Kai scenario – The stubble


Requested by @catou1305

Genre: smut, fluff

Warnings: strong language

Jongin was always very self-conscious about his facial hair. He’d shave every other morning to keep himself looking fresh, but when he got a break from working, he’d skip that step in his morning routine and let his stubble come through. I loved the way the stiff hair would tickle my face when he kissed me.

I could tell he got annoyed by the hair after a while, but I couldn’t let it go. Sometimes I’d go as far as hiding his razor and shaving cream, but he’d buy it and shave anyway. It was just one of those little things that I could enjoy while it lasted, but all Jongin got out of it was a few extra kisses a day and itchiness.

This time I had a little incentive. I’d always tell him how sexy he was with some stubble, but he’d shave it off anyway. I thought it’d be better if I at least helped him shave, then maybe he’ll see a real benefit to letting it grow out for a while.

He came home from practice very late, wearing a stocking cap, sweatpants, and a t-shirt. “Y/n?” He called out my name, but there was no answer. He went toward the guest bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet, and saw his shaving tools were gone. He smirked to himself and continued his search.

“Y/n. I know you’re here. You took my razor didn’t you?”

He took off his cap and headed for our bedroom. The door opened slowly as he crept inside, preparing himself in case I jump out and scare him. Before he checked the closets, I came out of the master bathroom, holding his razor.

“What’s going on?” He said with a smile.

I walked up to him, giving him a gentle kiss, feeling his stubble on my face before pulling away. His strong arms pulled me back in, forcing me into his loving embrace. I cupped his cheeks, my thumb rubbing over the tiny hairs on his upper lip.

“It has to come off baby. Our comeback season is about to start.” He said with a sigh.

My whine only made me seem cuter to him which didn’t help when trying to make him take me seriously. I thought to myself for a second, coming up with a way to make us both happy.

“I could do it.” I offered.

Jongin raised his eyebrows, questioning if I was genuine or not. I shrugged in reply and he lifted me into his arms, bringing us to the bathroom and sitting on the toilet cover.

“By all means.” He reclined back, giving me full control.

I grabbed a towel, placing it around his chest and shoulders before kissing his scruffy face one last time. He gripped my hips, pressing our centers together with a slow grind. I nearly forgot what I was supposed to be doing. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as his soft tongue invaded my mouth dominating me despite being a temporary bottom.

He broke our kiss, pinching my ass to snap me out of my sexual frenzy. I took some shaving cream into my palm before covering each exposed hair with it. His pure white mustache made me laugh a bit. He made a goofy face and giggled with me.

The first shave made him relax a bit since if he moved too much I might accidentally cut his lip. His face was completely still, but his hands were up to no good. With me straddling his hips, he has a full range of my ass.  He cupped both cheeks in his hands and moved my hips up and down, slowly on his growing erection. I could feel myself getting wet from the friction between us.

I went as quickly as I could while still being careful. When I was done, I wiped his face with a cool washcloth and kissed his plump lips. He secured my thighs on his hips and carried me back to our room, dropping the towel on the floor.  He laid me down, pulling off my clothes and kneeling in front of me.

He kissed my clit, flicking the bud with his tongue. “Clean shaven face to match this smooth pussy of yours.”

His kitten licks had me moaning uncontrollably. I laced my fingers in his hair, holding his face at my wetness. I called out his name, completely at his mercy.  He thrusted his fingers deep inside me, causing a yelp to dart out of my mouth.

“And now, the g-spot…” He said to himself.

His fingers curled at just the right angle to graze my sensitive area. My vision blurred as I came close to my release. Jongin moved his fingers in and out quickly.

“I’m gonna cum.” I moaned.

Jongin continued licking and sucking my slit, driving me into my orgasm. My grip loosened on his scalp when I finished. He came back up, fixing his messy hair and kissing my lips.

“Thanks for the help.” He said.

“I don’t suppose you’ll need some assistance next time too?” I asked.

He chuckled at me, giving my thigh a pinch before going back to the bathroom to clean up. I put my panties back on, followed him in, hugging him from behind and kissing his soft cheek.

“I think I might have missed a spot.” I teased. Jongin turned around, picked me up and pressed my back against the wall.

