Jackson scenario – What he likes


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, romantic, curvy!reader, sugar daddy!Jackson

Warnings: daddy!kink, riding, strong language

Summary: Jackson has pulled some strings to come home early from promoting, so you decide to return the favor by giving him a night he won’t regret.

Jackson has been gone for two weeks promoting his solo project and now I’m in need! I’ve been missing him since the second he left. I want his touch, his kiss, his love. On lonely nights, I’d talk to him on the phone for hours, whispering dirty things to him and using my headphones so I can close my eyes and imagine he was here with me. But there only so much phone sex can do.

When he said he was coming home a few days early, I was super excited. I wanted to give him an extra special night for just the two of us. I planned to get all dolled up for his return, everything from expensive champagne to my slinky lingerie with matching heels. I counted down the days until my fantasies of his homecoming became real.

The day turned to night, I touched up my hair, sprayed his favorite perfume of mine all around our bedroom and dressed in my lingerie. All there was to do now was wait. Jackson sent me a text, letting me know he was on his way from the airport. I smirked at the screen, anxious to see him come home for the little surprise I had for him at home.

I heard the door open downstairs and jumped up to pour us both a glass of champagne. His footsteps creaked on the wooden staircase, echoed down the hall and halted outside the door. He knocked on the bedroom door, hoping I’d still be awake.

“It’s open, daddy~” I purred. He opened the door slowly, peeking in to see me standing in the middle of the room, stripped down and ready for him. “Welcome home.” I handed him a glass, giving him a passionate kiss. His free hand went straight to my ass grabbing it tightly.

He stepped back to get a better look at me, running his hand over my hip. He set his glass down, taking mine from me for a moment. I reached down, untucking his shirt from the front of his pants, pulling it off him completely. He took a hold of my waist, pressing me to his bare chest.  I draped my arms around his shoulders with a smile.

“How about you make your self a little more comfortable,” I suggested.

Sitting down on the little couch in front of the bed, I had a drink of champagne while I watched Jackson undress in front of me. He was left wearing nothing but a smirk on his face. He lowered to the ground, parting my legs while I put the empty glass down. I got off the couch, straddling his legs, holding his shoulders for balance and kissing his soft lips. With his hands around my waist, he pulled me down on top of him. He relaxed on the soft rug while I grinded my hips on his.

“Damn, baby. You’re wet for me already.” Jackson grabbed my thighs, massaging them up and down. Very gently, he hooked my panties in this fingers, sliding them down my legs and I kicked them to the other side of the room.

“Mmmm~” I hummed against his lips. “I missed your kisses.”

Our hips moved in sync, grinding together to get as much friction possible. He caught my moans in his mouth, sliding his member between my folds to soak his shaft. My hips were lifted up, hovered over his hard cock.

“I want you to take me.” He whispered.

My lip wedged between my teeth as I sank down on his cock, taking every inch inside my deprived core. I stopped when I felt his base touch my swollen clit. Jackson raised my hips before pushing them back down quickly. He took two hands full of my ass, smirking to himself.

“This ass…” His breath was already so shaky, I knew he was close. “Bounce for me, baby. Ugh, you’re so tight.”

I clenched my walls around him, making it all the more difficult for him to hold back. I wanted him to fill me with his warm cum, I’ve been craving it for weeks. With a few more rough, sloppy thrusts, we both climaxed at the exact same time, moaning and ridding our ways through one of the most intense orgasms of our relationship.  

I slumped onto his chest, lacking the energy to sit up straight any longer. Jackson ran his fingers through my hair while I listened to his heartbeat soften to a regular rhythm. He got up onto his feet, lifting me up with him. I quickly realized what he was doing and struggled out of his arms.

“Babe, I’m too heavy for that.” I tried to release myself, but it only made him hold me tighter. He let me down slowly onto the bed as if I weighed the same as a feather. We cuddled together under the sheets and he kissed both my cheeks before planting his lips on mine.

“You, baby girl, are absolutely perfect.”


Suho scenario – Late nights


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, fluff, slight angst

Summary: All great relationships stand the test of time, but now that you have a new intern in the office, your and Junmyeon’s relationship has to stand the test of trust.

Back in school, I hated being the person that finished all the projects while the rest of the group checked out halfway through, but I just reminded myself that it would all change when I got a job in the real world. Boy, was I ever wrong! Years later, I still ended up trapped in my office for the third night in a row while my poor boyfriend stayed at home alone until I came back with just enough energy to fall into bed.

It’s been over two hours since everyone else has left, leaving me alone with my laptop. I slaved over the final touches of the presentation for tomorrow and sighed when I clicked send.

“I need a raise…” I muttered.

Just then, my cell phone rang. I smiled when I saw Junmyeon’s name pop up with the photo he took of the two of us on our anniversary. “Hey, baby,” I said with an involuntary yawn.

“Hey, when are you coming home?” He asked, making my heart shatter.

“I’m so sorry. It’s been such a crazy day. I should be home soon though. I just have a few more things to do here at the office.” I explained.

“Okay. Well, I was just about to go to bed, so I’ll see you soon I guess…” Something was off. There was a suspicious tone in his voice that I’ve never been on the receiving end of.

“Oh, Okay. I love you.”

“…Love you too.“ With that, he hung up abruptly. I let out a sigh of frustration and went back to my work.

What makes my blood boil is the fact that I was assigned an intern to help me with this, but because the little rat is the CEO’s Nephew, he hardly lifted a finger unless it was to text his idiot friends. He just graduated with a masters degree in business, but who needs that when you’re already super connected right? All that twerp ever did was sit around and flirt with every other girl that walked by.

Nevertheless, I finished my work on time. To make sure everything was in order for tomorrow, I headed to the conference room to test the projector and slideshow.

