Tao scenario – Baby boy


requested by anon

genre: smut


Well, now I’m in for it. I may have sent a few suggestive messages to Y/n while she was out to lunch with her friends. I know it was wrong but damn! She knew how to tease me without even being around. Her scent was everywhere I went. Her bra and panties were still on the floor from last night and all I wanted was another round.

I decided I should just get out of the house for a while and I went for a light jog to release some tension. By the time I got home, I saw Y/n’s car in the driveway and hurried inside. I threw my keys on the hook and was confused when I saw a box on the table with a light blue bow. I untied it and smirked when I saw a bottle of my favorite cologne and a pair of lacy briefs. I picked it up and read the little note attached to the ribbon.

‘come upstairs. I don’t want you wearing anything other than what’s in this box.’

I looked at the top of the stairs, knowing she was in our room waiting for me. I quickly stripped down and sprayed on my favorite sent for her.

Your POV

I took another look at myself in the mirror and smiled. My baby boy is about to beg for me tonight. I listen to the commotion downstairs as he was probably getting his clothes off. I slipped on my black heels to match my lingerie and silk robe. I walked out of the master bedroom and watched him from the top of the staircase as he stripped completely naked before slipping into his nearly transparent briefs. He took the cap off the bottle and tilted his head back, giving himself a couple sprays.

He put his gift back in the box and covered it with the lid. As soon as he turned around he saw me standing there. He sauntered up each step before he was face to face with me. I raised my hands up his body, touching the muscles.

“I’ve missed you, baby boy,” I said in a sensual tone. “You look so sexy…” Tao smirked at me and held my hips while my hand explored his chiseled body. He leaned down to kiss me but I moved my head, refusing to give in that easily. “Come with me.” I held my hands out and he gladly took them. I lead him to the bedroom where I just lit several candles. He took a deep breath, taking in the romantic atmosphere.

“Lay back for me baby. Relax.” Tao did as I said and laid in the middle of the bed on his back. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the massage oil and walked back into the room. “Mommy’s gonna make you feel so good, baby. Just feel my hands.”

“It’s hard to relax when you tease me like this.” He said already starting to squirm.

“Mmm~ No need to worry, love.” I put a little oil into my hand and started at his hips and worked my way up is to tense shoulders. “Your shoulders and chest. They’re rock hard, baby. Just take some deep breaths.” I pushed down on his shoulder blades.

“God, you’re so good at this. Uhhhhhh.” He moaned softly as I rubbed the stress away.

“Turn over onto your front for me.” He did as I said and turned to his stomach. I rubbed all the way to his lower back, relaxing each muscle as I went down. He moaned and groaned at each touch.

“You better keep it down, baby boy. I don’t want the neighbors to get the wrong idea… Yet.” I kissed his ear and he buried his face in the pillow.

“It feels so good!” Ugh~“ I smiled and massaged his upper back, whispering dirty secrets in his ear.

"Do I make you feel good? You love it when I touch you there don’t you?” I grinded my hips on him, feeling the little bit of friction. “You don’t need to stress when I’m here, my love.”

I firmly stroked up and down his back as he moaned and called my name into the pillow. He turned me on so much. I couldn’t take it anymore!

“Fuck! That’s it. Turn over.” I lifted my self up to my knees so he could adjust and pounced on him. I immediately covered him in kisses and let his hands wonder my body. I gripped his wrists and brought them up, above his head. “Keep your hands right there.” I made my way from his lips down his gorgeous body.

“Oh fuck, not my neck.” I know exactly where his weak spots were and used them to my advantage. Leaving a single kiss on his sweet spot just to mess with him. His breath hitched and he whined as I moved on to the next spot.

“That’s for sending me dirty messages while I’m in public.” I lowered my hand, stroking his prominent erection only once. He squirmed below me, beginning to sense a pattern. “That’s for turning me on.” I hooked my finger in the hem of his lacy underwear pulling it down just to show his rock hard member. He tried to reach down and hold my hip, but I quickly stopped him.

“Your hands will stay right there. Understood, baby?”


