Kris scenario – Bitter hospitality



Summary: No one like to deal with difficult people, so having a snotty celebrity in your midst can make you keep your guard up unless he turns out to be the opposite of what you thought.

Genre: Smut

Everyone says that customer service is the ability to not only help a customer but to make sure they’re satisfied. Well, some days it’s hard to do that when it’s one rude person after another. First, a guest’s pillow isn’t firm enough, then another person complains that their TV doesn’t have enough channels, and I just wanted to go home.

“Y/n, guess what.” My coworker came from out of nowhere with a perky smile on her face.

“What?” I asked and immediately regretted it.

“Kris Wu is coming to town! He’s this amazing Chinese rapper…” She then rambled on for what felt like hours about a guy I’ve already heard of. By the time she stopped to take a breath I finally cut in.

“Yes. I know who he is. What about him?”

“Oh. Well, he’s also staying at this hotel for a couple of days. Our boss just told me. Isn’t that just the best thing ever?”

“Sure,” I said forcing a smile. She walked off with a squeal and I just checked for future reservations.

“Excuse me?” I heard a male voice from the other side of the desk and I lifted my head.

“Sorry. Welcome, sir. How can I help you?” I asked. It was him. Just after my peppy coworker left in a full-on fangirl fit and yet I’m the one who gets to help.  I stared into his dark brown eyes and almost felt intimidated. His icy glare wasn’t something I wanted to be on the other side of at all.

“Did you hear me?” he asked. I noticed that I wasn’t even listening to what he said.

“Say that again?”

“I have a reservation… penthouse suite for Wu.” He said slowly. Too slow. I started to get annoyed by his tone and checked the computer.

“Yes, I see it. And you’ve already checked in and paid online.” I took out a key card, swiping it through the system to activate it and handed it to him. “Here’s your room key.”

“Thanks.” He said with a smirk. I waited until he was around the corner to roll my eyes.

“So vapid…” I muttered under my breath.

Unfortunately for me the rest of my workday didn’t get any better. By the end of the day, I just needed a drink. I got changed back into my casual clothes, packing my uniform in my tote bag and heading to the bar in the lobby before they closed.

“Hey Y/n… Long day?” The bartender asked.

“How’d you guess?”

“Because you only come here in a hurry when you’re tired of being sober.” I laughed at his little comment and ordered something for myself.

I was only there for a few moments alone when someone came up from behind me, tapping me on the shoulder. “Excuse me, miss?” I turned to see Kris towering over me. “Yeah?” I asked.

“You dropped this.” He handed me my phone and I quickly took it to make sure there were no scratches or cracks on the screen, and thankfully, there were none.

“Thanks,” I said.

“No problem. Anyone sitting here?” He asked, pointing at the seat next to me. I nodded and he sat down. “So…” He said trying to start a conversation. “I just have to ask you… Have I offended you, or said the wrong thing?”

“No. What makes you think that?” I asked.

“You just seem very cold and distant. Even when I checked in earlier, you seemed to like your mind was somewhere else.” I huffed to myself while he spoke. “Yeah. Well, sometimes being on your feet all day with a ton of people ordering you to help them with their ridiculous demands can kinda make you want to be somewhere else.” I said, unloading my real feelings.

“Fair enough. But people can’t be that bad though right?” He clearly had no idea how bad it gets working in hospitality.

“Don’t even get me started on the worst of it all. ”  He smiled at me and we just talked for a while longer.

After about 45 minutes the bartender came back. “See you next week, Y/n!” He waved at me on his way out and I smiled back.

“You know, I don’t really mind a girl with a little attitude.” He said. I raised my eyebrows and asked, “How so?”

“It’s refreshing. A lot of the times I get chased down by girls who just want me for my name and to say they hooked up with ‘Kris Wu’. But every now and again I find a person who knows who I am and doesn’t care about titles. Like you.” I felt my cheeks start to get warm and he kept going. “Because you’re not even attracted to me… right?” I could have sworn his face got closer to mine.

“N-no? I mean. No. Not at all.”

