Mark scenario – Miss Right


Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, teacher!au, smut, his POV

Summary: Winter break is fast approaching and Mark’s crush on you is becoming a little more intense each day. The real question is, when will he make is move?

Just look at her. that smile, those eyes, the way she walks. Miss y/l/n was by far the hottest teacher in this school. She’s always so put together, but I know there’s something there. A side of her that she could never show around her students. There are days that I swear she’s giving me bedroom eyes. If she keeps swaying her hips when she walks, I might just have to take her right here in the hallway-

“Good morning Mr.Tuan.” I jumped back a bit, startled by one of my students.

“Oh, good morning.” I cleared my throat, bringing my focus back to the task at hand. I pushed out all those thoughts about Y/n and went straight into teacher mode. My students come first.

“Alright everyone, class dismissed. No homework this weekend, but it wouldn’t hurt to review chapter 10. See you all on Monday.” The majority of the class was long gone before I could get the last word out.  I can’t blame them though, Everyone wants to get a head start on the weekend.

I walked outside the door, holding it open for the few that actually stayed until the last moment. I looked down the hall, saying a few goodbyes to the other students. My mind went blank when I saw an angelic figure walking toward me. Y/n struggled as she carried a stack of books back to her classroom. It was only a matter of time before she dropped them but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I hurried to her side and took a few books in my hands.

“Here, I’ll lighten the load,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it.” She said with a sigh of relief. “I had class in the library today and I guess I lost track of time.”

“Nothing wrong with that. At least your kids were actually listening to you. Most of my class was out the door as soon as the bell rang.” I said.

“Trust me. I’ve had my bad days too.” We walked into her classroom, placing the books back on the shelf one by one.

“So are you doing some kind of research project in the library?” I asked.

“Well, kinda. The librarian was complaining that the kids weren’t utilizing their resources and since I’m an English teacher, everyone assumed I was the one who should be using the library the most. So, I brought my class to the library for the hour. Plus I figured they needed a change of scenery, you know?”

“Very clever. I should use the library resources too, being a history teacher and all.” I thought out loud, making her smile.

“Well if you ever want to tag-team for a book report, let me know.” She said with a light chuckle.

I laughed with her until an idea popped into my head. “Wait. That’s not such a bad idea.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Since we’re core class teachers, your students are my students. Why don’t we come up with a lesson plan to get the kids engaged in the library? Everyone wins.” I explained.

Y/n pouted her full, soft, luscious lips, thinking about my plan. She only pondered for a moment in time, but I completely lost myself in my imagination. I stared at her lips, wondering how they would feel against mine.

“That’s actually a brilliant idea! The book report can be their final exam. I always hated giving real tests at the end of the year. This way they can be creative and prove that they comprehended the material…” She went on, adding more detail to my original thought. “…Mark?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry, uh- yeah that’s what we should do.”

“Great! Let me just get my jacket.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m just grabbing my jacket before we head out. Do you want to take my car or drive separately?”

“…Where?” Wow, I spaced out hard.

“My place… To map out the lesson plan?"She finished with a question and I nodded, acting like I knew what she was saying.

"Oh, right. Um, I’ll just follow behind you. I need to grab a few things too.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you out front.” We walked out of her classroom together and I continued to my room.

I still couldn’t comprehend the fact that I’m about to go home with her… and I wasn’t even paying attention. I quickly packed up my bag, making sure to grab my books and rushed to the parking lot. Y/n stood next to her car, smiling when she saw me.

“I don’t live too far. It’ll be easy to just follow behind.” She said.

“Great! Lead the way.” She drove ahead of me, going at a moderate speed so I wouldn’t lose track of her.

When we arrived, I parked behind her car and took a moment to grip the fact that I was actually spending time with her outside of work. She got out, turning back to look at me. I quickly took my bag and scrambled out of the car.

“You’ll have to forgive the mess. We can just brainstorm in the office.” She said.

“Sure. That’s fine.” I followed her into her house, looking around at the furniture and decor. Everything in the house was a perfect reflection of her.

She led me to her home office, moving a chair for me to sit in. She unpacked her bag, taking out her laptop and a notebook.

“Okay. So, I was thinking we could do something with Mark Twain. He was an incredible writer and he had a good sense of humor so the kids will be more engaged.” She didn’t need to use Mark Twain’s sense of humor to keep anyone engaged. She could talk about beige paint drying all day and I’d hang on her every word.

“Yeah. I agree. And his novels came out in a really pivotal time in America.” I said.

She wrote down our ideas as we went along, taking in every detail. Her passion was so enticing. We went back and forth for a while, drafting the plan for our students. The more she wrote, the more curious I became. I scooted my chair toward her, getting a better look.

“Oh, wow. This will work great. Do you think they’ll go for it?” I asked.

“Yeah, it beats an exam.”

“True. I can see why you’re the favorite teacher.”

“Me? All everyone ever talks about is Mr.Tuan’s class. I’ve never seen a kid walk out of your classroom in a bad mood. You really are amazing.” She said, flattering me.

“I try my best.” I looked down at my lap, feeling a little bashful. I brought my eyes back up to her as her smile faded.

She looked at me with something I haven’t seen before. Her stare went from my eyes to my lips and my heartbeat quickened. Was this really about to happen? I watched her come closer in slow motion until her plush lips pressed to mine. I closed my eyes, savoring the taste of her sweet kiss. Just before I could touch her, she pulled away quickly.

“Oh, god. What I’m I doing? I’m so sorry, Mark.”

“N-no. No, don’t apologize. Please.” I cupped her cheeks, pulling her back in. She relaxed in my touch, letting all of the reget and self-doubt go.

I moved my hands down to her hips as she took a hold of the back of my neck. I brought her onto my lap to straddle me. I would do anything to keep living in this moment. Her kisses were so addictive. When she grinded down on my growing bulge, I thought I would explode. I took her bottom lip between my teeth, giving her a playful nibble, making her smile.

“Where’s your room?” I asked.

“Down the hall, first door on the right.” She said between kisses. I lifted her up, walking her to the bedroom.

Our lips didn’t part for a second. She clung to me tightly, moving her hands around my neck and shoulders. I laid her down on her bed, breaking our kiss and unbuttoned my shart as fast as I could. She unzipped the back of her skirt, pulling it off just like she did in my fantasies. She threw her top toward the laundry basket and I smiled. Even in a moment of passion, she sticks to her tidy demeanor.

I mounted on top of her gorgeous body, raised her legs and grinded down. She gripped my arms, looked me in the eyes and said, “No, Mark. No teasing. I want you now.”

“I’ve waited so long for you to say that.” I pulled down my boxers, freeing my hard shaft and giving it a few strokes before holding my tip against her warm slit.

I looked into her eyes and slowly thrusted into her. I was drunk on the feeling of her heat. She was so blissfully tight. I watched her expressions change from anxiousness to pure fulfillment. Her beauty was so overpowering, she looked like a work of art.

Y/n hooked his hand around my neck, pulling me closer. “Kiss me.” She ordered. I was in no position to refuse her. Our lips connected for a rough kiss, causing me to pick up the speed of my hips. She moaned into my mouth, digging her nails into my neck and arm. I broke away with a loud moan when she clenched around me. She bucked her hips, taking me deeper with each thrust.

“Oh, Mark. I’m so close!” She said, running out of breath.

I could feel the little beads of sweat accumulating on my forehead. WIth a few more sharp thrusts, Y/n screamed out, flexing around my cock as her intense orgasm washed over her. I came along with her, burying my face in her neck, smelling her delicious scent. Her moans softened in my ear as she came back down from her mighty climax. I kissed her collar bones and rolled off of her.

“That was…” I started.

“Worth the wait?” She suggested.

“Absolutely.” I pulled her leg around my hip, resting my hand around her waist. I looked down at her legs when I felt her dripping center on my hip. “…Is that what I think it is?”

