Gentle reminder: SIDE BOLGS!

I got an ask about my side blogs but I figured I’ll just make an official post😊

I have 3 side blogs for my bias groups. All of my scenarios, reactions, MTLs, etc about a specific group will be reblogged to the designated blog for those who prefer just one group.

Example: I posted a scenario about Suho, so then I reblogged that scenario to my EXO side blog.

I also reblog other fun things to the blogs because let’s face it, our boys are too cute to resist

Anyway, here are the links to the three blogs if you want to follow them:

EXO reblogs: exoxo-exol

BTS reblogs: ready-aim-bangtan

GOT7 reblogs: ahga-seven

Mark scenario – Miss Right


Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, teacher!au, smut, his POV

Summary: Winter break is fast approaching and Mark’s crush on you is becoming a little more intense each day. The real question is, when will he make is move?

Just look at her. that smile, those eyes, the way she walks. Miss y/l/n was by far the hottest teacher in this school. She’s always so put together, but I know there’s something there. A side of her that she could never show around her students. There are days that I swear she’s giving me bedroom eyes. If she keeps swaying her hips when she walks, I might just have to take her right here in the hallway-

“Good morning Mr.Tuan.” I jumped back a bit, startled by one of my students.

“Oh, good morning.” I cleared my throat, bringing my focus back to the task at hand. I pushed out all those thoughts about Y/n and went straight into teacher mode. My students come first.

“Alright everyone, class dismissed. No homework this weekend, but it wouldn’t hurt to review chapter 10. See you all on Monday.” The majority of the class was long gone before I could get the last word out.  I can’t blame them though, Everyone wants to get a head start on the weekend.

I walked outside the door, holding it open for the few that actually stayed until the last moment. I looked down the hall, saying a few goodbyes to the other students. My mind went blank when I saw an angelic figure walking toward me. Y/n struggled as she carried a stack of books back to her classroom. It was only a matter of time before she dropped them but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I hurried to her side and took a few books in my hands.

“Here, I’ll lighten the load,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it.” She said with a sigh of relief. “I had class in the library today and I guess I lost track of time.”

“Nothing wrong with that. At least your kids were actually listening to you. Most of my class was out the door as soon as the bell rang.” I said.

“Trust me. I’ve had my bad days too.” We walked into her classroom, placing the books back on the shelf one by one.

“So are you doing some kind of research project in the library?” I asked.

“Well, kinda. The librarian was complaining that the kids weren’t utilizing their resources and since I’m an English teacher, everyone assumed I was the one who should be using the library the most. So, I brought my class to the library for the hour. Plus I figured they needed a change of scenery, you know?”

“Very clever. I should use the library resources too, being a history teacher and all.” I thought out loud, making her smile.

“Well if you ever want to tag-team for a book report, let me know.” She said with a light chuckle.

I laughed with her until an idea popped into my head. “Wait. That’s not such a bad idea.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Since we’re core class teachers, your students are my students. Why don’t we come up with a lesson plan to get the kids engaged in the library? Everyone wins.” I explained.

Y/n pouted her full, soft, luscious lips, thinking about my plan. She only pondered for a moment in time, but I completely lost myself in my imagination. I stared at her lips, wondering how they would feel against mine.

“That’s actually a brilliant idea! The book report can be their final exam. I always hated giving real tests at the end of the year. This way they can be creative and prove that they comprehended the material…” She went on, adding more detail to my original thought. “…Mark?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry, uh- yeah that’s what we should do.”

“Great! Let me just get my jacket.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m just grabbing my jacket before we head out. Do you want to take my car or drive separately?”

“…Where?” Wow, I spaced out hard.

“My place… To map out the lesson plan?"She finished with a question and I nodded, acting like I knew what she was saying.

"Oh, right. Um, I’ll just follow behind you. I need to grab a few things too.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you out front.” We walked out of her classroom together and I continued to my room.

I still couldn’t comprehend the fact that I’m about to go home with her… and I wasn’t even paying attention. I quickly packed up my bag, making sure to grab my books and rushed to the parking lot. Y/n stood next to her car, smiling when she saw me.

“I don’t live too far. It’ll be easy to just follow behind.” She said.

“Great! Lead the way.” She drove ahead of me, going at a moderate speed so I wouldn’t lose track of her.

When we arrived, I parked behind her car and took a moment to grip the fact that I was actually spending time with her outside of work. She got out, turning back to look at me. I quickly took my bag and scrambled out of the car.

“You’ll have to forgive the mess. We can just brainstorm in the office.” She said.

“Sure. That’s fine.” I followed her into her house, looking around at the furniture and decor. Everything in the house was a perfect reflection of her.

