BTS reaction – Seeing their GF in sexy lingerie

His eyes just might pop out of his head. Seeing you barely covered is a turn on for him, let alone your confidence to back it up. He wants to feel the thin material matching your delicate, smooth skin.

Seeing you in lingerie would bring out the dominant side of him. All he’d ever want to do is tear into it like a kid on Christmas. As much as he loves you in sexy underwear, he prefers his girl completely bare.

“You dirty little girl…”
Daddy would absolutely love what he sees. He’s the type to buy you a new set of lingerie and wait for you to model it for him. He knows the exact size and color that looks perfect on you.

He would be completely blown away. Even though he sees you in your underwear plenty of times, he longs for the days you go above and beyond by putting on something a little more… little 😉

He’d be looking at you like a hungry wolf. His eyes studying each curve, his lip wedged between his teeth, and his heart rate increasing to a thousand beats per minute. He’d be so lost in your beauty, you’d have to snap him out of it.

He strikes me as the type who doesn’t much care if you put on sexy lingerie. He’s just as attracted to you in lingerie as much as he is when you’re in his t-shirt. What does make him sit on the edge of his seat is the way you act in your new wardrobe. The seductive walk would drive him wild.

He would take notice immediately. The second he sees you, he’d push his hair back the way you like, just to equal out the level of desire between you both. All he’d want to do is take you into the bedroom and leave his mark all over your exposed skin.

Gentle reminder: SIDE BOLGS!

I got an ask about my side blogs but I figured I’ll just make an official post😊

I have 3 side blogs for my bias groups. All of my scenarios, reactions, MTLs, etc about a specific group will be reblogged to the designated blog for those who prefer just one group.

Example: I posted a scenario about Suho, so then I reblogged that scenario to my EXO side blog.

I also reblog other fun things to the blogs because let’s face it, our boys are too cute to resist

Anyway, here are the links to the three blogs if you want to follow them:

EXO reblogs: exoxo-exol

BTS reblogs: ready-aim-bangtan

GOT7 reblogs: ahga-seven

Suho drabble – Detective Kim

Requested by anon

“Hi, I’m here to see Jun- I mean- Detective Kim…?” You asked the receptionist. You’d never seen her before which clearly meant she was new.

“Uh… Did you make an appointment?” She asked. Yup, she’s new around here.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got it. Hey, honey.” Junmyeon came around the corner in a hurry. You mirrored his glowing smile. He took your hand and led you to his office. “What’s in the bag?”

“My question first. What did you pack for dinner?” You asked. He went silent which meant he forgot and was planning to go without. “That’s what I thought.”

He closed his door behind you and sat at his cluttered desk. You tried to make room around the stacks of paperwork to lay his food out for him. He took his fork and dug in right away. While he ate, you stood up and looked around the room.

“Baby… Don’t you guys have a cleaner to take the trash out? Or dust? Some of these cases are closed.”

“No. Not while I’m working. And get away from there.” He pulled you into his lap. “What did I tell you about snooping?”

“What did I tell you about taking care of yourself?” You ran your fingers through his hair, pushing it back to open up his face. “Kim Junmyeon, what am I gonna do with you?”

“Marry me.” He blurted.

You froze in place, looking him in the eyes searching for even a glint of humor. But all you saw was sincerity in his chocolate brown eyes.“W-what?”

“You asked what you were going to do with me. I want you to marry me.” His lips curled up into a smile. With one hand on your waist, he cupped your cheek with the other, bringing you close to cover your face in his sweet kisses.

“Wait. Baby, are you serious?” You pressed your hands to his chest, pulling back a bit.

“Of course I’m serious. You may not believe me, but I put my career first until I met you. When I’m with you I really do want to better myself and with that, I do better at work. I come in every day with a fresh mind and leave every night with a full heart. Because I know you’re there waiting for me. Seeing your cute face light up when I walk through the door…” He gave you a little Eskimo kiss, making you smile. “…That’s what makes me fall in love with you. No one will ever make me feel this way.”

His eyes were just as honest as his words. He loved you and you loved him. The rush you feel when he comes home from work never fades. You gently dropped your arms around his shoulders, relaxing into his sturdy frame.

“…Yes. Yes, I will marry you.” Just saying it made you start to cry with joy.

Junmyeon gave you a quick kiss before letting you collapse into him while he cradled you in his strong arms. You smiled to yourself, feeling secure in your future for the first time in a long time.

“I can’t believe this is really happening.” You said through tears of joy.

He lifted your chin, wiped the droplets from your face and smiled. “Believe it, sweetheart. One day soon, you will be Mrs. Kim Junmeyon.” Your heart soared to the heavens when he said that. ‘Mrs.Kim Junmyeon’. “And tonight… When I get home… We can celebrate properly.” He said with a wink.

You smirked at him, watching the tint in his eyes darken with lust. “Well, maybe I should get out of here. The sooner you finish work the sooner you come home.”

Junmyeon lifted you off his lap and gave you one last kiss. “I’ll walk you out.” You both left his office, hand in hand until you reached the front desk.”See you at home.” He said quietly.

“I’ll be counting the minutes.” And with that, you left him to his work… with a little motivation.


Mark scenario – Miss Right


Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, teacher!au, smut, his POV

Summary: Winter break is fast approaching and Mark’s crush on you is becoming a little more intense each day. The real question is, when will he make is move?

