EXO reaction – Period stain

request: When you watch a movie together and you left to the toilet when you left he see on the couch a little blood (it’s your time of the month started) when you return you really embraced? 

He is a bit of a neat freak, so he’d feel a bit of a panic, but he wouldn’t be angry with you. He’d even offer to get you some feminine products to help.

“Oh, no. Baby~”
He would be very concerned about you. He knows how uncomfortable you get when it’s that time of the month so he wouldn’t draw too much attention to it. By the time you’d come back from the bathroom, the stain would be gone.

He’d be the one to knock on the bathroom door to check on you. “Baobei… It’s just a stain.” The last thing he wasn’t is to make you feel bad about yourself.

Our giggly puppy would find something amusing about the whole thing. Almost as if he were laughing his way through the awkwardness/discomfort. He wouldn’t be sure what to do or say.

He would put a change of clothes outside the bathroom door for you. Naturally, they’d be his big t-shirt and sweatpants, but he thinks you look cute in them! By the time you come back to finish the movie, he’d have pain medicine and a heating pad for the cramps.

Because he has a big sister, he’s no stranger to a girl’s monthly. He wouldn’t make anything of it. You two would go right back to normal… after you changed your pants.

He’d be the most freaked out, but he wouldn’t let it show. When you leave for the bathroom and he sees the stain on the couch, he’d go into a small, brief panic and try to get it cleaned up before you get back.

He also has a big sister so he wouldn’t be too worried about it. His focus would be on you. While you’re away, he tries to get rid of the stain. You wouldn’t think anything of it until he engulfs you in cuddles and kisses suddenly.

He would be a little tease. When you come back he’d start giving you the eye, like he knows something you don’t. He wouldn’t hold a grudge though, he’d just have his fun for a moment and move on from it.

(Mafia) EXO reaction – Their GF getting hit on

He’d be able to see the level of discomfort in your eyes and quickly take action. He would butt right in, holding your waist to establish what is his. In seconds, you both would be in the car, heading home for a refresher of how a real man can treat you 😉


“You clearly have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
Suho would take you to a private area while the other members of the gang… take care of the guy who hit on you. No one flirts with the boss’s girlfriend and gets away with it.


He’s never one to show PDA, but he would certainly start to leave a few visible marks when you two are getting intimate from then on. Seeing you with another man is enough to have him turning primal.


“Take him out."He’s said to his henchmen
He may not look tough, but he has connections. He’d be escorting you out while his newest enemy "Gets what he deserves”.


He leaves you alone with your “old friend” for five minutes and comes back to him with his hand on your knee. His jaw would lock up as he walks over to you, grabs your waist, pulls you close and stared your little guy friend down.
“Trust me, you need to steal my girl like you need a hole in the head.”


All you would see is the guy’s eyes going wide and in a flash, he’s down. Out cold. As the muscle of the gang, Chanyeol strikes first and asks questions later. You’d leave the club on his arm like his trophy.


The second the bartender hands you a free drink, he would swoop in and pour it out. Satansoo is officially activated.
“I wish someone would buy my girl a drink” he’d say through gritted teeth.


He would be eye-balling the guy all through your date. He’d be holding your hand, kissing your cheek, and any kind of little touches until the creep gets the hint.


When he catches the bouncer checking you out he’d be very on edge. But the second he hears him giving you a cheap pick up line, Sehun would have him in the unemployment line.


EXO reaction (?) – C*m face


Our soft kitten boy. He would be fairly silent up until his climax. His mouth would fall open and his soft grunts would spill out. His head would come back to kiss and gently nibble on your neck. He would love the way your fingers comb and tug on his hair while you cum.


Get ready for rough-daddy Suho. He would bear down with all his strength to keep his thrusts in sync while he cums. He wants his baby satisfied. Walking after sex would be out of the question with those wobbly legs.


Long breathy moans would fall out of his mouth. I’d imagine his strokes would go from slow and smooth to quick and harsh. A thin layer of sweat would form around his forehead and neck, making the little veins glisten.


Very vocal. He’d try to suppress it the first few times, but let’s be honest, guy moans are wildly hot. He is definitely a biter (Sehun can vouge for that). He’d nibble your neck and shoulder when he finishes deep inside you.


