Chen scenario – My brother’s best friend


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, angst & fluff

Warnings: light dry humping

Summary: Jongdae has always been there for you, ever since you two were little, but now that you both have grown up, he still treats you as the little girl you used to be.

The music was so loud, my bed was vibrating. It’s great that my brother came back from college, but did he have to bring his moron friends with him? The second mom and dad left, there were herds of people piling in through the back door.

I sat in my bed, staring out the window, watching all the partiers walk in until a familiar face made me perk up. Jongdae’s back too! I made a snap decision to get dressed and go down to join. I know it’s dumb to think I have a chance with my dream guy but why not just make my presence known?

We’ve lived down the street from Jongdae and his family all my life. We attended the same schools, Hung out with the same crowds, but we aren’t the same age. Next yearI’ll be in college and he’s already halfway done. For years I’ve gotten closer to him, but the more I knew about him, the harder I fell in love. Whenever I would get even a little glimpse of hope that he likes me too, he’d call me “Y/n-ah” and the spark between us quickly dies. He’ll always see me as his best friend’s baby sister, nothing more. Still, I would go out of my way to prove that I’m worthy of his attention. Just once, I want him to notice me as a possible girlfriend. I’ve imagined how we’d be as a couple so many times that it’s taken over my senses. When he’s around I want to be there with him, when he’s gone I miss him like crazy.

I searched through my closet, trying to find something that can catch Jongdae’s eye without being over the top. Mini skirt? v-neck dress?? Heels??? Too obvious. I tried on a few options before deciding on a fitted lace-up top and dark wash skinny jeans. Sexy yet subtle. I hurried to the bathroom, hoping no one would see me. I applied some makeup and touched up my hair before I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs.

A few heads turned as I walked past, but no sign of Jongdae. I took a lap around the house, ending up in the kitchen where it was quiet. I opened the fridge, needing something to drink but the door quickly slammed shut and I came face to face with my brother.

“Absolutely not. Why are you down here?” He scolded.

“Because I can. I wasn’t even going to have any liquor, I just wanted a soda.” I tried opening the fridge but was denied again.

“No. No soda, no party, nothing.” He tried shooing me off to my room but I got an idea that would change his tune.

“Sure I can go upstairs. Mom and dad will be able to hear me clearly when I call them from up there.” I crossed my arms and he glared at me while contemplating.

“… Fine. But if iso much as smell booze near you. You. are. out. Got it?”

“Yes.” I whipped open the fridge door, taking a can of soda and watched my brother walk away.

I rolled my eyes, taking a sip and went about my business. I came around the corner and felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was, my face lit up.

“Jondae! You’re back.” I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back as always.

“Yeah. Your brother and I carpooled back home for the weekend. He also told me to keep an eye on you until the party is over.” And there it was. He’s not just talking to me because I got dressed up for him, it’s because he’s now my babysitter.

“You’re joking…” I replied, feeling extremely annoyed.

“Yeah, I know. He can be a little bossy, but don’t worry. I’ll give you space. Just have fun, alright? I’m gonna get a drink.” He excused himself and headed to the kitchen.

I can’t believe he still sees me as that little girl making googly-eyes at him. Even worse, he wants to give me space. I don’t want space I want to be here with him as a date! As soon as Jongdae was out of sight I stormed off, disappearing into the crowd. I somehow ended up in the middle of the living room, crammed between a load of people dancing a grinding together. I hunched over, clutching my drink and trying to leave without being touched.

My plan quickly failed when some girl bumped into me, causing me to drop the can of soda on the floor. I gasped when I felt a hand on my but and decided to just leave the can on the floor rather than taking the risk of getting groped. I finally made it out of the group of people, taking moment to collect myself and kept moving.

I walked toward the wall, hoping to just sit down for a bit. I took a seat on the couch, keeping to myself until the inevitable moment when either my brother or Jongdae finds me. I observed everyone like a visitor in a zoo.

“This seat is taken?” I glanced up and saw a handsome stranger looking back at me.

“Uh, no. Go ahead.” I offered.

“These parties can get old pretty quick. Everybody is acting like a bunch of animals.” He said.

“My thoughts exactly,” I replied with a small laugh.

We talked for a while, getting to know each other a little. Turns out he is a friend of someone who went to high school with my brother and got ditched as soon as he arrived at the party. He was lucky enough not to get caught in the pile of dirty dancers. We went back and forth until we came across the forbidden topic.

“So what year are you?”

“Senior,” I replied without a thought.

“Seriously? You don’t look a day past 19.”

“Oh, no I meant senior in high school. I should have been more specific.” My cheeks started to burn and I lowered my head.

“That’s okay. I’ve never minded a younger woman.” My heart started to flutter. He actually liked me despite my age!

Another song came on that had the whole crowd cheering and hollering with excitement. It was way too loud to even hear my conversation until he leaned in toward my ear and said: “Wanna go somewhere private?” His hand rested on my knee and I shyly nodded ‘yes’

He took my hand leading me further away from the crowd and up the stairs. We almost got down the hall to my bedroom when another hand gripped my wrist, pulling me back.

“I don’t think so, Y/n.” Jongdae had a fire in his eyes that I’ve never seen before.

“Chill out. She’s with me.” I was soon entered in a game of tug of war with the guy I was talking to and the guy who was recruited to watch me.

“No, she isn’t. She’s with me.” Jongdae argued. One of my hands was released and Jongdae pulled me behind him. “Leave.” He said with his fists clenched.

“Or what?” The other guy stepped closer to Jongdae, refusing to back down.

“Or we’ll beat your ass. That’s what.” My brother stepped in, shoving the guy toward the stairs and he finally retreated.

I looked at my brother with terror in my eyes. I hated seeing him like this and god knows he would have fought that guy over much less.