She led me to her home office, moving a chair for me to sit in. She unpacked her bag, taking out her laptop and a notebook.

“Okay. So, I was thinking we could do something with Mark Twain. He was an incredible writer and he had a good sense of humor so the kids will be more engaged.” She didn’t need to use Mark Twain’s sense of humor to keep anyone engaged. She could talk about beige paint drying all day and I’d hang on her every word.

“Yeah. I agree. And his novels came out in a really pivotal time in America.” I said.

She wrote down our ideas as we went along, taking in every detail. Her passion was so enticing. We went back and forth for a while, drafting the plan for our students. The more she wrote, the more curious I became. I scooted my chair toward her, getting a better look.

“Oh, wow. This will work great. Do you think they’ll go for it?” I asked.

“Yeah, it beats an exam.”

“True. I can see why you’re the favorite teacher.”

“Me? All everyone ever talks about is Mr.Tuan’s class. I’ve never seen a kid walk out of your classroom in a bad mood. You really are amazing.” She said, flattering me.

“I try my best.” I looked down at my lap, feeling a little bashful. I brought my eyes back up to her as her smile faded.

She looked at me with something I haven’t seen before. Her stare went from my eyes to my lips and my heartbeat quickened. Was this really about to happen? I watched her come closer in slow motion until her plush lips pressed to mine. I closed my eyes, savoring the taste of her sweet kiss. Just before I could touch her, she pulled away quickly.

“Oh, god. What I’m I doing? I’m so sorry, Mark.”

“N-no. No, don’t apologize. Please.” I cupped her cheeks, pulling her back in. She relaxed in my touch, letting all of the reget and self-doubt go.

I moved my hands down to her hips as she took a hold of the back of my neck. I brought her onto my lap to straddle me. I would do anything to keep living in this moment. Her kisses were so addictive. When she grinded down on my growing bulge, I thought I would explode. I took her bottom lip between my teeth, giving her a playful nibble, making her smile.

“Where’s your room?” I asked.

“Down the hall, first door on the right.” She said between kisses. I lifted her up, walking her to the bedroom.

Our lips didn’t part for a second. She clung to me tightly, moving her hands around my neck and shoulders. I laid her down on her bed, breaking our kiss and unbuttoned my shart as fast as I could. She unzipped the back of her skirt, pulling it off just like she did in my fantasies. She threw her top toward the laundry basket and I smiled. Even in a moment of passion, she sticks to her tidy demeanor.

I mounted on top of her gorgeous body, raised her legs and grinded down. She gripped my arms, looked me in the eyes and said, “No, Mark. No teasing. I want you now.”

“I’ve waited so long for you to say that.” I pulled down my boxers, freeing my hard shaft and giving it a few strokes before holding my tip against her warm slit.

I looked into her eyes and slowly thrusted into her. I was drunk on the feeling of her heat. She was so blissfully tight. I watched her expressions change from anxiousness to pure fulfillment. Her beauty was so overpowering, she looked like a work of art.

Y/n hooked his hand around my neck, pulling me closer. “Kiss me.” She ordered. I was in no position to refuse her. Our lips connected for a rough kiss, causing me to pick up the speed of my hips. She moaned into my mouth, digging her nails into my neck and arm. I broke away with a loud moan when she clenched around me. She bucked her hips, taking me deeper with each thrust.

“Oh, Mark. I’m so close!” She said, running out of breath.

I could feel the little beads of sweat accumulating on my forehead. WIth a few more sharp thrusts, Y/n screamed out, flexing around my cock as her intense orgasm washed over her. I came along with her, burying my face in her neck, smelling her delicious scent. Her moans softened in my ear as she came back down from her mighty climax. I kissed her collar bones and rolled off of her.

“That was…” I started.

“Worth the wait?” She suggested.

“Absolutely.” I pulled her leg around my hip, resting my hand around her waist. I looked down at her legs when I felt her dripping center on my hip. “…Is that what I think it is?”

She shrugged innocently, trying to play cute. “How bad do you wanna find out?” As if she even needed to ask.


JB drabble – Confession song


Requested by @eojjona

“JB? Jae?!” I yelled out for Jaebum, but there was no answer. My fears started getting the best of me as I walked further into the dark room. There was a single shining light in the middle of the floor. I curiously came closer until I stood under it.

I gasped when hundreds of small twinkling lights faded in, illuminating the rest of the room. It was like a winter wonderland. Massive trees and reindeer were spread out around me. I searched for a familiar face until I heard the sound of sleigh bells. I smiled when I spotted Jackson’s cheery face coming around the Christmas tree.

