Sehun | Chanyeol scenario – My boys


requested by @hereforkpopboys

Genre: S M U T

Summary: Lately, Chanyeol and Sehun have been working on their next duo project. Unfortunately, they’ve been neglecting things in the bedroom, but you’ve got a few tricks that’ll persuade them.

Warnings: Threesome sex, light spanking

A/n: This is my first public threesome scenario. Be gentle!

So there I was… Two boyfriends and still feeling sexually frustrated. Chanyeol was up int he studio with Sehun, helping him with his next project, but I wanted them. I closed my eyes and thought about Sehun’s soft moans paired with Chanyeol’s rocky growls. I slid my hand into my panties, stroking my slit, fantasizing about how good it would feel to have them both ravish me on our bed. They get so rough when I misbehave. My eyes shot open as a devious plan popped into my head.

I walked up to the door of their home studio, knocked three times and peeked inside stying on the two of them. They were so focused on what they were doing, they didn’t even notice me walking in. I tiptoed up to Sehun, gently running my hands over his broad shoulders, hugging him from behind. I kissed his forehead and waited for some kind of reaction.  He didn’t even move! I kissed down his cheek to his sharp jawline, thinking it would do the trick, but again, nothing. My hands went down his abdomen until I was blocked.

“Baby, not now. I’m working.” Sehun said.

I sighed and stood up straight. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chanyeol squirming in his seat. If there was anyone who couldn’t resist my kisses, it was my baby Chan. I sauntered over to him, sat in his lap and coiled my arms around his neck. His hands immediately held my waist, pulling me in for a heated kiss. I crossed my legs toward him, bringing myself closer on his lap. He grabbed my ass, earning a moan. I cupped his soft cheeks, rubbing my thighs together for a little friction.

“Ugh, that’s it!” Chanyeol sprung up, carrying me out of the studio and down the hall to our bedroom. “You dirty little girl. Sehun can get in a lot of trouble if someone were to hear your moans on his track.” He dropped me on the bed, unbuckled his belt and threw it across the room. I helped him out of the rest of his clothes and he returned the favor, leaving us both naked and needy. Chanyeol climbed on top of me, trapping himself between my legs. I locked around him, turning us over and pinning his hands above his head. I moaned, finally able to hear his almighty growls.

“Fuck, you’re so sexy when you take charge.” He said. “Go ahead, baby girl. I’m all yours.”

I held his cock in my hand, pumping it a few times before sinking down on him, taking every inch. My mouth fell open, still amazed at how big he was. I rested my hands on his chest, lightly scraping my nails across the skin. I gasped when I heard the bedroom door slam shut. I turned around and watched as Sehun stripped down in front of me. I bit my lip, trying not to moan when I saw him freeing his rock hard length.

“Come here,” Sehun said, climbing on the bed. I lifted my hips, letting Chanyeol’s thick cock fall out of my wet heat. Sehun’s hand slipped between my legs, collecting my juices with a little laugh. “So wet, baby. Were you that impatient?” He asked, lathering his manhood with my wetness.

“Yes.” I whimpered.

“Bend over,” Sehun commanded.

I followed his orders and hovered over Chanyeol. Sehun’s hand came down with a spank, making me squeal. I took a deep breath as Chanyeol guided my hips back down onto him as Sehun eased into me.

“Is this what you wanted baby girl? Me fucking this tight little pussy while Sehun takes your ass?” Chanyeol’s hand went from my ass to my breast with a squeeze. “Answer me!.”

“Yes~ This is what I wanted!” My head fell back onto Sehun’s shoulder, giving him the opportunity to kiss down my neck.

Both boys touched every inch of my body as they thrusted in and out. I moved my hips up and down on their cocks, trying to take as much as I could. My moans got louder and louder as I clenched around them both. I grabbed a hold of Chanyeol’s big, thick hands, feeling the tingles spread through my palms. I was so close, I could feel it.

“I-I’m… Close!” I cried out.

“Cum baby! Cum for us!” Chanyeol groaned.