“Y/n. Go to your room. I’ll deal with you later. Jongdae, lock her in there if you have to.” With that, my brother marched down the stairs.

I came out from behind Jongdae and headed straight for my room. He quickly followed behind, making sure I didn’t try and escape back to the party. He closed my bedroom door behind us and watched me lay face down on my bed, letting out a deep sigh.

“Y/n, what were you thinking? I left you alone for literally five seconds and you vanish. Next thing I know you’re going off to bed with a random guy.”

“I wasn’t gonna sleep with him. He just wanted to go somewhere private to talk… As I’m saying it out loud, it sounds like he was just trying to sleep with me… Oh god~” I whined. I fell back over, hiding my face in the pillows.

Jongdae walked over, sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back. “It’s alright. At least you are aware of you’re mistakes. Honestly, I didn’t think that guy was your type.”

“He’s not. He was just the only guy who…” I stopped myself before I could let anything slip out. I can’t let him know my secret, even if it’s about him.

“Who what?” He asked.

“…The only guy who doesn’t mind the fact that I’m younger than him.” I admitted.

Jongdae took a second to process what I said and came to his own realization. “You didn’t like that I was watching over you?”

“Of course not. It’s so patronizing.” I muttered.

“I told you I was going to give you space.” He said in a light tone.

“I didn’t want space from you, Jongdae.” I sat up straight, meeting his eye line so he’d take me seriously. “I wanted to be there with you!”

His expression froze. There wasn’t a shred of emotion on his face, just a blank stare. I ruined it. Any chance of him liking me back was long gone by now.

“Y/n, I… I can’t.” His words shattered my heart into a million pieces. I just wanted to curl up and fade away.

“I-I understand.” My voice broke. I turned away from him so he wouldn’t see my tears start to swell up.

“Y/n, please. It’s not about your age. You’re just my best friend’s sister. I don’t want to lose either one of you.”

“You won’t. Jongdae, I didn’t just wake up this morning with a crush on you. I fell for you from the start and it’s only got worse when you left for college. I miss you all the time but I couldn’t just say it because I knew this would happen. I knew you’d reject me. I’m just a little girl in your eyes. Nothing’s changed.”

“Don’t say that. You’re not a little girl. I know that. It’s just a way of distancing myself from seeing you as the woman you are. If I see you that way I won’t be able to stop myself from doing something I could regret later.” His honesty was a bit of a shock for me. I never knew he was holding back like this.

“How do you see me?”

“Y/n.” He raised his hand, cupping my cheek while he spoke. you are an incredibly  driven, genuine, sweet  woman… who happens to be young.“  I smiled slightly at his last comment and his thumb ran over my bottom lip. "With the most deliciously soft lips, I’ve ever seen.” He lifted my chin, tilting my head to one side, coming in closer until our lips came together for a long-awaited kiss.

I moved my hand around his neck, pulling him in close. Oddly, my nerves melted away, my heartbeat sped up, but I felt relaxed by his touch. I felt his hand on my back, bringing me in even closer and I moaned faintly.  He draped my legs across his lap before laying me back, climbing above me and making himself comfortable without ever breaking our kiss.

I lifted my legs, planting them on either side of him, allowing him the perfect opportunity to gently grind down. I moaned aloud, enjoying the feeling of him through my jeans.

“I’ve always wanted to know what it felt like to have this beautiful body of yours pressed against me.” He lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip while his grinded onto my pelvis. He kissed my neck, while his finger started tugging on the string of my top, unlacing it. His hot lips moved over the tops of my breasts and down the middle. His free hand lifted my shirt up, uncovering my stomach. He kissed his way down my abdomen and paused briefly to undo my skinny jeans. He peeled them down with ease while I threw my top across the room. He slowly got off the bed, looking down in wonder at my half-naked body.

Jongdae started a little striptease, getting rid of his top, tossing it in the same direction as mine. When he got back on the bed, he took my hands, placing them on the front of his pants, hinting for me to help him out a little. I unbuttoned his jeans, sliding the zipper down and pulling them down far enough for him to just kick off the rest.

“I’ve wanted you for so long Y/n.” He whispered.

I kissed him one more time, savoring the taste of his sweet lips, “Take me. I’m yours, Jongdae.”

Without hesitation, he pulled his rock hard cock out of his underwear and slipped my panties to the side. With one slow thrust, he stretched out my walls just right, entering me completely. I coiled around him, wanting to feel every inch of his skin on mine.

He thrusted in and out, filling me up perfectly before pulling out again, building friction. My stomach knotted up, my limbs felt like jelly and my orgasm was fast approaching. Jongdae’s thrusts got a little rougher, making it harder to contain my screams of pleasure. But I couldn’t let anyone hear us. This moment was for us, nothing and no one can ruin it. For the first time ever, I felt mentally, emotionally, and physically fulfilled. All I needed now was a sweet release.

“Jongdae~ I’m gonna cum,” I said, holding back any loud whimpers or moans.

“Me too, love. Cum with me. Oh~ Now!”

I bit down on his shoulder while he buried his face in my pillow, muffling his growls and groans. My whole body tingled as I finished my orgasm. I became too weak to keep clenching around him, but his member had already started to soften deep inside me. We both took a moment to collect our selves. Jongdae rolled off of me and stared at the ceiling. I laid next to him, terrified that he would regret what we did.

“That… was amazing.” He said with a smile growing on his face. I sat up a little, turning to rest my head on his chest. He welcomed me into his arms right away, kissing the top of my head and I sighed in relief.

“My brother’s gonna be so-”

“Shhh, you don’t need to worry about that right now. I just want to have this moment for a while.” He snuggled me in closer and just like before, all my nerves went away.


