EXO reaction – Period stain

request: When you watch a movie together and you left to the toilet when you left he see on the couch a little blood (it’s your time of the month started) when you return you really embraced? 

He is a bit of a neat freak, so he’d feel a bit of a panic, but he wouldn’t be angry with you. He’d even offer to get you some feminine products to help.

“Oh, no. Baby~”
He would be very concerned about you. He knows how uncomfortable you get when it’s that time of the month so he wouldn’t draw too much attention to it. By the time you’d come back from the bathroom, the stain would be gone.

He’d be the one to knock on the bathroom door to check on you. “Baobei… It’s just a stain.” The last thing he wasn’t is to make you feel bad about yourself.

Our giggly puppy would find something amusing about the whole thing. Almost as if he were laughing his way through the awkwardness/discomfort. He wouldn’t be sure what to do or say.

He would put a change of clothes outside the bathroom door for you. Naturally, they’d be his big t-shirt and sweatpants, but he thinks you look cute in them! By the time you come back to finish the movie, he’d have pain medicine and a heating pad for the cramps.

Because he has a big sister, he’s no stranger to a girl’s monthly. He wouldn’t make anything of it. You two would go right back to normal… after you changed your pants.

He’d be the most freaked out, but he wouldn’t let it show. When you leave for the bathroom and he sees the stain on the couch, he’d go into a small, brief panic and try to get it cleaned up before you get back.

He also has a big sister so he wouldn’t be too worried about it. His focus would be on you. While you’re away, he tries to get rid of the stain. You wouldn’t think anything of it until he engulfs you in cuddles and kisses suddenly.

He would be a little tease. When you come back he’d start giving you the eye, like he knows something you don’t. He wouldn’t hold a grudge though, he’d just have his fun for a moment and move on from it.

(Mafia) EXO reaction – Their GF getting hit on

He’d be able to see the level of discomfort in your eyes and quickly take action. He would butt right in, holding your waist to establish what is his. In seconds, you both would be in the car, heading home for a refresher of how a real man can treat you 😉


“You clearly have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
Suho would take you to a private area while the other members of the gang… take care of the guy who hit on you. No one flirts with the boss’s girlfriend and gets away with it.


He’s never one to show PDA, but he would certainly start to leave a few visible marks when you two are getting intimate from then on. Seeing you with another man is enough to have him turning primal.


“Take him out."He’s said to his henchmen
He may not look tough, but he has connections. He’d be escorting you out while his newest enemy "Gets what he deserves”.


He leaves you alone with your “old friend” for five minutes and comes back to him with his hand on your knee. His jaw would lock up as he walks over to you, grabs your waist, pulls you close and stared your little guy friend down.
“Trust me, you need to steal my girl like you need a hole in the head.”


All you would see is the guy’s eyes going wide and in a flash, he’s down. Out cold. As the muscle of the gang, Chanyeol strikes first and asks questions later. You’d leave the club on his arm like his trophy.


The second the bartender hands you a free drink, he would swoop in and pour it out. Satansoo is officially activated.
“I wish someone would buy my girl a drink” he’d say through gritted teeth.


He would be eye-balling the guy all through your date. He’d be holding your hand, kissing your cheek, and any kind of little touches until the creep gets the hint.


When he catches the bouncer checking you out he’d be very on edge. But the second he hears him giving you a cheap pick up line, Sehun would have him in the unemployment line.


Chanyeol scenario – The bodyguard

Not requested (but the member was voted on)

Genre: angst, SMUT, forbidden romance, bodyguard!au

Summary:  As a world-famous actress, your management has decided that it’s a good time for you to bring a little romance into your life, but unfortunately, nothing about it is real. Over time you grow tired of faking your romantic life and become frustrated with the pressures of the media and your team. But there is one person you can always count on to free you from the golden chains you’ve been given: Park Chanyeol, head of security (feat. Lay/Yixing)

“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” The chanting could be heard throughout the building. I never once thought that a film like this would be so popular. Of course, we all hoped for the best, but as soon as the movie went international, I was being asked to go to several fan events.

I walked down the hallway with my assistant by my side, as always. Just before we could turn the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks, nearly colliding with my manager.

“Oh, there you are. Okay, so after this signing everyone will pile into the theatre and watch the film.

"Mhmm.” I nodded.

“Do you want to go out for dinner or order in at the hotel?” He asked.

I thought about it for a second and came to an obvious conclusion. “Order in. I already know I’ll be exhausted later.”

“Alright. And then tomorrow you have an appearance with Yixing.” As soon as he finished his sentence, I rolled my eyes.

“How long do I have to keep this up?” I asked him. He pulled me aside, shushing me and looking around to make sure no one heard it.

“He has a come back in a month. After that, we can discuss it.”

“Discuss it? It’s not even real!” I argued.

“Shhhh! Listen to me. It’s not like you two are going to get married or anything. Just keep the charade going for now and I promise you it’ll be over soon.”

“You said that after the first month… It’s now been eight…” I crossed my arms and my assistant went wide-eyed. She was new to all of this, but she still knows what’s really going on.


“Entrance is clear. Ready when you are.” Chanyeol came out, holding his earpiece and I nodded.

“Great. Let’s do it.”

“No! Wait!” My manager tried to bring me back to finish his lecture, but I don’t want to hear it.

Yixing mentioned one time that he had a crush on me, next thing I knew, I was being pulled into my manager’s office and Here we are today. Yixing is a nice guy and all, but we are all wrong for each other. For one thing, we’re both busy all the time because we have careers to focus on. I can’t be in a relationship with a guy who barely makes time for me. I was frankly shocked that he even agreed to this fake relationship.