I envision him to very handsy and breathy with his moans. He is certainly a romantic. He’d be whispering sweet nothings between his moans, praising you, worshiping your body, kissing you. You would be his pampered princess.


… WHere to begin with my ultimate bias… His growls in your ear would be enough to climax in 0.2 seconds. His lazy kisses on your jaw and neck, a few nibbles to mark his territory. Best of all, his big strong arms would flex with every rough thrust.


His eyes would be squeezed shut, his moans would be very faint and low. He’d most likely bite his lip to keep from letting his mouth hang open as well.


His dancer hips would have him at an advantage. His long, deep thought would remain in sync while he cums inside you. I have a feeling he would be fairly vocal with his moans, making it known that you feel amazing around him.


This one is a tough call. I don’t think he would make very much noise but he’s a definite lip biter. He’d nuzzle his head into your neck and let out a few small whimpers. Lots of post-sex kisses!


EXO reaction – their GF getting shy/cute after her first time

You really would be his baby girl. He’d snuggle you up close and kiss your temple since odds are, you’d be too shy to make eye contact. You’d fall asleep with him gently stroking your back.


“Baby, don’t be shy.”
He’d pull you on top of him, give you a little Eskimo kiss and try to ease your nerves. He’s certainly the type to hum a tune as you fall asleep too.


He would be a shy little sheep prince. He’d just have you turn over and spoon you for a while. That way he can hold you without you having to see how red his face is.


He would be giggling like a little girl. He thinks you are the absolute cutest when you’re shy. He’d go from being a passionate, sensuous lover to a playful puppy in a second.


He would honestly think he hurt you or thought you weren’t ready. He’d feel so guilty until he realizes you’re just shy. He understands you vulnerable, but he’d love seeing your cute side.


Speaking of puppy love! This boy lives for a cute moment. He’d try to uncover your face from your hands and pull the blankets away to hold you closer. You’d literally be engulfed by his love for you. Besides, who doesn’t want to be surrounded by those ARMS?!


He’d let you kinda “get your shyness out”. Meaning he would wrap you in the covers while you hide your face and smile at you lovingly. But when you fall asleep, he’d pull the blankets away to get a look at your sleeping angel face.


This baby bear would get shy because you’re shy. He’d do that cute thing when he scrunches up like a little turtle when you hug him.


100% he would cover his face in his hands the moment you get shy. He’d try to give of confidence with a smirk, but inside he’s all giddy. By the time you both get settled and relaxed, he’d want to hold your hand and give you a few soft kisses.


EXO reaction – C*mming inside their GF for the first time


Request: Yay requests are open!! My request is exo reaction to their girlfriend telling them to cum inside her?


The moment you mention that you don’t want to use condoms, he’d let you get away with your wildest desire.  He’d be open to anything at that point. almost like a reward for letting him fill you.


Honestly, he’d probably feel a bit worried. He wouldn’t want to have an unexpected pregnancy, but when he feels you around him for the first time, all that fear would melt away.


“Fuck, you’re so sexy.”

Such a turn on for him! He’d be overjoyed that he doesn’t need to pull out or lower his pleasure by using a condom.  


You two would most likely go for a couple rounds. The first time having sex without condoms would both turn him on and make things… escalate a bit too quickly.  But he’s a Taurus man, they’re known for heir stamina 😉


At first, he’d be asking you over and over if you certain about it. But as things progress and he knows you’re completely fine with him cumming inside you, he’d leave the hesitations behind. 


He would hate having to pull out and he wouldn’t be able to really feel your wetness while using condoms so cumming inside you would be like his one true kink.

Sidenote: my one true kink is this boy’s damn NECK


I actually think he’d be like Xiumin. Letting him cum inside you would turn him on so much, he’d probably let you be the dom. Either way, he wins.


It’s like the gate of heaven open up. The moment he hears you say “Cum inside me”, he is seeing stars. His thrusts would become so powerful like- asdfghjkl! It would get insense…


He would make sure you had the best orgasm of your life. He wants you to enjoy it as much, if not more than he does.

EXO reaction – Back dimples


He would notice them very late in the relationship. He’d be checking you out as you reach up to grab something off the top shelf and when your shirt rived up, there they are.