“Hundreds of confessions without success
I feel so unconfident should I just go back
I say I’ll confess for sure
but it’s pointless with no actions in the end
Can’t keep my head up in front of you”

I watched in amazement as all the other boys came out, serenading me. I couldn’t stop my smile if I tried. Each of the boys jumped around me and gave me little hugs. I wasn’t thinking anything of it until it came to JB’s part. He looked me dead in the eyes, holding my hand while he sang.

“I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)”

It was as if everything stopped. Youngjae continued with the song and handed JB a bouquet of roses. He lowered his head shyly as mark’s part started in. I smiled at him when the music paused and he finally looked up at me.

“Y/n, I… I’m in love with you.” His hand started to shake, but my heart was swelling. “You’ve been my best friend for so long, but I feel more. I want more. So, shall we?”

I paused for a moment, not in hesitation, but in amazement. I never knew he shared my feelings like this. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

“Yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Just then, an explosion of confetti and snow started drizzling down on both of us. JB shielded my face with his hand and gave me the roses. He brought me in for a warm embrace and the boys went into a frenzy. Everyone was jumping around with glee. Well, everyone except Yugyeom. He forced a smile when I looked at him, but something was off.

The song came to an end and their manager came out, letting them know they had to get to rehearsal. JB turned to me, kissing me on the cheek.

“I’ll call you later. I promise.” He said. I nodded, smiling at him and he left with the others. I noticed Yugeom was still looking very aloof, so I hurried over to him.

“Yugyeom!” I called out. He stopped and turned around. “Are you Alright?”

“Yeah… I’m happy for you.” He said, avoiding eye contact. He almost left again, but I held his wrist.

“You can tell me if something’s bothering you,” I said. Yugyeom thought for a second but gave in.

He pulled a single pink rose out of his pocket, handing it to me. “It’s not very much, but… I really like you Y/n. I have for a while actually. You don’t have to accept it though. JB hyung loved you a lot longer than I have. I just wanted to let you know.”

“Yugyeom…” I felt somewhat torn. I never knew he felt this way. “You’re really sweet. That’s why I know your dream girl is coming soon. SHe’s just not me.”

He nodded in understanding. “Thanks, Y/n.” I gave him a hug of encouragement and he left.

Although my heart ached for Yugyeom, I knew he’d find the right girl one day. A girl who will feel butterflies when she sees him and blush when he smiles at her. I knew he’d find a girl who loves him the way I love JB. It just takes time.


Mark scenario – On my way

Requested by anon

Genre: smut, romance

This is for my dream 

This is for my love 

Every time I run 

I’m just moving on and on and on

My phone buzzed suddenly. I checked my messages only to find a missed call and voicemail from Mark.

“Hey, baby. sorry I missed you. I just got off the plane and thought I’d give you a call. I’m on my way home. Hopefully, you aren’t asleep.” I smiled to myself. He knows me too well. “Anyway. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes. I love you so much. Bye.”

He sounded completely exhausted. I’ve always told him he works way too hard sometimes. Whenever he calls, I have a sense of relief that he’s able to have some downtime. He and I have only lived together for a few months before he went on tour and during that time, he was putting in work for the tour. He’d be gone for hours on end and come home with enough energy to fall into bed.

When he got home tonight, I knew he’d be tired, so I didn’t go above and beyond. Just the essentials. I cleaned up around the house, lit a few candles to freshen the air and changed the sheets. My heartbeat quickened by the minute until I caught a glimpse of headlights through the front window. He’s home!

I unlocked the door and hurried upstairs to tease him a little. Who could resist? I stripped out of all my clothes, leaving my underwear on and tussled my hair a bit. The front door creaked open and I heard Mark’s sweet voice echo down the hall.

“Y/n? Baby?” He called.

I laid out on the bed, trying my best to look tantalizing. Mark opened the door, took a few steps in and froze when he saw me laying there half-naked. He dropped his bags in the middle of the floor and let his eyes explore each curve. I got up on my knees, coming closer to him and held out my hands.

“Welcome home, baby,” I said with a small smile.

Mark walked closer, holding my hands and looking over every inch of my body. I placed his hands on my waist, giving him the perfect opportunity to touch me wherever he desired. He started at my hips, moving lower while I cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for a steamy kiss. I snaked my arms around his shoulders, gasping when he gave my ass a squeeze. Mark trapped my bottom lip between his teeth with a devilish smirk and pulled me in for another passionate kiss. I pulled the jacket off of him, feeling his stiff muscles through his shirt.

“Mmm, Babe~ You’re all tense. I thought you said you wouldn’t strain yourself.” I said with a pout.

“Trust me, baby.” He said with a sigh. He lifted me off the bed and into his arms, proving his strength. “Daddy has plenty of strength. Besides. Everything I do is for you.” He laid me down on my back, climbing on top of me, kissing down my body. “I wanna provide for you…. and take care of you… and make you feel good.” He whispered between kisses. He pulled my panties down with his index finger, freeing his other hand to slowly stroke my slit.