“Yes, what?” I replied with a devilish smirk.

“Yes, mommy.” I hummed at his words and he kept his wrists in place.

I decided to reward him with what he’s been wanting all this time. I crawled above him, lining up out hips and came close to his ear.

“Do you want me, baby? Do you want my soft, wet heat wrapped around your cock? Hmm?” He lost his self-control and squirmed and tried to keep his hands above his head. I tore off my panties and gripped his uncovered member in my hand before sinking down on him. His head relaxed back and smirked at me while ruffling his hair with his hands. I put my hands on his chest and moved my hips up and down.

Tao held onto the sheets above his head like his life depended on it. I rolled my hips on his and smiled to myself when the swear words started to come out.

“Oh fuck! Not too fast, mommy! UGH, Have some mercy.”

“Mercy? My baby boy wants mercy?” I came to a sudden stop and his eyes flew open in shock. “Mommy wanted mercy when you sent the first text wanting me to come home and feel how hard you are. Mommy wanted mercy when she saw you strip out of your regular clothes and into these little lacy briefs.” Tao was completely out of breath and just wanted me to finish him off. I moved as slowly as I could, barely giving him what he wanted.

“P-please.” He begged. I had to admit I was a whisper away from losing control too, but I had to keep my dominance.

“Give he your hands, baby.” He put his hands in mine and I guided them to my hips. I leaned down, looking him in his dark brown eyes. “Look straight at me while I make you mine.” I sped up, bucking my hips and slamming down on his stiff member. Tao cried out my name as his fingers pressed to my hips.

“Don’t hold back, baby boy. Make me cum!” I screamed and rode out my high. Tao quickly joined me in ecstasy and held me tight. I let my head fall onto his firm chest as I tried to keep in rhythm. Tao’s hand held my back as the other guided me up and down. I felt it from my head to my feet. It was like everything tingled and flexed all in one perfect moment. “It feels so good, baby. Mmm~”

Sadly the feeling soon wore down, but the love was still strong. I lifted my head for a lazy kiss from Tao. His hands cupped my face and he covered me in kisses.

“That was amazing…” He said, giving me a break.

“But seriously though… No more dirty texts in public.”

“Agreed.” He replied. His fingers traced up and down my arm until we fell into a blissful sleep.


EXO reaction- painting their pregnant wife’s toenails


He thinks it’s adorable! He’d joke around the first couple of times, but he can’t help it!

“Aww, Jagiyah~ You can’t see your toes?”


He’ll do anything that makes you happy! Granted, you’ll have more polish on your toes than the actual nail.


He would be so proud of himself when he gets it right. Even though it was just a nude top coat, he’d be raving about it all day.


It’s apart of your daily routine! He never really minds helping you out, even though it may be a small task. You’d have to hold in your laughter though because we all know he’d have that extremely focused look on his face while he puts the polish on.


This sweetie couldn’t even hesitate. He will do whatever makes the mother of his child happy.


He’d be entertained at first, just watching you try and paint your toes yourself until he cuts in and help you out.He doesn’t want you to strain your self for pull a muscle trying to reach over your bump.

“Does baby like mommy’s toes?”


I see him just buying you a gift certificate to a spa. He’d try to paint them once and as soon as he screws up, he’ll just leave it to the pros.


He has an older sister, so I assume he knows his way around nail polish. (especially since he can apply lipstick perfectly). There’s about a 90% chance he’ll take a picture of your toenails if he does well.


“Do I have to?”

He will only do it if you promise to never tell a soul! No one would ever let him live if they knew how super soft he was for his wife.


He would give up halfway through the first toe, Needless to say, you’d just wear closed toe shoes for a while.

*LOL* “Sorry babe.”


Much like the other members with sisters, Kai is familiar with nail polish, but in this case, it’s not much help. He would be sitting there, bent over, laughing at himself. 


“Aaaand done!”

“Sehun! You missed both pinky toes.”

“They’re too small! I kept messing up.”

After a few seconds of marital bickering, you’d just settle for peep-toe flats.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Hunnie.”