Just look at her. that smile, those eyes, the way she walks. Miss y/l/n was by far the hottest teacher in this school. She’s always so put together, but I know there’s something there. A side of her that she could never show around her students. There are days that I swear she’s giving me bedroom eyes. If she keeps swaying her hips when she walks, I might just have to take her right here in the hallway-

“Good morning Mr.Tuan.” I jumped back a bit, startled by one of my students.

“Oh, good morning.” I cleared my throat, bringing my focus back to the task at hand. I pushed out all those thoughts about Y/n and went straight into teacher mode. My students come first.

“Alright everyone, class dismissed. No homework this weekend, but it wouldn’t hurt to review chapter 10. See you all on Monday.” The majority of the class was long gone before I could get the last word out.  I can’t blame them though, Everyone wants to get a head start on the weekend.

I walked outside the door, holding it open for the few that actually stayed until the last moment. I looked down the hall, saying a few goodbyes to the other students. My mind went blank when I saw an angelic figure walking toward me. Y/n struggled as she carried a stack of books back to her classroom. It was only a matter of time before she dropped them but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I hurried to her side and took a few books in my hands.

“Here, I’ll lighten the load,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it.” She said with a sigh of relief. “I had class in the library today and I guess I lost track of time.”

“Nothing wrong with that. At least your kids were actually listening to you. Most of my class was out the door as soon as the bell rang.” I said.

“Trust me. I’ve had my bad days too.” We walked into her classroom, placing the books back on the shelf one by one.

“So are you doing some kind of research project in the library?” I asked.

“Well, kinda. The librarian was complaining that the kids weren’t utilizing their resources and since I’m an English teacher, everyone assumed I was the one who should be using the library the most. So, I brought my class to the library for the hour. Plus I figured they needed a change of scenery, you know?”

“Very clever. I should use the library resources too, being a history teacher and all.” I thought out loud, making her smile.

“Well if you ever want to tag-team for a book report, let me know.” She said with a light chuckle.

I laughed with her until an idea popped into my head. “Wait. That’s not such a bad idea.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Since we’re core class teachers, your students are my students. Why don’t we come up with a lesson plan to get the kids engaged in the library? Everyone wins.” I explained.

Y/n pouted her full, soft, luscious lips, thinking about my plan. She only pondered for a moment in time, but I completely lost myself in my imagination. I stared at her lips, wondering how they would feel against mine.

“That’s actually a brilliant idea! The book report can be their final exam. I always hated giving real tests at the end of the year. This way they can be creative and prove that they comprehended the material…” She went on, adding more detail to my original thought. “…Mark?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry, uh- yeah that’s what we should do.”

“Great! Let me just get my jacket.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m just grabbing my jacket before we head out. Do you want to take my car or drive separately?”

“…Where?” Wow, I spaced out hard.

“My place… To map out the lesson plan?"She finished with a question and I nodded, acting like I knew what she was saying.

"Oh, right. Um, I’ll just follow behind you. I need to grab a few things too.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you out front.” We walked out of her classroom together and I continued to my room.

I still couldn’t comprehend the fact that I’m about to go home with her… and I wasn’t even paying attention. I quickly packed up my bag, making sure to grab my books and rushed to the parking lot. Y/n stood next to her car, smiling when she saw me.

“I don’t live too far. It’ll be easy to just follow behind.” She said.

“Great! Lead the way.” She drove ahead of me, going at a moderate speed so I wouldn’t lose track of her.

When we arrived, I parked behind her car and took a moment to grip the fact that I was actually spending time with her outside of work. She got out, turning back to look at me. I quickly took my bag and scrambled out of the car.

“You’ll have to forgive the mess. We can just brainstorm in the office.” She said.

“Sure. That’s fine.” I followed her into her house, looking around at the furniture and decor. Everything in the house was a perfect reflection of her.

She led me to her home office, moving a chair for me to sit in. She unpacked her bag, taking out her laptop and a notebook.

“Okay. So, I was thinking we could do something with Mark Twain. He was an incredible writer and he had a good sense of humor so the kids will be more engaged.” She didn’t need to use Mark Twain’s sense of humor to keep anyone engaged. She could talk about beige paint drying all day and I’d hang on her every word.

“Yeah. I agree. And his novels came out in a really pivotal time in America.” I said.

She wrote down our ideas as we went along, taking in every detail. Her passion was so enticing. We went back and forth for a while, drafting the plan for our students. The more she wrote, the more curious I became. I scooted my chair toward her, getting a better look.

“Oh, wow. This will work great. Do you think they’ll go for it?” I asked.

“Yeah, it beats an exam.”

“True. I can see why you’re the favorite teacher.”

“Me? All everyone ever talks about is Mr.Tuan’s class. I’ve never seen a kid walk out of your classroom in a bad mood. You really are amazing.” She said, flattering me.

“I try my best.” I looked down at my lap, feeling a little bashful. I brought my eyes back up to her as her smile faded.

She looked at me with something I haven’t seen before. Her stare went from my eyes to my lips and my heartbeat quickened. Was this really about to happen? I watched her come closer in slow motion until her plush lips pressed to mine. I closed my eyes, savoring the taste of her sweet kiss. Just before I could touch her, she pulled away quickly.

“Oh, god. What I’m I doing? I’m so sorry, Mark.”

“N-no. No, don’t apologize. Please.” I cupped her cheeks, pulling her back in. She relaxed in my touch, letting all of the reget and self-doubt go.