Chen oneshot – Let’s have a baby


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, fluff, romance

Summary: You and Jongdae have recently decided to start a family. while this would mean having the bliss of carrying and birthing your firstborn, Jongdae has come to find his own advantage to conceiving a child.

“Hey, baby! I thought I’d give you a call. I just left the doctor’s office and we are in the clear! No more birth control! I’ll see you when I get home. Love you~” I sent Jongdae a voicemail, giving him the exciting news.

We’ve been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now we can finally start our family. The doctor referred me to a  fertility boosting medication, but she warned me that they do cause some hormonal swings, but it wasn’t anything major. After doing some research, I learned that it was basically female viagra. Oh, boy. I took a dose after leaving the pharmacy and awaited the side effects.

By the time I pulled into the driveway, I took a deep breath and smiled. When I walked through the front door, all the lights were off and the room was only illuminated by my favorite candles. I looked around for Jongdae but stumbled upon a trail of rose petals. I laughed at how cheezy my husband was and honestly impressed at how quickly he pulled everything together. I followed the trail to the bedroom, opened the door and found Jongdae standing in front of the bed.

“Welcome home, my love,” He said giving me a kiss.

“What’s all this? were those the fake rose petals from our wedding?”

“And you said we wouldn’t use them ever again.” He joked.

Here I thought I was eager by sending him a voicemail, but he pulled out all the stops. I know he’s been waiting to get rid of his condoms since our relationship got intimate. We’ve been going overboard to stop an accidental pregnancy and now that’s all we want… among other things.

Jongdae pulled me in, kissing my cheeks and neck. He lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side and unhooked my bra, freeing my breasts. He picked me up, into his arms, leveling his head with my chest and kissed down the valley of my cleavage. He laid me down on the bed, stripping off the rest of my clothes and started on his. I got up on my knees, holding out my hands to feel his toned stomach.

By the time he was naked, he took both my hands, raising them to his shoulders and climbing on top of me. He grabbed my legs, holding them up as he lined his tip in front of my wet heat. I gave him a passionate kiss and he slowly eased himself into me, thrusting deeper and deeper until our lips touched.

“Oh, god. This is so much better. ” He moaned. “So wet.”

He moved in and out, stretching my walls and moving in and out powerfully. He was anxious to feel me without a condom, and it showed. His moans couldn’t be contained, but neither could mine. His thrusts were rougher, the feeling was so much more sensuous. I laid my head back on the pillow while I bucked my hips at rapid speed.

“Just like that, baby~ So good…” I cried.

I was so close to my climax. My legs started to tremble against his hip, my walls clenched around his thick member. Jongdae’s thrusts got sloppier and in an instant, we both experienced the most intense orgasm ever. My vision went blurry as hot tears of passion rolled down my cheek and Jongdae’s warm cum filled me.

His arms shook a little before he collapsed next to me and cooled down. He and I bathed in the afterglow until we simultaneously turned our heads to each other.  He smiled and me and kissed my lips before holding his hand against my stomach.

“Fingers crossed…” He whispered.

EXO reaction – C*ck warming

This reaction is NSFW!

Xiumin – He likes to sprawl out on his back when he sleeps so this position would be a little tricky. He’d be open to trying it once to test the waters. He wouldn’t have any lustful intentions though.


Suho – He would be open to it. Because he’s a side sleeper, it would be easy to just slip his cock into you and increase the intimacy while you snuggle together. By the time morning comes though, there is no way you’re leaving the bed with out a little action… 😉


Lay – This position would be circumstantial for him. He would really only use cock warming when he’s is too exhausted to pull out after sex. By the time you put a name to it, he would turn it into a regular post-sex sleeping position.


Baekhyun – He adores the feel of our naked bodies pressed together, why not turn up the heat a little? You two would most likely be facing each other, that way he can feel your leg around his hip while he remains buried deep inside you.


Chen – As long as you’re alright with having him draped on top of you like a human gravity blanket, he would absolutely try cock warming. Much like you, he would welcome the idea with open arms!


Chanyeol – “So that’s what it’s called!” He’s been using this type of smutty cuddling for a while. It makes things easier on the weekends. No work to get to in the morning, sleeping in late and passionate morning sex right where you left off the night before.


D.O – He would need some convincing. The second he slides into you, his brain would go straight to sex and it’s tough for men to fall asleep with a raging erection. That being said, he’d most likely go for a spooning position, this way it would be a little more about cuddling and a little less about making love.


Kai – I see him taking cock warming as an opportunity to increase the romantic intimacy after rough sex. He would have you on top of him, laying your head on his chest while his manhood buried inside you. He’d give you a few kissed and have you listen to his strong heartbeat while he strokes your hair.


Sehun – Let’s be honest, our maknae is one of the shyest boys in the group (maybe even one of the sayest in K-pop). When you mention you like cock warming, he would react as if he received a compliment: very bashfully. He’s glad that you like to feel him inside you, but it will be difficult for him not to thrust in and out of you. But it like they say, ‘practice makes perfect’.


Chen scenario – Love games

Requested by anon (Supposed to be a drabble [>600 words] but I got carried away)

Genre: fluff, romance

Request: Chen drabble where your best friends with his sister and you have a big crush on him and his sister/your friend totally ships you two and tries to get you in situations together

*y/f/n = your friend’s name*

Spite is such an odd reaction. We as humans either refuse to do something because another person wants us to do it or we do something when told not to. Growing up with my childhood friend, we always said we were like sisters. We loved the same foods and binge-watched the same shows, often times we’d finish each other’s sentences like siblings. Around our school years, I started to notice something about her- well not necessarily her, but her brother, Jongdae. He radiated boyfriend material!

