Take my hand – Mark ending



Previously: “Y/N!!” I looked up to see seven hands reaching toward me. I had to think fast. Who should I choose?

The man with a chainsaw stomped up to us and I screamed bloody murder. Mark pushed him away from me, getting red in the face. I’ve never seen him so angry before. He had a very protective side of him that kind of excited me.

“Alright! We get it. You scared her, now you can stop.” He said.

The man broke character and just walked away. Mark crouched down to help me up, along with the other boys asking if I was okay. I could see the grieve in their eyes while they helped me brush the dirt off my jacket. Mark grabbed my hand and motioned to the exit.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said.

We all walked out into the backyard calmly. I was finally able to collect myself on the thought that it was all over, having a hand to hold certainly helped too. 

Jackson took a hold of my free hand, swinging it back and forth playfully. I smiled at him and he got a good look at me. “Feeling better?” He asked in a cutesy voice. I burst into giggles and gave him a little shove. He was always able to make me smile, but despite the happy moment, jealousy still rendered its ugly head. Mark’s hand let go of mine and held my waist instead, pulling me closer to him.

“I’m hungry!” Yugyeom hollered.

“There’s a carnival over there if you want something,” I told him.

JB sighed and agreed to go over to the festivities. While we walked Mark’s hand loosened a little but never left my side. The feeling was odd, but I wasn’t in any position to deny him. He has a very protective instinct that Intrigued me.

We all split up into pairs, which made it obvious that Mark and I were having a bit of a moment. He and I walked past all the booths and rides until we were alone. Mark removed his hand from my waist, probably because Jackson wasn’t around to steal the attention from him. He was overthinking something, though I wasn’t sure what was bothering him.

“Y/n, can I asked something?” He asked.

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“Uh… Wow. I thought this over in my head so many times and now I can’t think of what I wanted to say.” He admitted.

“That’s alright, we can just talk about something else and come back to it.” I smiled at him and took his hand. He looked me in the eyes and we slowed down to a halt. “You consider us friends right?” He asked.

“Of course. You’re one of my closest friends. I can tell you anything.”

“Right, but have you ever thought of me as… more than a friend?” I could tell he was choosing his words carefully out of fear of being rejected. He kicked around a small rock while staring at his feet.

“Well. If I’m honest, I have thought about it from time to time. I’ve always found it attractive when you’re shielding me from bad things, even when it’s just a spiderweb or a random guy with a fake chainsaw.” I said with a laugh. My head whipped toward the haunted house when heard that loud scream again, signaling another group to walk through there.

He gave my hand a little squeeze, as he got a little more comfortable with me again. I looked for a quieter place to sit and rest our feet, pulling Mark along with me when I spotted a bench just a few feet away. I leaned back against the hardwood and he mirrored my movements.

“So, do you think the same? That we could be more than friends?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I just…” He trailed off, beginning to doubt himself.

“It’s okay. You can tell me. I know it’s awkward with me being friends with the other boys.”

“Yeah. And in the spirit of honesty. I may have, kinda stole you from them.” He confessed.

“Stole?” He wasn’t making any sense at all. How can he steal me from the other boys?

“JB wanted to ask you out, but then Yugyeom got all possessive, and I guess I did too. In the end, we compromised and decided to just let you choose who you wanted to be with.” He finished with a sigh and I was completely shocked. I had no idea they thought that way about me. It wasn’t just Mark, it was everyone. Of course, when you’re so close to a person, you can develop feelings for them. It’s completely harmless. Unless of course, the feeling is mutual.

“Mark,” I said. He lifted his head up to look at me and I smiled. “Do you believe everything happens for a reason?“

“Sure. I think so.”

“Me too. That’s why I’m sitting with you and not anyone else. You and I have gotten really close and although trusting someone can lead to the thought of actually falling for them even if it’s just a synthetic emotion.” He nodded his head and showed a small look of defeat. “You’re different though. I don’t just trust you because you’re my friend, I trust you because I know you’ll be there. Think about it, you’re terrified of spiders and yet you didn’t hesitate to stop me from walking into a web whether it was real or not.”

“So what does this mean now?” He asked. I could see a tiny smile on the corner of his plump pink lips. Without knowing it, I started to stare at his mouth, but Mark took action and leaned in.

His hand slid onto my leg while I hummed against his lips, savoring his warm kiss. I cupped his soft cheek, tilting my head to one side, deepening the kiss. I could feel the heat of his blushing cheeks on my face and hands. He was so adorable when he got shy, but this time was different. He wasn’t the mysterious and quiet friend that everyone sees. He managed to go from my best friend to my fearless defender, to something so much more.


J-hope scenario – The chain


Not requested

genre: angst

Summary: They say that one knows their in love with another in the first 24 hours of meeting them. Well, that holds true when that loved one walks out the door, but would you let them back in if you had the chance?

A/n: This one made me cry, Y’all! I am so emo for this song!

The sky looks pissed
The wind talks back
My bones are shifting in my skin
And you my love are gone

Hoseok was like the radiant sun on a cold, dark day, and now that we broke up, my whole world felt like an endless storm.When I felt a bit blue, he would be right there to listen to me and console me. But what do I do now?

My room feels wrong
The bed won’t fit
I cannot seem to operate
And you my love are gone

“This thing didn’t look so heavy on the website, jagi.” Hoseok straightened out our new mattress and I plopped down on my side.

“Come on, Hobi~ Hop in!” I patted the space next to me and he jumped onto the bed, back first.

I cuddled into his side, just like I do at night and he kissed my forehead. We relaxed for a brief moment and Hoseok looked around at the empty spot on the bed.

“I still think it’s a little too big. With the way we sleep, we could have just bought a twin bed.”

I gave him a playful shove and he laughed. “We’re adults, babe. Big beds are better.” I said.

I didn’t know it then, but I’d regret those words after spending a night shivering and lying awake for hours. I got up and checked the thermostat, but it hasn’t changed in weeks. I tried to go back to bed, but it was pointless. I couldn’t even sleep without him here to keep me warm.

I looked over at his spot, but I saw nothing and no one. It all became real. He was gone.

I’ll never say that I’ll never love
But I don’t say a lot of things
And you my love are gone

I sat on the couch, staring at the boxes filled with his things. Everything from his toothbrush, to the stuffed puppy he bought me on our third date.

He was so sweet when we first met. We would have date nights all the time and grab a pizza from the same place we went to on the first snow of winter, in remembrance of last year when we were snowed in and there was only one place that was open. He was attentive too. I would always joke about him having the memory of an elephant, but that memory started to fail him. He started to come home late and we both started to get annoyed at each other over basic things.

