other security guards asked.

“Yeah, I’ll check, just give me a few minutes. Head downstairs and see if she went to get some breakfast for something. I’ll call you if I find her.” Chanyeol said.

The door closed and he came back to the bathroom. He smiled at me amusingly and pulled me in for another kiss. I tried to take his towel off, but he stopped me.

“No, baby. We need to get you back to your room before anyone gets more suspicious.” He took my hand and walked me back to the bedroom to collect my clothes.

“Boo~” I whined.

Chanyeol handed me a robe and  I wrapped myself up before scurrying back to my room to change into proper clothing. A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and saw Chanyeol through the peephole. I opened the door and pulled him in.

“Miss me?” I asked.

“Ha ha.” He said sarcastically. “Apparently Yixing’s people aren’t too happy about your breakup idea. They want to have a phone meeting in your manager’s room, now.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m not some kid who can be bossed around. After everything that’s happened, I can’t just keep faking a relationship. I want something real… With you.” I confessed.

Chanyeol brought me into his arms, holding me close and kissed the top of my head. “I know, baby. I want this too.”

“I love you Chanyeol. Not him.” I said. “I’m not going to budge on this. these lies can’t go on anymore.”

We broke away and Chanyeol squeezed my hands. I took a deep breath and he opened the door for me, walking with me down the hall until we reached my manager’s room. I knocked on the door and looked at Chanyeol. He smiled at me, giving me some hope before the door opened and we stepped inside.

To be continued…

Sehun scenario – All mine

Requested by anon

Genre: angst, smut, jealousy

Summary: The one thing Sehun hates, is when you forget who you belong to. And of course, when you act like a bad girl, you get punished like one.

Warnings: Spanking

It’s so great to get out of the house and spend some time with Sehun. Seeing him cut loose every now and again is really refreshing. Most of the time he just wants to stay at home all day and do nothing, but tonight I convinced him to go out with me.

“Alright Y/n. I only wanna spend an hour here… maximum.” If only I haven’t heard those words before, I’d believe him. He always starts off all reserved, but he just needs a few drinks in him.

“Okay. I promise.”

We pulled up to the club, parking the car and making our way inside. The second Sehun saw the ratio between men and women, his hand was glued to my waist. He glared at any man who dared to look at me. Without stopping, we went straight to the bar. Sehun ordered for both of us and we had a little toast.

“To fun Hunnie~,” I said with a smile.

After a few rounds, Sehun excused himself. He headed to the bathroom and I checked my makeup on my phone. I felt a warm presence behind me and smiled. Sehun and his antics.

“Hey. Is this seat taken?” A man said from behind. I turned around and saw him pointing to the stool on the other side of me.

“Oh no, that one isn’t, but this one is,” I said patting Sehun’s seat.

“Fair enough. I assume you’re not alone then.” He said, making conversation.

“Uh- yeah, he just stepped away for a second,” I explained.

“I’m surprised he could leave you here alone. That dress is stunning.” Granted he was charming, but I couldn’t show any interest.

“Thank you, but I’m actually seeing someone… exclusively,” I admitted. He was slightly taken back but still nodded in understanding.

“Message received. It was still nice to meet you…” He extended his hand for a friendly shake and I accepted.

“Y/n,” I said.

“Y/n, it’s a pleasure.” The moment he let go of my hand I watched him as his gaze moved from my eyes and up and over my head.

“I’ll bet it is.” I turned around in my seat to see Sehun shooting an icy stare at the guy next to me.

“Oh, Sehun. This is-”

“Irrelevant. Let’s go.” He grabbed my waist, practically lifting me off the stool and storming out with me glued to his side.

“Sehun! What the hell?” I broke away from him when we made it to the parking lot and he just gave me the silent treatment. “Really? You’re ignoring me after that stunt you pulled.” I got in the car myself and he slammed the driver’s side door, turning his attention to me with a puzzled look.