“Oh… Daddy.” I whimpered.

He looked up at me from between my legs, smiling innocently before taking my clit into his mouth. I squirmed and clutched the sheets beneath me. Mark’s big hand pressed to my pelvis, holding me down while he pleasured me mercilessly.

“D-daddy, wait. Please.” I begged. I didn’t want to cum like this. As nice as it was to feel his lips on my body, I was in need of more. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. After five months apart, I just wanted to feel his long cock stretching my walls, claiming me as his.

Mark lifted his head, wiping his mouth of my juices and laying my legs on either side of him. He took his member into his hand, gently grazing his tip against my folds.

“Is this what you’ve wanted all this time?” He asked, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded frantically, wanting nothing more than for his to take that first trust. Mark lowered himself, his lips inches away from my face, he suddenly stopped massaging my entrance, then all at once, he slammed into me, forcing his entire cock into my tight heat. My mouth fell open with a long moan. All those nights I imagined him inside me instead of those sex toys or trying to please myself instead of feeling his rough fingers pumping in and out of me, none of it could amount to the real thing.

“This is why I do it, baby girl.” He said. “You’re all mine now, baby. And I’m all yours.”

I clenched around him, trying to hold in my sweet release. All the while I just brought him to the edge with me. Mark gripped my thighs, spreading them even more, taking me from a better angle. My back arched completely off the bed, I screamed out his name and we both came at the same time. The butterflies in my stomach turned into bursts of tingles all over my body, leaving me covered in goosebumps. Mark’s warm cum filled me while his soft moans rang through my ears.

We both laid there, catching our breath and bathing in the afterglow. Mark turned over, bringing me into his chest and kissing my forehead. I traced little patterns on his chest, tickling him with my tight touch. His mouth opened wide with a big yawn.

“I missed you so much, y/n.” He said, feeling drowsy.

“I missed you too. I’m so glad your back. Now you can relax… properly.” I teased.

Mark just smiled and held me close. “That’s why I do it.”


JB scenario – Snowed in

Requested by @catou1305

Genre: angst, smut

Summary: After a heated argument about your living arrangements, JB thinks it a good time to let you have your space, but Mother Nature says differently.

We’ve been at this for hours. My lease ends in a few months and I asked the inevitable question: “Should we just find a place together?” then JB got all weirded out.

“Just tell me now, are you committed to me?”

“Yes, of course, I am. Y/n, I love you more than anything. I just don’t think we should rush into living together.” He said.

“Jae, I am about to enter a year-long lease with this place. You and I have been together for almost three years. What are you afraid of?”

JB thought to himself for a moment, trying to come up with a way to express his thoughts. I took a deep breath and gave up. There was no point in changing his mind about this. I just thought we were ready for the next step.

“Baby, please don’t be mad. I just think we should both have our own space for a while.” His words send a shock through my system. Space?! He wants space?

“Maybe you should just go. You win, alright. I’ll just stay in this apartment alone and you can do the same.” I crossed my arms, shutting off all communication, but it wasn’t over just yet.

“Y/n. I don’t want to leave you like this. I can tell you’re still mad. You and I will stay right here until we figure this out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out. Just go. You got your wish. I’ll give you space.” I hissed.

JBs expression went from guilty to outright irritated. “You know that’s not what I meant. That just gives me even more reason to stay right here with you.”

“Funny how you want to stay here when things are ugly, yet you can’t even stomach the thought of living with me full-time.”

“Y/n, will you stop with this. Fine! I will live with you. Are you happy?”

“No. I want you to want this. I’m not about to keep you here against your will.”

It was clear that there was no good ending to this argument. At least not today. JB sat across from me, pulling out his phone when he received an alert.

“Oh, shit.” He muttered.

“What?” I asked.

“Looks like I’m going to be here a while. The snowstorm rolled in early.” He got up, walked over to the windows to check outside.

The moment he opened the shades, my eyes went wide. It was a complete whiteout! Nothing but falling snow as far as the eye can see. I stood next to JB watching his car get pummeled in the snow.

“That’s just great.” He walked away from the window, laid out on my couch and turned on the TV.

“How long will this last?” I asked him.

“Not sure. The alert said a day or two. I’ll just stay on the couch tonight.” He fluffed a pillow, placing it under his head and draped a blanket over himself.

I knew he was mad, but damn it if he didn’t look cute all snuggled up. Normally I would invite myself into his arms, but odds are he wouldn’t even let me in after what I said. I just walked back to my spot on the chair, curling up and watching him surf through channels.

“So what now?” I asked him.