Tao scenario – You make me smile


requested by @taoswag

genre: smut, fluff

Warnings: couch sex. Is that a warning? IDK ¯_(ツ)_/¯

summary: after a hard day at the office, Tao just needs a reason to smile. It’s a good thing he has you to brighten his life 🙂

“What do you think Kandy?” I turned to Tao’s puppy and she just barked. Tao’s been at the office for the past 10 hours and I wanted to make sure he came home to something really special. Tax season is coming up at the firm, so everyone is working extra hours to get things straightened out.

By the time he came home, he was completely worn out. He laid out on the couch and little Kandy trotted over to cheer him up. “Hey, Babe! How was your day?” I asked.

“crazy~” he replied exhaling deeply.

“I wish I can take you to work with me, Kandy…” I smiled as Tao ruffled through her white fur. I quickly finished putting our food onto plates and walked out to the living room, placing our meals onto the coffee table. I laughed when I saw Tao, laying on the accent rug with little Kandy on his chest.

“Oh, baby, I didn’t know you were making dinner already. I would have helped.” He said feeling guilty.

“No, no. It’s okay, you’ve had a long day. I’ll get us some drinks.” I grabbed Tao’s favorite bottle of wine and a pair of glasses. When I came back to the living room. Tao turned on the fireplace and relaxed in front of the couch. I sat down next to him and he sent Kandy to the other room while we ate.

“So how was work? Really.” I asked wanting his honest answer. “It was just a lot, but we got everything done.” He said.

“Did you want to talk about it?” I always feel bad when I vent all my feelings out on him and rarely let him get a word in.

“No, it’s all over now. I get to focus on better things.” He said kissing my temple. I turned my head, kissing his lips, cupping his smooth cheek in my hand. He smiled into the kiss and held my hip, pulling me in closer. I moaned when I felt his soft tongue graze my lower lip. I swung my leg over his hip, straddling him. Tao gripped my thighs and carried me up, onto the couch before stripping out of his work clothes.

He ripped off his jacket and I pulled him back down by his tie. our lips reconnected and he hummed at the contact. He unbuttoned his shirt after I slipped his tie from around his neck. I slipped my hands under his pants, palming his hard cock. His mouth opened into a small ‘o’ shape, not wanting me to stop. His bottom lip was trapped by his teeth, his moan caught in his throat.

“Moan for me, baby. I want to hear you.” I whispered. He released his lip, letting out a sensual groan of pleasure. I smiled at the sweet sound. I coiled my fingers around his member, stroking up and down. He quickly snapped back into reality, undoing his belt and pulling his pants off his legs. I helped him with his underwear, freeing his begging cock.

I looked down at his perfect body, admiring his sculpted features. My eyes wandered back up to his intense stare of desire. I pulled him in for a heated kiss, but his hands had other plans.

He grabbed the hem of my shorts and pulled them down, dropping them where his pants landed. His hand came back up, cupping my breast as he slipped his tongue back into my mouth. I moaned, loving the rush he gave me. I arched my back, unclasping my bra, pulling the straps down under my tank top. He took charge and reached up my shirt tugging it out of the way.

My hand returned to his silky black hair, deepening our kiss. Tao removed my underwear and lifted my leg over his hip, lining himself up. He kissed the corner of my mouth before slowly gliding into me. My fingertips laced into his hair, encouraging him to keep going. His soft lips trailed kisses down my neck while his hips smacked into mine. I bucked my hips up, moaning at the much-anticipated friction.

“Mmm~ That feels good, baby.” I purred into his ear.

“You’re so tight.”

His thrusts grew forceful, each one more intoxicating than the last. My arms started tingling, preparing for when was about to happen. Tao saw my facial expression and smirked at his power over me. His sneaky fingers started rubbing my clit, his hips smashing into mine. My hands slid down his back, feeling his hot skin. Our moans filled the room, making us both nearly reach our climax.

“T-Tao, I’m gonna.”

“Oh fuck! Cum, baby girl~ I’ve got you.” That’s all I needed. His gentle hands held my back as I arched for my life, crying out his name.

