Chanyeol scenario – Paper anniversary


Requested by @chanyeol-x-mingyu

Genre: smut, angst, fluff

Warnings: shower (make up) sex

Never in my life have I seen so much paper. Chanyeol and I have been receiving endless amounts of anniversary gifts in celebration of our first year of marriage. We’ve gotten anything from newspapers with our wedding announcements to origami flowers from friends and family.

But every card and gift I was given only added more pain to my broken heart. Chanyeol has been out all day without even a kiss. I came to the conclusion he forgot our wedding anniversary already. It was the first one and he forgets.

A small part of me thought there was some kind of a surprise coming or that his phone died and couldn’t call or text me, but nothing happened. I sat on the couch for a while, reading the cards in an attempt to distract myself from Chanyeol.

Late that night, the door opened, revealing my exhausted husband. He walked over to me on the couch and laid down next to me, resting his head on my lap. I didn’t give him any attention whatsoever, he just laid there wondering why I seemed so aloof.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He lifted his head and took a better look around the room. “What’s all this?”

“They’re gifts, Chanyeol.”

“For what? It’s all paper.”

“Yes. It’s tradition to give paper gifts for a one year anniversary.”

“But we-” He paused for a moment and closed his eyes in disappointment with himself. “Oh, no baby I’m so sorry.”

He tried to hold me, but I got up and walked away. I wasn’t in the mood for his apologies. With all the waiting and long distance we went through while we were dating, I thought when got married things would change. It took us years to finally realize we are ment to be together, because of all the crazy schedules, we weren’t able to date like a normal couple, but all that came to a blissful end, the final destination, marriage.

“Y/n, please hear me out! I just forgot the date, not the actual anniversary!” He hollered.

I stopped in my tracks, “What are you talking about?”

He walked toward me and held my hands. “I planned a vacation for us, but I scheduled it for next week.”

“Oh please. The second I turn my back you’re gonna be on the phone with travel agents, trying to make that lie a reality.”

“It’s true!” He went into our bedroom, dug through his dresser and pulled out two plane tickets. “See. they’re for next Friday. Ha!”

“Now isn’t the time to throw your lack of calendar reading skills in my face, Yeol,” I said. He pinched the side of my ass and I swatted his hand away.

“I wanted to take you to all the places we weren’t able to see on our honeymoon.”

“Well, I guess that’s kinda sweet.” He kissed my forehead, looked at all the different presents cluttering our living room and smiled. “Why is there so much toilet paper?” He said with a laugh.

“It’s a gag gift. And kinda handy, we were running low.” I kissed his cheek before walking back to our room.

“Jagiyaaaa~” He whined.

I knew I was being followed by an overgrown baby with big puppy-dog eyes, but I still had some unresolved anger.  I went to my closet and grabbed a towel for my shower while Chanyeol moped around.

“You have to believe me. I’m really sorry. I’ll definitely remember next time.” He swore. “It’ll be kinda hard to forget this day.”

I had to admit, he had a point. There was no reason for him to feel any worse than he already did. He came up behind me, hugged me from behind while I picked out some clothes to change into after.

“I believe you, Yeol,” I said, giving in.

He squeezed me a little tighter and asked, “Can I join you?”

“You think it’s that easy, huh?” I turned to face him, but he was much too tall for that, his lips pressed against my forehead as he reached down, dangerously low on my back.

“I won’t trick you into anything you don’t want to do.” His smirk could be felt in his soft kisses, but I still lightly pushed him away.

“I want to get clean,” I argued.

“Fine.” He said with a sigh. He walked back to our bed, falling face down onto the mattress, arms and legs spread out like a starfish.

I shook my head at my goof of a husband while walking to our master bathroom. I turned on the water and closed the clear glass door. It was nearly impossible to see anything outside with all the steam fogging up the room, but I was able to make out a tall figure undressing.

“Chanyeol, I said no.”

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He lied.

I fought off a smile when he made his way in the shower with me, his hand going straight for my hips and his lips on my neck. The only way to get him to stop was to ignore him… at least, it usually worked. He was very persistent to get a rise out of me today, judging by his need to touch me all over while I lathered myself up with soap and suds.

He reached out in front of me, changing the spray setting to the rain shower and turned me around. The water came down gently on our heads, making Chanyeol all the more proud of himself for getting the soap off me quickly. He held my face in his hands and kissed me. I rested my arms on his broad shoulders and was lifted up.

Chanyeol pressed me close to his body while my legs clung to his hips. He turned me around away from the downpouring water, with my back against the cold tiles. We wasted no time lining up our centers together before he plunged into me with a powerful thrust. My nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, a throaty groan fell from his lips and his sharp thrusts quickly turned into deep strokes.

I briefly closed my eyes as I went into a total frenzy. When I opened them, I watched him through the steam, tiny droplets unmoved on his shoulders and arms, looking down to watch his long cock move in and out of me, hitting my g-spot every time.

We both hit our climaxes, moaning and whimpering from extreme pleasure. Chanyeol’s knees went weak, I slumped into him, unable to stand on my legs.

He took me back to our room after drying off, gave me something to wear to bed, one of his oversized hoodies as usual, and we cuddled in for a little pillowtalk before falling asleep.


Chanyeol scenario – Stockholm syndrome


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, angst, mafia!au, enemies with benefits

Warnings: bondage, roleplaying, ‘kidnapping’

“There you are”

I could hear a voice coming from the other side of the room. I tried to wiggle my arms free, but the cuffs around my wrists only hurt my tender skin. The mask around my eyes stopped me from seeing anything, just like the tape on my mouth blocked my cries for help. The metal door creaked shut and a pair of footsteps walked toward me before stopping inches away from where I was sitting.

"Why so frightened?.” A man asked. I felt a large hand cup my cheek gingerly. The mask was quickly snatched off of my face, I blinked a few times to get used to the lighting.

I looked up at the man in front of me and narrowed my eyes. It was Park Chanyeol. All I wanted to do was beat him senseless for pulling a stunt like this. He and my brother have been in a mob war for years. They never got along for one second, and now that my brother had debts against him, Chanyeol didn’t hesitate to take something for collateral.

He placed his fingers at the corner of the piece of tape over my mouth but hesitated to rip it off. Instead, he took out a key from his back pocket, unlocking the restraint around my dominant hand.

“I’ll let you handle the tape.” He said, returning the key to his pocket. I pulled it off as quickly as I could and finally spoke.

“Have you completely lost your mind? My brother will have you killed for this.” I hissed.

“Before or after he’s out of jail?” He fired back.

“How’d you know about that?”

“Oh please. Mug shots are public record.” He pointed at the wall behind me. Every mug shot of my brother’s arrests was plastered on the wall, along with several addresses and maps.

“Why am I here?”