Throughout the signing, I was pelted with questions about Yixing. I just smiled as always and said “We’re doing great. We’re so happy. He’s just the sweetest.” I hate lying to them. they are all going to go on to find and probably already are with the love of their lives and I’m faking it with a guy I probably see once a month. We don’t have dates, we have appearances. We don’t call each other because we miss each other, we do it to schedule our next ‘appearance’.

One by one my fans came up to the table handing me all sorts of merchandise from the movie but every now and again I would receive ‘couple gifts’ for me and Yixing to share. Anything from matching bracelets, to stuffed toys. A part of me felt bad, but I knew that if I really was in a relationship with someone I actually liked, my fans would still be there.

The signing soon came to a close. I waved to the crowd on my way out, giving love to each one of them. The second I was behind the curtain, my manager was waiting for me with a glare.

“Problem?” I asked.

“Yes, Y/n. I do have a problem. I’d like to explain why but something tells me you’re just going to ignore m-”

“Y/n, they’re ready for you at the valet.” Chanyeol came over, interrupting my manager and my assistant held back a giggle.

Instead of sticking around and listen to my manager vent about me to my face, I followed Chanyeol to the front entrance. I walked past cheering fans, giving them a little wave as I walked by. I wasn’t even paying attention when I stepped onto the curb and nearly fell. Everyone in the crowd gasped, but I was stopped in mid-trip by a pair of strong arms. Chanyeol lifted me upright and I turned to thank him.

“No worries. Just be careful.” He walked me to the car with his hand on the small of my back, making sure I wouldn’t fall again.

Chanyeol helped me into the car and circled around to get in the front seat. A few security guards guided us out of the lot safely and we were off to the hotel. My phone started blowing up with messages from my manager, trying to get me to ‘hear him out’… his words. There was no way to spin it. Even though I’m an actress by profession, I want to keep my private life real. I texted him back, telling him we can just discuss it later. I shoved my phone into my purse, shutting out the virtual world and getting back to reality.

“Is there a certain type of food that you want for dinner? I can have you assistant fetch it for you.” Chanyeol offered.

“I’m not sure. I’ve honestly lost my appetite.” I crossed my arms as I spoke.

“Y/n, you have to eat something. I know you only had breakfast today. That was almost seven hours ago.” He reminded. I know he was just being his caring self, but I just didn’t want any fancy hotel food.

I looked out the window, looking at nothing until I saw a fast food sign. “Ooo!” I thought out loud. Chanyeol craned his neck to match my gaze and pulled into the drive-through.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Yes, can I get a large order of fries and a large cola.” He said into the speaker.

“Chanyeol!” I said with an amused smile. If my manager knew I was cheating on my diet in the middle of a press junket, he would lose his mind.

We pulled up to the window to pay and my phone started to blow up again. I turned around and saw my manager in the car behind me, throwing a complete tantrum while holding his phone to his ear. I laughed and faced forward. Chanyeol handed me my fries and drink before getting back on route to the hotel.

I enjoyed my little treat while Chanyeol drove. A little part of me could have sworn he stole a few glances of me in the mirror. By the time I finished, we arrived. Chanyeol got out before I did and ushered me into the building. We went straight to the elevators without stopping and I pulled out my room key. All I needed at this point was some peace and quiet.

I never understood why I need to be surrounded by managers and assistants all the time. I felt so suffocated and patronized when my manager scolded me. My assistant has only been around for a few months, so she’s still following me around like a lost puppy.

Chanyeol’s the only person on my team both literally and figuratively. He’s around to protect me and he completely understands me. It’s like he reads my facial expressions. When my manager is being annoying, he butts in and saves the day, when I want a break from protein shakes and salads, he gets me some fries and a soda. We walked up to my hotel suite and Chanyeol stopped outside the door as I walked in.

“I’ll be back later tonight to check in. Text me if you need me alright? I’m right next door.” He said.

“I will. Thanks again for the food. I know it’s small and petty, but I really appreciate it.”

“Of course.” He smiled and gave me my privacy.

I closed the door behind me and took a breath. But just as I started feeling relaxed, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and my manager made his way in without a word.

“Yes. Please come in.” I said.

“Look, I know things aren’t really ideal with Yixing, but that’s no reason to just ignore me and shut me out. You’re better than that.” He started imminently. The only thing to do was just get comfortable. “I called his management and they agreed that this little lie can come to an end one month after his comeback.”

“No,” I stated plainly. “I’m not doing his anymore. I’m not going to ‘appear’ with him tomorrow or any other day unless it’s genuinely business related.”


“No! Do you have any idea how isolating this has been for the both of us? The poor guy can’t get a real girlfriend even though women are throwing themselves at him. And then there’s me. I can’t stand these lies and betrayals. I feel like a puppet, playing along with whatever management wants to see.”

“I hear you. I really do, but it’s going to look suspicious if you two break up after he just tweeted all those cute things about you.”

“Those weren’t his words and you know it.” said crossing my arms. “I’m so exhausted with all of this. I just want out.” My voice went weak as I tried holding back tears of frustration.

My manager sighed, nodding his head and gave in. “Let me make some calls and we can just hash this out tomorrow. Get some sleep and we’ll start fresh in the morning, okay?” I know he was trying to make me feel better, but all I could do was give a nod in agreement. “Sweet dreams.”

The door closed and once again I heard a knock. I groaned as I stood up, wiping my tears and tried to collect myself before answering. To my surprise, Chanyeol was on the other side, holding my purse.

