Chen oneshot – Let’s have a baby


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, fluff, romance

Summary: You and Jongdae have recently decided to start a family. while this would mean having the bliss of carrying and birthing your firstborn, Jongdae has come to find his own advantage to conceiving a child.

“Hey, baby! I thought I’d give you a call. I just left the doctor’s office and we are in the clear! No more birth control! I’ll see you when I get home. Love you~” I sent Jongdae a voicemail, giving him the exciting news.

We’ve been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now we can finally start our family. The doctor referred me to a  fertility boosting medication, but she warned me that they do cause some hormonal swings, but it wasn’t anything major. After doing some research, I learned that it was basically female viagra. Oh, boy. I took a dose after leaving the pharmacy and awaited the side effects.

By the time I pulled into the driveway, I took a deep breath and smiled. When I walked through the front door, all the lights were off and the room was only illuminated by my favorite candles. I looked around for Jongdae but stumbled upon a trail of rose petals. I laughed at how cheezy my husband was and honestly impressed at how quickly he pulled everything together. I followed the trail to the bedroom, opened the door and found Jongdae standing in front of the bed.

“Welcome home, my love,” He said giving me a kiss.

“What’s all this? were those the fake rose petals from our wedding?”

“And you said we wouldn’t use them ever again.” He joked.

Here I thought I was eager by sending him a voicemail, but he pulled out all the stops. I know he’s been waiting to get rid of his condoms since our relationship got intimate. We’ve been going overboard to stop an accidental pregnancy and now that’s all we want… among other things.

Jongdae pulled me in, kissing my cheeks and neck. He lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side and unhooked my bra, freeing my breasts. He picked me up, into his arms, leveling his head with my chest and kissed down the valley of my cleavage. He laid me down on the bed, stripping off the rest of my clothes and started on his. I got up on my knees, holding out my hands to feel his toned stomach.

By the time he was naked, he took both my hands, raising them to his shoulders and climbing on top of me. He grabbed my legs, holding them up as he lined his tip in front of my wet heat. I gave him a passionate kiss and he slowly eased himself into me, thrusting deeper and deeper until our lips touched.

“Oh, god. This is so much better. ” He moaned. “So wet.”

He moved in and out, stretching my walls and moving in and out powerfully. He was anxious to feel me without a condom, and it showed. His moans couldn’t be contained, but neither could mine. His thrusts were rougher, the feeling was so much more sensuous. I laid my head back on the pillow while I bucked my hips at rapid speed.

“Just like that, baby~ So good…” I cried.

I was so close to my climax. My legs started to tremble against his hip, my walls clenched around his thick member. Jongdae’s thrusts got sloppier and in an instant, we both experienced the most intense orgasm ever. My vision went blurry as hot tears of passion rolled down my cheek and Jongdae’s warm cum filled me.

His arms shook a little before he collapsed next to me and cooled down. He and I bathed in the afterglow until we simultaneously turned our heads to each other.  He smiled and me and kissed my lips before holding his hand against my stomach.

“Fingers crossed…” He whispered.

Xiumin scenario – Lesson learned


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut

Summary: Xiumin comes home and catches you breaking his one rule… Do not touch yourself!

Warning: denial/edging, fingering, spanking

“Minseok~” My eyes squeezed shut, imagining his fingers replacing my own as I rubbed my clit. I inserted my middle finger into myself, curling it slightly to touch my g-spot just like he did. I know he told me to be patient because he was working late but I couldn’t resist. I needed some kind of release. And there I was, lying naked on his side of the bed, turning my head to inhale his masculine scent while I broke his one rule. The only way I’m allowed to cum is with him inside me.

The guilt started to distract me. I’d come close to an orgasm, but then I’d remember his rule and lose momentum. I picked up my speed, vigorously touching myself, but then it was like I would feel his presence. I opened my eyes, turning to my side of the bed and looking in my nightstand.

“Where’s that vibrator?” I asked myself.

“Don’t. You. Dare…” Minseok’s voice made me jump.

I looked behind me to see him standing in the doorway. His kitten eyes narrowed into a haunting glare. He stepped toward me, dropped his bag and stopped when he reached the end of the bed. He released his finger, gesturing for me to come closer. I got up on my knees, coming back to his side of the bed and sitting back in front of him.

“Jagiyah, What is my one rule?” He asked.

“No touching myself,” I stated, lowering my head.

“And what were you doing before I got home?” He pressed further.

“I… I was touching myself.”

“Turn over on your stomach.” He demanded.

Not wanting to anger him anymore, I did what I was told. I laid vertically on the bed behind me, waiting for my punishment. Minseok, took my ankles in his hands, spreading my legs. He got on the bed, lifted my hips and grazed his finger up my slit. I exhaled with a moan, giving in to his touch.

“Such a bad girl.” He whispered with a smack to my ass.

I was already so close trying to mimic his hands, but having his hand touching me was enough to bring me to the edge in seconds. I clenched around his fingers, my climax building up inside me. My moans turned to cries of pleasure, My head started tiling back as my hands tingled, then all at once, Minseok gave my ass another rough spank, pulled his fingers out of me, and got off the bed.

“Damnit! Why are you torturing me?”

Minseok chuckled to himself. “Don’t be overdramatic. You broke the rule, so you got punished.” He pulled a condom out of his drawer, ripping off the wrapper with his teeth and rolling it onto his hard cock.

I laid on my side, watching him walk toward me. He returned to our bed, climbed above me and turning me onto my back. He took my hands and placed them on his lower abdomen. He lowered himself, just barely letting his tip touch my entrance. He looked at me with a smirk until I took a hold of his member and lined him up.

Without warning, he thrusted deep inside me, causing a little yelp to escape my lips. He smashed our hips together, creating the perfect rhythm. I held onto his back, bucking my hips in sync with his powerful thrusts. With one arm holding him up, he cupped my jaw, pulling me in for a heated kiss. I pressed myself to him, eliminating any space between us and kissed him back.

He groaned against my lips, already close to his sweet release. I clenched around him for just a few seconds, teasing him a bit. He held himself up on both arms, breaking our kiss and moaning while his head tipped back. My nails dug into his skin, I couldn’t hold it in any longer, but neither could he.

“I-I’m…” I tried to speak but my words failed me.

“Cum with me, baby. Now!”