My crush on him started to become difficult to hide and y/f/n started to notice. She and I were sitting in the library one morning, working on a book report when I locked eyes with Jongdae from across the room. He smiled at me, making me feel all warm inside. I sent him a faint smile back and felt a little pinch on my arm.

“Y/n? What are you staring at?” Y/f/n said with an amused smile. She tried to search the room to find out what grasped my attention only to find her brother quickly turning away from us. “Wait… Are you two…?”

“No, we’re not. I was just-”

“Giving him the look.” She finished for me. “Oooh, this is perfect. You two can start dating, then after graduation, he’ll propose and we’ll be sisters for real! YES!”

“Shh!” The librarian hissed.

Y/f/n sat back in her seat, settling herself before she went on. “He clearly likes you back. If you want to go out with him, you have my blessing.”

“Y/f/n, I’m not into Jongdae. I was looking in his general direction and he happened to look back.”

Rather than respond to me, she just raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Whatever you say, sis…”

Ever since that day, I have been caught up in a real-life Parent Trap situations.  Countless times I have been locked in rooms with Jongdae, receiving flirty texts from him only to find out it was Y/f/n who stole his phone. In the midst of all this, Jongdae and I have gotten really close, but I never gave Y/f/n the satisfaction. Oddly enough, I tried to distance myself from Jongdae a few times.

As the years passed, Y/f/n’s shenanigans wore down, Jongdae and I didn’t really talk much as a result and things were nearly back to the way they were. But our lives were different. We weren’t kids in school anymore and every time I looked at him, I didn’t have as many butterflies, there were more! I would even think about him and be consumed in thoughts of how we would have ended up together. Maybe we’d still be together now and hearing wedding bells in the distance. It was easier to keep my feelings for him under wraps because of the distance in our social lives, but as long as my best friend- his sister is around, we always have an excuse to bump into each other.

The longest we went without speaking was nearly five months, a real record considering there was a time we spoke at least once a day. All of the silence would come to an end soon though. Y/f/n was having her annual birthday bash and she invited everyone she knew. Truth be told, I really missed Jongdae. If we were going to reconnect, I don’t want to go back to just being friends. I wanted to be with him for real.

My nerves started to get the best of me when Y/f/n’s party came around. I wasn’t sure why either. I was almost certain that Jongdae felt the same about me… almost. I arrived on my own, immediately being greeted by the birthday girl herself.

“Y/n!” I was engulfed in a tight hug by y/f/n.

“Hey~ Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Stay close okay? I only have a few more guests arriving then we can party hard.” She said with an evil grin.

I chuckled at her signature whimsy and agreed. I walked over to the gift table, placing my box up front. A few friends came up to me, striking up a conversation, but I quickly zoned out when I saw Jongdae come into my line of vision. As if he felt my stare, he turned around, locking eyes with me for what felt like minutes. He gave me a small smile and a friendly nod. I replied with a little wave and he returned to what he was doing. God, he was so handsome. He is far and away, the best guy I knew, but I was too stubborn to admit it.

“Y/n? Are you alright? You look flushed.” My friend asked.

“Oh, yeah. It’s just a little warming here. I’m gonna go… get a drink.” I excused myself and headed to the bar.

I looked toward the entrance and noticed Y/f/n wasn’t there anymore. I ordered myself a drink and took a seat.  I searched the room to check if Jongdae was still close by but I lost him in the crowd. I slumped over in the bar stool, beginning to doubt my little plan. But where there’s a will, there’s a crazy best friend who ships you with her brother.

Y/f/n came over, sitting next to me to cheer me up. “What’s wrong? Not feeling the club scene anymore?”

“No, it’s not that… I wasn’t even going to tell you this, but it turns out I kinda miss being around Jongdae, but we’ve been apart for so long that I’m afraid he’ll forget about me.” I vented.

“Because you looove him.” She teased, causing me to smile a bit. “…oh… You really do love him don’t you?”

“I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about it and it’s eating me up inside. I actually wanted to confess to him tonight, but I have no idea where he is.” I saw the look on her face and narrowed my eyes in disapproval. She was up to something.

“Say no more. You can thank me later.” SHe said simply. I was confused for a second until she took the remainder of my drink, spilling it down the front of my top.

“What was that?!”

“Oh, no. Y/n you need to cover that. OPPA!” He hollered and like a phoenix out of the flames, Jongdae appeared. “Can Y/n borrow your jacket? I need to get my stain remover out of my purse.” She walked away, leaving the two of us together.

“Here.” He slid his jacket off and helped me put it on.

“Thanks. Sorry about this.” I said with a laugh.

“No problem.” He let me off the stool and lead me to the back hallway to wait for Y/f/n. Jongdae leaned against the wall, pondering briefly before asking, “She spilled the drink on you didn’t she?”

“Yup,” I confirmed.

He laughed to himself and looked at the ground. “I mention I liked you one time and it becomes a frenzy.”

“What?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“You didn’t know?” He questioned and I shook my head in reply. “Wow, I thought I was being obvious.”

“When was this?”

“Back in school. I’m not certain on an exact day but I guess I can track it back to the time I saw you in the library. You and Y/f/n were doing something and I guess I thought you looked back at me… I don’t know.” A rosy blush started to appear on his cheeks and my heart melted.


Jongdae looked up at me, noticing the way I was fascinated by his side of the story. I was amazed at the fact that he had the same feeling when he looked at me at that moment in school. He stepped a little closer, slowly closing the gap between us.

“Yeah.” He said back, stopping just a few inches away from me. We were so close, I could feel his body temperature rising. 

“I liked you too.” Our noses brushed together before he gently placed one hand on my waist, the other cupping my face before his lips pressed to mine for a long-awaited kiss. “Mmm~” I kissed him back, placing my hands on his back and shoulder. 

