Jackson scenario – His promise


Requested by @catou1305

genre: parenthood, fluff

Summary: As your marriage starts to mature, Jackson shows you that he’s ready to have a baby. But there’s only one way to know for sure.

If there was anyone in the world I could choose to father my child, it would be Jackson Wang. He has such a gentle and honest heart. Since the day we got married, he’s been trying to warm me up to having children right away. His little niece Aimee would come over almost every weekend, we ‘have’ to go into the baby section every time we go shopping, and now, he’s trying to get me into bed with him as often as he can.

Throughout our relationship, he’s turned into quite the romantic, and for the past few days, he’s been putting that newly found trait to the test. I would come home and have my favorite flowers waiting for me, or if my work has been especially tiring, he’d offer a hot oil massage to relax me.

Sadly, in the midst off all this, I started to come down with the flu. Or at least I think it is. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous, but I didn’t have a sore throat or a runny nose. I went to the doctor’s office, seeking a professional’s opinion, but he didn’t think it was the flu. I went in for blood tests and was sent on my way. “We’ll call you with the results. It shouldn’t take too long.”

I decided to just go home after my appointment and sleep off the sickness. I was hoping I would be able to dodge Jackson on my way to our room so I wouldn’t get swept up in his love tornado and get showered. Literally.

This time I got home and saw nothing unusual. Jackson was sitting at his normal spot a the dining table.

“Hey, baby,” I said.

“Hey. You left your phone here.” He got up and slowly walked toward me. “The doctor called.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. “What did he say?”

“He left a message, but I’m not sure what it was about.”

I took my phone and called the office. Jackson watched me like a hawk while I waited for the doctor to pick up.

“Hi. This is Y/n Wang. Sorry I missed your call.”

“Ah, yes, Mrs.Wang. Since you visit, we ran some tests to make sure you weren’t coming down with any serious illnesses, but then my nurse reminded me of another condition that mimics your symptoms.” He took a pause and I could hear him flipping through the paperwork. “You’re pregnant.”

The muscles in my hand gave out and I dropped my phone. Jackson caught it mid-air and handed it to me eagerly. I mouthed ‘thank you’ and teared up.

“Are you still there?” The doctor asked.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Well, congratulations! I’ll let you inform your husband. Just call us back tomorrow to set up your next appointment.”

“Thank you so much. Bye.” I hung up the phone and stared into space until a slap of reality knocked my head down from the clouds. I’m pregnant.

“What is it? Are you dying?” He asked. I held his hand and smiled a little.

“I…” It took every part of me to not only say the words out loud but to admit it to myself. “I’m pregnant.”

I was pulled into my husband’s chest and lifted up. I wrapped my arms around him and he spun be around. I felt too safe and secure at that moment.

“This is the greatest moment of my life! My wife is carrying my first born!”

My tiny smile grew into a grin as I was put back down on the floor. Jackson cupped my cheeks and said, “You won’t ever regret this. I’ll be there whenever, where ever. Just say the word.” He wiped away my tears of joy and kissed my dampened cheek. “I promise.”

And he kept that promise in the several months to come.

In the first few months, Jackson had me eating only organic foods and supplements, but with all the cravings, I would have killed to get into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. I wanted to stuff my face with any and all kinds of junk food, but anytime I did, Jackson was there in a second to take it away.

I’ll never forget the day I formed a baby bump. Usually, it would just look like a ate a little too much, but now there was no way to hide. Fans on social media started raving about the newest member of team Wang which made Jackson all the happier.

The real scary part was when I’d lie awake at night, just imagining the pain I was going to be in for in a few short months. I’d even wake up from nightmares about it and have my husband spoon me back to bed. Which became another problem. Because with Jackson being at home all the time. It also ment he was working out at home all the time. I’d be watching TV, minding my business when he’d walk in, pull his top off, and start lifting weights.

“Damn daddy…”

One day while Jackson and I were doing the final touches in the baby’s room, I felt a sharp pain and hunched over. “Oh my god!” I winced at the pain and squeezed his hand. It was happening. 

From the moment we got to the hospital, it was like a rush of pain from the baby and support from everyone else.  And then in an instant, it all stopped.

I heard a tiny cry and laid back, taking a breath. I turned my head and saw Jackson holding our tiny newborn in his arms. He came closer and gently placed our baby in my arms.

“Hi, my love,” I whispered. By then, the doctor and nurse left the three of us and Jackson scooted onto the bed with me.

“You did so well, Y/n.” He kissed my head and nuzzled into my neck to get a good look at the baby.

I started to feel a little tired, so I handed our little one back to Jackson so I could get some sleep for the first time that day. I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes.

“Hi, baby. I’m your Baba.” I could hear Jackson talking quietly and thought this was worth hearing. “It’s okay if you fall asleep, but I just wanted you to know that I’ve been waiting for you almost all my life. The second I found out that you were created, I wanted to make sure you were as healthy as possible.” I heard a little coo and smiled to myself. Our baby knows Jackson’s voice already.

“When you get a little older you’ll hear about all kinds of fairy tales about how two people fall in love, and that’s true. Your mamma and I love each other so much. She’s given me so much from the moment we started dating, and now we have you. I promise I’ll protect the two of you no matter what.” He finished his little speech with a soft kiss on our baby’s cheek. He got off the bed and put our newborn into the small crib and climbed back in next to me.

I realized that all the hesitation and self-doubt was just foolish. I resisted having children right away because of my own fear of being a mother so soon into marriage. But because of Jackson’s promise, I didn’t have a single regret.


Jackson scenario – Me and my girl



genre: fluff

summary: Jackson usually teaches you the choreo for his songs, but when he’s working late at the studio, you decide to just teach yourself.

“Got me feelin’ like a Papillon~!”

I danced around to the music, having fun with it. Since Jackson was working late I just figured “why not put some music on?” Sometimes he’ll teach me the choreography to GOT7’s videos, but with promotions come up, he is super busy. I just threw on my team wang shirt and watched the dance clip over and over again; enough to memorize it.

I clicked the reply button, matching all the movements on the screen, smiling to myself once I got it right the whole way through.

“Self-teacher I see.”

I turned around and saw Jackson leaning against the wall, watching me. I smiled and paused the song. “Only because you aren’t here to teach me.”

“Fair enough. You got it right though. Do it again.” He said with a wicked smile.

I replayed the video and copied the backup movements, Jackson came up next to me and dances to his part. I laughed as we both moved to the beat, hitting each step.

When the video stopped Jackson sprung up with a mischievous look on his face. “I’ve got an Idea! I’ll be right back.”

He came back down in his matching t-shirt and put his phone on the little tripod. “What’s happening?” I asked

“We’re gonna cover the dance version.” He said smiling excitedly.


“Come on~ It’s fun.” He encouraged, I just sighed and nodded. He hit record and stood next to me. The song played once again and we danced around the room. We both paused at the ending pose for a second until Jackson picked me up, spinning me around.

“That’s my girl!” I laughed at him and he put me back down, walking back to his phone to stop recording. “That’s going on Insta gram for sure. Look!” He showed me the video. We both moved in perfect sync! Our smiles were hard to ignore.

I grinned when I watched him pick me up at the end. We looked like excited children spinning around. He uploaded the video to Instagram and nearly broke the website. Loads of fans commented and liked our clip and Jackson couldn’t have been more satisfied. I looked at my phone to see he had tagged me in his post.

“ ‘Me and my girl’. I like that.” I said with a smile.