“You’re looking at it.” He snapped back.

“Jae, you’re not being very fair. That blanket is yours. You bought it last year at the store down the street but you forget to take it home with you so you just kept it here. That shirt you’re wearing has been in my closet for six months before you finally took it with you after your last overnight stay. A third of the things in here are technically yours. I know it for a fact that a lot of my things are at your place too. Including my backup toothbrush and extra clothes.” JB wouldn’t look me in the eye, but I knew he was listening. After a brief pause, he turned off the TV and sat up to look me in the eye. “We’re pretty much already living together, we’ve just never made it official in one place.” I finished.

It was a lot to process, but he knew I was right. He took a look around my apartment, taking notice off all the things that were actually his.

“I guess you’re right, but I just don’t know.” He said rubbing his neck.

“Well, why don’t we turn this snow storm into a test. I have plenty of food to last the whole weekend and then some. We’re gonna stay right here for two days and by the end of it, if we decide we shouldn’t live together, then that’ll be that.” I extended my hand for him to shake in order to seal the deal. He hesitated but still took my hand, shaking it firmly before laying back down.

He looked over at me with his soft brown eyes and opened his arms for me to lay with him. I smiled at his cuteness and accepted. He wrapped me in a warm embrace, covering us both with the blanket and nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I grabbed the remote, turning the TV back on and we decided on a movie.

The tension quickly faded and everything went back to normal. JB and I got a little hungry after a couple of hours and cooked up some dinner together.  We soon forgot about the weather outside and enjoyed each other’s company. But I needed to do more. I had to prove to him that living together would be the perfect set up.

“Ooh! I wish we had those nice cups from the china shop we went to.” I whined.

“They’re at my place…” He said, not catching on to my mind game.

“That’s alright, we can use mine. Could you hand me the oregano?” I asked, knowing full well it wasn’t there.

“I don’t see it.” He said, looking around my spice cabinet.

“I could have sworn I bought some the last time we had spaghetti.”

“Oh, I think it’s at my-… What are you doing?” Uh-oh. He caught me.

“What am I doing?” I questioned innocently.

“You’re tricking me into just moving the rest of my stuff over here, that won’t work, Y/n.”

“Relax. I just asked you two questions. The fact that those things just happen to be at your apartment is out of my control.” I said with a shrug.

“…Okay. No more traps though.” He warned.


We finished making dinner and sat at the table, making small talk and occasionally looking out the window. The weather went from bad to worse quickly. With just a flicker of the lights, the power went out. I looked to JB in a panic.

“Oh, god.” I murmured.

Before JB could say anything, I jumped up and headed right for my fireplace. We’re technically not supposed to use anything but gas, but desperate times call for desperate measures. JB came right over with a lighter and a scrap of paper to get things started and I laid down a couple of logs to keep us warm. JB started the fire and I grabbed some candles and flashlights to brighten the rest of the room.

“It’s worse than I thought,” JB said.

“It’s okay though. We already ate and there plenty of snacks that don’t need to be cooked for tomorrow.” I tried to reassure him, earning a little smile.

“No worries, love. We’ll just continue in the dark.” He took my hand, guiding me to the kitchen and lit a few more candles.

We both started on the dishes, thankfully the pipes were still working fine. I was nearly finished on the last plate when I felt JB’s body heat on my back. Normally washing dishes by candlelight isn’t the most romantic thing ever, but with JB’s hands on my waist, my mind travels to a whole other dimension. A place where there are no arguments or disagreements of any kind. Just the two of us in perfect harmony.

I set the plate on the drying rack and leaned back, letting his touch take over. His soft lips kissed along my neck, stopping for a few nibbles along the way. His arms coiled around my waist, making me walk backward with him through the living room and to my bedroom.

“Is sex the first thing on your mind after washing dishes?” I asked him flirtatiously.

He just shrugged and turned me around to face him. “I’m a creature of habit.”

He laid me down on my bed, pulling my pants down which caused me to instantly shiver from the cold. JB covered me up in the blankets to get rid of the rest of my clothes on my own while he stripped down himself. He joined me under the covers, kissing me deeply and letting his hands roam all over my body.

“Mmm~ You’re so warm.” I purred.

“I can’t get enough of you, baby.” His hot kisses moved down my shoulders, covering my skin with his love.

I spread my legs a little more, reaching down to massage his tip against my wetness. JB’s mouth opened just a bit, holding back a moan. Involuntarily, I bucked my hips, trying to take him inside me. He smirked at me and squeezed my thigh. I needed to feel his thrusts, slow, rough, never-ending. He had me drenched and ready. I cupped his face with my free hand, whispering “please” before feeling his tip push past my folds.