She shrugged innocently, trying to play cute. “How bad do you wanna find out?” As if she even needed to ask.


Mark scenario – On my way

Requested by anon

Genre: smut, romance

This is for my dream 

This is for my love 

Every time I run 

I’m just moving on and on and on

My phone buzzed suddenly. I checked my messages only to find a missed call and voicemail from Mark.

“Hey, baby. sorry I missed you. I just got off the plane and thought I’d give you a call. I’m on my way home. Hopefully, you aren’t asleep.” I smiled to myself. He knows me too well. “Anyway. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes. I love you so much. Bye.”

He sounded completely exhausted. I’ve always told him he works way too hard sometimes. Whenever he calls, I have a sense of relief that he’s able to have some downtime. He and I have only lived together for a few months before he went on tour and during that time, he was putting in work for the tour. He’d be gone for hours on end and come home with enough energy to fall into bed.

When he got home tonight, I knew he’d be tired, so I didn’t go above and beyond. Just the essentials. I cleaned up around the house, lit a few candles to freshen the air and changed the sheets. My heartbeat quickened by the minute until I caught a glimpse of headlights through the front window. He’s home!

I unlocked the door and hurried upstairs to tease him a little. Who could resist? I stripped out of all my clothes, leaving my underwear on and tussled my hair a bit. The front door creaked open and I heard Mark’s sweet voice echo down the hall.

“Y/n? Baby?” He called.

I laid out on the bed, trying my best to look tantalizing. Mark opened the door, took a few steps in and froze when he saw me laying there half-naked. He dropped his bags in the middle of the floor and let his eyes explore each curve. I got up on my knees, coming closer to him and held out my hands.

“Welcome home, baby,” I said with a small smile.

Mark walked closer, holding my hands and looking over every inch of my body. I placed his hands on my waist, giving him the perfect opportunity to touch me wherever he desired. He started at my hips, moving lower while I cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for a steamy kiss. I snaked my arms around his shoulders, gasping when he gave my ass a squeeze. Mark trapped my bottom lip between his teeth with a devilish smirk and pulled me in for another passionate kiss. I pulled the jacket off of him, feeling his stiff muscles through his shirt.

“Mmm, Babe~ You’re all tense. I thought you said you wouldn’t strain yourself.” I said with a pout.

“Trust me, baby.” He said with a sigh. He lifted me off the bed and into his arms, proving his strength. “Daddy has plenty of strength. Besides. Everything I do is for you.” He laid me down on my back, climbing on top of me, kissing down my body. “I wanna provide for you…. and take care of you… and make you feel good.” He whispered between kisses. He pulled my panties down with his index finger, freeing his other hand to slowly stroke my slit.

“Oh… Daddy.” I whimpered.

He looked up at me from between my legs, smiling innocently before taking my clit into his mouth. I squirmed and clutched the sheets beneath me. Mark’s big hand pressed to my pelvis, holding me down while he pleasured me mercilessly.

“D-daddy, wait. Please.” I begged. I didn’t want to cum like this. As nice as it was to feel his lips on my body, I was in need of more. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. After five months apart, I just wanted to feel his long cock stretching my walls, claiming me as his.

Mark lifted his head, wiping his mouth of my juices and laying my legs on either side of him. He took his member into his hand, gently grazing his tip against my folds.

“Is this what you’ve wanted all this time?” He asked, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded frantically, wanting nothing more than for his to take that first trust. Mark lowered himself, his lips inches away from my face, he suddenly stopped massaging my entrance, then all at once, he slammed into me, forcing his entire cock into my tight heat. My mouth fell open with a long moan. All those nights I imagined him inside me instead of those sex toys or trying to please myself instead of feeling his rough fingers pumping in and out of me, none of it could amount to the real thing.

“This is why I do it, baby girl.” He said. “You’re all mine now, baby. And I’m all yours.”

I clenched around him, trying to hold in my sweet release. All the while I just brought him to the edge with me. Mark gripped my thighs, spreading them even more, taking me from a better angle. My back arched completely off the bed, I screamed out his name and we both came at the same time. The butterflies in my stomach turned into bursts of tingles all over my body, leaving me covered in goosebumps. Mark’s warm cum filled me while his soft moans rang through my ears.

We both laid there, catching our breath and bathing in the afterglow. Mark turned over, bringing me into his chest and kissing my forehead. I traced little patterns on his chest, tickling him with my tight touch. His mouth opened wide with a big yawn.

“I missed you so much, y/n.” He said, feeling drowsy.

“I missed you too. I’m so glad your back. Now you can relax… properly.” I teased.

Mark just smiled and held me close. “That’s why I do it.”


Xiumin drabble – Just keep swimming

Requested by anon

Genre: quick, cute, and sweet fluff 💙

Another day, another workout session with Minseok. If there was anyone in the world who can keep me motivated, it’s him. He knows I prefer going to the gym with someone so, he insists that we go together a few times a week. Today was like any other gym day, only I noticed a flyer for swimming lessons at the front desk.

“Swim lessons! I’ve always wanted to learn.” I turned to show Minseok, but he just chuckled.

“Y/n, that class is for kids. There’s a cartoon duck on it.” He said pointing at the paper.

“Well, could you teach me? The pool is open today.” I asked, walking with him to the locker room.

“Not today, babe. It’s arm day. Besides, neither of us packed a swimsuit” He reminded me.

With that, He kissed my forehead and went into the man’s room. I sighed to myself and headed back over to the desk. If he didn’t want to teach me, maybe I could get a professional to do it.

“Excuse me. Are there any swimming instructors for adults?” I asked the guy at the desk.

“Yeah, I’m actually one of the instructors. I’m John.” He extended his hand and I shook it before he went on. “Just send me an email and we can get some lessons scheduled. My earliest opening is tomorrow at three.” He handed me his card and I felt better already.

“Great. Thanks so much!’ I waved goodbye and headed to the locker room to get changed.

The next day Minseok said he would have dance practice all day, so I just went to the gym alone. For the first time in a while, I actually felt comfortable being there without someone, but it was probably because I knew I’d have, John, the instructor, with me.

From the start of my lesson, I tried to follow the pointers I was taught and keep my head above water. We were at it for almost an hour when I caught glimpse of a familiar face while I was floating on my back. I smiled when I saw Minseok up on the second floor, lifting weights until he realized who I was. He dropped the weight, barely missing his foot and rushed to the stairs.

"Uh-oh.” I stood up in the water, breaking away from the instructor’s grasp, and waited for Minseok to storm in.

“Y/n? What are you doing?” Minseok stomped over to the edge of the pool, crossing his arms and glared in fury at John.

“I’m learning to swim. You said you didn’t want to so I hired John.” I said, innocently. Minseok’s eyes narrowed, not quite buying my excuse.

“I’ll give you two a moment. Our hours was just about up anyway.” John excused himself and I swam to the edge of the pool.

“Are you mad?” I asked my boyfriend.

Minseok reached for my hand, helping me out of the pool. He grabbed a towel, placing it around my shoulders. “No, I’m not mad. I was just… Shocked. John was getting a little grabby.”

“He was keeping me from drowning,” I said with a laugh.

We walked back to the locker rooms, Minseok wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. “From now on, I will teach you to swim. We can come back to the pool once a week to do it.”

“Promise?” I asked holding out my pinky.

“I promise.” He replied, verifying our pinky swear.


JB scenario – Snowed in

Requested by @catou1305

Genre: angst, smut

Summary: After a heated argument about your living arrangements, JB thinks it a good time to let you have your space, but Mother Nature says differently.

We’ve been at this for hours. My lease ends in a few months and I asked the inevitable question: “Should we just find a place together?” then JB got all weirded out.

“Just tell me now, are you committed to me?”