We both screamed each other’s names while we rode out our highs. My toes curled and he filled the condom with his warm cum. When he came back down, he slumped on top of me like a heavy blanket. I smiled at how adorable he was and kissed the side of his head, giving him a little cuddle before he pulled out of me and got rid of the used condom.

He laid beside me, locking our fingers together and kissing my hand. I turned over to look at him in his afterglow and smiled faintly. He looked back at me, making the butterflies flutter around in my stomach. He kissed my nose and squeezed my hand.

“So, what have we learned?” He asked

“I won’t… ever… touch myself again,” I replied with a little giggle.

“Good girl.” He gave me another kiss and said, “That’s my job.”


Xiumin oneshot – Early riser


Requested by anon


“Y/n?… Babygirl?… Mmm, sweetheart?” I could hear the chime of Minseok’s sweet voice as I fluttered my eyes open. He smiled at me from between my legs. “There you are.” He kissed my inner thighs, inching closer to my slit. My breath hitched in my throat as his lips pressed to my clit.

“M-Minseok…” I reached down, grabbing a handful of his hair, bringing him closer to my wetness. He leaned in for an open mouth kiss on my entrance, but I suddenly jolted awake.

I turned to look and see Minseok was still sound asleep next to me, but I was too hot and bothered to just go back to sleep. He had his back toward me, but I was still able to cuddle up close. I snuck my arms around his waist, trailing my hand from his firm chest down his abdomen and teasing the waistband on his underwear. He moved a little, out of habit, but still nothing. I leaned in closer, kissing his ear and whispering sweet nothings to him.

“Baby… Please open your eyes? for me?” My kissed moved to his jawline, causing him to groan.

“What is it?” He mumbled.

“I want you” Planting a sensuous kiss on his sweet spot, I slid my hand into his underwear, stroking his long shaft.

“Not now baby, I have practice in the morning.” He tried to swat my hand away, but I wasn’t giving up that easily.

“Come on, Minnie~ I can make it worthwhile…” I lifted myself up, straddling his hips and grinding myself down onto his growing bulge. “Something tells me your interested.”

He finally opened his eyes and looked up at me, wearing nothing but his t-shirt. I could see him contemplating before he turned onto his back and pulled his boxers down far enough to free his rock hard member. He took a hold of my hips, keeping the pace of my grind.

“You’re one naughty little girl, you know that?” He grabbed my ass, giving it a light smack.

I leaned down to kiss his puffy lips and whispered, “I’m your dirty little girl.”

With that, His grip on my hips tightened and he slammed me down onto him. I bounced up and down on his cock, calling out profanities “Oh, fuck.” I forced him in deeper until his tip touched my g-spot.

He moved my hips in circular motions, changing the angle. I clenched around him, already coming close to my release. Minseok’s hands traveled up my sides, holding my breasts before leaning up to suck on them. My legs started to tremble as I tried to hold in my climax. He looked me in the eyes, well aware that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from cumming around his thick cock.

“Cum for me. Let it all go, baby.” He held me close as I came completely undone, moaning and shouting his name.

“Minseok! Oh, god YES!”

I rode out my climax until I fell limp. Minseok pulled me down on top of him, holding me to his toned torso. I nuzzled into his neck, giving him a few light kisses. His fingertips slowly grazed up and down my back, relaxing me into a deep sleep while his cock was still buried inside me.

“Sweet dreams, babygirl.” He muttered. If he only knew the half of it 😉


Chen scenario – Love games

Requested by anon (Supposed to be a drabble [>600 words] but I got carried away)

Genre: fluff, romance

Request: Chen drabble where your best friends with his sister and you have a big crush on him and his sister/your friend totally ships you two and tries to get you in situations together

*y/f/n = your friend’s name*

Spite is such an odd reaction. We as humans either refuse to do something because another person wants us to do it or we do something when told not to. Growing up with my childhood friend, we always said we were like sisters. We loved the same foods and binge-watched the same shows, often times we’d finish each other’s sentences like siblings. Around our school years, I started to notice something about her- well not necessarily her, but her brother, Jongdae. He radiated boyfriend material!

My crush on him started to become difficult to hide and y/f/n started to notice. She and I were sitting in the library one morning, working on a book report when I locked eyes with Jongdae from across the room. He smiled at me, making me feel all warm inside. I sent him a faint smile back and felt a little pinch on my arm.

“Y/n? What are you staring at?” Y/f/n said with an amused smile. She tried to search the room to find out what grasped my attention only to find her brother quickly turning away from us. “Wait… Are you two…?”

“No, we’re not. I was just-”

“Giving him the look.” She finished for me. “Oooh, this is perfect. You two can start dating, then after graduation, he’ll propose and we’ll be sisters for real! YES!”

“Shh!” The librarian hissed.

Y/f/n sat back in her seat, settling herself before she went on. “He clearly likes you back. If you want to go out with him, you have my blessing.”

“Y/f/n, I’m not into Jongdae. I was looking in his general direction and he happened to look back.”

Rather than respond to me, she just raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Whatever you say, sis…”

Ever since that day, I have been caught up in a real-life Parent Trap situations.  Countless times I have been locked in rooms with Jongdae, receiving flirty texts from him only to find out it was Y/f/n who stole his phone. In the midst of all this, Jongdae and I have gotten really close, but I never gave Y/f/n the satisfaction. Oddly enough, I tried to distance myself from Jongdae a few times.

As the years passed, Y/f/n’s shenanigans wore down, Jongdae and I didn’t really talk much as a result and things were nearly back to the way they were. But our lives were different. We weren’t kids in school anymore and every time I looked at him, I didn’t have as many butterflies, there were more! I would even think about him and be consumed in thoughts of how we would have ended up together. Maybe we’d still be together now and hearing wedding bells in the distance. It was easier to keep my feelings for him under wraps because of the distance in our social lives, but as long as my best friend- his sister is around, we always have an excuse to bump into each other.

The longest we went without speaking was nearly five months, a real record considering there was a time we spoke at least once a day. All of the silence would come to an end soon though. Y/f/n was having her annual birthday bash and she invited everyone she knew. Truth be told, I really missed Jongdae. If we were going to reconnect, I don’t want to go back to just being friends. I wanted to be with him for real.

My nerves started to get the best of me when Y/f/n’s party came around. I wasn’t sure why either. I was almost certain that Jongdae felt the same about me… almost. I arrived on my own, immediately being greeted by the birthday girl herself.