“That’s it, baby! You look so good, y/n. Scream for me!” My body rocked with his rhythmic stroke. It wasn’t long before he reached his climax, moaning and whining about me. His warm lips pressed against my cheek. I watched at the tiny beads of sweat started to form. I took a few times as I came down from my lengthy orgasm. Tao collapsed on top of me, our damp skin clinging to one another.

“That was hot.” He said with a smile. I kissed his head and held him close, not wanting to let go.

“I’’m just glad I make you smile,” I admitted. Every time he smiles at me, the world is okay. He still manages to light up my life, just by smiling, even after one of the hardest days of his life.

“You always make me smile, baobei. No matter what,”


EXO reaction – taking care of their sick S/O

requested by @catou1305

Lift a finger? I think not! He is right there beside you, feeding you, making you tea, running to the store for your medicine. He will require the absolute least from you. All you have to do is get some rest.


He is so worried about you! If he is away from you, he’d be the one calling twice a day to make sure you’re drinking lots of water and taking your medicine.


He’d be especially worried if you’re contagious. He would most likely wear a mask if it was a cold or something airborne. He’d still be affectionate and caring though. Kisses on the cheek, forehead, and neck, just not the mouth or nose.


“Junmyeonie it’s okay. I can go to the store with you if you want.”
“The only thing you have to do is get better.”
He’d tuck you into bed like a swaddled baby.  He hates seeing you miserable.


A gentleman at it’s finest. When you mention you’re canceling your date because of a sickness, he will want to just have a relaxing night in. Spending time with you is all he cares about.


He’s the one who is playing doctor for you to cheer you up. What’s the cure? 2 days in bed with him.


He is the most loving person ever! He will try loads of home remedies and never left your side. When you start burning up, he’s there to brush your hair back to cool you down and give you a cold towel to put on your forehead.


If your temperature drops, you’re getting big bear hugs all day long.  He will do everything and anything in his power to make you feel comfortable.


I see him tapping into his soft side when you get sick. Laughter is the best medicine in this case. He would stay up with you and watch comedies when you can’t get to sleep. After a while, you’ll both get so tired that you just fall over into each other’s arms


H would become oddly protective of you when you get ill. He wants you to steer clear from anything that can make you feel worse. He would have you wear a mask (matching his of course) when you go out to the store or to the doctor’s office.


“Jagiyah~ I told you to be careful when you go out. I’m coming over! don’t go anywhere!”

He’d start to feel guilty since he catches colds very easily too.


Let’s face it. If you have a sickness that can be spread through kissing… He has it too! You both would be laying next to each other on the couch drinking hot tea and eating soup while watching TV all day. Any regrets? NOPE!


Tao scenario – Here we go again

requested by anon

genre: angsty fluffy smutty love

Warnings: mild dry humping and implied smut

Summary: It’s hard to resist a bad boy who’s a good man

Call me crazy, but I don’t mind a guy who gets a little heated. Bad boys don’t scare me at all. And that’s what I got. Granted finding a guy who feels invisible is like finding a crack in the side walk when you’re in college. They are everywhere! But I didn’t choose just anyone to give my heart to. I chose Huang zitao. We’ve been on again and off again a few times, but this last time we decided to just not tell anyone we’re together until we are certain it’s for real.

Tao and I had just gotten into a very heated argument once again. Probably the worst in our entire relationship and all I wanted was some time with my friends to clear my head. I fell head over heals for him and he just wanted to stay out all the time and rarely call or text me. I got on my phone and had a few girl friends pick me up to go out for the night.

We pulled up to a massive party at its peak. We walked into the front door and were immediately hit with the rush of adrenaline. We walked around, talking to the people we knew and danced around as a group. But like most party groups we grew smaller. One by one we found something to do separately. I walked to the kitchen to get myself a drink when I bumped into a handsome stranger.

“Hey.” He said with a charming smile. “Hi,” I replied.

“Are you new to campus? I’ve never seen you before.”

“No this is actually my third year. I don’t normally come to parties like this though.”