“We’ll just have to take care of that won’t we?”


Kai oneshot – Shower sex


“Come here, baby.”

We stumbled into the bathroom, our lips instantly locking for a moment of pure bliss. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him in closer, letting out a little moan on his full, plump lips. Jongin’s hands slid down my waist until they laned at the hem of my top. He stipped off my clothes without me even being aware. All I could feel was his stimulating touches on my body.

I broke our hot kiss and repaid the favor. My hands roamed all over his sculpted figure, ridding him of his clothing. I lightly traced my fingers down his abdomen, watching him flex and twitch at the feeling of me. He cupped the side of my face and kissed me intensely. Moving backward, Jongin pulled me with him into the sower, lifting me into his strong arms.

My back hit the icy cool tiles, causing my nipples to be fully erect, like one other thing I know. Jongin’s lips traced down my neck to my breasts until he finally pushed the button for the rain shower to turn on. His lips kissed and sucked my nipples while his hair dampened under the rapid drops of warm water.

I lifted my leg higher on Jongin’s hip, hoping he’d take the hint. He stopped kissing my chest and looked me in the eyes. His hand slipped down between us, lining up his rock hard cock at my entrance and sliding in slowly.

“Mmmm~” He felt so good inside of me. I tilted my head back, exposing my neck to him. His soft lips grazed my neck until he planted a kiss directly on my sweet spot.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and called out his name, “Jongin~”

His thrusts quickened as we both got closer to our highs. I started to feel a bit unstable so I pressed my hand against the other tiled wall for support, which only made him thrust faster and hold me tighter. My hands traveled across his broad shoulders and down his chiseled back, feeling his muscles flex with each deep thrust.

“Oh, fuck Y/n. I’m close.” He moaned. I never got tired of hearing his cries get higher the closer he got to his orgasm. “Me too. Baby. Oh! Cum with me.”

I clenched my walls around him and his fingers dug into my hips. I held the back of his head and kissed him passionately while we came apart.

Jongin’s legs went weak and I stood up on my own, feeling a bit wobbly myself. We broke the kiss and he stepped back, turning the shower off. “Wow.” He said catching his breath. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips before opening the shower door. Jongin grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in.

“Wait, you didn’t even get clean yet.” He said.

“Jongin, If we’re both in the shower at the same time it’ll just turn into round two.”

He pulled me in close to his chest, looking down at my naked body and whispered, “Challenge accepted.”

Kai scenario – Yes Daddy


Part 2 of Yes mommy

Genre: smut (obviously XD)

Warnings: daddy!kink, sex toys, bondage, so much dirty talk!

Previously: “I’ve missed you too much to let you get off that easily. Now it’s daddy’s turn.” My eyes went wide as Kai reached into his nightstand and pulled out my vibrating panties. “No! Not those! Anything but those!” I begged. Wearing those panties means multiple orgasms without Kai inside of me. I loved the way he felt!

“Sorry, jagi~ You kept me waiting way too long.”

“Arms up, legs spread.” He commanded. I did what I was told, in hopes that he wouldn’t punish me too long. He slid the vibrating panties up my legs and made sure my clit was pressed against the fabric. He grabbed the handcuffs that were once around his wrists and locked them around mine, keeping my hands in place.

“Now I know you won’t try and take off the panties.” He took a step back, giving me a full view of his naked body. He turned and walked to the other side of the room, taking the remote out of the drawer and turning the vibrations on low. My breath hitched. I pressed my thighs together and tried to resist it.

“No. Spread your legs. Give into it.” I spread my legs and felt the vibrations directly on my clit. Kai got up onto the bed next to me, watching my orgasm build up slowly. His hand trailed down his chest to his hardening member. He stroked the darkened pink tip, looking straight at my breasts as they heaved with each breathy whine.

“Oh, daddy! You’re fo hard…” I said, anxiously staring at him. “I can fix that, you know. You just have to move these panties out of the way and I’m all yours.” Kai glared at me and stood up on his knees, pulling one of my legs around his hips. His hands glided up my inner thighs, I let out a loud moan, exhilarated by his touch.