“Hey, you left this in the-… Are you crying?” His expression softened.

I couldn’t even come up with a lie. I lowered my head and let him in. He helped me to the couch, letting me sit down and set my purse on the table.

“What did he say?” Chanyeol asked.

“It wasn’t what he said. It’s what he’s going to say later. I’m trapped in this fake relationship with Yixing with no way out. I can’t make any decisions for myself and… I don’t know. Some days I don’t want to be me.” I wiped my tear and sniffed.

Chanyeol laid his hand on my back, rubbing up and down to soothe me. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I know it’s hard for you, but it will pass. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen.”

He did have a point, but right now all the drama is weighing me down. I leaned into him, needing a hug and he immediately wrapped me in his arms. His had rested on top of mine to comfort me.

“Thanks, Chanyeol. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” We pulled away and I smiled when he wiped another tear away. “You’re the only person I trust.”

“Y/n…” He said in a soft voice. “I would do anything… to make you happy.” His hand remained on my cheek, stroking it gently. I looked him deep in the eyes, watching the sincerity grow.

We didn’t give it a second thought. He slowly pressed his warm pink lips against mine and I kissed him right back. I scooted closer to him, wanting to feel his hands on me. We sat there for a while, living in the heat of the moment. I flung my arms around his neck, eliminating any space between us. He grabbed my leg, lifting me onto his lap to straddle him and stood up.

Chanyeol walked us to the bedroom without breaking our kiss. I felt like I was floating him his big, strong hands. I moaned against his mouth when I landed on the soft sheets. Chanyeol broke away, looking down at me with wonder in his eyes.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered. I sat up, unbuckling his belt and pants, sliding them down his legs. He cupped my cheeks, bringing my lips back to his. He pulled his shirt off before climbing on top of me. He stripped me of my clothes while I kissed his addictive lips. We knew this was wrong, his job was vulnerable at this point, but as long as we had this moment, nothing outside the hotel room door mattered.

“Mmm~” I hummed.

Chanyeol Kissed down my naked body, paying special attention to my breasts. I let out a shaky breath as his wet mouth moved down my stomach, to my pelvis, and finally landing on my inner thighs, kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin.

“Chanyeol~” I ran my fingers through his hair, guiding him to where I needed him the most.

“That’s it, baby. Show me where you want my mouth. Moan for me.” His hot lips surrounded my clit, sucking lightly before licking my folds.

“Right there! Oh, god. Just like that.” I pressed his head between my thighs, holding him in place while he ate me out.

My legs went weak and I started to squirm. I was so close to my release, but I wanted to feel him inside me, stretching me out, pounding into me. I relaxed my thighs and tried to cup his cheeks to pull him up. Chanyeol took a hold of my wrists, staring up at me in protest.

“No, baby. I want you to cum on my tongue. Feel my fingers, thrusting in and out. I’m not gonna stop. Cum for me!” His fingers plunged into me without warning.

I didn’t try to stop him. I just laid back and let my climax build up inside me until a rush of intense pleasure surged through my body, covering my skin in goosebumps. I arched my back and Chanyeol licked me clean, savoring the taste of my essence.

I was too weak to move, all I could do was smile as he came up to kiss me, letting me taste myself on his velvety lips. He laid next to me, pulling the covers over the both of us and stroking my hair.

“Y/n.” He said softly.

“Yeah…” I replied as I started to drift.

“I love you.” Those three little words were enough to have me smiling in my sleep. The last thing I remembered was his soft lips pressing to my forehead with a goodnight kiss.

The next morning, I opened my eyes and stretched out on my bed. I turned my head when I realized that there was supposed to be someone next to me. I sat up, looking around the room in search for Chanyeol. My gaze landed on the space next to me. On the pillow was a small note and a room key.

Good morning, Jagi. I had to get up early for a security check. Come next door if you need me.

I got out of bed, dressed in my PJs and took both room keys as I went out into the hallway. I knocked on Chanyeol’s room and unlocked the door.

“Chan?” I stepped inside, looking for him and spotted a tall figure stepping out of the bedroom.

“Oh, hey. You’re up early.” He walked over to me with a smile so bright, it made the sunlight seem dim. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him sweetly.

“The bed felt a little cold,” I said with a pout.

He kissed me again and said, “I’m sorry, Jagi. I just don’t want to ruin anything by getting caught.” He kissed my nose and sat down on the couch. I took a seat on his lap and gave him another kiss. “You seem awfully affectionate this morning.”

“I just like your lips. Mwah~” I never knew how he did it, but his lips alway’s looked so perfectly plump and soft. Now that I got a taste of them, I didn’t want to stop.

“Well, As much as I adore your kisses, I have to take a shower.” Chanyeol got up, lifting me off his lap and setting me down on the other side of the couch.

“Why can’t I join you?” I asked. He froze before turning back to me. I smirked at him and he gave me a look that read ‘Are you serious?’

“you want to join me?” H asked

“Yeah.” I got off the couch and strutted toward him, raising my arms and draping them on his shoulders. “I feel bad. You made me feel good, but I couldn’t return the favor.”

“Y/n, I can assure you that last night was the best I’ve felt in a long time.” He kissed my forehead and held my hands. He looked me in the eyes, thinking for a second and smirked. “Tell you what. You can join me, but we actually have to get clean. I don’t want to be the reason you’re late.”

I nodded in agreement and he led me to his bathroom, bringing me in for a kiss when the door closed. My hands instantly went under his shirt, touching his strong, powerful body. He got rid of his top, stripping himself of his pant while he was at it. By the time we were both naked, he turned on the water while I kissed his long neck. 