“Y/n!” I was engulfed in a tight hug by y/f/n.

“Hey~ Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Stay close okay? I only have a few more guests arriving then we can party hard.” She said with an evil grin.

I chuckled at her signature whimsy and agreed. I walked over to the gift table, placing my box up front. A few friends came up to me, striking up a conversation, but I quickly zoned out when I saw Jongdae come into my line of vision. As if he felt my stare, he turned around, locking eyes with me for what felt like minutes. He gave me a small smile and a friendly nod. I replied with a little wave and he returned to what he was doing. God, he was so handsome. He is far and away, the best guy I knew, but I was too stubborn to admit it.

“Y/n? Are you alright? You look flushed.” My friend asked.

“Oh, yeah. It’s just a little warming here. I’m gonna go… get a drink.” I excused myself and headed to the bar.

I looked toward the entrance and noticed Y/f/n wasn’t there anymore. I ordered myself a drink and took a seat.  I searched the room to check if Jongdae was still close by but I lost him in the crowd. I slumped over in the bar stool, beginning to doubt my little plan. But where there’s a will, there’s a crazy best friend who ships you with her brother.

Y/f/n came over, sitting next to me to cheer me up. “What’s wrong? Not feeling the club scene anymore?”

“No, it’s not that… I wasn’t even going to tell you this, but it turns out I kinda miss being around Jongdae, but we’ve been apart for so long that I’m afraid he’ll forget about me.” I vented.

“Because you looove him.” She teased, causing me to smile a bit. “…oh… You really do love him don’t you?”

“I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about it and it’s eating me up inside. I actually wanted to confess to him tonight, but I have no idea where he is.” I saw the look on her face and narrowed my eyes in disapproval. She was up to something.

“Say no more. You can thank me later.” SHe said simply. I was confused for a second until she took the remainder of my drink, spilling it down the front of my top.

“What was that?!”

“Oh, no. Y/n you need to cover that. OPPA!” He hollered and like a phoenix out of the flames, Jongdae appeared. “Can Y/n borrow your jacket? I need to get my stain remover out of my purse.” She walked away, leaving the two of us together.

“Here.” He slid his jacket off and helped me put it on.

“Thanks. Sorry about this.” I said with a laugh.

“No problem.” He let me off the stool and lead me to the back hallway to wait for Y/f/n. Jongdae leaned against the wall, pondering briefly before asking, “She spilled the drink on you didn’t she?”

“Yup,” I confirmed.

He laughed to himself and looked at the ground. “I mention I liked you one time and it becomes a frenzy.”

“What?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“You didn’t know?” He questioned and I shook my head in reply. “Wow, I thought I was being obvious.”

“When was this?”

“Back in school. I’m not certain on an exact day but I guess I can track it back to the time I saw you in the library. You and Y/f/n were doing something and I guess I thought you looked back at me… I don’t know.” A rosy blush started to appear on his cheeks and my heart melted.


Jongdae looked up at me, noticing the way I was fascinated by his side of the story. I was amazed at the fact that he had the same feeling when he looked at me at that moment in school. He stepped a little closer, slowly closing the gap between us.

“Yeah.” He said back, stopping just a few inches away from me. We were so close, I could feel his body temperature rising. 

“I liked you too.” Our noses brushed together before he gently placed one hand on my waist, the other cupping my face before his lips pressed to mine for a long-awaited kiss. “Mmm~” I kissed him back, placing my hands on his back and shoulder. 

As much as I regretted being too stubborn to follow my heart, it all worked out in the end. Y/f/n’s final scheme worked like a charm and as a result, I was able to confess to Jongdae and she was able to have an official sister.


A/n: The “look” ⬇️

Sehun scenario – Heart of steel


requested by anon

Genre: noona!reader, fluff, angst, sad (trigger warning!), parenthood

Summary: Sehun is going into military service for the next few months, but that also means he will be leaving you and your unborn child alone at home.

I knew the day would come. Over the past year, Sehun and I have made every second count before he was called for military service. By far the best memory of the year was about three months ago when we found out I was pregnant with our first child. Although it would make the inevitable goodbyes even harder with a baby on the way, he still put on a brave face for me.

Sehun assured me time and time again that he would most likely stay close to home with a wife and child, but there was still the ‘what if’ situation. What if he is sent far away and misses all the important events that will happen; like finding out the gender of our baby next month?

All these thoughts circled through my head as I laid on our couch, looking down at my growing belly. I wasn’t sure if it was the hormones or the newfound stress of being a military wife or both, but I was starting to feel down all of a sudden. I didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. My emotions were unidentifiable.

When I heard Sehun unlocking the front door, I didn’t move a muscle. I just remained on the couch in total silence. I listened to his footsteps approaching as he called out, “Noona? I’m home~” When he turned the corner I saw him smile at me out of the edge of my eye. But that smile faded into a look of confusion. “Are you alright, Honey?”

I shook my head, giving him an honest answer and he rubbed my back, assuming I was having some pains. “It’s not my back, babe.”

“What is it?”

“It’s you. I’m just really freaked out about this call to service.” I laid my hands on my belly, feeling the lump form in my throat.

“Honey, I told you they won’t ship me away from my family.”

“It’s not just that. When you leave, you’ll miss finding out the sex of our baby.” I pouted.

Sehun let out a sigh, knowing there was no way to win. He tried to hold me, but I stood up, off the couch and walked to our bedroom.

“Baby, where are you going?” He almost followed after me but stopped in his tracks when I shook my head again.

“I just want to lay down… alone.”

I grabbed an extra pillow from the closet for my bump and buried myself under the covers. The whole situation had me feeling troubled. Maybe brushing Sehun off wasn’t the best idea. I could use his warm cuddles right about now. I closed my eyes, trying to erase all the negative thoughts, but it only made things worse. I began to imagine what it would be like to not have my husband around after the baby is born, how lonely I’d feel.

Ironically, coming in here alone for a nap only made me hiss my husband all the more. I stared at the other side of the room, unable to sleep a wink. I wasn’t sure how long I stayed in here until I checked my phone on the nightstand.

“Twenty minutes…” I huffed to myself. I’d only been laying here on my side for twenty minutes.

The bedroom door creaked open slowly and I felt a dip in the mattress. I perked up when I heard a soft voice calling me ‘honey’. Sehun’s hand slid around my waist, covering my baby bump.