I pulled a stunt? What about you? That guy was undressing you with his eyes.” He threw the car into gear and sped off into the night.

“He was not looking at me any type of way, you are so dramatic.” I crossed my arms, giving up on any chance of having a decent conversation.

As soon as we got home, Sehun charged inside, leaving me to follow after him. I was just about to confront him when he hurried upstairs. I quickly rushed to our bedroom, knowing it would be the first place he would go. I heard the door slam shut as I made my way down the hall and there he was. I opened the door to find him nearly tearing his clothes off and tossing them in the laundry basket.

“Sehun… Can we talk about what happened?” I watched him pace back and forth while changing out of his club clothes. “I told him I was taken and he completely understood. When you came over he was just shaking my hand.”

“You don’t get it. He wanted what was mine.” He said, standing in front of me half naked.

“What’s yours? You’re really that territorial?”

He stepped toward me, staring me down. “You… Are mine. And I am yours. Period.” He stopped inches away from my face, taunting me with his bright pink lips. He knows I can’t resist his kisses.

“Y-you didn’t have to drag me out of there though,” I said in a timid voice. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips! I wanted to feel them all over me. He was so sexy when he was mad, and I was clearly falling apart at the seams. I wanted to kiss him so badly, it hurt.

“Yeah. I know you’re not the type to be… submissive. Oh, wait.” He gripped my hips, pushing me against the door. “You are.”

Without warning, Sehun stepped away, leaving me weak. He sat on the bed and looked at me with mischief in his eyes. He waved his finger at me, gesturing for me to come over and join him. I walked up to the bed, resting my hand on his shoulders, but before I could straddle him, he bent me over his lap, lifted my dress to expose my ass and pulled my hands behind my back with one hand.

“Such a bad little girl.” His hand came down with a loud smack. I bit my lip, stopping myself from moaning as he continued. “So naive.”

“I’m sorry, daddy. It won’t ever happen again.”
I know it won’t because my baby is about to learn just who she belongs to.“ He spanked me a few more times, squeezing my ass when he finished my punishment. He let go of my wrists, letting me stand up on my own, but not before he pulled my panties down, around my ankles. I stepped out of them and turned my back toward him, looking at him over my shoulder until he got the hint and unzipped my dress.

I stepped out of the pool of clothes and was finally able to straddle him. I grinded down on his lap, soaking his underwear with my wetness. He didn’t hesitate to take them off and roll me over onto my back. He lined himself up at my entrance and glided into my slick heat.

"Oh~ So warm, baby. And so tight.” He moved in and out, moaning my name while I kissed his neck and chest. “Who’s the only man who gets to feel your wet little pussy?”

“You, daddy. Only you.”

“That’s my girl.”

My hands moved across his shoulder blades and down his back while he thrusted into me. I dug my nails in just as his manhood touched my g-spot. I pressed my forehead to his chest, clenching my walls around him. His length pushed deeper inside of me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. My head was thrown back and my stomach was like a butterfly sanctuary. I could feel the tingles rush over me, but I resisted my climax until he was nearly there.

“Fuck, I’m close baby. Cum with me. NOW!” He demanded.

He pounded into me, letting a flow of profanities spill out of his mouth. I clawed at his back, my eyes rolled up and I completely came undone. Sehun’s member softened inside of me as he pulled out. I collapsed beside me, taking a few breaths before propping himself up on his arm.

“Now. What has my baby learned?”

“Don’t talk to strangers?” I guessed.


“Because I belong to you, daddy.” I cuddled into his chest, hoping my innocence could persuade him to not be mad anymore.

He kissed my nose and held me close, relaxing into the sheets. “Good girl.”


Chanyeol scenario – Boss’s orders


requested by anon

A/N: this was supposed to be a oneshot (smut story under 700 words) but Chanyeol is my ult. bias and I was triggered

Genre: smut, angst

Summary: Although your relationship with your boss, Chanyeol is a secret, he won’t hesitate to punish you in the middle of the workday.