We used to talk for hours about our days, but recently, If I asked him how his day was, I’d just get a ‘Fine.’ and nothing else. I assumed we would get over our gloom, but that never happened.

Then, everything was flipped upside down. We got into a huge fight over the dishes, but it wasn’t just that. We haven’t been communicating properly for months and now it’s all coming up at once. All the canceled dates and empty promises were brought up, making us go back and forth for over an hour before Hoseok said the words that shocked the system.

“That’s enough! I’m leaving.” Everything stopped as we stood there in defeat. I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat blocked any noise. He walked straight past me and grabbed his wallet and keys. I jumped when the door slammed shut and a rush of leftover anger burst forth. I stomped to the door and locked it, sliding the chain over the crack.

I hit the wall and cried out in frustration. I leaned against the door and lowered to my knees. “What have I done?”

So glide away on soapy heels
And promise not to promise anymore
And if you come around again
Then I will take the chain from off the door

wiped the tears from my face as I put the framed picture he gave me for our anniversary on top of one of the boxes.

This didn’t feel right. I shouldn’t be packing his things so he can disappear. We were supposed to be together forever. I just wanted to see him. I want to laugh with him, and hold him, and kiss him. We both owed each an apology for what we said, but I’m not sure if that will ever happen with the way we left things.

I turned when I heard a knock at the door and looked through the peephole. I gasped when I saw who it was. “Hobi,” I whispered. I backed up and took the chain off the door and opened it.

“Hey.” He said. I moved aside so he could come in and he caught sight of the boxes filled with his belongings. “You must have been busy after… Everything.”

“I hardly slept anyway so…”

I wanted to leap into his arms and tell him I’ll always love him no matter what, but seeing him looking as miserable as I am only made me want to cry some more. He was the one who made me feel better, not worse.

“Where did you go?” I asked.

“I stayed over at Namjoon’s place.” He said. He scratched the back of his head and smiled to himself. “He- uh- told me to get over here and make amends.” His hands reached out to me and he intertwined our fingers. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I’ve been so caught up in these past few months and I’ve been putting our relationship last and you deserve better than that. And I completely understand if you want me to leave. I just need you to know that I love you, Jagi.” He slowly started to let go of my hands and he picked up a box.

“Wait.” I grabbed his arm and he stopped. “Hobi, of course, I don’t want you to go. It’s my fault. I should have just come out and said something. I’ve been bothered for months and didn’t say anything because I thought things would just magically get back to normal.” He put the box down while I spoke and faced me. “I can’t love someone else the way I love you.” My voice cracked while I spoke and I felt myself starting to cry again.

Hoseok took a step closer and held my face in his hands. He stopped a tear from falling down my face and wiped it away. He looked at me with a small smile and brushed my cheek with his thumb.

“Can I kiss you?” He said, letting a tear slip down his own face.


He pulled me in, crashing our lips together and it all came back. The reason I knew things would get back to normal, the reason I couldn’t let him go, and the reason I forgave him now. I was completely in love with him. I can feel it in his kiss. Even after the worst fight in our history as a couple, he made my knees weak and my heart soars with a single kiss. As long as we have this spark, I’ll always let him back into my life.


Sehun scenario – Remind me


not requested

genre: angst, smut

Summary: Other couples may argue when one of them gets jealous, but Sehun takes things in a whole other direction.

warnings: body appreciation, riding, dirty talk

My vision was blocked by the soft silk blindfold being tied around my head. I could feel Sehun’s hot breath tickling my shoulder; his hands gently moving down to my hips.

“Kneel.” He whispered plainly.

I lowered to my knees and took a breath. The sound of his footsteps traveled from behind me to the front. I carefully listened to the sound of his knees hitting the carpeted floor as he sat right in front of me. I shivered when his warm fingers touched the cool skin of my thighs.

“Your punishment will be… different.” His fingers moved up my legs to my hands, holding them in his. “It seems that showing you that you’re mine isn’t enough to stop you from accepting another man’s flirty comments.”

“But I didn’t-” Before I could finish my protest, he held a finger to my lips.

“Arguing won’t help you.” His hand moved to the side of my face and I leaned into his loving touch.“Like I said: Showing you that you’re mine isn’t enough. So tonight you’re going to prove how I’m yours.”

The blindfold stopped him from seeing the confused look in my eyes, but he still elaborated. “You’re always saying that you know me like the back of your hand, I’m just calling your bluff.” He took a hold of my wrists and brought my hands to his face. “Tell me what you feel.”

It was all so clear. He knows his touch makes me feel the way no other man ever could.

“I… Feel…” My fingers gently moved along his soft cheeks and I let the words pour out. “I feel your smooth skin, your sharp jawline, and your sweet lips. "I swiped my thumb across his bottom lip and smiled. "I could kiss you for hours at a time with these lips. "I whispered. My hands moved further down and I continued. "This lovely long neck of yours, and I’m pretty sure My love bite from last night still remains right… here.” My index finger stopped at the base of his neck, where his sweet spot is. “Am I wrong?”

“You’re right."He said, stifling a moan. I smirked and moved on.

"Hmm~ These strong shoulders, and powerful arms. You always manage to pin me down and hold me in place with hardly any effort.” I moved back up his arms and he let out a shaky breath. "And your broad chest. I can feel the muscles flexing beneath my hands. I can even tell how hot and bothered you are just by touching your chest.”

“Oh, really?” He challenged.

“Mmm-hmm.” Your heart is racing, your breathing is a little quicker than normal, not to mention, your nipples are hard… like another thing I know.“ I teased. "And then there’s your slim torso.”

I held onto his sides and he huffed. “Slender, but with some curve in  the right places.” My hands moved back to his tight ass with a pinch. “Muscular, but not too much muscle. Like a swimmers body.”

I pet my way down his toned abdomen until I reached my final destination. Sehun shuddered when my hand wrapped around his hard cock. I bit my lip before I described exactly what I felt. “I feel your long, thick cock throbbing in my hand.” He let out a long sigh and told me to go on. “I can feel it twitch when I squeeze my fingers around it. The same way it does when I clench my tight, wet, little pussy around it.” His moans flowed out of his mouth and I was drenched. “I know exactly how to make you cum, Sehun. All you have to do is ask.”

I waited a moment for my answer, but he didn’t say a word. Instead, he untied my blindfold and I looked at him all flustered and ready. “Get on the bed. Now.”

“Anything for you,” I said. Sehun watched me while I made my way to our bed and laid directly in the middle. He sauntered over to the side, eyeing my naked body and climbed in.

“I want you to show me exactly how well you can make me cum.” He dared.