“Yeah?” He inched even closer and I didn’t stop him.

“Yeah.” I gave up on playing hard to get and just kissed him. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back. He got off the bar stool and held my hips, picking me up into his arms.

“Come upstairs with me.” He said while catching his breath. “Lead the way.” He grabbed my hands and we rushed to the elevator. He pressed me up against the wall, kissing me passionately. When we reached his floor, Kris guided me to his suite, unlocked the door and we burst into the room.

I dropped my bag along with the rest of my clothes with Kris’s help and was brought back into his arms. He carried me to his massive king size bed and stood at the foot to strip off his clothes. I laid in the middle of the bed and watched him uncover his amazing body. I smirked to myself knowing my coworker would kill to be in my position.

“It’s such a shame they have you in that frumpy uniform. No one gets to see these sexy curves of yours. ” He crawled above me and gripped my thighs, pulling them apart. His lustful lips pressed to my inner thigh for an open-mouthed kiss.

He came up to my eye-level and kissed me while pushing himself inside of me with no warning. I moaned into his mouth and held his shoulders. His thrusts continued along with our heated make out. His tongue slipped past my lips, exploring my mouth and I just couldn’t get enough.

“Move your hips, baby.” I bucked my hips up and he moaned in my mouth. “Yes! Just like that.” His thrusts got faster as we both reached our climaxes, moaning and groaning into the air. I clenched around him and called his name over and over. His lips moved down to my neck, finding my sweet spot for an even more intense sensation.

I felt his back muscles ripple and relax as he came down from his high. He kissed my neck and laid next to me. “That was hot…” He said. I laughed at his comment and got up, giving him one more kiss.

“Well, as hot as that was, I’d better be going.” I got off the bed and gathered my clothes to get dressed.

Kris sat up and watched me with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. “Do you have to go now though?”

“Uhhhh, yeah. I don’t need to see any of my coworkers while I tiptoe out of here in the morning. I don’t need to have any witnesses on my walk of shame.” I finished putting my jeans back on and picked up my top.

“Fair enough.” Kris pulled me against his chest from behind and kissed my bare shoulder. “But I’m not ashamed of this at all.”

“That’s not what I meant. It’s just complicated.” I broke away and pulled my top over my head.

“No need to explain it.” He grabbed my wrist and spun me back into his strong arms. “But it would be nice to see you again. Are you free this weekend?”

“It just so happens that I am off this weekend,” I said with a smile. I picked up my bag and grabbed my phone, handing it to him.

“Great. How about dinner tomorrow. You can tell me all those horror stories about work.” He said, putting his number into my phone.

I laughed at him again and nodded. “That sounds good.” I leaned back in for a kiss and turned to leave. “See you tomorrow.”

“Yes, you will.”


Kris scenario – For your pleasure



genre: smut

Warnings: daddy!kink, feather-play 

“Do you trust daddy?” Kris’s voice could be heard throughout the room.

“Y-yes…” I had no other choice but to keep my eyes closed because of the blindfold. I felt Krist take hold of my wrists, cuffing them to the head f the bed. He placed a single kiss on my bare stomach and walked away, leaving me feeling sexually frustrated. The only thing I could use was hearing when he looked through the small closet on the other side of the room. I bit my lip, knowing he only goes in there for possible toys to use in bed.

I heard his footsteps get closer and shivers went up to my spine. My legs tensed when his fingertips ghosted over the exposed skin.

“I just love your body. All the little goosebumps that appear when I lightly touch you.” I felt the warmth of his breath tickling my ear as he spoke. “But what if there was something lighter than my touch. Would you still shiver? Would it still please my baby girl?”

I felt a soft feather running down my breasts and torso. My teeth bit down on my bottom lip, my hands gripping the restraints. The lower the feather got, the more tender I felt. Kris stopped right at my lower abdomen and went completely around my throbbing center, giving no attention to the area. My breaths were deep, my palms tingled. I just wanted more. I was completely at the mercy of Kris.