“Hey, Y/n!” One of my coworkers said, coming up to me with a smile.

“Oh, hey Kevin,” I replied. He sat on the edge of my desk and continued, “A bunch of us were gonna go out for ‘happy hour’ and kick off the weekend if you wanna join?”

“I can’t. Mr.Park has a retreat next week and he needs me to stay late with him.” I explained.

“Are you sure?  Half price drinks; I’ll even buy the first round.” He added.

I just shrugged my shoulders and declined. “Maybe another time, Kev.”

“Okay. Well, are you busy for the rest of the weekend?” He asked.

“Well…” I tried to think up an excuse, but a husky voice came to the rescue.

“Y/n! Come in here please.” Mr.Park called.

I stood up and Kevin made himself scarce. I turned to walk into his office and he gestured for me to close the door.

“You called for m-”

“What is Kevin doing?” He interrupted, not even bothering to look up from his computer.

“Oh, um… Nothing. He was just fooling around.” I tried to be as honest as possible without making him jealous. My plan quickly backfired when, in a single blink, he switched his focus from his work to me.

“Nothing?” He asked with an unconvinced glare.

“Chanyeol,” I warned.

He stood up from his desk, walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips. “It sounded to me like he wanted what’s mine.”  He leaned toward my ear, kissing the soft spot just below the lobe. His hot breath was enough to make me soak through my panties. I let out a soft moan and he pinched the side of my ass. “Shhh, princess. It’s not the end of the day yet. Which reminds me.”

Chanyeol pulled away from me, walked back to his desk and left me in awe. I just stood there motionless, taking in what just happened. He logged back into his computer and returned to what he was working on.

“You’re just gonna leave me like this?”

“Frustrating. Isn’t it?” He said, again not making eye contact.

I turned my heal and walked out of his office. The second I sat down I could feel my clit throbbing. I pressed my thighs together and bit my lip. There is no way I’ll get anything done like this. I was checking the clock every five minutes until finally, the work day was over. Everyone packed up their things and headed for the door. Kevin strode past my desk sending me a wink and left.

As soon as everyone was out the door. I stood up, took a look around and went right back into Chanyeol’s office. He was in the exact position that I left him in, staring at his screen with no emotion. He didn’t even notice me. I strolled around his desk, came up behind him and rested my hands on his shoulders.

“What are you doing?” He asked, eyes locked on his work.

“It’s after hours.” I kissed his temple, running my hands down his firm chest. “I think you owe me an apology by the way.”

“And why is that?” He said, typing somethng onto a document.

That’s it. I pulled his chair away from the desk, spinning him around to look at me. I straddled his hips causing my work skirt to start rolling up. His eyes went straight to my barely covered panties and his smirk started growing.

“First of all, my eyes are up here.” I lifted his chin, forcing him to actually look at me. “Secondly, leaving me all hot and bothered isn’t very nice.”

His hands stroked up and down my sides, untucking my shirt. “It’s not very nice to lead someone on either.”

“Who did I lead on?”

“I heard you talking to Kevin, Y/n. You never actually said the word no. You just… skirted around the issue and let him think he had a chance.” His hands moved to my thighs, raising the hem of my skirt even higher, uncovering my ass.

“Baby, if I told him I had a boyfriend, he’d want to know who and I’d have to lie, and you of all people know I’m a bad liar.” I locked my arms around his shoulders, combing through the little hairs on the back of his head.

“Hmm~” He hummed, relaxing into my touch. His eyes fluttered shut, he relaxed his lips and he tilted his head back.

I took the opportunity to give him a few little kisses on his neck, working my way up to his plush pink lips. His hold on my hips tightened, bringing me in as close as he could. Our chests pressed together, making him moan. I lifted my head up, brushing our noses together before I crashed my lips into his.