My back arched and my legs were covered in goosebumps as my orgasm rushed through me. Sehun’s thrusts quickened, causing me to come down on Chanyeol’s member even faster. Sehun’s moans rang through my ears while he rode out his high along with Chanyeol. I whined when the two pulled out of me, giving me a break.

I laid down next to Chanyeol, cuddling into his chest. Sehun combed his fingers through his hair, clearing his face of any sweaty strands. He got off the bed, leaving me with Chanyeol.

“Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a song to finish.” Sehun said, kissing my forehead.

He walked out of the room and closed the door. Chanyeol turned over, pulled my leg around his hips and gave my ass a little smack. “Dirty girl…” He scolded playfully. What can I say? A girl knows what she wants.


EXO reaction – Period stain

request: When you watch a movie together and you left to the toilet when you left he see on the couch a little blood (it’s your time of the month started) when you return you really embraced? 

He is a bit of a neat freak, so he’d feel a bit of a panic, but he wouldn’t be angry with you. He’d even offer to get you some feminine products to help.

“Oh, no. Baby~”
He would be very concerned about you. He knows how uncomfortable you get when it’s that time of the month so he wouldn’t draw too much attention to it. By the time you’d come back from the bathroom, the stain would be gone.

He’d be the one to knock on the bathroom door to check on you. “Baobei… It’s just a stain.” The last thing he wasn’t is to make you feel bad about yourself.

Our giggly puppy would find something amusing about the whole thing. Almost as if he were laughing his way through the awkwardness/discomfort. He wouldn’t be sure what to do or say.

He would put a change of clothes outside the bathroom door for you. Naturally, they’d be his big t-shirt and sweatpants, but he thinks you look cute in them! By the time you come back to finish the movie, he’d have pain medicine and a heating pad for the cramps.

Because he has a big sister, he’s no stranger to a girl’s monthly. He wouldn’t make anything of it. You two would go right back to normal… after you changed your pants.

He’d be the most freaked out, but he wouldn’t let it show. When you leave for the bathroom and he sees the stain on the couch, he’d go into a small, brief panic and try to get it cleaned up before you get back.

He also has a big sister so he wouldn’t be too worried about it. His focus would be on you. While you’re away, he tries to get rid of the stain. You wouldn’t think anything of it until he engulfs you in cuddles and kisses suddenly.

He would be a little tease. When you come back he’d start giving you the eye, like he knows something you don’t. He wouldn’t hold a grudge though, he’d just have his fun for a moment and move on from it.

(Mafia) EXO reaction – Their GF getting hit on

He’d be able to see the level of discomfort in your eyes and quickly take action. He would butt right in, holding your waist to establish what is his. In seconds, you both would be in the car, heading home for a refresher of how a real man can treat you 😉


“You clearly have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
Suho would take you to a private area while the other members of the gang… take care of the guy who hit on you. No one flirts with the boss’s girlfriend and gets away with it.


He’s never one to show PDA, but he would certainly start to leave a few visible marks when you two are getting intimate from then on. Seeing you with another man is enough to have him turning primal.


“Take him out."He’s said to his henchmen
He may not look tough, but he has connections. He’d be escorting you out while his newest enemy "Gets what he deserves”.


He leaves you alone with your “old friend” for five minutes and comes back to him with his hand on your knee. His jaw would lock up as he walks over to you, grabs your waist, pulls you close and stared your little guy friend down.
“Trust me, you need to steal my girl like you need a hole in the head.”


All you would see is the guy’s eyes going wide and in a flash, he’s down. Out cold. As the muscle of the gang, Chanyeol strikes first and asks questions later. You’d leave the club on his arm like his trophy.


The second the bartender hands you a free drink, he would swoop in and pour it out. Satansoo is officially activated.
“I wish someone would buy my girl a drink” he’d say through gritted teeth.


He would be eye-balling the guy all through your date. He’d be holding your hand, kissing your cheek, and any kind of little touches until the creep gets the hint.


When he catches the bouncer checking you out he’d be very on edge. But the second he hears him giving you a cheap pick up line, Sehun would have him in the unemployment line.