The feather went down my left leg, to my feet, and switched to my right leg, moving back up slowly. I squirmed and fidgeted with each movement. Every part of my body tensed when it was touched. My impatience started to become a problem once Kris pressed his free hand to my hip, stopping me from arching.

“Such a sensitive body. It’s amazing how a single feather can leave you wanting.”

“Daddy, please…” I wanted him. I needed him. I craved him. His hot breath covered the shell of my ear when he crept down beside me. The pads of his fingertips traced small designs down my stomach, applying the same amount of softness as the feather tickler did a moment ago. A dip in the bed had me thinking he was laying next to me. staring at my naked body while he teased me in the gentlest way possible.

“You want my fingers?” He asked. His lips pressed a tender kiss on my cheek and I softened my muscles. “Or my lips?” His hand slid to my other hip and he pulled me closer. My mouth opened with a quiet gasp. He was hard as a rock. “Or… Something else?”

I turned my head to the side, still unable to look him in the eye. “ I … I just want you… to fuck me.” His thumb swiped down my bottom lip, feeling the softness of it before trapping it between his sinful lips with a passionate kiss. I was so drawn to him that I lost it and moaned into his mouth. His smile was obvious, but I didn’t care. I had so many pent-up desires, I couldn’t stop my cries of pleasure if I wanted to.

Kris’s hand grabbed my breast, kissing me deeply. His tongue slipped into my mouth and all I wanted to do was touch him. It drove him crazy when I lightly dragged my nails down his back. It was the missing piece of our steamy moment that would never end. His strong hand went up to my side, brushing past my breast and toward my hand. A feeling of relief rained over me when I felt my restraints being loosened and taken off my wrists.

“You read my mind,” I whispered on his lips while taking off my blindfold. I held his head, continuing our kiss, but Kris had other plans. His lips moved down my body, kissing each of my sensitive spots. After the intensive teasing from the feather tickler, My skin felt hypersensitive. Each kiss gave me a rush of tingles. I inhaled sharply when he reached my wet center.

“You’re soaked.” He said in a low voice. Every word out of his mouth made me want to tear into him. “Maybe I should just edge you. Bring you close to you orgasm, but never being able to pull that trigger.” He pressed his thumb against my clit, massaging it. I squirmed and thrashed beneath him, begging for more. I reached down to hold his hand against my dripping center.

“Please, daddy,” I begged for mercy but knew it wouldn’t be given. Kris lowered his head between my legs and devoured me. My eyes went wide and I grabbed the back of his head with both hands, smothering him in my wetness. His hands gripped my wrists, pinning them down to my sides.

“Keep your hands to yourself if you want to cum.” He warned. I took another breath and tried to restrain myself from touching him. At this point, it was a test of self-control since I didn’t have the handcuffs to stop me.

Kris’s lips reattached to my aching core, licking and sucking my slit. My nails dug into the sheets and my thighs trapped his head. I was so close.


“Ask me nicely… Ask me to make you cum baby girl.” His voice almost sounded evil in the way he ordered me to beg for release from all the frustration.

“Please make me cum daddy. I’ll be a good girl from now on… I promise.” I was able to get the words out without whimpering or whining this time. Kris looked me in the eyes and finished what he started. My whole body shook when he plunged his long fingers into me, immediately finding my g-spot. I arched and screamed his name as loudly as I could. He pumped his sinful fingers in and out while kissing my swollen clit.

I turned my head to the side, remembering my vanity mirror was right there. I watched him guide me through my climax, his hands holding my hips while he worked my center.

With one last thrust of his fingers, I was brought back down. He kissed my slit again and climbed on top of me. “better?”

“Better,” I confirmed. I never thought a single feather would enhance our sex life so much, but you can’t knock it till you try it.


Kris drabble – My protective boyfriend



“You look nervous,” Kris said looking down at me. It was our first event together as a couple and he saw right through me.

“Yeah. I am a little.” I admitted. His hand gripped my knee, calming me down with his touch. He was invited to a fashion show for one of my favorite designers and Kris brought me as his date. We’ve been together for a few months, but the public only knew about it for the past week. I never really wanted a lot of attention, and Kris is completely supportive, but he knows I’ve been dying to see this designer for ages and it’s finally happening.