As much as I regretted being too stubborn to follow my heart, it all worked out in the end. Y/f/n’s final scheme worked like a charm and as a result, I was able to confess to Jongdae and she was able to have an official sister.


A/n: The “look” ⬇️

Chen scenario – Familiar face


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, fluff

Warnings: drunk sex, handjob

Summary: Years after graduating from school, you become reunited with the one that got away.

At best, a girl’s night out is a great time with friends filled with lots of laughter, food, drinks and an all-around blast. At worst, it’s an excuse for some sleazy guy to try and prey on the weakest member of the group. Every time I go out with my friends, I end up being the mom of the group who watches everyone’s drinks and purses. I’ve come to have girls nights, but I really only go because of my friends. At the beginning of the night, we go out to a restaurant, share stories and enjoy each others company. But there’s always one person who suggests going to a club and I get dragged along.

One night I made the mistake of showing them I wasn’t going to be the babysitter again. When we went to the club, I drank as much as everyone else and completely lost my senses. Hobbling over to the bar, I asked the bartender for a bottle of water to try and sober up. I wasn’t there three minutes when I felt a hand on the small of my back.

“Hey, what’s your name?” A random guy asked.

“Not ‘Hey’.” I retorted.

“Oh, feisty. Can I get you a drink.”

“No, you may not.” I tried to walk away, but he snuck his hand around my waist, pulling me back in.

“Be careful, babe. I’d hate to see you trip over something.” I swatted his hands away.

“Back off, I have a boyfriend!” I lied.

“Oh really? I don’t see him.”

“Why don’t you turn around.” A second guy said.

“Woah. Sorry, man. No conflict.” The creep said in surrender.

“You alright?” He asked. I tried to focus on my hero’s face, but he was all blurry.

“Y-Yeah,” I said between hiccups. I noticed his strong jawline and the small curls on the corners of his mouth. “I’m, Y/n.”

“Hi, I’m-”

“Cute.” I finished for him. My attempt at flirting made him smile.

“Sure. How about I buy you another bottle of water.” He offered.

“Mkay.” I sat on the bar stool, finishing the rest of my water before opening the second bottle.

I spent the majority of the night talking to the guy I cleverly named Cutie until he told me his name was Jongdae.

“Hey~ I knew a guy named Jongdae. He was kinda nerdy, but I really liked him.”

“Yeah? Did you ever tell him that?’ He asked.

"No. My school friends were total jerks to him, I didn’t want him to confess and have him think it was a joke and reject me.” I looked deep into his eyes and blurted the first thing that came to mind. “You’re a good listener.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah. It’s a good trait though. It’s sexy.” I reached out to hold his hand, to my surprise, he didn’t pull away.

“I think you’re still a little tipsy.” He said, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

“Nuh-uh. If I was drunk I couldn’t do this.” All at once I leaned in, gently placing my lips on his. “Mmm~’ I hummed.

Jongdae grasped my cheeks, pulling me in closer. I placed my arms around his shoulders, making him move his hands to my waist. His lips tasted so sweet, I wasn’t able to stop if I wanted to. I could feel the effect of his kiss throughout my whole body. It was like the rest of the room disappeared.

His kiss was so familiar, but I didn’t know why. I’ve never kissed him before, I’ve never even seen him, yet here I was, completely at home in his arms. Before I knew it, we were stumbling into his house, kicking our shoes off and scurrying off to the bedroom.

We stood at the foot of his bed, hands exploring every inch of our bodies. Jongdae stepped back, needing validation that I was fully aware of what I was getting into. He looked into my eyes, reading my expression. A small smirk appeared on his face when he saw the glint of lust and desire in my stare.

"Tell me what you want.” He said plainly.

I reached out to him, my hands moving up his sides, pulling up his top enough the see the trail of small hairs leading down, into his jeans. Oh, the blessed happy trail… I stepped back in, looking him dead in the eyes as I slipped my hand into the hem of his underwear, taking a hold of his thick cock. He tensed up, his neck veins popping out, trying not to moan right away.

“I want you,” I said giving him a few strokes. “I want you deep inside me.”

His head tilted back while I pleasured him with only my hand, swiping my thumb over his tip, collecting the pre-cum, then abruptly pulling my hand out of his pants for a little taste. Jongdae watched, trying not the grab my wrist and pull my thumb out of my mouth. Instead, I held my waist, turning me around and laying me back on the bed.

He took off my clothes, kissing my exposed skin until I was naked and waiting. He slowly stripped out of his t-shirts and jeans, showing me the effect of my ‘handy’ work. He took his member in his hand, pumping it a few times before climbing above me and sliding himself into me. A faint stream of moans and whimpers spilled from my lips, encouraging him to deepen his thrusts.

I gripped onto the sheets as he quickened the pace, bucking my hips to move in perfect sync. I raised my leg a little higher on his hip, changing to a better angle. My back arched, my toes curled, my palms tingled and I reached my climax. Jongdae emptied his load deep inside me, his warm cum bursting against my g-spot.

We both cooled down from our orgasms, pulling the covers over our bare bodies. I wasn’t sure what to do. We aren’t a couple, so I can’t just cuddle him, but he’s not kicking me out like a one night stand. I just turned my back toward him, relaxing into the soft pillow. After a few moments, I felt Jongdae’s hand come around my hip, his chest pressing against my upper back and his lips hovering over my ear. He looked down at me, studying my face while I tried to keep my eyes shut.

“I’m sorry it took me so long.” He whispered, assuming I was already asleep. “You were right. I completely judged you based on how your friends treated me and never gave you a chance.” He held me closer, kissing my shoulder and nuzzling into my neck. “I’ll make this count, I promise.”