As he laid back, I straddled his hips and took his erection into my hands. I pumped his shaft a few times before rubbing his tip along my slit. I leaned down to plant a few wet kisses on his sweet spot. His hands trapped my hips between them, holding them the way I said they did before. He lowered me down onto his cock slowly, making me feel every inch of his long shaft push into my tight heat.

I came back up and moved up and down on him, gradually starting to bounce on his thick cock. I placed a hand on his chest and moaned his name, “Sehun!” His hands grabbed my ass, moving me in figure eights and thrusting himself in deeper and deeper. “Oh, fuck! Yeah~” He threw his head back and I grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head.

“All mine,” I whispered in his ear and he groaned. “No one knows your body the way I do, Sehun. No one else can make you feel this way.” I smashed our hips together and his mouth formed the perfect ‘O’ shape. “We’re a perfect fit,” I said with a smile. I put his hands back on my ass and he called out my name between profanities.

“That’s it, baby. Cum for me. Give into it.” I moaned.

We both cried out as our climax flowed through us. I held his cheeks with a passionate kiss while we bucked our hips together. His soft tongue slid into my mouth and he established his dominance right away.

When we finished, I broke the kiss and tucked my face into his long neck to catch my breath. Sehun gave my ear a few extra kisses and covered me with a blanket. He rubbed my back until I finally settled down and pulled him out.

I tried to roll off of his but he wouldn’t let me. “I want to feel you against me.” He said. “I love the way your skin feels on mine.” I smiled and gave in. He was so loving and gentle after the ‘games’ are done. It’s clear that he’s more of a lover than a fighter. “How did you like that punishment?”

“I think it’s good to be reminded of where your heart lies.” I kissed his cheek and he smiled. “Right here with you.”


Jackson scenario – His promise


Requested by @catou1305

genre: parenthood, fluff

Summary: As your marriage starts to mature, Jackson shows you that he’s ready to have a baby. But there’s only one way to know for sure.

If there was anyone in the world I could choose to father my child, it would be Jackson Wang. He has such a gentle and honest heart. Since the day we got married, he’s been trying to warm me up to having children right away. His little niece Aimee would come over almost every weekend, we ‘have’ to go into the baby section every time we go shopping, and now, he’s trying to get me into bed with him as often as he can.

Throughout our relationship, he’s turned into quite the romantic, and for the past few days, he’s been putting that newly found trait to the test. I would come home and have my favorite flowers waiting for me, or if my work has been especially tiring, he’d offer a hot oil massage to relax me.

Sadly, in the midst off all this, I started to come down with the flu. Or at least I think it is. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous, but I didn’t have a sore throat or a runny nose. I went to the doctor’s office, seeking a professional’s opinion, but he didn’t think it was the flu. I went in for blood tests and was sent on my way. “We’ll call you with the results. It shouldn’t take too long.”

I decided to just go home after my appointment and sleep off the sickness. I was hoping I would be able to dodge Jackson on my way to our room so I wouldn’t get swept up in his love tornado and get showered. Literally.

This time I got home and saw nothing unusual. Jackson was sitting at his normal spot a the dining table.

“Hey, baby,” I said.

“Hey. You left your phone here.” He got up and slowly walked toward me. “The doctor called.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. “What did he say?”

“He left a message, but I’m not sure what it was about.”

I took my phone and called the office. Jackson watched me like a hawk while I waited for the doctor to pick up.

“Hi. This is Y/n Wang. Sorry I missed your call.”

“Ah, yes, Mrs.Wang. Since you visit, we ran some tests to make sure you weren’t coming down with any serious illnesses, but then my nurse reminded me of another condition that mimics your symptoms.” He took a pause and I could hear him flipping through the paperwork. “You’re pregnant.”

The muscles in my hand gave out and I dropped my phone. Jackson caught it mid-air and handed it to me eagerly. I mouthed ‘thank you’ and teared up.

“Are you still there?” The doctor asked.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Well, congratulations! I’ll let you inform your husband. Just call us back tomorrow to set up your next appointment.”

“Thank you so much. Bye.” I hung up the phone and stared into space until a slap of reality knocked my head down from the clouds. I’m pregnant.

“What is it? Are you dying?” He asked. I held his hand and smiled a little.

“I…” It took every part of me to not only say the words out loud but to admit it to myself. “I’m pregnant.”

I was pulled into my husband’s chest and lifted up. I wrapped my arms around him and he spun be around. I felt too safe and secure at that moment.

“This is the greatest moment of my life! My wife is carrying my first born!”

My tiny smile grew into a grin as I was put back down on the floor. Jackson cupped my cheeks and said, “You won’t ever regret this. I’ll be there whenever, where ever. Just say the word.” He wiped away my tears of joy and kissed my dampened cheek. “I promise.”

And he kept that promise in the several months to come.

In the first few months, Jackson had me eating only organic foods and supplements, but with all the cravings, I would have killed to get into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. I wanted to stuff my face with any and all kinds of junk food, but anytime I did, Jackson was there in a second to take it away.

I’ll never forget the day I formed a baby bump. Usually, it would just look like a ate a little too much, but now there was no way to hide. Fans on social media started raving about the newest member of team Wang which made Jackson all the happier.

The real scary part was when I’d lie awake at night, just imagining the pain I was going to be in for in a few short months. I’d even wake up from nightmares about it and have my husband spoon me back to bed. Which became another problem. Because with Jackson being at home all the time. It also ment he was working out at home all the time. I’d be watching TV, minding my business when he’d walk in, pull his top off, and start lifting weights.

“Damn daddy…”

One day while Jackson and I were doing the final touches in the baby’s room, I felt a sharp pain and hunched over. “Oh my god!” I winced at the pain and squeezed his hand. It was happening. 

From the moment we got to the hospital, it was like a rush of pain from the baby and support from everyone else.  And then in an instant, it all stopped.

I heard a tiny cry and laid back, taking a breath. I turned my head and saw Jackson holding our tiny newborn in his arms. He came closer and gently placed our baby in my arms.

“Hi, my love,” I whispered. By then, the doctor and nurse left the three of us and Jackson scooted onto the bed with me.

“You did so well, Y/n.” He kissed my head and nuzzled into my neck to get a good look at the baby.

I started to feel a little tired, so I handed our little one back to Jackson so I could get some sleep for the first time that day. I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes.

“Hi, baby. I’m your Baba.” I could hear Jackson talking quietly and thought this was worth hearing. “It’s okay if you fall asleep, but I just wanted you to know that I’ve been waiting for you almost all my life. The second I found out that you were created, I wanted to make sure you were as healthy as possible.” I heard a little coo and smiled to myself. Our baby knows Jackson’s voice already.