“That’s alright. If you want I can take care of you.” Oh god. I’m in too deep. I didn’t think he was trying to be super flirty, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I just needed to let him know I’m off limits.

“I have a boyfriend. Sorry.”

“Is he here?” He said raising an eyebrow. He is not giving up too easily I can see.

“No, but I’m still with him.”

“I won’t bite, baby. No one has to know if you’re just chilling with me tonight.”

“Okay… I’m just gonna leave then.” I almost walked away when he grabbed my wrist harshly.

“Wait! Look I’m not just some jerk here-”

“I think you are!” A familiar voice hollered. I turned to see Tao with white hot rage in his eyes. A small crowd started to stare at the scene in wonder “You’ve got five seconds to get your hand off her.” I watched the two glare at each other until the stranger let me go and slowly walked away, bumping Tao’s shoulder as he went past. I was shocked at the guy’s bravery, given that Tao could have easily knocked him to the ground.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I can be asking you the same,” Tao said. Part of me wanted to leap into his arms and thank him for saving me but the other part wanted to give him the silent treatment.

“Thanks for getting that guy to back off…” I said giving in. He walked toward me and stopped in front of me. I looked around to see groups of people still watching us. I didn’t blame them though. This was the first time they saw Tao sticking up for someone that wasn’t himself.

“Can we talk?” he said in a low voice

“Why?” I said with an attitude. He came closer and held my hand gently. I knew he was turning into the Tao I love.

“Please? I just need to talk to you in private.” I slowly nodded and followed him past the starting groups of people. We walked out to his car and drove off without saying a word. I nearly smiled when he pulled up to our usual spot. The massive field by our University. We got out and sat on the hood, just like we did on our first date.

“What’s on your mind, Tao?” I said breaking the silence. He let out a breath and started to speak, “Seeing you with other guys are killing me. I know you were trying to get away from him, but the only reason you went to the party was my fault. I- I just,” I turned to him right as a small tear rushed down his face. My heart sank seeing him this way. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and I brushed his tear away. He held my hand, pressing his lips to my palm. “I love you so damn much, y/n.” I smiled at him and kissed his soft lips.

“I love you too. But what now? I can’t keep doing this every couple of months. I just need to know here and now that you are really committed. I hate telling people "It’s complicated” because it shouldn’t be. Honestly, I’ve loved you since we first met. You told me that every other girl would have either ran or tried to hook up with you, but I didn’t. I know you, Tao. You aren’t the person everyone makes you out to be.“

"I’m committed. You’re the only girl in this world that I can bond with. I don’t know how you took over my heart like this but you did.” He said with a smile. I let go of his face and he pulled me into a tight embrace. This is the Tao I want. The one who will protect and love me instead of lie and argue all the time.

“I’m in this if you are, baobei.” He whispered. “I was never out,” I replied. He pulled away only to trap my lips in a passionate kiss. I can’t help but smile against his lips. His hand held the side of my neck while the other wrapped around my waist turning me over. He hovered above me and grinded his growing erection down onto me. I moaned into his mouth and held onto his hard biceps. I swung my leg around his hip while we made out. I missed his kiss, even though it had only been a day since we last kissed.

Tao reached for the hem of my jeans and unbuttoned them. I tugged at his shirt and pulled it over his head. I squirmed beneath him and lifted my hips matching his stroke.

“HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” I looked to my left and saw campus security guard walking toward us.

“Oh shit!’ Tao jumped off the hood, freeing me from his grasp. I quickly buttoned my pants and ran to the passenger seat. Tao didn’t bother to put his shirt back on, he just started the car and drove away.

"That was exciting!” I said with a laugh. I turned around to see the officer didn’t follow us. “Phew. Thank God! I’m glad that worked out.” I said with a laugh. Tao reached over and held my hand. “I’m glad we worked out.”

The next day, Tao drove me to my first class after we finished our late night “talk” at his place. We were pressed for time so I just wore his top and jacket with my jeans from the night before. we rushed passed my dorm just to grab my backpack and hurried to my morning class.