My hand held the back of his head, moving it to the side to deepen the kiss. He slipped his hands under my top, unhooking my bra. I finished the job for him and pulled my shirt and bra off, tossing it aside and returning to his lips. His hands came around to my front, cupping my breasts. He looked down at them, breaking the kiss and wrapping his lips around my nipple, sucking gently.

Leaning back, I gave him full access to my chest while my fingers played in his soft hair. He lifted me up, holding me against him until he placed me on his desk. He knocked the paperwork and picture frames out of the way and had me lay flat on my back. I watched as he undid his pants, freeing his rock hard erection. I opened my legs wider, readying myself for him.

He hovered above me, pausing when he remembered my panties were still in the way. With one movement, he ripped them off of me, tearing the lace.

“Hey! That was my favorite set you just ruined.” I scolded.

He gave me a devilish smirk in return and said, “I bought you those, I can buy you  new ones.”

He lined himself up at my entrance and before I could get a word out, he thrusted his entire length into me eagerly. I gasped, arching my back. My nails dug into his biceps as he moved in and out of me roughly.

“just like that, babygirl. Take it.” His chest rose and fell with each short breath. “This is what you wanted all day? To come into my office, have me lay you down and pound into you till you scream!”

“Chanyeol! Oh god!” I clenched around him, making my walls even tighter as I approached my orgasm. “I’m so close.”

Chanyeol lifted my legs a little higher, finding the perfect angle, slapping our hips together. My mouth fell open and I came undone. Shivers rushed up my spine when I heard Chanyeol growl and groan through his climax.

I relaxed onto his desk, coming back down from a stimulating high. As soon as we caught our breath Chanyeol stood up, stuffing his soft member into his pants and zipping them up. He looked down at my half-naked body with a smirk and gave me a hand, lifting me off the desk. I straightened my skirt and put my bra and shirt back on. When went to pick up my torn panties Chanyeol intercepted me, taking them for himself and putting them in his pocket.

“Stay with me tonight.” He requested while pulling me into his strong arms. “You and I have a few more… matters to tend to.”


Xiumin scenario – Lesson learned


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut

Summary: Xiumin comes home and catches you breaking his one rule… Do not touch yourself!

Warning: denial/edging, fingering, spanking

“Minseok~” My eyes squeezed shut, imagining his fingers replacing my own as I rubbed my clit. I inserted my middle finger into myself, curling it slightly to touch my g-spot just like he did. I know he told me to be patient because he was working late but I couldn’t resist. I needed some kind of release. And there I was, lying naked on his side of the bed, turning my head to inhale his masculine scent while I broke his one rule. The only way I’m allowed to cum is with him inside me.

The guilt started to distract me. I’d come close to an orgasm, but then I’d remember his rule and lose momentum. I picked up my speed, vigorously touching myself, but then it was like I would feel his presence. I opened my eyes, turning to my side of the bed and looking in my nightstand.

“Where’s that vibrator?” I asked myself.

“Don’t. You. Dare…” Minseok’s voice made me jump.

I looked behind me to see him standing in the doorway. His kitten eyes narrowed into a haunting glare. He stepped toward me, dropped his bag and stopped when he reached the end of the bed. He released his finger, gesturing for me to come closer. I got up on my knees, coming back to his side of the bed and sitting back in front of him.

“Jagiyah, What is my one rule?” He asked.

“No touching myself,” I stated, lowering my head.

“And what were you doing before I got home?” He pressed further.

“I… I was touching myself.”

“Turn over on your stomach.” He demanded.

Not wanting to anger him anymore, I did what I was told. I laid vertically on the bed behind me, waiting for my punishment. Minseok, took my ankles in his hands, spreading my legs. He got on the bed, lifted my hips and grazed his finger up my slit. I exhaled with a moan, giving in to his touch.

“Such a bad girl.” He whispered with a smack to my ass.

I was already so close trying to mimic his hands, but having his hand touching me was enough to bring me to the edge in seconds. I clenched around his fingers, my climax building up inside me. My moans turned to cries of pleasure, My head started tiling back as my hands tingled, then all at once, Minseok gave my ass another rough spank, pulled his fingers out of me, and got off the bed.