“When you get a little older you’ll hear about all kinds of fairy tales about how two people fall in love, and that’s true. Your mamma and I love each other so much. She’s given me so much from the moment we started dating, and now we have you. I promise I’ll protect the two of you no matter what.” He finished his little speech with a soft kiss on our baby’s cheek. He got off the bed and put our newborn into the small crib and climbed back in next to me.

I realized that all the hesitation and self-doubt was just foolish. I resisted having children right away because of my own fear of being a mother so soon into marriage. But because of Jackson’s promise, I didn’t have a single regret.


Baekhyun scenario – Te adoro (I adore you)


Requested by anon

genre: fluff

Summary: Even though you’re EXO’s translator for two days, your Brazilian charms seem to have caught the heart of your favorite member.

Any Brazilian EXO-L would give up everything they own to be in my position. A couple of months ago I was asked to be a Portuguese/Korean translator and my heart fluttered. I quickly accepted the offer and now I’m EXO’s translator for the next two days! I’ve been a massive fan for years. K-pop was actually the reason why I learned the language. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that my employer prefers his employees to know more than one language.

The night of the concert was so surreal. I had to keep my composure when meeting them.  They didn’t need to have another crazy fan trying to get invade their privacy so I did my best to remain calm. All of the staff and crew came out into the hallway to meet them and I took deep breaths when I saw them come around the corner.

The boys walked down the hall, greeting everyone until they stopped a meter away from me. My eyes were fixated on Baekhyuns sweet smile. They inched closer and closer to me, making my heart race. Their manager stopped and they all looked right at me.

“This is Y/n, she’s our Portuguese translator.”

I smiled and gave a shy, “Olá” They all smiled at me and said ‘Oi’ back. “Welcome to Brazil,” I said. My eyes traveled down the line to Baekhyun just as he smiled back at me. I was so nervous in front of them, yet his smile calmed me down.

I’ve always had a big crush on him, but I doubt he’d be interested in a girl like me. I’m sure his ideal type is a fair skinned, skinny Korean girl, but I’m tanned and Brazilian.

EXO moved onto the other crew members and I looked away. I leaned against the wall and sighed, looking at my shoes.

I’ve always heard that Brazilian women are one of the most beautiful in the world, but it wasn’t until I saw one in person that I really believed it. Y/n is so stunning. Her beautiful eyes, tanned skin, and a shy smile. She was like a fantasy who came to life.

“Olá.” She said with a cute smile. She must like one of the members. I’ll bet she has a crush on Chanyeol or Sehun. Girls always like tall boys anyway.

“Oi,” I said back. She smiled again and our manager introduced us to the next crew member. I turned back to look at her and she leaned against the wall, looking down at the floor. She was obviously an EXO-L but she did a good job of staying calm in front of us, unlike the other fans we were about to see.

During the concert, I had Y/n on my mind. Every love song we sang, she popped into my head. Even when we were giving our ment, I tried my hardest to seem charming, because I knew it would make her smile. I know it’s ridiculous to try and impress someone, but I’ll only know her for another day.

While we went backstage to change, I asked the other boys if they noticed her as well. I could see them getting annoyed with me the more I talked about her, but I just wanted to see her again. There’s no way to know if I’m really interested in her unless I talked to her again. I had to know for sure.

We finished the concert, but I still had her sun-kissed skin and bright smile invading my thoughts. We walked back to our dressing rooms, but she wasn’t in the hallway. I missed my chance to talk to her again, but there was another concert tomorrow night, another opportunity to see her smile.

While we drove back to the hotel, I found myself fighting the urge to ask Sehun if he thought she liked one of us.  I opened my mouth to speak and shook the thought out of my mind.

“Hey, Sehun-ah-”

“Just ask her out, hyung!” He said. Suho turned around and looked at me. “You’ll see her tomorrow. Ask her then, and don’t mess it up.”

I knew they were right. I just had to wait until tomorrow to make my move.

Your POV

“Tchau, EXO-L!” I took out my earpiece and turned off the microphone. I felt really good about tonight. I was timid before, but now that it’s over, I’m excited to translate again for tomorrow.

I walked over to the sound people to hand them my earpiece and battery pack. I checked my phone and saw my boss wished me good luck just before the concert and another message, asking me if I was still willing to translate tomorrow. I told him I would absolutely do it again and got ready to go home.

I smiled to myself on the drive back home, just thinking about all the sweet things Baekhyun said during the concert. I didn’t think he liked Brazil so much. He was especially flirty with his comments for the fans. Telling them how beautiful Brazilian girls are and how happy he was to be here.

My daydreams about the two of us being in a relationship started to feel like a real possibility. All this time, I thought I wasn’t his type, but if there’s one thing to know about Baekhyun it’s that he is unpredictable.

The next night went by really quickly. There weren’t any introductions, so I just stayed at my little station backstage and waited for the concert to start. I sat in a tall chair and looked through my phone to kill time. The boredom nearly made me fall asleep when I felt a few small taps on my shoulder. I turned around and asked when I saw Byun Baekhyun standing right there.

“Olá.” He said with a smile.

“annyeonghaseyo~,” I said with a small bow to him.

“I- uh I noticed you yesterday and I was told you were an EXO-L So I wanted to give you this.” He handed me a repack album and I nearly fainted. I’ve been wanting one for ages! I gawked at his signature on the front and looked back at him to thank him.

“You’re welcome. I hope to hear from you soon.” He smiled at me one more time and walked back to his beginning spot. I sat back down in my chair and put in my earpiece. I opened the package and saw there was more writing on the inside. Baekhyun actually wrote me a little message in Portuguese!

‘Você é linda. Eu me lembrarei de você’ (‘You are beautiful. I’ll remember you ’)

He wrote his phone number at the bottom with a smiley face and I swooned. He is so adorable! I felt like I discovered a new kind of crush and validation to my theory. Byun Baekhyun doesn’t just like Brazilian girls, he adores us!


Sehun scenario – Stick with me


Requested by anon

Genre: smut for days! little fluff here and there. and a dash of angst

Warnings: blowjob, striptease, brief wet humping.

Summary: Sehun is always the one who protects you from everything, but after a particularly rough day, you end up giving him some special treatment.

I was in a state where I was constantly worrying about my boyfriend Sehun. He’s made a lot of enemies in his life and he’s isn’t afraid of a single one. Oh, Sehun backs down to no man, yet whenever I’m around, he’s a completely different person. He was the most relaxed, charming, and loyal man I’ve ever met. Even from the moment, we locked eyes in high school, I knew he was different. He’s not the person everyone made him out to be.