I opened the car door and got out only to have him race over to my side and hold the door open.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said with a smile. “Anything for my girl. Pick you up later?” He asked. I nodded and he crashed his lips into mine, knowing full well that there were witnesses, but I didn’t care. I finally got my bad boy back. I broke away and walked to the building entrance.

Once I was settled in my class I received a text from Tao. “You look hot in my clothes by the way ;)”

The End

EXO reaction – you teasing them under the table with the other boys there

He’d give you the “Are you serious?” look and almost panic until he realizes that no one is paying too much attention and gives you a suggestive smirk with lust in his eyes.

His cheeks are as pink as a flamingo! He is in shock that you chose now to be kinky.

You teasing would soon come to an end when he gets a tight grip on your thigh and you see the underlying tones of lust in his eyes. His fingers would trail up to your leg until he almost reaches where you want him most. He’d smirk and pull his hand away, giving you a taste of your own medicine.

The moment your finger tips graze his knee, he’d grab your hand and look you in the eye. You’d get the hint that now isn’t the time, but sure enough, you make him break into his dominant side when you get home.

This baby sheep would be so embarrassed. He wouldn’t be able to help the obvious erection. The only thing to do at that point is just not stand up. He’d look around the table to make sure no one notices what you’re doing.

One of two things can happen with this boy. He will either be so embarrassed and blushy that you both will get caught OR he will excuse you both from the table and take you home as fast as he can.

He is trying so hard not to laugh when you first start to tease, but as soon as you touch his favorite spot, his jaw is as clenched as can be. He wants you at home, in bed, asap

Your both busted AF. He would squirm and his face would say it all. The boys would look at him with confusion and he’d have no choice but to get you into the closest, private area.

Not amused at all. He would give you a look telling you to stop. If there were important people around, he wouldn’t be in the “adventurous” mood.

He is giving you all sorts of bedroom eyes. He is shockingly good at hiding his sexual frustration. He would try to figure out how to pull you closer without drawing any attention.

OH BOY! His lips would be wedged in his teeth as soon as he feels a hand on his thigh. He’d pull up his chair and lean back while your hands did the rest.

He is licking his lips about every three seconds. Unfortunately for you both, Suho would most likely catch on to what you’re doing and give you both a “mom glare”

Tao scenario – I just want you


Requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: What do you give a man who has everything on his birthday? For Tao, all he wants is his favorite person in the world.

Tao x Reader (1st person)

I can’t believe it! A year has passed since I met Tao at his 23rd birthday party. The party was two days before his birthday, but it was a surprise. We met through mutual friends and I was just a plus one, but of all the people in the crowded club, we met each other. We spent the rest of the night getting to know each other and escaping from everyone else. The next day my friend sent me a picture of Tao and me in the corner of the club, I never noticed it but when I turned to say “Hi” to a friend, he looked at me with so much happiness.

That’s the moment I knew I had to get into contact with him. He reached out to me on his actual birthday and asked me out to dinner. It wasn’t long before we started dating. Of course, the public knew about it about two months in, but we still kept things very private.

Today I came to China to surprise him for his birthday, He’s been really down and I can’t take seeing him that way. Just last week he said he was “Home sick”

“Tao, China is your home, silly.”
“Not if I’m alone…”

His words broke my heart, so I’m here to fix it. I saved the picture of the two of us from the night we met and had it framed for him. It wasn’t much compared to the Gucci everything he owns, but I know he’ll like it.

When I arrived at his house, I pulled out my spare key from our last visit and unlocked the door.

“Hello? Zitao?” No one was home. Yes! I took out the picture and placed it on the table in the foyer. I walked around the main area, looking at all the travel posters he had up of the places he’s been. I almost jumped when I heard the jingling of keys coming from outside the front door. I hid around the corner and waited for whoever it was to come in. The door opened revealing my exhausted boyfriend, he probably just finished rehearsal or was still lacking sleep. He tossed his keys on the table and took a second look when he saw something out of place.