“Yes, of course, I am. Y/n, I love you more than anything. I just don’t think we should rush into living together.” He said.

“Jae, I am about to enter a year-long lease with this place. You and I have been together for almost three years. What are you afraid of?”

JB thought to himself for a moment, trying to come up with a way to express his thoughts. I took a deep breath and gave up. There was no point in changing his mind about this. I just thought we were ready for the next step.

“Baby, please don’t be mad. I just think we should both have our own space for a while.” His words send a shock through my system. Space?! He wants space?

“Maybe you should just go. You win, alright. I’ll just stay in this apartment alone and you can do the same.” I crossed my arms, shutting off all communication, but it wasn’t over just yet.

“Y/n. I don’t want to leave you like this. I can tell you’re still mad. You and I will stay right here until we figure this out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out. Just go. You got your wish. I’ll give you space.” I hissed.

JBs expression went from guilty to outright irritated. “You know that’s not what I meant. That just gives me even more reason to stay right here with you.”

“Funny how you want to stay here when things are ugly, yet you can’t even stomach the thought of living with me full-time.”

“Y/n, will you stop with this. Fine! I will live with you. Are you happy?”

“No. I want you to want this. I’m not about to keep you here against your will.”

It was clear that there was no good ending to this argument. At least not today. JB sat across from me, pulling out his phone when he received an alert.

“Oh, shit.” He muttered.

“What?” I asked.

“Looks like I’m going to be here a while. The snowstorm rolled in early.” He got up, walked over to the windows to check outside.

The moment he opened the shades, my eyes went wide. It was a complete whiteout! Nothing but falling snow as far as the eye can see. I stood next to JB watching his car get pummeled in the snow.

“That’s just great.” He walked away from the window, laid out on my couch and turned on the TV.

“How long will this last?” I asked him.

“Not sure. The alert said a day or two. I’ll just stay on the couch tonight.” He fluffed a pillow, placing it under his head and draped a blanket over himself.

I knew he was mad, but damn it if he didn’t look cute all snuggled up. Normally I would invite myself into his arms, but odds are he wouldn’t even let me in after what I said. I just walked back to my spot on the chair, curling up and watching him surf through channels.

“So what now?” I asked him.

“You’re looking at it.” He snapped back.

“Jae, you’re not being very fair. That blanket is yours. You bought it last year at the store down the street but you forget to take it home with you so you just kept it here. That shirt you’re wearing has been in my closet for six months before you finally took it with you after your last overnight stay. A third of the things in here are technically yours. I know it for a fact that a lot of my things are at your place too. Including my backup toothbrush and extra clothes.” JB wouldn’t look me in the eye, but I knew he was listening. After a brief pause, he turned off the TV and sat up to look me in the eye. “We’re pretty much already living together, we’ve just never made it official in one place.” I finished.

It was a lot to process, but he knew I was right. He took a look around my apartment, taking notice off all the things that were actually his.

“I guess you’re right, but I just don’t know.” He said rubbing his neck.

“Well, why don’t we turn this snow storm into a test. I have plenty of food to last the whole weekend and then some. We’re gonna stay right here for two days and by the end of it, if we decide we shouldn’t live together, then that’ll be that.” I extended my hand for him to shake in order to seal the deal. He hesitated but still took my hand, shaking it firmly before laying back down.

He looked over at me with his soft brown eyes and opened his arms for me to lay with him. I smiled at his cuteness and accepted. He wrapped me in a warm embrace, covering us both with the blanket and nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I grabbed the remote, turning the TV back on and we decided on a movie.

The tension quickly faded and everything went back to normal. JB and I got a little hungry after a couple of hours and cooked up some dinner together.  We soon forgot about the weather outside and enjoyed each other’s company. But I needed to do more. I had to prove to him that living together would be the perfect set up.

“Ooh! I wish we had those nice cups from the china shop we went to.” I whined.

“They’re at my place…” He said, not catching on to my mind game.

“That’s alright, we can use mine. Could you hand me the oregano?” I asked, knowing full well it wasn’t there.

“I don’t see it.” He said, looking around my spice cabinet.

“I could have sworn I bought some the last time we had spaghetti.”

“Oh, I think it’s at my-… What are you doing?” Uh-oh. He caught me.

“What am I doing?” I questioned innocently.

“You’re tricking me into just moving the rest of my stuff over here, that won’t work, Y/n.”

“Relax. I just asked you two questions. The fact that those things just happen to be at your apartment is out of my control.” I said with a shrug.

“…Okay. No more traps though.” He warned.


We finished making dinner and sat at the table, making small talk and occasionally looking out the window. The weather went from bad to worse quickly. With just a flicker of the lights, the power went out. I looked to JB in a panic.

“Oh, god.” I murmured.

Before JB could say anything, I jumped up and headed right for my fireplace. We’re technically not supposed to use anything but gas, but desperate times call for desperate measures. JB came right over with a lighter and a scrap of paper to get things started and I laid down a couple of logs to keep us warm. JB started the fire and I grabbed some candles and flashlights to brighten the rest of the room.

“It’s worse than I thought,” JB said.

“It’s okay though. We already ate and there plenty of snacks that don’t need to be cooked for tomorrow.” I tried to reassure him, earning a little smile.

“No worries, love. We’ll just continue in the dark.” He took my hand, guiding me to the kitchen and lit a few more candles.

We both started on the dishes, thankfully the pipes were still working fine. I was nearly finished on the last plate when I felt JB’s body heat on my back. Normally washing dishes by candlelight isn’t the most romantic thing ever, but with JB’s hands on my waist, my mind travels to a whole other dimension. A place where there are no arguments or disagreements of any kind. Just the two of us in perfect harmony.

I set the plate on the drying rack and leaned back, letting his touch take over. His soft lips kissed along my neck, stopping for a few nibbles along the way. His arms coiled around my waist, making me walk backward with him through the living room and to my bedroom.

“Is sex the first thing on your mind after washing dishes?” I asked him flirtatiously.

He just shrugged and turned me around to face him. “I’m a creature of habit.”

He laid me down on my bed, pulling my pants down which caused me to instantly shiver from the cold. JB covered me up in the blankets to get rid of the rest of my clothes on my own while he stripped down himself. He joined me under the covers, kissing me deeply and letting his hands roam all over my body.

“Mmm~ You’re so warm.” I purred.

“I can’t get enough of you, baby.” His hot kisses moved down my shoulders, covering my skin with his love.

I spread my legs a little more, reaching down to massage his tip against my wetness. JB’s mouth opened just a bit, holding back a moan. Involuntarily, I bucked my hips, trying to take him inside me. He smirked at me and squeezed my thigh. I needed to feel his thrusts, slow, rough, never-ending. He had me drenched and ready. I cupped his face with my free hand, whispering “please” before feeling his tip push past my folds.

My hand came around to his hips, slowly pulling him in closer as he pushed his member deeper inside me. His eyes closed as the base of his cock met my pelvis. I moaned at the feeling of him pulling back out only to thrust back into me. His skin was burning with desire, warming me up faster than I thought possible.

“Faster.” I moaned.

His rhythm quickened, satisfying my every need. I latched onto him while he rode me closer and closer to the edge. His strong muscles flexed beneath my palms. I dug my nails into his back, allowing my sweet release to fully take control of me.

“Don’t stop.” I clenched around his manhood, milking every last drop of his warm cum.

JB grunted and groaned as we finished our orgasms. Our sweaty bodies piled together, cooling down for a while. I kissed his temple and he rolled over onto his side of my bed.

“We’ll have to do this lights out thing at your place sometime,” I said.

“No need. I’m moving in.” He said casually.

I jumped out of the afterglow and into what must be a dream. “Wait, what?”

“I’m moving in.” He repeated, looking me deep in the eyes. “Think about it. Just a few hours ago we had a fight, usually one of us would leave to cool off, but this time we were bound together and here we are, closer than ever.” He took my hand, smiling at me.

