Got7 reaction – their GF’s nipple piercings


I don’t think he’d find it all that strange. He’d forget about it when you have your top on and typically when you take your top off he can have a little fun with them 😉

Yes. Daddy. He loves everything about them. The best part of his day is coming home and getting his mouth on your piercings. Anytime he sees or feels them, he’d have to whisk you away to somewhere private.

He would be shocked but in a good way. Without a doubt, he would want to see them immediately after you tell him you got your nipples pierced. It would intrigue him at first. He wouldn’t have much of an opinion, but later, he’d come to like them… maybe a little too much.

He would need some convincing. He is very protective of you and doesn’t want anyone seeing what’s for his eyes only. Over time, he’d find the benefits of your piercings.

this baby otter wouldn’t be able to imagine the level of pain you much have been in. Even while being intimate, he would be very careful with your breasts until he gets more comfortable with it.

This little rascal would be hella confused for a bit, but soon enough, he’d want to touch them. Even when you’re just chilling on the couch, he’d remember your piercings and poke at them when he’s bored.

Mr. Bra-thief would literally take your bras. He would give you a few too many hugs as well. He likes the way they feel honestly. He’d get all giggly and cute when he feels your breast pressed against him.

Jinyoung scenario – Naughty anniversary


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut on smut on SMUT

Warnings: rough sex, Dom!Jinyoung, daddy!kink, spanking, hair pulling, dirty talk, strong language

request: his s/o accidentally called him daddy in front of their friends where everyone knows Jinyoung is like a total gentleman and vanilla type of guy but she was the only one that knows how he acted behind closed doors. 

Jinyoung and I’s relationship is, in a word, unexpected. Around his friends, he loves to have a little banter, around new people, he is very mature and kind, and around little kids, he is the softest, sweetest man you’ll ever meet. He brings all of those qualities to our relationship, but there is another side to us both. When we’re behind closed doors, he becomes a deliciously lustful dominant. I fall under his spell the second he touches me and he knows it, he uses it to trigger my fierce, minx-like submission to have his way with me. Privacy is obviously a big part of both our romantic and physical relationship, which is what made my mistake on our anniversary worthy of the punishment I received that night.

Jinyoung held my waist, pushing me inside our house before slamming the door behind us. I turned around, lowering my head in shame at what I’ve done. The guilt tactic didn’t work though. He lifted my chin with his finger, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in, baby?” He asked.

I pondered for a second then slowly nodded my head. “Yes, daddy.”

“Go to our room. By the time I get up there you’d better be on the bed and ready for me.” He ordered.

I nodded again without a peep and scurried upstairs. The second I reached our room, I opened the door and stripped out of my clothing. I couldn’t believe I let it slip, in for of our friends no less. It was the first time I ever even mentioned Jinyoung’s other side.

*Earlier that evening*

“Congrats again you two.” Our friends threw a party for us to celebrate our first year of being together. It came as a huge surprise when he and I were invited out for a double date only to walk into our own anniversary party.

“Aww, thanks so much. We’re really happy.” I hugged my friend once more.

I stepped back into Jinyoung as he wrapped his arm around my waist. His hand sneakily moved from my lower back to my ass without anyone noticing. With the champagne slowly taking over my senses, I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties. All I wanted was for him to take me home then and there. He noticed my cheeks getting red and took the opportunity to duck out gracefully, or so he thought.

“Well, are you ready to go, love?”

“Yes, dad- I- I mean Jinyoung. Sorry. That was random. Haha~” I tried to play it off casually and my friends laughed along with me, unphased by my slip of the tongue.

Jinyoung held my hip, rushing me out as quickly as possible while exchanging split second goodbyes with the other guest. As soon as we got outside, the fresh air hit me, sobering be up quickly. I came back to reality and immediately realized what a mess I could have made.

“Daddy- Jinyoung…”

“Shh! We’ll deal with it at home.” Words like that could put the fear of God into anyone who didn’t know him the way I do. Even though I was about to be punished, I was oddly excited for what was to come.


I laid out on our bed, looking as tantalizing as I could. Jinyougn came in, kicking off his shoes, his eyes dark with lust. He walked right past the bed without a glance in my direction. He unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it off before relieving himself of his pants. I bit my lip when I saw his erection pressing against the thin material of his underwear. My thighs pressed together, causing a little friction.

“Y/n…” He called out in a relaxed tone.


“What is daddy’s one rule?” He turned to look at me, waiting for the right answer.

“Keep our private life private.”

“And what did you do tonight.”

“I almost called you daddy,” I admitted

“Not once, but twice.” He said. I sighed to myself in disappointment as he spoke. “Do you know what has to happen now?”



“Good girls are rewarded and bad girls get punished.”

“That’s right, but this is going to be a little different. ” He walked over to me, touching my smooth skin with his fingertips. “I’m going to give you five spanks, but instead of counting, you are going to spell out ‘daddy’. Understood?”

“Yes, daddy.” I agreed.

“On all fours. Now.”