“Well, you’re letting me touch you, so I’m guessing you aren’t upset anymore.” He said.

“I was never upset, Hunnie. I was just… overthinking.”

“Then tell me. Y/n, I’m here for you no matter what. I hate to see you in this much pain, especially if I can help release it. You’re stressing for two, you know.” He kissed my neck lovingly and rubbed my belly in circular motions.

As always, he was right. “I know.” I turned over on my other side to meet his gaze. My hand cupped the side of his face while I looked him deep in the eyes. “What would I do without you?”

“You won’t be without me. We’re in this together. I know you will be okay because you’re the strongest woman I know.” Every word he said empowered me.

I kissed him sweetly and whispered, “You’re gonna be a perfect daddy,”

He took my hand, kissing the back before replying, “I’ll have to be because you’re gonna be a perfect mommy.”

My fears were soon put to rest when the day came that Sehun found out what he’d be doing in the military. As predicted, he was able to stay close to home. He stood right beside me when we found out the gender of our baby, and he was next to me when our first born child came into the world. It always amazed me how he was able to have such a tender heart, but still had the strength to lift my spirits when I needed him most.


Chen scenario – Familiar face


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, fluff

Warnings: drunk sex, handjob

Summary: Years after graduating from school, you become reunited with the one that got away.

At best, a girl’s night out is a great time with friends filled with lots of laughter, food, drinks and an all-around blast. At worst, it’s an excuse for some sleazy guy to try and prey on the weakest member of the group. Every time I go out with my friends, I end up being the mom of the group who watches everyone’s drinks and purses. I’ve come to have girls nights, but I really only go because of my friends. At the beginning of the night, we go out to a restaurant, share stories and enjoy each others company. But there’s always one person who suggests going to a club and I get dragged along.

One night I made the mistake of showing them I wasn’t going to be the babysitter again. When we went to the club, I drank as much as everyone else and completely lost my senses. Hobbling over to the bar, I asked the bartender for a bottle of water to try and sober up. I wasn’t there three minutes when I felt a hand on the small of my back.

“Hey, what’s your name?” A random guy asked.

“Not ‘Hey’.” I retorted.

“Oh, feisty. Can I get you a drink.”

“No, you may not.” I tried to walk away, but he snuck his hand around my waist, pulling me back in.

“Be careful, babe. I’d hate to see you trip over something.” I swatted his hands away.

“Back off, I have a boyfriend!” I lied.

“Oh really? I don’t see him.”

“Why don’t you turn around.” A second guy said.

“Woah. Sorry, man. No conflict.” The creep said in surrender.

“You alright?” He asked. I tried to focus on my hero’s face, but he was all blurry.

“Y-Yeah,” I said between hiccups. I noticed his strong jawline and the small curls on the corners of his mouth. “I’m, Y/n.”

“Hi, I’m-”

“Cute.” I finished for him. My attempt at flirting made him smile.

“Sure. How about I buy you another bottle of water.” He offered.

“Mkay.” I sat on the bar stool, finishing the rest of my water before opening the second bottle.

I spent the majority of the night talking to the guy I cleverly named Cutie until he told me his name was Jongdae.

“Hey~ I knew a guy named Jongdae. He was kinda nerdy, but I really liked him.”

“Yeah? Did you ever tell him that?’ He asked.

"No. My school friends were total jerks to him, I didn’t want him to confess and have him think it was a joke and reject me.” I looked deep into his eyes and blurted the first thing that came to mind. “You’re a good listener.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah. It’s a good trait though. It’s sexy.” I reached out to hold his hand, to my surprise, he didn’t pull away.

“I think you’re still a little tipsy.” He said, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

“Nuh-uh. If I was drunk I couldn’t do this.” All at once I leaned in, gently placing my lips on his. “Mmm~’ I hummed.

Jongdae grasped my cheeks, pulling me in closer. I placed my arms around his shoulders, making him move his hands to my waist. His lips tasted so sweet, I wasn’t able to stop if I wanted to. I could feel the effect of his kiss throughout my whole body. It was like the rest of the room disappeared.

His kiss was so familiar, but I didn’t know why. I’ve never kissed him before, I’ve never even seen him, yet here I was, completely at home in his arms. Before I knew it, we were stumbling into his house, kicking our shoes off and scurrying off to the bedroom.

We stood at the foot of his bed, hands exploring every inch of our bodies. Jongdae stepped back, needing validation that I was fully aware of what I was getting into. He looked into my eyes, reading my expression. A small smirk appeared on his face when he saw the glint of lust and desire in my stare.

"Tell me what you want.” He said plainly.

I reached out to him, my hands moving up his sides, pulling up his top enough the see the trail of small hairs leading down, into his jeans. Oh, the blessed happy trail… I stepped back in, looking him dead in the eyes as I slipped my hand into the hem of his underwear, taking a hold of his thick cock. He tensed up, his neck veins popping out, trying not to moan right away.

“I want you,” I said giving him a few strokes. “I want you deep inside me.”

His head tilted back while I pleasured him with only my hand, swiping my thumb over his tip, collecting the pre-cum, then abruptly pulling my hand out of his pants for a little taste. Jongdae watched, trying not the grab my wrist and pull my thumb out of my mouth. Instead, I held my waist, turning me around and laying me back on the bed.

He took off my clothes, kissing my exposed skin until I was naked and waiting. He slowly stripped out of his t-shirts and jeans, showing me the effect of my ‘handy’ work. He took his member in his hand, pumping it a few times before climbing above me and sliding himself into me. A faint stream of moans and whimpers spilled from my lips, encouraging him to deepen his thrusts.

I gripped onto the sheets as he quickened the pace, bucking my hips to move in perfect sync. I raised my leg a little higher on his hip, changing to a better angle. My back arched, my toes curled, my palms tingled and I reached my climax. Jongdae emptied his load deep inside me, his warm cum bursting against my g-spot.

We both cooled down from our orgasms, pulling the covers over our bare bodies. I wasn’t sure what to do. We aren’t a couple, so I can’t just cuddle him, but he’s not kicking me out like a one night stand. I just turned my back toward him, relaxing into the soft pillow. After a few moments, I felt Jongdae’s hand come around my hip, his chest pressing against my upper back and his lips hovering over my ear. He looked down at me, studying my face while I tried to keep my eyes shut.