I wasn’t a social butterfly back in school, by any means, so I usually kept to myself. But despite me never breathing a word to the people I didn’t like, I was taunted for my looks and it caused some social anxiety. One day during my senior year, I had enough. I was packing up my backpack at the end of the day and turned to see Sehun doing the same. I smiled at him shyly, trying to be friendly, and he smirked.

A girl in my class came up out of nowhere and slapped my books out of my hand as I tried to put them in my locker. I slammed the door shut and started screaming at her.

“WHAT THE FUCK?! You’re really so shallow that you have to go out of your way to screw with me?”

All the fellow students in the hallway froze in shock. “Oh my god, It talks.” The girl said.

I clenched my fist and heard another voice behind me. “She’s feisty too.” One of the bone-head jocks joined the ‘fun’ and spanked my ass. I whipped around and raised my hand to slap him, but he ducked, dodging the blow.

“Missed me~” He teased.

Another locker slammed shut and I saw a flash of black hair race past me and watched as Sehun punched the jock in the mouth. The moment he hit the floor, one of the teachers came out and everyone scattered except me, Sehun and the jerk wiping the blood from his lip.

I ended up getting detention but my tormentors were suspended. Unfortunately, that punch was Sehun’s third strike and he was sent to another school, but not before we exchanged numbers and he asked me out.

“You wanna go out with… Me?” I repeated in disbelief.

“Yeah. It’s not every day I get to be the hero.”

We’ve been together ever since that day, but he never lost his brutal temper. I had to admit though, it was really hot when he got really intense and all shook up about something. Plus, he used all the leftover adrenaline in bed, which takes our sex life to a whole other level.

I pressed my thighs together at the thought of seeing his dark brown eyes roll back as he came. He was rough but gentle. He wouldn’t hurt me in a million years, but he’d mark me as his with little love bites and messy hair.

“UGH!!” The front door slammed shut and I was terrified for half a second. Groaning and slamming was Sehun’s calling card. Things got ugly.

I went out into the hallway and followed the sound of the bathroom sink turn on. I peaked in and saw a big cut on the side of my boyfriend’s face and panicked.

“Sehun, what happened?”

“Assholes tried to jump me.” He said with anger in his voice.

I walked closer, took the face towel out of his hand and had him turn to stand in front of me. I poured a little hydrogen peroxide on the tip of the towel and raised it to his cut. Sehun winced and inhaled sharply, making me hesitate. He started to calm down a little and I returned the damp towel to his cut, cleaning it out before putting a small bandage on.

“That should help it heal. It really didn’t look good at first.” I said, scolding him.

“You should see the other guys.” He said with a smile. I crossed my arms and he held my waist.

“No~ Baby please don’t be mad. I know you think scars are sexy…” He raised his eyebrows and I scoffed.  "You know you like it. Just a little.“ He came close to my face and I narrowed my eyes.

"Can I at least have a kiss to make it better?” He asked. His eyes transformed from dark and raging, to a lighter brown. That’s my Sehun.

I cupped the other side of his face and gently pressed my lips to the bandage. His hands slid from my waist to the back pockets in my jeans. He quickly pulled me into him, forcing our middles to touch and I looked at him with shock.

“Come on, baby.” He whined. He buried his face in my neck and planted soft kisses on my sweet spot. My heart rate quickened when I felt his warm lips trickle down to my chest. I laid my arms around his broad shoulders and tilted my head back, giving into the pleasure. If there was one thing I couldn’t resist, it was my baby’s lips.

Sehun started walking toward our bedroom, making me walk backward with him. His lips moved in perfect sync with mine, his touch making me melt in the palm of his hands. I briefly broke away as I fell back on the bed, but he pounced on top of me without missing a beat.

He pulled my ankles, holding me onto his lap and crashed our lips together. My moans started pouring out when his hands grinded my hips down on his while we kissed.

I held his shoulders and turned him over to lay him down on his back. I lifted his shirt up to get a better look at his perfectly sculpted body and he got rid of the top all together. My fingers spread out across his wide chest, feeling the smooth skin. Sehun held my hand, keeping it over his heart while his eyes said what his lips didn’t have too.

He slowly released me from his grasp, letting my hands move lower. I leaned in, lingering a few small kisses down his abdomen. All the muscles in his torso flexed when I made my way closer to his abrupt v-lines. I looked up at him, watching him shutter eagerly. With one last kiss above his pelvis, I unbuttoned his pants and yanked them down.

I nearly went for his underwear when he stopped me to make a point. “Why are you fully dressed and I’m naked?”

“I’ll have to change that won’t I.” I kissed his lips sensually and got off the bed.

Sehun moved up to the head of the bed, making his self-nice and comfortable. I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was watching before I started my little striptease for him.

I undid the button and zipper on my jeans and pushed them down my legs ever so slowly, giving him a full view of my silk panties before standing back up. I watched his right hand disappear into his boxers, holding his erect shaft tightly. I smirked at him and he signaled me to turn around with his free hand. I followed his direction and pulled up my shirt in the process of turning to face him. I tossed it to the other side of the room and crawled back on top.

“Happy?” I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

“Delighted.” He came close to my face for a kiss, but I paused.

“What is it?” He asked.

“I just wanted to use my mouth for something new.”

“Y-You mean you want to suck me off?”

“Yeah,” I said with a burst of confidence. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m willing to try it.

“Okay, baby. But only take in as much as you can.” He pulled his underwear off, throwing them with the rest of our clothing. I lowered myself to his middle, wrapping my fingers around his member just like he did moments earlier. His breath hitched and I smiled.

“Go slow, love. Just small licks first.” He instructed.

I massaged his tip with my tongue, wiping off the pre-cum, and placing my mouth over it when I felt ready for more. Sehun’s hands caressed the sides of my face, showing me how far down he wanted my mouth.

“That’s it. Use your tongue when you take my cock, baby.” His head fell back with a shiver up his spine.

His eyes shot open as soon as he felt my lips touch the base. “There’s no way you’re deep throating me on your first try. Oh shit~ Y/n~”

I swirled my tongue all around his shaft and before he could moan my name again, he came down my throat. His hands gripped the sheets below him and he called out again. “Holy shit, Y/n. You’re definitely getting off after this. Oh, fuck!”

He pulled out of my mouth while I gave him one last suck and he grabbed a hold of me, pinning me down with his rock hard arms. He moved my panties to one side and pumped his cock a few times to get hard again. His fingers opened my folds and he covered his shaft with my wetness.  My clit started to throb every time his tip rubbed against it.

I felt his cock get harder and harder with each long stroke and soon enough, he thrust into me, filling me up completely. I laid back and let my hips roll against him and just enjoyed the ride. His chest muscles rippled as a thin layer of sweat formed.

He leaned in and kissed me mid-moan, pushing his hot tongue into my mouth and completely dominating. It was completely pointless to try and fight him for dominance especially when he’s established it so many times before.