"Good, good, good.” I flipped through a few points before shutting everything down and calling it a day. Stopping by the supply room on my way back to my office, I cleaned up my mess and returned everything to its rightful place. I checked my phone for any calls or text messages, but there was just a blank screen. I thought maybe if I hurried home, I’d be able to catch Junmyeon before he went to sleep.

My feet couldn’t walk fast enough to my office. I swung open the door to see Junmyeon sitting in my chair, startled by my appearance. I blinked a few times to come to the conclusion that this was all really happening.

“Baby… What are you doing here?” I asked him.

He stood up from my chair and slowly walked toward me, pulling me in for a tight hug. “Thank god…” He whispered to himself.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yeah… yeah, it’s just that I called around lunchtime and some guy answered your work phone, then I called a little bit ago and you said you were working late again…” He trailed off but I knew what he was implying.

“Oh, honey, you didn’t think…” I caressed his soft cheek as he slowly nodded in shame. If there is something Junmyeon isn’t, it’s the jealous type. But given the circumstances, I completely understood how he got there. “That was the intern. He’s acting as my assistant for the week while I finish the presentation. Jun, I would never do something like that. Just the thought of hurting you kills me…”

“I know you wouldn’t do that. It’s just… your assistant’s a little creep.”

I burst into laughter and kissed him on the cheek. “Aww, baby…. tell me something I don’t know.”  He joined me in laughter and kissed my lips.

It’s been so long since we’ve been intimate, my heart started to race all because of one small kiss. I pulled him in a little closer, leaving no space between us, kissing him even harder. His hands traveled down to my ass, gripping it with a smirk. I stepped forward, moving him back until his legs hit the front of my desk. My lips parted enough for his warm tongue to glide into my mouth.

He turned me around, lifting my legs around his hips and hoisting me onto my desk. I took him by his shirt, pulling him down with me as I pushed all the items off the surface and laid back. I let out a short moan when I felt Junmyeon’s hand slip into my work skirt, up my thigh and take my panties off in one sharp movement.

“Are you sure no one else is here?” He asked.

“Yeah. The cleaners left an hour ago.”

I spread my legs and lifted my skirt up to my waist while Junmyeon dropped his pants, pumped his member in his hand a few times and slowly sliding into me. His mouth fell open with a breathy groan. I muted his noises of pleasure with a kiss, returning my tongue to his mouth. His hold on my thighs tightened with each thrust, moving in deeper. My fingers twisted his silky hair, lightly tugging when his tip made contact with my g-spot.

“God, I’m so close. Keep going…” I started to lose my breath as I got closer and closer to my sweet release.

“Hold it, baby. On three.”

“Ugh….” I groaned.

“One.” He lifted my legs a little higher, pounding into me mercilessly.  "Two.“ I bit my lip, stopping myself from screaming his name so loud, the whole city could hear me. "Three! Cum, my love.” I grabbed a strong hold on his arms, arching my back and clenching my tight walls around him while I reached my high.

Junmyeon stood up right when he cooled down and pulled up his pants before helping me off my desk and straightening out my skirt for me. I gave him another long kiss, proving again that I’m his completely. I packed up the rest of my things and we left the office hand in hand.


V scenario – Worst in me



Genre: angst

Summary: It’s difficult to understand the concept of love when you’re cynical by nature, especially when you’re in danger of falling for a hopeless romantic.

During the time Taehyung and I have spent together, I never really noticed the milestones we passed. It was as if I was free falling with a blindfold on. I never wanted to be married or have kids, I just wanted to be in a relationship, simple as that. The second people make mistakes is when they bring the government into their love life. That’s how my parents ended up resenting each other. They started out in a relationship, then they got married and all hell broke loose. They thought a kid would fix things and, speaking as the ‘remedy’, it didn’t work at all. I saw the way they argued right in front of me and looked at each other like strangers.

I’m not a cynic with most things. I just think that love has an expiration date. People fall in love and fall out of it just as fast. But then all those thoughts were nonexistent when I met Taehyung. He looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. He completely understood me without me having to explain away my feelings. He made me laugh on my worst days and kept me smiling at my best, but still, I haven’t been able to utter the three little words that I’ve dreaded so much.

For most people saying ‘I love you’ is like a right of passage, you have your first love by saying it and each word makes your heart swell. But for me, it’s the beginning of the end. What does it even mean to really love someone? There is no point if saying two people will be together forever, just be together! My biggest fear with Taehyung is that he’d confront me with my thoughts about love or resent me for not saying ‘I love you’.

The good news was, he never mentioned my thoughts on love or triggered my cynical state of mind, but the bad news was, his family didn’t know about my romance stigma.

Once again my realist views were numbed and Taehyung somehow got me to have dinner with his parents. It started out really great, they asked me about my work and how long their son and I have been seeing each other. All was fine until they asked the one question I’d been dreading most.

“Wow, you two have been together a long while.” His mother said. “Do I hear wedding bells in the distance?”

“Oh god…” I murmured.

“Uh, We’re just taking our time,” Tae said, holding my hand under the table.

“Why wait so long? I’ve always wanted to have a daughter-in-law and little grandchildren running around.” His dad chimed in.

I started to feel even more uneasy, but couldn’t say anything out of fear of their disapproval. Taehyung just shrugged and returned the subject to the present rather than the future. The rest of the dinner went great apart from the middle bit.

We said goodbye to his parents and he took me home. I could tell he had something on his mind, but he remained silent. We came up to my door and I offered for him to come inside with me, mainly to figure out what was bothering him. He gladly stepped inside and sat on the couch. I sat down next to him and just waited for him to speak first.

“You trust me, right?” He asked.

“Of course.”

“Do you love me?” My heart both shattered and burst into flames all at once.