“I’m sorry it took me so long.” He whispered, assuming I was already asleep. “You were right. I completely judged you based on how your friends treated me and never gave you a chance.” He held me closer, kissing my shoulder and nuzzling into my neck. “I’ll make this count, I promise.”

When morning came, I woke up in Jongdae’s bed alone. I pulled up the covers and saw that I was dressed in his t-shirt and sweatpants. The sent of breakfast tickled my nose, drawing me toward the kitchen. I walked in, my footsteps causing Jongdae to turn around.

“Good morning.” He said with a sugar-sweet smile. He offered me coffee or tea to start the day and passed me a mug.

“I assume you dressed me,” I said returning a smile.

“Yeah, you were shivering this morning, so I warmed up some clothes in the dryer for you. I hope that’s okay.” He said, trying not to make me uncomfortable.

“It’s really sweet actually, thank you.” I watched him finish up our meal while sitting at the table. “I uh- heard what you said last night,” I admitted. Jongdae froze, unsure how to respond. “I thought you were familiar. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it until you said anything.” I said. He came over to the table, putting the plates down and sitting next to me. “I’m so sorry about all that. For what it’s worth, I don’t even talk to those jerks anymore.”

“It’s okay. Really.” He took my hand to cheer me up. “It worked out anyway, right?”

“Yeah. It did.” I said, giving him a kiss.


Xiumin scenario – No regrets

Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, fluff, romantic

Warnings: Virginity

To say I was nervous was the understatement of the century. Losing my virginity wasn’t something that could have been planned. Minseok and I have been together quite a while. When we first met, I was terrified of falling too fast, but he caught me anyway. There was no one in the world that I loved the way I love him.

He was the perfect man for me. His gentle personality made my girlish heart swooning, while his masculine built made me feel protected when I was around him. He has treated me like a princess and nothing less, now more than ever.

It was our first weekend away together, Minseok thought he booked a room with two beds, but it turned out to be one kingsized bed instead. I tried to tell him it was okay, but he was too concerned that I might think he was up to something else. We’ve never slept in the same bed before, to make it worse, we’ve never gone past making out either.

Things between us have been getting serious and I know he and I will make it. He had all my trust and I had all of his. I wasn’t even nervous until night fell upon us and we came back from a romantic dinner. He ducked into the bathroom to change into his pajamas while I did the same. I didn’t want to just go to bed though. I want him.

When he came out of the bathroom, I scanned his body, gazing at his loose tanktop hanging on his thick, muscular shoulders, flaunting his toned arms, his firm chest peeking out the side. He radiated sex-appeal, but I found myself a bit doubtful to come right out and tell him.

“You look comfy.” He said, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

He laid down next to me, I cuddled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder like we did when we laid on the couch. We stared into each other’s eyes for a while, as if we were having a telepathic conversation. Minseok’s sweet looks slowly melted into sexual tension.

He leaned in to kiss me a few times, nothing serious. I placed my hand on his jawline, combing my fingers through the little hairs on the back of his head, pulling him in closer. His hand traveled around my hip to my ass with a tight grip. I moaned into his mouth and tilted my head for a deeper kiss.

“Wait, Y/n.” He broke away, pushing my hips back.“I don’t want to rush you into something you might regret.”

“I don’t have any regrets when I’m with you.” returning my lips to his, I came closer to him, grasping his hip with my leg, submitting his electrifying kiss.

“You’re sure?” He asked.

“Yes. I’m sure. I thought about it for a while and it seems right. Being here with you seems right.” I tried to kiss him again, but he stopped me.

“Jagi.” The serious look in his eyes showed how much he cared.

“Minnie. I’m sure about this. It’s not an impulse. I swear.”

“Then why are you trembling?”

I lifted my hand, watching it shake slightly in mid-air. He was right. There was a part of me that needed some convincing, just like he did.

“I’m just nervous,” I admitted.

Minseok sighed, thinking for a moment. “Tell you what, let’s try something new, but you have to stop me if you get uncomfortable, okay?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I nodded regardless. Minseok’s hand roamed down my thigh, moved my legs apart, and started palming my dampening sex. I took a deep breath in, opening my mouth a little. A tiny smirk appeared on his lips, amused by my reaction to such a simple touch.

He kissed my neck, showing plenty of affection to my sweet spot. The sensation was like nothing I’ve experienced before, I wasn’t sure how it could get any better. My legs spread a little wider, allowing Minseok to turn over, on top of me to replace his hand. He watched my face shift with desire and grinded his hips on mine. A long moan streamed from my lips as his hard bulge pressed down on my center.

“Minseok. More~” I said with a breathy whimper.

“Patience.” He kissed down my neck, leaving a little at the base of my throat before lowering my top to nuzzle into the valley of my breasts. He always had a thing for them, whenever he’d kiss my neck, my boobs would be the next for his attention. I bucked my hips unintentionally and felt his smile widen. He reached down between us, into my panties and touched my bare slit. I froze when he looked at me with a coy smirk.

“Now you’re ready.” He pulled down my shorts and panties with one hand, taking the other hand up to his lips to taste the sample of my juices. “Mmmm~” He hummed.

He positioned himself at my core, massaging his tip with my womanhood. I tried to move my hips, but he pinned them down with his mighty hands. Slowly, he pushed his thick member inside me, watching my expression to make sure I wasn’t in pain. I closed my eyes, surrendering my virginity to him until his lips touched mine.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah. Keep going.”

He came down on his elbows, kissing me passionately while we made love for the first time. When I got used to the feeling of him inside me,  I held onto his back, trying to move in sync with his thrusts. He pulled my legs over his hip, changing to a better angle.

“How’s that?” He smiled down at me when I moaned in return.

“I-I think I’m close.” I stuttered.

Minseok took that as a reason to deepen his thrusts, pulling out almost entirely before pushing himself back in again. The skin of our hips slapped together as we got closer to my first orgasm. I screamed out his name a few times before coming undone.

He was determined to keep my climax going for as long as possible while still maintaining his own high. I lost control of my body, gripping the sheets below us and arching my back without a thought.

“I love you! Oooh~ I love you so much, baby!”

“I love you too, Minseok! Oh god!”

He pulled out when we both came back down. He turned over on his back, sighing with exhaustion and bliss. We gave each other one more kiss before I cuddled into his side, laying my hand on his heaving chest while he played with my hair. He looked up at the ceiling and back down at me with my eyes gently closed.