When morning came, I woke up in Jongdae’s bed alone. I pulled up the covers and saw that I was dressed in his t-shirt and sweatpants. The sent of breakfast tickled my nose, drawing me toward the kitchen. I walked in, my footsteps causing Jongdae to turn around.

“Good morning.” He said with a sugar-sweet smile. He offered me coffee or tea to start the day and passed me a mug.

“I assume you dressed me,” I said returning a smile.

“Yeah, you were shivering this morning, so I warmed up some clothes in the dryer for you. I hope that’s okay.” He said, trying not to make me uncomfortable.

“It’s really sweet actually, thank you.” I watched him finish up our meal while sitting at the table. “I uh- heard what you said last night,” I admitted. Jongdae froze, unsure how to respond. “I thought you were familiar. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it until you said anything.” I said. He came over to the table, putting the plates down and sitting next to me. “I’m so sorry about all that. For what it’s worth, I don’t even talk to those jerks anymore.”

“It’s okay. Really.” He took my hand to cheer me up. “It worked out anyway, right?”

“Yeah. It did.” I said, giving him a kiss.


Chen scenario – From night to day


requested by anon

Genre: Wolf!au, supernatural, smut, romance, angst

Summary: You’ve been in love with Kim Jongdae since you both have developed your scents. Now that you’re both official mates, he’s still unable to let you in past his wall of mystery.

It’s been a few weeks since Jongdae and I have been married, and we still hardly know each other. His father is the alpha of his pack and my father is the alpha of mine. Our packs have been close for many generations and this is the first time there have been mates from both sides; Me and Jongdae. And now I’m the one who will be baring the next alfa of both packs after Jongdae.

I’ve tried several times to speak with him, but he just makes me so nervous that I end up only breathing a few timid words. He makes the hearts of all the girls in our packs race with his mysterious persona. He barely talks in public, and when he does, his voice is strong, just like his father. I know that under all the stern glances and powerful aura, there is a kind heart.

I’ve seen how gentle he is with children and the way he smiles when he thinks no one is looking. I’ve even heard him sing a few times, but I try to keep quiet so as to not revert him to his usual reserved self. He and I have never had an honest conversation, let alone create any kind of intimacy. But with the mating season coming swiftly upon us, all of that is going to change.

I feel like he’s wanting to get close to me and become a true mate as well. I would lie in our bed at night and feel his soft touch on my cheek just before I fall asleep, but when I wake in the morning, he’s gone. He is so difficult to read. I’ve asked a few of the mated women in my pack, but their only advice is to give it time.

One night, Jongdae and I laid in bed in complete silence. I closed my eyes and rolled over toward him in the hopes that he’d touch me again. Sure enough, ten minutes after I remained still. Jongdae’s hand found its way to my hairline. His fingers gingerly brushed away all the loose strands, leaving my face on display. He continued to comb through my locks and whispered. “My mate.”

I took a small risk and opened my eyes with a few flutters. His hand froze while he tried to figure out if I was still asleep or not. I shyly smiled at him and his hand retreated under the blankets. I relaxed my lips, showing no expression. We just conversed without any words at all. The look in his eyes showed me something I’d never seen in them. He looked… vulnerable. He blinked a few times and his gaze softened.

I could feel the warmth of his hand move closer until his fingertips touched my leg lightly. I looked down at the covers and reached out to hold his hand. He looked at me in wonder when I brought his hand to my hip. His eyes transformed into a dark hue, his palm slid from my hip to the small of my back and he pulled me in with a sharp move. He smirked just as a gasp fell from my lips. At that moment I learned another trait of his. He is a dominant lover. It’s not very surprising for a future alpha, but it was still welcome in the privacy of our bedroom.

His nose bumped against mine before I felt his soft lips kissing me. My state of shock wasn’t strong enough to mask my primal instincts and I immediately kissed him back. By this point, I’m happy to share any kind of intimacy with my mate.

Jongdae lifted himself up and moved between my legs, keeping our lips fully locked together. With the power of the full moon and the eve of the mating season upon us, his scent surrounded me, leaving me lustful and wanting more. His lips felt like velvet and tasted like sweet vanilla. I threw my arm over his shoulder just as his sinful hips grinded down on my center, making me moan on his lips.

I opened my legs a bit more, giving him the advantage. He removed his lips from mine to switch his attention from kissing me to undressing me.

His strong hand slid from my cheek, down my tender breasts, over my goosebump-covered stomach, and into the waistband of my shorts. My lips parted when his fingers came dangerously close to my slit. I wanted to buck my hips or press my thighs together to get some more friction going, but instead, Jongdae gripped the thin material of both my panties and shorts and pulled. In one quick motion, I was naked from the waist down.

He got up on his knees and lowered his pajama bottoms just enough to free his thick erection. I took off my top, laid back, and waited for our chastity to come to an end. He mounted my awaiting body and slowly thrust into me. With a sigh of relief and pleasure, I held onto his strong arms.

His velvety lips came back down to mine with another sweet kiss. It was if I was in the middle of a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake up from. His strokes remained slow and sensual, making me feel every inch of him. My breaths started to get shallow between each loving kiss. His tip grazed my g-spot as he absorbed my moans with his mouth.

My climax started to build up and he knew it. My walls tightened around him and his hand held my lower back, lifting my hips to match his strong thrusts. We broke our lengthy kiss and he buried his face into my neck before unloading deep inside me. My nails marked the skin on his shoulders, causing a groan to vibrate on my sweet spot.

We rode out our highs and Jongdae took a short rest before turning onto his back next to me. He stared at the ceiling, losing himself in his own mind. I couldn’t blame him though. We somehow managed to go from subtle touches to making love and back to silence without actually speaking. It was like we didn’t have to talk though. I’ve always fancied Jongdae, and now he was my mate.