I turned over, exposing my bare ass to him. He repositioned my hips, arching my back like a cat. He cupped my ass cheeks in his hand before raising it and coming down with a loud smack.

“D.” I yelped.

“Good girl."He continued to spank me, moving from one cheek to the other as I spelled out the forbidden word.


“Last one.” He warned. His hand clapped against my ass, the sound ricocheting off the walls.

“Y…” I gripped the sheets, needing to feel his thick cock deep inside me. I pushed my hips back, touching his bulge with my tender ass.

“You want my dick, baby?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Well then, what baby wants, baby gets.” He pulled off his underwear, sliding the palm of his hand up my slick folds to collect my wetness. “So wet.” He pumped his manhood in his hand a few times before lining up at my entrance.

He slammed into me, making me scream out his name. “Jinyoung!” He took a hold of my hair, tugging it.

“What was that?”

“D-daddy…” His member curved at the perfect angle. The head of his cock poked my g-spot, bringing me closer to my orgasm already.

His rough thrusts had me moaning constantly. It was hard to contain them after that level of teasing. I spread my legs even more while he pounded me from behind. His hips smacked against my ass, his hand starting to shake in my hair. He’s as close as I am. My toes curled when I felt his thrusts losing the rhythm, but still hard enough to fill me with his throbbing shaft.

“Daddy, I’m close.” I whimpered. Jinyoung let go of my hair, collapsing forward, but still maintaining enough strength to prop himself up on his hand while riding me.

“Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my big dick.” He said as he gave my ass an extra smack. I tightened around him, covering his member with my juices while we came at the same time. I dropped onto the bed, unable to stay in that position any longer.

Jinyoung pulled out of me, letting me have a bit of a break after such a powerful climax. I turned over on my back to catch my breath. Jinyoung instantly reverted into his sweet and caring side, checking to make sure he wasn’t too rough. He stroked my hair, smoothing out the little tangles.

“I wasn’t too rough was I?” He asked, his eyes changed back into the lighter, cocoa brown that I just adored.

“No, not at all. That was amazing.”

“Probably not the best way to have anniversary sex, huh?” He joked. He pulled me into his arms, kissing my forehead and comforting me.

“Who said our anniversary was over? It’s only ten o’clock.” I looked up at him, watching his eyebrows raise in shock.

“You think you can handle another round?”

“Sure. As long as I don’t get any more spanks.”

“No, love. You were a very good girl. And what do good girls get?”


“That’s right. Now let’s go for round two.”


Got7 reaction(ish) – First impression

Mark: Smile
He sees the way the corners of your mouth curl into the perfect symbol of joy. He will never be able to resist the way you smile. It’s contagious for him. When you smile, his mood mirrors yours.

JB: Eyes
The windows to the soul. He looks into your eyes and recognizes all the strong thoughts in your mind. He can instantly tell how you are feeling just by the way you stare at things.

Jackson: Touch
He prefers a more tactile method. When you first meet he sees your smooth skin. He feels his heart racing even when he gives you the most subtle of touches. Of course, when you first meet, he’ll be touchy in a non-sexual way. Just a friendly handshake or placing his hand on your back to see if there is a connection.

Jinyoung: Voice
He’s the type to fall for someone who has a calming voice. The type who he could listen to for hours. He love’s hearing the way you talk. Whether it’s your accent or just the way you word certain things, he just can’t get enough of your angelic voice.

Youngjae: Charm
There is a natural attraction that he has to you. There really isn’t a particular trait that he can depict, but he likes it that way. You have a certain X-factor that can only be defined as love at first sight.

Bambam: Style
From the way you do your hair to the clothes you wear (unintentional rhyme), he finds himself wanting to get closer to you. He loves how effortless you are. He would be inspired by your fashion choices and often pick an article of clothing based on a piece he’s seen you wear before.

Yugyeom: Humor
He finds comfort in the way you two can easily joke around and laugh together. You would constantly be commended for your quick wit and fun personality. He wants someone who can take a joke as well as they dish one.

Got7 reaction – cuddling their braless GF

He’s not very bothered by it. He knows you prefer to go without while you’re at home. It’s a bit like a middle ground since you don’t mind his ‘morning wood’.

He’s said that he’s always wanted to cuddle his wife/girlfriend while she sleeps, and because bras are the worst to sleep in, he’s perfectly comfortable with you taking it off while in bed. He would hold you a little tighter than usual though.

He’d find it kinda funny at first. He isn’t used to the feeling, but hugs of all kinds are welcome in his book.

He would be the most embarrassed. A blush would creep onto his cheeks and he’s starting to smile nervously. Even when you ask him if he’s alright, he’d get all giggly and nod.

Of course, you back-hug him all the time, but the second he feels your nipples on his back, he turns into a deer in headlights. He would be so caught off guard, but make the best of it and turn around to hug you properly.

He would revert to a shy baby the first time you cuddle him without a bra. He doesn’t want to give into his urges and make you think he’s a perve so he’d just go with it and try not to let you see his reddening face.

He doesn’t have a lot of intimate relationships with girls so he might get a bit… excited when he feels your full breasts through the material of your top.