I moved my hands down to her hips as she took a hold of the back of my neck. I brought her onto my lap to straddle me. I would do anything to keep living in this moment. Her kisses were so addictive. When she grinded down on my growing bulge, I thought I would explode. I took her bottom lip between my teeth, giving her a playful nibble, making her smile.

“Where’s your room?” I asked.

“Down the hall, first door on the right.” She said between kisses. I lifted her up, walking her to the bedroom.

Our lips didn’t part for a second. She clung to me tightly, moving her hands around my neck and shoulders. I laid her down on her bed, breaking our kiss and unbuttoned my shart as fast as I could. She unzipped the back of her skirt, pulling it off just like she did in my fantasies. She threw her top toward the laundry basket and I smiled. Even in a moment of passion, she sticks to her tidy demeanor.

I mounted on top of her gorgeous body, raised her legs and grinded down. She gripped my arms, looked me in the eyes and said, “No, Mark. No teasing. I want you now.”

“I’ve waited so long for you to say that.” I pulled down my boxers, freeing my hard shaft and giving it a few strokes before holding my tip against her warm slit.

I looked into her eyes and slowly thrusted into her. I was drunk on the feeling of her heat. She was so blissfully tight. I watched her expressions change from anxiousness to pure fulfillment. Her beauty was so overpowering, she looked like a work of art.

Y/n hooked his hand around my neck, pulling me closer. “Kiss me.” She ordered. I was in no position to refuse her. Our lips connected for a rough kiss, causing me to pick up the speed of my hips. She moaned into my mouth, digging her nails into my neck and arm. I broke away with a loud moan when she clenched around me. She bucked her hips, taking me deeper with each thrust.

“Oh, Mark. I’m so close!” She said, running out of breath.

I could feel the little beads of sweat accumulating on my forehead. WIth a few more sharp thrusts, Y/n screamed out, flexing around my cock as her intense orgasm washed over her. I came along with her, burying my face in her neck, smelling her delicious scent. Her moans softened in my ear as she came back down from her mighty climax. I kissed her collar bones and rolled off of her.

“That was…” I started.

“Worth the wait?” She suggested.

“Absolutely.” I pulled her leg around my hip, resting my hand around her waist. I looked down at her legs when I felt her dripping center on my hip. “…Is that what I think it is?”

She shrugged innocently, trying to play cute. “How bad do you wanna find out?” As if she even needed to ask.


Xiumin scenario – Fool’s gold


Requested by anon

Genre: Mafia!au, angst, smut

Summary: Your arranged marriage with Minseok has been seen as perfection. Two people head-over-heels in love. Pretending to be a happy couple has tricked everyone into thinking it’s for real… even you.

Warnings: strong/violent language, rough sex

The caring touches, the stolen glances, the illusion of love was beginning to fool me. Minseok is the perfect gentleman around other people, but behind closed doors, we’re a million miles away. No one knows that we sleep in separate rooms or that our marriage was completely arranged. Everyone around us praised fate when they found out my father was old friends with his uncle years ago. Little do they know that after Minseok’s uncle passed away, he became the head of the family. Now that my father is starting to get up in age, he made a deal with Minseok; a thirty million dollar deal and his eldest daughter’s hand in marriage.

We’ve been married for three months now, but we still barely know each other. He leaves for days at a time without a word and comes back in silence. Growing up, my father never left the house unless he said goodbye. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive. I just feel so alone in my own marriage.

The first time he asked me to join him for dinner with the rest of the mobsters, I was completely shocked. The whole night he smiled at me, pulled my chair out for me, held my hand and even kissed my cheek. I was blinded by the smoke screen until we came back home and he went straight to bed, not even saying a simple “good night”

We kept this going around others, making everyone believe we were madly in love. The more I faked my feelings for him, the more real they became. I dreaded leaving parties and dinners because I knew I would have to go back to being alone. I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I want to be in love for real.

Your POV

“Did you tell him this?!” My sister asked in shock. She invited me to lunch while she was in town. I never intended on telling her about Minseok, but she can read me like a book.

“No. How can I? None of it’s real.”

“But you love him.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I should because we’re married, but… It’s arranged.” I said, whispering the last part. The last thing I needed was someone in the restaurant to hear and with my luck, they’ll be connected to my families rivals. Rule number one of the mafia, trust no one.

“Y/n, if you’re unsure, you need to be open and direct. What’s the worst that can happen? He doesn’t feel the same way? Too bad. You’re married.”

“You know it’s not that easy. Life isn’t a contract. If he doesn’t feel the same way then he really isn’t the one I should be with, but I can’t go out and find mr.right because I will have violated the agreement and our family is screwed.” I leaned back in my chair, exhausted by the reality I’m stuck in. “I’m trapped in a loveless marriage.”

“You don’t know that. And you never will until you say something.” She was right. I know she was.


“Hey, boss. We have a situation.” I sprung from my chair and headed straight for the surveillance room. If any of those rat bastards so much as breathed near my territory, I’ll have them in the ground.

I burst into the door looking over all the screens. “What’s the problem?”

“Check it out. Wifey’s on the loose.” One of my men pointed to the screen, showing the video of Y/n leaving the house. “And then this came in about ten minutes ago.” He pulled out his phone, showing me pictures of Y/n at some cafĂŠ

“She’s with her sister you idiots. Next time you call me out of my office someone better be in the hospital.” I turned to leave but he stopped me.