We pulled up to the event and the driver got out to open our door. Kris got out and turned to me. The cameras started flashing like crazy when the photographers noticed he had a plus-one. I looked down at myself and panicked a little. I was wearing a short cocktail dress and I didn’t want to reveal anything. Kris saw the look in my eyes and took off his jacket, shielding the bottom half of me as I got out.

I smiled at him and he draped his jacket over his shoulders and held my hand. I was nearly blinded by the lights and Kris quickly moved us to the entrance. We stopped to get a few pictures taken properly, and the press immediately started to question who I was.

“Kris! Kris who is this girl?!”

“Is she your girlfriend?!”

Kris nodded and looked at me. “Yeah. This is my girl.” He said with a smile. I loved to see the sparkle in his eyes. He was so protective of me. No one looked out for me the way he does.

“Kris can we get a few solo shots?!”

“Yeah! Just have her step aside really quick!”

My face fell and I lowered my head. I took a step back, but Kris grabbed my waist and pulled me into his side. “No. She’s not going anywhere.” He escorted me inside and my heart fluttered.

“Thank you for that,” I whispered to him. He turned and kissed the top of my head while we walked in and found our seats. I sat down and crossed my legs toward him. He rested his hand on my knee and looked around the room. I placed my hand over his and laced our fingers together. Even though there were hundreds of people at the show. I didn’t feel anxious or anything.

“Still feeling nervous?” He asked right before the show started. I shook my head and replied, “Not while you’re here.”


EXO reaction- painting their pregnant wife’s toenails


He thinks it’s adorable! He’d joke around the first couple of times, but he can’t help it!

“Aww, Jagiyah~ You can’t see your toes?”


He’ll do anything that makes you happy! Granted, you’ll have more polish on your toes than the actual nail.


He would be so proud of himself when he gets it right. Even though it was just a nude top coat, he’d be raving about it all day.


It’s apart of your daily routine! He never really minds helping you out, even though it may be a small task. You’d have to hold in your laughter though because we all know he’d have that extremely focused look on his face while he puts the polish on.


This sweetie couldn’t even hesitate. He will do whatever makes the mother of his child happy.


He’d be entertained at first, just watching you try and paint your toes yourself until he cuts in and help you out.He doesn’t want you to strain your self for pull a muscle trying to reach over your bump.

“Does baby like mommy’s toes?”


I see him just buying you a gift certificate to a spa. He’d try to paint them once and as soon as he screws up, he’ll just leave it to the pros.


He has an older sister, so I assume he knows his way around nail polish. (especially since he can apply lipstick perfectly). There’s about a 90% chance he’ll take a picture of your toenails if he does well.


“Do I have to?”

He will only do it if you promise to never tell a soul! No one would ever let him live if they knew how super soft he was for his wife.


He would give up halfway through the first toe, Needless to say, you’d just wear closed toe shoes for a while.

*LOL* “Sorry babe.”


Much like the other members with sisters, Kai is familiar with nail polish, but in this case, it’s not much help. He would be sitting there, bent over, laughing at himself. 


“Aaaand done!”

“Sehun! You missed both pinky toes.”

“They’re too small! I kept messing up.”

After a few seconds of marital bickering, you’d just settle for peep-toe flats.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Hunnie.”

EXO reaction – taking care of their sick S/O

requested by @catou1305

Lift a finger? I think not! He is right there beside you, feeding you, making you tea, running to the store for your medicine. He will require the absolute least from you. All you have to do is get some rest.


He is so worried about you! If he is away from you, he’d be the one calling twice a day to make sure you’re drinking lots of water and taking your medicine.


He’d be especially worried if you’re contagious. He would most likely wear a mask if it was a cold or something airborne. He’d still be affectionate and caring though. Kisses on the cheek, forehead, and neck, just not the mouth or nose.


“Junmyeonie it’s okay. I can go to the store with you if you want.”
“The only thing you have to do is get better.”
He’d tuck you into bed like a swaddled baby.  He hates seeing you miserable.