Sehun scenario – Living for the weekend


Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, encouraging

Summary: After such a stressful week, some old insecurities come back to haunts you. Thankfully Sehun is always there for you when you need him most.

Today just wasn’t my day. I woke up with a knot in my neck muscle, the coffee maker broke and I just felt defeated from the start. I was yawning all throughout work and all I wanted to do was disappear. A reminder alert popped up on my screen and I jumped into a panic.

“Oh, god. Performance reviews.” I checked all the documents on my computer to make sure everything was there and orderly. I looked up from my desk and saw my supervisor walking around the office, staring people down like a hawk.

“Y/n. Would you join me for a moment?” He said.

I stood up from my chair and followed him to his office. He closed the door behind us and my palms started to sweat. Just the sight of him could rattle anyone’s nerves. I sat across from his desk, waiting for him to say something about my performance this year. If he is impressed I get a raise, if not, I’m stuck.

“Y/n, there are some issues I’m having with the quarterly report. It’s not there.” He said, finally breaking the silence.

“What? I-I had it on my computer a second ago-”

“Right, but it’s not on my desk. The deadline was yesterday.” He shuffled through some papers until he landed on a single sheet. “Prompt, time-management, self-starter, responsible.” He read out loud. “That’s how you describe your self on your résumé, but there are still some holes in your performance.”

“I do apologize, sir. It won’t happen again.” I tried avoiding eye contact, hoping he wouldn’t see me tear up a little.

“I hope not. Y/n, when you first started here, you were so driven. You came into last years performance review with your head held high because you know you did well. And now you’re starting to lack confidence and ambition. What’s happened since then? Have I given you too much responsibility?”

“No, sir. It’s just been a rough week is all. I can assure you, I will have the report on your desk by the end of business today.” I promised.

He took a moment to think and sighed. “Tell you what. It’s Friday, you can just head back to your desk print it out and I’ll have the secretary bring it to me. You’re dismissed for the day.” His words sent a shockwave through my system, causing my eyes to go wide. “Don’t worry, Just come back fresh on Monday. Alright?”

I nodded and said, “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

As I left his office, I went straight to my desk and printed the report. I packed up my purse and left the building, but not before I could stop in the bathroom. I stood alone in front of the mirror, letting the tears flow down my cheeks. I took some deep breaths and wiped my face, touching up my make up to cover my puffy, red eyes.

All my life I’ve been surrounded by people who are better. Better grades, better looks, better everything. This job was a total turning point. I was driven because I felt accomplished just by being accepted for the position. And now I can’t live up to my own standards.

When I made it home I went through the front door, took off my shoes and jacket and sprinted upstairs without skipping a beat. I collapsed onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling for a while and just letting my mind go blank for the first time this week. How could I miss a deadline, especially for something so important? I was so disappointed in myself.

Just then, I heard the bedroom door creak open. I turned my head, but Sehun wasn’t in the doorway.  I sat up and looked over the side of the bed to see Vivi staring back at me. I smiled at his fluffy little face and lifted him up onto the bed with me. He laid next to me, resting his head on my stomach while I pet his fur. It confused me for a second when I felt a piece of paper on his collar. I sat up and took the note from his neck and read it to myself.

Are you okay?

I smiled at the cute message and turned to the door. “Yes, Hunnie. I’m okay.”

Sehun walked through the door and sat down next to me. “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t mad at me or anything.”

“Baby, how could I be mad at you? I’m mad at myself if anything.”


“Because…” I laid back down, stroking Vivi’s head. “Nothing has been going right this week. I just feel like I’m one step behind. My boss called me into his office for performance reviews and the most recent thing I’ve done that was notable was missing the deadline for the quarterly report. I worked on it for weeks and I literally forget to send it to him. I just feel so defeated. He literally pulled out my résumé to remind me of how I described myself when I applied. Now I can’t meet the expectations for myself.

Sehun laid on his back beside me and held my hand. "Y/n. That shouldn’t be bringing you down. So you had a bad week. But now you get to make the next one even better. You are the strongest, kindest most beautiful woman I know” He brought my hand up to his lips for a kiss. “That’s the reason I fell in love with you and that’s why I know you’re going to keep improving. All you need now is a little break. It’s a good thing I have a few plans for us this weekend.”