“Because if I don’t get my money one way, I’ll get it another way.” He looked at me with his sneaky little eyes.

‘If you lay a hand on me, I swear-“

"Not like that. From what I remember, you’re quite a fan of revenge-sex.” I flinched at his words, shocked that he’d even bring up such a thing, but not that surprised. He did have me cuffed to a chair after all.

“That wasn’t revenge-sex!”

“Of course not, you just happened to get into a fight with your ex and then your brother sided with him, so you took a stroll to one of my clubs by chance.” He smirked. “Purely coincidence.”

I went silent for a moment, both irritated at him and myself. He was right. I just got dumped, my brother was being an ass and I got revenge by sleeping with the last person he’d want me around. It was a one night stand, and I swore never again. My brother never even found out, but it didn’t stop Chanyeol from tormenting me. He’d do little things like send me flowers when he knew my brother would be around and make him suspicious. But now he had a new plan.

“How long are you planning to keep me here?” I asked.

“Well, y/b/n has already been tipped off about you so my guess is… till I get bored.”

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with him already. He walked back over to me, kneeling down with a wicked smile. “You know what happens when you roll your eyes at me.” He said, referring to the time he had me bent over the bed, spanking me mercilessly.  My heart pounded with sexual frustration at the thought of him spanking me again. My thighs pressed together slowly, but Chanyeol could still see how turned on I was.

“You are not going to touch me…” I said through gritted teeth.

We entered into an intense staring match, exchanging the deadliest of glares. I hated him so much, I just wanted to rip him to shreds. My blood was boiling with rage, anxiously waiting for him to crack under pressure.

“No matter how much you stare, I’ll win either way. I know your secrets, princess. All of them.” Chanyeol was trying to get in my head, but I can’t let him. He can’t know he’s turning me on.

“You know nothing, Chanyeol.” I challenged.

“Oh. But I do.” He replied





I was in such a state of fury, I used my free hand to grab him by the collar and pull him in for an intense kiss. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out the key to the cuffs, unlocking my ankles and another hand.

Chanyeol lifted me into his arms, coiling my legs around his hips. I tugged on the short hairs on the back of his head causing him to groan and open his mouth just enough for me to slip my tongue in. We continued this until we reached another door in the side of the room.

He kicked it open and broke away. I looked around to see an enormous master bedroom. We moved toward the bed, leaving a trail of clothing on the floor. I was drunk on lust and anger as I laid beneath him, naked and vulnerable.

He kissed my neck and shoulders, showing plenty of love to my sweet spots. His hand trailed down to my soaked entrance, circling his thumb around my clit to get a few moans out of me and thrusting his finger in without warning.

“Chanyeol!” I yelped.

He moved his fingers in and out, feeling my walls clench around them. His hot breath tickled the skin on my breast as he licked and sucked on my nipples. With a fistful of his thick hair, I cried out his name, loud enough to cause an echo.

“Fuck! I can’t take this.” He lined his self up at my center and looked at me. “You sure you want this?”

“I’m all yours,” I said back.

He forced his entire cock into my wet heat, plowing through me at a rapid speed. All I could feel was the tingles shooting all over my body from the intense pleasure. My nails scraped down his back as we both rocked through our climaxes.

“That’s it, baby. Take my cum.” He finished deep inside me with a lazy kiss on my lips.

“That was perfect.” I laid there with him collapsed between my legs, head resting on my breast and shaft still buried inside me. He rolled us over, bringing my head to his chest.

He lifted my wrists, kissing the little red marks from the handcuffs. “Did you hurt your hand?” His sweet pecks brought a smile to my face as I shook my head.

“I’m okay.” I sighed.

“So when’s your brother getting out anyway?” He asked.

“Who knows, that asshole has been in the system since we were kids. Even if he makes bail, I’d be the last person he’d tell.” I looked up at him and kissed his lips. “I’m sleeping with the enemy.”

“Hmm~ You dirty little thing.” He gripped my thighs and spanked my ass, making me jolt slightly.

“I honestly don’t even care that he knows. I’m not going anywhere.” I kissed him again and he smiled.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to go for round two.” He nibbled on my lower lip.

“As long as you’re offering, I won’t decline.” He wrapped us in the sheets and grinded my hips down on his.

What started as hatred mysteriously turned into a bond that couldn’t be defined. But then again, love is a mystery itself.


Chanyeol scenario-The decision (3/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Genre: ANGST, smut, forbidden love

Warnings: fingering, breast appreciation

Previously:  What do I choose? Love or Money?

My mind was lost in a world of pros and cons. A few moments passed and I gave up. My whole body slumped onto the bed and I sighed in frustration. How is it possible that loving someone for who they are can derail the life you’ve been leading since birth

“Why do you have to be so perfect?” I asked Chanyeol. “You don’t deserve some spoiled princess turned disaster like me. You should be with someone worth your time that gives you what you really need.” My tears built up in my eyes and my throat started to tense up.

“You’re right.” He said. “I usually go for the kind of girl who lives on the edge and takes risks. Girls who love music and fight for what they want. Literally and figuratively.”

I broke into a smile, but he sat up on the bed and continued. “But I’ve already found the ultimate risk-taker. A girl who loves music so much that she snuck out to see my band play. Of all people, she chose me.” He looked down at me wiping my tears and smiled. “You have something amazing inside of you that I can’t quite put my finger on, which makes me want you even more. Whether you stay here or come with me, I’ll still love you, Y/n.”

I sat up with him and kissed his warm, pink lips. For the first time ever, I had to decide for myself. My eyes lit up as the thought popped into my head. “Myself. I whispered."I want to go with you.” I cupped his cheeks and straddled his hips. “I’ll run away with you.”

“Are you sure?” He asked. “If you need to sleep on it, I can stay at my place.”

“No.” I coiled myself around him and he laughed at my sudden hyperactive clinginess. “I can’t sleep well without you anyway. It’d be pointless. I want you.”

He kissed my temple, but I turned my head to kiss his lips instead. I could feel him getting harder between my legs and I got wetter by the second. Grinding down on him, I moaned against his lip.

I lifted his hands to my breasts and begged him to touch me. He squeezed my breasts, making me throw my head back with a slow moan. He pulled off my top to get a better look at my heaving chest and smirked.

“Take off your bra.”

“Why?” I asked innocently.

“I’ll show you better than I’ll tell you.”

I quickly gave in and threw it across the room. He shuddered with a weak breath that tickled the tender skin of my breasts, forcing my sensitive nipples to harden and my core to dampen. He opened his mouth, letting his soft tongue lick the delicate bud before taking it into his mouth with a gentle suck. His teeth lightly scrapped it while he let go and move onto the other, equally hardened nipple.