He finds them absolutely adorable. His favorite thing ever is when you’d wear your low rise jeans. It’d make it easy to just take you by the hips and press his index fingers into you dimples.



You’d poke his cheek dimples, he pokes your back dimples.  Every time you stand in front of him, he’d be poking at them. He’d push his thumbs into your dimples and wrap his hands around your hips, holding you in place in front of him. Just like a cute little habit.



He loves exploring your body anyway, but your dimples would be the center of his attention. He’d lay on his back with you laying on your stomach above on top of him. He’d lift your shirt, high enough to see the little dimples he loves so much, and kiss the top of your head while his fingertips graze up and down your back.



I see him finding out in a really funny way. While the two of you are kissing and he suddenly feels two little dimples in your back, he’d get all worried.
“Woah! You have holes in your back!”
“No, Jongdae they’re just dimples…”



Oh, boy… This boy! He would think your dimples are the hottest things ever. His mind would go from clean to dirty in 0.2 seconds when he saw them. He’d love it when you were on top of him just so he could feel your dimples while you grind on him. 



He’d be secretly obsessed with them. You’d catch him checking you out when your standing in front of him or feel him poking at them while he thinks your asleep. Just the sight of them makes him smile, and who can resist a cute penguin smile?



There is no way you could be sexier in his eyes. His hands would have a go-to spot when he holds you close.  Whenever he’d get bored, you can bet he’s either playing with your hair or poking at you dimples. He’s honestly the type to give you a back rub for the sole purpose of touching your back dimples.



He’d be entranced by them. When he first spots them he’d wonder, 

“Do I have those?”

“No, Hunnie, you don’t…”

“Boo~” *pout*


EXO reaction – C*ck warming

This reaction is NSFW!

Xiumin – He likes to sprawl out on his back when he sleeps so this position would be a little tricky. He’d be open to trying it once to test the waters. He wouldn’t have any lustful intentions though.


Suho – He would be open to it. Because he’s a side sleeper, it would be easy to just slip his cock into you and increase the intimacy while you snuggle together. By the time morning comes though, there is no way you’re leaving the bed with out a little action… 😉


Lay – This position would be circumstantial for him. He would really only use cock warming when he’s is too exhausted to pull out after sex. By the time you put a name to it, he would turn it into a regular post-sex sleeping position.


Baekhyun – He adores the feel of our naked bodies pressed together, why not turn up the heat a little? You two would most likely be facing each other, that way he can feel your leg around his hip while he remains buried deep inside you.


Chen – As long as you’re alright with having him draped on top of you like a human gravity blanket, he would absolutely try cock warming. Much like you, he would welcome the idea with open arms!


Chanyeol – “So that’s what it’s called!” He’s been using this type of smutty cuddling for a while. It makes things easier on the weekends. No work to get to in the morning, sleeping in late and passionate morning sex right where you left off the night before.


D.O – He would need some convincing. The second he slides into you, his brain would go straight to sex and it’s tough for men to fall asleep with a raging erection. That being said, he’d most likely go for a spooning position, this way it would be a little more about cuddling and a little less about making love.


Kai – I see him taking cock warming as an opportunity to increase the romantic intimacy after rough sex. He would have you on top of him, laying your head on his chest while his manhood buried inside you. He’d give you a few kissed and have you listen to his strong heartbeat while he strokes your hair.


Sehun – Let’s be honest, our maknae is one of the shyest boys in the group (maybe even one of the sayest in K-pop). When you mention you like cock warming, he would react as if he received a compliment: very bashfully. He’s glad that you like to feel him inside you, but it will be difficult for him not to thrust in and out of you. But it like they say, ‘practice makes perfect’.


Sehun scenario – My baby girl


Requested by @jerseybaddxoxo

Genre: smut, romance, noona!reader

Summary: Running off to the city of love with your newly wedded husband, Sehun.

We poured ourselves into the back of the car, erupting in drunken giggles and dirty whispers in each other’s ear. The driver started the car and drove us to the hotel as quickly as he could, probably in fear that having two newlyweds in the back seat may lead to something more. Sehun came close, as if he was going to tell me a secret, but instead started to nibble on my earlobe. It was amazing how champagne could make him so frisky.