“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me!” I climbed on top of him, bringing him in for a hug.

He kissed the top of my head and held me close. “I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

Maybe the storm wasn’t so bad after all…


Sehun scenario – All mine

Requested by anon

Genre: angst, smut, jealousy

Summary: The one thing Sehun hates, is when you forget who you belong to. And of course, when you act like a bad girl, you get punished like one.

Warnings: Spanking

It’s so great to get out of the house and spend some time with Sehun. Seeing him cut loose every now and again is really refreshing. Most of the time he just wants to stay at home all day and do nothing, but tonight I convinced him to go out with me.

“Alright Y/n. I only wanna spend an hour here… maximum.” If only I haven’t heard those words before, I’d believe him. He always starts off all reserved, but he just needs a few drinks in him.

“Okay. I promise.”

We pulled up to the club, parking the car and making our way inside. The second Sehun saw the ratio between men and women, his hand was glued to my waist. He glared at any man who dared to look at me. Without stopping, we went straight to the bar. Sehun ordered for both of us and we had a little toast.

“To fun Hunnie~,” I said with a smile.

After a few rounds, Sehun excused himself. He headed to the bathroom and I checked my makeup on my phone. I felt a warm presence behind me and smiled. Sehun and his antics.

“Hey. Is this seat taken?” A man said from behind. I turned around and saw him pointing to the stool on the other side of me.

“Oh no, that one isn’t, but this one is,” I said patting Sehun’s seat.

“Fair enough. I assume you’re not alone then.” He said, making conversation.

“Uh- yeah, he just stepped away for a second,” I explained.

“I’m surprised he could leave you here alone. That dress is stunning.” Granted he was charming, but I couldn’t show any interest.

“Thank you, but I’m actually seeing someone… exclusively,” I admitted. He was slightly taken back but still nodded in understanding.

“Message received. It was still nice to meet you…” He extended his hand for a friendly shake and I accepted.

“Y/n,” I said.

“Y/n, it’s a pleasure.” The moment he let go of my hand I watched him as his gaze moved from my eyes and up and over my head.

“I’ll bet it is.” I turned around in my seat to see Sehun shooting an icy stare at the guy next to me.

“Oh, Sehun. This is-”

“Irrelevant. Let’s go.” He grabbed my waist, practically lifting me off the stool and storming out with me glued to his side.

“Sehun! What the hell?” I broke away from him when we made it to the parking lot and he just gave me the silent treatment. “Really? You’re ignoring me after that stunt you pulled.” I got in the car myself and he slammed the driver’s side door, turning his attention to me with a puzzled look.

I pulled a stunt? What about you? That guy was undressing you with his eyes.” He threw the car into gear and sped off into the night.

“He was not looking at me any type of way, you are so dramatic.” I crossed my arms, giving up on any chance of having a decent conversation.

As soon as we got home, Sehun charged inside, leaving me to follow after him. I was just about to confront him when he hurried upstairs. I quickly rushed to our bedroom, knowing it would be the first place he would go. I heard the door slam shut as I made my way down the hall and there he was. I opened the door to find him nearly tearing his clothes off and tossing them in the laundry basket.

“Sehun… Can we talk about what happened?” I watched him pace back and forth while changing out of his club clothes. “I told him I was taken and he completely understood. When you came over he was just shaking my hand.”

“You don’t get it. He wanted what was mine.” He said, standing in front of me half naked.

“What’s yours? You’re really that territorial?”

He stepped toward me, staring me down. “You… Are mine. And I am yours. Period.” He stopped inches away from my face, taunting me with his bright pink lips. He knows I can’t resist his kisses.

“Y-you didn’t have to drag me out of there though,” I said in a timid voice. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips! I wanted to feel them all over me. He was so sexy when he was mad, and I was clearly falling apart at the seams. I wanted to kiss him so badly, it hurt.

“Yeah. I know you’re not the type to be… submissive. Oh, wait.” He gripped my hips, pushing me against the door. “You are.”

Without warning, Sehun stepped away, leaving me weak. He sat on the bed and looked at me with mischief in his eyes. He waved his finger at me, gesturing for me to come over and join him. I walked up to the bed, resting my hand on his shoulders, but before I could straddle him, he bent me over his lap, lifted my dress to expose my ass and pulled my hands behind my back with one hand.

“Such a bad little girl.” His hand came down with a loud smack. I bit my lip, stopping myself from moaning as he continued. “So naive.”

“I’m sorry, daddy. It won’t ever happen again.”
I know it won’t because my baby is about to learn just who she belongs to.“ He spanked me a few more times, squeezing my ass when he finished my punishment. He let go of my wrists, letting me stand up on my own, but not before he pulled my panties down, around my ankles. I stepped out of them and turned my back toward him, looking at him over my shoulder until he got the hint and unzipped my dress.

I stepped out of the pool of clothes and was finally able to straddle him. I grinded down on his lap, soaking his underwear with my wetness. He didn’t hesitate to take them off and roll me over onto my back. He lined himself up at my entrance and glided into my slick heat.

"Oh~ So warm, baby. And so tight.” He moved in and out, moaning my name while I kissed his neck and chest. “Who’s the only man who gets to feel your wet little pussy?”

“You, daddy. Only you.”

“That’s my girl.”

My hands moved across his shoulder blades and down his back while he thrusted into me. I dug my nails in just as his manhood touched my g-spot. I pressed my forehead to his chest, clenching my walls around him. His length pushed deeper inside of me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. My head was thrown back and my stomach was like a butterfly sanctuary. I could feel the tingles rush over me, but I resisted my climax until he was nearly there.

“Fuck, I’m close baby. Cum with me. NOW!” He demanded.

He pounded into me, letting a flow of profanities spill out of his mouth. I clawed at his back, my eyes rolled up and I completely came undone. Sehun’s member softened inside of me as he pulled out. I collapsed beside me, taking a few breaths before propping himself up on his arm.

“Now. What has my baby learned?”

“Don’t talk to strangers?” I guessed.


“Because I belong to you, daddy.” I cuddled into his chest, hoping my innocence could persuade him to not be mad anymore.

He kissed my nose and held me close, relaxing into the sheets. “Good girl.”


Chanyeol scenario – Boss’s orders


requested by anon

A/N: this was supposed to be a oneshot (smut story under 700 words) but Chanyeol is my ult. bias and I was triggered

Genre: smut, angst

Summary: Although your relationship with your boss, Chanyeol is a secret, he won’t hesitate to punish you in the middle of the workday.

“Hey, Y/n!” One of my coworkers said, coming up to me with a smile.

“Oh, hey Kevin,” I replied. He sat on the edge of my desk and continued, “A bunch of us were gonna go out for ‘happy hour’ and kick off the weekend if you wanna join?”

“I can’t. Mr.Park has a retreat next week and he needs me to stay late with him.” I explained.

“Are you sure?  Half price drinks; I’ll even buy the first round.” He added.

I just shrugged my shoulders and declined. “Maybe another time, Kev.”

“Okay. Well, are you busy for the rest of the weekend?” He asked.

“Well…” I tried to think up an excuse, but a husky voice came to the rescue.

“Y/n! Come in here please.” Mr.Park called.

I stood up and Kevin made himself scarce. I turned to walk into his office and he gestured for me to close the door.

“You called for m-”

“What is Kevin doing?” He interrupted, not even bothering to look up from his computer.

“Oh, um… Nothing. He was just fooling around.” I tried to be as honest as possible without making him jealous. My plan quickly backfired when, in a single blink, he switched his focus from his work to me.

“Nothing?” He asked with an unconvinced glare.

“Chanyeol,” I warned.