My whimpers and moans got louder when he had me fall back onto my bed and his fingers found their way inside my jeans. I opened my legs a bit more which chanyeol took as an invitation to thrust his fingers into my tight heat without warning. His thumb worked my swollen clit, moving in circular motions while his luscious lips sucked on my nipples, leaving my mouth free to call out his name.


He pulled away, getting up on his knees and unbuttoned my pants to pull them down my legs. He did the same to his own jeans and handed me the common to put it on for him. I looked him dead in the eye while rolling the latex down his rock-hard shaft.

In two seconds, Chanyeol nearly ripped his top off of himself, popping a few buttons on the way down, moved my panties to the side, pushed me further onto the bed, ready to be taken. With one slow thrust, he entered my throbbing center as his lips met mine once more. I held him close, feeling every inch of his hot skin, his strong muscles flexing above me, his steady breaths on the side of my nose.

I grinded our hips together while his plump lips fit perfectly on mine like a puzzle piece. His steady breaths turned to a sharp exhale with each rough thrust until we both reached our climax, moaning and groaning in pure bliss.

I was completely relaxed in the afterglow, Chanyeol tossed the condom in the trash and returned to the bed.  He turned me over to hold me from behind, bringing my focus to the tattoo on his forearm. I traced the circles and lines with my finger, causing his skin to form little goosebumps because of his ticklishness.

“You won’t regret this, baby.  You and I won’t have anything holding us back.” He rested his head in the crook of my neck, making himself more comfortable. “We’ll be just like this every night.” I shivered when his lips made contact with my sweet spot. “No more stresses. I promise.”

For the first time in a while, I felt so at ease. We slept peacefully through the night and woke up refreshed and ready to start our day of packing. I made certain to bring my songbook so we could finish some songs and create new ones on the road.

Chanyeol left to get his things from his place around noon, kissing me goodbye before he went on his way. I called a local storage unit and arranged to pack away the rest of my belongings there until I got back. Everything was settled except one thing. Saying goodbye.

I was fully prepared to just leave without a word, but I owed my brother an explanation and I know he’d be the one who would support me in all this. I sent him a message, telling him to come over since we had to ‘talk. Within the hour, he arrived and had a look of worry on his face.

“What’s happening? Why are you all packed up?” He asked me.

“I’m leaving. Chanyeol has a tour coming up and I’m going with him.”

“You’re what?!” So much for my supportive brother. “Do you realize what you’re doing here?”

“Yes. I was given an option and I’ve made my decision. Mom and dad have controlled my life for the last time. I need a break.” I said.

“Mom and dad have given you a lifeline to continue your education and live in a very nice apartment in a good neighborhood while you do so. Tours end Y/n. You really need to think about this long-term option. You’re going to come back and then what? Take out loans until you’re up to your eyeballs in debt and live on the street?” Everything he said had me feeling so conflicted. But I can’t let him see me crack under pressure. “If you really love him. You need to let him go and if he loves you back, then he’ll return and we can all figure this out and get mom and dad on board the right way. At this point, you need to stay in their good graces and follow their rules.”

Just when I heard that horrible word I cringed. ‘Rules’. Mom and dad’s rules. I shook my head and stood my ground. “That’s just it. I’m not going to follow behind them anymore. I know tours end, but I’m going to be gone for a while. I’ll finally have time to think and I’m not some uneducated girl who is hopeless.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“I know, but our parents aren’t the only ones who can help me. I’m also on academic scholarships and think about it. I’ve been with Chanyeol for months and my grades haven’t slipped once. I know he loves me back because he told me. He didn’t pressure me to go with him. He offered like a decent person and made sure my mind was made up.” I explained. “I’m going with him.”

My brother took in what I said with sincerity and nodded. “Fair enough.” He got up and processed his thoughts.

“Please don’t hate me. The only reason I’m telling you this is so you won’t worry about me and I knew you’d understand.” I stood up and reached out for his hand.

“And I do understand. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve seen you this way. I never knew you had such strength.” He said. “You’re still my sister and I love you no matter what. If going is what you need to find your peace, then, by all means, go. Doctor’s orders.” He said with a smile.

I brought him in for a tight hug and thanked him over and over. I honestly didn’t even need my parent’s approval, I just needed the person who actually cared about my well being. He kissed the top of my head and let go.

“Good luck. I’ll be here when you get back.” He assured me.

A few minutes after he left, the movers showed up to bring my things to the storage unit. Chanyeol came back to pick me up, I looked around at my empty apartment and grabbed my bags.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah. I’m great actually.” I gave him a kiss and we went out to the car.

On our way to the airport, I looked out the window, watching the place I call home pass by. I had a taste of this bittersweet moment, but Chanyeol was there to hold my hand and make it all better.

The bands first tour became a roaring success which lead to a national arena tour, and then a worldwide stadium tour. Chanyeol and I continued to write music which climbed the charts every time. I finally achieved my dream of being a renowned lyricist and finished my degree in music.

My brother fulfilled his promise and stood by me when I got back from my break. He was right there with me when I told my parents that I was no longer going to hide in their shadow, but create opportunities for myself. They also fulfilled their promise of cutting me off and for a while, we lost contact. But they were still my parents and over time they came around to see my life as my own and not a legacy of theirs.

They still abided by their parental duties and sat in the crowd when I graduated from college. and at Chanyeol and I’s wedding a few years after that, and attended the birth of their grandchild. The road to happiness was like trying to fight the tides in the ocean, but by the time the waters settled, I finally found harmony.


Chanyeol scenario – My admirer

Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, romance

Summary: After landing a cover and spread in Vogue, you start to receive the attention from all sorts of people in the fashion world, but there’s a particular admirer has been fascinated by you for quite some time. But are you able to notice him?

Normally I would never go to my father’s office in the middle of a work day but I came bearing amazing news. Back in college, I had his full support to go to design school and then he gave me my first investment for my now wildly successful fashion company had him over the moon. I’ve always given him the good news and spared him the bad until another time, which brings me to today.

I rushed through the lobby, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the receptionist and scanned my spare key card to get onto the elevator. I held my tote bag tightly with excitement as I made my way to the top floor. When the doors opened I was greeted by a tall young man with a cute smile.

“Hello, miss Y/l/n.” He said.

“Oh, Hi. Have we met before? You look familiar.” I replied.

“Yes, I’m Chanyeol. Your father’s intern. We met briefly a couple weeks ago. and the week before that.”

“Oh. Right. Sorry.”

“No worries. Please follow me.”

He lead me to my father’s office and knocked on the door. We waited until we heard his voice calling for us to come in and Chanyeol opened the door for me.

“There’s my girl! How is the thriving business?” My father asked. I gave him a hug while Chanyeol left us to our business and I say down.

“Well. I thought you’d be interested in seeing this.” I pulled out the unpublished edition of Vogue with my design on the front cover and he gasped.

“Are those the designs you showed me last month?”