“Damnit! Why are you torturing me?”

Minseok chuckled to himself. “Don’t be overdramatic. You broke the rule, so you got punished.” He pulled a condom out of his drawer, ripping off the wrapper with his teeth and rolling it onto his hard cock.

I laid on my side, watching him walk toward me. He returned to our bed, climbed above me and turning me onto my back. He took my hands and placed them on his lower abdomen. He lowered himself, just barely letting his tip touch my entrance. He looked at me with a smirk until I took a hold of his member and lined him up.

Without warning, he thrusted deep inside me, causing a little yelp to escape my lips. He smashed our hips together, creating the perfect rhythm. I held onto his back, bucking my hips in sync with his powerful thrusts. With one arm holding him up, he cupped my jaw, pulling me in for a heated kiss. I pressed myself to him, eliminating any space between us and kissed him back.

He groaned against my lips, already close to his sweet release. I clenched around him for just a few seconds, teasing him a bit. He held himself up on both arms, breaking our kiss and moaning while his head tipped back. My nails dug into his skin, I couldn’t hold it in any longer, but neither could he.

“I-I’m…” I tried to speak but my words failed me.

“Cum with me, baby. Now!”

We both screamed each other’s names while we rode out our highs. My toes curled and he filled the condom with his warm cum. When he came back down, he slumped on top of me like a heavy blanket. I smiled at how adorable he was and kissed the side of his head, giving him a little cuddle before he pulled out of me and got rid of the used condom.

He laid beside me, locking our fingers together and kissing my hand. I turned over to look at him in his afterglow and smiled faintly. He looked back at me, making the butterflies flutter around in my stomach. He kissed my nose and squeezed my hand.

“So, what have we learned?” He asked

“I won’t… ever… touch myself again,” I replied with a little giggle.

“Good girl.” He gave me another kiss and said, “That’s my job.”


Sehun scenario – A pleasant surprise


requested by anon

Genre: Angst smut

Summary: Sehun has been very distant lately. You start to notice some signs of cheating and decide to confront him, but as it turns out, he had a very good excuse for his behavior.

Something was wrong. Maybe it was my female intuition, but there was something not right about Sehun. This week I came home early and found him boxing things up in his closet. Then the next day we woke up before me and left without a word. He hardly talked to me over the past two days, but he’d receive constant text messages and leave the room to answer them. I was all so strange.

This morning before work I heard him on the phone talking to some girl named Bebe. I left the house for work without a goodbye. When I reached the garage, I passed his car and found a gift box from Else Lingerie. He has never bought me expensive lingerie before! Who is he buying it for?!

On my way to work, I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t believe he would be unfaithful after all this time together. He’s never so much as lingered at anyone else, even when we started dating in high school. I was both terrified that he would leave me for another woman and livid at the thought of him cheating on me.

I could hardly concentrate on work all day. Today was the last day of our project deadline and the finishing touches still had to be made. All the stress was clouding my judgment. I was so wrapped up in two different things that I started to lose focus quickly.

“Y/n? You alright?” My coworker asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah… I’m fine. Just-… I’m fine.” I couldn’t tell her about my suspicions in case I was wrong, but what if I’m not?

“If you need to take the rest of the day off, I’ll cover for you. Plus, it’s your anniversary. I thought you’d want to spend the day with Sehun.” She said with a friendly grin. I faked a smile and nodded.

I took her up on her offer and left early. I just had to know what he was up to. I raced home, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, then the moment I walked through the door, it was as if my heart just stopped beating. Rose petals scattered the floor, candles set all around the living room and Sehun stood frozen while holding a bottle of champagne. My suspicions were right all along. To make things worse, it was all happening in my own home.

“Baby, you aren’t supposed to be home till later.”

