Jimin scenario – Never a rebound



Summary: going through breakups can be devastating, but having a friend like Jimin can put things in perspective. Unfortunately, he finds a reason to have reservations on whether or not the be more than friends so soon.

genre: semi-smut, fluff, angst

“Hey… It’s me. Can we talk?” I felt so lied to and betrayed, but most of all, I just needed a friendly presence.

“Of course. I’m on my way.” Jimin said in a soothing tone. I instantly felt better and in a matter of minutes, here was there. It was as if this day would never end. First, my boyfriend tells me he’s ‘out’ and will be back later when I go to pick up some dinner for us and I find him on a date with some other girl. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but He leaned in and kissed her. My heart broke in half and I ended it with him then and there.

Jimin knocked on the door and I hollered, “It’s open!” He let himself in and went straight to the living room where I was, curled up on the couch and hating the world. If there was anyone that can make me feel better in this situation its Jimin. He’s the only guy I trust right now.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I turned my head to look at him. “No, you’re not.” He said softly. He saw the tears staining my cheeks and puffy eyes. “Wait. Hold that thought.” He went into my kitchen and made me a mug of cocoa and grabbed a blanket off of the chair and wrapped me in it. He handed me the mug and continued our conversation. “Tell me what’s wrong, babes.” He sat down and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“He cheated on me with some dumb girl he works with…” I said in a flat tone. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my arm while I took a few sips. His chin rested on my head and my tears started to fall. “Please don’t cry. It’ll all be okay.”

“I know… It just sucks for now.” I replied while putting my mug on the coffee table. “I just don’t understand why. Am I not enough?”

“Of course you are. He thought he could have it better and it backfired. He lost an amazing girl because he couldn’t get his act together and realize how good he has it.” I know he’s right about him, but I couldn’t help but linger on all the kind things he said about me. I brought my head up and he looked back at me with his sweet brown eyes that can cure all sin. His plump lips shaped into an encouraging smile and I had to do something.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. I felt a rush of sparks and fireworks the second he kissed me back and held me close to him. I turned myself and sat on his lap, deepening our kiss.

I’ve wanted to feel his lips on mine for the longest time, but it was never right.When we met. I wanted to make my move, but before I knew it I was trapped in the friend zone.

His hand traveled down to my ass, squeezing it. I gasped and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, massaging it over mine. I pressed myself against his body and he groaned with pleasure.

“Wait… What are we doing?” He broke away and my heart sank. “Y/n, you’re my best friend…” Oh god. It’s happening. He’s rejecting me. “We can’t do this. I don’t want to be a rebound.”

“You’re not!” I said. “Since the day we met, I’ve been falling for you and you’ve shown me that you aren’t interested so I just stayed in the friend zone and met that jerk of an ex to get over you, but it didn’t work because every time he wasn’t there or put me through ridiculous mind games, you were there. Every single time, Jimin. I’m so sorry that I didn’t say anything before, but… I just thought your mind was made up.”

He sat there with me in his lap, staring at me, seeing me break down in front of him. I covered my face with my hands when I felt the tears start to build up and I got off of him.“You don’t have to stay. I know that was a lot.” I said to him. My voice wavered with each word and It was clear now more than ever that I really only cared about Jimin.


“Just go.” I whimpered. “No.” He said back. I lifted my head and he continued. “I’m not leaving you here like this. I had no idea that you wanted to be more than friends, or that I was leading you to believe that I wasn’t interested. I’ve been interested in you too. That’s the only reason I always show up when you need comfort.” He scooted closer and wiped my tears for me. “You have nothing to feel sorry for. Yes, what you just said was a lot to process, but I know exactly how it feels. We’re both guilty.”

I smiled to myself and finally worked up the courage to look him in the eye again. “Jimin, you will never be my rebound guy. You’ve been the goal since day one.” I admitted. He smiled at me and kissed me again.  "Tell you what. We’ll take things slow. That way in a couple weeks we know we’re not just in this because of the heat of the moment and we can be exclusive. Okay?“ I nodded at him and he pulled me in for a hug.

In the end, we were right to take things slow for two weeks, because those two weeks turned into two months and then two years and now it’s our happily ever after.