“Yes! I got a call last week asking me to bring my next line to a run through for the next issue and I was picked! I’m even going to be featured in a spread.”

“Oh, that’s incredible! I’m so proud of you.” He got up from his chair and walked to the cabinet on the other side of the room. “This calls for a celebration.”

He took out a bottle of champagne and two flutes. We had a toast and spent the next hour discussing business and all the other upcoming events in our lives.

We heard knocking at the door and Chanyeol peaked in. “Sir you have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”

“Thank you Chanyeol.”

“Well, I won’t keep you. I should be getting back anyway.” I got up and left the room, walking past the intern on my way out. “It was good seeing you again… Chanyeol.” I said remembering his name on a leap of faith. I caught a whiff of his cologne and smiled. “Lovely scent by the way. Bleu De Chanel.” I complimented. He replied with an adorable dimpled smile and I left.

When I got back to work, I started making my creations come to life. My staff and I worked for hours planning out how to fit the clothes on the models. I’ve never been the type to just see an idea. I had to touch the fabric and create in a four-dimensional space.

“Y/n.” My assistant walked into the fitting room and I turned to see what he wanted.


“These were delivered to you.” He walked over with a bouquet of flowers and I swooned at their beauty.

“Aww! They must be from my dad. I told him earlier that I got a cover in Vogue.”

“I don’t think so.” He said with a provoking glance.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“No one’s dad sends them a huge bouquet of red roses that ‘just so happen’ to match your lip color perfectly. You have an admirer.” He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

“Oh please.” I took the bouquet and noticed there was a note attached to it. I opened it and saw nothing inside. I was completely confused until a familiar scent captured my senses. Bleu De Chanel. It can’t be…

“Do you know who they’re from?” My tailor asked.

“Uh… I’m not sure.” I put the note in my pocket and set the flowers on the table.

We worked until the dead of night and I dismissed everyone after a very long day. I took the roses with me to my office and placed them on my desk. I pulled the note out of my pocket and inhaled the enchanting smell once more. I never knew someone to be so subtle and romantic with me before. I’m always blinded by my job that I didn’t have room for a love life. But maybe it’s time for a change.

In the days that followed, I’ve gotten more hints that my admirer was still very eager to get my attention. I would come to work and be handed a rose that was anonymously delivered. I wish I had the courage to just ask Chanyeol if it was him, but what if it isn’t? I’d be humiliated!

Before I knew it, the final run through came upon us. I paced backstage, making sure all of the models were in the right formation. I gave everyone one last look and took a breath. “Perfect.”

I stepped out to sit down and spotted my father in the seat next to mine. I smiled at him and caught a glance at the infamous intern, Chanyeol. He looked at me with an approving head nod and my smile grew into a grin. He looked amazing in his Italian suit and pushed back hair. My heart fluttered as I sat right in front of him. My father held my hand to calm me down and the lights dimmed. The music started and the girls strutted out from behind the curtain, one by one. I peeked at the editor of Vogue and saw a smile start to appear. My heart pounded in my chest and I took some deep breaths.

When the show ended I went backstage to thank all of the models and crew. I felt a hand on the small of my back and I turned around to see my father smiled down at me.

“Congrats again, sweetheart.” He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before greeting the crew members he was acquainted with.

Chanyeol slowly walked up to me, reluctantly looking me in the eye. It had to have been him who sent me the flowers. I smiled at him and he relaxed a bit. I tilted my head toward the door and he took the hint. We walked out to the balcony for a moment alone and I finally asked him the burning question.

“It was you wasn’t it?” I asked. He nodded and looked at the ground briefly. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I’ve actually liked you for a while, but your mind was preoccupied with the new line and everything, so I figure little hints would be a subtle way of making a move without distracting you from your work.” He explained.

“It was very sweet of you.” His cheeks turned to a soft pink and I became completely smitten. “Would you like to have a drink with me after this?”

“Of course. I’ll meet you at the entrance?” He asked.

“That’s perfect. I should only be ten minutes.” I leaned in to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek and he smiled. We walked back inside and enjoyed the rest of the after party.

Chanyeol was my first secret admirer and I’m very happy to note that he was my only admirer too.

Chanyeol scenario – The ultimatum (2/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Genre: ANGST

Previously: “I think this might actually be the start of something real.” He whispered. I thought to my self before answering, “Me too.”

Six blissful months with Chanyeol have gone by since our first encounter and I never felt so free. When I’m with him, everything changes for the better. There are no parents breathing down my neck or pressure to get my career started.

With the money I saved from my paid internship at my uncle’s real estate firm, I was able to rent an apartment for myself just a few miles away from Chanyeol’s place. Of course, I still come back to my parent’s house once a month for family dinner with them, my brother, and his new wife. 

But this last time, I was caught in a dilemma that I never saw coming. And it all started when my mom said, “Y/n, how are your classes coming along?” My mom asked. I looked up from my plate and smiled before answering, “Great. I got really high scores on my midterms.”

“Very good, princess.” My dad said. “And how are things at the practice, son?” He asked, turning to my brother.

“Really well. In fact, things are going well at home too.” He took his wife’s hand and smiled. “We’re expecting a new addition to the family.”

My parents gasped and my mom leaped out of her char to hug them both. My dad leaned to my brother to give him a congratulatory hug once he was freed from my mom’s embrace and we all raised a glass.

“To family.” My dad said before we all took a sip.

My mom’s attention was redirected to me and I knew what was coming, the same question she asks me every time I come over.

“So Y/n. are you seeing anyone special?”

My heart pounded and my voice wavered as I spoke, “Well, uh…”

“Oh! You know who is single? My coworker, Mary’s son! He’s adorable and comes from a very good family.” She said.

“Y/m/n, Don’t pry. My little girl doesn’t need to see anyone special just yet.” My dad said.

“It’s not that, daddy. I’m just not looking.” I said, trying not to give anything away. My brother looked at me with a confused glare. “Have you already found someone?” He asked.

I sat there in silence for a second, not confirming nor denying, but it was pretty obvious. Sweetheart! It’s great if you met someone.“ My mom said. "How long have you two been together?”

“It’s recent.” I lied.

“Well, we want to meet him. How about tomorrow night? I’ll hire a chef to prepare something. Oh, I can’t wait!” She said in excitement.

I barely touched my food after that. I felt both nervous and guilty. Chanyeol shouldn’t have to be swept up in my families high expectations. My parents would hire a tutor for me if I got a B on a test. Not to mention, my brother’s wife. The girl is a big-time environmental lawyer and spends half of her money on children’s hospitals and no-kill dog shelters.  She’s basically Wonder Woman.

After dinner, stopped by my old room and looked around at all the things I left behind. When I moved out, it turned into my own storage locker. I sat down to look at all the old photos of myself growing up and some CDs I used to listen to.