Soon enough, we arrived at the hotel. Sehun got out first, running around the car and opening my door for me. He pulled me in close, holding my waist and smiling.

“Let’s get you upstairs.” He said with a giggle.

We walked to the elevator, leaning on each other for balance. The second the doors closed and we started moving, my lips attached to his neck, nibbling and kissing his sweet spot. I placed my hand over his bulge, palming him through his pants.

“Noona~” He whined. “Patience.” He pulled me into his chest, kissing my lips with a smirk.

We managed to keep our hands to our selves until we reached the room. Sehun unlocked the door, lifted me up bridal style and carried me inside. I immediately took his jaw in my hands, crashing our lips together. He kissed me back for a split second but still broke away.

“You can’t keep your hands to yourself can you?” He asked. His hands started pulling up the skirt of my dress, exposing my panties. He kneeled down, pulling them off, making me step out. “Turn around.” I did as I was told and he unzipped my dress, pooling it around my ankles before tying my wrists together with the panties. “You may be my noona, but tonight, you’re my baby girl”

He kissed just below my earlobe, causing me to shiver at the sensuous touch. I could hear him untying his necktie before placing it around my eyes as a blindfold. I kept my eyes shut under the soft silk, completely at the mercy of Sehun’s imagination. He pulled me back against his front, his hands wandering up to my breasts while I stifled a moan.

With one hand, he slid into my panties, cupping my sex. I moved my hips forward, needing his slender fingers inside me. He slowly started rubbing my clit with his thumb, his index finger running up and down my wet slit. My mouth agape, my knees weak, I moaned his name and threw my head back on his shoulder. Sehun was able to hold me in position long enough to get me directly in front of the bed. Then all at once, he turned me around and let me fall backward.

His open mouth kisses moved up my thighs to my abdomen and finished on my neck. I tried to hard not to lean into his when I felt his hot breath on my cheek. He must have been a few centimeters from my face, but I couldn’t do anything about it, in fear of being teased to no end.

“Tell me how much you want me.” He requested.

“Please… daddy, I want you so bad. Please just fuck me.” I raised my legs, trapping him on top of me. His gentle hands stroked my inner thighs, generating an impatient whine from me. “Please, daddy.”

“Whatever my baby wants, she gets.” He removed himself from me for a moment. Looking through the tiny crevice in the necktie around my eyes, I watched as he practically tore himself out of his suit, eager to take what’s his. He climbed back on top of me, placing a single kiss between my collarbones and pushed himself into me with a long moan.

“Shit, you’re tight around me.” He moaned

His hand came down, rubbing my clit while he thrusted into me vigorously. I gripped the sheets, unable to contain myself anymore. I bucked my hips, screaming Sehun’s name, drawing closer to my climax. The knot in my stomach tightened, goosebumps covered my limbs and I felt his tip swipe across my g-spot. In seconds, we both came apart, moaning and shouting each other’s names in ecstasy.

I started to regain my steady breath and he pulled the necktie from my eyes.  "Such beautiful eyes.“ He smiled. He freed me from my panties and laid beside me as husband and wife. He was so content and fulfilled, I couldn’t help but stare.  He buried the two of us under the warm blankets, holding me close and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"The perfect honeymoon.” He said faintly.

“Everything is perfect with you,” I replied with a kiss.


Suho scenario – Study break


Not requested

Genre: fluff, smut, college romance

Warnings: fingering, wet humping

“Baby~” I whined.

I’ve been stuck here in the apartment all day, waiting for my boyfriend to finish studying, but at this point, he wasn’t going to stop until his brain fries completely. And now, I’ve had enough.

“Pleeeaaase!” I tried pulling him away from the desk, but he didn’t budge. He gripped the edges tightly, fighting back. Letting go, I huffed at him in frustration. If I can’t entice him by force, I’ll have to get inside his head… among other things.

I came behind him, my hands coming up his arms to his shoulder and down his chest. I planted a few kisses on the back of his neck, relaxing the tense muscles. I gave his shoulders and extra rub to release the tension, which makes him groan in satisfaction and lean back in the chair for the first time in hours.

“There, was that so hard?” I asked him.