He stood up from his desk, walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips. “It sounded to me like he wanted what’s mine.”  He leaned toward my ear, kissing the soft spot just below the lobe. His hot breath was enough to make me soak through my panties. I let out a soft moan and he pinched the side of my ass. “Shhh, princess. It’s not the end of the day yet. Which reminds me.”

Chanyeol pulled away from me, walked back to his desk and left me in awe. I just stood there motionless, taking in what just happened. He logged back into his computer and returned to what he was working on.

“You’re just gonna leave me like this?”

“Frustrating. Isn’t it?” He said, again not making eye contact.

I turned my heal and walked out of his office. The second I sat down I could feel my clit throbbing. I pressed my thighs together and bit my lip. There is no way I’ll get anything done like this. I was checking the clock every five minutes until finally, the work day was over. Everyone packed up their things and headed for the door. Kevin strode past my desk sending me a wink and left.

As soon as everyone was out the door. I stood up, took a look around and went right back into Chanyeol’s office. He was in the exact position that I left him in, staring at his screen with no emotion. He didn’t even notice me. I strolled around his desk, came up behind him and rested my hands on his shoulders.

“What are you doing?” He asked, eyes locked on his work.

“It’s after hours.” I kissed his temple, running my hands down his firm chest. “I think you owe me an apology by the way.”

“And why is that?” He said, typing somethng onto a document.

That’s it. I pulled his chair away from the desk, spinning him around to look at me. I straddled his hips causing my work skirt to start rolling up. His eyes went straight to my barely covered panties and his smirk started growing.

“First of all, my eyes are up here.” I lifted his chin, forcing him to actually look at me. “Secondly, leaving me all hot and bothered isn’t very nice.”

His hands stroked up and down my sides, untucking my shirt. “It’s not very nice to lead someone on either.”

“Who did I lead on?”

“I heard you talking to Kevin, Y/n. You never actually said the word no. You just… skirted around the issue and let him think he had a chance.” His hands moved to my thighs, raising the hem of my skirt even higher, uncovering my ass.

“Baby, if I told him I had a boyfriend, he’d want to know who and I’d have to lie, and you of all people know I’m a bad liar.” I locked my arms around his shoulders, combing through the little hairs on the back of his head.

“Hmm~” He hummed, relaxing into my touch. His eyes fluttered shut, he relaxed his lips and he tilted his head back.

I took the opportunity to give him a few little kisses on his neck, working my way up to his plush pink lips. His hold on my hips tightened, bringing me in as close as he could. Our chests pressed together, making him moan. I lifted my head up, brushing our noses together before I crashed my lips into his.

My hand held the back of his head, moving it to the side to deepen the kiss. He slipped his hands under my top, unhooking my bra. I finished the job for him and pulled my shirt and bra off, tossing it aside and returning to his lips. His hands came around to my front, cupping my breasts. He looked down at them, breaking the kiss and wrapping his lips around my nipple, sucking gently.

Leaning back, I gave him full access to my chest while my fingers played in his soft hair. He lifted me up, holding me against him until he placed me on his desk. He knocked the paperwork and picture frames out of the way and had me lay flat on my back. I watched as he undid his pants, freeing his rock hard erection. I opened my legs wider, readying myself for him.

He hovered above me, pausing when he remembered my panties were still in the way. With one movement, he ripped them off of me, tearing the lace.

“Hey! That was my favorite set you just ruined.” I scolded.

He gave me a devilish smirk in return and said, “I bought you those, I can buy you  new ones.”

He lined himself up at my entrance and before I could get a word out, he thrusted his entire length into me eagerly. I gasped, arching my back. My nails dug into his biceps as he moved in and out of me roughly.

“just like that, babygirl. Take it.” His chest rose and fell with each short breath. “This is what you wanted all day? To come into my office, have me lay you down and pound into you till you scream!”

“Chanyeol! Oh god!” I clenched around him, making my walls even tighter as I approached my orgasm. “I’m so close.”

Chanyeol lifted my legs a little higher, finding the perfect angle, slapping our hips together. My mouth fell open and I came undone. Shivers rushed up my spine when I heard Chanyeol growl and groan through his climax.

I relaxed onto his desk, coming back down from a stimulating high. As soon as we caught our breath Chanyeol stood up, stuffing his soft member into his pants and zipping them up. He looked down at my half-naked body with a smirk and gave me a hand, lifting me off the desk. I straightened my skirt and put my bra and shirt back on. When went to pick up my torn panties Chanyeol intercepted me, taking them for himself and putting them in his pocket.

“Stay with me tonight.” He requested while pulling me into his strong arms. “You and I have a few more… matters to tend to.”


Jungkook scenario – Friends to lovers


Requested by anon

Featuring Yugyeom of GOT7 (#97 liners!)

Genre:high school!au, romance, fluff, and a pinch of angst

Summary: A lot of things can change during your senior year of high school. There are a lot of great moments that come to an end, but for you and Jungkook, it’s just the beginning.

New year, new grade, same people. But going into my senior year was actually something I was excited for. Over the summer, things changed for me in my personal life, great things. My best friend, Jungkook and I practically spent the entire vacation together. We stayed up late, hung out at each other’s houses, and went on random road trips for the fun of it.

Usually, we would spend the summer apart for camp or family holidays but this time it was different. The last week before school started was amazing! He picked me up for what I thought was a movie night, but we ended up at the lake. We snuck in after park hours and went swimming under the stars. We’ve never been closer.

I got up this morning, chose my first-day outfit and headed to the kitchen. I hesitated when I saw a full breakfast on the table waiting for me.

“Mom, what’s all this?” I asked

“It’s your first day of senior year. I had to make you something special. No cereal today.” She pulled out my chair for me and I happily sat down. “So, are you excited to see your boyfriend at school?”

“What boyfriend?” How random. I had no idea who she was talking about.

“Jungkook of course. You don’t have to keep it a secret. I’d always been rooting for you two.”

“No no no. There is no ‘us two’. We’re still just friends.”

My mom paused and raised an eyebrow at me. “Honey, friends don’t look at friends the way you look at each other. A blind person can see it.”

“It’s true. We’re just friends.”

“Alright. Well, finish your food. Your friend will be here soon to take you to school… Like a gentleman…” She said mumbling the last part. I instantly got annoyed and ate quickly. 

Soon enough, I heard Junkook’s car honking and jumped up from my seat. I grabbed my backpack, rushing past my dad and waving goodbye. “Bye! Love you!” I walked out the door, smiling the moment I saw Jungkook pressing both hands on the horn.

“Let’s gooooo!!!!” He hollered.

I hopped into the passenger seat and slapped his arm. He giggled a me and  pulled out of the driveway, cruising down the street.

“I can’t believe we’re seniors,” I said.

“I honestly wish summer would have lasted a little longer.” He replied. I instantly flashed back to what my mom said. Jungkook turned to look at me. “What is it?”

“Huh?” I asked snapping out of my thoughts.

“You got all quiet.”

“Oh. I was just thinking.” I only gave half the truth, fearing the worst. He just changed the subject and went on about the classes he was taking for the first semester.

“What about you? Hopefully, we’re in the same classes.”

I tuned back into the conversation late and just said, “which one?”

“You tell me. What’s your schedule?”

“Oh, I have to check again.” I pulled out my phone, looking at the list of classes. “First period… Science.”

“Same! Thank god. We have to make sure we choose lockers next to each other though.”

“Sure, Kookie,” I said with a laugh. My mom’s comment kept coming back. I couldn’t take it anymore, I just had to hear it from him. “Oh! My mom said something crazy.”

“Again?” He said jokingly.

“She thought you and me were, like, a thing.”

“What? How?"The goofy look of confusion was all the confirmation I needed.

"Because we’ve been hanging out so much. She just doesn’t get it.” We both laughed it off and pulled up to the school.

We took a deep breath and looked at each other. Something happened. His ordinary brown eyes had a sparkle in them that made my heart race. The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile and I did the same out of habit.