“That’s not all. Look closer.” He zoomed into the background and handed me the phone.

Just two tables away from where Y/n was sitting, three of the rival thugs were staring at her. What are they planning?

“Where’s the cafĂŠ?”

“Just outside the territory. Her sister is staying at a hotel near there.”

“Switch the reservation to somewhere closer. I don’t need her going out of bounds.”

“No need. Little sister is leaving this afternoon. We have a few guys hanging around to make sure no one tries to pull anything.”

“Good.” I checked my watch and handed the phone back. “I gotta go. I expect full surveillance of the event this evening. Call the host and request the security footage. He owes me a favor… or five.”

“Yes, sir.”

I needed to get ready for tonight. But more importantly, I need to know what those thugs want with my wife.

When I got home, Y/n was on the phone so I tried to keep quiet. I don’t know what she said to her sister at the cafĂŠ, but it sparked the interest of the enemy.

“No, he’s not home yet. I can’t tell him tonight we have that gala. If I tell him then it’ll seem like I’m some love sick school girl who got caught up in the facade.” She said.

Love? Does she love me? If she told her sister she loves me then why would those thugs be so interested? As far as they know we’re happily married.

“I’ll just call you tomorrow. Safe travels. Bye.” I waited a few seconds and opened the door before slamming it shut, acting as if I just walked in. Y/n didn’t even turn around to look at me. She just poured herself some tea and went about her business.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” I asked.

“Oh, Minseok. I thought you’d be upstairs by now. Um… I was just having some tea before I got ready. I’m feeling a little drowsy.”

“Okay. Let me know when you’re ready. I need to make some calls.” I headed upstairs, leaving her to her business.

Your POV

My heart was about to pound out of my chest! I touched my hand to my blushing cheek, trying to calm myself. My God, I’m crazy about him! It was such a basic interaction yet I’m still in wonder.

I went up to my room to get ready, excited for what was to come. s long as we were in public, he’s the kind of husband every girl wants. I took the time to find the right pair of shoes to match my clutch purse and the right jewelry to match the gown. By the time I was finished I had another look at myself.

“Beautiful.” I gasped when I heard Minseok’s voice and turned to look at the door. He leaned against the frame, looking very casual, unlike his hand-tailored tux.

“Oh, thank you.” I looked down at my shoes, feeling shy.

“Shall we?” He extended his hand, offering to escort me to the car.

And the charade begins…

Minseok handed the keys to the valet, ushered be inside and was greeted by the host. His hand remained on the small of my waist as he said. “So good to see you again. You remember my lovely wife, Y/n?”

“How could I forget. You look beautiful as always.” The host shook my hand gently and Minseok walked us into the ballroom. There were elegantly decorated tables surrounding the dancefloor. I was blown away by the scene.

Minseok found our table and pulled out my chair as always. We sat with a few of the other mobsters and their wives, having some small talk. I was enjoying the evening until one of Minseok’s men tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sir, one of the dons wants to speak with you.”

“Which one?” Minseok asked.

“…The Incheon don.” He said. My eyes went wide for a moment. What would the Incheon mafia boss be doing here?

Minseok turned to me, kissing my cheek and excused himself. “I’ll be back in a moment, my love.” He left with his lackey and I sighed in frustration.

“Aw, he’s so sweet even when he leaves you for a moment.” One of the wives said.

I smiled at her kindly, not showing my true feelings and tried to forget about whatever the Incheon boss wanted.


I walked out of the ballroom, down the hall and stopped when I saw a couple of goons standing by a double door. I removed my hands from my pockets and raised my arms, proving that I didn’t have any weapons. They opened the doors, allowing me inside. I walked toward the single table in the middle of the room and sat across from my mortal enemy for the first time in years.

“Minseok.” He said.

“Don Kim to you,” I said, staring him down.

“Oh? You’re the head of the family now?” He said, taunting me.

I cocked my head to the side, irritated by his tone. “Yes, I am. But you already knew that which is why I’m here and not my father-in-law.”

“Right. Your little… arrangement with his eldest daughter seem’s almost perfect. I understand you two aren’t as happy as most may think.”

“What are you getting at?” I asked him.

The sly smirk on his face grew. “I know a way to get you out of it.”


“Let’s just say… a little bird told me she’s considering looking for a better companion since her ‘husband’ isn’t showing much interest. And if that so-called ‘mr.right’ were one of us, her father wouldn’t be too thrilled with her. However, it would still leave you with her dowry and her family’s power.” He explained. “Since you two are married, you kept your end of the deal, but if she is unfaithful, she breaks the pact.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. “There’s no way in hell she’d go anywhere near your turf.”

“She doesn’t have to. We’re in a neutral zone here tonight.”

“Again, why are you telling me this.” He was really irritating me now.

“Because… I want a run at your girl.”

I recoiled at his words, unable to accept what he said. I shook my head in disbelief and stood up from the seat.

“No. She’s not some toy you can mess around with, she’s my wife. Touch her and die.” With that, I stormed out. Four of my men were waiting for me by the door. We all walked back to the ballroom with fire in our step.

“You. Get the car and meet me in the back. You. keep an eye on that door and let me know if anyone tries to do something less than friendly. You. follow behind me on the way home. And you. Find out who that ‘little bird’ is and put him in a body bag.”

“Yes, sir.” They all said. We split up and I headed straight for Y/n. No one will take her from me.