“You were lying earlier.” I heard my brothers voice and nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to see him leaning in the doorway and stood up.

“Lied about what?”

“Oh, please Y/n I didn’t minor in behavioral psychology for nothing. The shaky voice, not maintaining eye contact, vague details. You’ve had a boyfriend for a while now haven’t you?” He said.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

He came in and sat next to me on my bed. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner.?”

“Because… I know mom and dad would disapprove.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Oh. But I do!” I got up and paced to my closet. “I’m dating Park Chanyeol,” I said.

“I don’t know who that is.” My brother said after thinking for a moment. I sighed and pulled out my phone to show me a picture.

“Oh, yeah. They’re gonna be pissed. Is his hair red?” He asked studying the image on the screen.

“No, it’s blue now. He changed it a few days ago.”

“Okay, all that aside. If you really like this guy, you just need to be honest. Mom and dad respond well to the truth.” He assured me. “Is it serious with you two?”

“Yeah. We started dating six months ago during my whole ‘year off’ thing.”

“Well, firstly, kudos for holding out for that long, and second, tell them that.” He said referring to our parents. I sat back down and hunched over in defeat. He rubbed my back and I felt a little better.

“Just be honest. I mean, it’s shocking, and I definitely have a lot of questions myself, but it’ll be fine.” I sat back up and smiled at him. “You’re a good brother.”

“I try.” He said, wrapping his arm around him with a small squeeze. We both sat there until his questions couldn’t be held back. “How’d you meet him?”

“I- uh. Snuck out and went to a gig that he was playing at downtown.”

“He’s a musician?” He questioned. I nodded and he huffed in disbelief. “Yeah, they’re gonna be pissed for sure.”

“Oh, god!!!” I groaned, falling backward out of his grasp. I covered my face with my hands and heard my mom shout in the distance.

“Y/n! Come take some leftovers home. I want to make sure you’re eating right.” I sighed and got up to go back downstairs. My brother reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me in and said, “Remember: Be honest.” He looked at me to make sure I understood and I nodded. “Be honest,” I repeated.

I grabbed the leftovers and said goodbye to my mom and dad before leaving. When I got back to my apartment, I slumped onto the couch and my mind continued to race.

I heard the sound of keys in the lock and the door opened. I looked over the side of the couch and saw Chanyeol walking toward me.

“There’s my girl. I got some take out in case you’re hungry.” He put the bag on the coffee table in front of me and opened the Chinese takeout boxes. He moved my legs so he could sit down and looked at me closely.

“You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I sighed to myself and answered again truthfully. “No.” I sat up and leaned on his shoulder.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, pulling me into his arms.

“It’s my parents,” I told him. “I heavily implied that I was with someone and now they want to meet you. Tomorrow.”

He stayed silent for a while and spoke when he had his thoughts in order. “Okay. Then I’ll meet them tomorrow.” He said. I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

“You’re sure about this?” I asked.

“Yeah. You and I have been together for a while and there’s no need to hide anymore.” I smiled weakly and fell back into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere.” His lips pressed against the top of my head and I hugged him back. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. Now. Let’s eat.” He picked up a takeout box and handed me a fork.

“I’m not very hungry,” I said.

“At least have a fortune cookie.” He took the box and exchanged it with the cookie. I cracked it open and read the fortune while I ate.

All things are difficult before they’re easy

I laughed lightly and placed the paper on the table. Off all the fortune cookies in that restaurant, Chanyeol was given that one.

I turned on the TV and laid down while he ate his dinner. I closed my eyes and, after a while, felt my boyfriend’s strong arms lift me off the couch. He walked us to my bedroom and set me down on my usual side of the bed. I summoned the strength to take off my bra and pants before relaxing back onto the bed.

Chanyeol changed into a pair of sweatpants he left at my place before and climbed in with me. I cuddled into his side and he played with my hair until I fell asleep.

The next morning a rush of anxiety came back, ruining my perfectly pleasant dream and I clutched onto Chanyeol, waking him from his sleep. “Baby? Y/n? What is it?” He shook my shoulder gently and I woke up.

“Hmm?” I said in a sleepy haze.

“I think you had a nightmare. You gripped onto me and started muttering.” His handed stroked my arm and I stretched out. “Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s alright. We need to get up anyway.” He hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. “Should I redye my hair?”

“I like the blue.” I came up behind him and kissed his shoulder. “You’re like my own little carebear,” I said teasingly. He turned around and pinched my butt playfully. I cupped his cheeks, squishing them and he picked me up, bring me back into the bedroom and dropping me on the bed. I stood up on the mattress and swung a pillow at his shoulder.

“Oooohhh~ Feisty huh?” He took the other one and swatted me right back. I went into a fit of giggles and Chanyeol lunged at me, lifting me over his shoulder and pulling me down with him onto my bed. I kissed his cheek, holding him tight.

“I love you, Chanyeol.” I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled at me. “I love you too. Always will.” He said kissing my lips.

“But I’m still gonna color my hair.” He said. He got up and got dressed for the day.

He went to the store to get his normal brand of hair color and we went to his place to redye it. Within a few hours, he transitioned from light blue to dark brown. He added a bit of product to push back his bangs and he changed into a button down top and nice jeans.

When we arrived at my parent’s house, I knocked on the door and my mom answered within seconds. The door swung open and she pulled me in for a hug. When she broke away, she looked Chanyeol up and down before extending her hand for him to shake.

“You must be Y/n’s boyfriend.” She said politely.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m Chanyeol.” We stepped inside and my mom’s eyes continued to san Chanyeol’s appearance, almost as if she was reading a complex book.

My dad came from around the corner and I gave him a hug. “Hi, daddy! This is my boyfriend, Chanyeol.” The two shook hands and exchanged formalities.

“Hey, sis. Long time no see.” My brother came to greet us and I smiled at him. “You must be Chanyeol.”

I looked at my brother with wide eyes and he realized he said the wrong thing.

“You know his name already?” My mom asked.

“Uh…” My brother tried to think of an excuse but I spoke for him. “I told him last night, after dinner”

“Oh. Well, Tonight’s dinner is almost ready. Y/n, do you want to show our guest to the living room?”

I nodded and lead Chanyeol to the other room. My brother joined us and I made sure we were out of view before whispering, “Where’s your wife?”

“She’s feeling a little sick so she won’t make it, but you’re still going to tell them everything right?”

“What are you whispering about?” Chanyeol asked. I peeked around the corner and spoke at a normal volume. “He wants us to come clean about how we met and everything, but that’s not gonna happen,” I said toward my brother.

“Why not?” Chanyeol shrugged. I looked at him and he took my hands. “He’s right, Y/n. The only way to get through this is to just be up front.” He said. I nodded at him and he gave my hands an extra squeeze.

My parents walked into the room to tell us dinner was ready and we all went into the dining room.