"My baby would love that, wouldn’t she? But daddy wants to make sure you’ve learned your lesson. Teasing me all morning and then just jetting off to work? I don’t think so. You had me hot and bothered for hours.”

“Daddy! Oh, God~ Please!” I arched my back feeling my high wash over me and I screamed his name. His strong hands gripped my thighs, keeping my legs spread apart around him. I balled my fists in the sheets, wrinkling them in all the excitement. I couldn’t believe just how powerful his sexual presence was. His hands sliding up and down my legs. So close to my inner thighs.

Kai leaned down and kissed my neck, making me shiver and squirm as my climax rocked my body. His supple lips kissed down to my collar bone nibbling and licking the skin. His index finger traced down my chest to my stomach as I screamed for him.

“Oh, Please! K-Kai~” I whimpered. His hand cupped my sex, palming me through the hellish panties.

“Who loves you more than me, baby?” Kai whispered as he turned up the vibrations. My breath was still unsteady but I managed to reply with a faint, “N-no one.”

“Mmm. My girl… My only girl.” Each word left me feeling relaxed as I came down from my high. By the time I fell limp, he snuck his hand under the panties, pulling them down in the most sensual way possible. He kissed my lips and unlocked the handcuffs.

“Better?” He asked when he turned off the toy. As soon as I was out of my constraints I held onto him, missing the way he felt in my hands. “Much better.”

His fingers trailed down my side as he turned to face me. His other arm propping his head up as he looked into my eyes. “It was such a long day without you. Not being able to look into your beautiful eyes.” He stroked through my hair, brushing the loose strands away from my face.

He raised my chin, stealing a sweet kiss from my lips. “Your lips are so addictive. I can just kiss you all day.” He pulled me closer, wrapping my legs around him as he flipped me over onto my back. “But I know you want more. My little tease.”

“I love it when you talk like that…” I admitted. It only made him smile as he grinded down on me.

“Does my tease want me? Or does she need me?” I moaned in reply and he grabbed a hold of me brushing his hard member on my inner thigh, lining up to my soaked center. My mouth opened as he inched into me, slowly sliding in.

“mmmm~ So warm…” He said with a light moan. His nose scrunched up as he pulled out and back in, starting his thrusts, getting lost in the friction. “Oh, baby. You feel so good.”

I held onto his bicep as we moved back and forth with each thrust, forcing the bed below to shake. Kai moaned and growled in my ear, the thin layer of sweat starting to form on our bodies. We both felt sensitive and overstimulated. It wasn’t too long before we felt another orgasm coming at full speed. He raised my legs around his waist and pounded into me.

“KAI~” I screamed as my limbs started to tingle violently. I arched my back and let my body push right into his. He bounced our hips together and groaned in my ear. “Oh, fuck. My bad girl…” His whispers sent me into a frenzy.

We rode out our highs and I started getting weaker by the second. Kai gave a few more thrusts and slowly pulled out. As soon as he laid next to me, I snuggled into his side. He leaned over to nibble on my ear and I smiled in return. “I love your smile. I can sleep soundly tonight. With my beautiful girl here next to me when I wake up.”

“Hmmm.” I hummed. “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too, Mommy.”


Kai scenario – Yes mommy


requested by anon

genre: hella smutty

warnings: Mommy!kink, dirty talk, riding

Summary: after waiting for you to come back home, Kai is unable to hold in his urges any longer.


“Baby? Baby boy~ Oh yes, Baby!”

 That’s what I needed to hear. I craved to hear those words ring through my ears. The sound of her moans as she completely took over my body. I had to feel her lips on my skin. I sprung out of my daze and looked down to see I had already worked myself up. It’s a rule in the bedroom that I can’t touch myself, but I just desired a release of sexual frustration. I picked up my phone taking a picture of what she’s done to me as a little motivation to hurry home.

I just kept thinking of her soft hands, trailing down my stomach just like she did last time. Her lips on my neck. I stroked my rock hard cock, sighing at the contact, just picturing what she’d look like. I reached for some lube, to get a better vision of how she feels on top of me. So wet, so warm.

“Ahhh fuck~” I sighed, picking up my pace. All I could hear were her gorgeous moans in my head. It was almost like they were really happening. Damn, I wanted to fuck her so badly!