Your POV

I was speaking to one of the other guests when Minseok, popped up out of mid-air and took my hand. “Y/n, sweetheart. Care for a dance?”

“Uh, sure. Excuse me.” I walked behind Minseok, trying to keep up with his fast pace. 

I was confused when he walked completely past the dance floor and toward the back door. That is until I remembered who he was just talking to. Something was wrong.

“What did he say to you?” I whispered to him. He didn’t answer. Instead, he just kept walking.

We burst through the back door and he assisted me in the back seat of the car. We sped off into the night with the second car following behind.

“Minseok, what is going on? Are we in danger here?” I had so many questions, but he still ignored me.

When we got home, he held the door open, letting me out of the car with ease. “Go inside.” He ordered.

“O-okay.” I did as he said and he stayed behind to speak to the driver.

I went up to my room, took off my heels and let my hair down. Why was he acting so strangely? He’s never shaken by those thugs.

I almost unzipped my dress when I felt a pair of strong hands spinning me around. Minseok held my hips and stared into my eyes. I was so startled by him. He hasn’t ever stepped into my room, let alone while I’m getting undressed.

“I heard you earlier today. I heard what you said to your sister on the phone.” He said. My lips parted, but I held back the gasp. “Do you honestly think I would reject you? Or think less of you?”

My eyes felt a little watery, but my expression remained emotionless. “I-I don’t know. That’s what I was afraid of.”

Minseok, cupped my cheeks, bringing my face just centimeters from his. “Y/n… The circumstances of our marriage don’t matter. I’m here, you’re here so just tell me now. What do you feel?”

I took a pause, erasing all the little details and just lived in the moment. “I’m falling in love with you.” The words spilled out of my mouth.

He raised his thumb, catching a tear as it fell from my eye. He looked down at my lips briefly before he did the unthinkable. His body pressed to mine as he crashed our lips together. The last time he kissed me on the mouth was at our wedding. And that little peck couldn’t make a spark in a firework shop.

I clung to him, holding him against my feverish body. He let go of my face, unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I started on his tie, mercilessly untying it and tossing it aside. He hoisted me into his arms only to walk a few steps and drop me on the bed. I went without his warm touch for a few seconds while he undid his pants and pulled them off. I ripped his shirt down the middle, sending the buttons flying all over the room.

He slipped out of his underwear, revealing his massive erection. I looked up and down his chiseled body, taking in every curve. He kissed me one more time before lining himself at my throbbing entrance.

“Tell me how you feel.” He commanded.

“I love you,” I replied. He slammed our hips together, forcing every inch of his manhood into me.

“Say it again.” He retreated himself from my tight heat.

“I-I love you. OH!” Once again, he thrusted into me with great force.

“I love you too, Y/n. I love you.” He repeated.

I was on cloud nine. The man I loved told me he loves me too and now all I needed was to feel his warm cum filling me. I gripped the sheets in a shameful attempt to stop my climax from happening too soon. Minseok saw that I was close and increased the speed of his hips. He lifted my leg higher, taking me from a better angle.

That was it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I arched my back so hard, it was off the bed. Minseok ducked his head down, covering my chest in hot, wet kisses. His mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape as he shot his essence against my walls. His sharp thrusts came to a slow stop and he planted one last kiss between my breasts.

“Mmm~ Now that is how I pictured being married,” I said, playing with his hair.

“I guess this would be the start of our honeymoon period. Since our real honeymoon was just for show.” He leaned in, kissing my lips and resting on top of me. “This… is just for us.”


Chanyeol scenario – The hoodie


Requested by anon

Genre: straight up S M U T

Inspired by “The hoodie song” – Mae Muller

The worst part of spending the weekend with Chanyeol is that he has to go back to work when it’s over. I woke up this morning to a cold and empty bed. I sat up, looking out the open window and sighed. It was strange not having a pair of big arms pulling me back under the covers. I got off the bed, walked around the room, finding something to wear.

I started feeling a little sad when I saw Chanyeol’s oversized hoodie. Just ten hours ago, I was pulling it off of him. I missed the way he cuddled me into his chest when he wore it. The way his warm cheeks felt against my lips. I picked up the hoodie and put it on. I went to the underwear drawer and decided to steal a pair of his boxers to complete my ‘lazy day chic’ look. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

Chanyeol was branded on my mind. I couldn’t get him out if it! I made myself some cereal, reminiscing of yesterday morning when he had me right here on the counter, kissing, biting, scratching. I took a deep breath, feeling flushed. 

I ate my breakfast silently, at least, silently outside of my mind. I couldn’t stop replaying his raspy moans and the haunting sound of his hand coming down on my bare ass with a rough spank. Just the thought sent tingles up my spine.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my memories. I unlocked it and smiled when I saw a message from the sexy devil himself.

Yeollie: Sorry I left in such a rush, baby. You looked so peaceful and I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll see you after work

Y/n: But babyyyyy I miss you… inside me 😉

I smirked at myself when I sent the message. I got up from my seat and put my cereal bowl in the sink. My phone went completely silent, bot a single response. Maybe I wasn’t provoking him enough.

I went back up to our bedroom, turned my phone on to selfie mode and snapped a picture of myself in his hoodie. I made sure to display the “SEXUAL FANTASIES” printed on the front. I sent the picture, but once again, no response. Playing hard to get I see. I went into the bathroom, took off the hoodie and positioned my arm to cover my breasts, barely. I took another picture, flaunting his boxers. I sent the selfie to him with the caption “About to take a shower. Wish you were here”.