A gentleman at it’s finest. When you mention you’re canceling your date because of a sickness, he will want to just have a relaxing night in. Spending time with you is all he cares about.


He’s the one who is playing doctor for you to cheer you up. What’s the cure? 2 days in bed with him.


He is the most loving person ever! He will try loads of home remedies and never left your side. When you start burning up, he’s there to brush your hair back to cool you down and give you a cold towel to put on your forehead.


If your temperature drops, you’re getting big bear hugs all day long.  He will do everything and anything in his power to make you feel comfortable.


I see him tapping into his soft side when you get sick. Laughter is the best medicine in this case. He would stay up with you and watch comedies when you can’t get to sleep. After a while, you’ll both get so tired that you just fall over into each other’s arms


H would become oddly protective of you when you get ill. He wants you to steer clear from anything that can make you feel worse. He would have you wear a mask (matching his of course) when you go out to the store or to the doctor’s office.


“Jagiyah~ I told you to be careful when you go out. I’m coming over! don’t go anywhere!”

He’d start to feel guilty since he catches colds very easily too.


Let’s face it. If you have a sickness that can be spread through kissing… He has it too! You both would be laying next to each other on the couch drinking hot tea and eating soup while watching TV all day. Any regrets? NOPE!


EXO reaction – you teasing them under the table with the other boys there

He’d give you the “Are you serious?” look and almost panic until he realizes that no one is paying too much attention and gives you a suggestive smirk with lust in his eyes.

His cheeks are as pink as a flamingo! He is in shock that you chose now to be kinky.

You teasing would soon come to an end when he gets a tight grip on your thigh and you see the underlying tones of lust in his eyes. His fingers would trail up to your leg until he almost reaches where you want him most. He’d smirk and pull his hand away, giving you a taste of your own medicine.

The moment your finger tips graze his knee, he’d grab your hand and look you in the eye. You’d get the hint that now isn’t the time, but sure enough, you make him break into his dominant side when you get home.

This baby sheep would be so embarrassed. He wouldn’t be able to help the obvious erection. The only thing to do at that point is just not stand up. He’d look around the table to make sure no one notices what you’re doing.

One of two things can happen with this boy. He will either be so embarrassed and blushy that you both will get caught OR he will excuse you both from the table and take you home as fast as he can.

He is trying so hard not to laugh when you first start to tease, but as soon as you touch his favorite spot, his jaw is as clenched as can be. He wants you at home, in bed, asap

Your both busted AF. He would squirm and his face would say it all. The boys would look at him with confusion and he’d have no choice but to get you into the closest, private area.

Not amused at all. He would give you a look telling you to stop. If there were important people around, he wouldn’t be in the “adventurous” mood.

He is giving you all sorts of bedroom eyes. He is shockingly good at hiding his sexual frustration. He would try to figure out how to pull you closer without drawing any attention.

OH BOY! His lips would be wedged in his teeth as soon as he feels a hand on his thigh. He’d pull up his chair and lean back while your hands did the rest.

He is licking his lips about every three seconds. Unfortunately for you both, Suho would most likely catch on to what you’re doing and give you both a “mom glare”

How I think EXO would kiss their GF

requested by anon


pure and sweet

Both hands on your cheeks. He would give you small kisses and first and get more sensual from there. He likes the taste of your lips. He’d take your bottom lip between his and hold you close to his warm body. He’d eventually press his hands to your back and let you run your fingers through his hair.


soft and romantic

His hands would hold onto your waist while his head turns to one side. His lips would be the perfect balance of strong and soft. Keeping a flavored chapstick or gloss never hurts either. Just keep away from the ones with a sticky finish!


simply Steamy

His hands are all over. At first touch, he holds your jaw before trailing down your back and pressing you to him. He would prefer to have you wear a nice matte or lip stain when you go out so he can feel the softness and warmth of your lips.


oh so gentle
He thinks it’s cute when you shy away at first. He knows you’ll give in eventually and kiss him. His kiss would be his way of proving his love your you. He touches your face with a calm and loving brush of his thumb. His eye lashes would tickle your cheek bones every now and again. Like little angel kisses.


perfect every time

His delicate touch makes you feel like you’re all that matters to him. He has a way with his lips that make you want more. It’d be as if he always knew when he was going to get kissed. His lips are perfectly warm and soft.


puppy love

He’d love to see the smile on your lips as much s he love’s kissing them. His hand would cup your jaw when he kisses you. He loves giving you Eskimo kisses and pressing his lips to your cheek. He’d kiss your forehead from time to time if you’re in public.