My hand came around to his hips, slowly pulling him in closer as he pushed his member deeper inside me. His eyes closed as the base of his cock met my pelvis. I moaned at the feeling of him pulling back out only to thrust back into me. His skin was burning with desire, warming me up faster than I thought possible.

“Faster.” I moaned.

His rhythm quickened, satisfying my every need. I latched onto him while he rode me closer and closer to the edge. His strong muscles flexed beneath my palms. I dug my nails into his back, allowing my sweet release to fully take control of me.

“Don’t stop.” I clenched around his manhood, milking every last drop of his warm cum.

JB grunted and groaned as we finished our orgasms. Our sweaty bodies piled together, cooling down for a while. I kissed his temple and he rolled over onto his side of my bed.

“We’ll have to do this lights out thing at your place sometime,” I said.

“No need. I’m moving in.” He said casually.

I jumped out of the afterglow and into what must be a dream. “Wait, what?”

“I’m moving in.” He repeated, looking me deep in the eyes. “Think about it. Just a few hours ago we had a fight, usually one of us would leave to cool off, but this time we were bound together and here we are, closer than ever.” He took my hand, smiling at me.

“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me!” I climbed on top of him, bringing him in for a hug.

He kissed the top of my head and held me close. “I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

Maybe the storm wasn’t so bad after all…


Got7 reaction – their GF’s nipple piercings


I don’t think he’d find it all that strange. He’d forget about it when you have your top on and typically when you take your top off he can have a little fun with them 😉

Yes. Daddy. He loves everything about them. The best part of his day is coming home and getting his mouth on your piercings. Anytime he sees or feels them, he’d have to whisk you away to somewhere private.

He would be shocked but in a good way. Without a doubt, he would want to see them immediately after you tell him you got your nipples pierced. It would intrigue him at first. He wouldn’t have much of an opinion, but later, he’d come to like them… maybe a little too much.

He would need some convincing. He is very protective of you and doesn’t want anyone seeing what’s for his eyes only. Over time, he’d find the benefits of your piercings.

this baby otter wouldn’t be able to imagine the level of pain you much have been in. Even while being intimate, he would be very careful with your breasts until he gets more comfortable with it.

This little rascal would be hella confused for a bit, but soon enough, he’d want to touch them. Even when you’re just chilling on the couch, he’d remember your piercings and poke at them when he’s bored.

Mr. Bra-thief would literally take your bras. He would give you a few too many hugs as well. He likes the way they feel honestly. He’d get all giggly and cute when he feels your breast pressed against him.

I hope tumblr hasn’t eaten my ask but in case it did I was wondering with the groups you write for who would you ship each member with one of your mutuals and why? I hope it’s not too weird….

Hey! Sorry~ Your request wasn’t deleted, it was just mixed up in the shuffle. In all honesty, I really only talk to and understand the personalities of three of my 20+ mutuals but you’ve requested so I’ll deliver😊

I’d ship her with EXO Kai! His deep Capricorn thoughts would pair well with her strong Taurus heart. They both have a great sense of self and strong bonds with loved ones. Not to mention they both love kids! Kai is very affectionate and gentle just like her. The more I think about it, the cuter they sound together.

I actually ship her super hard with JB of Got7. Once again, she’s a Taurus and he’s a Capricorn, but this is with good reason! Capricorn men are known for their relaxed and calm demeanor which pairs well with the stubborn Taurus girl’s state of mind. She falls for the ‘Chic’ looking boys (Kris Wu and Huang ZiTao) but, like me, she can’t resist a guy with a warm smile. JB definitely has a soft side that makes us all melt and a mysterious look that keeps us wanting more.

She chose her bias well because I ship her with Jimin of BTS! They both have really cute personalities and are there when you need them. I forgot her star sign (forgive me) but as a Libra man, Jimin can fall pretty fast, but only when the timing is right. She and Jimin are very loyal which is one of the main foundations of a good relationship so I think they’d go the distance.

Jinyoung scenario – Naughty anniversary


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut on smut on SMUT

Warnings: rough sex, Dom!Jinyoung, daddy!kink, spanking, hair pulling, dirty talk, strong language

request: his s/o accidentally called him daddy in front of their friends where everyone knows Jinyoung is like a total gentleman and vanilla type of guy but she was the only one that knows how he acted behind closed doors. 

Jinyoung and I’s relationship is, in a word, unexpected. Around his friends, he loves to have a little banter, around new people, he is very mature and kind, and around little kids, he is the softest, sweetest man you’ll ever meet. He brings all of those qualities to our relationship, but there is another side to us both. When we’re behind closed doors, he becomes a deliciously lustful dominant. I fall under his spell the second he touches me and he knows it, he uses it to trigger my fierce, minx-like submission to have his way with me. Privacy is obviously a big part of both our romantic and physical relationship, which is what made my mistake on our anniversary worthy of the punishment I received that night.