The water started cascading down and Chanyeol helped me in first. He closed the shower door and smothered me in kisses. The echoes of my giggles bounced off the tile walls. I took a hold of his puffy cheeks and kissed his lips sweetly. His hands explored my wet, naked body, landing on my lower back. I took a hold of the loofah, pouring a little soap on it to form a suds and helped him get clean. I kissed around his collarbones after the water washed away all the little bubbles.

But like all good things, our shower had to come to an end when we heard a loud knock at the door. We looked at each other with sheer panic. Chanyeol turned off the water and quickly grabbed two towels for us.

“Stay here. Don’t make a sound.” He ordered. I nodded as he walked to the front door to see who was there.

“Y/n didn’t answer her door. Do you want to check it out?” One of the other security guards asked.

“Yeah, I’ll check, just give me a few minutes. Head downstairs and see if she went to get some breakfast for something. I’ll call you if I find her.” Chanyeol said.

The door closed and he came back to the bathroom. He smiled at me amusingly and pulled me in for another kiss. I tried to take his towel off, but he stopped me.

“No, baby. We need to get you back to your room before anyone gets more suspicious.” He took my hand and walked me back to the bedroom to collect my clothes.

“Boo~” I whined.

Chanyeol handed me a robe and  I wrapped myself up before scurrying back to my room to change into proper clothing. A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and saw Chanyeol through the peephole. I opened the door and pulled him in.

“Miss me?” I asked.

“Ha ha.” He said sarcastically. “Apparently Yixing’s people aren’t too happy about your breakup idea. They want to have a phone meeting in your manager’s room, now.”

“Are you kidding me? I’m not some kid who can be bossed around. After everything that’s happened, I can’t just keep faking a relationship. I want something real… With you.” I confessed.

Chanyeol brought me into his arms, holding me close and kissed the top of my head. “I know, baby. I want this too.”

“I love you Chanyeol. Not him.” I said. “I’m not going to budge on this. these lies can’t go on anymore.”

We broke away and Chanyeol squeezed my hands. I took a deep breath and he opened the door for me, walking with me down the hall until we reached my manager’s room. I knocked on the door and looked at Chanyeol. He smiled at me, giving me some hope before the door opened and we stepped inside.

To be continued…

EXO reaction (?) – C*m face


Our soft kitten boy. He would be fairly silent up until his climax. His mouth would fall open and his soft grunts would spill out. His head would come back to kiss and gently nibble on your neck. He would love the way your fingers comb and tug on his hair while you cum.


Get ready for rough-daddy Suho. He would bear down with all his strength to keep his thrusts in sync while he cums. He wants his baby satisfied. Walking after sex would be out of the question with those wobbly legs.


Long breathy moans would fall out of his mouth. I’d imagine his strokes would go from slow and smooth to quick and harsh. A thin layer of sweat would form around his forehead and neck, making the little veins glisten.


Very vocal. He’d try to suppress it the first few times, but let’s be honest, guy moans are wildly hot. He is definitely a biter (Sehun can vouge for that). He’d nibble your neck and shoulder when he finishes deep inside you.


I envision him to very handsy and breathy with his moans. He is certainly a romantic. He’d be whispering sweet nothings between his moans, praising you, worshiping your body, kissing you. You would be his pampered princess.


… WHere to begin with my ultimate bias… His growls in your ear would be enough to climax in 0.2 seconds. His lazy kisses on your jaw and neck, a few nibbles to mark his territory. Best of all, his big strong arms would flex with every rough thrust.


His eyes would be squeezed shut, his moans would be very faint and low. He’d most likely bite his lip to keep from letting his mouth hang open as well.


His dancer hips would have him at an advantage. His long, deep thought would remain in sync while he cums inside you. I have a feeling he would be fairly vocal with his moans, making it known that you feel amazing around him.


This one is a tough call. I don’t think he would make very much noise but he’s a definite lip biter. He’d nuzzle his head into your neck and let out a few small whimpers. Lots of post-sex kisses!


EXO reaction – their GF getting shy/cute after her first time

You really would be his baby girl. He’d snuggle you up close and kiss your temple since odds are, you’d be too shy to make eye contact. You’d fall asleep with him gently stroking your back.


“Baby, don’t be shy.”
He’d pull you on top of him, give you a little Eskimo kiss and try to ease your nerves. He’s certainly the type to hum a tune as you fall asleep too.


He would be a shy little sheep prince. He’d just have you turn over and spoon you for a while. That way he can hold you without you having to see how red his face is.


He would be giggling like a little girl. He thinks you are the absolute cutest when you’re shy. He’d go from being a passionate, sensuous lover to a playful puppy in a second.


He would honestly think he hurt you or thought you weren’t ready. He’d feel so guilty until he realizes you’re just shy. He understands you vulnerable, but he’d love seeing your cute side.


Speaking of puppy love! This boy lives for a cute moment. He’d try to uncover your face from your hands and pull the blankets away to hold you closer. You’d literally be engulfed by his love for you. Besides, who doesn’t want to be surrounded by those ARMS?!


He’d let you kinda “get your shyness out”. Meaning he would wrap you in the covers while you hide your face and smile at you lovingly. But when you fall asleep, he’d pull the blankets away to get a look at your sleeping angel face.


This baby bear would get shy because you’re shy. He’d do that cute thing when he scrunches up like a little turtle when you hug him.