“Tae…” I stood up off the couch and paced the floor. “What difference does it make?”

“Difference? The difference is whether you love me or not. I can’t keep going around feeling this way for you if you never say it back. You need to tell me once and for all. Do you love me?” He rose from the couch, standing directly in front of me.

“I don’t know!”

“How do you not know?”

“Because I frankly don’t want to. I don’t want to be vulnerable and lay it all on the line only to have my heart broken. You don’t get the things I’ve witnessed. I can’t just tell someone I love them because I know what will happen next. Sure, we can get married and have kids but happily ever after is still out of reach. I know how this goes, I saw it with my own parents. If we get married we’re happy for a day around friends and family and then we have a honeymoon period, then it all goes to hell. When my mom had me she was practically raised me on her own until my dad came home from work then he took care of me but it was never simultaneous. I had a mom, then I had a dad, but they were never equal partners. If we have a kid, I’ll have to take all that in and I can’t lose you Tae, I just can’t.”

I broke down completely. Tears rushing down my face, every thought expelled from my head and all sense of security was gone. If I was honest, it wasn’t loving or not loving him. It was having him or losing him. I tried not to move too fast, but we ended up standing still. Just like now.

“Hey… hey…” Taehyung rushed to me, pulling me in for a warm embrace. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair while I let it all out.

“You’re right.” He said. “Your parents were never a team. They tried to do right by you and their marriage, but it just ended up hurting all three of you. But the thing you don’t understand is that we aren’t them. Telling me you love me isn’t the beginning of the end at all. Think about it. ” He released me briefly and looked me in the eyes. “We just had the worst fight in our history as a couple but I’m still here. We both are.”

“If you only knew how many times I wanted to say it just to see what it was like to… love someone. Every time you did something selfless or just the way you looked on any random day I wanted to tell you, but how can I say something I don’t understand?”

“You don’t have to.” He confused me for a moment before explaining. “I was wrong to rush you into it. The truth is there isn’t any need for you to tell me you love me. It’s just that tonight had me thinking and I wanted some validation. I’m sorry.”

“No, Tae.” I cuddled him in a little tighter, kissing his neck and consoling him. We stood there for a while, feeling the warmth of the others embrace until I broke the silence with the first thing that came to mind.

“I love you, Taehyung.”

I didn’t force it, I didn’t overanalyze it, I just said it. For the first time ever I told him I loved him, and as the days, weeks even years went by, I never once regretted it.


Kai scenario – The stubble


Requested by @catou1305

Genre: smut, fluff

Warnings: strong language

Jongin was always very self-conscious about his facial hair. He’d shave every other morning to keep himself looking fresh, but when he got a break from working, he’d skip that step in his morning routine and let his stubble come through. I loved the way the stiff hair would tickle my face when he kissed me.

I could tell he got annoyed by the hair after a while, but I couldn’t let it go. Sometimes I’d go as far as hiding his razor and shaving cream, but he’d buy it and shave anyway. It was just one of those little things that I could enjoy while it lasted, but all Jongin got out of it was a few extra kisses a day and itchiness.

This time I had a little incentive. I’d always tell him how sexy he was with some stubble, but he’d shave it off anyway. I thought it’d be better if I at least helped him shave, then maybe he’ll see a real benefit to letting it grow out for a while.

He came home from practice very late, wearing a stocking cap, sweatpants, and a t-shirt. “Y/n?” He called out my name, but there was no answer. He went toward the guest bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet, and saw his shaving tools were gone. He smirked to himself and continued his search.

“Y/n. I know you’re here. You took my razor didn’t you?”

He took off his cap and headed for our bedroom. The door opened slowly as he crept inside, preparing himself in case I jump out and scare him. Before he checked the closets, I came out of the master bathroom, holding his razor.

“What’s going on?” He said with a smile.

I walked up to him, giving him a gentle kiss, feeling his stubble on my face before pulling away. His strong arms pulled me back in, forcing me into his loving embrace. I cupped his cheeks, my thumb rubbing over the tiny hairs on his upper lip.

“It has to come off baby. Our comeback season is about to start.” He said with a sigh.

My whine only made me seem cuter to him which didn’t help when trying to make him take me seriously. I thought to myself for a second, coming up with a way to make us both happy.

“I could do it.” I offered.

Jongin raised his eyebrows, questioning if I was genuine or not. I shrugged in reply and he lifted me into his arms, bringing us to the bathroom and sitting on the toilet cover.

“By all means.” He reclined back, giving me full control.

I grabbed a towel, placing it around his chest and shoulders before kissing his scruffy face one last time. He gripped my hips, pressing our centers together with a slow grind. I nearly forgot what I was supposed to be doing. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as his soft tongue invaded my mouth dominating me despite being a temporary bottom.

He broke our kiss, pinching my ass to snap me out of my sexual frenzy. I took some shaving cream into my palm before covering each exposed hair with it. His pure white mustache made me laugh a bit. He made a goofy face and giggled with me.

The first shave made him relax a bit since if he moved too much I might accidentally cut his lip. His face was completely still, but his hands were up to no good. With me straddling his hips, he has a full range of my ass.  He cupped both cheeks in his hands and moved my hips up and down, slowly on his growing erection. I could feel myself getting wet from the friction between us.

I went as quickly as I could while still being careful. When I was done, I wiped his face with a cool washcloth and kissed his plump lips. He secured my thighs on his hips and carried me back to our room, dropping the towel on the floor.  He laid me down, pulling off my clothes and kneeling in front of me.

He kissed my clit, flicking the bud with his tongue. “Clean shaven face to match this smooth pussy of yours.”

His kitten licks had me moaning uncontrollably. I laced my fingers in his hair, holding his face at my wetness. I called out his name, completely at his mercy.  He thrusted his fingers deep inside me, causing a yelp to dart out of my mouth.