“Well, I’m home right now.” I dropped my bag on the floor and stepped into the romantic scene that clearly wasn’t supposed to be seen by me. “I can’t believe this, Sehun. After everything we’ve been through, all our years of being together, you go out and set all this up for some other girl you’re messing around with, while I slave away at work. Was it really worth it?”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“Oh, don’t play dumb with me! All of a sudden you get nervous whenever you get a text with me next to you, you act all suspicious of me when I put your laundry away in your closet, just this morning I hear you confirm your dinner reservations with ‘Bebe’ and then I find an Else Lingerie gift box in your car! How long has this been going on?”

“Y/n, there’s a huge misunderstanding here. None of this is for another girl. It’s for you.” He said.

I crossed my arms, still unable to trust him just yet. He put down the bottle and walked toward me to explain himself.

“Y/n, Bebe is the name of the hostess at the restaurant I was catering from. I figured you’d be too tired after work to go out so I had dinner brought in. I had some packages being delivered and I was receiving texts about the shipment, I put a lot of the anniversary decorations in my closet for safe keeping and… the lingerie is for you… later.” His head lowered and my heart shriveled up. I wrongfully accused the man I love, made a complete fool of myself and worst of all, I made my poor Sehunnie shy.

“Oh, god. Sehun I’m so sorry.” I rush to him, giving him a warm embrace. “I don’t know why I let it escalate so far.”

“Baby, it’s alright.” He cupped my cheeks to calm me down and kissed my forehead. “I would never do that to you.”

I leaned into him, hiding my face in his chest and squeezing him tight. His low chuckle rumbled deep in his chest, causing the vibrations to tickle my face. I looked up at him, kissing his lips and he rubbed my back.

“So… What would it take for you to forget the last five minutes?” I asked. Sehun smirked at me as his hand lowered to my ass. “I thought so.”

I leaned in, but he turned his head, pressing his lips to my ear and whispered, “Wanna try on your gift first?”

I gave him a quick kiss before taking my gift from off the table and heading to the powder room to change. I checked myself out when I had the lingerie on and smirked. With all the lace and sheer, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. I still felt completely naked with it on. But Sehun wants what he wants. I opened the bathroom door and peeked to see if he was waiting for me outside.

“Sehun?” I called out. It was as if he completely disappeared. I stepped out of the bathroom, looking around the corner until I heard him in the other room.

“In here, baby.” I perked up the second I heard his silky voice beckoning me to the bedroom.

I sauntered to the door, opening it slowly. Sehun was already stripped down to his underwear and waiting for me on the bed. He sat up on the edge, holding his hand’s out to touch me as I walked closer to him. His hands went straight to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he planted a kiss on each of my breasts, moving up to press another soft kiss to the base of my neck, then my sweet spot, then my cheek, and finally my lips. I straddled him, pushing him down on his back. He unhooked my bra, pulled the straps down my arms and tossed it to the other side of the room.

“Mmmm~ I love you so much, baby.” He took two hands full of my ass, squeezing tightly, making me moan against his sinful lips.

“I love you too,” I whispered.

Sehun flipped us over, standing on his knees and pulling his underwear down, exposing his massive erection. He came back down, freeing me of my panties and trailing his fingers up my slit while he kissed me. I kicked off the panties I’d been wearing for just five minutes and flung my arms around Sehun.

He collected my juices in his hands before stroking his cock. He rubbed his tip against my slit earning a breathy moan from me and slowly plunged himself into me. My mouth hung open as he thusted deeper. My breasts pressed to his bare chest with each long inhale, taking in the strong scent of his musk.

“More, baby.” I moaned.

Sehun lifted my leg, picking up his pace. His cock glided in and out of me with ease. I tightened around him, making him groan with pleasure and grip my thigh, surely leaving little bruises in the morning.  I pressed my hand to his chest, feeling his heart pound in anticipation of his long-awaited climax. With all that was happening this week, we barely even touched each other.