100% he would cover his face in his hands the moment you get shy. He’d try to give of confidence with a smirk, but inside he’s all giddy. By the time you both get settled and relaxed, he’d want to hold your hand and give you a few soft kisses.


EXO reaction – C*mming inside their GF for the first time


Request: Yay requests are open!! My request is exo reaction to their girlfriend telling them to cum inside her?


The moment you mention that you don’t want to use condoms, he’d let you get away with your wildest desire.  He’d be open to anything at that point. almost like a reward for letting him fill you.


Honestly, he’d probably feel a bit worried. He wouldn’t want to have an unexpected pregnancy, but when he feels you around him for the first time, all that fear would melt away.


“Fuck, you’re so sexy.”

Such a turn on for him! He’d be overjoyed that he doesn’t need to pull out or lower his pleasure by using a condom.  


You two would most likely go for a couple rounds. The first time having sex without condoms would both turn him on and make things… escalate a bit too quickly.  But he’s a Taurus man, they’re known for heir stamina 😉


At first, he’d be asking you over and over if you certain about it. But as things progress and he knows you’re completely fine with him cumming inside you, he’d leave the hesitations behind. 


He would hate having to pull out and he wouldn’t be able to really feel your wetness while using condoms so cumming inside you would be like his one true kink.

Sidenote: my one true kink is this boy’s damn NECK


I actually think he’d be like Xiumin. Letting him cum inside you would turn him on so much, he’d probably let you be the dom. Either way, he wins.


It’s like the gate of heaven open up. The moment he hears you say “Cum inside me”, he is seeing stars. His thrusts would become so powerful like- asdfghjkl! It would get insense…


He would make sure you had the best orgasm of your life. He wants you to enjoy it as much, if not more than he does.

EXO reaction – Back dimples


He would notice them very late in the relationship. He’d be checking you out as you reach up to grab something off the top shelf and when your shirt rived up, there they are.




He finds them absolutely adorable. His favorite thing ever is when you’d wear your low rise jeans. It’d make it easy to just take you by the hips and press his index fingers into you dimples.



You’d poke his cheek dimples, he pokes your back dimples.  Every time you stand in front of him, he’d be poking at them. He’d push his thumbs into your dimples and wrap his hands around your hips, holding you in place in front of him. Just like a cute little habit.



He loves exploring your body anyway, but your dimples would be the center of his attention. He’d lay on his back with you laying on your stomach above on top of him. He’d lift your shirt, high enough to see the little dimples he loves so much, and kiss the top of your head while his fingertips graze up and down your back.



I see him finding out in a really funny way. While the two of you are kissing and he suddenly feels two little dimples in your back, he’d get all worried.
“Woah! You have holes in your back!”
“No, Jongdae they’re just dimples…”



Oh, boy… This boy! He would think your dimples are the hottest things ever. His mind would go from clean to dirty in 0.2 seconds when he saw them. He’d love it when you were on top of him just so he could feel your dimples while you grind on him. 



He’d be secretly obsessed with them. You’d catch him checking you out when your standing in front of him or feel him poking at them while he thinks your asleep. Just the sight of them makes him smile, and who can resist a cute penguin smile?



There is no way you could be sexier in his eyes. His hands would have a go-to spot when he holds you close.  Whenever he’d get bored, you can bet he’s either playing with your hair or poking at you dimples. He’s honestly the type to give you a back rub for the sole purpose of touching your back dimples.



He’d be entranced by them. When he first spots them he’d wonder, 

“Do I have those?”

“No, Hunnie, you don’t…”

“Boo~” *pout*


Lay scenario – Moonlight

Requested by anon

Summary: Being an unclaimed mate can cause a lot of tension and mistrust, but there is only one way to fix that and with the help of the full moon signaling the start to the mating season, remaining an unclaimed mate just isn’t an option.

Genre: angst, smut

warnings: rough sex, biting

The rules to mating in the werewolf world are fairly simple. Mates are chosen before birth by the moon goddess. After their sixteenth birthday, mates know who he or she is ment to be with at the very first sight and often know when they smell the sweetness of their mate. With that said, two mates can be mated without actually having sex. During mating season, however, it’s virtually impossible for mates to resist each other under the lustful power of the full moon. During which time a mate can be marked, thus making each were off limits from anyone else. But with all simple rules come complex exceptions.

From the moment I set eyes on Yixing, it was like everyone else was hidden under the shadow of his radiant shine. He was a lone wolf who saved the life of our beta and therefore was welcomed with open arms. After thinking it there was something wrong with me since I tried to find a connection with the eligible weres in our pack since I turned sixteen but had no luck. It has been years since I gave up on the thought of finding my mate, and low and behold, there he was.

I would have ran to him like a love blind girl if I knew anything about him, but I felt so timid. I was terrified that he would reject me, but instead, he walked right up to me with a small whisper, “My mate.”

Since then I was like putty in his hands. He is so caring and warm. I found it so cute, the way he would smile when he was shy. He was surprisingly very pure and naive.  He would always offer to come out with me when I took my nightly walks. We’d talk about anything from his love of music to my love of reading romance stories. It was strange that I didn’t have to know him all my life and yet I feel so safe with him. We were clearly mates in every respect. Anyone could tell from a mile away and yet Because we were unmarked. There was still room for others to weasel him away.

Yixing is very charming a never denies others in need, which gave the ill-mannered girls in the pack perfect reason to fake a problem that ‘only he could solve’. It makes my blood boil when I saw him with another girl. He’s mine! I’m the one who should be making him blush and flatter him with flirty comments, not some girl who doesn’t care about the rules of mating. He was too much of a nice guy to just tell them to back off and his shy resistance was only ignored and followed by more kittenish comments about how handsome he is.