Jinyoung held my waist, pushing me inside our house before slamming the door behind us. I turned around, lowering my head in shame at what I’ve done. The guilt tactic didn’t work though. He lifted my chin with his finger, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in, baby?” He asked.

I pondered for a second then slowly nodded my head. “Yes, daddy.”

“Go to our room. By the time I get up there you’d better be on the bed and ready for me.” He ordered.

I nodded again without a peep and scurried upstairs. The second I reached our room, I opened the door and stripped out of my clothing. I couldn’t believe I let it slip, in for of our friends no less. It was the first time I ever even mentioned Jinyoung’s other side.

*Earlier that evening*

“Congrats again you two.” Our friends threw a party for us to celebrate our first year of being together. It came as a huge surprise when he and I were invited out for a double date only to walk into our own anniversary party.

“Aww, thanks so much. We’re really happy.” I hugged my friend once more.

I stepped back into Jinyoung as he wrapped his arm around my waist. His hand sneakily moved from my lower back to my ass without anyone noticing. With the champagne slowly taking over my senses, I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties. All I wanted was for him to take me home then and there. He noticed my cheeks getting red and took the opportunity to duck out gracefully, or so he thought.

“Well, are you ready to go, love?”

“Yes, dad- I- I mean Jinyoung. Sorry. That was random. Haha~” I tried to play it off casually and my friends laughed along with me, unphased by my slip of the tongue.

Jinyoung held my hip, rushing me out as quickly as possible while exchanging split second goodbyes with the other guest. As soon as we got outside, the fresh air hit me, sobering be up quickly. I came back to reality and immediately realized what a mess I could have made.

“Daddy- Jinyoung…”

“Shh! We’ll deal with it at home.” Words like that could put the fear of God into anyone who didn’t know him the way I do. Even though I was about to be punished, I was oddly excited for what was to come.


I laid out on our bed, looking as tantalizing as I could. Jinyougn came in, kicking off his shoes, his eyes dark with lust. He walked right past the bed without a glance in my direction. He unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off before relieving himself of his pants. I bit my lip when I saw his erection pressing against the thin material of his underwear. My thighs pressed together, causing a little friction.

“Y/n…” He called out in a relaxed tone.


“What is daddy’s one rule?” He turned to look at me, waiting for the right answer.

“Keep our private life private.”

“And what did you do tonight.”

“I almost called you daddy,” I admitted

“Not once, but twice.” He said. I sighed to myself in disappointment as he spoke. “Do you know what has to happen now?”



“Good girls are rewarded and bad girls get punished.”

“That’s right, but this is going to be a little different. ” He walked over to me, touching my smooth skin with his fingertips. “I’m going to give you five spanks, but instead of counting, you are going to spell out ‘daddy’. Understood?”

“Yes, daddy.” I agreed.

“On all fours. Now.”

I turned over, exposing my bare ass to him. He repositioned my hips, arching my back like a cat. He cupped my ass cheeks in his hand before raising it and coming down with a loud smack.

“D.” I yelped.

“Good girl."He continued to spank me, moving from one cheek to the other as I spelled out the forbidden word.


“Last one.” He warned. His hand clapped against my ass, the sound ricocheting off the walls.

“Y…” I gripped the sheets, needing to feel his thick cock deep inside me. I pushed my hips back, touching his bulge with my tender ass.

“You want my dick, baby?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Well then, what baby wants, baby gets.” He pulled off his underwear, sliding the palm of his hand up my slick folds to collect my wetness. “So wet.” He pumped his manhood in his hand a few times before lining up at my entrance.

He slammed into me, making me scream out his name. “Jinyoung!” He took a hold of my hair, tugging it.

“What was that?”

“D-daddy…” His member curved at the perfect angle. The head of his cock poked my g-spot, bringing me closer to my orgasm already.

His rough thrusts had me moaning constantly. It was hard to contain them after that level of teasing. I spread my legs even more while he pounded me from behind. His hips smacked against my ass, his hand starting to shake in my hair. He’s as close as I am. My toes curled when I felt his thrusts losing the rhythm, but still hard enough to fill me with his throbbing shaft.

“Daddy, I’m close.” I whimpered. Jinyoung let go of my hair, collapsing forward, but still maintaining enough strength to prop himself up on his hand while riding me.

“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my big dick.” He said as he gave my ass an extra smack. I tightened around him, covering his member with my juices while we came at the same time. I dropped onto the bed, unable to stay in that position any longer.