“Oh really? Like what?”

“Well first, I’m gonna get you out of these work clothes and we’ll have a nice warm bath, then maybe a massage to ease your nerves, and then some dinner, but after that who knows where it’ll lead, Hmm?” Spoken like the Sehunnie I know and love; sweet but perverted.

“Sounds perfect,” I replied with a smile.

Sehun got off the bed, holding out his hands for me to take and led me to our bathroom. After such a terrible week, I just needed a rest. Thankfully Sehun was there to melt away all the tension. He has a way about him that just makes my world so much better. It took five minutes of being around him to make me forget about my troubles.


Sehun scenario – All mine

Requested by anon

Genre: angst, smut, jealousy

Summary: The one thing Sehun hates, is when you forget who you belong to. And of course, when you act like a bad girl, you get punished like one.

Warnings: Spanking

It’s so great to get out of the house and spend some time with Sehun. Seeing him cut loose every now and again is really refreshing. Most of the time he just wants to stay at home all day and do nothing, but tonight I convinced him to go out with me.

“Alright Y/n. I only wanna spend an hour here… maximum.” If only I haven’t heard those words before, I’d believe him. He always starts off all reserved, but he just needs a few drinks in him.

“Okay. I promise.”

We pulled up to the club, parking the car and making our way inside. The second Sehun saw the ratio between men and women, his hand was glued to my waist. He glared at any man who dared to look at me. Without stopping, we went straight to the bar. Sehun ordered for both of us and we had a little toast.

“To fun Hunnie~,” I said with a smile.

After a few rounds, Sehun excused himself. He headed to the bathroom and I checked my makeup on my phone. I felt a warm presence behind me and smiled. Sehun and his antics.

“Hey. Is this seat taken?” A man said from behind. I turned around and saw him pointing to the stool on the other side of me.

“Oh no, that one isn’t, but this one is,” I said patting Sehun’s seat.

“Fair enough. I assume you’re not alone then.” He said, making conversation.

“Uh- yeah, he just stepped away for a second,” I explained.

“I’m surprised he could leave you here alone. That dress is stunning.” Granted he was charming, but I couldn’t show any interest.

“Thank you, but I’m actually seeing someone… exclusively,” I admitted. He was slightly taken back but still nodded in understanding.

“Message received. It was still nice to meet you…” He extended his hand for a friendly shake and I accepted.

“Y/n,” I said.

“Y/n, it’s a pleasure.” The moment he let go of my hand I watched him as his gaze moved from my eyes and up and over my head.

“I’ll bet it is.” I turned around in my seat to see Sehun shooting an icy stare at the guy next to me.

“Oh, Sehun. This is-”

“Irrelevant. Let’s go.” He grabbed my waist, practically lifting me off the stool and storming out with me glued to his side.

“Sehun! What the hell?” I broke away from him when we made it to the parking lot and he just gave me the silent treatment. “Really? You’re ignoring me after that stunt you pulled.” I got in the car myself and he slammed the driver’s side door, turning his attention to me with a puzzled look.

I pulled a stunt? What about you? That guy was undressing you with his eyes.” He threw the car into gear and sped off into the night.

“He was not looking at me any type of way, you are so dramatic.” I crossed my arms, giving up on any chance of having a decent conversation.

As soon as we got home, Sehun charged inside, leaving me to follow after him. I was just about to confront him when he hurried upstairs. I quickly rushed to our bedroom, knowing it would be the first place he would go. I heard the door slam shut as I made my way down the hall and there he was. I opened the door to find him nearly tearing his clothes off and tossing them in the laundry basket.

“Sehun… Can we talk about what happened?” I watched him pace back and forth while changing out of his club clothes. “I told him I was taken and he completely understood. When you came over he was just shaking my hand.”

“You don’t get it. He wanted what was mine.” He said, standing in front of me half naked.

“What’s yours? You’re really that territorial?”

He stepped toward me, staring me down. “You… Are mine. And I am yours. Period.” He stopped inches away from my face, taunting me with his bright pink lips. He knows I can’t resist his kisses.