I turned on my playlist, pulled off his boxers, and pinned up my hair for my shower. I kept the temperature of the water low to cool myself off. Chanyeol just drove me wild! I felt like an addict after a bender. I absolutely craved the man. I swayed back and forth to the soft beats, letting the water dribble down my suds-covered skin.

“You say you wanna come over to my place~ Just the thought of you in my bedroom it increases my heart rate~” I smiled to myself while I sang along.

Chanyeol was probably in the middle of dance practice which would explain the lack of replies. Once again, thoughts of him flooded back into my mind. I imagined his breaking a sweat, his muscles flexing with every movement, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. I bit my lip, reaching down between my legs and started teasing my clit a little. I stroked up and down my slit, picturing Chanyeol’s big hands instead. My mouth hung open with a moan.

“Mmm, Chan…” I whispered.

Suddenly, the shower curtain flew open. I gasped, almost falling when I saw Chanyeol standing in front of me like a Greek god. He already took it upon himself to strip naked for me.

“Here you are,” he said with a crooked smile. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in, baby?” He stepped into the shower, backing me into the corner. I kept my eyes locked on his, but didn’t say a word. I couldn’t believe he actually left early for this. Serves me right for being a tease, I suppose.

I shook my head ‘no’ and trembled when I felt the cold tiles on my back. Chanyeol’s eyes shot down to my hardening nipples. He cupped my breasts, taking the small buds between his fingers with a pinch.

“I love seeing you like this, baby. Even after a cold shower, your skin feels like it’s on fire.” He met my stare and raised his eyebrows in curiosity. “Do I get you all hot and bothered?”

“Yes.” I moaned. I was so entranced by how impulsive he was being right now. He was just as turned on as I was.

Chanyeol let go of my breasts, shut off the water and ran his hands down my legs before lifting me into his arms. I coiled my legs around him until he placed me gently on the counter. He picked up a towel to dry me off. Starting at my feet, he slowly worked the soft cloth up my leg, to my inner thigh and back down the other side. He held the towel around my waist, patting me dry and stroked down my arms until I was completely dried off.

“Chanyeol…” I stretched out my legs, holding his hips and pulling him closer. “Fuck me… hard.”

The color of his eyes darkened with lust as he took a step back, picked up his hoodie and said, “raise your arms”. I did what I was told, not wanting to wait any longer. He put it on for me, brushing the hairs out of my face while I straightened it out. Chanyeol lifted me up, holding me against his naked body as he walked us back into our bedroom.

I couldn’t help it. I had to kiss him. I grabbed his sweet cheeks and pulled him in, smashing our lips together. Chanyeol laid me down on our bed and parted our lips to move his kisses down my neck. I raised my legs, giving him perfect access to where he was heading. He looked up as he as he eased his way down to my drenched center.

He closed his big brown eyes, breathing him my sent and slowly grazed his tongue up my slit. My lips parted, allowing my soft whimper to easily pass through into the lustful atmosphere. Chanyeol grasped my ankles, tossing my legs over his broad shoulders. He planted an open-mouth kiss on my warm core, tasting my essence. With one hand rubbing my clit, he pumped his shaft with the other, releasing some tension for himself.

“Y/n… You have no idea what you do to me.” He raised his head from between my legs but continued to rub my clit. “Just seeing you in this hoodie is enough to get me rock-hard.”

“Chan…” I bucked my hips, needing more contact.

“So wet, baby. Is this all for daddy?” He asked with a devilish smile

“Yes, daddy.”

He inserted a finger into me, causing my legs to tense up. I tightened around his finger, showing him how badly I needed him. He bit his lip, trying to resist.

“Fuck me, daddy. Please. I’ll be a good girl~” I said with innocent eyes.

Chanyeol leaned toward my face, staring me down. “Say that again.”

“Fuck me…”

He took a hold of my feet, pulling me down to lay directly beneath him. I nearly took the hoodie off when Chanyeol stopped me.

“Leave it on.” He said. He raised my hips, looking me in the eye and thrusted his entire cock into me.

“Oh, fuck yes! Take me!” I screamed.

Chanyeol fit his long, thick member inside of me, stretching me out. It was something that was a little uncomfortable, but after a few more thrusts, the foreign sensation was gone. All I could feel was the glorious friction paired perfectly with his dark grunts.

“God damn, baby. So tight.” He hid his face in my neck, panting softly as he picked up the pace. “Moan for me love, let me hear you.”

“Oh~ Chanyeol! You’re S-so good. Harder, daddy.” He grabbed a hold of my hips, slamming into me as hard as he could. “Yes! Just like that, daddy! Mmm, I’ve been wanting this all day.”

“I’m here now, baby. You’re all mine now.”

He pounded into me faster and faster till I couldn’t take it anymore. I arched my back and reached my climax. My nails scraped down his back, making him groan. His warm cum shot against my walls while he thrusted mercilessly. My toes curled and stiffened until I finished my vigorous orgasm. Chanyeol stood up on his knees, looking down at the aftermath of his fierce desires.

“You really are my sexual fantasy.” He said.

I pulled him down next to me, covering myself in the soft material. The man was already a skyscraper compared to me, yet he still insists on buying close that are too big even for him. Chanyeol draped his arm around my waist, rubbing my back.

“Did you really leave work early just to see me?” I asked.