Over time our night walks became something I did alone again. I would go around the edge of the lake in the woods and just get lost in my own thoughts. I was on the brink of falling for him completely, but there was just this one thing stopping me. Why isn’t he telling them to leave him alone? Do they even understand that he’s mated with someone else?

This whole thing was so frustrating. I just wanted to push him against a wall and kiss him with everything I had. No! pin him to the bed. No! What if I tied him up to the bed? God, Y/n! What is Wrong with you?! My heart was pounding like crazy. I had myself all worked up. I felt my bones jolted, my muscles vibrate and soon enough, I shifted.

I looked at my self in the reflection of the water and sighed when I saw my light brown fur waft in the breeze. My eyebrows frowned when I saw the moon’s reflection as well. It was much larger than usual, but I didn’t know why.

“Wait,” I said to myself. “Mating season.”

I heard the stories of mates who see the shine of the moon, but not the way everyone else sees it. I sighed and saw another figure near the edge of the lake. I could see their light brown eyes looking back at me as they sauntered over. It was a fellow werewolf, but not one that I’ve seen. He took the form of a wolf as well, but I wasn’t sure who he was, so I kept my guard up.

“Hello.” He said in a dark, husky voice.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Honey, I’m whoever you want me to be.”

I backed away slowly as he tried to come closer. With the large moon affecting me, I didn’t want to appear weak under his foul attempt of flirtation.

“I think you should leave now. This isn’t your territory.”

“I don’t abide by any territory rules. They always get in the way of me finding a lovely little thing like yourself.” He leaned close and sniffed my fur. I scoffed at him, but he didn’t get the hint.

"Come on sweetheart. Why don’t you show me that pretty face of yours? As beautiful as you are in wolf form, I have a feeling we’ll both feel more comfortable once were… humanized.” I couldn’t be more disgusted by him. He was trying to get me to sleep with him, but I had enough.

“Leave. Now!” The sound of my booming bark echoed throughout the trees.

He only found my sudden outburst amusing and walked circles around me instead. I quickly turned to face him when he came closer to my backside and growled. I showed my teeth and readied my attack position, hoping he would just back off, but he didn’t give up. He raised his head and puffed out his chest, showing his dominance and I started to regret even coming out here.

“We don’t need this to get ugly, do we?” He said. I felt a panic as I looked around for a fast way out of this.

Just then. He was tackled to the ground by another wolf. I stood up tall as I watched the two thrash and bite until only one prevailed. I gasped when I saw Yixing rise in triumph with his black fur blowing in the wind. The other wolf scampered away and my mate looked at me with red eyes.

I’ve seen him in his wolf form plenty of times, but never like this. He walked toward me and nodded in the direction of civilization. He stayed by my side as we went back home without a single word. When we were out of the woods, we shifted into our human forms and entered our house, feeling the tensions between us strengthen by the second.

Yixing closed the door behind him with a slam and I reluctantly faced him, prepared for whatever he was going to say. His eyes strangely didn’t change back into the brown color that I’m used to. Instead, they remained the dark red just like when he takes shape as a wolf.

“You sill have your wolf eyes,” I told him. He replied with a smirk and said, “So do you.”

He walked closer to me with such a domineering look in his eyes and I backed up until I was against the wall. He continued his slow pursuit until we were inches apart.

“Just tell me one thing.” He said staring me down. “What were you thinking going out alone on the first night of the mating season. Lone wolves don’t follow normal mating rules. He doesn’t need to feel any type of way toward you and still mark you as his.”

“I didn’t know. You were too… busy, so I just went alone.” I started to get annoyed by him.

“That’s just it, Y/n. I wasn’t busy enough to be with you. You are my mate just as much as I am yours.”

“You have a funny way of showing it.” I shot back. His eyes narrowed at my feisty comeback and he grabbed my hips, slamming me against the wall.

He brought his nose close to my neck with a long breath in. “How can someone so delicate still make me want to ravish her right here and now?”

 He touched all the way up to my cheeks and smiled. “All this time I was scared of being too rough with you, but judging by the glimmer in your eyes, I think you prefer me this way.” He pressed himself against me and my head fell back with a muffled moan. He left a single kiss on the side of my jaw, Right where the usual mark of a mate is planted. My hands moved up his mighty arms, wrapping them around my waist.

“I want you, Yixing.”

He held me close, lifting me up, coiling my legs around him and walking us into the other room. I pulled off his top, throwing it to the floor and tangled my digits in his hair. His scent grew strong as he released me onto our huge bed and stripped out of his bottoms. I copied him and tore off my own clothes until we both attacked each other’s naked bodies.

He licked and sucked my breasts while I grinded my hips on his robust thighs. My whimpered only fueled the fire of our lust and Yixing pinned me down before slamming into my soaked center. I screamed his name, pulling him down for a heated kiss, but he resisted.

“Don’t try and mute your moans baby. I want the whole pack to know who you belong to. Every last inch of you is mine. Mine!” He said with a rough thrust. “Say it!”

“I’m yours! All yours!” As and reward, he kissed my sweet spot while his fingers rubbed my clit. The sensation was otherworldly. There was nothing else even remotely like it. I called his name with a shaky moan and he didn’t try to stop me from cumming first.

“Cum, Y/n. God your skin is so sweet. Enough to make me sink my teeth into it.”