He let out a long sigh and shook his head. “The girl I’ve loved for half my life has become my mate and I still don’t know what to say to her.” He said out loud.

A small lump formed in my throat. All of my theories of him just wanting to remain mysterious during our marriage were shattered. He just didn’t know what to say. He looked me in the eyes and a tiny smile crept onto my face. His hand raised up to my cheek and I held it to my face.

“Such soft skin.” He whispered. “How can a powerful wolf live within an angelic creature like you? Even as kids, you always had such a natural grace, but you still knew how to handle yourself against danger.” He rolled over on his side and brought my hand to his lips. “You are so perfect Y/n. Truth be told, I chose you as my mate years ago.”

“What made you wait?” I asked.

“Because you caught the eyes of nearly every other man in both our packs so I assumed you’d choose one of them.” He lowered our hands and played with my fingers.

I leaned toward him and kissed his lips again. “I’ve always loved you Jongdae. I’ll only choose you.”

He looked at me and smiled. He let go of my hand and just held me instead. I cuddled into him and listened to his heart beating in his firm chest.  For the first time ever, we acted like true mates. Mates that are open with each other and in love.

The strangest thing happened after that day. I would go to sleep in his loving embrace and wake up with him still there next to me. He would hold my hand when we were out in the woods where anyone could see us and he’d kiss my cheek before he left home. He quickly came out of his shell and showed his true side with me. I fell even more in love with him each day and he trusted me more and more. He was finally mine and I was his.


EXO reaction – catching their GF touching herself

He would stand there in shock for about two seconds, but then he’d want you to keep going. He loves watching the look on your face when you feel intense pleasure.

“I told you to wait until I got home.”
He wouldn’t be happy about you touching yourself. Only daddy!Suho can touch his babygirl. He would definitely consider all the different ways he can punish you for being a bad girl.

He really would lose control. the moment he sees you with your hand between your legs, he’d want to trade your fingers with his rock hard member.

The sight of you would be something for him to savor. He’d walk quietly so he wouldn’t disturb you and make you realize he’s there. That is until you feel a second hand replacing your own. He wants to be the one to finish you off.

The look of shock on his face would turn into pure lust and desire. He has to admit that seeing you this way is a major turn on.

He would be on top of you in 0.2 seconds. He’d flip you over on your stomach with a quick strike to your ass for punishment. But after that, it’s all pleasure.

He’d drop his bag on the floor, making it obvious that he’s home and caught you. He would walk to you slowly and stop at the side of the bed. “Arms up.” He would tie your wrists together and make sure you don’t break his ‘no touching’ rule again.

How could he blame you? He teased you with what was about to be moring sex and abruptly got dressed and left when his alarm went off. He would make it up to you by kissing, touching, and marking what was his.

His smirk would let you know he wants you to keep going. He stripped off his clothing and bury his face between your legs.His hands would grab a hold of your wrists to keep you from touching him while he brings you to orgasm.

Chen scenario – Baby, it’s cold outside


not requested

genre: fluff, romantic, smut

Summary: during a terrible Christmas blizzard, Jongdae persuades you to stay with him for the night… by any means necessary 😉

“Mmm~ Your lips feel so good on my neck.” I tilted my head more to give Jongdae more access and he moved his lips all over the exposed skin. I initially only came over to give him his Christmas gift after dinner with my family, but of course, one thing lead to another and we ended up kissing on his couch.

I looked out the window and saw the snow started to come down even more and I felt a sense of panic. “Oh, wow. It’s starting t get worse outside, babe. I think I should go.” I got up from the couch and Jongdae follow behind me, begging me not to leave.

“Baby, it’s cold outside. I don’t want you to freeze. Stay with me tonight.” He offered, holding my waist but I couldn’t give in.

“I really can’t stay,  Thanks for the offer though.” I kissed his cheek and he still wouldn’t let go of my waist. I turned around to face him again and he started in on his big puppy-dog eyes.“

"Dae… I can’t. What will my family think?” I put on my scarf only to have it unraveled by Jongdae.

“Look!” He said opening the shades. “It’s a complete blizzard out there! The snow will be up to your knees soon.” He did drive a hard bargain, but my parents would have a fit if I didn’t come home.

“Babe, I really wish I could, but don’t you see?” I said. His out worsened with my words and I sighed. “Maybe I can stay for a little longer…”

His eyes lit up and he practically carried me back to the couch. He went right back to kissing my neck and my heart melted immediately. “If you start that, I won’t be able to stop you,"I admitted. I could feel his smirk on my neck and I knew then and there that I wouldn’t be able to leave if I tried. There was no way to break his spell.

I held the back of his head in my right hand, coiling my left arm around his shoulders and letting a small moan slip past my lips. His hands caressed my thigh and all my thoughts disappeared. I just wanted him… now.

"Let’s go to your room,” I said. Jongdae smiled at me and we hurried to our next location. We smothered each other in kisses and got on the bed. In a matter of seconds, we were out of our clothes and pressed together in ecstasy.

Jongdae kissed down my body, giving extra attention to my sensitive areas. “ I’m so glad you decided to stay, baby. I’ll make it worthwhile.” He said with a groan. His lips trapped my swollen clit, working his tongue over the bud.

“Oh! Yes, keep doing that. Mmm~ take it.”  I looked up to the ceiling and let the tingling sensation start and the pit of my stomach, rush to my palms and pulse through my fingertips. My toes curled, my legs flexed, I was nearing my release soon and Jongdae showed no sign of stopping.

Between the sounds of his sinful lips kissing and sucking my sex and feeling of him eating me out pushed me over the edge. “Cum on my tongue, baby. Feel my tongue working you. God, you taste so good.”