“S-Sehun, I’m gonna…Cum!” I tried so hard not to lose control.

I leaned up as he threw his head back his another moan and kissed his long neck, giving his sweet spot extra special attention.

“Oh fuck! Cum for me. Right now.” His thrusts went out of sync, his hands trembled on my legs and we both completely came apart.

My back arched, I grabbed the sheets with all my might and cried out his name. “Sehun! Oh god, yes~”

He filled me with his warm cum, breathing heavily and moaning in ecstasy. We started to cool down after such an intense climax and laid side by side. Sehun turned over to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. I rolled onto my side to face him.

“All this time of being together, and you still manage to surprise me,” I said. He smiled back and me and held my waist.

“Who would have thought? High school sweethearts, still going strong.” He kissed my lips and cuddled me in closer. “How about I run you a warm bath, let you soak for a bit while I get our dinner ready?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said with a smile. “Anything specific I should wear for dinner?” I asked flirtatiously.

“Well, since we’re in the comfort of our home… Clothing is optional.” He gave me another kiss on the cheek as I burst into giggles.  

Although things didn’t start out very well, it was by far the most memorable anniversary we ever had.


Chen scenario – Love games

Requested by anon (Supposed to be a drabble [>600 words] but I got carried away)

Genre: fluff, romance

Request: Chen drabble where your best friends with his sister and you have a big crush on him and his sister/your friend totally ships you two and tries to get you in situations together

*y/f/n = your friend’s name*

Spite is such an odd reaction. We as humans either refuse to do something because another person wants us to do it or we do something when told not to. Growing up with my childhood friend, we always said we were like sisters. We loved the same foods and binge-watched the same shows, often times we’d finish each other’s sentences like siblings. Around our school years, I started to notice something about her- well not necessarily her, but her brother, Jongdae. He radiated boyfriend material!

My crush on him started to become difficult to hide and y/f/n started to notice. She and I were sitting in the library one morning, working on a book report when I locked eyes with Jongdae from across the room. He smiled at me, making me feel all warm inside. I sent him a faint smile back and felt a little pinch on my arm.

“Y/n? What are you staring at?” Y/f/n said with an amused smile. She tried to search the room to find out what grasped my attention only to find her brother quickly turning away from us. “Wait… Are you two…?”

“No, we’re not. I was just-”

“Giving him the look.” She finished for me. “Oooh, this is perfect. You two can start dating, then after graduation, he’ll propose and we’ll be sisters for real! YES!”

“Shh!” The librarian hissed.

Y/f/n sat back in her seat, settling herself before she went on. “He clearly likes you back. If you want to go out with him, you have my blessing.”

“Y/f/n, I’m not into Jongdae. I was looking in his general direction and he happened to look back.”

Rather than respond to me, she just raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Whatever you say, sis…”

Ever since that day, I have been caught up in a real-life Parent Trap situations.  Countless times I have been locked in rooms with Jongdae, receiving flirty texts from him only to find out it was Y/f/n who stole his phone. In the midst of all this, Jongdae and I have gotten really close, but I never gave Y/f/n the satisfaction. Oddly enough, I tried to distance myself from Jongdae a few times.

As the years passed, Y/f/n’s shenanigans wore down, Jongdae and I didn’t really talk much as a result and things were nearly back to the way they were. But our lives were different. We weren’t kids in school anymore and every time I looked at him, I didn’t have as many butterflies, there were more! I would even think about him and be consumed in thoughts of how we would have ended up together. Maybe we’d still be together now and hearing wedding bells in the distance. It was easier to keep my feelings for him under wraps because of the distance in our social lives, but as long as my best friend- his sister is around, we always have an excuse to bump into each other.

The longest we went without speaking was nearly five months, a real record considering there was a time we spoke at least once a day. All of the silence would come to an end soon though. Y/f/n was having her annual birthday bash and she invited everyone she knew. Truth be told, I really missed Jongdae. If we were going to reconnect, I don’t want to go back to just being friends. I wanted to be with him for real.