My eyes widened as my orgasm rocked my body. Yixing revisited the side of my neck, nibbling on the spot before biting down, breaking the skin and finally marking me as his. His warm cum filled me as I rode out my high with him, breathing heavily as we came back down.

He pulled out slowly and got up on his knees looking down at his mark on my neck. I kept my head turned to the side while he leaned down and kissed my neck gently.

His eye color returned back to the warm brown I loved so much. He laid down next to me and I had another thought. It’s one this for him to claim me as his, but what about me? I looked at him with a sensual glare. I rotated onto my stomach, holding my head up on my hands with a loving smile.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Nothing. Just one thing that was lost in all the excitement.” I snapped into action and climbed on top of him. “You are mine.”

“I know that.” He said.

I rolled my hips on his, letting him feel just how wet I still was and his eyes rolled back with a groan. I leaned down, almost kissing him again before whispering, “Prove it.”

Another side effect of the mating season: Stamina that can keep you going for days at a time.


Lay scenario – Spy vs Spy


Not requested

Genre: Action, angst, forbidden romance, smut

Mission: Return the flash drive to HQ, by any means necessary.

There were too many people here. Garden parties shouldn’t be littered with hundreds of people no matter how wealthy the host is. I had to find my suspect somehow, but I can’t get past all these damn people! I moved off to the side of the garden and turned to press the button on my earpiece.

“Eagle eye. Give me a 20.” I said quietly.

“Staircase. White suit. Black hair.”

I looked to the staircase and spotted him. “Got him.” I walked closer and realized who it was. And to make matters worse, he knew who I was too. My heels clicked against the cobblestone path as I came up behind him and he looked up and the reflective sculpture in front of him while he fixed the position on his watch.

“Y/n.” He turned to face me. “What a delicious surprise.” He said with a wink.

“Charmed as always, Yixing,” I replied sarcastically.

“So what brings you to the party? Business or pleasure?”

“Pleasure, actually.” I lied. “I’m a friend of the hostess.”

“How nice. You still manage to  have time to socialize.” He said with a snarky look in his eyes. “Care to dance.”

“Y/l/n, We have confirmation that he has the flash drive.” The man in my ear said.

“I’d love to,” I said taking his hand.

He led me out into the middle of the floor and took me by the waist. We stayed in the middle of the crowd of guests as he pulled me in closer.

“We haven’t been this close in a long time.” He whispered.

“Enough of the pleasantries, Yixing. You know why I’m here.”

“Of course, you specifically.” He rolled his eyes and decided to entertain me with flattery. “Let me guess. Cheif thought you would show up here tonight and I’d be so captivated by your beauty that I’d just give into your every demand.” He pulled back to look at me. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t have what you want, so why don’t we just enjoy each other’s company and reminisce about old times. It’s the civil thing to do.”

“I think our civil behavior took a turn after you went rogue and almost had me and hundreds of others killed,” I said.

“Okay. I’m only going to tell you this one last time. You and I were set up that day. If you knew half of the things that went on in HQ, you’d be gone in a heartbeat. Chief himself has done enough to make a demon blush.”

I saw the look in his eyes, they way they changed into a lighter brown when he was vulnerable and honest. But how could I believe him?

There was a time when I would have taken a bullet for him and he would do the same for me. We were the top spies in the agency, or HQ as its commonly known. There wasn’t a single target we couldn’t take out or case that couldn’t be solved. Yixing was known for his phantom-like skills. He could track down anyone and take them out without a sound or trace.

We were partners since our training days and over time, I thought I could actually develop feelings for him. But that all ended the day of the “railway incident”. We were sent to stop the man responsible for transporting all sorts of weapons and explosives via subway train. He called himself “Labyrinth”. He would somehow manage to cut off all surveillance footage just before the trains boarded, but Yixing and I were the ones who would put a stop to it.

We posed as a campus couple on our way to university. We rode the train every day for a week until suddenly one of the car doors ‘jammed’ and no one was allowed on that one particular car. We both sat next to the door by the empty car and saw a tall man walk past us. He headed for the door and magically opened it without difficulty. It was Labyrinth.

I looked at Yixing and he nodded. We got up and stormed into the other car with our weapons drawn. I looked around but Labyrinth was gone. We heard a loud beeping and knew this was it. There were only 30 seconds between saving everyone or having this entire train up in flames. I started to search around for any sign of wiring or a detonator, but Yixing found it in seconds. He clipped the cord and exhaled in relief when the beeping stopped.

“That was easy.”

“Not quite.” I heard a deep voice growl and saw a tall figure standing behind Yixing. We both froze until Yixing yelled, “now!” and I raced to Labyrinth, throwing a punch to his nose half a second after Yixing ducked. He shot back up and kicked Labyrinth to his knees. The beeping started again and I realized that there was a backup.

Labyrinth rose to his feet with an evil smile and pulled out a remote and a knife. Yixing and I tried to get the remote by force, but he was too strong. I was knocked back against the sliding doors and Labyrinth pried them open while I was too weak to stop him. He grabbed me by the neck and lowered my head toward the ground as the train raced down the tracks.

He looked to my partner and held out the remote to offer him a deal with the devil. “What will it be, Zhang Yixing? The remote or your sweetheart?”

How did he know his name? Before I heard the answer I blacked out suddenly. I thought for sure I was dead until I saw the ceiling of the hospital room and the Chief walk through the door with a sigh. As it turned out, there was someone on the inside who was working with Labyrinth on his train deals, and because there were only two of us working closely with the case and he knew the name of my partner, it had to have been Yixing himself. I didn’t want to believe it, but who else could it be? He knew exactly where the bomb was and he was the one who was offered to live or die.