Jimin scenario – Birthday flower


Requested by anon
Genre: Romance, Smut
Summary: Having a special birthday dinner for Jimin, but his gift to you makes you very secure in your future together.
Warnings: first time/virginity

POV: 2nd person

Today’s the day! Jimin’s birthday. You planned out the perfect day for him. The two of you went to his favorite shops around Busan and Visited his family for lunch. He always did the most for you on your birthday, so why not give him something in return. His smile has never been brighter than when you were out on the town. No managers or crazed fans trying to get a picture, just a joyous birthday boy.

You came back home and surprised him with a catered dinner for two. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Every food he craved for days was on the kitchen counter, under the glow of the dimmed lights. He pulled you in for a loving hug and quickly pulled your chair out for you.

“Thank you, Jagi.” You said to him. He shook his head and replied, “No, I’m the one who’s thankful today. Everything is just perfect.” He kissed your cheek and grabbed two plates for the two of you. He gave us both generous portions of our favorites and placed your food on the table before he sat down across from you.

“Mmm. Amazing! Which restaurant is this from, Y/n?” Jimin asked.

“It’s from the place down the street from the park. I know you’ve always wanted to go so I had them cater for us.” You answered. He cleared his plate in record time but You had to hand it to him. He knows a good restaurant when he sees one.

“All done, love?” You asked, finishing your after-dinner mint. He happily nodded and you got up to take the empty plates to the kitchen. You rinsed them off and felt Jimin’s arms wrap around your hips, his lips kissing your shoulders. You smiled at the contact and turned to face him.

“Thank you, for everything.” He said. He took my hands and pulled me back to the dining room. After sitting down Jimin slid a small gift box toward you with his signature smile.

“What’s this for?” you asked.

“I saw it a few weeks ago and thought of you. I just needed a good occasion to give it to you.” His smile grew, showing his adorable mochi cheeks. You opened the box to see a silver ring inside. The words ‘I promise’ were engraved on the inside of the band, making it clear about why Jimin got you such a meaningful gift.

“I know you’ve been waiting for everything to settle down with the group and just touring in general. But I just need you to know that no matter where I go I will come back for you. I promise.” Each word moved you closer and closer to tears. “Y/n I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I know you want to wait. So I’ll just give you a promise ring for now.” He continued. He took the ring from the box and slid it on your finger.

You cupped his plump cheeks and kissed his lips with all the love you had. He completely understands what you want from this relationship. No one else gets you the way he does. In that moment you knew he was the one. His hands held your hip as he stood you up, bringing you closer to his warm chest.

“Jimin…” You whispered against his lips. He broke away and looked at you, his eyes full of love. “I want you… to be my first…” You finished.

“Y/n I really want you to be ready. We can wait as long as you need to.” He answered. I knew he would only think of me instead of himself. You brushed your thumb against his cheek with a smile.

“I’ve never been more ready. You’re the only person I want to be with.” Before you could say anything else Jimin crashed his lips into yours. He lifted you up and you giggled at his cuteness, wrapping your legs around him. His hands held onto your legs as he walked you to the bedroom. You peppered his face with kisses until he laid you down and hovered above you.

“I want you to tell me when you feel so vulnerable and you need a break okay? I’ll never try to hurt you.” He stared into your eyes, showing his honesty. You nodded and relaxed as he undressed you, kissing your revealed skin. You started to feel a bit shy when he took a moment to look at you. You lifted your legs to hide your stomach but he quickly lowered them.

“You are beautiful.” He said with a kiss to your lips.

“Really?” You asked. You never thought he would take a second to take you in, but there was a lot about Jimin that made you love him more.

“Yes, You really are. And you’re mine.” He held your hand to his chest, letting you feel his heart beat. He kissed you again and stripped off his clothing until there was nothing in the way of the two of you. His hot skin made you feel relaxed his him hands. His fingers brushed through your hair while he looked at you, asking for you final consent. You held his shouldered and gave him an encouraging smile.

He pushed into you slowly, feeling you tight walls stretch around him. The sensation was so strange. The pain wasn’t like anything you felt before. You tightened your grip on his shoulder blades, closing your eyes and Jimin stopped for you to adjust. You lifted your leg and took a few slow breaths. Jimin’s kiss absorbed the tear building up on your eyelash.  You opened your eyes and looked at him. He was so worried that he was hurting you, but you knew it was only the unfamiliar.