Strong lips for days

A man with strong lips can easily make his girl feel a rush of love everywhere. Chen has that very same technique when he kisses you. His strong jaw would be trapped between your hands while his lips work on yours. His masculine hands could hold on to you so your knees don’t give away at the feel of his kiss.


Full of love

Whenever he kisses you, he wants you to know you’re the one he loves. He lets you hold/squish his cheeks and play with his hair when you’re missing him. He just grabs onto your hips and kisses you with everything he has. Afer a while he’ll slip his tongue in for a deeper kiss, but never in public.


Occasional but lingering

He isn’t one for a lot of affection but with you, he wants you to know he’s smitten. His soft plump lips will press to yours and every feeling he has for you will show. one hand will be placed on your hip, the other brushing back your hair.


tender and heartfelt

Even in times of passion, he will cup your cheeks and press his lips to yours softly. He wants you to feel cared for. He loves holding onto your body and letting his hands wander. Any time your lips even look soft, he wants to make sure 😉


Completely addictive

One kiss and you’re hooked! His full, plump lips would work on yours with so much love and passion. He likes to hold onto your hands and pull you in, swinging your arms around him and keeping you in place. Even when you two are spooning on the couch, he turns you over at any given moment and overtakes you with love.


As random as it gets

Neck, cheek, forehead, lips. He kisses wherever he wants. His kissing style is all about impulse. Is he feels like the moment is right, he takes it! He likes having that control and feeling wanted.

Kris scenario – 150 years



summary: Kris comes back to Canada to celebrate its 150th anniversary. turns out, he gets some life changing news.

“Don’t open it yet!” Kris scrambled around to find his phone while I sat on the couch with a little-wrapped box on my lap. He finally found it and turn his camera on.

“Okay go for it. I wanna see the look on your face.” He with a smirk. I quickly untied the ribbon and tore the wrapping paper off. When I open the box, I saw two plane tickets. I looked up at him with confusion and he nodded for me to look closer. Ottawa?

“You’re taking me to Ottawa?” I said in amazement. Kris ended the video and smiled at me, putting his phone on the table. I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tight. I couldn’t believe it.

“I’m taking you home, baby.” He said. We’d been living together in Bejing for almost 2 years now and I was starting to miss my home country. Kris knew I’ve been feeling home sick, especially with Canada day just around the corner. He picked me up and spun me around.
“I can’t believe this! You are incredible.” I said before kissing his soft lips.  I was so caught up in my smile that I didn’t realize a single tear left my eye. Kris wiped it away and kissed my cheek.

“I suggest you pack up now, our flight leave tomorrow. Bright and early, baby.” I squealed at his words and hugged him again. I couldn’t believe I was going to be able to be home for Canada Day. I hurried up the stairs and packed up my bag.

I started to feel a bit light headed so I figure I’ll just wait till the morning to pack the rest. I got into bed and turned off the bedside lamp. Kris pulled the both of us under the warm blanket and held me close to him, kissing my cheek softly until I fell asleep.


“Baby? Are you awake?”
“I am now. Is it morning already?”
“No, you were just tossing and turning a lot. Something on your mind?” I shook my head and tried to be still. I couldn’t tell Kris I was feeling ill lately. He would just worry. I was feeling under the weather, but not like an actual sickness or disease. Something was different. I was disgusted by foods I normally like and always wanting the most random of meals.

In the midst of my dream, I started to feel a knotting in my stomach and a lump in my throat. I ran to the bathroom and sure enough, I was sick. I quickly brushed my teeth and checked to make sure I didn’t wake Kris. He was still fast asleep. I grabbed my phone and looked up the symptoms I was feeling. They all had the same reason. Pregnancy.