“Y-you didn’t have to drag me out of there though,” I said in a timid voice. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips! I wanted to feel them all over me. He was so sexy when he was mad, and I was clearly falling apart at the seams. I wanted to kiss him so badly, it hurt.

“Yeah. I know you’re not the type to be… submissive. Oh, wait.” He gripped my hips, pushing me against the door. “You are.”

Without warning, Sehun stepped away, leaving me weak. He sat on the bed and looked at me with mischief in his eyes. He waved his finger at me, gesturing for me to come over and join him. I walked up to the bed, resting my hand on his shoulders, but before I could straddle him, he bent me over his lap, lifted my dress to expose my ass and pulled my hands behind my back with one hand.

“Such a bad little girl.” His hand came down with a loud smack. I bit my lip, stopping myself from moaning as he continued. “So naive.”

“I’m sorry, daddy. It won’t ever happen again.”
I know it won’t because my baby is about to learn just who she belongs to.“ He spanked me a few more times, squeezing my ass when he finished my punishment. He let go of my wrists, letting me stand up on my own, but not before he pulled my panties down, around my ankles. I stepped out of them and turned my back toward him, looking at him over my shoulder until he got the hint and unzipped my dress.

I stepped out of the pool of clothes and was finally able to straddle him. I grinded down on his lap, soaking his underwear with my wetness. He didn’t hesitate to take them off and roll me over onto my back. He lined himself up at my entrance and glided into my slick heat.

"Oh~ So warm, baby. And so tight.” He moved in and out, moaning my name while I kissed his neck and chest. “Who’s the only man who gets to feel your wet little pussy?”

“You, daddy. Only you.”

“That’s my girl.”

My hands moved across his shoulder blades and down his back while he thrusted into me. I dug my nails in just as his manhood touched my g-spot. I pressed my forehead to his chest, clenching my walls around him. His length pushed deeper inside of me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. My head was thrown back and my stomach was like a butterfly sanctuary. I could feel the tingles rush over me, but I resisted my climax until he was nearly there.

“Fuck, I’m close baby. Cum with me. NOW!” He demanded.

He pounded into me, letting a flow of profanities spill out of his mouth. I clawed at his back, my eyes rolled up and I completely came undone. Sehun’s member softened inside of me as he pulled out. I collapsed beside me, taking a few breaths before propping himself up on his arm.

“Now. What has my baby learned?”

“Don’t talk to strangers?” I guessed.


“Because I belong to you, daddy.” I cuddled into his chest, hoping my innocence could persuade him to not be mad anymore.

He kissed my nose and held me close, relaxing into the sheets. “Good girl.”


EXO reaction (?) – C*m face


Our soft kitten boy. He would be fairly silent up until his climax. His mouth would fall open and his soft grunts would spill out. His head would come back to kiss and gently nibble on your neck. He would love the way your fingers comb and tug on his hair while you cum.


Get ready for rough-daddy Suho. He would bear down with all his strength to keep his thrusts in sync while he cums. He wants his baby satisfied. Walking after sex would be out of the question with those wobbly legs.


Long breathy moans would fall out of his mouth. I’d imagine his strokes would go from slow and smooth to quick and harsh. A thin layer of sweat would form around his forehead and neck, making the little veins glisten.


Very vocal. He’d try to suppress it the first few times, but let’s be honest, guy moans are wildly hot. He is definitely a biter (Sehun can vouge for that). He’d nibble your neck and shoulder when he finishes deep inside you.


I envision him to very handsy and breathy with his moans. He is certainly a romantic. He’d be whispering sweet nothings between his moans, praising you, worshiping your body, kissing you. You would be his pampered princess.


… WHere to begin with my ultimate bias… His growls in your ear would be enough to climax in 0.2 seconds. His lazy kisses on your jaw and neck, a few nibbles to mark his territory. Best of all, his big strong arms would flex with every rough thrust.


His eyes would be squeezed shut, his moans would be very faint and low. He’d most likely bite his lip to keep from letting his mouth hang open as well.