“Ready for this?” He asked.

“…Yeah.” What is wrong with me? I seriously wanted to kiss him. His bright pink lips were calling for me, but now what? He clearly doesn’t see me that way.

We walked through the front doors and Jungkook and I parted ways for homeroom, but as always, we just pulled out our phones and texted back and forth.

“Welcome back everyone! You’re officially seniors!” My teacher’s perkiness was already getting to me. “Here are the printouts for your schedules. The front office will be open for walk-ins if you need to make adjustments.”

I took a picture of my schedule and sent it to Jungkook. In seconds he replied.

Kookie: YES 4 out of 8 classes together! New record!

Y/n: Where’s your locker?

Kookie: 656 right across from the good bathroom. You?

Y/n: Not sure yet. I’ll make sure to get the one next to you though.

“Alright, let’s head out to the hall and assign lockers.” The teacher lead everyone into the hallway and I headed straight for the bathrooms.

“"659, 658, 657. Perfect. I want his one!” The teacher came over and gave me the combination. I texted Jongkook back and homeroom was dismissed.

We met up on the way to the first period, stopping by our new lockers. He unloaded some of the notebooks that he didn’t need yet while I just waited on him. I know it’s dumb to keep thinking about what my mom said, but when he told me that we were just friends, I felt a little hurt. Out of nowhere, I was knocked into Jungkook by someone who must have thought I was invisible.

“Hey!” I shouted.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t even see you.” A guy said. I looked up to see it was none other than Kim Yugyeom. Last year, I had the biggest crush on him, that is until he started dating the snobby girl on the track team. No good guy would want a girl like her.

“It’s alright.”

“Hey, Yugyeom! How’s you and… uh… your girlfriend?” Jungkook asked, clearly forgetting her name.

“We broke up over the summer. She got really annoying, plus she hated all my friends so I ended it.” Yugyeom explained.

“Sorry to hear that,” I said.

“It’s alright. I know the right girl is out there. See you around.” He reached out, giving my arm a little touch as he walked away and my cheeks got red.

“Wait a minute… Do you still like him?” Jungkook asked.

“No. I told you no guy in their right mind goes out with that snob.”

“They broke up.”

“But it still happened!” I argued.

“But you’re still blushing!” He shot back with a smirk.

“Because It’s hot in here! UGH! Let’s go. I don’t want to be late.” I linked our arms together and he slammed his locker shut.

We headed straight for our first-period class and the second we walked through the door, I knew Jungkook’s teasing was just beginning. I made direct eye contact with Yugyeom. His goodbye was clearly premature.

“Ooooo~” Jungkook cooed.

“Shut up.” I hissed with a pinch. We both sat down by Yugyeom. Of course, Jungkook made sure I sat at the table next to him, but Yugyeom was still right across the aisle from me.

Class started and I already got bored. That is until I felt a pair of eyes on me. My cheeks started burning again and I spotted Yugyeom gazing at me from the corner of my eye. I looked over at him and smiled politely and he did the same. Since it was the first day, we just went over the class requirements and material then the bell rang for second period.

Jungkook and I split up since we wouldn’t be able to see each other until lunch. I went to my locker to switch out my books and a little note fell out of one of the open pockets. I picked it up from off the ground and read it to myself.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Chocolate is sweet
And so are you

“Chocolate?” I asked myself, but when I checked the pocket again I pulled out a little Hershey kiss. I looked at the note again to see who it was but there wasn’t a name. I smiled at the little candy and helped myself before going to class.

Once again, I returned to my locker before third period, but I noticed there was no note in my bag on the way. I opened the locker and out came a piece of paper. I picked it up and read the message.

I liked out little talk this morning, maybe we can finish it later?

My heart pounded in my chest. It was Yugyeom! Does he really like me? I folded the note and put it back in my locker. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling on my way to my next class. Maybe my crush wasn’t gone after all, but what about Jungkook?

Throughout the rest of the morning, I’d go to my locker between classes and every time, I’d receive a little note.

When lunchtime came around, I hurried to the cafeteria, looking for Junkook. I went through the line, turning around constantly, trying to spot him. I was relieved to see a boy with brown hair and a bunny smile looking back at me. I rushed over to him, eager to show him what I’ve found.

“Kookie! You’re never gonna believe what happened.” I said sitting down across from him.


“I have a secret admirer!” I pulled out the notes and showed him. “there were stuffed in the little slot in my locker.”

“Do you know who it is?” He asked.

“I think it might be-”

“Hey! Is this seat taken?” Yugyeom came over to our table and pointed to an open spot.

“Nope. Go ahead.” Jungkook welcomed.

I looked at  Jungkook with wide eyes, trying not to be too obvious with Yugyeom beside me. I mouthed the words ‘It’s him’ and tilted my head. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused by what I was trying to say.

“What are these?” Yugyeom looked at the notes scattered on the table and almost took one when I quickly gathered them up and shoved them into my bag.

“Nothing. They’re nothing. Just some notes I was passing in class earlier.” I lied.

“Oh, okay. I was about to get some juice. Do you guys want anything?” He offered.

“I can go for some juice. Y/n?” Jungkook asked.

“Sure. Me too, please.”

“Be right back.” Yugyeom got up from the table and I snapped back into detective mode.

“One of the notes said that he wanted to finish a conversation we had this morning. Yugyeom mentioned that he broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to be with the ‘right girl’. What if it’s me?” I asked

“There’s only one way to find out. You have to talk to your admirer.” Jungkook made a lot of sense. I can’t know unless I meet him in private.

“Your right. Maybe I can drop a hint that I’ll be by the bleachers after school.”

“What’s happening after school?” Yugyeom appeared out of thin air and sat down.

“Oh, uh… I’m meeting a friend. By the bleachers. The one I was passing notes too.” I hinted. If Yugyeom was really the admirer, it would be pretty obvious. We finished lunch and then it was off to the next period.

Jungkook was oddly distant after that. We had all of the same classes but he barely spoke to me let alone anyone else. There was something on his mind, but if he wasn’t even able to tell me, his best friend, it must be really bad. After several attempts to get him to say more than three words, I just let him have his space. I knew he would come around at some point.

The school day came to an end, but I was still determined to both get Jungkook talking again and to find out who my admirer is. I went back to my locker, but there were no more notes. Maybe this was a mistake.  I should probably just wait it out. I came back to my locker to pack up my things and sure enough, Jungkook walked over.

“Hey.” He said.

I was a little shocked that he spoke first. “H-hey.”

“Need a ride home?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Part of me wants to know who is giving me these notes, but… I don’t know…” I thought to myself and came to a decision. “Tell you what. I’ll still go by the bleachers and if no one shows up in ten minutes, We’ll leave.”

“Sounds fair. Good luck.” He said with a small nod.

I walked to the back of the school, walking out to the football field and stood behind the bleachers. I looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone coming, but no one did. I checked my phone and saw that five minutes had passed. I let out a sigh and looked around again. I spotted Jungkook walking over, lokking a little nervous.

“Kookie, I said ten minutes.”

“I heard you.” He retorted.

He stopped under a foot away from me. His mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. I noticed a slip of paper in his hands and nearly cried. He took my hand, placing a note in my palm and let go. I read the final message in awe.

I chose to be your friend, but falling in love with you was out of my control ♡

“Jungkook…” I felt stunned and guilty all at once. Throughout the entire day, he’s been watching me assume his notes were from another guy, but he was just trying to confess.

“I know you were expecting Yugyeom, but I can’t act like you’re just my friend anymore.” His voice cracked as well as my heart.

I shook my head at him and threw my arms around him. He held me tight, unloading all his love. After a few minutes, we broke away. He held both my hands in his, smiling weakly as he stared at the ground. He looked up at me and his smile grew.