Jinyoung pulled out of me, letting me have a bit of a break after such a powerful climax. I turned over on my back to catch my breath. Jinyoung instantly reverted into his sweet and caring side, checking to make sure he wasn’t too rough. He stroked my hair, smoothing out the little tangles.

“I wasn’t too rough was I?” He asked, his eyes changed back into the lighter, cocoa brown that I just adored.

“No, not at all. That was amazing.”

“Probably not the best way to have anniversary sex, huh?” He joked. He pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead and comforting me.

“Who said our anniversary was over? It’s only ten o’clock.” I looked up at him, watching his eyebrows raise in shock.

“You think you can handle another round?”

“Sure. As long as I don’t get any more spanks.”

“No, love. You were a very good girl. And what do good girls get?”


“That’s right. Now let’s go for round two.”


Jackson scenario – What he likes


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, romantic, curvy!reader, sugar daddy!Jackson

Warnings: daddy!kink, riding, strong language

Summary: Jackson has pulled some strings to come home early from promoting, so you decide to return the favor by giving him a night he won’t regret.

Jackson has been gone for two weeks promoting his solo project and now I’m in need! I’ve been missing him since the second he left. I want his touch, his kiss, his love. On lonely nights, I’d talk to him on the phone for hours, whispering dirty things to him and using my headphones so I can close my eyes and imagine he was here with me. But there only so much phone sex can do.

When he said he was coming home a few days early, I was super excited. I wanted to give him an extra special night for just the two of us. I planned to get all dolled up for his return, everything from expensive champagne to my slinky lingerie with matching heels. I counted down the days until my fantasies of his homecoming became real.

The day turned to night, I touched up my hair, sprayed his favorite perfume of mine all around our bedroom and dressed in my lingerie. All there was to do now was wait. Jackson sent me a text, letting me know he was on his way from the airport. I smirked at the screen, anxious to see him come home for the little surprise I had for him at home.

I heard the door open downstairs and jumped up to pour us both a glass of champagne. His footsteps creaked on the wooden staircase, echoed down the hall and halted outside the door. He knocked on the bedroom door, hoping I’d still be awake.

“It’s open, daddy~” I purred. He opened the door slowly, peeking in to see me standing in the middle of the room, stripped down and ready for him. “Welcome home.” I handed him a glass, giving him a passionate kiss. His free hand went straight to my ass grabbing it tightly.

He stepped back to get a better look at me, running his hand over my hip. He set his glass down, taking mine from me for a moment. I reached down, untucking his shirt from the front of his pants, pulling it off him completely. He took a hold of my waist, pressing me to his bare chest.  I draped my arms around his shoulders with a smile.

“How about you make your self a little more comfortable,” I suggested.

Sitting down on the little couch in front of the bed, I had a drink of champagne while I watched Jackson undress in front of me. He was left wearing nothing but a smirk on his face. He lowered to the ground, parting my legs while I put the empty glass down. I got off the couch, straddling his legs, holding his shoulders for balance and kissing his soft lips. With his hands around my waist, he pulled me down on top of him. He relaxed on the soft rug while I grinded my hips on his.

“Damn, baby. You’re wet for me already.” Jackson grabbed my thighs, massaging them up and down. Very gently, he hooked my panties in this fingers, sliding them down my legs and I kicked them to the other side of the room.

“Mmmm~” I hummed against his lips. “I missed your kisses.”

Our hips moved in sync, grinding together to get as much friction possible. He caught my moans in his mouth, sliding his member between my folds to soak his shaft. My hips were lifted up, hovered over his hard cock.

“I want you to take me.” He whispered.

My lip wedged between my teeth as I sank down on his cock, taking every inch inside my deprived core. I stopped when I felt his base touch my swollen clit. Jackson raised my hips before pushing them back down quickly. He took two hands full of my ass, smirking to himself.

“This ass…” His breath was already so shaky, I knew he was close. “Bounce for me, baby. Ugh, you’re so tight.”

I clenched my walls around him, making it all the more difficult for him to hold back. I wanted him to fill me with his warm cum, I’ve been craving it for weeks. With a few more rough, sloppy thrusts, we both climaxed at the exact same time, moaning and ridding our ways through one of the most intense orgasms of our relationship.  

I slumped onto his chest, lacking the energy to sit up straight any longer. Jackson ran his fingers through my hair while I listened to his heartbeat soften to a regular rhythm. He got up onto his feet, lifting me up with him. I quickly realized what he was doing and struggled out of his arms.

“Babe, I’m too heavy for that.” I tried to release myself, but it only made him hold me tighter. He let me down slowly onto the bed as if I weighed the same as a feather. We cuddled together under the sheets and he kissed both my cheeks before planting his lips on mine.

“You, baby girl, are absolutely perfect.”