He picked up the photo and stared in disbelief. He then looked around, wondering who put it there. He’s never seen that picture before and it was slowly driving him crazy.

“I miss you…” He whispered to the framed photo. I smiled to myself with a tear threatening to escape my eye. He walked further into the house and turned the corner. I stayed as still as possible while he walked passed by me. He held the frame in his hands and stopped when he reached his trophy case in the living room. He slipped the photo inside and closed the glass door. He turned around and froze in place when he saw me.

“Baobei?” He said. I nodded and ran to him. His face lit up and his arms lifted me up in a tight embrace. “I missed you so much, it hurts.”

“I think I’m feeling that pain~,” I said against his tight grip, he put me back down and kissed my lips. We sd there, holding each other for a few minutes until my eyes wandered back to his gift. Tao noticed my stare and turned around.

“You remember that night? I never thought it would change my life.” I said to him.

Tao kissed my forehead and replied, “There was something about you. The whole night I was bothered by so many friends and strangers, but you were the only one I actually wanted to talk to. Thank you for that, baobei. I didn’t know someone was taking pictures of us.”

“Neither did I,” I said with a smile. The look in his eyes never changed. This whole time I thought it was happiness, but it was love.

How I think EXO would kiss their GF

requested by anon


pure and sweet

Both hands on your cheeks. He would give you small kisses and first and get more sensual from there. He likes the taste of your lips. He’d take your bottom lip between his and hold you close to his warm body. He’d eventually press his hands to your back and let you run your fingers through his hair.


soft and romantic

His hands would hold onto your waist while his head turns to one side. His lips would be the perfect balance of strong and soft. Keeping a flavored chapstick or gloss never hurts either. Just keep away from the ones with a sticky finish!


simply Steamy

His hands are all over. At first touch, he holds your jaw before trailing down your back and pressing you to him. He would prefer to have you wear a nice matte or lip stain when you go out so he can feel the softness and warmth of your lips.


oh so gentle
He thinks it’s cute when you shy away at first. He knows you’ll give in eventually and kiss him. His kiss would be his way of proving his love your you. He touches your face with a calm and loving brush of his thumb. His eye lashes would tickle your cheek bones every now and again. Like little angel kisses.


perfect every time

His delicate touch makes you feel like you’re all that matters to him. He has a way with his lips that make you want more. It’d be as if he always knew when he was going to get kissed. His lips are perfectly warm and soft.


puppy love

He’d love to see the smile on your lips as much s he love’s kissing them. His hand would cup your jaw when he kisses you. He loves giving you Eskimo kisses and pressing his lips to your cheek. He’d kiss your forehead from time to time if you’re in public.


Strong lips for days

A man with strong lips can easily make his girl feel a rush of love everywhere. Chen has that very same technique when he kisses you. His strong jaw would be trapped between your hands while his lips work on yours. His masculine hands could hold on to you so your knees don’t give away at the feel of his kiss.


Full of love

Whenever he kisses you, he wants you to know you’re the one he loves. He lets you hold/squish his cheeks and play with his hair when you’re missing him. He just grabs onto your hips and kisses you with everything he has. Afer a while he’ll slip his tongue in for a deeper kiss, but never in public.


Occasional but lingering

He isn’t one for a lot of affection but with you, he wants you to know he’s smitten. His soft plump lips will press to yours and every feeling he has for you will show. one hand will be placed on your hip, the other brushing back your hair.


tender and heartfelt

Even in times of passion, he will cup your cheeks and press his lips to yours softly. He wants you to feel cared for. He loves holding onto your body and letting his hands wander. Any time your lips even look soft, he wants to make sure 😉


Completely addictive

One kiss and you’re hooked! His full, plump lips would work on yours with so much love and passion. He likes to hold onto your hands and pull you in, swinging your arms around him and keeping you in place. Even when you two are spooning on the couch, he turns you over at any given moment and overtakes you with love.


As random as it gets

Neck, cheek, forehead, lips. He kisses wherever he wants. His kissing style is all about impulse. Is he feels like the moment is right, he takes it! He likes having that control and feeling wanted.