Our moans became more frequent and higher in pitch, his kisses got lazier and with one more hard thrust, we both came undone. His hips still maintained a powerful grinding motion and he held onto me when I went limp from overstimulation.

he rolled over and pulled me on top of him, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I draped my shaky arms around his toned frame and relaxed.

“Wow…” I said, unable to think of a better word. Sehun kissed my forehead and smiled.

“What did I do to deserve you…?” He said in a hushed voice.

I snuggled in closer and answered honestly. “You were there when no one else was. You stuck up for me even though it meant you’d get shipped off to another school.”

“And yet, here we still are years later.” He kissed the tip of my nose and settled on my lips. 

I know our love may seem strange, but as long as a have my sweet Sehun at the end of the day, all is well.


Appa!Jungkook – Two little bunnies


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Summary: Jungkook’s hiatus/paternity leave has come to an end and your twins are having to say goodbye to their daddy before he goes back on tour with the group.

Genre: Fluff, parenthood, a little sad (It’ll get better)

Typically I can tell if it’ll be a good or bad day depending on how the morning goes and how the twins are feeling, but today was a special exception. Jungkook is going back on tour for the first time since the group took a pause after the twins were born. Bangtan was on tour during my pregnancy and Jungkook was able to get a break for the birth of his children, but immediately finished off the tour.

The group then went on a semi-hiatus, meaning they just took a long break, recorded a new album, performed at small music shows to promote the songs, and took another long break. But they never actually left the country. Jungkook has been by my side for the past two years, raising our little babies, but He and I both know that he needs to keep his career going. The last thing the group needs is to fade away and become irrelevant.

Last night Jungkook and I woke up by our two-year-olds at the side of our bed, both of them holding their stuffed bunnies and wanting to sleep with us. He just gave in and lifted them into the big, king-sized bed and they cuddled into their father’s sides and fell asleep in seconds. I knew right then and there that today was going to be difficult.

I woke up and turned to see our son and daughter completely on top of my husband, fast asleep. “Oh, boy…” I muttered to myself. I tapped Jungkook on the arm and he opened his eyes, attempting to get up. He froze when he saw two tiny bodies on him and laughed quietly. He wrapped his arms around the two of them and Got out of bed carefully. The twins both woke up once gravity coaxed them out of sleep and they felt their father’s tight grip.

They wiggled and he let them down to start walking and they all followed me to the kitchen for breakfast. I put our kids in their high chairs and gave them both some granola and yogurt. Our son started to play with his food, poking at the oats with his spoon instead of eating.

“What’s wrong, baby? Did you want something else?” I asked him.

He shook his head and said, “No.” But he still didn’t eat his breakfast. I looked at our daughter and she did the same. She rested her head on her hand and pouted her lip, mixing the granola with the yogurt. It was amazing that our two-year-olds were able to give off such a strong emotion that affected everyone in the room.

Jungkook raised his hand and rubbed the top of his son’s head, encouraging him to feel better. “It’s okay. I’ll be back home before you know it.” Our son nodded and took a spoonful into his mouth, finally eating his food. And of course what one does, the other will follow. His twin sister stopped mixing and started eating too. I sighed in relief and we all enjoyed our meal in peace.

After breakfast, Jungkook and I took the bowls and silverware and put it in the dishwasher. He let the twins off their highchairs and they went running off their room. Jungkook came up behind me and gave me a hug.

“It’ll be okay. I promise.” He whispered. I turned around and hugged him back. “I know.”

We were interrupted by two small pairs of feet racing back into the kitchen. Jungkook smiled when he saw them half dressed and took them back to their room to get ready to leave. I went into the master bedroom and got dressed too. My husband came in a few minutes later and got his bags ready to go before taking a quick shower. I went into the twins room, packing up the diaper bag and doing a final check to make sure we were ready to go. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Jungkook dressed the two of them. Our daughter was in her little green and pink bomber jacket with matching ankle booties and leggings while our son wore his favorite playtime t-shirt and joggers. I grabbed his coat and Jungkoook came out fully dressed with his phone and wallet in hand.

Within minutes, we were all ready and loaded up the car. Jungkook and I decided it would be good to drive to the BigHit building with the twins so they could say goodbye to the other members as well. 

We pulled up to the front entrance and I got out of the car. I was relieved to see the crowd of fans far enough away so the twins wouldn’t get nervous. I unbuckled the two kids and they latched onto me as I lifted them out of the car. A few of the staffs came over and unloaded the luggage from the trunk. I followed my husband to the other side of the parking area and let our little ones down. He crouched to their height and they looked at him like a couple of sad puppies.

“I want you two to be good okay?” They both nodded in agreement and kept a pout on their lips. “If you two need anything, call me and I’ll answer.” They nodded again and he gave them a kiss and hug goodbye. He stood up and gave me a tender kiss on my lips. He grabbed his bag and got in the van to go to the airport.

The other members waved and gave the twins high-fives as they all went to the van. Our son and daughter both waved once more and watched them all drive away. They both laughed when they caught sight of uncle Taehyung making silly faces out the back window. They drove around the corner and that was it.

I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek when I saw my two little angels start to cry. I reached down and grabbed their hands and we went back to the car. I tried to put on a brave face while I buckled them in but it was no use. I wiped their tears away and got in the front seat to bring them home as quickly as possible. I know they would feel more relaxed if they were in the comfort of their own home at this point.

Thankfully, by the time we reached the house, they both stopped crying. I turned on their favorite movie and made them a sweet snack to cheer them up. They wiggled their way up onto the couch and became hypnotized by the film and ate their food.

The rest of the day went really smoothly since I was able to distract them. They started to get tired and eventually fell asleep on Jungkook’s spot on the couch. I turned the TV off and scrolled through SNS on my phone.

I saw a notification from Instagram. I opened the app and saw I was mentioned in Jungkook’s post. Jungkook was holding the pink and blue stuffed rabbits in a selfie labeled ‘A gift from my little bunnies’. I took a picture of them all curled up together and sent it to him in a text. I started to feel better about him being gone for a while, but as long as he had a little piece of them, he would feel better too.


Take my hand – Youngjae ending



previously: “Y/N!!” I looked up to see seven hands reaching toward me. I had to think fast. Who should I choose?

Youngjae did what the others didn’t and lunged down to lift me up. He guided me out of the house with one hand around my waist. I know it was a bad time, but I started to get butterflies in my stomach.

By the time we got out and caught our breaths, I was still flooded with the thought of Youngjae. I never really thought of him as more than a friend, but when he went against all his fears and stopped to help me, I realized he had a heroic side to him. Like a knight hid behind an adorable best friend.