Your POV

I couldn’t have come home fast enough. First I get a hot text from Kai and now he couldn’t wait five minutes for me to come home. I just stood there in the doorway of our bedroom, watching him pleasure himself. Breathy curse words lingered on his lips as he stroked up and down under his Calvin Kleins. His legs sprawled out over the bed sheets. I bit my lip trying not to moan at the orgasmic sight before me. My plan quickly failed when I accidentally let out a small whine.

Kai’s eyes fluttered open with a long moan. I smiled, realizing he thought he imagined it. I quietly walked toward him and his head whipped to my direction. I didn’t scare him though since he still had his hand in his underwear.

“You really couldn’t wait, could you baby boy?” I asked him while hovering over him, my breasts just centimeters away from his face. I grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand out of his underwear. “You know the rules, baby. Bad boys always get punished.” I turned to my nightstand, pulling a pair of handcuffs out of the drawer.

"Hands up baby,” I ordered, straddling his hips. He raised his arms, letting I restrain him. “Good boy.” I grinned down on his hips as a little reward, forcing a breathy groan out of him. I brushed back his soft brown hair before kissing his plump pink lips. Kai struggled with the cuffs, jingling the chain, wanting to touch me once. I eased back onto his thighs, stripping out of my clothes. Kai bucked his hips up as I pulled my shirt over my head, showing off my dark red bra.

“M-mommy~” He whimpered. God, I love hearing that. “…Please.” He whispered. I bent down kissing him again while pulling down my pants. I climbed out of bed and looked at him.

“Something’s missing…” I said. Then I realized, he needed his ‘collar’. I reached back into the drawer and pulled out his sparkly chocker and crawled back on top of him, tying it around his neck then pulling down his boxer briefs. “There. Mmmm~ My pretty boy.” I kissed his cheeks and down his neck. He squirmed under my touch, needing my attention. I looked down at his hard member, his tip had already turned bright pink and I just smiled, satisfied at my power.

“Do you need mommy to fuck you, baby boy?” I grinded on his lower abdomen, my ass just above his erection. I bit my lip while he quivered. “Yes, mommy! Fuck me!” He yelped.

How should mommy fuck you? Maybe I should sit on this delicious little mouth of yours. Or maybe just suck you off? Do you want that?“

"I want you to ride me, mommy. I want to feel your wetness. That’s all I’ve been wanting all day.” He confessed.

His wish is my command. I slid my panties off and hovered over him, holding his cock in my hand, guiding it deep inside of me.

“Ohhh~ You’re so big, baby,” I said slowly moving up and down on him.  "It feels so good, mommy,“ I held my self up on his strong chest.

Kai called out for me, begging me to go faster. I moved my hands from his chest to the pillows on either side of his head, bouncing my hips. His lips kissed and sucked on my breasts, savoring the pleasure I was giving him.

"S-so good, mommy~ Ohh FUUUCK!” I hooked my finger into his chocker, pulling him up to me, kissing his lips. Our moans mixed together, my tongue slipping past his lips.

“Oh, shit~ I’m so close.” Kai gripped onto the chain of his cuffs, trying to hold in his orgasm as best as he could. I leaned back, bucking and gliding my hips onto his. He started screaming and moaning, his legs locked in place. I rode him through his climax just before mine rushed through my muscles, my heart pounding in my chest. I thrusted hard and fast, moaning his name.

“Kai! Oh yeah~” I fell limp on top of him, giving his little butterfly kisses on his neck. His cock softened inside my tight walls. I got off of him, watching his member pull out onto his lower abdomen. I grabbed the key and freed his wrists.

Within two seconds his pulled me into his arms and turned us over. I looked at him in shock as he hovered over me. He looked at me with lust in his eyes and a devilish smirk on his lips.

“I’ve missed you too much to let you get off that easily. Now it’s daddy’s turn.” My eyes went wide as Kai reached into his nightstand and pulled out my vibrating panties.

“No! Not those! Anything but those!” I begged. Wearing those panties means multiple orgasms without Kai inside of me. I loved the way he felt!

“Sorry, jagi~ You kept daddy waiting way too long.”

To be continued…