“And now, the g-spot…” He said to himself.

His fingers curled at just the right angle to graze my sensitive area. My vision blurred as I came close to my release. Jongin moved his fingers in and out quickly.

“I’m gonna cum.” I moaned.

Jongin continued licking and sucking my slit, driving me into my orgasm. My grip loosened on his scalp when I finished. He came back up, fixing his messy hair and kissing my lips.

“Thanks for the help.” He said.

“I don’t suppose you’ll need some assistance next time too?” I asked.

He chuckled at me, giving my thigh a pinch before going back to the bathroom to clean up. I put my panties back on, followed him in, hugging him from behind and kissing his soft cheek.

“I think I might have missed a spot.” I teased. Jongin turned around, picked me up and pressed my back against the wall.

“We’ll just have to take care of that won’t we?”


Sehun scenario – Back to normal


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, fluff, angst

Warning: eating out, makeup sex

I stomped down the stairs, making enough noise to wake my boyfriend who was sleeping on the couch. Sehun lifted his head, glaring at me for disturbing him.

“Aww, I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” My sarcasm only stiffened the tension between us. “Did you have a good sleep?”

“I did actually. Vivi’s a much better cuddler anyway.” He said.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a midnight snack while Sehun sat in the other room, petting Vivi and sulking. Neither one of us has apologized for the things we said earlier, no matter how remorseful we were. It all just happened so quickly. I remember a blur of the angry faces he made until I stormed upstairs, gathering a pillow and blanket for him to sleep on the couch, and that was it.

Sleeping was so much easier when he was laying next to me. I’ve grown accustomed to his arms holding me tight, the sound of his heart beating, and his sweet kisses on the top of my head when I wake up. If only there was just a way to put this argument on hold so I could just fall asleep.

I had some toast and jelly, walking back to the living area, but Sehun was nowhere to be found. Vivi sat on the rug staring back at me than the stairs. He didn’t.

Our bedroom door was closed and the light was off. He was in there. I whipped open the door, spotting him laying out on his side of the bed without a care in the world.

“No!” I shouted.

“Yes.” He said with a yawn.

“No!” I tried to pull the duvet off of him, but he tugged right back.


He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in. I huffed, too weak to fight with him, but not too tired to ignore him. I turned away from him, taking most of the covers with me.

Sehun pinched my ass, making me squeal and release the blankets. He chuckled to himself in victory and rolled over on his back. We laid in silence for what felt like hours. Thinking of what we should have said and regretting what we did.

“You know I love you right?” He said. “I’m still pissed, but you’re cute and all so…”

I laughed at his random outburst and nodded my head. “I love you too, baby.”

He took a deep sigh and said the unthinkable, “I’m sorry, Jagi.”

I almost gasped out of shock. He put it all out on the line in hopes that I’d return the favor. He never apologized first. Of course, we’ve never had such an intense argument before either.

“I’m sorry too.” A lump formed in my throat, causing my voice to break a bit when I spoke.

“Baby girl.” He pulled me into his arms, kissing my cheek to stop me from crying. “Please don’t cry.”

“Too late. I was bawling for an hour before I came downstairs.”

“Shhhh~” He rubbed my back consoling me.

I took long breaths until I composed myself. Sehun kissed my forehead, down my cheeks, and finally my lips. I  coiled myself around him, moving him on top of me for a deeper kiss. We were only in a fight for a few hours, but it was mostly the silent treatment. I missed him. I missed my boyfriend’s soft kisses. I missed the way he’d sneak his hand around my lower back, arching it a little to press our middles together.

I locked my arms around him, savoring the warmth of his body against mine. We were so close, I could almost feel his heart pounding on my chest, not out of anger, but out of lust. I grinded my hips onto him, but he gripped my waist, stopping me from going any further.

“Not like this, baby. We were at each other’s throats an hour ago, I just want to hold you for the night.” He said quietly. I could tell by his slow blinking that he was pretty worn out.

“I know. I just wanted to make up… properly.” I stroked up and down his chest, making him smirk at my sensuous attempts.

“Well, you do have a point.” He let out a sigh and broke free of my tight embrace, ducking under the covers, kissing down my body. All I could do was close my eyes and enjoy the sensation.

His strong hands kept me in place, completely at the mercy of his delicious kisses. The distraction of his lips on my wet heat dulled the feeling of my panties being pulled down my legs. When my eyes opened again, they were on the opposite side of the room.

Sehun lifted my legs over his shoulders, licking and sucking on my slit. My moans filled the room as I got closer and closer to my sweet release. All the anger and tension melted away in one perfect climax. I wove my fingers through his smooth locks, tugging slightly to get a few moans out of him. I bucked my hips, creating a little more friction while my orgasm ripped through me.

He licked me clean, taking every last drop of my essence and coming up for a lazy kiss. If he wasn’t tired before, he definitely is now. We laid next to each other soaking in the afterglow. I repositioned myself, snuggling into him the way I did before.

“Now are we made up?” He asked.



Jackson Scenario – Papillon


Happy Birthday @catou1305 

Genre: fluff, friends to lovers, romance, smut

Summary: Jackson is the guy who becomes friends with everyone within 5 minutes of meeting them, but what if you want more? Will he notice you?

The most annoying thing ever is when people tell me how cute Jackson and I are together. We met a year ago and like every other person he talks to, we became instant best friends. Unfortunately for me, that ment being hurled into the friend zone. I caught feelings for my best friend since day one, but he never reciprocated so I kept it on the down low. Even though I’ll never be with him, I’m not going to lose him over it. No matter what, I still had hope.