“Do you still need a ride?” He asked.

I laughed at him and pushed him away playfully. He came right back, slinging his arm around my shoulders and walking me to his car. I held his waist, strolling alongside him and tilted my head to rest on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head but I wanted more. I turned to face him and planted my lips on his. It was only for a second, but the butterflies remained in my stomach. I suppose that’s the side effect of true loves kiss.


Suga scenario – Try again


Requested by anon

Genre: angst, fluff, his POV

Summary: You and Yoongi have been on again and off again for years, long before your eight-year-old daughter was even born. Now the unavoidable question is about to be asked,’Where does your relationship stand?’

Children are observant creatures. They don’t know complex relationships, they just know who’s together and who isn’t. The same goes for my little girl. She only knows that her mom and I aren’t together right now, but she can’t understand why.

During our daughter’s birthday parties, she and I would both be there for her, but when the other parents came to drop their kids off, they’d come as a true mom and dad, not just two people that were on again off again.

I met Y/n years ago. We hit it off really well, but then we hit a rough patch and broke up. We decided that if we met up again the next year, we’d give it another try, which we did, but it still didn’t feel right. We broke up for the second time and agreed that we should just wait for the right person. That pact didn’t last long of course, because the day we were both invited to the same wedding, we were reminded of why we got back together in the first place.

We were great together, we just didn’t see things in the right perspective. Y/n was sure that fate wanted us to be together, yet I still wasn’t so sure. I trusted her instinct anyway and we fell back into each other’s arms. That time I was sure we would make it, and then, one day, she had some news that would change our relationship forever.

“Hey, jagi. I’m home.” I walked over to give her a kiss and she smiled. When I pulled away I saw the redness around her eyes and realized she was crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Yoongi, do you love me?” She asked.

“Of course I do, why would you ask that?”

“Because…” She struggled to get the words out, but after seeing her mind start racing, I knew it could only be one thing.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yeah.” She burst into tears, her hands covered her face in shame. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry for what? You said the last time we broke up, it was because we couldn’t commit. Well, now I’m telling you that I’m not going anywhere.” I lifted her chin and tried to get her to look at me. “I know you’re scared about this, but this happened for a reason. As long as we have this baby, we’re going to be okay. I’m here for you.”

And I was there for her. We were side by side through the pregnancy and we both raised her for the first year just fine. But then we started thinking about the next step. She thought I only wanted to marry her because of the baby and honestly she was somewhat right. I wanted to get married and have kids, but things change. We had a kid, and then the talk of marriage just went off the rails.

We broke it off for the last time and swore that we would only do right by our daughter. She grew up with her mom and dad under different roofs. Y/n and I worked out the custody and decided on exactly half and half.  I’d have her one week and Y/n would have her the other. Everything was going great until our little girl started to ask about us.

It was the day I picked her up from school. It looked like something was bothering her while we were having dinner and I asked what was wrong.

“My friends always have their moms and dads pick them up and I don’t.” She said with a pout.

“I’m sorry, baby, but your mom and I aren’t married.”

“When are you getting married?” She asked. I had no idea what to say. I could never lie to her, still, she’s too young to know the truth.

“Maybe someday. just not any time soon.” I can’t get her hopes up too high.

Of course, I love Y/n. She’s the mother of my child and the girl I saw my life with. There is just never a good time to be together. At first, we were too immature and couldn’t commit, then we were mature, but couldn’t agree to get married.

When we finished our meal and I tucked my daughter into bed, I still carried the thought of what might have been. What if Y/n and I just go where ever the relationship takes us. We only ran into problems when we think about marriage and commitment, but what if we just stayed exclusive? Y/n and I are great when we are just dating and carefree. Why did we rush? It only caused problems.

In a matter of hours, I made up my mind. I called Y/n and asked if she could meet me at my place. It was a little late at night, but since our daughter was asleep, we just had to stay quiet.

She texted me, saying she was outside rather than knocking and I answered the door.

“Hey, is everything alright?” She asked.

“Yeah. Everything is good. I just wanted to talk.” I invited her in and she sat down on my couch. “Y/n… I love you.”

“I love you too, Yoongi.” She said casually.

“No. I mean, Every time I think of my future, I see y/d/n and you with me.” I took her hands in mine before continuing. “We always argued about being together and putting labels on things, but it’s not what we really want. All I know right now is that I want my little girl to grow up with both of us on the same team. And most of all, I want to be with you.”

She looked at our hands and nodded. “I know you do. and I do too, but what about years from now? We can’t stay romantically involved for very long. How are we going to last.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t, but if history shows us anything, it’s that we are right for each other. We can take it slow this time.”

“You said that last time.” She disputed.

“It worked,” I said.

She laughed at my comment and said, “You wanna tell that to the little girl sleeping int he other room?”

“Y/n, just listen. We took it slow last time and we were together three months before you got pregnant, all through the pregnancy, and a year after that. I call that working. We only broke up because everyone asked where our relationship was going from there and we got nervous.”

“So where do you want us to go?” She asked. “If you say the bedroom I’ll be pissed.”

Her joke made me smile and I shrugged at her previous question. “We can just have dinner tomorrow if you’d like and talk about this more in detail.”

“And what if people ask about us?”

“We can tell them we’re dating. If things go well after that we can just cross that road when we get to it.” I told her. “Is that fair?”

“Yeah. I’d like that.” She said with a nod.

“Could I sneak in to give y/d/n a kiss goodnight?” She asked.

“Of course. First door on the right.”

I watched her walk down the hall and slowly open the door to our daughter’s room. I smiled to myself while she went in, knowing that we were finally going to try this for real. No stresses or labels, just the two of us and our little girl. When Y/n came back out, I showed her to the door. She hesitated before leaving and turned around to give me a hug, goodbye.

“Thanks for calling.” She said.

“No problem.” I pulled away and she left.

It’s still true that kids don’t save relationships, but if it’s really meant to be, they can certainly put things into perspective.


Take my hand – Mark ending



Previously: “Y/N!!” I looked up to see seven hands reaching toward me. I had to think fast. Who should I choose?

The man with a chainsaw stomped up to us and I screamed bloody murder. Mark pushed him away from me, getting red in the face. I’ve never seen him so angry before. He had a very protective side of him that kind of excited me.

“Alright! We get it. You scared her, now you can stop.” He said.

The man broke character and just walked away. Mark crouched down to help me up, along with the other boys asking if I was okay. I could see the grieve in their eyes while they helped me brush the dirt off my jacket. Mark grabbed my hand and motioned to the exit.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said.

We all walked out into the backyard calmly. I was finally able to collect myself on the thought that it was all over, having a hand to hold certainly helped too. 

Jackson took a hold of my free hand, swinging it back and forth playfully. I smiled at him and he got a good look at me. “Feeling better?” He asked in a cutesy voice. I burst into giggles and gave him a little shove. He was always able to make me smile, but despite the happy moment, jealousy still rendered its ugly head. Mark’s hand let go of mine and held my waist instead, pulling me closer to him.

“I’m hungry!” Yugyeom hollered.

“There’s a carnival over there if you want something,” I told him.

JB sighed and agreed to go over to the festivities. While we walked Mark’s hand loosened a little but never left my side. The feeling was odd, but I wasn’t in any position to deny him. He has a very protective instinct that Intrigued me.

We all split up into pairs, which made it obvious that Mark and I were having a bit of a moment. He and I walked past all the booths and rides until we were alone. Mark removed his hand from my waist, probably because Jackson wasn’t around to steal the attention from him. He was overthinking something, though I wasn’t sure what was bothering him.

“Y/n, can I asked something?” He asked.

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“Uh… Wow. I thought this over in my head so many times and now I can’t think of what I wanted to say.” He admitted.

“That’s alright, we can just talk about something else and come back to it.” I smiled at him and took his hand. He looked me in the eyes and we slowed down to a halt. “You consider us friends right?” He asked.