His dancer hips would have him at an advantage. His long, deep thought would remain in sync while he cums inside you. I have a feeling he would be fairly vocal with his moans, making it known that you feel amazing around him.


This one is a tough call. I don’t think he would make very much noise but he’s a definite lip biter. He’d nuzzle his head into your neck and let out a few small whimpers. Lots of post-sex kisses!


EXO reaction – their GF getting shy/cute after her first time

You really would be his baby girl. He’d snuggle you up close and kiss your temple since odds are, you’d be too shy to make eye contact. You’d fall asleep with him gently stroking your back.


“Baby, don’t be shy.”
He’d pull you on top of him, give you a little Eskimo kiss and try to ease your nerves. He’s certainly the type to hum a tune as you fall asleep too.


He would be a shy little sheep prince. He’d just have you turn over and spoon you for a while. That way he can hold you without you having to see how red his face is.


He would be giggling like a little girl. He thinks you are the absolute cutest when you’re shy. He’d go from being a passionate, sensuous lover to a playful puppy in a second.


He would honestly think he hurt you or thought you weren’t ready. He’d feel so guilty until he realizes you’re just shy. He understands you vulnerable, but he’d love seeing your cute side.


Speaking of puppy love! This boy lives for a cute moment. He’d try to uncover your face from your hands and pull the blankets away to hold you closer. You’d literally be engulfed by his love for you. Besides, who doesn’t want to be surrounded by those ARMS?!


He’d let you kinda “get your shyness out”. Meaning he would wrap you in the covers while you hide your face and smile at you lovingly. But when you fall asleep, he’d pull the blankets away to get a look at your sleeping angel face.


This baby bear would get shy because you’re shy. He’d do that cute thing when he scrunches up like a little turtle when you hug him.


100% he would cover his face in his hands the moment you get shy. He’d try to give of confidence with a smirk, but inside he’s all giddy. By the time you both get settled and relaxed, he’d want to hold your hand and give you a few soft kisses.


EXO reaction – C*mming inside their GF for the first time


Request: Yay requests are open!! My request is exo reaction to their girlfriend telling them to cum inside her?


The moment you mention that you don’t want to use condoms, he’d let you get away with your wildest desire.  He’d be open to anything at that point. almost like a reward for letting him fill you.


Honestly, he’d probably feel a bit worried. He wouldn’t want to have an unexpected pregnancy, but when he feels you around him for the first time, all that fear would melt away.


“Fuck, you’re so sexy.”

Such a turn on for him! He’d be overjoyed that he doesn’t need to pull out or lower his pleasure by using a condom.  


You two would most likely go for a couple rounds. The first time having sex without condoms would both turn him on and make things… escalate a bit too quickly.  But he’s a Taurus man, they’re known for heir stamina 😉


At first, he’d be asking you over and over if you certain about it. But as things progress and he knows you’re completely fine with him cumming inside you, he’d leave the hesitations behind. 


He would hate having to pull out and he wouldn’t be able to really feel your wetness while using condoms so cumming inside you would be like his one true kink.

Sidenote: my one true kink is this boy’s damn NECK


I actually think he’d be like Xiumin. Letting him cum inside you would turn him on so much, he’d probably let you be the dom. Either way, he wins.


It’s like the gate of heaven open up. The moment he hears you say “Cum inside me”, he is seeing stars. His thrusts would become so powerful like- asdfghjkl! It would get insense…


He would make sure you had the best orgasm of your life. He wants you to enjoy it as much, if not more than he does.

Sehun scenario – A pleasant surprise


requested by anon

Genre: Angst smut

Summary: Sehun has been very distant lately. You start to notice some signs of cheating and decide to confront him, but as it turns out, he had a very good excuse for his behavior.

Something was wrong. Maybe it was my female intuition, but there was something not right about Sehun. This week I came home early and found him boxing things up in his closet. Then the next day we woke up before me and left without a word. He hardly talked to me over the past two days, but he’d receive constant text messages and leave the room to answer them. I was all so strange.