“So, Chanyeol, I see you have a tattoo.” My mom pointed at his hand and he nodded.

“Oh, yes. ‘Loey’ is the last four letters in my name and it’s also the name I go by when I’m producing.”

“Producing?” My dad asked with a steal-like expression.

“Producing music. I’m in an alternative rock band.” He explained. I watched the looks on my parent’s faces and my heart started to sink when I saw they were less than amused.

“A band… Interesting.”

“Yes, that’s actually how we met. I heard one of his songs on Spotify. They have had a lot of success and I went to one of their performances six months ago, and now, here we are.” I smiled at him during our story and he smiled back, giving me a moment of bliss in all this.

“Six months? Wow. So you two have a bit of history then.” My mom commented.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

The tension could be cut with a knife. My nerves melted into annoyance and disappointment. It was clear that my parents had something to say, but nothing was said.

“I didn’t think you were interested in… Rock music, Y/n.” My dad said.

“I am. I discovered it during my year off and I’ve enjoyed it ever since.”

My mom and dad gave each other a look and I was fed up. “ What is it?” I asked them.

“Nothing. Just perhaps a full year off was a bit of a stretch.” My dad said.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“No reason.” My mom said to him. I scoffed and leaned back in my chair. “Yes, there is.”

“Y/n, we can discuss it later.” She said.

“Why? What is so wrong with me taking a year off and discovering a new genre of music?” Chanyeol’s hand rested on my leg to calm me down, but I was too far gone.

“Y/n. Your mother said we will discuss it later.” My dad glared at me and I shook my head in disbelief.

“I don’t understand why I have to wait. If there is something to say just tell me.” I said in a calm tone.

My dad sat back and sighed. “Fine. I’m not sure what you’re doing with this boy Y/n.”

“Y/f/n!” My mom said sternly.

“No. You’ve been surrounded by perfectly eligible young men who have their whole life mapped out and yet you go out and find some inked-up boy from some rock band. What is that?” His words struck me like bricks. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes, yet I wasn’t sad. I was angry.

“That’s what you think? You think my loving someone is just an impulse?”

“Love?” My mom said. “Y/n be serious.”

“She is serious.” Chanyeol finally spoke and I gripped his hand. “We met six months ago and I can honestly say that I never thought she’d ever want to be with a guy like me.”

“Yeol…” I whispered. I didn’t know he even felt that way.

“Yeah, love is a strong word, which is why I tell her I love her daily. You both clearly love your daughter, and only want the best for her, but there is still a side to her that she’s been keeping from you all. A side that is fearless and brave.” He turned to me and smiled slightly. “I can see it in her eyes. Even right now.”

I smiled back at him and looked at my parents for their reaction. My dad slowly leaned in toward the table and stared at the two of us.

“I know everything I need to know about my daughter. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak to her alone. Now.” He stood up and walked toward his study. I excused myself from the table and followed behind him with my mother a few steps away, leaving my brother and Chanyeol alone at the table.

“Have you completely lost your senses, Y/n? Do you really think this boy is going to stick around?” My dad’s scowl had me feeling smaller by the second. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. “Everything you’ve worked for, to end up with someone like that…” He crossed his arms and a tear trickled down my cheek. “Tell me honestly, what are you doing with him? Is this just a phase?”

“No.” A burst of confidence shot through me and I lifted my head, looking my dad straight in the eye. “You may think I’m crazy, but I love him. and he loves me. You and mom have always told me to find someone who treats me well and I have. I’ve found a passion for music and when I’m with him I feel better. I don’t feel pressure with him or that I’m always one step behind where I need to be.”

“Music? Since when have you had a passion for music?” My mom asked me.

“Since I took a gap year.”

“Oh, for god’s sake! That gap year was for you to intern at your uncle’s real estate firm and take control of your career.”

“I don’t want to be a real estate agent! I changed my major this past semester.”

“To what?!” My dad yelled.

“Music. I want to be a lyricist.” The second I ended my sentence they both groaned in frustration.

My dad took a deep sigh and looked at me without any expression. “And who’s going to pay for that?”

I recoiled at his words in shock. “What do you mean?”

“I mean. I’m paying for you to go to college for real estate. Period.” He said.

“You’re cutting me off?” I started to feel light-headed and stumbled back. “How am I going to finish college if you aren’t paying?”

My dad shrugged and said, “It looks like you have some thinking to do.”

I looked at my mom for some sympathy, but she didn’t say a word. It felt like my whole world was crashing around me and I was falling into a dark pit. I turned away from both of them and stormed back into the dining room.

“We’re leaving,” I said to Chanyeol.

“Woah. What happened?” My brother asked.

“I was honest. That’s what happened.” I shot back.

Chanyeol and I left the house and he drove me home. The tears started to flow down my face and I didn’t try to fight it. How could this be happening? Parents are supposed to love and support you no matter what, not tear you away from your dreams.

Chanyeol pulled up to my apartment building and walked me in. We both laid on my bed and he just held me until the tears stopped. He combed through my hair to soothe me and kissed my temple a few times.

“It’s going to be okay, baby. I promise.”

“How? My dad just threatened to pull my college fund and most likely tell my uncle which will make me lose my internship and then this apartment is gone too.” I tried to talk through my sobs, but it was no use. “What am I supposed to do? Maybe I should just give in.”

“Or,” Chanyeol thought to himself for a second and an idea popped into his head. “Run away with me.”

I looked up at him in confusion and he continued. “You know how I told you that my manager wants us to start playing bigger venues right?”


“Well, she set up some venues outside of the city, like, far outside. We have a few offers for tour dates now that our popularity is growing. Come with me.” He offered.

My mind started to race again and I pondered the possible solutions. Either give in and keep my full ride to college and apartment, but lose Chanyeol. Or I can go with him and get away from my parents for several months, and follow my dream of writing music.

What do I choose? Love or Money?

Chanyeol scenario – The guilty pleasure (1/3)


The guilty pleasure | The ultimatum | The decision

Summary: What would you do if your wildest fantasy and guilty pleasure collided?

Genre: angst, smut

Warnings: slight thigh riding, fingering, eating out, virgin

Everyone has a guilty pleasure. That one thing that you feel addicted to but could never tell anyone about. Well, that’s how my love for alternative rock started. It was just something I’d listen too but never played it out loud.

If my parents so much as heard one riff of an electric guitar, they’d have me living like a pilgrim. No phone, no TV, no computer. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. Some might even say spoiled but I see it as golden handcuffs. I was born into a wealthy family but there is always a price to pay. I’m only allowed to follow in my parent’s footsteps and go into a high-paying field.

Much like my older brother who is currently in his third ear in medical school. He’s never really been a free spirit, or free at all. My mother is a doctor and now soon he will be one too. My parent’s plans for me have always been about real-estate, but I want to do something with music. I want to write songs for famous artists and reap the rewards of being a well-known lyricist.