When we got outside, he took his hand off my waist before anyone noticed. JB did a head count and sighed. “Jackson let go of my hand. we’re fine!”

“Sorry…” Jackson said in slight shame. 

I smiled at the two of them and we headed back to the car to go home. I sat down next to Youngjae and he pulled out his phone to check for messages. I melted when I saw his wallpaper image.

“Aww~ Is that Coco?” I asked. “I miss him…”

“Do you wanna visit him? I’m sure he’ll be happy to see a familiar face.” He said. I instantly got excited and accepted his invitation. JB dropped the two of us off and I realized I was about to be completely alone with him. Youngjae and I got out of the car, saying goodbye to the other boys and heading inside.

“Coco-yah~” He walked around the corner and picked up Coco from out of his kennel.

“Awww! Hi Coco! He’s so cute!” Youngjae placed him into my hands and Coco gave me little kisses on my face.

“I should let him outside.” He said, taking him from me. “I can come with. Do you still have that bench swing?”

“Yeah! Let’s go.” We walked out to the backyard and let Coco run free. I sat down on the swing with Youngjae right next to me and felt an urge to try and touch him to see if there was a spark. My palm opened up for him and I waited to see if he’d get the hint.

I watched Yougjae out of the corner of my eye as he looked down at my hand and smiled. He locked our fingers together and I laid my head on his shoulder, watching the stars shine in the sky. It was so strange that this whole night went by so quickly and now with him, it’s all slowing down.

“Y/n, can I be honest with you?” He asked.

“Of course.”

“I really really like you. Normally a haunted house would freak me out but when I saw that you were more scared than I was, all I wanted to do was protect you.”

“Youngjae…” He was so sweet and shy. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

“I know we’re friends, but I’d like to see where this goes.” He was so vulnerable in that moment, like he was putting his entire love life on the line… for me. I never thought his feelings for me were this strong.

I held his hand in mine, giving him a sense of security in what I was about to say. “I’d like that too.”

Youngjae smiled and started to lean towards me for a kiss. I felt so relieved that he shared my feelings and now I’ll finally know what his lips are like on mine. I closed my eyes, awaiting his kiss, but of course, Coco had more pressing matters.

He ran around the yard barking at the two of us and Youngjae pulled away just before our lips touched. I giggled at his annoyed expression and he picked up Coco. “Come on. Time for bed.” He was just like a father with a temperamental child. We walked into the house and Youngjae put Coco in his little, gated area.

He led me to his room and grabbed all the pillows he could find. I took some blankets and we went out into the living room.

“Pillow island or pillow fort?” He asked.


We pushed the chairs from the dining room into the living room and dropped his sheets over. I scattered the fluffy comforter and pillows all around the interior and Youngjae opened up the front of the fort, just enough to see the TV.

I laid down on the pillows and he came to sit down next to me. He picked up the remote and played a movie for us to watch. I snuggled into his side and he turned over, pulling me into his chest. I smiled to myself for a little while, closing my eyes and just remembering how good it felt being in his arms.

Suddenly I felt a pair of soft, warm lips on mine. I opened my eyes and Youngjae leaned back in shock. “Oh, uh- I thought you were asleep.” I smiled and pulled him back in for another kiss. His hands held my waist hand he kissed me back. It was as if I had reached Nirvana. His kiss was so gentle and chaste. Just like him.


A/N the last one will be Mark!

Sehun scenario – The little princess



Genre: royalty au, angst, smut

Summary: You have been arranged to be married to a prince in a neighboring kingdom. Unfortunately, someone else has already claimed your heart long ago, but because of the pressures of the crown and country, you are forced to put yourself last. Or so you think.

“I can’t do this. I just can’t do this.” I paced back and forth in my new queen’s chambers in a white dress that had more crystals on it than I’d ever seen. I was about to fall into a panic when I heard a commotion outside.

The door swung open and my mother sauntered in, studying my worried expression. “What’s wrong, my love. You’re getting married today.”

“I don’t think I can do this.” I took deep breaths in and out, continuing my panicked strut back and forth, my long train gliding behind me. My mother rushed behind me, picking up the skirt of my dress and stopped me in my tracks.

“Darling, you said before that you don’t know who you want you to marry, and now you don’t have to worry about it. Prince Sehun is a lovely young man. I really do think you’ll get along.”

“But that’s just it. I don’t want to just get along with my husband, I want to love him and trust him and never want to be without him like in the fairytales. I don’t know who I want to marry because I’ve spent all my life with my lady’s maid and royal guards all day long. I’ve never even met the man I’m betrothed to.” I said at rapid speed. I took another deep breath, trying to inhale with a tight corset on which is practically impossible.

“Why do I have to wear this thing? I can barely breathe!” I started to feel faint when my mother held her hands up, cupping my cheeks and helped me calm down.

“Y/n, darling. I know this seems like a lot, but this arrangement didn’t just happen by chance. Sehun is the only son of his parents and will take the crown as soon as he’s married. You will be a queen! It’s the moment we’ve been working so hard for. Just think of all the wonderful things you will do for our countries.” She was right in saying that but I still had my reservations about all this.

“I still hate this corset…” I muttered. Mother lowered her hands and straighten my dress.

“Well, you have to wear it. It makes your waist look small and your hips look big. It’s good for childbearing.”

“Oh god.” I felt so lightheaded. Now I have to have children with a stranger.

“You’ll be okay. I promise. Your father and I have met Sehun many times. He’s very handsome.” She tried to persuade me, but there wasn’t any use.

“I just need a moment,” I said. My mother nodded and left the room.Although I was worried about my husband-to-be. I wasn’t completely sold on the idea because there was someone else. 

When I was young my mother would teach me all the things I had to know before I became a queen. How to dress, walk, talk, and even eat. I never had a problem with the idea of an arranged marriage because I was told it was the norm. My parents had an arranged marriage and they both love each other very much, so I wanted to get married the same way and leave it to fate.

But one miraculous day, my parents and I came to the neighboring kingdom to visit the King and Queen as well as their son Sehun, but he never showed, The queen mentioned that he has an ‘adventurous spirit’ but I knew that only meant ‘he didn’t want to come so he ran off’. So I took matters into my own hands and decided to just show myself around the village.

Of course, that didn’t last long since the guards started searching for me. That’s when I met my stranger. He helped me get away from being practically hunted down. He was the sweetest boy I’d ever met. I followed him around as he showed me all the great places in the kingdom. He would call me “little princess” because of the formal clothing I was wearing. Unfortunately, we never learned each other’s names, because my father himself caught me. I wanted to run away. I didn’t want to marry a prince who clearly had no interest in meeting me. But none of that matters now. 