My heart was pounding, but I had to remain calm. I’ll just take a test when we’re in Canada. After a few deep breaths, I quietly crawled back into bed. Kris rolled over and wrapped his arm around me with out waking up. I smiled at his reflex and tried to rest my eyes for an hour or two.

Kris’s phone went off sooner than I expected and he sprung up out of bed, ready to go on out impromptu adventure. I got up and packed the rest of my things. I still felt extremely nervous about finding out if I’m pregnant or not. I just tried to push it to the back of my mind and keep moving.

When we arrived at the airport we sat on the benches and waited for our group to board. Kris held my hand, lacing our fingers together and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

“You’re shaking. Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked. I hated worrying him, but I just can’t tell him yet and get his hopes up.

“Yeah, I’m just anxious to go back home.”

“Group A is now boarding. Group A please line up by the gate.” Kris and I got up and walked to the forming line and waited to have our tickets scanned. I followed closely behind him and got onboard. Luckily our flight was smooth and easy. We arrived in Ottowa in a little over 17 hours. We got off the plane, completely exhausted and Kris called a driver to take us to the hotel.

I had to distract Kris long enough to get a pregnancy test, but I don’t know how. I thought of different places he could go, but I needed an explanation. All the nerves and screaming started to give me a headache. That’s it! We got to the room and I laid out onto the bed. With Kris being as worried as he was, touched my head to check for a fever jokingly. He was stunned to actually feel some warmth.

“Okay, that’s it. What is wrong. I’m not taking ‘Anxious’ as an answer.” He said.

“I have a bit of a head ache and it started to get worse with the pressure on the plane,” I explained, lacing some of my truth with the lie.

“What do you need? Anything and it’s yours.” He said pressing his lips to my forehead.

“Well, there’s an ice cream shop a few minutes from here. Could you get me my favorite?” I said batting my lashes. Kris laughed and nodded.

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.” He said as he pulled his phone out to look up the location. He walked out the door, leaving me alone in the room. I waited about 30 seconds before I snuck out of the room and hurried to the pharmacy down the street. I hurried back to the hotel after buying a test and locked myself in the bath room.

“Two minutes. Two minutes. Two minutes.” I whispered. I froze when I hear Kris opening the door.

“I’m back! Baobei? Y/n where are you?” He called.

“In the bathroom!” I started to shake when I saw my timer count down the seconds, and then it was time. The moment of truth. I stared down at the test to see the little blue letters. PREGNANT.

I smiled ear to ear. I was so excited! Kris knocked on the door and I jolted, trying to get the cap back on the test before hiding it in my pocket. I washed my hands and opened the door. Kris handed me my ice cream and we walked out to the balcony, staring down at the city.

“Feeling better?” He asked. I nodded and smiled to him. We watched the sun start to set and the shadows engulfing the scenery until the lights came on through out Ottawa. I got anxious again when I saw the crowds gather around for the annual fireworks show. This was it. There was no better timing than right now. I reached for him and stirred up the courage.

“Kris? Have you ever thought of having kids?” I questioned. We have lightly touched the subject, but I knew he’s always wanted a family at some point.

“Of course. Maybe one or two and a pet would make three.” He said with a laugh. I tightened my grip on his and he asked, “Why do you ask?”

“I just- I- I want to be with you. For the rest of my life.” I said looking him in the eye.

“Is this a proposal?” He said with a smirk. I bit my lip and pulled out the pregnancy test with my other hand.
“Kinda,” I said shyly.

Kris looked down and his eyes went wide. His smile grew into a full grin and he stood up, lifting me into his arms. I could just feel the love in his hands. He crashed his lips into mine and we barely noticed the crowd cheering for the fireworks. Each one exploding in the air. Kris and I turned to watch the show until we settled back into our seats, still holding hands. He pulled my hand to his lips with a kiss.

“I love you, Baobei.”

“I love you too, Kris.”

The End