You nodded, letting him know you are ready for more. Jimin gave a slow thrust in and stopped when the base of his member was at your entrance. The worst was over and you started to want some friction. Jimin pressed his thumb to your clitty rubbing it in small circles. A moan started to just spill from your mouth as he pulled out and thrust back in. With the extra pleasure, you felt the pain faded away. Jimin always knew how to make the best out of a bad situation. His kiss continued to your neck and you moaned his name, making his moans vibrate on your skin. He sucked on your sweet spot and thrust in and out at a perfect pace.

He broke away from your neck and listened to your soft pants of desire. You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself if you tried. His chiseled arms held himself up and stabilize his upper body. His moans echoed off the walls as he gently took your virginity. He kissed you cheeks and watched your face to make sure you were okay. By the time your moans started to just flow out of your mouth he quickened his thrusts.

“Mmm~ Jimin.” His name just rolled off your tongue. He held you up, arching your back. You started to feel an odd sensation and panicked.


“It’s okay. Oh! Just relax. I’ve got you~” His words put you at ease. His stroke began to get sporadic and out of sync, but it didn’t matter as long as he didn’t stop. You nails lightly scratched his shoulder muscles as you fell over the edge into your first orgasm. You didn’t know what to do or say. You just arched your back further and called Jimin’s name.

“That’s it, Jagi. Feel me.”

Your limbs started to tinge, it was like a whole other level of love that you felt. Jimin’s hot breath got heavier with east thrust until he erupted into his own high. You looked up at him, his face showed pure bliss. You smiled through your orgasm, knowing you were able to please him even though you’ve never done anything like this before.

“Oh~ I love you so much~” Your hand raised to his cheek, pulling him down for another kiss as you slowed down into a relaxed state. You both broke apart to catch your breath. Jimin slid out of you and turned onto his back, looking at you with bliss still settled into his chocolate brown eyes.

“That was amazing,” Jimin whispered. You snuggled into his side, his hand slinging over your hips, holding you in place. He repositioned himself so he was facing you. His hand brushed through your hair gently.

“How did I get so lucky? You are everything I hoped to find.” He kissed your nose at the end of his sentence and you nuzzled into his chest. A few moments passed before you remembered.

“Oh wait! I bought a little cake for you! It’s in the fridge. I was going to give it to you after dinner, but…”

Jimin smiled and pressed his lips to your forehead. “I’ll get it, love. Wait here.” He hopped out of bed and put his underwear back on before heading down stairs.

You’ve always heard stories about girls who lose their virginity and regret it, but you could never be like them. They didn’t have a man like Jimin to take care of them.


Jimin scenario – pocketful of sunshine


genre: fluff x  fairytale??

summary: Sometimes big things come in small packages.

Tonight was like any other. Well, not for most people anyway. Usually, a girl like me would just sit at home with her pet cat or something, but I have a mini Jimin, for lonely nights like this. 

The story of how Jimin happened isn’t really what can be explained, he just appeared one day during my first year of college and I never wanted his to go. He makes me smile and laugh when I need it, and I do the same for him. We’ve become close over the years and haven’t looked back.

Tonight I just took a shower, washed my hair and brushed my teeth. Jimin climbed up to the sink and started his own nightly routine. He got out his tiny toothbrush and face wipes and got to it. 

“What are you doing tomorrow, Y/n? Are you off work?” He asked while rinsing his mouth. I laughed at his gargling voice and nodded. “I’m off work tomorrow so it’s just you and me. Unless you have somewhere to be?”

He shook his head and smiled, “I’m all free.”

I rinsed my face one last time and dried off. “A little help?” I looked over to Jimin standing at the edge of the sink, wanting to be let down. I held out my hand and he hopped onto my palm. We walked back to my room and I put him on his little ‘room’ area. 

“Goodnight, Chimchim~”

“Night, Y/n~~” I turned off the light and rested my head into the soft pillows. The sound of a heavy storm coming kept me up. I couldn’t help it until I felt tiny footsteps near my head.