Got7 reaction – kissing them while they’re asleep

(A/n: some are asleep, some are pretending)

He would try not to smile and fail miserably.  As soon as you notice that he’s not even asleep he’d start in with his cute laugh and cuddle you in close. It’d be almost like a non-verbal ‘thank you’ for the kiss.

His lips would twitch when yours came in contact. Almost like a reflex to kiss you back. Even when he’s asleep, he knows the spark you bring when you kiss him.

One can no simply kiss Jackson and not get some love back. He’d pull you into his arms and cover you with kisses. He loves how affectionate you are and he’s not afraid of returning the favor.

He’s a very good actor so he wouldn’t move a muscle when you kiss him. But the moment you leave the room, his smile would creep onto his lips.

He would wake up immediately. His confusion is always adorable, but he’d recognize the display of love and get super shy.

When you kiss him, he’d be fighting with himself to not move and ruin the moment. But he just can’t help it! You would notice his smile and he’d open his eyes completely and kiss you right back.

He would get all the shivers and tingle that he’d feel when he was awake. He’d be certain that it was a really good dream, but in reality, it’s just the love of his s/o.

Got7 reaction – First Christmas together

His family would be overjoyed that you’re coming with him for Christmas. It would be the first time in a long time (or ever) that they were able to see his a girlfriend. The whole day would be filled with love and laughter.

He would treat his cat as his children since he isn’t at the point in his life yet. You two would sit by the tree and open presents for both you and your four-legged kids.

He would go ALL OUT! He’d play Christmas music all day long and have lights hung around the entire house. He is very family oriented, so dinner with Team Wang is a must.

Your first Christmas together, he wouldn’t expect anything but you. The two of you would stay in all day and snuggle and go out to see all the fun decorations at night. It doesn’t take much to satisfy him when you’re there.

Much like JB with his cats, Youngjae would genuinely believe that Coco is like your child. You’d buy him a little stocking and give him treats and a new collar as his Christmas present. Youngjae would probably want to go for a nice walk around sunset, but above all else, he would want to have lots of cookies and hot cocoa alone with you.

As the king of fan service, he would want to bake cookies to give to Ahgases and decorate B-Chill with you. He wants to give back to the people he cares most about. At the end of the day, you two would have plenty of alone time to unwrap gifts… among other things 😉

Christmas day would be an endless cycle of movies, food, kisses and pure love. The tree would be decorated with your favorite colors and homemade ornaments. And as for your gift, he’d give you a key to his place so you can spend more Christmases together

Got7 reaction – trichotillomania

Full request: their s/o having to shave their head because they have trichotillomania ( pulling one’s hair when stressed)

He only wants what’s best for you. He would never look at you any differently and he knows you’re only trying to stop yourself from pulling your hair.

Anytime you start to get stressed and touch your head, he would kiss the top of it and smile at you. It would even become his new habit. When he sees an anxious look on your face, he kisses your head.

This boy has countless snapbacks and is more than willing to let you borrow them until you get used to your new self. Not to mention he would probably buy you plenty of matching ones to wear together.

He would just make sure you know you’re never alone. A big reason for having extreme stress or worsened symptoms is because someone might feel alone, so if he eliminates that, he knows you’ll get better.

This big ball of sunshine will never let you frown! Truth be told, he would most likely pet your head about 20 times a day. But petting will always be better than pulling.


He would get on the stress relief bandwagon and give you a scalp massage to help you relax. If there is ever a shoulder that needed to be cried on or a smile to be made, he is there.

He would honestly be proud of the fact that you are able to firstly admit it to yourself and secondly take a ‘tough love’ approach and getting rid of the problem. But most of all he’d cover your face and head in kisses.
“Yugy~ Stop!”
“No. Your whole face is glowing now. I wanna admire it.”
*kiss kiss kiss*

Got7 reaction – sharing a bed with their crush

He would try not to make anything of it. He’d just cuddle up with you and maybe watch a movie or two before falling asleep. He’d face the other way so you don’t feel uncomfortable with him beside you, but he’s honestly just happy to have a warm body next to him.

He knows you don’t want to be alone so he would be your protector. Most of all, he’d never object to a cuddle from you. One right move and it’s the first night together of many.

He would barely sleep and why would he? His crush is right next to him… in bed! It would put all of his fantasies of seeing your angelic sleeping face to bed (as it were). He’d fall asleep with a smile on his face.

By the time you both wake up, you’d be in each other’s arms. Whether it’s out of habit or curiosity, you are more than welcome to sleep in his bed again.

“W-With me?”
“Yeah. Is that okay?”
He is so giddy and soft about it! He’d be smiling for days afterward, but wouldn’t let you know that it made his week in case you might feel weird about it if he did.

He’d play the platonic card (this time) and just talk to you for a while. I have a feeling that he might have restless legs, but he’d move far enough so he won’t kick you.

He’d turn to the middle of the bed, but the second you turn and face him he’d freeze and smile. Even though you’re asleep, he’d take the opportunity to gaze at your calm features.