“Of course. You’re one of my closest friends. I can tell you anything.”

“Right, but have you ever thought of me as… more than a friend?” I could tell he was choosing his words carefully out of fear of being rejected. He kicked around a small rock while staring at his feet.

“Well. If I’m honest, I have thought about it from time to time. I’ve always found it attractive when you’re shielding me from bad things, even when it’s just a spiderweb or a random guy with a fake chainsaw.” I said with a laugh. My head whipped toward the haunted house when heard that loud scream again, signaling another group to walk through there.

He gave my hand a little squeeze, as he got a little more comfortable with me again. I looked for a quieter place to sit and rest our feet, pulling Mark along with me when I spotted a bench just a few feet away. I leaned back against the hardwood and he mirrored my movements.

“So, do you think the same? That we could be more than friends?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I just…” He trailed off, beginning to doubt himself.

“It’s okay. You can tell me. I know it’s awkward with me being friends with the other boys.”

“Yeah. And in the spirit of honesty. I may have, kinda stole you from them.” He confessed.

“Stole?” He wasn’t making any sense at all. How can he steal me from the other boys?

“JB wanted to ask you out, but then Yugyeom got all possessive, and I guess I did too. In the end, we compromised and decided to just let you choose who you wanted to be with.” He finished with a sigh and I was completely shocked. I had no idea they thought that way about me. It wasn’t just Mark, it was everyone. Of course, when you’re so close to a person, you can develop feelings for them. It’s completely harmless. Unless of course, the feeling is mutual.

“Mark,” I said. He lifted his head up to look at me and I smiled. “Do you believe everything happens for a reason?“

“Sure. I think so.”

“Me too. That’s why I’m sitting with you and not anyone else. You and I have gotten really close and although trusting someone can lead to the thought of actually falling for them even if it’s just a synthetic emotion.” He nodded his head and showed a small look of defeat. “You’re different though. I don’t just trust you because you’re my friend, I trust you because I know you’ll be there. Think about it, you’re terrified of spiders and yet you didn’t hesitate to stop me from walking into a web whether it was real or not.”

“So what does this mean now?” He asked. I could see a tiny smile on the corner of his plump pink lips. Without knowing it, I started to stare at his mouth, but Mark took action and leaned in.

His hand slid onto my leg while I hummed against his lips, savoring his warm kiss. I cupped his soft cheek, tilting my head to one side, deepening the kiss. I could feel the heat of his blushing cheeks on my face and hands. He was so adorable when he got shy, but this time was different. He wasn’t the mysterious and quiet friend that everyone sees. He managed to go from my best friend to my fearless defender, to something so much more.


J-hope scenario – The chain


Not requested

genre: angst

Summary: They say that one knows their in love with another in the first 24 hours of meeting them. Well, that holds true when that loved one walks out the door, but would you let them back in if you had the chance?

A/n: This one made me cry, Y’all! I am so emo for this song!

The sky looks pissed
The wind talks back
My bones are shifting in my skin
And you my love are gone

Hoseok was like the radiant sun on a cold, dark day, and now that we broke up, my whole world felt like an endless storm.When I felt a bit blue, he would be right there to listen to me and console me. But what do I do now?

My room feels wrong
The bed won’t fit
I cannot seem to operate
And you my love are gone

“This thing didn’t look so heavy on the website, jagi.” Hoseok straightened out our new mattress and I plopped down on my side.

“Come on, Hobi~ Hop in!” I patted the space next to me and he jumped onto the bed, back first.

I cuddled into his side, just like I do at night and he kissed my forehead. We relaxed for a brief moment and Hoseok looked around at the empty spot on the bed.

“I still think it’s a little too big. With the way we sleep, we could have just bought a twin bed.”

I gave him a playful shove and he laughed. “We’re adults, babe. Big beds are better.” I said.

I didn’t know it then, but I’d regret those words after spending a night shivering and lying awake for hours. I got up and checked the thermostat, but it hasn’t changed in weeks. I tried to go back to bed, but it was pointless. I couldn’t even sleep without him here to keep me warm.

I looked over at his spot, but I saw nothing and no one. It all became real. He was gone.

I’ll never say that I’ll never love
But I don’t say a lot of things
And you my love are gone

I sat on the couch, staring at the boxes filled with his things. Everything from his toothbrush, to the stuffed puppy he bought me on our third date.

He was so sweet when we first met. We would have date nights all the time and grab a pizza from the same place we went to on the first snow of winter, in remembrance of last year when we were snowed in and there was only one place that was open. He was attentive too. I would always joke about him having the memory of an elephant, but that memory started to fail him. He started to come home late and we both started to get annoyed at each other over basic things.

We used to talk for hours about our days, but recently, If I asked him how his day was, I’d just get a ‘Fine.’ and nothing else. I assumed we would get over our gloom, but that never happened.

Then, everything was flipped upside down. We got into a huge fight over the dishes, but it wasn’t just that. We haven’t been communicating properly for months and now it’s all coming up at once. All the canceled dates and empty promises were brought up, making us go back and forth for over an hour before Hoseok said the words that shocked the system.

“That’s enough! I’m leaving.” Everything stopped as we stood there in defeat. I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat blocked any noise. He walked straight past me and grabbed his wallet and keys. I jumped when the door slammed shut and a rush of leftover anger burst forth. I stomped to the door and locked it, sliding the chain over the crack.

I hit the wall and cried out in frustration. I leaned against the door and lowered to my knees. “What have I done?”

So glide away on soapy heels
And promise not to promise anymore
And if you come around again
Then I will take the chain from off the door

wiped the tears from my face as I put the framed picture he gave me for our anniversary on top of one of the boxes.

This didn’t feel right. I shouldn’t be packing his things so he can disappear. We were supposed to be together forever. I just wanted to see him. I want to laugh with him, and hold him, and kiss him. We both owed each an apology for what we said, but I’m not sure if that will ever happen with the way we left things.

I turned when I heard a knock at the door and looked through the peephole. I gasped when I saw who it was. “Hobi,” I whispered. I backed up and took the chain off the door and opened it.

“Hey.” He said. I moved aside so he could come in and he caught sight of the boxes filled with his belongings. “You must have been busy after… Everything.”

“I hardly slept anyway so…”

I wanted to leap into his arms and tell him I’ll always love him no matter what, but seeing him looking as miserable as I am only made me want to cry some more. He was the one who made me feel better, not worse.

“Where did you go?” I asked.

“I stayed over at Namjoon’s place.” He said. He scratched the back of his head and smiled to himself. “He- uh- told me to get over here and make amends.” His hands reached out to me and he intertwined our fingers. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’ve been so caught up in these past few months and I’ve been putting our relationship last and you deserve better than that. And I completely understand if you want me to leave. I just need you to know that I love you, Jagi.” He slowly started to let go of my hands and he picked up a box.

“Wait.” I grabbed his arm and he stopped. “Hobi, of course, I don’t want you to go. It’s my fault. I should have just come out and said something. I’ve been bothered for months and didn’t say anything because I thought things would just magically get back to normal.” He put the box down while I spoke and faced me. “I can’t love someone else the way I love you.” My voice cracked while I spoke and I felt myself starting to cry again.

Hoseok took a step closer and held my face in his hands. He stopped a tear from falling down my face and wiped it away. He looked at me with a small smile and brushed my cheek with his thumb.

“Can I kiss you?” He said, letting a tear slip down his own face.


He pulled me in, crashing our lips together and it all came back. The reason I knew things would get back to normal, the reason I couldn’t let him go, and the reason I forgave him now. I was completely in love with him. I can feel it in his kiss. Even after the worst fight in our history as a couple, he made my knees weak and my heart soars with a single kiss. As long as we have this spark, I’ll always let him back into my life.