The moment I questioned ‘my’ life plan, my parents had me take a year off to ‘find myself’ which is currently just consisting of me being a real-estate intern. But in this time, I found my love for alternative music. The hidden messages in the lyrics and the innovative sound made me feel alive. There was one band I recently became obsessed with. I heard their song on Spotify and fell in love with the lead singer’s sexy, husky voice, but I could never find any pictures of them online, just album covers.

I did a little digging and found out they were playing at a club near me this weekend and I nearly squealed. I thought up a plan and had a stroke of good fortune. My parents are going to be out on a business trip this weekend!

When Friday night rolled around I couldn’t give them a reason to worry or feel suspicious. I put on a pair of PJ pants and a hoodie with my hair up in a bun. My mom knocked on my door and I turned.

“We’ll be back on Tuesday morning, okay? If you need anything call us or your brother.”

“I will. Love you!” I replied, holding my smile until she shut the door.  I watched them get into the car from my window. My dad waved goodbye and honked the horn as he drove down the street.

The second they were out of sight I hushed to my closet and thought of something to wear. I had to blend in without being too obvious. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and cut two slits in the knee area. I pulled at the loose threads to make it look like I didn’t just cut them and took one of the many Harvard shirts my parents got me as ‘subtle hints’ when I was trying to figure out what college to go to. I cut the shirt into a crop top and peaked at myself in the mirror. 

“Somethings missing…” An idea popped into my head and I took off the jeans to put on a pair of fishnet tights to go underneath. “Much better.”

I called a cab and started on my hair and makeup while I waited.  I took a final look and nodded at myself before grabbing my purse, phone, keys, and wallet. The cab pulled up and I dashed outside, locking the door to the house before getting in.

The whole way there I felt like I was about to go on a blind date. I was so excited to see what the band looked like and hear them play for the first time. If the lead singer was even half as attractive as his voice, he must be drop dead gorgeous.

The cab driver parked outside the club and I paid him before getting out. I walked to the back of the line and waited until I reached the front. The bouncer stopped a group of drunken frat boys in front of me and looked annoyed already.

“Bar crawlers, huh? Not here fellas. Beat it!” He shouted. They all started to try and argue, but it didn’t help their chances of getting in. The bouncer took one look at me and said, “Harvard girl. Go ahead.”

I smiled and made my way past the velvet rope. The crowd was mostly college-aged people like me so it was easy to fit in. I tried to get as close to the front as I could. Everyone in the room went wild as the band took the stage. It was like an attraction at first sight as I watched a tall guy with broad shoulders and bright red hair come out to center stage.

“How’s everyone feelin’?!” He asked. The crowd roared and a girl in the back screamed “I love you Chanyeol!” which made him smirk. Oh god. He has dimples too!

Chanyeol placed his guitar strap over his shoulder and started their first song with a full-on guitar solo. I loved the way he lost himself in his songs, and the way he closed his big brown eyes while he sang, and how he played with his whole body.

I jumped and danced to the beat, enjoying myself and Chanyeol’s eyes opened. He looked out at every face in the crowd before catching my stare. He sent me a little wink and I felt a wave of shivers up my spine.

“Woah…” I said to myself

The band played on and I couldn’t get enough. That is until I felt a pair of rough hands grab my hips, pulling me back onto some drunk guys crotch. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. I turned and pushed him away. He stumbled off and I tried to just forget the whole thing.

When the show ended the band walked off stage and I went to the bar for a bottle of water to cool off. I only took a few drinks when the jerk from before came back around.

“Hey, cutie. It’s too bad that our dance got cut short.” I cringed as he slurred his words and brushed him off. “I wouldn’t call that dancing. Just go away.”

“What’s the problem? Are you seeing someone?” He asked.

“Yes. She is.” I felt a massive hand hold my waist gently and recognized the husky voice. “So why don’t you do as you’re told and go away. Now.”

The guy stormed off and I looked up to see Chanyeol towering above me. He was even more handsome up close. I didn’t even realize how big his hands were until they were on my waist.

He let go of me and apologized. “Sorry If that was too forward.”

“No. That’s okay. It worked.” I felt myself starting to get star struck and he smiled.

“I’m Chanyeol.” He held out his hand and I took it. “Thanks, Chanyeol. I’m Y/n.”

“Pretty name. It suits you perfectly.” I could tell he was definitely the charmer of the group. “Did you come alone?”

“Yeah. I thought I could use an escape.” I confessed.

“I get that.”

I was nearly scared to death when the regular club music started in with pounding bass. Chanyeol and I jumped at the sudden noise and he leaned toward my ear.

“Do you need some fresh air?” He asked. I nodded frantically and followed him out the back door.

“That was unexpected… Wow.” He said rubbing his cute ears.

“You did really well tonight though.” I complimented.

“Thanks. I suppose we’re not too bad for a garage band.” He said kicking a rock with his shoe.

“You’re in a garage band? But I heard your song on Spotify just the other day.” I said feeling intrigued.

He told me all about how he and his band would play in his bassist’s garage and one day a new family moved in down the street and heard them playing. Luckily for them, the mother of that family owned a recording studio and offered them a contract. “And that’s how we got a manager.” He explained. “Six months later, here we are, playing in the club scene. It definitely beats the frat parties we usually play at.”

“That would explain the young drunk guys hanging around… They’re your fanboys.” I joked. His smile was like a virus. Whenever he smiles I instantly feel happier than I’ve ever been.

“I’ve always been interested in the music industry,” I confessed. “I was thinking of being a lyricist someday.”

“Really? Have you been writing songs?” He asked. I nodded and replied, “Yeah. If I don’t have my notebook around I just type some lyrics out on this app on my phone.”

I opened the app and showed him what I’ve been working on. He read through every word and raised his eyebrows halfway through.  He started to bob his head slightly, picking up the rhythm and stopped when he finished reading.

“Wow. You’re pretty amazing.” He said casually. My eyes went wide and I nearly squealed. I was so shocked by what he said.

“Really?” I said in disbelief.

“Of course. Besides, if you are passionate enough about music to come out here as an escape from the real world, you should really go for it and make this your career.” He said, pointing to the words on my phone.

“Thanks. I needed to hear that from someone.” My gaze went from his eyes to his lips and before I could stop myself, I was staring. My bubbly smile faded and I started to get shy and tried to look down at my shoes to stop myself from kissing him, but I just glanced at his big hands instead. I wondered what they would feel like on my bare skin, and how his biceps would look as he held me in place.

I bit my bottom lip, just imagining all the things he could do to me. I watched his hand come up and felt his thumb pull my lip out from between my teeth. He cupped my face, both relaxing me and getting me to look him in the eye.