After a few minutes, he assumed I’d fallen asleep and whispered, “Now you’re all mine.” He kissed my head and continued, “Y/n Kim… Yeah, that sounds right.”


Chanyeol scenario – Stockholm syndrome


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, angst, mafia!au, enemies with benefits

Warnings: bondage, roleplaying, ‘kidnapping’

“There you are”

I could hear a voice coming from the other side of the room. I tried to wiggle my arms free, but the cuffs around my wrists only hurt my tender skin. The mask around my eyes stopped me from seeing anything, just like the tape on my mouth blocked my cries for help. The metal door creaked shut and a pair of footsteps walked toward me before stopping inches away from where I was sitting.

"Why so frightened?.” A man asked. I felt a large hand cup my cheek gingerly. The mask was quickly snatched off of my face, I blinked a few times to get used to the lighting.

I looked up at the man in front of me and narrowed my eyes. It was Park Chanyeol. All I wanted to do was beat him senseless for pulling a stunt like this. He and my brother have been in a mob war for years. They never got along for one second, and now that my brother had debts against him, Chanyeol didn’t hesitate to take something for collateral.

He placed his fingers at the corner of the piece of tape over my mouth but hesitated to rip it off. Instead, he took out a key from his back pocket, unlocking the restraint around my dominant hand.

“I’ll let you handle the tape.” He said, returning the key to his pocket. I pulled it off as quickly as I could and finally spoke.

“Have you completely lost your mind? My brother will have you killed for this.” I hissed.

“Before or after he’s out of jail?” He fired back.

“How’d you know about that?”

“Oh please. Mug shots are public record.” He pointed at the wall behind me. Every mug shot of my brother’s arrests was plastered on the wall, along with several addresses and maps.

“Why am I here?”

“Because if I don’t get my money one way, I’ll get it another way.” He looked at me with his sneaky little eyes.

‘If you lay a hand on me, I swear-“

"Not like that. From what I remember, you’re quite a fan of revenge-sex.” I flinched at his words, shocked that he’d even bring up such a thing, but not that surprised. He did have me cuffed to a chair after all.

“That wasn’t revenge-sex!”

“Of course not, you just happened to get into a fight with your ex and then your brother sided with him, so you took a stroll to one of my clubs by chance.” He smirked. “Purely coincidence.”

I went silent for a moment, both irritated at him and myself. He was right. I just got dumped, my brother was being an ass and I got revenge by sleeping with the last person he’d want me around. It was a one night stand, and I swore never again. My brother never even found out, but it didn’t stop Chanyeol from tormenting me. He’d do little things like send me flowers when he knew my brother would be around and make him suspicious. But now he had a new plan.

“How long are you planning to keep me here?” I asked.

“Well, y/b/n has already been tipped off about you so my guess is… till I get bored.”

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with him already. He walked back over to me, kneeling down with a wicked smile. “You know what happens when you roll your eyes at me.” He said, referring to the time he had me bent over the bed, spanking me mercilessly.  My heart pounded with sexual frustration at the thought of him spanking me again. My thighs pressed together slowly, but Chanyeol could still see how turned on I was.

“You are not going to touch me…” I said through gritted teeth.

We entered into an intense staring match, exchanging the deadliest of glares. I hated him so much, I just wanted to rip him to shreds. My blood was boiling with rage, anxiously waiting for him to crack under pressure.

“No matter how much you stare, I’ll win either way. I know your secrets, princess. All of them.” Chanyeol was trying to get in my head, but I can’t let him. He can’t know he’s turning me on.

“You know nothing, Chanyeol.” I challenged.

“Oh. But I do.” He replied





I was in such a state of fury, I used my free hand to grab him by the collar and pull him in for an intense kiss. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out the key to the cuffs, unlocking my ankles and another hand.

Chanyeol lifted me into his arms, coiling my legs around his hips. I tugged on the short hairs on the back of his head causing him to groan and open his mouth just enough for me to slip my tongue in. We continued this until we reached another door in the side of the room.

He kicked it open and broke away. I looked around to see an enormous master bedroom. We moved toward the bed, leaving a trail of clothing on the floor. I was drunk on lust and anger as I laid beneath him, naked and vulnerable.

He kissed my neck and shoulders, showing plenty of love to my sweet spots. His hand trailed down to my soaked entrance, circling his thumb around my clit to get a few moans out of me and thrusting his finger in without warning.

“Chanyeol!” I yelped.

He moved his fingers in and out, feeling my walls clench around them. His hot breath tickled the skin on my breast as he licked and sucked on my nipples. With a fistful of his thick hair, I cried out his name, loud enough to cause an echo.

“Fuck! I can’t take this.” He lined his self up at my center and looked at me. “You sure you want this?”

“I’m all yours,” I said back.

He forced his entire cock into my wet heat, plowing through me at a rapid speed. All I could feel was the tingles shooting all over my body from the intense pleasure. My nails scraped down his back as we both rocked through our climaxes.

“That’s it, baby. Take my cum.” He finished deep inside me with a lazy kiss on my lips.

“That was perfect.” I laid there with him collapsed between my legs, head resting on my breast and shaft still buried inside me. He rolled us over, bringing my head to his chest.

He lifted my wrists, kissing the little red marks from the handcuffs. “Did you hurt your hand?” His sweet pecks brought a smile to my face as I shook my head.

“I’m okay.” I sighed.

“So when’s your brother getting out anyway?” He asked.

“Who knows, that asshole has been in the system since we were kids. Even if he makes bail, I’d be the last person he’d tell.” I looked up at him and kissed his lips. “I’m sleeping with the enemy.”

“Hmm~ You dirty little thing.” He gripped my thighs and spanked my ass, making me jolt slightly.

“I honestly don’t even care that he knows. I’m not going anywhere.” I kissed him again and he smiled.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to go for round two.” He nibbled on my lower lip.

“As long as you’re offering, I won’t decline.” He wrapped us in the sheets and grinded my hips down on his.

What started as hatred mysteriously turned into a bond that couldn’t be defined. But then again, love is a mystery itself.