Today was the trickiest of days because it was both Mother’s Day and my birthday all rolled into one. Jackson promised me that he’d be around to celebrate with me, but I told him it was no problem if he just wanted to be with his mom. I’m certainly not going to be the one who comes between them on their special day. I just spent time with my other friends, going out, having dinner, and just enjoying ourselves.

In the back of my head, I was thinking of Jackson. A bit too much at that. We’ve had some flirty interactions, but never anything serious. I guess he was just that kind of person. He probably doesn’t even mean anything by it, but it didn’t help that he was texting me constantly asking if he could come by later.

Jackson: I can be there in 20 minutes if you need me
Y/n: It’s fine! We can hang out tomorrow
Jackson: You’re sure?
Y/n: Yes! I promise 🙂

After dinner, I drove home, checked my mail and read my birthday cards while laying on the couch. I smiled while reading all the sweet messages from my friends and family. I heard a knock at the door and got up to see who it was.

“Jackson Wang! I told you to spend time with your mom!” I yelled at him through the peephole

“I did. I swear! She’s perfectly happy and now I get to make you happy too.” His cheeky smile was too much to resist. I opened the door a little to peek my head out.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Coming to visit you.”

I opened the door for him and he sauntered past me, plopping down on the couch, patting the seat next to him. For over an hour, we both read out some of the funny cards and watching Tv until I started to wonder why Jackson had to be here with me.

“You look so serious.” He commented.

“It’s just- Never mind.”

“No, tell me.” He held my hand, making my heart race.

“You’re the only person who went completely out of their way just to sit on the couch with me,” I said. “Why today?”

“Because you’re the birthday girl.” He said.  My face started to redden, I tried to hide it, but Jackson brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, calming me down. “I feel guilty when I don’t make you smile at least once a day.”

He was such a sweet guy. None of my other friends has ever said that to me, then it all made sense. He wasn’t trying to be my friend, he was being romantic. Still, I found it difficult to look him in the eyes after that. Jackson intertwined our fingers, bringing our hands closer to him. I finally looked up, making full eye contact with him.

“Y/n, I think I’m in love with you.”

My heart sank to my feet. He actually confessed to me! Subconsciously, my eyes went wide in shock, which he saw as a bad sign.

“I know it’s really sudden because we’re friends and everything, but I just can’t let you go another day without knowing how I feel.”

“Jackson, I love you too,” I said.

“What?” His face went blank

“I love you too.” I couldn’t stop myself, I threw myself at him, kissing him passionately. He held my waist, letting me straddle his hips and kissed me back.

My lips moved down to his neck, kissing and nibbling until a small whimper came out of him. I kept my focus on his sweet spot while his hands slowly lifted my top inch by inch. He lifted my top off, looking straight at my breasts being pushed up by my bra. His fingers snaked through the straps, pulling them down my shoulders, dropping both cups of my bra and unhooking the back.

He latched on to my nipple with a throaty moan against the sensitive skin. I held his head, keeping him at the perfect angle, allowing the cries of pleasure to vent from my mouth. He came back up to kiss me again, his tongue forcing its way into my slightly parted lips. He turned me over, onto my back, ridding me of the rest of my clothes.

“You are so beautiful, Y/n.” He massaged my breasts gently, causing me to call out his name and beg him to take me.

He pulled off this top and pants, leaving his underwear for me to rip off of him in the heat of the moment. He lined up at my entrance, pushing into me and moaning my name. My hands wandered down his strong back, feeling each muscle flex.

His deep strokes had me seeing stars. I was completely intoxicated by his scent, his body, and his new found love for me. I went from having my best friend make me smile, to my ferocious lover make me cum. I closed my eyes and screamed for him to give me more while I rode out my high. My toes curled, my back arched and Jackson finished deep inside me.

I held him in my arms when he went limp, his head rested at the base of my neck. I kissed the top of his head, smiling down at him. We both laid there for a moment, slightly in awe of what we just did.

“Wow.” He said, breaking the silence. “That was…”

“A long time coming.” I finished for him.

He chuckled at me, lifting me off the couch and binding my legs around him. He walked us to my bedroom, kissing me repeatedly on the way there. I clung to him while he brought me down on the bed. We covered ourselves in blankets, giving each other a few more kisses.

“Happy birthday, Y/n.” He whispered.

“Hmm~ It is now. Does this mean I’m your Baobei?”

“Of course. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.” He said.

I shrugged at him with a smile. “You’re just a social butterfly, that’s all.”

“What’s that in French?” He asked

“Papillon social.”

He smiled to himself and cuddled me in closer. “Goodnight baobei.”

“Goodnight, Papillon.”


Chanyeol scenario – Paper anniversary


Requested by @chanyeol-x-mingyu

Genre: smut, angst, fluff

Warnings: shower (make up) sex

Never in my life have I seen so much paper. Chanyeol and I have been receiving endless amounts of anniversary gifts in celebration of our first year of marriage. We’ve gotten anything from newspapers with our wedding announcements to origami flowers from friends and family.

But every card and gift I was given only added more pain to my broken heart. Chanyeol has been out all day without even a kiss. I came to the conclusion he forgot our wedding anniversary already. It was the first one and he forgets.

A small part of me thought there was some kind of a surprise coming or that his phone died and couldn’t call or text me, but nothing happened. I sat on the couch for a while, reading the cards in an attempt to distract myself from Chanyeol.

Late that night, the door opened, revealing my exhausted husband. He walked over to me on the couch and laid down next to me, resting his head on my lap. I didn’t give him any attention whatsoever, he just laid there wondering why I seemed so aloof.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He lifted his head and took a better look around the room. “What’s all this?”

“They’re gifts, Chanyeol.”

“For what? It’s all paper.”

“Yes. It’s tradition to give paper gifts for a one year anniversary.”