“I figured those pictures would have gotten worse if I left you here any longer.”

“…True.” I admitted. He kissed my nose and pulled me on top of him. He always works so hard. What’s one more day in bed?


Sehun | Chanyeol scenario – My boys


requested by @hereforkpopboys

Genre: S M U T

Summary: Lately, Chanyeol and Sehun have been working on their next duo project. Unfortunately, they’ve been neglecting things in the bedroom, but you’ve got a few tricks that’ll persuade them.

Warnings: Threesome sex, light spanking

A/n: This is my first public threesome scenario. Be gentle!

So there I was… Two boyfriends and still feeling sexually frustrated. Chanyeol was up int he studio with Sehun, helping him with his next project, but I wanted them. I closed my eyes and thought about Sehun’s soft moans paired with Chanyeol’s rocky growls. I slid my hand into my panties, stroking my slit, fantasizing about how good it would feel to have them both ravish me on our bed. They get so rough when I misbehave. My eyes shot open as a devious plan popped into my head.

I walked up to the door of their home studio, knocked three times and peeked inside stying on the two of them. They were so focused on what they were doing, they didn’t even notice me walking in. I tiptoed up to Sehun, gently running my hands over his broad shoulders, hugging him from behind. I kissed his forehead and waited for some kind of reaction.  He didn’t even move! I kissed down his cheek to his sharp jawline, thinking it would do the trick, but again, nothing. My hands went down his abdomen until I was blocked.

“Baby, not now. I’m working.” Sehun said.

I sighed and stood up straight. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chanyeol squirming in his seat. If there was anyone who couldn’t resist my kisses, it was my baby Chan. I sauntered over to him, sat in his lap and coiled my arms around his neck. His hands immediately held my waist, pulling me in for a heated kiss. I crossed my legs toward him, bringing myself closer on his lap. He grabbed my ass, earning a moan. I cupped his soft cheeks, rubbing my thighs together for a little friction.

“Ugh, that’s it!” Chanyeol sprung up, carrying me out of the studio and down the hall to our bedroom. “You dirty little girl. Sehun can get in a lot of trouble if someone were to hear your moans on his track.” He dropped me on the bed, unbuckled his belt and threw it across the room. I helped him out of the rest of his clothes and he returned the favor, leaving us both naked and needy. Chanyeol climbed on top of me, trapping himself between my legs. I locked around him, turning us over and pinning his hands above his head. I moaned, finally able to hear his almighty growls.

“Fuck, you’re so sexy when you take charge.” He said. “Go ahead, baby girl. I’m all yours.”

I held his cock in my hand, pumping it a few times before sinking down on him, taking every inch. My mouth fell open, still amazed at how big he was. I rested my hands on his chest, lightly scraping my nails across the skin. I gasped when I heard the bedroom door slam shut. I turned around and watched as Sehun stripped down in front of me. I bit my lip, trying not to moan when I saw him freeing his rock hard length.

“Come here,” Sehun said, climbing on the bed. I lifted my hips, letting Chanyeol’s thick cock fall out of my wet heat. Sehun’s hand slipped between my legs, collecting my juices with a little laugh. “So wet, baby. Were you that impatient?” He asked, lathering his manhood with my wetness.

“Yes.” I whimpered.

“Bend over,” Sehun commanded.

I followed his orders and hovered over Chanyeol. Sehun’s hand came down with a spank, making me squeal. I took a deep breath as Chanyeol guided my hips back down onto him as Sehun eased into me.

“Is this what you wanted baby girl? Me fucking this tight little pussy while Sehun takes your ass?” Chanyeol’s hand went from my ass to my breast with a squeeze. “Answer me!.”

“Yes~ This is what I wanted!” My head fell back onto Sehun’s shoulder, giving him the opportunity to kiss down my neck.

Both boys touched every inch of my body as they thrusted in and out. I moved my hips up and down on their cocks, trying to take as much as I could. My moans got louder and louder as I clenched around them both. I grabbed a hold of Chanyeol’s big, thick hands, feeling the tingles spread through my palms. I was so close, I could feel it.

“I-I’m… Close!” I cried out.

“Cum baby! Cum for us!” Chanyeol groaned.

My back arched and my legs were covered in goosebumps as my orgasm rushed through me. Sehun’s thrusts quickened, causing me to come down on Chanyeol’s member even faster. Sehun’s moans rang through my ears while he rode out his high along with Chanyeol. I whined when the two pulled out of me, giving me a break.

I laid down next to Chanyeol, cuddling into his chest. Sehun combed his fingers through his hair, clearing his face of any sweaty strands. He got off the bed, leaving me with Chanyeol.

“Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a song to finish.” Sehun said, kissing my forehead.

He walked out of the room and closed the door. Chanyeol turned over, pulled my leg around his hips and gave my ass a little smack. “Dirty girl…” He scolded playfully. What can I say? A girl knows what she wants.


EXO reaction – Period stain

request: When you watch a movie together and you left to the toilet when you left he see on the couch a little blood (it’s your time of the month started) when you return you really embraced? 

He is a bit of a neat freak, so he’d feel a bit of a panic, but he wouldn’t be angry with you. He’d even offer to get you some feminine products to help.

“Oh, no. Baby~”
He would be very concerned about you. He knows how uncomfortable you get when it’s that time of the month so he wouldn’t draw too much attention to it. By the time you’d come back from the bathroom, the stain would be gone.