Xiumin scenario – De-stress


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut

Warning: Bath sex, daddy!Minseok, spanking Dirty talk

There is nothing worse than a day at work that just never ends. Constantly checking the clock, waiting for a break from the deadlines and stress. My head was throbbing from a powerful migraine. No matter how much I rubbed my pressure points, it just wouldn’t go away. The knows in my shoulders had me going stiff, the coffee stain I tried to cover up wasn’t fooling anyone, and I just wanted to go home, mainly to curl up into a ball and disappear.

Never the less, the end of the day came and I packed up my things. I raced home with the sole purpose to just relax. I walked through the front door, took off my shoes and just leaned my back against the wall. With a sigh of fatigue, Minseok came out of the living room and into the entryway where I was getting ready to fall into a standing sleep.

“Aww, baby. You must be tired.” He held my hips, taking me off the wall and into his strong arms.

Giving him a lazy kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and smiled weakly. Even in my worst moments, he made me smile just a little.

“Come on, let’s get you in the bath.” He lifted me up, bridal style and carried me off to our bathroom.

He put me down, turning me toward the mirror to undress me. He started with my top, unbuttoning it and kissing my bare shoulders. The feel of his moans vibrating on my skin made my heartbeat quicken. His hands planted on my hips, sliding my skirt down my legs. His little kisses continued up my back until he reached my neck. His hand came up to turn my head as his velvety lips pressed against my jaw and cheek.

“Let daddy take care of you, darling.” He turned the water on for me and came back over to give me another kiss before taking his clothes off. He climbed into the tub first, holding his hand out for me and we both relaxed in the warm water. My back rested on his toned chest while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

“Mmm, Jagiyah~ You work too hard.” His hands moved to my shoulders as I leaned forward for a nice massage. “My baby shouldn’t be under this much stress. You’re so tense.” He took a dollop of bath oil into his hand and rubbed my upper back.

“Your hands are helping though. They ease the tension.” I said.

“Just relax. There’s no work to be done now, love.” He turned me around and held me close, pressing our chests together.  He puckered his pink lips, begging for a kiss and I happily complied.  His hand moved down to my ass, giving it a squeeze, forcing a gasp out of me. I kept my mouth open a crevice for his tongue to slip in with ease.

With wet hands, Minseok held my cheeks and broke away. He gave me a mischievous smirk, but I already knew where this was leading. I backed up enough for him to step out of the tub. He helped me out with a towel in hand to dry off. He bundled it around me and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

He picked me up again and walked us to our bedroom. When he placed me on the bed, I reached out to cup his soft cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss. His urges quickly took over, he ripped the towel off of me and flipped me over onto my stomach.

“Dirty little girl,” His hand came down with a light smack, making me giggle. He squeezed my ass and spanked me again before turning me back over. “Come here.” He pulled me in by my legs and lined up at my entrance.

His thrusts started slow and sensual until we both really got into it, causing Minseok to grind our hips together quickly. His hand snuck between us, his fingers finding their way to my sensitive clit. He kissed my temple while my moans filled the room. I bucked my hips to the rhythm of his thrusts, coming closer and closer to my high.

“More daddy! Please.” My wish was his command. He completely pulled out and plunged back in again with a hard thrust. His thumb worked my clit at a rapid speed. My legs tensed and I shouted his name while I reached my climax. Minseok’s warm cum filled me up as he rocked us back and forth with his sharp movements.

We both came down, sharing a few kisses in between faint moans. He rested on top of me, still able to feel my walls relax around his member. I kept my legs locked around his hips as he turned on to his back. He lifted my hips, pulling out and let me rest my head on his strong chest.

“I love you, Y/n.” He said, kissing my head.

“I love you too Minseok.” I stared into the distance, not looking at anything in particular, just letting my thoughts go free. “For the first time this week, I feel completely at peace.”

“Why don’t we capitalize on that.” He said.

I lifted my head and met his gaze. “What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well, tomorrow’s Friday, so why not just take advantage of the weekend and go away together. Like a spontaneous vacation. Where ever you want to go. You name it.”

“Really? You want to go away for the weekend?”

“Sure. Somewhere that we can sleep in and not have anything to rush off to when we wake up.”

“That sounds perfect.” I kissed his lips and he smiled at me. “But maybe we should make it a long weekend,” I suggested with a kiss.

“You drive a hard bargain, Baby. I’m gonna need some more convincing.” He pulled the covers over our heads and we were off for round two.


Lay scenario – Moonlight

Requested by anon

Summary: Being an unclaimed mate can cause a lot of tension and mistrust, but there is only one way to fix that and with the help of the full moon signaling the start to the mating season, remaining an unclaimed mate just isn’t an option.

Genre: angst, smut

warnings: rough sex, biting

The rules to mating in the werewolf world are fairly simple. Mates are chosen before birth by the moon goddess. After their sixteenth birthday, mates know who he or she is ment to be with at the very first sight and often know when they smell the sweetness of their mate. With that said, two mates can be mated without actually having sex. During mating season, however, it’s virtually impossible for mates to resist each other under the lustful power of the full moon. During which time a mate can be marked, thus making each were off limits from anyone else. But with all simple rules come complex exceptions.

From the moment I set eyes on Yixing, it was like everyone else was hidden under the shadow of his radiant shine. He was a lone wolf who saved the life of our beta and therefore was welcomed with open arms. After thinking it there was something wrong with me since I tried to find a connection with the eligible weres in our pack since I turned sixteen but had no luck. It has been years since I gave up on the thought of finding my mate, and low and behold, there he was.

I would have ran to him like a love blind girl if I knew anything about him, but I felt so timid. I was terrified that he would reject me, but instead, he walked right up to me with a small whisper, “My mate.”

Since then I was like putty in his hands. He is so caring and warm. I found it so cute, the way he would smile when he was shy. He was surprisingly very pure and naive.  He would always offer to come out with me when I took my nightly walks. We’d talk about anything from his love of music to my love of reading romance stories. It was strange that I didn’t have to know him all my life and yet I feel so safe with him. We were clearly mates in every respect. Anyone could tell from a mile away and yet Because we were unmarked. There was still room for others to weasel him away.

Yixing is very charming a never denies others in need, which gave the ill-mannered girls in the pack perfect reason to fake a problem that ‘only he could solve’. It makes my blood boil when I saw him with another girl. He’s mine! I’m the one who should be making him blush and flatter him with flirty comments, not some girl who doesn’t care about the rules of mating. He was too much of a nice guy to just tell them to back off and his shy resistance was only ignored and followed by more kittenish comments about how handsome he is.