“But we-” He paused for a moment and closed his eyes in disappointment with himself. “Oh, no baby I’m so sorry.”

He tried to hold me, but I got up and walked away. I wasn’t in the mood for his apologies. With all the waiting and long distance we went through while we were dating, I thought when got married things would change. It took us years to finally realize we are ment to be together, because of all the crazy schedules, we weren’t able to date like a normal couple, but all that came to a blissful end, the final destination, marriage.

“Y/n, please hear me out! I just forgot the date, not the actual anniversary!” He hollered.

I stopped in my tracks, “What are you talking about?”

He walked toward me and held my hands. “I planned a vacation for us, but I scheduled it for next week.”

“Oh please. The second I turn my back you’re gonna be on the phone with travel agents, trying to make that lie a reality.”

“It’s true!” He went into our bedroom, dug through his dresser and pulled out two plane tickets. “See. they’re for next Friday. Ha!”

“Now isn’t the time to throw your lack of calendar reading skills in my face, Yeol,” I said. He pinched the side of my ass and I swatted his hand away.

“I wanted to take you to all the places we weren’t able to see on our honeymoon.”

“Well, I guess that’s kinda sweet.” He kissed my forehead, looked at all the different presents cluttering our living room and smiled. “Why is there so much toilet paper?” He said with a laugh.

“It’s a gag gift. And kinda handy, we were running low.” I kissed his cheek before walking back to our room.

“Jagiyaaaa~” He whined.

I knew I was being followed by an overgrown baby with big puppy-dog eyes, but I still had some unresolved anger.  I went to my closet and grabbed a towel for my shower while Chanyeol moped around.

“You have to believe me. I’m really sorry. I’ll definitely remember next time.” He swore. “It’ll be kinda hard to forget this day.”

I had to admit, he had a point. There was no reason for him to feel any worse than he already did. He came up behind me, hugged me from behind while I picked out some clothes to change into after.

“I believe you, Yeol,” I said, giving in.

He squeezed me a little tighter and asked, “Can I join you?”

“You think it’s that easy, huh?” I turned to face him, but he was much too tall for that, his lips pressed against my forehead as he reached down, dangerously low on my back.

“I won’t trick you into anything you don’t want to do.” His smirk could be felt in his soft kisses, but I still lightly pushed him away.

“I want to get clean,” I argued.

“Fine.” He said with a sigh. He walked back to our bed, falling face down onto the mattress, arms and legs spread out like a starfish.

I shook my head at my goof of a husband while walking to our master bathroom. I turned on the water and closed the clear glass door. It was nearly impossible to see anything outside with all the steam fogging up the room, but I was able to make out a tall figure undressing.

“Chanyeol, I said no.”

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He lied.

I fought off a smile when he made his way in the shower with me, his hand going straight for my hips and his lips on my neck. The only way to get him to stop was to ignore him… at least, it usually worked. He was very persistent to get a rise out of me today, judging by his need to touch me all over while I lathered myself up with soap and suds.

He reached out in front of me, changing the spray setting to the rain shower and turned me around. The water came down gently on our heads, making Chanyeol all the more proud of himself for getting the soap off me quickly. He held my face in his hands and kissed me. I rested my arms on his broad shoulders and was lifted up.

Chanyeol pressed me close to his body while my legs clung to his hips. He turned me around away from the downpouring water, with my back against the cold tiles. We wasted no time lining up our centers together before he plunged into me with a powerful thrust. My nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, a throaty groan fell from his lips and his sharp thrusts quickly turned into deep strokes.

I briefly closed my eyes as I went into a total frenzy. When I opened them, I watched him through the steam, tiny droplets unmoved on his shoulders and arms, looking down to watch his long cock move in and out of me, hitting my g-spot every time.

We both hit our climaxes, moaning and whimpering from extreme pleasure. Chanyeol’s knees went weak, I slumped into him, unable to stand on my legs.

He took me back to our room after drying off, gave me something to wear to bed, one of his oversized hoodies as usual, and we cuddled in for a little pillowtalk before falling asleep.


Suga scenario – Try again


Requested by anon

Genre: angst, fluff, his POV

Summary: You and Yoongi have been on again and off again for years, long before your eight-year-old daughter was even born. Now the unavoidable question is about to be asked,’Where does your relationship stand?’

Children are observant creatures. They don’t know complex relationships, they just know who’s together and who isn’t. The same goes for my little girl. She only knows that her mom and I aren’t together right now, but she can’t understand why.

During our daughter’s birthday parties, she and I would both be there for her, but when the other parents came to drop their kids off, they’d come as a true mom and dad, not just two people that were on again off again.

I met Y/n years ago. We hit it off really well, but then we hit a rough patch and broke up. We decided that if we met up again the next year, we’d give it another try, which we did, but it still didn’t feel right. We broke up for the second time and agreed that we should just wait for the right person. That pact didn’t last long of course, because the day we were both invited to the same wedding, we were reminded of why we got back together in the first place.

We were great together, we just didn’t see things in the right perspective. Y/n was sure that fate wanted us to be together, yet I still wasn’t so sure. I trusted her instinct anyway and we fell back into each other’s arms. That time I was sure we would make it, and then, one day, she had some news that would change our relationship forever.

“Hey, jagi. I’m home.” I walked over to give her a kiss and she smiled. When I pulled away I saw the redness around her eyes and realized she was crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Yoongi, do you love me?” She asked.

“Of course I do, why would you ask that?”

“Because…” She struggled to get the words out, but after seeing her mind start racing, I knew it could only be one thing.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yeah.” She burst into tears, her hands covered her face in shame. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry for what? You said the last time we broke up, it was because we couldn’t commit. Well, now I’m telling you that I’m not going anywhere.” I lifted her chin and tried to get her to look at me. “I know you’re scared about this, but this happened for a reason. As long as we have this baby, we’re going to be okay. I’m here for you.”