I continued the massage, making him moan and hum. He’s been working so hard lately. His grades are glowing every year, still, he goes into a full panic mode when there’s an exam. Sadly, he was put on the waitlist for a class he wanted, then he had to suffer through a semester with a professor who had the worst online ratings.

“How about a break?” I asked, kissing his neck.

“Mmmm~ 20 minutes.”

“30,” I countered

“Done.” He closed his book and turned around in his chair, pulling me into his lap.

His hands traveled to the back of my upper thigh and hip, keeping me in place while we kissed. I tangled my fingers in his hair, turning his head and slipping my tongue into his mouth. He stood up, carrying me to his room and landing me on the bed. His sneaky hands slid into my panties, his fingers moving up and down my wet folds while his lips stopped my moans from bursting out.

It felt so good to have my dominant, passionate, sexy man back. I broke away from our kiss to beg him for more. I had to cum. I needed to feel him inside me. He tucked his head into the crook of my neck, planting open-mouthed kisses, nibbles, and licks on my sweet spot, causing my toes to curl. I was getting close, but Junmyeon pulled his hand out of my panties, moving it to my waist and tearing himself away from my neck. He lifted me to sit up straight while he stood on his knees and took both my hands.

“A little help?” He said, looking down at his clothes.

I smirked at him and grabbed the hem of his top, pulling him toward me and quickly pecking his lips before taking the shirt off completely. I bent down a little to kiss along his collarbones.

“God, you’re driving me crazy.” He whispered.

I continued kissing his neck and chest while undoing his pants, pushing them down his legs until he pulled me into his warm body, falling back with me in his arms and kicking his pants off the side of the bed while I lifted my skirt around my waist. I grinded my hips on him, teasing his hard member. His strong hands gripped my hips, moving me back and forth, gliding his cock between my folds, covering himself in my wetness before he gently slid into me.

My mouth agape, I sighed at the feeling of his thick manhood stretching me out. He lifted my top, pulling down the cup of my bra to suck on my nipple. I called out his name, holding his head in place. His free hand cupped my ass grinding our hips together roughly.

“Fuck, you’re so good, baby. Just like that. Make me cum.” His seductive words made me clench around him, increasing his pleasure. I started to bounce on his cock, making him all the more turned on.  He buried his face between my breasts, listening to my screams of desire.

We both came simultaneously, finishing with rough thrusts. With his member still deep inside me, Junmyeon rolled us over, letting me relax on my back while he pulled out. I smiled at the feeling of his velvety lips pressing against my neck. We both repositioned so I was laying back on his pillows comfortably. He reclined back with his head on my chest, his arms resting on my legs.

“How did I end up being a lawn chair?”

“Shhh.” He shushed. I laughed at his new use for my body and he took a few deep breaths. “Thank you for this.”

“That good, huh?” I joked. He turned around to face me, leaning in for a kiss.

“Always.” He said, kissing me again. He turned back around, relaxing into me. “I know I’ve been distant lately, I’m just under a lot of pressure.”

“I get that. I just hate seeing you so overworked. It’s not healthy” I coiled my arms around his shoulders, giving him a little hug and resting my head on top of his.

“Well… He turned around with a little glimmer in his eye. "We still have some break time.”

I just giggled in reply and pulled him under the covers for a second round. For his health of course 😉


Chanyeol scenario – Paper anniversary


Requested by @chanyeol-x-mingyu

Genre: smut, angst, fluff

Warnings: shower (make up) sex

Never in my life have I seen so much paper. Chanyeol and I have been receiving endless amounts of anniversary gifts in celebration of our first year of marriage. We’ve gotten anything from newspapers with our wedding announcements to origami flowers from friends and family.

But every card and gift I was given only added more pain to my broken heart. Chanyeol has been out all day without even a kiss. I came to the conclusion he forgot our wedding anniversary already. It was the first one and he forgets.

A small part of me thought there was some kind of a surprise coming or that his phone died and couldn’t call or text me, but nothing happened. I sat on the couch for a while, reading the cards in an attempt to distract myself from Chanyeol.

Late that night, the door opened, revealing my exhausted husband. He walked over to me on the couch and laid down next to me, resting his head on my lap. I didn’t give him any attention whatsoever, he just laid there wondering why I seemed so aloof.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He lifted his head and took a better look around the room. “What’s all this?”