Over time our night walks became something I did alone again. I would go around the edge of the lake in the woods and just get lost in my own thoughts. I was on the brink of falling for him completely, but there was just this one thing stopping me. Why isn’t he telling them to leave him alone? Do they even understand that he’s mated with someone else?

This whole thing was so frustrating. I just wanted to push him against a wall and kiss him with everything I had. No! pin him to the bed. No! What if I tied him up to the bed? God, Y/n! What is Wrong with you?! My heart was pounding like crazy. I had myself all worked up. I felt my bones jolted, my muscles vibrate and soon enough, I shifted.

I looked at my self in the reflection of the water and sighed when I saw my light brown fur waft in the breeze. My eyebrows frowned when I saw the moon’s reflection as well. It was much larger than usual, but I didn’t know why.

“Wait,” I said to myself. “Mating season.”

I heard the stories of mates who see the shine of the moon, but not the way everyone else sees it. I sighed and saw another figure near the edge of the lake. I could see their light brown eyes looking back at me as they sauntered over. It was a fellow werewolf, but not one that I’ve seen. He took the form of a wolf as well, but I wasn’t sure who he was, so I kept my guard up.

“Hello.” He said in a dark, husky voice.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Honey, I’m whoever you want me to be.”

I backed away slowly as he tried to come closer. With the large moon affecting me, I didn’t want to appear weak under his foul attempt of flirtation.

“I think you should leave now. This isn’t your territory.”

“I don’t abide by any territory rules. They always get in the way of me finding a lovely little thing like yourself.” He leaned close and sniffed my fur. I scoffed at him, but he didn’t get the hint.

"Come on sweetheart. Why don’t you show me that pretty face of yours? As beautiful as you are in wolf form, I have a feeling we’ll both feel more comfortable once were… humanized.” I couldn’t be more disgusted by him. He was trying to get me to sleep with him, but I had enough.

“Leave. Now!” The sound of my booming bark echoed throughout the trees.

He only found my sudden outburst amusing and walked circles around me instead. I quickly turned to face him when he came closer to my backside and growled. I showed my teeth and readied my attack position, hoping he would just back off, but he didn’t give up. He raised his head and puffed out his chest, showing his dominance and I started to regret even coming out here.

“We don’t need this to get ugly, do we?” He said. I felt a panic as I looked around for a fast way out of this.

Just then. He was tackled to the ground by another wolf. I stood up tall as I watched the two thrash and bite until only one prevailed. I gasped when I saw Yixing rise in triumph with his black fur blowing in the wind. The other wolf scampered away and my mate looked at me with red eyes.

I’ve seen him in his wolf form plenty of times, but never like this. He walked toward me and nodded in the direction of civilization. He stayed by my side as we went back home without a single word. When we were out of the woods, we shifted into our human forms and entered our house, feeling the tensions between us strengthen by the second.

Yixing closed the door behind him with a slam and I reluctantly faced him, prepared for whatever he was going to say. His eyes strangely didn’t change back into the brown color that I’m used to. Instead, they remained the dark red just like when he takes shape as a wolf.

“You sill have your wolf eyes,” I told him. He replied with a smirk and said, “So do you.”

He walked closer to me with such a domineering look in his eyes and I backed up until I was against the wall. He continued his slow pursuit until we were inches apart.

“Just tell me one thing.” He said staring me down. “What were you thinking going out alone on the first night of the mating season. Lone wolves don’t follow normal mating rules. He doesn’t need to feel any type of way toward you and still mark you as his.”

“I didn’t know. You were too… busy, so I just went alone.” I started to get annoyed by him.

“That’s just it, Y/n. I wasn’t busy enough to be with you. You are my mate just as much as I am yours.”

“You have a funny way of showing it.” I shot back. His eyes narrowed at my feisty comeback and he grabbed my hips, slamming me against the wall.

He brought his nose close to my neck with a long breath in. “How can someone so delicate still make me want to ravish her right here and now?”

 He touched all the way up to my cheeks and smiled. “All this time I was scared of being too rough with you, but judging by the glimmer in your eyes, I think you prefer me this way.” He pressed himself against me and my head fell back with a muffled moan. He left a single kiss on the side of my jaw, Right where the usual mark of a mate is planted. My hands moved up his mighty arms, wrapping them around my waist.

“I want you, Yixing.”

He held me close, lifting me up, coiling my legs around him and walking us into the other room. I pulled off his top, throwing it to the floor and tangled my digits in his hair. His scent grew strong as he released me onto our huge bed and stripped out of his bottoms. I copied him and tore off my own clothes until we both attacked each other’s naked bodies.

He licked and sucked my breasts while I grinded my hips on his robust thighs. My whimpered only fueled the fire of our lust and Yixing pinned me down before slamming into my soaked center. I screamed his name, pulling him down for a heated kiss, but he resisted.

“Don’t try and mute your moans baby. I want the whole pack to know who you belong to. Every last inch of you is mine. Mine!” He said with a rough thrust. “Say it!”

“I’m yours! All yours!” As and reward, he kissed my sweet spot while his fingers rubbed my clit. The sensation was otherworldly. There was nothing else even remotely like it. I called his name with a shaky moan and he didn’t try to stop me from cumming first.

“Cum, Y/n. God your skin is so sweet. Enough to make me sink my teeth into it.”

My eyes widened as my orgasm rocked my body. Yixing revisited the side of my neck, nibbling on the spot before biting down, breaking the skin and finally marking me as his. His warm cum filled me as I rode out my high with him, breathing heavily as we came back down.

He pulled out slowly and got up on his knees looking down at his mark on my neck. I kept my head turned to the side while he leaned down and kissed my neck gently.

His eye color returned back to the warm brown I loved so much. He laid down next to me and I had another thought. It’s one this for him to claim me as his, but what about me? I looked at him with a sensual glare. I rotated onto my stomach, holding my head up on my hands with a loving smile.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Nothing. Just one thing that was lost in all the excitement.” I snapped into action and climbed on top of him. “You are mine.”

“I know that.” He said.

I rolled my hips on his, letting him feel just how wet I still was and his eyes rolled back with a groan. I leaned down, almost kissing him again before whispering, “Prove it.”

Another side effect of the mating season: Stamina that can keep you going for days at a time.