This morning before work I heard him on the phone talking to some girl named Bebe. I left the house for work without a goodbye. When I reached the garage, I passed his car and found a gift box from Else Lingerie. He has never bought me expensive lingerie before! Who is he buying it for?!

On my way to work, I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t believe he would be unfaithful after all this time together. He’s never so much as lingered at anyone else, even when we started dating in high school. I was both terrified that he would leave me for another woman and livid at the thought of him cheating on me.

I could hardly concentrate on work all day. Today was the last day of our project deadline and the finishing touches still had to be made. All the stress was clouding my judgment. I was so wrapped up in two different things that I started to lose focus quickly.

“Y/n? You alright?” My coworker asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah… I’m fine. Just-… I’m fine.” I couldn’t tell her about my suspicions in case I was wrong, but what if I’m not?

“If you need to take the rest of the day off, I’ll cover for you. Plus, it’s your anniversary. I thought you’d want to spend the day with Sehun.” She said with a friendly grin. I faked a smile and nodded.

I took her up on her offer and left early. I just had to know what he was up to. I raced home, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, then the moment I walked through the door, it was as if my heart just stopped beating. Rose petals scattered the floor, candles set all around the living room and Sehun stood frozen while holding a bottle of champagne. My suspicions were right all along. To make things worse, it was all happening in my own home.

“Baby, you aren’t supposed to be home till later.”

“Well, I’m home right now.” I dropped my bag on the floor and stepped into the romantic scene that clearly wasn’t supposed to be seen by me. “I can’t believe this, Sehun. After everything we’ve been through, all our years of being together, you go out and set all this up for some other girl you’re messing around with, while I slave away at work. Was it really worth it?”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“Oh, don’t play dumb with me! All of a sudden you get nervous whenever you get a text with me next to you, you act all suspicious of me when I put your laundry away in your closet, just this morning I hear you confirm your dinner reservations with ‘Bebe’ and then I find an Else Lingerie gift box in your car! How long has this been going on?”

“Y/n, there’s a huge misunderstanding here. None of this is for another girl. It’s for you.” He said.

I crossed my arms, still unable to trust him just yet. He put down the bottle and walked toward me to explain himself.

“Y/n, Bebe is the name of the hostess at the restaurant I was catering from. I figured you’d be too tired after work to go out so I had dinner brought in. I had some packages being delivered and I was receiving texts about the shipment, I put a lot of the anniversary decorations in my closet for safe keeping and… the lingerie is for you… later.” His head lowered and my heart shriveled up. I wrongfully accused the man I love, made a complete fool of myself and worst of all, I made my poor Sehunnie shy.

“Oh, god. Sehun I’m so sorry.” I rush to him, giving him a warm embrace. “I don’t know why I let it escalate so far.”

“Baby, it’s alright.” He cupped my cheeks to calm me down and kissed my forehead. “I would never do that to you.”

I leaned into him, hiding my face in his chest and squeezing him tight. His low chuckle rumbled deep in his chest, causing the vibrations to tickle my face. I looked up at him, kissing his lips and he rubbed my back.

“So… What would it take for you to forget the last five minutes?” I asked. Sehun smirked at me as his hand lowered to my ass. “I thought so.”

I leaned in, but he turned his head, pressing his lips to my ear and whispered, “Wanna try on your gift first?”

I gave him a quick kiss before taking my gift from off the table and heading to the powder room to change. I checked myself out when I had the lingerie on and smirked. With all the lace and sheer, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. I still felt completely naked with it on. But Sehun wants what he wants. I opened the bathroom door and peeked to see if he was waiting for me outside.

“Sehun?” I called out. It was as if he completely disappeared. I stepped out of the bathroom, looking around the corner until I heard him in the other room.

“In here, baby.” I perked up the second I heard his silky voice beckoning me to the bedroom.

I sauntered to the door, opening it slowly. Sehun was already stripped down to his underwear and waiting for me on the bed. He sat up on the edge, holding his hand’s out to touch me as I walked closer to him. His hands went straight to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he planted a kiss on each of my breasts, moving up to press another soft kiss to the base of my neck, then my sweet spot, then my cheek, and finally my lips. I straddled him, pushing him down on his back. He unhooked my bra, pulled the straps down my arms and tossed it to the other side of the room.