And I was there for her. We were side by side through the pregnancy and we both raised her for the first year just fine. But then we started thinking about the next step. She thought I only wanted to marry her because of the baby and honestly she was somewhat right. I wanted to get married and have kids, but things change. We had a kid, and then the talk of marriage just went off the rails.

We broke it off for the last time and swore that we would only do right by our daughter. She grew up with her mom and dad under different roofs. Y/n and I worked out the custody and decided on exactly half and half.  I’d have her one week and Y/n would have her the other. Everything was going great until our little girl started to ask about us.

It was the day I picked her up from school. It looked like something was bothering her while we were having dinner and I asked what was wrong.

“My friends always have their moms and dads pick them up and I don’t.” She said with a pout.

“I’m sorry, baby, but your mom and I aren’t married.”

“When are you getting married?” She asked. I had no idea what to say. I could never lie to her, still, she’s too young to know the truth.

“Maybe someday. just not any time soon.” I can’t get her hopes up too high.

Of course, I love Y/n. She’s the mother of my child and the girl I saw my life with. There is just never a good time to be together. At first, we were too immature and couldn’t commit, then we were mature, but couldn’t agree to get married.

When we finished our meal and I tucked my daughter into bed, I still carried the thought of what might have been. What if Y/n and I just go where ever the relationship takes us. We only ran into problems when we think about marriage and commitment, but what if we just stayed exclusive? Y/n and I are great when we are just dating and carefree. Why did we rush? It only caused problems.

In a matter of hours, I made up my mind. I called Y/n and asked if she could meet me at my place. It was a little late at night, but since our daughter was asleep, we just had to stay quiet.

She texted me, saying she was outside rather than knocking and I answered the door.

“Hey, is everything alright?” She asked.

“Yeah. Everything is good. I just wanted to talk.” I invited her in and she sat down on my couch. “Y/n… I love you.”

“I love you too, Yoongi.” She said casually.

“No. I mean, Every time I think of my future, I see y/d/n and you with me.” I took her hands in mine before continuing. “We always argued about being together and putting labels on things, but it’s not what we really want. All I know right now is that I want my little girl to grow up with both of us on the same team. And most of all, I want to be with you.”

She looked at our hands and nodded. “I know you do. and I do too, but what about years from now? We can’t stay romantically involved for very long. How are we going to last.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t, but if history shows us anything, it’s that we are right for each other. We can take it slow this time.”

“You said that last time.” She disputed.

“It worked,” I said.

She laughed at my comment and said, “You wanna tell that to the little girl sleeping int he other room?”

“Y/n, just listen. We took it slow last time and we were together three months before you got pregnant, all through the pregnancy, and a year after that. I call that working. We only broke up because everyone asked where our relationship was going from there and we got nervous.”

“So where do you want us to go?” She asked. “If you say the bedroom I’ll be pissed.”

Her joke made me smile and I shrugged at her previous question. “We can just have dinner tomorrow if you’d like and talk about this more in detail.”

“And what if people ask about us?”

“We can tell them we’re dating. If things go well after that we can just cross that road when we get to it.” I told her. “Is that fair?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.” She said with a nod.

“Could I sneak in to give y/d/n a kiss goodnight?” She asked.

“Of course. First door on the right.”

I watched her walk down the hall and slowly open the door to our daughter’s room. I smiled to myself while she went in, knowing that we were finally going to try this for real. No stresses or labels, just the two of us and our little girl. When Y/n came back out, I showed her to the door. She hesitated before leaving and turned around to give me a hug, goodbye.

“Thanks for calling.” She said.

“No problem.” I pulled away and she left.

It’s still true that kids don’t save relationships, but if it’s really meant to be, they can certainly put things into perspective.


Mark scenario – Peruvian love affair


requested by anon

Genre: fluff, smut, Mark x Noona

Summary: Mark’s nerves begin to get the best of him as soon as you two meet, but he quickly redeems himself once you two get to know each other better.

I can’t believe she said yes. I’ve been in shock for over an hour. She actually said yes to having dinner with me. Especially since I made a complete fool of my self when we first met, I never thought she’d look at me twice.Y/n is so far out of my league, we aren’t even playing the same sport! She’s gorgeous, kind, smart, exotic and just perfect. 

To make a long story short, I bumped into her, literally, while trying to get a taxi to take me to my hotel. She must have taken my clumsiness as part of my charm. Luckily, she was staying at the same hotel I was and offered to share a taxi. We had a brief chat on the way there, discussing how I was in Peru for pleasure, She wasn’t just from here, but she was on this side of the country for business.

When our ride came to an end she offered to teach me some more Spanish and show me around the city, at which point I blurted out “Let’s have dinner.” like a lovestruck idiot. To my surprise, she accepted the invitation, gave me her number, and asked me to meet her in the lobby later on this evening.

That was nearly two hours ago and I still couldn’t figure out what to say to her all night. Should I be friendly or romantic? Considering we just met I should probably keep my urges to myself, but what if she throws me in the friend-zone and I end up developing feelings? This girl affected me in ways I didn’t think were possible.

I opened up my suitcase and pulled out a good outfit to wear for dinner. I gave myself a good look in the mirror while I applied a little cologne to my neck and wrists. I haven’t been on many dates because of my busy schedule so this was like jumping into the deep end.

My watch read there were only ten minutes for me to get to the lobby. I laced up my shoes and hurried down the hall. When I got into the elevator, I made a silent prayer that everything would go well. The doors opened, revealing a few people walking around the lobby. I stepped out heading for the reception area, and there she was. She sat on the sofa near the entrance doors, her back slightly arched into the perfect posture. She must have heard my footsteps, because, by the time I was only a few steps away, she lifted her head, tearing her attention away from her phone and looking me in the eye with a smile.