“Cheif told me-”

“He told you whatever he could to cover up his mistake.” He explained. “There was someone in HQ who was a double agent. That whole attack was set up to kill off the best partners in the agency. And because we disarmed Labyrinth, he decided to play mind games and turn you against me. It’s a perfect crime.”

“You know I want to believe you, but what about now? How did you know I was here for the flash drive?”

He subtly looked around and pulled away, taking my hands and walking me inside the massive house. We left without any suspicion and hid away in an empty room.

“Take out your earpiece.” He commanded.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. He raised his eyebrows, unphased by my lame excuse. I sighed and did what he said.

He took it from my hand and threw it to the floor to stomp on it. “Now that your mind isn’t being invaded let me fill you in on what you’re being used for.”  I was reluctant to hear him out but I owed him a few minutes to explain himself over the years we’ve been together. “There is a massive conspiracy going on here and if you don’t get out, you’ll be dead in a week.” I gasped at what he said.

“Why is that?”

“After I got framed and discharged. I did some independent work.” He reached into his inside pocket to pull out photos to prove his point. “Those guns that were being transported had HQ logos on them and…” He flipped through the evidence and took out a piece of paper. “This memo sent to Labyrinth is from chief’s desk. It’s on copyright paper too.”

Everything he was saying both made complete sense and destroyed everything I knew about the man we were supposed to trust with our lives. “Chief is the double agent.” As the words left my mouth, Yixing nodded.

“We were both supposed to die on that train, and Cheif would get his share of the multimillion-dollar deal. But the plan didn’t work out that way.” He said.

I thought to myself and felt so overwhelmed. I turned around and sat on the bed. “So everything has been a lie,” I said to myself.

Yixing came over and kneeled in front of me. “Y/n if there’s one thing you should know. It’s that I would never betray you. When we were on that train, I was the one who got you and everyone else to safety.” He cupped the side of my face and lifted my head to look at him.

All this time I felt like we were unfinished. We were always so caught up in the job that I wasn’t able to process my feelings and yet, at that moment I couldn’t fight the urge to fall for him. His thumb came up close to my eyes and I blinked.

“You’re crying.” He said mostly out of shock.

“Yeah. It’s been a while since that’s happened.” I wiped the tears away and he held my hands.

“What do we do now?” I asked him. “Do I just storm into chief’s office and quit?”

“Oh, Y/n. You know I’m sneakier than that.” He stood up and walked to the door while I smiled. The man was nothing if not meticulous with his plans. “But first. He locked the door and I smirked. "We have about 20 minutes before ‘eagle eye’ tries to get a hold of you and fails. And then another 20 minutes for the others to search for you and eventually find out where you are.”

“And how do you plan to make that count?” I asked. He walked toward me and lifted me up to stand in front of him.

“I have one idea.” He brushed my bangs behind my ear and leaned in to kiss me for the first time.

His lips were as sweet as I imagined. His hands trailed down my back, unzipping my dress with one hand and touching my exposed skin with the other. I pulled the straps off my shoulders and let the dress fall around my feet.

“Naked… and beautiful.” He said quietly.

Yixing held my ass with both hands, squeezing it and making me part my lips a little with a moan. His tongue invaded my mouth, fighting me for dominance and tipping me back onto the bed.

He broke away for a moment to undress. I took in all of his mesmerizing features, from his prominent chest down his smooth stomach to his noticeable V lines. He came close to me, looking me in the eyes and asked, “A little help?”

I smiled and took a hold of his belt, unfastening it and sliding it through the loops in his trousers. I unbuttoned them and pulled them down his legs. In one fast movement, Yixing stripped off his underwear and climbed on top of me.

His lips kissed my collarbones and down my breasts while he lined himself up at my womanhood. He took a beat before thrusting into me with great force. I clenched around his warm cock, loving the feeling of him filling me up. He gripped onto the back of my thighs and pulled me up to the middle of the bed.

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out his name in ecstasy. My legs were lifted onto his hips and his tip came close to hitting my g-spot. I repositioned my hips and felt breathless as my goal was reached. His thrusts got deeper every time and I clawed his back in pleasure.

I hid my face into the base of his neck as my whole body started to shake. I was so close to my climax, but I still needed a little more to get me over the edge. “I’m so close,” I whispered.

Yixing’s hand slipped between my thighs and started to rub my clit eagerly.  I clenched around him and pulled him in for a passionate kiss to muffle my moans.

With a few more rough thrusts, we finished in time to collect ourselves and come up with the perfect plan. We got our clothes and he zipped up my dress for me. I turned around to see his amazing body is hidden behind the layers of his clothing and he suddenly remembered.

“Oh, before I forget.” He reached into his pocket and handed me the flash drive.

“You’re just giving this to me?”

“Sure. Make sure chief gets a hold of it okay?” He said.

I was confused for a moment, but then I remembered who I was talking to. “What’s on this thing?”

He smiled at me and shrugged. “I just thought Chief would get a laugh out of a good cat video.”

I laughed at him and jumped when I heard pounding at the door. “Y/l/n?!”

“It’s go time. See you on the other side, baby girl.” He kissed me one more time and snuck out the window as planned.

I opened the door casually and three agents burst in. “Where’s Yixing?”

“Gone,” I said calmly. “But if you’re looking for a flash drive I already got it.” I showed them what I had and they all sighed in relief. “Now let’s go to the chief. He’s gonna want to see this.” I said with a smirk.

Like I said before: There wasn’t a single target we couldn’t take out 😉