“Mmmm~ I love you so much, baby.” He took two hands full of my ass, squeezing tightly, making me moan against his sinful lips.

“I love you too,” I whispered.

Sehun flipped us over, standing on his knees and pulling his underwear down, exposing his massive erection. He came back down, freeing me of my panties and trailing his fingers up my slit while he kissed me. I kicked off the panties I’d been wearing for just five minutes and flung my arms around Sehun.

He collected my juices in his hands before stroking his cock. He rubbed his tip against my slit earning a breathy moan from me and slowly plunged himself into me. My mouth hung open as he thusted deeper. My breasts pressed to his bare chest with each long inhale, taking in the strong scent of his musk.

“More, baby.” I moaned.

Sehun lifted my leg, picking up his pace. His cock glided in and out of me with ease. I tightened around him, making him groan with pleasure and grip my thigh, surely leaving little bruises in the morning.  I pressed my hand to his chest, feeling his heart pound in anticipation of his long-awaited climax. With all that was happening this week, we barely even touched each other.

“S-Sehun, I’m gonna…Cum!” I tried so hard not to lose control.

I leaned up as he threw his head back his another moan and kissed his long neck, giving his sweet spot extra special attention.

“Oh fuck! Cum for me. Right now.” His thrusts went out of sync, his hands trembled on my legs and we both completely came apart.

My back arched, I grabbed the sheets with all my might and cried out his name. “Sehun! Oh god, yes~”

He filled me with his warm cum, breathing heavily and moaning in ecstasy. We started to cool down after such an intense climax and laid side by side. Sehun turned over to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. I rolled onto my side to face him.

“All this time of being together, and you still manage to surprise me,” I said. He smiled back and me and held my waist.

“Who would have thought? High school sweethearts, still going strong.” He kissed my lips and cuddled me in closer. “How about I run you a warm bath, let you soak for a bit while I get our dinner ready?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said with a smile. “Anything specific I should wear for dinner?” I asked flirtatiously.

“Well, since we’re in the comfort of our home… Clothing is optional.” He gave me another kiss on the cheek as I burst into giggles.  

Although things didn’t start out very well, it was by far the most memorable anniversary we ever had.


EXO reaction – Back dimples


He would notice them very late in the relationship. He’d be checking you out as you reach up to grab something off the top shelf and when your shirt rived up, there they are.




He finds them absolutely adorable. His favorite thing ever is when you’d wear your low rise jeans. It’d make it easy to just take you by the hips and press his index fingers into you dimples.



You’d poke his cheek dimples, he pokes your back dimples.  Every time you stand in front of him, he’d be poking at them. He’d push his thumbs into your dimples and wrap his hands around your hips, holding you in place in front of him. Just like a cute little habit.



He loves exploring your body anyway, but your dimples would be the center of his attention. He’d lay on his back with you laying on your stomach above on top of him. He’d lift your shirt, high enough to see the little dimples he loves so much, and kiss the top of your head while his fingertips graze up and down your back.



I see him finding out in a really funny way. While the two of you are kissing and he suddenly feels two little dimples in your back, he’d get all worried.
“Woah! You have holes in your back!”
“No, Jongdae they’re just dimples…”



Oh, boy… This boy! He would think your dimples are the hottest things ever. His mind would go from clean to dirty in 0.2 seconds when he saw them. He’d love it when you were on top of him just so he could feel your dimples while you grind on him. 



He’d be secretly obsessed with them. You’d catch him checking you out when your standing in front of him or feel him poking at them while he thinks your asleep. Just the sight of them makes him smile, and who can resist a cute penguin smile?



There is no way you could be sexier in his eyes. His hands would have a go-to spot when he holds you close.  Whenever he’d get bored, you can bet he’s either playing with your hair or poking at you dimples. He’s honestly the type to give you a back rub for the sole purpose of touching your back dimples.



He’d be entranced by them. When he first spots them he’d wonder, 

“Do I have those?”

“No, Hunnie, you don’t…”

“Boo~” *pout*