“Your pillow is comfier,” Jimin said with a smile. He was so sweet to me, He know I hated big storms so he was trying to help me sleep.

“I love you, Jiminnie~,” I said starting to drift into sleep.

The next morning I didn’t have any momentum to do anything. I turned over and felt oddly warmer. I fluttered my eyes open to see Jimin waking up as well.

“Hmm, Morning, Jiminnie…” I said half asleep. I moved my hand to feel a strong arm wrapped around me. I shot up with a gasp and turned to see a fully grown Jimin laying next to me.

“W-what?!” I’m so confused! How is this possible? Just eight hours ago, Jimin could fit in my hand and now he is taking up the other half of my bed.

Jimin just hummed and pulled me back down to the pillows. The look on his face showed a calm and clear look of happiness and peace. He wrapped me in his arms and looked into my eyes.

“What’s going on Chimchim?” I asked him when my mind was finally straightened out. 

“You… Set me free. You have no idea how frustrating it is being four inches tall and having to rely on the one you love all the time instead of genuinley caring for them. You didn’t see me at a tiny live in friend, or a pet. You saw me the same way I see you.” His hand brushed my cheek and through my hair. “I’m in love with you, Y/n. Always have been and always will be.”

For some reason, I didn’t feel afraid or freaked out by any of this. I was just excited that I am finally able to truly be with him. “I love you too, Jimin.” He smiled slightly and pulled me in for our first kiss. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t dreamt of this moment. The touch of his lips on mine. 

I broke away and touched his cheek, making sure it wasn’t an actual dream, but it wasn’t. It’s reality. He is finally the boyfriend I’ve always wanted.


Jimin scenario – by your side


requested by @xxrissixx

inspired by this super cute/sweet video

Genre: fluffy chimchim

Summary: When you support small matters, you support a dream

It still amazes me that I can still feel the pain pulse through my leg from a dance injury from years ago. I missed performing with all my heart, but I can’t do anything about it. Jimin has been a perfect boyfriend, but I never told him about my leg. I’ve just been staying at home, trying to manage the pain and doing some exercises for it. 

Today, he came home and saw me on the couch, clearly in pain and upset. “Jagiyah? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

No. I was hurt and now the pain just won’t go away.” I tried to move my leg but I felt a sharp ache go up my knee into my thigh.” I almost yelled, hating that I was having to show him this side of me. “Y/n. What happened to you?” I suppose it’s finally time to come clean.

I let out a sigh and explained the reason for my state. “Back in school, I was a dancer too. I performed very often, but one day, during rehearsal, I tried to do one of my usual tricks for my routine and I landed wrong and came down on my knee, tearing my meniscus. I went to the doctor and they did surgery and told me it would take years for me to dance again, if ever. So I just let that dream go and then I met you. I guess after being around you I’ve started to wish I hadn’t given up so easily.” Jimin hung on my every word, listening to the despair in my voice.

He held my hand, comforting me. “I just don’t want to hold back anymore, I hate keeping things from you, but I just didn’t know how to say it. You inspire me, Jimin. The way you motivate yourself and your drive. I wish I had that when this all started.”

“It’s not too late. Say the word and I will be there to help you. I’m always by your side” He lifted my chin with his finger so I could maintain eye contact. I knew he was serious. I nodded my head and smiled at him. With that Jimin and I started to do ‘at home’ physical therapy. Each day we would do weight training and stretches to get limber and improve strength in my leg.

We continued our routine for almost six months. the pain has almost disappeared except for some aches here and there which are natural during recovery. Jimin has been teaching me some dance steps for both modern dance and hip hop during his off days. I loved spending this time with him and finally having my normal self back. One day we thought we could come up with an actual dance routine to one of his favorite songs, Oui by Jeremiah.

Over time we cleaned the choreography and did our own duet video. We figured we should post it on our anniversary for the fans to celebrate with us. But until then we continued to pursue dancing during our free time unless of course, we felt a bit lazy on rainy days like today. We just laid on the couch, watching movies and enjoying each others company, pain-free.

“Thank you, Jiminnie~ For everything.” He leaned to me and kissed my nose, snuggling closer. “I’d do anything for you, Y/n.”