“Hi.” She stood up and placed the strap of her purse over her shoulder.

“Hey. Sorry, were you waiting long?” I asked.

“Oh, no. I came down to get a copy of my room key and decided to just sit a while until you came.”

“Okay. Well, shall we?” I gestured to the doors and went to the lot.

We took my car to the restaurant, she pointed out a few landmarks on the way and even taught me a little Spanish while I drove. Upon our arrival, I parked the car and helped her out of the passenger’s side. I offered my hand and she accepted, stepping out of the vehicle. I closed the door for her, and she sadly let go.

We walked into the restaurant and the host immediately brought us to an empty table. We spent the entire evening talking, switching from Spanish to English, and oddly, the more I listened to her speak, I found myself falling even harder. Even with her being a noona, I was so comfortable in her presence. But I want more. I want her to feel the same amount of passion I have for her.

Leaning back in my chair, I caught a glance at her body language. Legs crossed a little too tightly, suggesting the need for friction, every time I’d look at her, she’d start to blush, which means I must make her heart race. Well, that makes two of us.

“I’m really glad we met, Y/n.” My hand rested on the table, subtly asking for her to hold it.

She looked at my hand, thinking of her next move and smiled. She reached out, placing her hand on mine with a small rub of her thumb. “I am too, Mark.”

Soon enough, we were finished with our meal and ready to go. I opened the car door for her and drove us back to the hotel. After parking in the lot, I helped her out again, offering my hand once more, but this time, things were different. She gripped my hand, not wanting to let go. I closed the door and she laced our fingers together. The tension between us was undeniable.

We stood at the elevator, hand in hand until it came a few seconds later. I let her go in first, trying to keep my gentlemanly ways. All I really wanted to do was lift her into my arms and kiss her with such intensity. She made me want to savor every moment, even if it was standing in silence on an elevator ride.

The doors opened and she turned to me. “This is my floor…” Her words were quiet, yet urging me to make a move.

“¿Te gustaría que te lleve a tu habitación?,” I said. Her smile relieved my nerves, her hand came back to lock with mine and we walked down the hall. I didn’t want to let her go yet. The second she stopped at her door, I felt so defeated.

I got ready for a friendly hug or a lame kiss on the cheek, but nothing happened. Her grip on my hand tightened, she didn’t even reach for her room key, she was waiting for something. She looked into my eyes while she pulled me in a bit closer. Her perfume levitated off of her smooth skin, tickling my nose with a playful sweetness. She had me in the palm of her hand, all I had to do was take the leap.

“Te deseo,” I whispered.

She responded with a tender kiss. I held her waist and pressed her back against the door, hiking her leg on my hip. She grinded onto my bulge, making me want to give into my lustful urges and take her right there, in the hallway.

Before things got too heated, she stood on her own two feet and unlocked the door. Her eyes darkened, her lips formed a smirk as she grabbed me by the collar and pulled me inside. I kicked the door closed behind us and she jumped into my arms.

“Say something in Spanish again.” She requested.

“Quiero besar todas las partes de tu cuerpo.”

“God, that so hot!” I gently laid her on the bed and she undressed me straight away. I climbed on top of her, kissing her neck and collarbones while she arched her back to unzip her dress. She slid it right off, exposing her sexy lingerie. I smirked to myself, knowing she was prepared for what was going to happen.

Fulfilling my promise, my kisses trailed down her heaving chest, to her abdomen. Her hands held my head as I made my way down her glorious body, I could live off of the sweet taste of her skin on my lips.

The muscles in her stomach flexed beneath my lips. She raised her hips as soon as my warm breath made contact with her glistening center. I let my tongue slip past my mouth to collect some of her wetness.I pursed my lips, kissing her clit.

“Mark! She cried out, begging for me for more. "Quero mas…”

Her head fell back with a moan as she felt me remove myself from her, only to pull her in closer by her legs, lining our hips together. She held onto my shoulders, preparing herself for what happened only a few seconds later.

I snapped my hips into hers, filling her with every inch of my long cock. Her perfect breasts bounced against my chest, her nails dug into my back and her legs clenched around me. We were both enslaved by desire and lust. Her tightness somehow got tighter. Her moans turned into soft whimpers as she got closer to her release.  I couldn’t take the way I was trying to hold back. I had to cum. The feel of her warm walls stretching around my thick cock had my head spinning.

With a few more thrusts we both reached our orgasm. Y/n clung to me, squeezing with all of her might. I kissed her soft lips as I emptied deep inside her and gave another sloppy thrust before pulling out, collapsing next to her. We laid in peace, with only the sound of our breaths coming back to normal.

“Wow,” she said with a sigh. I leaned over to kiss her cheek, but she cupped my face instead, pressing her lips to mine instead. Looking into her longing eyes, I started to have some reoccurring feelings. I can’t just let this be a one-time thing. I want to see her throughout the trip and maybe even after.

She looked at me with a glimmer of worry and asked, “Something wrong?”

“No, not at all. It’s just that I really enjoyed getting to know you tonight. I’m really lucky to have met you the way I did. I just like you a lot”

“Aww. I like you too, Mark.” She held my hand with a smile.

“And-Uh- I wanted to ask if you would be interested in going out with me again if you’re free at all this week?” I asked.

“Like another date?” Her smile remained on her lips, but I felt a bit of a panic coming on.

“Yeah, a-another date,” I said. I took a breath and relaxed for a second before adding “Quero ser tu hombre.” The words fell from my mouth with confidence, which made her smile a little brighter.

“I’d love to.” She said. I kissed her again and we cuddled together sharing a moment for some pillow talk until we drifted off to sleep.