I pulled down my veil over my face and took a deep breath and turned to the doors, knocking on them to signal that I was ready. As soon as they opened, all my emotions were numbed. I had no reaction to what was about to unfold. I was escorted to the throne room for the ceremony. The guards opened the doors and I held my head high, just as I was told all those years of preparation. This is the moment. The moment I would meet the person I have to spend my life with.

My heart started to pound as the thoughts and emotions started to flood in again. My footsteps slowed to a complete halt and I just stood there, in the middle of the aisle, frozen in time. I can’t do this. I can’t marry someone I don’t love. I know it ridiculous to be in love with a boy I met when we were children, but at least I connected with him. I stared at the back of my groom’s head, he didn’t even each me as I walked to him just now.

All at once, my husband-to-be turned around and it was as if I flashed back in time. I know those piercing brown eyes, I know him. I continued to walk closer and could feel the relief in the air. I came face to face with the prince and he pulled my veil up and over my head to actually see my face. His eyes widened and it all came back to me.

It was him. Prince Sehun was the boy I met. But how? Was he a twin? We both turned to face the priest and the ceremony went on. I couldn’t help but look at him from time to time, and it almost felt as if he was stealing glances at me too.

“You may kiss your bride.” We both turned to each other and Sehun cupped my face, pulling me in for a chaste kiss. I’ve never kissed anyone in my life but based on everyone’s description, I may have found my ‘fairytale’ prince. We broke apart and left the throne room, hand in hand.

Later that evening, at our reception, we both sat at the head of the table while our guests enjoy the feast. I was so preoccupied with the thought of Sehun being my perfect stranger that I barely touched my plate. We’ve been married for three hours and still haven’t spoken to each other. Everyone was eating, dancing, and basking in the joy of our union, but we still felt so distant.

About halfway through our reception, Sehun tapped me on the wrist and pointed to the hallway. I nodded and we both got up and left the banquet hall. I wasn’t sure where he was going to take me, but as long as I was able to get this torturous corset off, it was fine by me.

“Do you need someone to company you, your highness?” A guard asked.

“No. I’m fine… I just want to get to know my wife better.” Sehun replied. He took my hand and lead me to his chambers.

As soon as he closed the doors, he turned to face me, his eyes looking at every detail of my face. “My little princess.”

I gasped at his words and he smiled, raising his hand to caress my cheek. “It really is you,” I whispered in shock. He nodded to me and pulled me in for a kiss.

“I knew it the second I saw you. All this time, wondering what it’d be like to kiss these lips, and hold you in my arms.” He said. My eyes began to water with each word. I never thought the boy I met was actually going to be the man I would one day marry.

“I thought I recognized those dark, rebellious eyes,” I said. Sehun lowered his head and started to feel shy. “But something changed.”

It took him a moment to finally look me in the eye again and explain. “Well, my parents don’t like it when I dress as a commoner and roam around the village on my own.” Everything became clear. In order to escape the harsh realities of being a prince, Sehun would just dress as a normal person. That’s why he wasn’t able to meet me years ago. All the pressure was too much and he ran away for a while.

“It’s now my biggest regret. Had I just been myself and met you years ago, I would have still fallen for you and my father…” He caught himself before he could finish and sighed. “My father found out about my ‘wrongdoing’ and I was nearly stripped of my title. If I wasn’t his only son, I’d be nothing…”

Hearing his story broke my heart. He had such a free spirit and yet no one knew. I stepped closer to him and lifted his head. “Well, I’m here now, and so are you. That must mean something.”

“Yes. It means everything.” Sehun pressed me against his chest and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back and he moved us toward his bed. Sehun stopped me before I fell back and he undid my dress, letting it fall around my ankles. He finally let me lay back on the bed and hovered over my body. He looked down at my corset and took matters into his own hands, tearing it straight down the middle.

I took a quiet breath in and out, feeling my lungs fill up completely and he smiled. His fingers traced down the marks that were left by the tight garment.

“I never understood the purpose of those things. No woman of your level of beauty should have her breathing restricted.” Sehun leaned down to kiss me passionately and lifted my leg around his waist. “My beautiful bride.”

He rubbed his tip between my folds, forcing a small moan from my lips. His kisses continued to travel around my neck and chest while he massaged my core with his manhood. He was just about to enter me when we both had a flash of reality. It was my first time.

Sehun paused and looked me in the eyes as they flashed open. “You still have your purity don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded my head and He almost pulled away when I stopped him. “I want to do this with you. If it were anyone else I’d want to wait longer, but this seems right. Being here with you means something. I want this.”

I touched his cheek while I spoke and he reached up to hold my hand. “Alright. But you must stop me if it becomes too painful.” I nodded in agreement and he pulled me up to the middle of the bed. He disrobed completely and held my wrists, pulling my hands toward his body.

“Touch me, my wife. I’m yours now.” I sat up and let my hands wander all over his masculine frame. I moved my hands down his hips, moving closer to his erect cock. “Careful, my love.” He said with a flirtatious smirk. “I won’t be able to stop myself.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” I replied. He leaned in closer, our noses barely touching. I tilted my head up, sealing our lips with a sweet kiss. Sehun’s hands held my upper back and leg, moving me back against the bed.

He lined himself up at my entrance and watched my facial expressions as he thrust into me. I bit my lip, holding back any unpleasant sounds that might escape. Sehun lifted his thumb up to my mouth, freeing my bottom lip from between my teeth. I opened my eyes and moaned softly at the orgasmic vision above me.

“Yes, my wife. Moan for me. I want to hear your dulcet cries of pleasure.”

His hands held mine and raised them above my head while he continued his powerful thrusts. I never dreamt this would feel so euphoric the first time. He knew exactly where to touch and kiss even though he hasn’t touched me before.

“I need to feel you cum on my cock, my wife. I need to cum deep inside you.” The way he spoke made me come closer to my high. “Cum for me. Scream for me.” He said with a shaky breath.

I did exactly as he said, clenching my tight walls around him, squeezing his hands, and calling his name. His thrusts got rougher while he finished inside me, but at that point, I was too far into my climax to feel any pain.

We both came down from our highs and Sehun rolled over next to me. He turned and gazed at me for a while. “I still can’t believe I found you. All this time I thought it was just a silly childhood crush, but I couldn’t stop imagining what you would grow up to be.” His thumb stroked my cheek. “You’re so much more beautiful than I pictured.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. "Rest now, my bride. I’ll be here to wake you in the morning, before the correlation.” He lifted my chin, kissing me again. I closed my eyes and got more comfortable in his warm embrace.

“My perfect little princess. Soon to be my queen.” He whispered with a smile.