“You shouldn’t do that. Lips aren’t for biting.” He said with a small smirk.

I smirked right back at him and took a risk in out battle of witts. “What are they for then?”

He cupped both my cheeks and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I hummed against his lips and kissed him back. My hands pressed to the small of his back, bringing him closer and he took a hold of my hands, repositioning them around his neck instead. His strong arms held onto my waist, locking me against him, just as I imagined he would.

He wedged his thigh between my legs and grinded our hips together. I moaned into his mouth and his warm tongue slid past my lips. We both moved back toward the brick wall without stopping our hot kiss. It only took me two seconds to realize I won’t be home until tomorrow if I play my cards right in the next ten seconds.

I pulled back and caught my breath. “I want you,” I whispered.

Chanyeol smiled at me and pulled me off the wall. “I live two blocks away.” Nope. I’m not going home tonight.

We walked down the street, hand in hand until we reached an apartment building. We walked down the hall and up the stairs and Chanyeol pulled out his keys. He leads me up to his loft and unlocked the door. I walked in first and immediately turned around to kiss him again. He lifted me up, into his arms and kicked the door shut with a loud slam.

I landed softly on his bed and he stripped off this clothing. He slipped off his underwear and I gasped. His smirk turned into a cheeky smile and he crawled on top of me, kissing my neck up to my lips. He pulled off my top and undid my bra before taking my breasts into his huge hands.

His lips traveled down my body, stopping at my hips, and looking up at me through his eyelashes. He undid my jeans and tore them off all at once. He kissed just below my navel and slid his hand into my panties, touching the smooth skin on my pelvis. He inhaled a shaky breath when he felt my wetness.  His thumb started to rub tiny circles around my clit and I settled into a daze.

He pulled my panties down and I moaned when his mouth worked my aching core. I lost my fingers in his red hair and rolled my hips, pleasuring myself with his mouth and fingers. His middle finger thrust faster, coming closer to my g-spot until he finally hit it.

“Ch-Chanyeol~” I called out his name and flexed my thighs around his head.  His nimble tongue licked up my juices and I felt myself get closer to my climax.

Chanyeol moved his lips off my folds, lifting his head and his fingers slowed. He hovered over me and positioned himself at my center. He pushed in slowly, making me feel him stretch out my walls and my head fell back with a moan. He slid all the way in with ease, thanks to his skilled foreplay, and paused when my pelvis met the base of his cock.

He started his thrusts, moving in and out. “Y/n…Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”

“You’re so big…” I whimpered. My nails scratched the tender skin on his back gingerly and I clenched around him. His hips bucked, forcing his member in faster.

“I’m gonna-” Chanyeol cut me off with a deep kiss. I moved my hands back up and tangled my fingers in his hair. “I know, baby. Moan for me.”

We both came at the same time, screaming and moaning each other’s names in ecstasy. Chanyeol finished off deep inside my walls and I took a moment to cool down. He rolled off of me and scooped me into his arms.

“Wow.” He said under his breath. He looked at me and noticed how timid I was acting. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not exactly. I’m just a little sore is all.” I said.

“Oh. Wait two seconds.” He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I listened to the faucet turn on and off and the sound of his footsteps coming back. “Here.” He handed me a cold washcloth and I laid it on my hips where he held onto me tightly.

“Wait… Were you?” He started his question and hoped my answer would be ‘no’ but… “Yeah. I was a virgin.”

“Oh, baby I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?” His big brown eyes were filled with worry and regret while he spoke, but I had to be honest.

“I didn’t say anything because I wanted this. I don’t want to be the girl that does exactly what she’s told all the time and frankly, I really liked it.” I told him.

“Huh…” He said, processing his thoughts.


“I never thought I had a type, but seeing a good girl go bad kinda turns me on.” He said. I laughed and slapped his chest playfully and he came in closer. We both snuggled in together and he just gazed at me for a while. 

“I think this might actually be the start of something real.” He whispered.

I thought to my self before answering, “Me too.”

To be continued…

EXO reaction – catching their GF touching herself

He would stand there in shock for about two seconds, but then he’d want you to keep going. He loves watching the look on your face when you feel intense pleasure.

“I told you to wait until I got home.”
He wouldn’t be happy about you touching yourself. Only daddy!Suho can touch his babygirl. He would definitely consider all the different ways he can punish you for being a bad girl.

He really would lose control. the moment he sees you with your hand between your legs, he’d want to trade your fingers with his rock hard member.

The sight of you would be something for him to savor. He’d walk quietly so he wouldn’t disturb you and make you realize he’s there. That is until you feel a second hand replacing your own. He wants to be the one to finish you off.

The look of shock on his face would turn into pure lust and desire. He has to admit that seeing you this way is a major turn on.

He would be on top of you in 0.2 seconds. He’d flip you over on your stomach with a quick strike to your ass for punishment. But after that, it’s all pleasure.

He’d drop his bag on the floor, making it obvious that he’s home and caught you. He would walk to you slowly and stop at the side of the bed. “Arms up.” He would tie your wrists together and make sure you don’t break his ‘no touching’ rule again.

How could he blame you? He teased you with what was about to be moring sex and abruptly got dressed and left when his alarm went off. He would make it up to you by kissing, touching, and marking what was his.

His smirk would let you know he wants you to keep going. He stripped off his clothing and bury his face between your legs.His hands would grab a hold of your wrists to keep you from touching him while he brings you to orgasm.

170704 – Chanyeol’s Crush


Today’s bias is Chanyeol!

And he likes someone.

He like likes them.   (oooOOOoooOOOoooh!)


Chanyeol: “I wonder what will impress them… maybe if I play the drums?”


Chanyeol: “No, no, I’ll play guitar, that’s more romantic.”


Chanyeol: “Or maybe I’ll sing about my feelings…”


Chanyeol: “No… I’ll do all three!!  They’ll never be able to resist.  I’m nervous, but it’ll be worth it.”


You: “…That’s all you’re going to do?  Just sing, play guitar, and play drums?  Do you want them to yawn?”

Chanyeol: “What?  Is that not enough?”


You: “LOLZ nope.  You’ll have to do much better than that if you want anyone to notice you.  You should do those things AND rap.”

Chanyeol: “Oooh, you’re right?  That’s a good idea.”


You: “You should also give your life savings.”

Chanyeol: “That sounds excessive.  And like a bribe.  I just want to give my love.”


You: “So… …Who is it?”

Chanyeol: “Umm, well… it’s no one…”


You: “Chanyeol, don’t play dumb.  I know who it is!”

Chanyeol: “…You do?  Why don’t you guess?”


You: “It’s Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol: “Pffft, no… haha, it’s not Baekhyun…”


Chanyeol: “It’s you.  I really like you.”

You: “… … …!”


I love this so much! 😍 ❤️ 😭