“They’re gifts, Chanyeol.”

“For what? It’s all paper.”

“Yes. It’s tradition to give paper gifts for a one year anniversary.”

“But we-” He paused for a moment and closed his eyes in disappointment with himself. “Oh, no baby I’m so sorry.”

He tried to hold me, but I got up and walked away. I wasn’t in the mood for his apologies. With all the waiting and long distance we went through while we were dating, I thought when got married things would change. It took us years to finally realize we are ment to be together, because of all the crazy schedules, we weren’t able to date like a normal couple, but all that came to a blissful end, the final destination, marriage.

“Y/n, please hear me out! I just forgot the date, not the actual anniversary!” He hollered.

I stopped in my tracks, “What are you talking about?”

He walked toward me and held my hands. “I planned a vacation for us, but I scheduled it for next week.”

“Oh please. The second I turn my back you’re gonna be on the phone with travel agents, trying to make that lie a reality.”

“It’s true!” He went into our bedroom, dug through his dresser and pulled out two plane tickets. “See. they’re for next Friday. Ha!”

“Now isn’t the time to throw your lack of calendar reading skills in my face, Yeol,” I said. He pinched the side of my ass and I swatted his hand away.

“I wanted to take you to all the places we weren’t able to see on our honeymoon.”

“Well, I guess that’s kinda sweet.” He kissed my forehead, looked at all the different presents cluttering our living room and smiled. “Why is there so much toilet paper?” He said with a laugh.

“It’s a gag gift. And kinda handy, we were running low.” I kissed his cheek before walking back to our room.

“Jagiyaaaa~” He whined.

I knew I was being followed by an overgrown baby with big puppy-dog eyes, but I still had some unresolved anger.  I went to my closet and grabbed a towel for my shower while Chanyeol moped around.

“You have to believe me. I’m really sorry. I’ll definitely remember next time.” He swore. “It’ll be kinda hard to forget this day.”

I had to admit, he had a point. There was no reason for him to feel any worse than he already did. He came up behind me, hugged me from behind while I picked out some clothes to change into after.

“I believe you, Yeol,” I said, giving in.

He squeezed me a little tighter and asked, “Can I join you?”

“You think it’s that easy, huh?” I turned to face him, but he was much too tall for that, his lips pressed against my forehead as he reached down, dangerously low on my back.

“I won’t trick you into anything you don’t want to do.” His smirk could be felt in his soft kisses, but I still lightly pushed him away.

“I want to get clean,” I argued.

“Fine.” He said with a sigh. He walked back to our bed, falling face down onto the mattress, arms and legs spread out like a starfish.

I shook my head at my goof of a husband while walking to our master bathroom. I turned on the water and closed the clear glass door. It was nearly impossible to see anything outside with all the steam fogging up the room, but I was able to make out a tall figure undressing.

“Chanyeol, I said no.”

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He lied.

I fought off a smile when he made his way in the shower with me, his hand going straight for my hips and his lips on my neck. The only way to get him to stop was to ignore him… at least, it usually worked. He was very persistent to get a rise out of me today, judging by his need to touch me all over while I lathered myself up with soap and suds.

He reached out in front of me, changing the spray setting to the rain shower and turned me around. The water came down gently on our heads, making Chanyeol all the more proud of himself for getting the soap off me quickly. He held my face in his hands and kissed me. I rested my arms on his broad shoulders and was lifted up.

Chanyeol pressed me close to his body while my legs clung to his hips. He turned me around away from the downpouring water, with my back against the cold tiles. We wasted no time lining up our centers together before he plunged into me with a powerful thrust. My nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, a throaty groan fell from his lips and his sharp thrusts quickly turned into deep strokes.

I briefly closed my eyes as I went into a total frenzy. When I opened them, I watched him through the steam, tiny droplets unmoved on his shoulders and arms, looking down to watch his long cock move in and out of me, hitting my g-spot every time.

We both hit our climaxes, moaning and whimpering from extreme pleasure. Chanyeol’s knees went weak, I slumped into him, unable to stand on my legs.

He took me back to our room after drying off, gave me something to wear to bed, one of his oversized hoodies as usual, and we cuddled in for a little pillowtalk before falling asleep.