I didn’t hold back. I bucked my hips, forcing more friction and climaxed hard. Jongdae’s ton slid deeper into me and my eyes rolled back. My limbs shook for a few more seconds until I fell limp. I looked down at my boyfriend and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before crawling above my naked body.

“Are you ready?” He asked, lining up his rock hard cock at my entrance. “Yes. Make me cum again. I want to feel you.” I said.

Jongdae slowly thrust into me, feeling every inch of my tight center squeezing him. pulled him down for a warm embrace and his hips moved with each soft thrust. His head buried into my neck and he kissed my sweet spot a few times, sucking on it when he got into a steady rhythm.

My hands wandered to the small of his back, feeling the goosebumps starting to form on his skin. His tip brushed my g-spot and I moaned his name.

“Jongdae! Do that again…” I tried to keep my composure to last a little longer, but I was nearly there. His tip brushed it again and I scraped my nails down his back gently. “Y/n, I’m s-so close.”

“Cum for me. Oh, shit!” I reached my climax in seconds with Jongdae pounding deep inside of me. “Oh, yes! Just like that.” Our juices mixed together while calling out each others names.

After we came down from our highs, Jongdae held me close, kissing my neck a little more. “What is it with you and my neck?” I asked playfully. Before he could answer I got a call from none other than my mother.

“Hey, mom… No, I’m not outside. I’m still at Jongdae’s… Yeah, I was going to leave, but he talked me into staying.” I said sending him a wink. “Yeah, I’ll come home first thing tomorrow… Okay… Love you too… Bye.” I hung up and cuddled back to my boyfriend’s side. my fingers wandered around his chest and down his stomach.

“Get some sleep, jagi. I’ll take good care of you in the morning.” He said with a smirk. I rested my arm on his waist and kissed his cheek. “I’m sure you will.” I looked out the window, watching the snow continue to fall until I finally drifted into a deep sleep.


Chen scenario – Mr.nice guy


requested by @catou1305

Genre: fluff

Summary: When it’s time for two souls to meet, nothing on earth can keep them from meeting.

Chen x Reader

The biggest rule about parties is ‘Know your limit’. I always knew when I’ve had enough to drink and it was time to head home, but this time was different. After a few too many rounds of shots, I took an ugly fall and was a little wobbly getting back up. Everything went blurry and I completely spaced out.

I oddly woke up on a random bed and instantly thought the worst. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room. I jumped when I saw someone walking toward me with a coffee mug in his hand.

“Who are you?” I asked starting to panic.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Chen, the guy who carried you up somewhere quiet after you fell.” He said with a charming smile.

“Oh. That’s it right? Like, I didn’t try to… do anything?”

“No! No. I wouldn’t take advantage of anyone like that.” As soon as he said that, I felt calmer. “Here. I brought you some ginger and lemon tea. It helps fight off hangovers.”

I sat up on the bed and took the cup of tea from him, drinking it slowly. I could still feel the vibrations of the bass pulsing through the floor from the party downstairs.

“Feeling better?” Chen asked. I nodded and he looked relieved. “Good. Since you hit your head, I should ask, do you know your name, or what day of the week it is?” He questioned. I laughed in amusement and he smiled at me.

“I’m Y/n and it’s Saturday.”

“Nice to meet you Y/n. If you need it, I can give you a ride home.” He offered.

If it were any other guy I would have quickly rejected and tried to get away from him. But Chen was different. He genuinely cared if I was okay. I took a few seconds to think it over and agreed. He smiled and offered his hand to help me up. We walked out of the room and made our way downstairs, catching a few glances from classmates.

After getting into his car, my nerves started to settle. Something about him made me feel safe. Like I could trust him. I didn’t realize I was staring until he looked at me and smiled. I put my head down, breaking eye contact and just listened to the radio. I looked at his hand on the gear shift, trying not to just reach out and hold it.

We pulled up to my place and I got out of the car, closing the door behind me. I was surprised to see Chen getting out too.

“Thanks, Chen. For everything…” I said smiling at him.

“Of course. Anytime.” He said. I walked to the front door and immediately regretted not turning around and at least getting his number. I just unlocked the door and headed straight to my room.

I got changed into my pajamas and laid in bed, thinking about him. Why didn’t I get his number? With lips like that, I probably would have just kissed him! I tried to push him out of my head and after a while, I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and started my morning routine. Shower, hair, makeup and hurry out the door. Since I had 15 minutes to spare, I went to the cafe down the street to grab something warm to drink. I opened the door and gasped. It’s Chen! He stared at the latte maker as he made the finishing touches on someone’s order.

“There you go. Enjoy~” He said with his ever-so-charming smile. I walked up to the counter and his sparkly brown eyes went wide with surprise.

“…Hey~” I said shyly.

“Hey! Glad to see you’re doing alright. How’s your head? Better?” He asked with legitimate concern. I let out a small laugh and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks again for last night. You’re a really nice guy.”

“It was my pleasure. So what can I get for you?”

“I’ll actually have a large cup of the ginger and lemon tea. It was really good.” I complimented. Chen smiled at me and started brewing my drink. I looked at him while he did his thing, admiring his chiseled jawline and pushed back hair. I completely forgot about the world around me until he turned back over to me, handing me the to-go cup.

“Here’s a ginger and lemon. On the house.” He said with a wink. I started to feel shy gain and looked down at my cup. I was stunned to see his phone number on the side with a little note.

Call me if you need another ride. Maybe after dinner Friday?

-Mr.Nice Guy

I looked back up at him and grinned with a nod. Chen gave me another smile and I walked out the door, squealing like a little girl after I left. I can’t believe I got a second chance! But then again, fate works in mysterious ways…