My nerves started to get the best of me when Y/f/n’s party came around. I wasn’t sure why either. I was almost certain that Jongdae felt the same about me… almost. I arrived on my own, immediately being greeted by the birthday girl herself.

“Y/n!” I was engulfed in a tight hug by y/f/n.

“Hey~ Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Stay close okay? I only have a few more guests arriving then we can party hard.” She said with an evil grin.

I chuckled at her signature whimsy and agreed. I walked over to the gift table, placing my box up front. A few friends came up to me, striking up a conversation, but I quickly zoned out when I saw Jongdae come into my line of vision. As if he felt my stare, he turned around, locking eyes with me for what felt like minutes. He gave me a small smile and a friendly nod. I replied with a little wave and he returned to what he was doing. God, he was so handsome. He is far and away, the best guy I knew, but I was too stubborn to admit it.

“Y/n? Are you alright? You look flushed.” My friend asked.

“Oh, yeah. It’s just a little warming here. I’m gonna go… get a drink.” I excused myself and headed to the bar.

I looked toward the entrance and noticed Y/f/n wasn’t there anymore. I ordered myself a drink and took a seat.  I searched the room to check if Jongdae was still close by but I lost him in the crowd. I slumped over in the bar stool, beginning to doubt my little plan. But where there’s a will, there’s a crazy best friend who ships you with her brother.

Y/f/n came over, sitting next to me to cheer me up. “What’s wrong? Not feeling the club scene anymore?”

“No, it’s not that… I wasn’t even going to tell you this, but it turns out I kinda miss being around Jongdae, but we’ve been apart for so long that I’m afraid he’ll forget about me.” I vented.

“Because you looove him.” She teased, causing me to smile a bit. “…oh… You really do love him don’t you?”

“I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about it and it’s eating me up inside. I actually wanted to confess to him tonight, but I have no idea where he is.” I saw the look on her face and narrowed my eyes in disapproval. She was up to something.

“Say no more. You can thank me later.” SHe said simply. I was confused for a second until she took the remainder of my drink, spilling it down the front of my top.

“What was that?!”

“Oh, no. Y/n you need to cover that. OPPA!” He hollered and like a phoenix out of the flames, Jongdae appeared. “Can Y/n borrow your jacket? I need to get my stain remover out of my purse.” She walked away, leaving the two of us together.

“Here.” He slid his jacket off and helped me put it on.

“Thanks. Sorry about this.” I said with a laugh.

“No problem.” He let me off the stool and lead me to the back hallway to wait for Y/f/n. Jongdae leaned against the wall, pondering briefly before asking, “She spilled the drink on you didn’t she?”

“Yup,” I confirmed.

He laughed to himself and looked at the ground. “I mention I liked you one time and it becomes a frenzy.”

“What?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“You didn’t know?” He questioned and I shook my head in reply. “Wow, I thought I was being obvious.”

“When was this?”

“Back in school. I’m not certain on an exact day but I guess I can track it back to the time I saw you in the library. You and Y/f/n were doing something and I guess I thought you looked back at me… I don’t know.” A rosy blush started to appear on his cheeks and my heart melted.


Jongdae looked up at me, noticing the way I was fascinated by his side of the story. I was amazed at the fact that he had the same feeling when he looked at me at that moment in school. He stepped a little closer, slowly closing the gap between us.

“Yeah.” He said back, stopping just a few inches away from me. We were so close, I could feel his body temperature rising. 

“I liked you too.” Our noses brushed together before he gently placed one hand on my waist, the other cupping my face before his lips pressed to mine for a long-awaited kiss. “Mmm~” I kissed him back, placing my hands on his back and shoulder. 

As much as I regretted being too stubborn to follow my heart, it all worked out in the end. Y/f/n’s final scheme worked like a charm and as a result, I was able to confess to Jongdae and she was able to have an official sister.


A/n: The “look” ⬇️