He’d be the one to knock on the bathroom door to check on you. “Baobei… It’s just a stain.” The last thing he wasn’t is to make you feel bad about yourself.

Our giggly puppy would find something amusing about the whole thing. Almost as if he were laughing his way through the awkwardness/discomfort. He wouldn’t be sure what to do or say.

He would put a change of clothes outside the bathroom door for you. Naturally, they’d be his big t-shirt and sweatpants, but he thinks you look cute in them! By the time you come back to finish the movie, he’d have pain medicine and a heating pad for the cramps.

Because he has a big sister, he’s no stranger to a girl’s monthly. He wouldn’t make anything of it. You two would go right back to normal… after you changed your pants.

He’d be the most freaked out, but he wouldn’t let it show. When you leave for the bathroom and he sees the stain on the couch, he’d go into a small, brief panic and try to get it cleaned up before you get back.

He also has a big sister so he wouldn’t be too worried about it. His focus would be on you. While you’re away, he tries to get rid of the stain. You wouldn’t think anything of it until he engulfs you in cuddles and kisses suddenly.

He would be a little tease. When you come back he’d start giving you the eye, like he knows something you don’t. He wouldn’t hold a grudge though, he’d just have his fun for a moment and move on from it.

JB drabble – Confession song


Requested by @eojjona

“JB? Jae?!” I yelled out for Jaebum, but there was no answer. My fears started getting the best of me as I walked further into the dark room. There was a single shining light in the middle of the floor. I curiously came closer until I stood under it.

I gasped when hundreds of small twinkling lights faded in, illuminating the rest of the room. It was like a winter wonderland. Massive trees and reindeer were spread out around me. I searched for a familiar face until I heard the sound of sleigh bells. I smiled when I spotted Jackson’s cheery face coming around the Christmas tree.

“Hundreds of confessions without success
I feel so unconfident should I just go back
I say I’ll confess for sure
but it’s pointless with no actions in the end
Can’t keep my head up in front of you”

I watched in amazement as all the other boys came out, serenading me. I couldn’t stop my smile if I tried. Each of the boys jumped around me and gave me little hugs. I wasn’t thinking anything of it until it came to JB’s part. He looked me dead in the eyes, holding my hand while he sang.

“I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)”

It was as if everything stopped. Youngjae continued with the song and handed JB a bouquet of roses. He lowered his head shyly as mark’s part started in. I smiled at him when the music paused and he finally looked up at me.

“Y/n, I… I’m in love with you.” His hand started to shake, but my heart was swelling. “You’ve been my best friend for so long, but I feel more. I want more. So, shall we?”

I paused for a moment, not in hesitation, but in amazement. I never knew he shared my feelings like this. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

“Yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Just then, an explosion of confetti and snow started drizzling down on both of us. JB shielded my face with his hand and gave me the roses. He brought me in for a warm embrace and the boys went into a frenzy. Everyone was jumping around with glee. Well, everyone except Yugyeom. He forced a smile when I looked at him, but something was off.

The song came to an end and their manager came out, letting them know they had to get to rehearsal. JB turned to me, kissing me on the cheek.

“I’ll call you later. I promise.” He said. I nodded, smiling at him and he left with the others. I noticed Yugeom was still looking very aloof, so I hurried over to him.

“Yugyeom!” I called out. He stopped and turned around. “Are you Alright?”

“Yeah… I’m happy for you.” He said, avoiding eye contact. He almost left again, but I held his wrist.

“You can tell me if something’s bothering you,” I said. Yugyeom thought for a second but gave in.

He pulled a single pink rose out of his pocket, handing it to me. “It’s not very much, but… I really like you Y/n. I have for a while actually. You don’t have to accept it though. JB hyung loved you a lot longer than I have. I just wanted to let you know.”

“Yugyeom…” I felt somewhat torn. I never knew he felt this way. “You’re really sweet. That’s why I know your dream girl is coming soon. SHe’s just not me.”

He nodded in understanding. “Thanks, Y/n.” I gave him a hug of encouragement and he left.

Although my heart ached for Yugyeom, I knew he’d find the right girl one day. A girl who will feel butterflies when she sees him and blush when he smiles at her. I knew he’d find a girl who loves him the way I love JB. It just takes time.


BTS reaction – their (shy) drunk GF falling asleep in their lap

requested by @petalskook


As soon as you sat in his lap, he’d know it’s time to go home. He wouldn’t even think twice about it. He’d help you to the car, lay you down in the back seat and take you back home.



He’d want to hide his smile, but he’d fail as soon as he notices that you’re asleep. He’d tap you a few times to check if you were awake, but it wouldn’t work.



Although it’s obvious that you won’t even remember what happened, he’d hold on to the cute memory as his own little secret. He knows how shy you get so he wouldn’t taunt you about it.



Our Hobi is a sleepy drunk too, so he would just let you sleep it off. He’d rub your back and let you lay your head on his shoulder until it’s time to go back home.



I see Jimin playing with your hair while you sleep.. He’d run his fingers through it to brush out the tangles and tuck your bangs behind your ear to keep the strands from getting on your face.



He’d think it’s the funniest/cutest thing ever! He’d let you nuzzle your head into his neck and wrap his arms around you. By the time you woke up, he’d have some painkillers for your hangover and a funny story about last night.



He’d start blushing when you sit down on his lap. He wouldn’t know what to do, but when you fall asleep, his first priority is to get you to bed.
